I always dreamed that some day, a man in khaki shorts would propose to me in a very cliched way.
“Joel McHale Tells Community Fans to Prepare to Shed Tears When the Movie Arrives”
“Andy Serkis finally gets to play a good Star Wars villain thanks to Andor”
“Mergers, Marriage, and Monopoly: What Matrimony Can Teach Us about Corporate Acquisitions”
“It’s been six months and still no official word, we don’t deserve it.”
I’ve certainly linked this song before, but it’s been a minute, I think.
I may have to watch Andor. Rogue One is my third favorite Star Wars movie. (Sorry, Ewoks.)
I think Robot Chicken covered that.
Fuck those midget Wookies. They ruined that damn movie. I’m still pissed all of these years later that Lucas thinks his audience is so stupid that they believe a Stone Age bunch of furry tree bears could beat a star faring civilization. Worst pay off for a trilogy ever.
Originally it was supposed to be on the wookie planet. Which would have been bad ass.
So stupid. Supposedly he wanted it to be an allegory for the Vietnam war. Because the North Vietnamese fought that war with stone age weapons, right?
I figured he changed it to “Ewoks” because he thought he could make millions selling cute merchandise to little kids.
This is highly plausible.
I believe it was a budget constraint, since having that many tall people running around in Wookie costumes would get expensive. That’s why Chewbacca was originally from Endor.
/throws up the Chewbacca defense
“they believe a Stone Age bunch of furry tree bears could beat a star faring civilization”
Oh, cute text art. Stealing that.
Like a bunch of goatherders grinding out two superpowers.
I keed. Relax.
Star Wars was fun, once upon a time,
In a galaxy far, far away,
That was long ago and far away.
But it was over the hils,
What, you don’t like the Di$ney version?
I’ll tell you what Friday means this week – I survived my trip to NJ and the folks talking last week about Oaks gun show this weekend missed it by a week.
There’s an Oaks Gun Show in December. That’s the one I plan to be down for. It’s the same weekend as a dance event I want to go to.
Exactly zero Moon Knight fans have been ‘eagerly anticipating’ any more of that disaster. Oscar Isaac is a pretty good character actor, he really doesn’t deserve that nonsense.
It was ok, different than the other Marvel stuff, but not good enough for me to give it another thought since I watched it.
The Werewolf by Night special was pretty good.
Same. I enjoyed Isaac’s performance and the Egyptian gods. The plot was pretty boring, though.
If the man is wearing khaki shorts is he a member of the khakistocracy?
Thank you and good night.
Boo! Boo this man.
If you insist.
I would have been disappointed by any other link.
Half-Baked did it too.
Hmm, I think the link text should have been “As you wish”
[hangs head, goes to box of shame]
Is that a minor or a major?
TOG, that made my whole day.
Damn, I need to make that my Zoom background.
I was just here for the boos.
I was thinking he looked like a glowie.
It’s a Friday, I’m home and it’s almost Halloween. I’ll be kicking off the Zoom/Happy Hour/Candy arguments at 20:00 Eastern.
what argument?
Bit ‘o Honey and those caramel apple suckers are the best.
Take 5!
RIP Bar None.
I was addicted to Whatchamacallits for a while.
3rd on my list.
#1 Snickers
#2 Twix
#3 Whatchamacallit
I’ve seen it in stores as a nostalgia revival.
Just checked the local (giant) candy store, they’ve got Bar None. And they ship…
Caramel creams!
Since 2020, the girlfriend and I have each picked out a box of full sized candy bars to hand out to the kids. Each year, she doesn’t think the box that I pick will be popular. Each year (so far), mine has run out first. This year, the competition is between Kit Kat Duos (Mocha + Chocolate) and Snickers Peanut Brownie Squares.
For those wondering, the secret behind Kit Kat filling has been revealed.
Almond Joy is pretty much the only Halloween candy that can make me break my low carb lifestyle.
Reese’s Dark may be the most perfect candy ever created.
Hershey’s website asked me to accept all cookies but didn’t give me the option to accept all candy. 😢
What a long week. I still officially have until 4:30.
After two four-day weekends in a row, this five-day workweek has been a slog and a half. You could hear it in the voices of everyone in the meeting I just got out of.
Lousy week. Luckily WWIII will kick off in a week so the end is nigh!
“PICTURED: Hemp jewelry maker, 42, who lived with nudists ‘broke into Nancy Pelosi’s $6million San Francisco home and battered her husband Paul, 82, with a hammer’ – and left him needing brain surgery”
How much jewelry did he smoke?
What kind of asshole “lived with nudists” but isn’t himself a nudist?
A prevert?
Quite possibly.
“Police said at a press conference that they responded to the home around 2:30 a.m. and that when they arrived on scene they witnessed the suspect and Paul Pelosi fighting for control of a hammer. The suspect “pulled the hammer away from Mr. Pelosi and violently assaulted him with it,” police said.
“Our officers immediately tackled the suspect, disarmed him, took him into custody, requested emergency backup and rendered medical aid,” police added.
That makes me think they kinda hesitated a bit.
All the lit candles and aromatic oils everywhere made the scene confusing.
Can you do actual lines of Cialis?
/asking for a friend
The guy was clearly a nutter. Friends had received disturbing emails, he beloved all kinds of crazy stuff and advocated violence.
But he hadn’t actually done anything violent until he attacked Mr P. So in some ways it seems like this could have been prevented, but in the other hand, crazy talk isn’t (and shouldn’t be) illegal.
He probably just wanted to have a nice conversation with Mr. Pelosi. Just two bros in their underwear having a heart to heart.
The preverts are the ones who are extra sensory inappropriate.
In the Mega MAGA enclave of Berkeley, no less. 🙄
OTOH, maybe that’s what sent him over the edge into crazy-town.
A closeted never-nude?
His social media showed he posted conspiracy theories about the origins of the covid epidemic, about the validity of the 2020 election, and on the January 6th insurrection on Capitol Hill.
“it was released from a Chinese lab, there were a number of irregularities which have never been followed-up on in a meaningful way, it wasn’t an insurrection but a ugly riot”
Crazy conspiracy theories like that, I’m sure.
:: clutches pearls, faints ::
They also reveal that he is a far left wacko and not a conservative.
“…is a former nudist from British Columbia who has struggled with drugs..”
Oh….he’s one of those non-violent Canadians I always hear aboot.
A Trumpanucki?
Doesn’t she have security?
She does. Her husband is left to handle it on his own.
“Her husband is left to handle it on his own.”
I’m seeing treatment for a phenomenally successful TV Drama:
Paul Pelosi, Third Gentleman “When the Speaker’s away, The bad guys pay!”
Yes, but supposedly they travel with her, and he doesn’t have any when left alone. Which a lot of people have pointed out seems strange, given their wealth and extremely high profile.
He also had to turn off the security to buy drugs from and/or have gay sex with that dude.
Why not both?
Why would you leave a financial genius with such incredible stock trading skills unprotected?
IKR? lmao.
I’m dumb as a post but even I could fleece Ameritrade with the insider tips they get.
How did he get in the house? I have a hard time believing the doors aren’t kept locked. Did Pelosi let him in? If so, why?
Who opens the door to a stranger at 2:30 am?
to be fair, that stranger was in his underwear.
Anywhere but SF and that might cause some serious caution on the part of the homeowner.
He busted in through a back window. Looks like Paul was being banished to the SF house for being a bad boy and getting that DUI crash. Crazy that they don’t have better security.
He really should’ve picked somewhere safer to live.
Like way outside of Pelosi’s district.
They live in a nice area but one of things I noticed when I lived there is you’re never very far from a bad area.
Hey. I don’t go around undermining your jokes.
Crazy that he didn’t have a driver for his DUI. As if in both cases, he was doing something he didn’t want witnesses to.
DePape smashed a glass door at the back of the property and tried to tie Mr Pelosi up, according to reports
But who knows, considering how often the early reports on these things turn out to be wrong.
I’m torn. Horrific tragedy, A hint at what’s to come or very poorly conceived and executed false-flag?
very poorly conceived and executed false-flag?
We’ll know if they find a copy of The Catcher in the Rye in his belongings.
This doesn’t play well for the Dems at all. Two weeks before an election in which crime is going to play a big issue to have this happen to the Speaker’s husband in the poster child city for the Dems is not a good look. Which is why a couple hours ago Jackie Speir ( the other local House rep) was giving interviews blaming the attack on right wing rhetoric.
CNN is playing it as JANUARY SIX!!!!!!
According them, both this guy and one of the guys who went into her office asked “Where’s Nancy?”
“Election Day is 12 days away. But in courtrooms across the country, efforts to sow doubt over the outcome have already begun.
More than 100 lawsuits have been filed this year around the Nov. 8 elections.
The legal challenges, largely by Republicans, target rules for mail-in voting, early voting, voter access, voting machines, voting registration, the counting of mismarked absentee ballots and access for partisan poll watchers.
The cases likely preview a potentially contentious post-election period and the strategy stems partly from the failure of Donald Trump and his allies to prevail in overturning the free and fair results of the 2020 presidential election that he lost to Joe Biden.”
*taps nose*
When you have to constantly remind everyone about “free and fair results” it means you’re worried about something.
They are obviously worried. They already called the governor’s race in AZ!
““free and fair”
They left off “and balanced”
So, you are saying they are unbalanced?
The elections are “safe and effective”. How about that instead?
“free and fair results”
Cuz we say so.
How can they not know that this looks exactly like propaganda?
Jugsy ordered Long John Silvers.
My kitchen smells like Craigslist personals.
There is something fishy about this…
If it smells like cologne, leave it alone!
It’s the meal you cannot make at home.
I … don’t even know … um … hm.
Your dyslexia is acting up again, you transposed a couple of words there.
Out in Greenville, SC. By far our favorite so far.
A beer after walking the ‘city’
Boy did you outkick your coverage!
*raises beer in salute*
She’s too cute.
You’re an over-achiever.
Yeah, but October. Try anywhere in SC in July.
We were here in July….what your point
That’s my new town! Main Street is great.
The Trappe House has become a favorite of mine – Belgian beers on tap.
At Fireforge right now…I’m okay with it
Are you in town all weekend? Let me know if you want to get together.
Here tonight and tomorrow morning.
No prob – my wife has something planned for us in Spartanburg in the morning.
If you get serious about this area let me know if you need anything or have questions.
We are living in a rental in Simpsonville right now. Looking at a house in Cleveland on Sunday that’s more than we planned to spend but might tempt us.
How long before the superglue on your cheeks’ wore off?
Did that lady get mad? Did your wife?
She said it’s forever
I may have to pick up some beers on the way home from dog training, thanks for the insperation!
Well, Brooks that!
Babylon Bee Writers Struggling To Think Of Joke Worth $44 Billion
No joy in Mudville
Former Huffington Post writer Michael Hobbes retweeted a commenter who claimed, “Most of the major social networks are now inside the bubble: Facebook and YouTube are absolutely dominated by right-wing stories and voices. And now Twitter is under the total private control of a Thiel/Trump/Putin ally.”
Hobbes added a somber take of his own, saying, “I’m finding it pretty hard to make jokes about Elon buying Twitter. Nearly every American media institution is now openly right-wing or obsessed with giving reactionaries the benefit of the doubt. What’s the case for optimism about the next decade at this point?”
Trump’s robot army is everywhere. Soon the rounding up of dissidents and revolutionaries will commence.
I’ll have some of whatever he’s having.
No fucking way – you have no idea how long it lasts. Wait to see when (or if) he gets back to baseline.
I bet that Hobbes finds it pretty hard to make jokes, period. Humorless scold is never a good look.
Are you saying he has a hobbled sense of humor?
Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind;
The thief doth fear each bush an officer.
-Henry the VI something or other
That’s not a shoe collab, this is a shoe collab https://ibb.co/7t2C2sh
I kinda sorta have an afternoon off. And it’s the first game of the World Series. Hrm. The HUUUUGE edible is kicking in strong. Hrm. This is going to get interesting.
I have as high of a tolerance for weed as one can get. This is from a gummy batch that melted and this was the last big chunk of it. Imagine 20 gummy bears? About that big.
Evan. You’re typing too much. Law and Order marathon is on, but it’s post-Orbach so it’s shit. Still got Ed Green and McCoy. Meh.
Normally I wouldn’t hit send on this. But this seems kinda fun. I’m gonna add a quick bowl on top of this and go for a walk. It’s probably the last good afternoon to be able to do it in……………..
Wait, you ate the whole gummy? Whoa dude, you were just supposed to nibble a leg!
KK! Where do we invade you!
I think she’s in NC, ya dope.
Travelers Rest SC! Will you zoom tonight? We can discuss
(meant as a reply to OBE. but I hope Tres zooms too)
Tres has to work all night and is going to bed.
Someone call Rufus.
We took the red eye…and have been up all day. Zoom is at what time in this God awful timezone?
8pm, old fart! Though I don’t usually join up til 9ish. Otherwise I get drunk too early & end up missing all the fun.
Should slept on the plane! 😄
Biggest issue is my dad is back Sunday or Monday and I’m moving back into the RV on Tuesday.
You and the wife want to come help with a tow dolly on Tuesday morning, then have beer? LOL
Here tonight and back to Charlotte tomorrow night.
Where you at eggs ackly?
Fireforge Brewery and Taphouse on Washongton Ave and Irvine
But we are going to be at the Carolina Bauernhaus tomorrow for lunch
The Delphi Murders are right by were my newspaper is. I might have just doxxed myself. Shit. I’m still learning, guys. Fuck.
Anyway. They just arrested a guy under suspicion of it. Maybe something maybe nothing. Who knows.
But this is going to attract the AP and more. Hrm. I’ve been on the job for 3 months. EEE! I won’t have to do anything, really. Thank god. I get to kinda watch the announcement on Monday with the rest of y’all.
I remember reading about that case. Hope they got the right guy and have the evidence to put him away forever, that was awful.
I dunno, the AP seems pretty focused on Paul Pelosi at this point
Boss says it’s likely nothing. But AP is coming.
There were two guys who trolled the press today, pretending to be fired Twitter employees. And of course, the reporters were dumb enough to buy it. One guy was named Rahul Ligma, and the other Daniel Johnson. Yep. And they still bought it.
Elon’s tweet on the matter: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1586108809772089345
I cast my early ballot here in Nye County Nevada a couple of hours ago.
Unfortunately, the fact that the incumbent Dems are behind in the polls has been broadcast nationwide so now the Donks know how much fortification they need to do.
It’s going to look pretty suspicious if team blue wins after polling (which favors team blue) has been showing the GOP winning. But there will be no proof. I was happy that I had to show my ID and proof of residence. Wonder how it is in Las Vegas?
I voted No on all 3 ballot measures (felt very libertarian).
The libertarian candidate for Attorney General (Kennedy) was DQ’d but was still on the ballot. A note in the booth said a vote for him will not be counted.
In the Primary, we had those Dominion machines, and some of them left off one of the candidates (!!). How can there be different slates programmed into different machines?? It was a debacle. I’m guessing that’s why we had paper ballots in the voting today. Good for recounts if necessary too.
Do you label the people running against the GOP in your county D-Nyers?
No. But they ain’t gonna win shit in Nye. However, on the state level, all they have to do is turn out the Dem vote in Vegas and they have it made.
The Nye sheriff’s race is a big deal and is bipartisan. The incumbent is a lady who let a horrific animal abuse case go on right under her nose (a couple of Russkies breeding dogs—300 of them finally confiscated, hundreds more in mass graves). Yeah, I realize the sheriff was distracted by fighting cancer, but maybe resigning would have been the right thing!!
ID and proof of residence? When did Nevada adopt Jim Crow 2.0? Have you put all the minorities back in chains yet?
A bargain at ten times the price!
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration on Thursday said its annual economic output is three times the size of its yearly budget.
In a newly released study, NASA looked at fiscal year 2021, in which the agency had over 19,000 employees and a federal budget of $23.3 billion. According the report, NASA missions, research and more “generated a total economic output of more than $71.2 billion,” with the agency’s work supporting about 340,000 jobs in all 50 states and Washington, D.C.
“We’re trying to point out just how penetrating, and almost incalculable, this [agency’s] economic impact is,” NASA Administrator Bill Nelson told CNBC.
NASA’s work in aerospace and space spans from operational programs, such as the International Space Station and Commercial Crew, to its plan to return astronauts to the moon known as Artemis.
And, as effective as NASA’s return on taxpayer dollars may seem, Nelson argued that the economic impact report actually undersells the agency’s value to the U.S. economy. He cited examples like pharmaceutical research on the space station, calculating soil moisture for agriculture, or using satellites to identify trees that may be diseased and could cause a forest fire.
+ 1 Tang.
Translation of Putin’s recent speech. As usual, sovereignty is one of his big concerns. He quotes Solzhenitsyn and blasts cancel culture.
sovereignty is one of his big concerns
blasts cancel culture.
Blaming Western excesses for the ills of the world, and offering his strong hand in creating and leading a brave new world order. How original.
A growing number of countries are agreeing with him.
The speech was rather on point. FB, did you read the translation? Other than a few sentences, it seems like it could have been written by virtually any Glib.
At least it was much more aligned than anything that comes out of DC.
He was a spy – maybe he’s lurking here.
AAAAAANnnnd someone from my small county just called! She’s running for the school board! I interviewed interviewed her! Poorly! Turns out she’s working on the written answers to the quick little questionnaire boss sent to ’em.
It didn’t go terribly! She got to speak to me and seemed happy. She’s sending me what she worked on. Cool. Makes it easier for me.
Hrm. I still haven’t lit that bowl up. I think I will wait. Hrm.
I could likely agilecyborg my way through this if I really wanted to. I hope no one else calls me. That lady was mighty kind. (She had her political pr worked out. It…had no substance really.)
Yikes. Hrm.
He was somewhere around Delphi when the drugs began to take hold.
Is there some term for the variation of Godwin’s Law, but instead of Hitler, you invoke Putin? Because King Walz did just that in the last gubernatorial debate.
I would love to see the wall with the pictures and string that link Putin to the Rona. WTF?
Delusional fantasies on parade
One of the hardest things to figure out about cutting greenhouse gas emissions has been what to do about aviation, since most commercial jets are too heavy to fly under electric power with today’s technology. But United Airlines
is beginning to provide a picture of how electric planes will be part of its future and a key to remaking the way travelers think about aviation as a choice for shorter distance routes.
The nation’s No. 3 carrier has a contract to buy electric 30-seat planes from startup Heart Aerospace, which Heart said it plans to introduce in 2028. In a twist, United’s plan is not to replace big jets, but to focus the new planes on regional service. The airline is also preparing to introduce eVTOL (electric vertical takeoff and landing) craft to do local transport like taking passengers from central cities to airports.
The idea is less to shift how fliers behave than to convince small-city residents who now drive on trips of 250 miles or less to take a plane instead, Mike Leskinen, United’s vice president of corporate development and president of its United Ventures investing arm, said at the CNBC ESG Impact earlier this month. If it works, it opens up a new market for carriers like United, especially outside major metropolitan areas.
People drive instead of flying because airports suck, you idiot. A different model of airplane can’t fix that.
As electric cars and SUVs move toward 5% of the new-car market in the U.S. and 9% globally, few airlines have made any major push toward electric planes. Sustainability plans being pursued by American Airlines
, Delta Air Lines
and Southwest Airlines
barely mention electric planes. Engineers can’t make an electric battery light and powerful enough to serve a plane the size of today’s jets, said Eliot Lees, vice president and aviation analyst at consulting firm ICF in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
The United plan is based on the idea that less than 1% of travelers making a 250-mile trip choose to fly.
I wonder if it ever occurred to these dumb fucks to ask why.
The airlines should set up separate legal entities for “electric planes” and sell stock. Then, assuming the entities ever “get off the ground” only stock holders are entitled to fly on the electric planes. I think the demand would be underwhelming.
Uffda. Things are not going well for the DFL here in Sunny Minnesoda. So badly, that a tiny bit of straight reporting has been allowed to be printed by the Star & Sickle about Brother Keith.
It isn’t perfect, but they did print some actual truth instead of just relying on Ellison’s version of events when it came to letting $250M be stolen from taxpayers
I don’t know why Brother Keith and King Walz are running from this scandal. How is letting a gang rip off the Federal programs and bringing that money back into the state any different than when the pols get the Feds to give us a couple billion to build a light rail line?
Pols are always bragging about bringing home the bacon. Those Somali shysters were just engaged in a classic public/private partnership.
Maybe they are worried that the state public worker unions will be mad? Sets a bad precedent when the stolen money goes directly from the Feds to the plebes?
“eVTOL is going to change the way we live and work,” Leskinen said. “It’s not taking planes out of the sky, though. It’s taking cars off of the road. It’s going to allow us, if you live in Manhattan, to get out to the airport with predictability of seven, seven and a half minutes out to Newark. Maybe if you’re flying a regional flight, maybe you get on a Heart ES-30 aircraft and your entire trip will have been carbon free.”
How practical that is depends on both technology development and regulators, plus the rapid buildout of places for eVTOL to take off and land in cities, Raite said. The target is to make eVTOL available for about the cost of a premium Uber Black car service ride, but that may require development and approval of pilotless eVTOL craft.
Soon we’ll all be commuting by air to Never Never Land.
Precautionary measure
DETROIT — General Motors is suspending its advertising on Twitter following Elon Musk’s takeover of the social media platform, the company told CNBC on Friday.
The Detroit automaker, a rival to Musk’s Tesla, said it is “pausing” advertising as it evaluates Twitter’s new direction. It will continue to use the platform to interact with customers but not pay for advertising, GM added.
“We are engaging with Twitter to understand the direction of the platform under their new ownership. As is normal course of business with a significant change in a media platform, we have temporarily paused our paid advertising. Our customer care interactions on Twitter will continue,” the company said in an emailed statement.
There are ads on Twitter?
Yet another reason I’d rather push a Ford than drive a Chevy.
GM’s electric vehicle push means they will go bankrupt in a few years anyway. At most 3 years of missed revenue.
Eh. Fuck GM
Chuck Todd goes way out on a limb /sarc. Says he won’t know if Fetterman’s disastrous debate affected the voters until he sees if Fetterman wins or loses. Given that 600,000 Dems voted before the debate, and Philly is, as always, prepared to fortify, Fetterman must be in trouble if Chucky is hedging like this.
The state GOP must be shitting their pants that they won’t be able to deliver yet another brilliant concession speech. And might have to defend Oz for the next six years.
Friday Funbags cum to the rescue!
Group can monitor Arizona ballot drop boxes, US judge rules
A federal judge Friday refused to bar a group from monitoring outdoor ballot boxes in Arizona’s largest county where watchers have shown up armed and in ballistic vests, saying to do so could violate the monitors’ constitutional rights.
U.S. District Court Judge Michael Liburdi said the case remained open and that the Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans could try again to make its argument against a group calling itself Clean Elections USA. A second plantiff, Voto Latino, was removed from the case.
Liburdi concluded that “while this case certainly presents serious questions, the Court cannot craft an injunction without violating the First Amendment.” The judge is a Trump appointee and a member of the Federalist Society, a conservative legal organization.
For Hallowe’en candy bars, bite-sized Oh Henry bars are the shizzle.
Even the Spousal Unit looked at me like I was insane when I said we shouldn’t buy any Hallowe’en candy this year. ”But . . . but . . . muh Oh Henrys!”
Andy Serkis finally has made his triumphant return to the Star Wars universe thanks to the latest episode of Andor.
Disney. Who shit all over Star Wars. Pass.
Why does the boy ask the girl to the dance? He does so because he thinks he will be better off if he “merges” with her, rather than remain on his own.
Walter Block opening with the euphemisms!
I just received an e-mail from GunBroker telling me I can start my holiday shopping now.