Some tips for dealing with the upcoming clown world apocalypse. Or camping. Either one.
So, you are fat, old, and on the run from the apocalypse. Or maybe you are just camping. This doesn’t mean you have to eat badly or lack access to decent television.
Note: No sponsors were paid for this article. It was written entirely because Swiss needs articles. You don’t want to see Swiss when he has an empty post hopper. Let’s just say that music is good for the digestion.
In this rambling, pointless article, which I wrote under the influence of bourbon, I will discuss some solutions for camping away from the prying eyes of your FBI handler.
Cooking Tools: My favorite cooking tools the past few years for camping trips have been my Lodge Kickoff grill and my Roxon BBQ Tool.

The Roxon Cooking and Self-Defense tool comes in a handy nylon sheath with a belt loop. Hand of an apocalypse-weary libertarian shown for comparison. Picture is fuzzy. Waah waah. Make your own article!
The Lodge Kickoff grill can run on anything. Charcoal, sticks, leaves, bones of your enemies, etc… It is all cast iron you can clean with a wooden scraping tool and it will last a very long time.

Shown here is the Roxon tool, expanded. You get a fork and spatula that can combine into tongs, and a massive folding knife that can make short work of onions or grifters. Handy wine cork puller too!
Demonstrated below is the Weber Q1200, not the kickoff grill. If you have access to propane, this is an awesome choice for on the road travel. Otherwise the Lodge Kickoff is excellent for one or two people traveling.

Size of spatula shown with 1/2 pound long pork burgers. Mmmm! Ground long pork with cheese and lettuce on a sesame seed bun! It’s better than the cricket burgers you’ll get in 2035!
While making your grifter burgers, you need some entertainment! I have had a Tyler TV for a few years now. It does digital, came with three different antennas and has a remote. You can also hook your Roku/Phone to it. Damn nice, and costs about $110. I got it on Amazon. It has a battery that lasts for hours so I can watch Three Stooges and Svengoolie while having home-made hooch and hallucinating. Highly recommended. It can, in a pinch, work as a monitor for my Raspberry Pi.
That’s about it for today. As a reminder, when the apocalypse does happen, broken electric cars and abandoned charging stations will be a wealth of recyclable resources you can use to trade for food and ammunition.
Speaking of piteous begging for content, I do have a post submitted to TPTB that could probably use a trifle bit of polishing, but is available to fill gaps.
I just shoveled an article out of the horse stalls about going to the Texas State Fair this year. I am on a roll.
Good on both o’ ye!
I filled out the leads/submissions form for an article series I could potentially send over for somebody to take a look at. I don’t know if will work for you guys, but it’s there if somebody wants to check it out.
I was a professional camper for 20 years but someone else provided the cooking, the groceries and the entertainment. Pretyy much I was along to enjoy the entertainment.
My few forays into individual efforts seemed to run into clouds of mosquitoes and chiggers, for which I was totally unprepared so I cut my outings short. Thanks, RJ, for reminding me not to do it again.
Very welcome! I am adding a portable insect fogger to my inventory. Either a propane powered, or that new Ryobi mister. Waiting for reviews on the Ryobi.
Such soft, supple hands…you must use a lot of lotion…
He doesn’t want to get the hose again.
Long pig has lots of nourishing fats.
From Monty Python’s Lifeboat sketch:
“There is no cannibalism in the British navy, absolutely none, and when I say none, I mean there is a certain amount.”
There’s no reason not to be able to make cocktails while out in the wilds either, you too could have a multi-functional bar tool. It works, but not as well as individual tools.
You could also look at these guys for light weight fishing, survival, and camping gear.
Lovely! For your second link I was expecting a link to Tannerite.
Nah, the Daggerfish guy had a booth set up at the AGM event I went to last month. The stuff looked really nice, and he even had the prototype of their new light weight backpacker grill there. Of course, I haven’t done backpacking in decades, let alone camping (I was able to convince the girlfriend to cabin camp once… but that’s not the same).
You dont need bar tools to make cocktails. You just need liquor and a stick to stir with. You can probably find botanicals in the woods.
Seriously thoug muddler stick bar spoon stick you have a knife if needed what else do you need?
The strainer can be helpful. I was just entertained by the silliness of the tool. I believe it found a new home somewhere in Upstate New York.
You can make a sort of strainer from sticks
Wait. If it’s the apocalypse, will there be any TV services? What good is a TV without content?
I am so glad another Glib relates to my dilemma.
I guess I really should put together the article about format shifting DVD’s.
I would love that.
I don’t know. I’m not gonna spend all my battery power on watching TV if I need it for other, more life-saving purposes.
Use the abandoned solar power and windmills to recharge. Watching the Three Stooges is important.
*nods in agreement*
*discards inappropriate comment about other battery-powered, err, appliances*
We lost our family friendly rating a long time ago.
Wait really? I can start including dick pics in my posts?
I don’t see why not.
Not so! Check the main page!
We didn’t lose the rating – the rating agency went away.
I have not yet invested in a ripper that can crack DVD encryption, although I do have one for audio CDs.
For the ripping side, it’s a FOSS (free and open source software) solution. I’m using Plex for the media library, which does have a no cost option, but is not FOSS.
I mean… DeCSS is 23 years old now and nobody uses physical media anymore. You can probably just skip it at this point.
Saw your reply in the deadthread. Interesting. Thanks. I’m not current on terminology (apparenty), but I still think my three categories are valid even if not aligned with current usage.
Aye, the categories end up having more or less the same moral distinction, I think. It’s really the activity that the terms describe that’s important. I do agree with you and the others that a physician actually administering death to a patient raises a different set of moral and legal questions, even though I still come down in favor of a permissive approach.
I’ll also apologize to everyone for monopolizing that thread. It’s just my way, I don’t mean anything by it. Especially when I’ve staked out an unpopular opinion, I enjoy the back and forth and so run on at the keys.
That is what Glibs is for…
“The lamb skin is taupe.
The lamb skin. Is taupe.”
I do.
Now I’m remembering that scene in the “The Postman” Where Kevin Costner finds a TV and a TV guide and is just sitting there remembering shows.
Yes I actually liked that movie. I make no apologies for it.
Well, since you’re confessing shameful things, I will too. I liked Waterworld. What I remember of it, anyway.
“Hello, my name is R.J. I like every movie I post on Thursdays.”
I like it too. Haters gonna hate.
The Universal Studios Waterworld themed live action stunt show was infinitely more entertaining than the flick, and about 3 hours shorter.
They’re both very watchable, especially if you like sci-fi.
I liked the book okay. It wasn’t great, but I finished it.
I used to make a kick-ass upside-down pineapple cake on the trail.
I can tell you for sure that the wallet fishhook cards (https://grimworkshop.com/products/everyday-carry-fishing-survival-card) get confiscated by the TSA. They don’t want you to fish at 40,000 feet up!
They took a wine bottle opener I accidentally left in my bag once. Keeping us all safe!
I had one of these I was forced to throw away when entering a sports arena… that allowed knitting needles.
Sad. I have a KeySmart holder for all my keys. It is always scrutinized. i have yet to be rejected for having it. Maybe put your keytools on that?
My wife’s cousin forgot she had a butterfly knife in her carry-on. At the time, she was an early 20s country girl with more looks than sense. TSA asked her to explain why she had a butterfly knife in her bag. She got pissed at the whole kabuki theater and retorted “Do I look like a terrorist to you?”
She wasn’t wrong, but probably not the best way to handle it. She went on several lists after that incident.
TSA asked her to explain why she had a butterfly knife in her bag.
“Because I put it there?”
“Because you won’t let me pack a gun to protect myself?”
“The reason I want a weapon is to defend myself from the weapons you idiots didn’t catch.”
Civil servants are nothing if not petty and vindictive.
Back when i was a teen (late 80s) and I’d gone to Spain for the simmer, I had a replica sword from Toledo. It wouldn’t fit in my suitcase so i thought “well I’ll just carry it on. Nobody thinks a 15 year old girl is gonna hijack a plane w a fake sword. That’s dumb.”
Sigh. I think you can tell who the dumb one was. They did find a box for it and nobody arrested me at least. It was a better time.
So, you are fat, old, and on the run from the apocalypse.
I’m just the third thing and aiming to make it to fat and old.
Essential camping/clown apocalypse gear, beyond the standards – a good subzero bag, big tent that connects to back end of the 4-runner and a very small packable 2 person, standard bug-out bag pack with fire starters and medical and CC hidey spot: Nice fold-able table and a solar generator – have this. Plus it functions as a back-up for a freezer full of meat when power goes out – which is extremely rare, but might become more-so…
One of the nice things about the FJs is that they can generate actual power and have a plug-in in the back. The engine has to be running, so . . . . But I did learn there is an aftermarket 30 gallon fuel tank for them. No idea how they fit it in, though.
My post-apocalypse plans (see, above, re fat and old) involve mostly raiding empty houses and stacking up marauders until the ammo runs out.
And there it is. Huh. Its 30 extra gallons, bringing you to a total of 49 gallons on board. Spendy, though.
This product can not be sold or shipped to residents in California. Do not order this product if you live in California!!
Sounds like discrimination
My post-apocalypse plan is drinking as much of my wine and whisky as i can till the canibals get me.
That’s part of my plan too.
“Self marinating”
I’m sure my hours …. ‘invested’…. in Fallout New Vegas will come in very handy. What, you can just ‘click’ to pick up ammo and reload, right?
Been thinking about putting some extra fuel on the 4-runner. I get 400 miles now, be nice to double that range.
Looks like the company above makes them for 4Runners also.
All the fuel extenders I’ve seen for the 4-runner require also relocating the spare as it seem the only place to mount the spare tank is the stock spare location. Start spendy, add more spendy, maybe lose cargo space – where am I going to put those tents, solar generator, and all the ammo?!? It’s why I always back out before committing.
Screw it, I’m just going to get one of these
See, now that is the sort of thing my band of loners and misfits will look for as we scour the wastelands for blood and treasure!
My old Durango went a little over 600 miles on a tank, with a loaded car. It was great. The new Jeep goes slightly under 600 miles per tank. It depresses me, even though it is barely 50 miles difference. Maybe it will break 600 miles per tank on the way to CPRMs birthday next year.
I think Mrs. Dean’s FJ, which has, we’ll say, poor Ms per G what with the supercharger and 450 pounds of bumpers, could get 300 miles on a tank. With the extra tank it would be more like 800+ miles.
There are worse plans. I doubt the PAL would be a whole lot of fun, so there’s something to be said for going out in a blaze of glory and empty brass…
I don’t like camping in the wild. It is uncomfortable and the toilet facilities are suspect. Sleeping rough is not comfortable. There are insects. And it is probably illegal to make a camp fire which is the only pleasant part about the whole thing.
I’d figure all the Roma would have made sure “right to roam” rules existed there like they do in the UK.
But are they free to gambol?
Trailer/RV camping has a certain appeal. That is something I will be doing by next summer. KK has inspired me.
Still lusting after one of these:
Just gotta sell the condo to afford it…
Camping sucks, I will not apologize.
This guy does video tours of various airbnb cabins/remote vacations spots. Enjoy the outdoors, and then sleep on a normal bed.
I forgot to include the link to the post where my daughter camped with me, freaked out about bugs in the outhouse and decided she would rather poop her pants than go in the outhouse. I had to give her the Harbor Freight bug zapper racket to build up her courage to step in there.
My husband’s idea of camping is a Super8.
GOOD! May God grant that I never have to spend another night in a tent, on the ground, in a hole, etc.
Indeed. The whole point of civilization is to NOT CAMP.
Yeah, that’s one of the problems with civilization…
Even though I was in aviation and we had it kinda cushy, I spent enough time in tents.
Camping sucks
I’m not fond of camping for campings sake. In moving from point A to point B on e.g. a hike, I’m on board. Less enthralled with ‘car camping’.
IMO, “car camping” is when you’re on a 24-hour road trip, you decided to drive straight through, then you got tired and decided to hit that roadside park to catch a few ZZZZs, at which you will fail because it sucks sleeping all scrunched up in a car, toss and turn, then decide to get back on the road because you just can’t do this anymore.
My brother and I went to see Elton John and Billy Joel in concert in Ames, IA, smack between KC, StL, and Minneapolis. We rented a car. We left the concert at o’dark thirty and sat in traffic for fucking HOURS, so we stopped on some backwoods gravel road and took a snooze.
I have done this only a couple of times. My husband can’t drive a long way by himself without stopping for a nap, but when we’re together, I do the driving. I like it. I hate his driving. He would rather use the time to enter sweepstakes on his phone. Same with my mom. We’ve roadtripped together. She drives the first 100 miles, then I take over. I hate how she drives (tailgates like a mofo) (looks at everything but the road like she’s never seen a dogwood before) (I speed mightily, but I do NOT tailgate) (and I have all concentration on what’s going on around me) and she would rather have bamboo shoots shoved under her fingernails than admit she would rather I do the driving. It’s her car. All she has to do is say, “I’m driving.” But then she nods off while we’re cruising down the road. She knows. Oh, she knows.
Proper car camping.
see Elton John and Billy Joel in concert – ehm sound a tinsy bit gay for a woman. For a dude its ok
I don’t know how to respond to that. Like, women can’t be gay? Not that I am, but damn, dude.
Playing Billy Joel songs was the only way my parents could get my brother to practice piano. He loves Billy Joel. I went to drive, because I was old enough to drive a rental car and he’s quite a bit younger than I am.
I don’t know how to respond to that. – success
women can’t be gay – i though it was a generic term
Thankfully the wife and I love long road trips. We always have a stopping point, usually 10 hours in. We reserve a good hotel with dinner service for the night and then continue on the next day.
The girlfriend and I generally plan long roadtrips around a 6-8 hour drive day, so we plan a stop that we both are interested in going to. The fall it was going to be a New England loop, but her starting her salon killed that.
But are you on the way from Texas to Wisconsin for CPRMs party? I forget.
Well, it would be faster for me to head from Ohio, but I probably won’t be able to make it to CPRM’s party. That’s really close to next year’s Viva Las Vegas (April 27th – 30th).
I will at least take a picture of his custom sombrero with CPRM on it. I am shopping around for a maker early.
My brother and I went to see Elton John and Billy Joel in concert in Ames, IA
OMG, when was that? I went to a Billy Joel concert in Ames (where I live), specifically in Hilton Colliseum, a long time ago.
Shame I cant roll the clock back a decade. I spent nearly a month in Ames, working on a compliance test project for the POET biofuels plant in Jewell.
Driving from Cincinnati to Ames, I noticed the scenery was like this: “corn, corn, corn, corn, corn, corn, corn, corn, corn, corn, corn….A TREE!…corn, corn, corn, corn, corn…”
1993 or 1994.
I looked it up. August 1994, 3.5 weeks before my dad died.
Sorry about that association.
Yes, 1994 sounds right. I was there with my ex-wife.
I remember when i played counterstrike people hated camping
*narrows gaze*
I enjoy it, but only in small doses. I did about a week at a time, sleeping on trails or in my car and then a night in the hotel to freshen up. After a month of hiking and driving I was ready to head back home. Wouldn’t have done a thing different. People make it more complicated than it has to be too. Just embrace the experience, trying to make it a second rate at-home experience just ruins it.
a month of hiking – who has that kind of time these days
Me, when I went back to college to get my master’s.
I need to get a big long break like that again.
In my experience camping in Europe is different than in the US. In Europe you just set up tent in some crowded meadow with a bunch of other people. In the US we are civilized and have designated sites with lots of space and some privacy.
I saod the wild not camp sites. Not that i would in camp.sites but st least there is plumbing
Yeah, I remember sleeping on a hill(?)side in Scotland, and getting eaten alive by bugs.
Ended up in a phone booth that night.
I haven’t gone camping in well over a decade, but there’s some part of me that resonates with it. It feels like it connects you to the past in some way, taking a little glimpse into our primitive nature. Good for the mind and spirit every now and then.
I recall being miserable every time I got dragged along to go camping.
We used to “camp” in the back yard every summer. There was a breezeway with a TV setup for evenings and a tent for sleeping. I think mom and boyfriend at the time just liked to get us out of the way for a couple months every year.
Only been camping for real once as an adult and I enjoyed it well enough.
This person seems nice.
Watch as an unhinged @GraysonBrent3 destroys Ashli Babbitt’s birthday monument that was setup outside of the Capitol—
@CapitolPolice simply stood by and allowed it to happen.
CapitolPolice simply stood by and allowed it to happen.
Well, they killed her, so . . . .
I’m actually surprised they allowed any kind of memorial at all.
That is absolutely awful.
If there is one teeny tiny positive about DC getting at least one ground burst strike from Biden’s Armageddon is that her body will be pulverized by the shock wave.
Try doing that to a George Floyd memorial.
The last few years have really brought out the true nature of a lot of people.
Okay, look. I can organize and store my supplies or I can use them. I cannot do both without a great lot of confusion, analysis paralysis, and existential angst.
This is so true. I get to a camping site with everything carefully packed, then it becomes pandemonium. Stuff everywhere. Repacking is a huge burden.
“analysis paralysis”
I may steal that.
Have at it. I didn’t come up with it.
I’m wanting to start a new hobby. I’m CONSUMED by it right now, but I don’t know where to start, what to buy, or the point of it anyway.
Speaking of the apocalypse, looks like the rail strike is back on. Turns out Biden’s deal was to push it back past the election.
Of course.
‘ fat, old, and on the run from the apocalypse’
… Ain’t no way to go through life.
But…but its all I have!
So you are saying that you want me to vote Republican?
Every single Democrat voted for the Inflation Reduction Act.
Every single Republican voted against it.
I think the fashionable internet saying is “what a strange way to endorse republicans”
Beats the alternative.
We are so screwed.
“Inflation Reduction Act”
Who’s going to tell him…?
Holy Hannah.
I have to remember Not to look at my stock investments for a few years.
I made the mistake of looking at my 401(k) this morning…
My 401k with new company started on Oct 1. I am guess I market timed pretty well. Not gonna hit the exact bottom, but I figure close enough.
You think we’ve bottomed out?
We’ve still got a long way to fall.
Who needs that portfolio or retirement nest egg? Just camp through your retirement years!
“Portland camping”
I remember the shit Neal Boortz got for calling homeless “urban outdoorsman”. And then in the winter, “bumsicles”.
“In a VAN, down by the Riversedge, with Keanu.!”
Wow! you have a Van? I was dreaming of an upgrade To a cardboard boax.
Well, I mean the world would be better without Roth IRA/401(k)’s!
Well, we could just get rid of the income tax. Then we won’t need those financial vehicles.
And with a flat tax, Roth and Traditional are exactly the same.
It is the change in tax rate over the course of a person’s lifetime that allows games to be played with them.
Marketwatch may not be her target audience.
It only gets worse as the day goes on.
Today is not bad…
Time to buy buy buy!!!
Tell straff the con is done.
Shiga woman defrauded 4.4M yen by man asking for money to fly down from the ISS and marry her
*straff last seen chortling and running out of the bank after a 4.4M yen deposit*
I had to check. That’s a little over $30K.
Japan should do that thing where they take off a few zeroes from their currency like romania did
“While it may be the fad to remove zeroes from currency, we’re going the other direction and adding zeroes.”
I am not sure the Japanese gov’t still owns Mitsubishi’s.
Who doesn’t love it when the state and their lapdogs the MSM create dollar values generated in illegal activity out of thin air?
Long Island woman busted for $40M counterfeiting operation
Some women in a strip mall storefront makes fake “Gucci” branded sweatshirts that vaguely resembles ones worth over $5k and voila (or walla in internet speak) $40m in counterfeit merchandise.
Ain’t no sweatshirt on Earth worth $5k. I don’t care whose sweat is on it.
What if it’s Jesus’ sweatshirt? You know, the gardener who works at the Craig’s around the corner. Hell of a good guy…
It’s more likely to be that of third world sweatshop laborers or slaves.
Fun fact: a high school friend once proudly showed me her most prized possession – a scarf she had received directly from the hand of Elvis at a concert when she was a little girl. And, she swore, it had his sweat on it! She kept it wrapped in tissue in a box. We remained friends, so I must have sufficiently disguised my disgust and disdain.
Didn’t he used to mop his brow and toss those things to the crowd? She should hold onto it, in a few more years she’ll be able to clone him from it maybe and young US Army Elvis, not dead on the privy Elvis.
“not dead on the privy Elvis”
weptsweat?This is an essential part of my survival kit. I used one extensively and exclusively on week-long backpacking trips to great success. Not only does it cook, but it can charge devices like a GPS receiver (or a cell phone if you’re not off the grid). No fuel to carry; only have to pre-charge the battery. Then it acts like a car, recharging its own battery, and combusting twigs instead of gasoline. When done cooking, I use the twig embers to start a campfire, and then use the campfire to re-light the stove as needed, using as little matches/fire-starters as possible.
Which particular technology is it using to do the actual generation?
fire magic
wood nymph farts ?
I’m trying to figure out if it’s something that directly utilizes the heat, or if it sets up a convection current to turn a small turbine dynamo.
Here’s a critical review:
Gist: neato but don’t buy.
It’s a thermoelectric generator using a type of wood burning furnace, with a fan and double-wall. As I understand it, it burns the smoke twice – once it gets going it’s practically smokeless.
That is… Cool. Something to add to the list.
Neat idea. I wouldn’t never bother hiking with it, but could be cool to have in the apocalypse.
So you’d totally take it on all hiking trips? Or just some?
Are you suggesting that:
Might have a bit of a weight penalty?
I would think the insulation required to keep that battery from exploding would weigh more than the battery. Interesting idea though.
I’ve had mine for more than 10 years. It’s the 2nd generation design. Never a problem with the battery and it holds its charge for months in the off season.
Does it produce enough power to run the fan while charging the electronics without draining the battery?
So mine being the 2nd generation, it would only charge while the furnace was in operation with a live fire. There was a light that would come on telling you when there was sufficient power to charge, but you could just leave the device plugged in and let it do its thing. The fan runs all the time the furnace is in operation, so the device prioritizes first by making sure it can power the fan, 2nd to charge the battery, and 3rd to send power to a device. It sounds like the latest design does a better job of all that.
For a long weekend, I use an alcohol stove and cook dehy food. The Biolite is heavier than the alcohol stove and fuel rig for only a few days.
Approaching a week and going longer and the Biolite makes more sense weight-wise. Not to mention its ability to keep electronics charged for the duration of the trip.
Do they make miniature water wheels I can set in the creek to charge electronics off hydropower?
Yes, only not so miniature. The ones I’ve looked at are unwieldy and not very efficient. This appeared to be the most practical, though still not practical.
I used to love backpacking, that feeling of constant movement. I would leave the area I slept at as soon as I had a cup of coffee, and eat along the trail. But car camping, either in a tent of some wheeled contraption, is soooo boring. I don’t want to sit around the dirt all day! I don’t get high, or day drink any more, so, what is the point? Oh, yeah, the wife loves it.
I would rather road trip. Get up at dawn, drive 10-12 hours, preferably on back roads, stop at a brewery or bar for dinner and a greasy spoon for breakfast. Oh, yeah, the wife hates it.
You oughtta be a long haul trucker. Sounds right up your alley.
The wife would hate it.
I just got a spam caller looking to buy my house.
Who the fuck would sell to a cold caller?
Those calls are legion in the ATL area. Get them all the time.
Just tell him to talk to the person who holds your reverse mortgage.
I said it’s not for sale and he hung up. Hopefully he’s not as persistant as the Police Benevolent Association fundraiser guy.
The guy from the Police Malevolent Association is probably even more persistent.
Yeah, but they just kick in the door, loot want they want and leave.
I just play Nazi Punks Fuck Off for them.
The PBA caller is the same dude every time. I now recognize his voice, and since we’ve had some back and forth before there’s a high probability he’s not a computer.
What, everything is for sale.
It’s easier to tell them that than to say “You’d have to put well into nine figures on the table” knowing they’d never do that for something estimated worth six.
Someone who wants to sell to someone with cash.
I got the same call around noon – for a house I sold 9 months ago.
“I’m afraid your bid has come in too late.”
We get those for my MIL’s condo that we sold over a year ago.
I always tell them “Well, I’ve already sold it, but I would be happy to sell it again. Make me an offer.”
I have one of those Weber Q1200 grills…got it about five years ago, after the last hurricane (Irma). I like it very much.
The connection is designed for those teeny little propane canisters, but you can easily get an adapter and hose that lets you use tanks of (more or less) arbitrary size. A 20 lb tank will last for weeks–months if you only grill on weekends.
That’s exactly what I did. I got the big cart and tank adapter. It’s my full time grill now after having a bigger Weber for 15 years. I decided I only really used half of the old grill and downsized, happily. Heck of a lot easier to clean too.
Exactly. I got the cart as well, and everything for the same reasons. It’s just me and Mrs. Spartacus at home so the big grill just seemed like a waste.
Drunk jerk with unleashed dog gets in cops faces.
Cops put jerk in hospital and, naturally, lie about it.
Taxpayers pay.
Video shows man’s face fractured by police, attorney says
Dog owner who was KO’d by Jersey City police officer in 2017 will receive $925K settlement
I’m sure Officer Friendly is going to get firm slap on the wrist.
Jeez. That guy wasn’t doing anything except trying to calm down his little dog. Crazy.
It was a black cop that decked him….hate crime charges?
And since Ive never been in that position, is that $925K taxable income? Well, maybe $600K after his lawyers take their fee.
The hospital will get a chunk and after that the attorney.
Usually these settlements aren’t taxable
It’s not taxable.
That’ll teach those … taxpayers.