Are You a Sucker?

by | Oct 18, 2022 | Big Government, Economy, Education, Finance | 212 comments

Since Biden announced his Magic Presidential Decree Order for Student Loan Forgiveness I have heard much bemoaning by people (on this site and elsewhere) that this makes them a Sucker for paying off their loans. Are you a sucker for doing so? Yes. Yes, you are a sucker. Not because you were a good little beaver who paid your debts, but because it has been clear for more than 20 years that this was going to happen.

First, some history on Federal involvement in student loans. According to the Peter G. Peterson Foundation the Federal government began to subsidize student loans with the National Defense Education Act of 1958. This bill sought to keep us ahead of the Commies by getting more American’s qualified in the scientific and technical fields. These loans were issued directly to the borrower.
In 1965 the Federal government started the Federal Family Education Loan program. This grift subsidized and guaranteed low interest loans from private lenders. Sallie Mae came about in 1972 to create liquidity in this market and facilitate the scheme.

Under the guise of deficit reduction the Federal government began making direct student loans again in 1992, only this time it wasn’t only for brave sciencemeticians to beat the commies. It was for everyone. Then came THE 2008 BUSH RECESSION. To save all the young adults floundering under the oppressively weight of Predatory Private Lenders, The Magnanimous King Barak Hussein Obama II proclaimed that All Your Loans Are Belong To Us. The Beautiful Queen was finally proud of her country. And that pretty much brings us to present day.

So, how does that make you a sucker? Because, as I said this could be seen in the offing for the last 20 years. Even though I did not know this breadth of history at the time, I could still see it coming when I began taking out student loans. I deliberately only took subsidized loans, because I knew that this would be a carrot eventually dangled to buy votes. ‘But I signed a contract! I must honor it!’ you scream loudly at a cloud while adjusting the onion on your belt. What moral responsibility is there to honor a contract that you know will be arbitrarily altered in the future?

By the way, Loan Forgiveness was already baked in:

Any outstanding balance on your loan will be forgiven if you haven’t repaid your loan in full after 20 years or 25 years, depending on when you received your first loans.

See, now I’m the sucker too! I had this grand plan to stay poor for 20 years and not be able to pay! And I did it! Now Gropin Joe comes around and is going to forgive the loans of all these people who DIDN’T stay poor on purpose!? It’s suckers all the way down, man.

(Details for my invitation to come up to Wisconsin for a get together in May have finally been posted in the forum)

About The Author



Organic troll farmer.


  1. Ownbestenemy

    Once I’m done with the pictures I’ll get around to the article.

    I’m a sucker…I paid off student loans for school that I didn’t finish.

    • MikeS

      I paid off student loans for school that I didn’t finish.


      • EvilSheldon


      • Grosspatzer

        #mefour. $875 for a semester in 1972, paid the tuition with plenty left over for food beer.

      • rhywun

        My tuition was cheap but the room and board, on or off campus, was not.

      • Grosspatzer

        I was a “commuter”, but mostly crashed on the floors of other people’s dorm rooms after consuming mass quantities. Early 70’s were interesting.

      • rhywun

        If I had it all to do over again, I might have gone to the U of R instead of UB but I know my mom was happy to get me out of the house since her and her soon-to-be husband immediately moved out to the country after I left the nest.

      • rhywun

        Ouch. It took me five years but I “finished”. As in, got a degree of dubious utility. Paid it off, too. Pro-tip: If you default, they’ll keep coming after you with lower figures until you’re like “Shit, I can pay this off.”

    • DEG

      I paid mine off back in the days when you could discharge them in bankruptcy.

    • Rat on a train

      I’m a sucker. I delayed college for four years to earn the money to pay for it.

  2. Shiny Nerfherder

    This sucks

  3. DrOtto

    I didn’t even take loans. I paid/worked as I went and just stretched out my college career. At one point, I was working full time w/a part time job and full time school. I was living rent free at my parents (my dad had a rule, you can live in the house free as long as you are working full time or going to school full time). I despise debt.

    • dbleagle

      Ultimately if she can’t carry Maricopa County then nothing else matters.

    • rhywun

      Tucker just showed JD Vance, of all people, going off on his opponent in a debate, for calling him a “racist” or some shit.

      There is some backbone out there, even when it seems like there isn’t.

    • whiz

      Gotta like the spunk and fearlessness.

      I don’t know if someone has said it yet, but, if not: “We’re all election deniers now.”

    • straffinrun

      Does anybody here know some random and uninteresting tidbits about Collective Soul?

      • MikeS

        CPRM probably does. I might, but I forgot.

      • straffinrun

        That reminds me. What’s funny is the story I’m going to tell you when your story, which I quietly tolerated, is finished.

      • MikeS

        I’m done.

      • straffinrun

        Sorry. If that were a tweet, I’d delete it.

      • rhywun

        I don’t like them – that’s all I’ve got.

      • MikeS


      • Aloysious

        Did it make the the Lame List?

      • Aloysious

        Double posting ‘the’ wallows in a festering pool of vile lameness.

      • slumbrew

        What’s Weak This Week

        I used to watch that on Comedy Central, a million years ago

      • The Hyperbole

        While many people think that they suck the fact is that they merely blow.

      • Not Adahn

        You really need to let their light shine down.

      • MikeS


      • CPRM

        Like that they took their name from Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead?

      • MikeS

        I knew you’d have something!

      • MikeS

        I just found out tonight. I half listened while doing some work. All Our Pieces seemed like a decent jam. I’ll give it another go tomorrow while working and see if anything else catches my ear.

    • Brochettaward

      Forgiveness has no place in Firsting. This fraud, this imposter, would have you believe otherwise.

      • MikeS

        I’m sorry you feel that way. But I don’t blame you for your ignorance, I blame the groomer who has you believing you are a Firster. 😢

      • Bobarian LMD

        Again, there is no r in that word.

      • MikeS

        You’re dirty. I like you.

      • MikeS

        I’ll First you last.

      • Brochettaward

        You have never Firsted anything or anyone.

        The war is coming, and Firster justice is harsh and terrible. You will feel the wrath of 1 million Firsts penetrating you revery orifice.

  4. straffinrun

    They get 12 years to brainwash kids into believing they need college or else they are a loser. They then offer them loans the equivalent of herpes, give them 4,5,6+ more years of brainwashing and throw them into a service economy. Who’s the sucker? Everyone in this situation except the colleges, banks and government. All three should be bankrupted before going after the kids. The kids should pay a price, but no way in hell are they the biggest culprits.

  5. DEG

    It’s suckers all the way down, man.

    It could be worse I suppose.

  6. R.J.

    I paid off everything as I went. I starved a lot, lived in a van down by the maintenance building, and never got to finish school. I had no debts though.

  7. dbleagle

    How do you think I feel? The Army paid ~$3000 in scholarship funds for me to get a degree and commission. They got a guaranteed eight years from me that eventually ran to a bit over 30 years. Plus, all those years in the infantry and SOF tore my body up and wore me out like some nightmare from SugarFree.

    This loan chump effect is yet another reason that is contributing to the issues with getting people to enlist or seek commissions.

    • straffinrun

      Standing armies are expensive.

    • Brochettaward

      One thing our military doesn’t lack for is commissioned officers.

      I seem to be the loan voice in the wilderness who sees the whole commissioned versus non-comissioned thing as a relic of a bygone age to begin with. Having a college degree doesn’t make one fit to lead,

      • Fourscore

        Back in the Viet Nam era OCS was expanded a lot. College grads could enlist for OCS, do their basic/AIT and OCS, then 2 years commissioned. As a group those in my company did well, failing out meant finishing out their enlistment as an infantryman. They were incentivized. Many of the prior service NCOs dropped out because they couldn’t/wouldn’t put up with the harassment.

      • Bobarian LMD

        You… Yes, you can currently join the Army with a college degree and go straight to lovely FT Benning GA, where you’ll get an all expenses paid spa like adventure and rewarding career as a chemical officer.

        Hurry up before the offer expires!

      • Brochettaward

        I don’t really feel there is a need for a special OCS. To officers coming out of OFC really have some specialized sets of skills that experienced NCO’s don’t already or which couldn’t be taught to them as they move up the ranks?

        I’m basically saying the two tiered leadership structure is stupid. It’s a holdover from days long past.

      • Rat on a train

        It’s a holdover from the days of aristocrats and peasants. The treatment of enlisted technical soldiers is one reason it is difficult to retain them.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I’m old enough to remember when a (4 year) college degree was only required for promotion to Captain. The credentialism issue is separate from the social issue, in my mind. Credentialism has infected the NCO world as well. Degree is pretty much expected by E8, and more and more a graduate degree beyond that. Which has given rise to a number of essentially diploma mills handing out sheepskins.

        On the social side, the difference between officer and enlisted is a pale shadow of the ridiculousness that exists in other armies. My eyes were opened spending some time around the Brits and their officers & Other Ranks. Tthe senior NCO corps here wants to be part of the officer world and imagine they’re one of them. I think a bigger problem is the lack of a track for non-supervisory technical experts. There’s some of that in the warrants, but it’s not a career track from the combat arms unlike the Marines.

      • dbleagle

        The Army is remarkedly egalitarian between officers and NCO’s compared to the other Services, much less other nations. The SOF community is even more egalitarian. Officers and NCOs have different roles and responsibilities, both of which are very important for a military that is ready to accomplish a wartime role. I agree with Gustave about senior NCOs wanting to be part of the officer world, but without the command and legal responsibilities inherent within them. I also agree with Bro about the swollen officer ranks. The US military has more senior officers per capita than any other first or second rank military. I work supporting a major HQ and the ground is swollen with General Officers, Colonels, LtCols, and Sergeants Major. Most of their functions are performed just as well by lower ranking personnel in the militaries that we consider our peers. The bloat needs to go.

        If the US had a much more considered concept of national defense we wouldn’t have multiple four star HQs and staffs “responsible” between them for every inch of the planet and low Earth space. We could then better focus on training and defending only what we must, and not everything a politician thinks is a good idea. It was Clinton who adopted the “duty to protect” concept (Fuck you very much Susan Rice.) which only gave yet another reason to meddle overseas.

      • Rat on a train

        I work supporting a major HQ and the ground is swollen with General Officers, Colonels, LtCols, and Sergeants Major.
        At most posts a colonel is a lesser god but is just support staff in the DC area.

    • Bobarian LMD

      The Army gave me a “free” quarter million dollar education… shoved up my ass a nickel at a time.

      All I had to do was voluntarily live in a prison environment for 5 years, and then owe the Army 8 years (5 years active).

      But no student loans to pay off.

  8. Not Adahn

    The people who make the coolest slave state compliant lower now have produced a lever-action AR.

    That is all.

    • Not Adahn

      Bee Tee Dubs: A certain NYS employee should buy one of those lowers and build a PCC and come and shoot with us.

  9. pistoffnick

    I’m a god-damned sucker. I not only paid off my own student loans, I paid for my (now) ex-wife’s loans as well (and she got a phd).

    • straffinrun


  10. Fourscore

    I started my college experiences while I was overseas, evening classes, with taxpayer subsidies. I paid 25 % of the tuition and bought my books. After 12 years I’d been able to accumulate 4 semesters of odds and ends. After I retired I went full time on the GI Bill and actually made money, my expenses were about 1/2 of my monthly award. I got my wife and son through without having to borrow any money but my son had a job and paid a lot of his own way.

    Two of my three granddaughters worked and borrowed some, the third enjoyed her college experiences. Any way I paid off the two smaller loans and have paid 30K on the big one. Then I found a deserving young man and will finish both his and my one grand daughter’s remaining this coming January. All went to state schools, except my wife and I finished at a private school.

    I really don’t feel like a sucker, I just thought it would be great if all concerned could start their lives without a debt hanging over them. All are doing well now post-graduation. Maybe in their futures they will have an opportunity to help someone.

    • straffinrun

      I’m curious. Who is the deserving young man?

      • Fourscore

        He ultimately married one of the grand daughters and they started their married life in Alaska. Both shot a moose last month.

      • UnCivilServant

        Let me guess, same moose and it still walked off the gunshots.

      • Fourscore

        They had to pack out two but since they hunt by boat it wasn’t a long carry, just had to wear rubber boots.

      • straffinrun


    • Not Adahn

      To be fair, when you were in college there were only four elements. Med school involved memorizing which humours were out of balance.

      • straffinrun

        Hey, those leeches didn’t buy themselves.

      • Fourscore

        Well, there was only 48 states so maybe it was a little easier.

    • Tundra

      They are wonderful kids.

      Good on you Fourscore. I hope I end up with grandkids like that.

  11. Tonio

    Dear Sir,

    I should like to complain about the salacious and pandering use of the word “beaver” accompanied by pictures of nubile young women.


    A. Prude

    • R.J.

      Such a tinny word. Like “tit.”
      Tit, tit tit!
      Tinny, tinny, tinny!
      We need some nice woody words used around here instead.

      • MikeS


      • R.J.

        “Prude. Pruuuuude.”
        Yes! Very woody.

    • MikeS

      You suck.

      *waggles eyebrows*

  12. hayeksplosives

    I got lucky and scored sufficient scholarships that I got my Bachelor’s degree with zero debt (I did donate, er sell, plasma 2x a week and worked part time as a teaching assistant to help a little).

    But for my Master’s degree, I had to take a loan for $20k for living expenses for 2 years in Stockholm. Because the Royal Institute of Technology wasn’t on the US list of universities, it was a private loan, co-signed by Dad. But when I finished, I was able to pay it off in two years because I’d majored in a real subject.

    If lenders weren’t guaranteed by the feds, they’d evaluate how realistic it was that borrowers could pay, and they’d grant or deny loans accordingly.

    • Chafed

      Another good reason to get the feds out of the business.

  13. DEG

    OT: Project Veritas Action latest:

    Chris Baugh, Advance Team Aide, NYC Mayor Eric Adams: “There was talk about us just limiting the number of migrants we would accept, and I’m glad we didn’t do it that way. But I still think what [Texas Governor] Abbott was doing has proven effective. Like, it’s flooded our system. We have more people in social services than we’ve ever have — potentially ever in history. So, it’s effectively demonstrating the strain.”

    • rhywun

      There was talk about us just limiting the number of migrants we would accept

      It is enshrined in law that any comer gets whatever they want.

      I’d love to see them try to “limit” anybody.

  14. MikeS

    I don’t feel like a sucker. I took out a loan and I repaid it. I am pissed at all the elitists telling the younger generations that to succeed in life they needed a 4+ year degree, no matter the subject. And I’m pissed at credentialists in the business world who went along with it (and still are).

    • Hyperion

      They also created cash for clunkers, so par for the course.

    • straffinrun

      Yes. It’s the same mindset some people have towards child abuse: “My father beat me mercilessly and it helped me become the winner I am today.”

      • Hyperion

        I also like to think that the beatings improved me. Even the time my aunt was beating me and my two cousins with a belt in the middle of the night because we wouldn’t quite down and go to sleep. Even though she hit me in the eye and I had a welt across my face the next day. Today’s snowflakes get traumatized when you tell them about this ‘necessary toughening’.

      • R.J.

        Ain’t that the truth.

      • straffinrun

        Child abuse isn’t about “snowflakes”.

  15. Hyperion

    “(Details for my invitation to come up to Wisconsin for a get together in May have finally been posted in the forum)”

    The Yuppersconsin! Poached Moose jerky and Maple syrup all around?

    • MikeS

      Beer and cheese. And real bear, not that pansay ass hipster juice bullshit you drink.

      • Hyperion

        I’ll try out that cheese if there is any left they ain’t wearing on their heads. But 141 days today with zero alcohol.

        I’ll even wear flannel and a cap with flaps on it if I get some of that poached Moose jerky.

      • R.J.

        Impressive! I need to do the same if I am to become less fat for CPRM’s get together.

      • Hyperion

        Has worked for me, -46 lbs in about 5 months. Still need to lose 15-20. Desk taters get fat, a lot more so when the desk is also a never ending beer stand.

      • R.J.

        And I am a desk tater. Well done fellow spud!

      • Bobarian LMD

        I have done like wise, but I continue to imbibe some amounts of bourbon and branch… which is very keto.

        I was 258 last thanksgiving and have been hovering around 212-214 for the last couple of months.

        The last time I weighed this much, I was a young Captain in the Army, and it was the last century.

      • Q Continuum

        That’s enough to gain like 1.5 inches of your penis back.

      • Hyperion

        At least I can see it now.

      • MikeS

        I forgot you were on the wagon. Good for you.

      • Hyperion

        I miss the beer, but not so much the hipster juice. Still, I cannot allow myself to get like that again, I probably will not survive it.

      • Fourscore

        With any kind of luck CPRM will treat you to some Door County Coffee. I feel bad that I can’t make it, traveling just isn’t in the cards anymore.

      • Hyperion

        I do loves me some coffee. Sorry to hear you can’t travel now. I barely leave the house myself these days, my health just got so bad. I hope I am in recovery, but it’s slow.

  16. Q Continuum

    I passed up Sooper Fancy East Coast Private School™ which gave me no scholarship and would have cost an arm and a leg so that I could go to Large State U™ which did give me a scholarship thus not necessitating any debt. Does that make me a sucker? Perhaps. But Large State U™ had many more attractive and morally flexible coeds so I think I came out ahead either way.

  17. Hyperion

    I only paid for course materials, like books. My tuition was covered by a Child of Disabled Veterans grant, all of it. Surprised me, I didn’t know it even existed until the person in charge of things like that, found it when I started on my degree. I was getting a bargain anyway, for a degree that actually paid off at a fraction of the crazy prices people pay today for totally worthless garbage degrees.

  18. Mojeaux

    Well, lessee. It took me 9 years, working mostly full time, getting scholarships and grants, and living at home to get a bachelor’s degree without much in loans. $5,500 my last semester so I could buy books. I didn’t need that much but that was the lowest amount I was allowed to borrow. Paid it back lickety-split.

    We’re not suckers even if we did see it coming. What were we supposed to do about it on a macro scale? I mean, yeah, personally, we could have just not played the game. There’s that. Or personally, we could have played with the intention of beating it. There’s that, too. Or personally, we could have swallowed the lies and found ourselves drowning.

    1) Powerless.
    2) Powerless but proud.
    3) Powerless but playing the game.
    4) Powerless, naive, and possibly brainwashed.

    Suckers? Naw. Just a bunch of powerless people making the best choices they can with the information they’ve got.

    Not only was I reared from the cradle to go to BYU, I was ALSO expected to pay for it because my parents couldn’t. I always knew this. So I went to BYU for 4 semesters and paid for most of it (parents helped out where they could), which included my being a dorm RA my sophomore year.

    XX knew she hated school. It was something I wished I’d known about myself when I was her age. I told her it’s a gift to know that, and it’s her knowledge of herself that put her in the seat of a forklift where she’s a happy camper. Sadly, she was not interested in trade school. I’m a little sad about that.

    XY has the potential for college, to do something interesting like landscape design, but he is absolutely not interested in that or a trade. I’m a little sad about that. His recent stint at Pizza Hut has given him some direction toward restaurant management. Just today I told him that at some point he may just want to take classes in hospitality and that the local juco has a program for that. But we’ll see.

    Either way, neither of them will be saddled with student loans and I would never push college in this climate and on children unwilling to go.

  19. whiz

    I got a scholarship to a State U for undergrad and TAs and RAs paid for grad school (always living with a roommate or two).

    My wife changed careers at mid-life and went back to school. She got debts and her new career (journalism) didn’t pay so well, so she still had them when we met and got married. I helped her pay them off, and don’t regret it at all.

    Although if we hadn’t paid them by now, I probably would have been fine letting the government discharge them — after all, I don’t feel bad taking all the tax deductions I can.

  20. slumbrew

    “ it has been clear for more than 20 years that this was going to happen.”

    That would have been long after many of us paid our debts.

  21. Stillhunter

    Guessing this was posted. I knew he was a corrupt psychopath, but WOW the history of destruction is breathtaking. It’s obviously one sided, but I’d be curious if there is any factual rebuttal to anything in it or just more of the same propaganda, censorship, and vilification of dissident voices. Though I think I know the answer.

    • Hyperion

      Thanks for the link!

    • DEG

      I have RFK’s book queued up.

      I doubt there is a factual rebuttal, and there’s no way the usual suspects will come up with one. Instead, if they respond, they will vilify and name-call instead of rebut.

      • Shiny Nerfherder

        Once you read the book, you’ll realize the simple fact that Fauci has not sued RFK for defamation is an implicit admission of the accusations contained therein because those accusations are damning beyond belief. If RFK couldn’t back the book up, Fauci would eat him alive in court. But I imagine RFK would love for Fauci to sue him because discovery would be a real bitch.

      • UnCivilServant

        Nah, The Odious Gnome would just demand documents that don’t exist until the Judge rules summarily against RFK.

        I think he just doesn’t want to give the book more publicity.

      • Shiny Nerfherder

        It’s possible, but the book details criminal behavior that would easily qualify for a lawsuit if untrue.

    • rhywun

      Goddammit I am so sick of pop-ups, slide-ins, ACCEPT OUR COOKIES bullshit.

      I use uBlock Origin and a lot of that shit still gets through.

      OK, I’ll (try to) read the article now.

      • Raven Nation

        I’m amused by the sites that want me to turn off my ad blocker. Do you think I’m going to go to your site if I’m shutting down multiple windows to read the story?

    • rhywun

      And Soros lives in Long Island, NY – a hub of political unrest and wokeness.


      OK, first I didn’t know Soros lives on Long Island (?!).

      Second, I’ve never heard it described that way before.

      Article is in desperate need of an editor but whatevz.

    • rhywun

      Of all the “race-swapping” going on, that one seems pretty inconsequential to me but I hate everything Disney so maybe I’m off base, I dunno.

      • Mojeaux

        It doesn’t make any difference to me, but she does touch on one of my favorite topics, nostalgia.

      • rhywun

        Now I want to see a white guy play Lando Calrissian.

      • Grumbletarian

        Marvel needs an Asian Black Panther.

      • kinnath

        So that video a week or so ago. Excellent discussion.

      • Brochettaward

        There is the fact that people don’t like to see characters they grew up with changed.

        But there is also backlash because it’s like Hollywood can’t do anything but dig back to the past to retell the same old stories in shittier ways, hiding behind the cloak of diversity to justify it and dismiss any and all criticisms of their products.

        I can’t think of a single attempt to race or gender swap characters that didn’t end up telling a creatively bankrupt story that was far worse than its predecessor. And at the end of the day, it does a disservice to the people they are claiming to be trying to represent on film. Instead of making actual minority and female characters with their own stories, you just give them one designed for a white guy…

      • Mojeaux

        Yes, she says exactly those things and more.

      • Ted S.

        His Girl Friday.

        Of course, that was 80 years ago.

    • Grumbletarian

      Meanwhile, pay no attention to the outrage when a white woman played the Ancient One in Dr. Strange.

    • straffinrun

      It doesn’t change original no matter how hard they try. Same with Star Wars or LotR. “I prefer the original.” “Racist!” “No. You’re boring and predictable.” “Racist!”

      There’s no point in arguing with them until the fever breaks.

      • CPRM

        It doesn’t change original no matter how hard they try. Same with Star Wars

        Well, Lucas didn’t change the originals, he just made it impossible to obtain new versions of them after 1997.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Those pencils look lifelike. Good work!

      • straffinrun

        That’s an idea. Been done before, but I’ll give that a shot.

    • MikeS

      Very nice.

    • Tundra


      Very nice, straff!

    • Mojeaux

      You are getting so good!

  22. The Bearded Hobbit

    I used the GI Bill, work-study, and the wife’s income to fund school. Got out debt-free.

    My brother got out debt-free in a different manner. He used his student loan to buy a house and paid for his expenses with the rent income from his roommates, along with side jobs. When he graduated and moved on he sold the house for enough to pay off his student loans.

  23. MikeS

    Bro can no longer cover his lies,
    If this disturbs you, then second away.
    You will remember the night you were struck by the sight of…
    Ten thousand Firsts in the air!

    • Brochettaward

      I can’t even with this. It is gibberish. A First is never about another person, especially one you are proclaiming, inexplicably, that is not a Firster. A First is a celebration of The First itself and The Firster in question.

      You seem to think this is like some shitty rap battle you can engage in with a couple of mild references to pop culture. Get the fuck out of here with this shit.

      • MikeS

        Music flows through my soul. It is the life blood of my Firsting. That you can’t see this saddens me. You obviously have been groomed by an evil seconder.

  24. hayeksplosives

    I feel sad that the USA has peaked. I have nieces and a nephew, step kids and grandkids, cousins and their kids, who are not going to have as good as we had it.

    2 or 3 centuries is a good run for a country or civilization. It’s just sad to realize our best days are behind us, mostly may deliberate planning.

    Good night, Glibs. Good night, America.

    There’s still beauty and moments of joy to be had.

    • robodruid

      While I agree that we do seam to have peaked, I have to ask who is going to overtake the USA? I don’t see anybody having the resources or the will.

      • Shiny Nerfherder

        Hopefully nobody.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Yeah, one nation having hegemony hasn’t been good for the world since the Roman Empire.

  25. dbleagle

    Hawaii is a 100% vote by mail state. I just checked my mail and my ballot has arrived. I actually have a LP choice for both Federal offices.

    There are four ballot questions to consider:

    -Increase my property taxes to build the “affordable housing fund”- that is a hard NO. (How does increasing property taxes make housing more affordable?)
    -Change the Charter so that the planning commission adds four permanent members experts in: native Hawaiian cultural practices, land use planning principles, land development and construction, and climate change and sea rise. That gets a NO. (For numbers 2 and 3- who the fuck is serving on the commission now? For positions 1 and 4- that is a bunch of salary for BS positions and just will add costs which works against the first ballot question’s goals.)
    -Let funds from an existing fund for clean water be spent for projects not involving clean water. No, nope, nein, la, fuck off slaver.
    -Expand the Office of Council Services, and expand the budget for it, to enable it to operate semi-independently from the County and City Council. No.

    But in good news today, a Federal judge placed an injunction against the new law that would have prohibited property owners from renting any or all of a residential property for a period of less than 90 days.

    • rhywun

      Check out the happy horseshit proposals on my ballot.

      1: Clean Water, Clean Air, And Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act of 2022 – NO
      2: Add a Statement of Values to Guide Government, “This preamble would serve as a guiding principle for city government to promote justice and equity for all New Yorkers.” – NO
      3: Establish a Racial Equity Office, Plan, and Commission – OFFS, NO
      4: Measure the True Cost of Living, “This proposal would require the city to measure the actual cost of living for city residents to meet essential needs.” – It has been pointed out that this is just a prelude to the city grabbing more of my dollars so FUCK NO.

      • DEG

        I have two:

        1. Constitutional amendment to remove mentions of the Registrar of Probate. About ten years or so ago, the state legislature reorganized county government. Part of the reorganization moved the Registrar of Probate’s duties to the county court clerk. The reorganization was a cost-cutting and government job eliminating move. But, because the position is mentioned in the state constitution, the legislation couldn’t get rid of the Registrar of Probate. So, this amendment is a bit of housekeeping to allow the legislature to get rid of the position. I’ll vote yes.

        2. The NH constitution requires that every ten years a question asking voters if they want to hold a constitutional convention. The last one was held in the 80s. I see no need, so I’ll vote no.

      • Grosspatzer

        “Add a Statement of Values to Guide Government”

        How about committing to adhere to the seventh commandment? “Thou shalt not steal” would be a novel approach to government.

      • Gender Traitor

        They just want an excuse for a weekend-long meeting at some resort with a consultant to come up with something about as meaningful as the typical business “vision statement.” 🙄

      • rhywun

        I am going to have to be careful to not wear a hole through the ballot in my zeal to vote the hell NO on those last three items.

        I bet these are another parting gift from that asshole DeBlasio.

      • UnCivilServant

        I have the same Line item 1 on my ballot and an overly complicated city charter revision as line item 2, so they’re both NO

    • Brochettaward

      I think what Trump is actually touching on, even if unintentionally, is that American Jews talk out of both sides of their mouths. In large numbers, they are all in on the prog bullshit while also trying to support Israel. They frequently turn a blind eye when people on the Dem plantation or higher up make actual derogatory remarks about Israel or cross the line into blatant anti-Semitism.

    • Shiny Nerfherder


      Wake me when Trump starts calling for the destruction of the Zionists like a significant portion of the Democrat party.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Any criticism of Jews is antisemitic as is criticism of Jewish individuals.

  26. Sean

    Mornin Glibs. 😉☕

    • UnCivilServant

      Morning, Sean.

      Trying to work up the motivation to drag myself into the office. Fortunately I have ~10 minutes before I really have to leave thehouse.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean, U, Shiny, and RoaT! (And maybe Ted’S?) I had a hard time dragging myself out of bed. It was COLD in the bedroom, especially after I’d slept under an electric blanket! 🥶

      • Gender Traitor

        See? It’s so cold there’s a burst water main on a major thoroughfare south of town! (Luckily, NOT on my route to work.)

        Or maybe…we burst it ourselves… ::narrows gaze suspiciously::

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m gonna go with poor maintenance.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Is that really it? Who’s this most benefit?

      • Rat on a train

        Maintenance workers who got paid without maintaining the system but now get overtime to repair?

      • UnCivilServant

        So you’re saying it was the union to make more overtime work and generate higher dues revenue?

      • Gender Traitor

        Ah HAH! I think RoaT and U have fingered the culprits!

      • rhywun

        Russia, duh.

      • Gender Traitor

        Nah, Ohio isn’t (known to be) that important geopolitically. If it’s not deliberate neglect by unionized county maintenance workers, I’m going with Michigan as the perp.

      • Lackadaisical


        Is it really cold enough to do that? To freeze a main would require really cold temps, especially this early in the year.

      • Gender Traitor

        Welllll… far as I know, it didn’t get below the mid-30s, and I don’t think it was as cold as the night before.

        Lends more credence to the sabotage theory!

      • UnCivilServant

        People were throwing wooden shoes into the water mains?


      • Ted S.

        Yeah, I’m here a bit longer. I’ve been working 8-4:30 the past few days, although today is probably the last before I go back to 6-2:30.

      • Rat on a train

        It was cold when I walked this morning. The temperature in the house was low enough to need heating. I am not looking forward to my gas bills this winter.

      • Lackadaisical

        It’s finally nice outside today. AC hasn’t been running, my wallet will thank the weather gods.

      • Gender Traitor

        I requested a switch of nat gas suppliers around the end of August (first time I’d gone through the process of picking a supplier myself,) but it hadn’t taken effect yet on my last bill. I hope I made a decent choice and see some savings this winter. If the switch seems to help, I’ll probably do likewise with the electric supplier before A/C season comes around again.

    • DEG

      I know someone who went up to northern NH two weeks ago for leaf peeping. Color was near peak, it was mid-week, and… flooded with people.

      • Ted S.

        In the Before Times, those would have been Japanese tourists.

      • Fourscore

        We’re on the downhill side of peak as well. Fortunately I’m able (barely) to keep the wood box full and run the wood furnace morning/evening. Another couple weeks and I’ll have to turn on the gas.

    • Rat on a train

      You aren’t going to trick me into entering Philadelphia.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        They’re not worth getting mugged for.

      • Lackadaisical

        That’s why they’re free, leave your wallet at home.

      • UnCivilServant

        But the muggers won’t know that, and you’ll end up beat up or dead.

      • Shiny Nerfherder

        It’s Philly, just slouch into the “dope fiend lean” like you’re on heroin and benzos. They’ll leave you alone.

      • UnCivilServant

        I don’t have such a posture, and I’m too fat to convincingly look like I’m on heroin

    • Shiny Nerfherder

      The Soviets had bread lines, we have avocado toast lines.

  27. DEG

    I spent a little more time than I planned here. Gym time. Mornin’ all.

  28. UnCivilServant

    This morning is not off to the best start. I forgot to grab any food consumables on my way out to door, even caffiene. So I’m stuck with caesar salad for breakfast. At least I managed to buy caffiene at the same place I got the salad.

    I did manage to change the lightbulbs on my workbench. I was trying to make it brighter, but it only changed the color of the light from yellow to blue. Maybe the next round of photographs will come out less muddy.

    • Grosspatzer

      Mornin’, U.

      Caesar salad for breakfast? Eww.

      I did manage to change the lightbulbs on my workbench. I was trying to make it brighter, but it only changed the color of the light from yellow to blue.

      I am curious, how many servants does it take to change a lightbulb?

      • UnCivilServant


        Unless they’re Civil Servants. It was about five when we needed to have one changed out in the office, plus two managers,

      • Shiny Nerfherder

        Caesar salad has eggs and croutons count as toast. Just add bacon sprinkles and you’re good to go.

      • UnCivilServant

        Caesar salad does not have eggs in any visible perparation. (Not sure if it’s an emulsifier in the dressing or not)

      • Shiny Nerfherder

        Mayonnaise in the dressing.

      • UnCivilServant

        It looks like the mass produced dressing skips the mayo step. Though egg yolks are still listed in hte ‘may contain 2% or less of…’ section.

      • Gender Traitor

        As long as they’re not runny!

  29. Grosspatzer

    Mornin’, reprobates!

    Too local news: CT scan confirms that the 7mm stone lodged in my left ureter hasn’t moved in a month, so off I go for surgery Friday morning. Had to scramble to get an appointment with my primary provider for surgical clearance yesterday, and the surgical facility requires a negative COVID test so I need to do that at 9AM today. But the worst is over – it took about an hour to fill out the online registration form for the surgical facility. This is progress?

    • Shiny Nerfherder

      Been there, done that. Sorry dude.

      If they try to give you uroxatral, just say “No thank you.”

      • Grosspatzer

        Thanks. What are the issues with uroxatral?

      • Shiny Nerfherder

        It’s supposed to relax the ureter so it’s easier to pass the stone, problem is that it relaxes every other tract as well.

        When I took it, I got bloating and gas pains that were worse than the damn stone.

      • Ted S.


      • Shiny Nerfherder

        If moaning, belching, and farting while in the fetal position for hours on end are hawt, then yeah, I guess so.

      • Grosspatzer

        Rule 34.

    • Gender Traitor

      Yikes! 😧 Good luck with that, ‘patzie! Hope it goes smoothly and you recover quickly and comfortably! Please keep us posted as you’re able! 😟

    • slumbrew

      Good luck with that and speedy recovery.

  30. Grosspatzer

    Thanks to all for the good wishes. This will be about my seventh round with this; the first was in December 1992 where I had an attack in the office that led to being carried out on a stretcher and taken to the hospital. The next day a pretty young lady came to my desk and asked how I was doing. We celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary this past Sunday.

  31. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    whats goody

    • UnCivilServant

      Well, they expanded the ethics training requirement from financial decision makers to all employees, so I have a mandatory webinar today with obnoxious methods to make sure you’re only paying attention to them.