We should tip our caps to you, Framber.
The Astros took a 2-0 series lead over the Yankees with another masterclass, but some sketchy fielding by Framber, in pitching. Wish I’d gone to last night’s game as well as Game 1. The Cardinals surged to a win over the Saints. The NLCS is back tonight with a pivotal game 3 in Philly. We find out if Syracuse is for real tomorrow. There’s a big clash in the Pac12. We’ll see if Bama can get it back together. And plenty of other good football on tap tomorrow. There’s some big soccer this weekend. F1 invades Texas, but I’m not going. And that’s it for sports.
Wait, they don’t want to state to monitor a state election? Well I’m not surprised, seeing as they’ve run the county elections like shit ever since they got in charge. Shameless assholes, one and all.

Do it!
Inject it straight into my veins! Go long on copium, my friends. It’s gonna be worth a fortune soon.
What a shitshow. Although I’m not the least bit surprised. She was clueless from the jump.
Well…no shit. This has been going on for decades. And it’s only getting worse. Kudos for standing your ground.
I suppose he has a point. There are two sides to every story. But either way you look at it, he decided to kill a bunch of people indiscriminately and should ride the lightning.

Don’t trust any of these people.
It’s a trap!!! Anybody dumb enough to sign up for this pre-emptive tracking deserves whatever happens.
Eleventh verse, same as the first! I know, I know. It’s getting old. But there’s no other news to report out of the city. Unless you want the bum-shit tracker posted.
This could be interesting. It could also be grandstanding. And it could also be that people don’t read their TOS very well. Let’s be honest here: it’s almost certainly a combination of all three.
Toe-tapping fun. So get those feet moving. But don’t trip on your loose-fitting pants. Whatever you do, enjoy the music.
And enjoy the end of the work week and have a great weekend, friends!
“Wait, they don’t want to state to monitor a state election? Well I’m not surprised, seeing as they’ve run the county elections like shit ever since they got in charge. Shameless assholes, one and all.”
They need the ability to cheat.
The baddies are making voting harder!
So, so, so dangerous.
“Inject it straight into my veins! Go long on copium, my friends. It’s gonna be worth a fortune soon.”
I think he is not cutting enough people.
So, you want to violate the workplace violence policy?
I think the bulk of Twatters employees are useless woke management, HR department assholes, government shill legal teams, asshole salesmen, and people there to curate and censor the voices they don’t want to have the ability to call out the evil going on in our country and government. The core group that actually supports & curates the core product is less than 400 people.
Wait, Twitter has more than five employees?
They according to the latest estimates have a massively top heavy 7500 employees that grift off the work of a few hundred (and I bet that number is closer to being 20-40 people) to control government issued propaganda.
I am so excited for twitter to lay off thousands of employees into a recession. I can’t think of better just desserts.
The IRS only needs 80k employees now.
But not those Twitter rejects.
Yeah, if there is a more dangerous place for those malcontents than twitter, it is the IRS.
Yeah, cause going from a woke-ass do nothing job making $200k to making $80k working for the IRS is totally what will happen.
In Re Christmas Parade murderer. I tried to watch part of the trial under the mistaken assumption that a pro se defendant would be funny, but the guy was just an asshole. He makes me regret the 8th amendment, if only for a little while.
I am gonna bet the usual people that see honkey racism everywhere, including in Asians and the black and brown faces of white supremacy, will come out and say this had nothing to do with racism and the guy is just crazy. The guy is doing a good job setting up that defense for when the judge is forced by political pressure to call a mistrial on this shitshow.
Not from a legal standpoint he isn’t. He’s already been adjudicate not only fit to stand trial but fit to represent himself.
And given his ideas of motions, I don’t think he’s going to handle the appeals process very well unless he finally accepts a real lawyer.
You really don’t think that this insanity going on now might make some people decide the dude is missing a dozen beer cans from that 30 pack? Cause that seems to be the strategy.
Doesn’t matter.
Unless you’re arguing the jury is going to let a guy they know ran a car into a crowd full of children walk free because he’s an unhinged asshole, he doesn’t meet the legal standard for insanity, so the judge and the appeals judges are not going to give him that.
Cause our legal system has not repeatedly shown not to care about either the law or justice, and to be willing to do things that were not just highly irregular, but downright illegal and corrupt…..
And judges don’t like being disrespected and argued with. Thereis literally no path for this guy that he hasn’t already burned.
We’re from the DOJ/FBI, and we are here to encourage you to let this fella go…
Not gonna happen. They don’t give a rat’s ass about him.
Sure they do UCS. They need the case to go away so they can avoid having others pointing out that those domestic terrorists the FBI/DOJ claim are everywhere are team blue fans.
The case goes away from the public consciousness by the guy finishing his trial, getting convicted and disappearing into the prison system. Intervening at this point would only draw attention back to it.
Most everyone who knew about the incident has let it slip from their minds, why draw attention when doing nothing fits your agenda better?
“Well…no shit. This has been going on for decades. And it’s only getting worse. Kudos for standing your ground.”
if you needed more proof that college no longer is about properly preparing adults for the more complex and difficult fields of work – like STEM, medicine, or non marxist economics – but about programming idiots to believe all sorts of bullshit that make them easy to manipulate (like AGW and fake negative history), this is your proof. I had so many professors that told you grading on a curve, a practice that started creeping up in the engineering fields, only harmed the students that got inflated grades and thought they knew the subject better than they actually did. hated it as a student, but realized the reality of that the second you actually had to do the real work.
Remind me to die before any of the idiots in med school today become doctors.
If we don’t you will shortly thereafter.
I think I told the story here about the incident I witnessed in the late 90s where my mom shared a hospital room with another kidney transplant patient, an elderly black gentlemen whose son had made it big and was paying for it all, where the older gentlemen got into a huge fight with his son because he didn’t want the young black doctor his son had gotten him but the Asian lady my mom had, already. Suffice it to say, the elder gentleman told his son with no shame that he didn’t want to risk his life with someone that likely was an affirmative action doctor. It floored me. But I guess when the shit hits the fan, most people will abandon politics and dumb ideals.
After watching the most recent Minnesda med school pledge, I now know I will make sure to ask every physician I interact with if they went to that school, because if they did, they will be told to go fuck a goat and get me a real doctor. If you didn’t object to that oath in principle, you are a moron.
I don’t get some of ya’lls weird anti-curve attitude.
A curve isn’t some bonus to students, its a way to fit the class to a preconceived grade distribution.
And done properly, there is no “busting the curve” possible. Now, I understand a non-STEM professor may not understand how to do it properly, but any STEM professor can get the statistics involved correct.
I think the last time this came up, I told the story of my Dynamics prof and his curve methodology, which was perfect. The average score was the B/C borderline, and a letter grade was 1 standard deviation in size. So an A was greater than 1 SD above average, B was 0 to 1, C was 0 to -1, D was -1 to -2, and F was below 2 SDs below average.
With a normal distribution, that leads to a 2.48 class GPA.
Our first test, I got a 93 and that was an A- (the border was between 92 and 93). The second test, my 68 was a B+. The third test was about the same, but my score was in the 80s, so I had a strong A going into the final. The early material was easier than the later material, so everyone did well. When it got hard, he was able to use the entire grading spectrum.
I, in know way, see how that leads to inflated grades.
The problem is that your understanding of the subject matter is independant of the scores of your classmates, and thus your grading should be intependent from them as well. The same student performance in a class of sluggards and a class of hypermotivated peers should get the same grade. Curving causes the first to get a higher score than they earned while the second gets a lower – for the same performance and understanding of the materials.
The “preconcieved grade distribution” should not be applied to each individual class, but examined across years to see if the professor needs to adjust how the material is delivered to aid understanding. It should not be used to directly adjust grades.
It depends what the purpose of grading is, doesnt it?
Are we ranking within a class or trying to apply some sort of universal standard?
I think the latter is a fool’s errand for a number of reasons, so it goes back to the former, which the method discussed does a good job of. Is there a place for a mix? Yes, some sort of minimum standard to pass that is an absolute probably makes sense. So you could do a two-tiered system where P or F is determined by an absolute standard, then the P students are broken down into A thru D by the relative standard. That sounds totally reasonable to me, but honestly the former works that out pretty well too. If you are wanting to weed out students, adjust the standard…make the average be the C midpoint and you will fail anyone below 1.5 SDs below average and if the class requires a C or better to move on, then D students would be .5 to 1.5 SDs below average and large number would have to take again.
Using my school as an example, that harder grading would apply to Calc I, Calc II, and Chem I. Those were the school weed out classes. Things like Physics and Statics/Dynamics and DiffyQs were more engineering weedout, so applying the 2.48 standard (with C to move on) worked well for them. Then when you got into your major, I would move the standard up even higher where average is mid B.
But no one has hired me to create grading standards for an engineering school.
“Are we ranking within a class or trying to apply some sort of universal standard?
I think the latter is a fool’s errand for a number of reasons,”
I was thinking just the reverse. Ranking within a class is doable, and certainly gives the impression of precision, but falls apart when you try to compare students in different classes unless very stringent controls are in place, which happens pretty much nowhere. It’s not meaningful to any third party trying to interpret what a grade means.
A grade in a course should be a rough indicator of the student’s mastery of the material, so that a student who gets an A in calculus III has a better understanding than a student that got a B, even if they were not in the same class. That’s not going to be perfect either unless the content of the course is fairly standardized and all the instructors cover more or less the same material (which often is not the case).
The real problem here is that “grading on a curve” does not mean what it used to. Students–and even many professors–now understand the term to mean points given to everyone in the class in order to raise the class average to some desired number. If the average on a test is 65, the instructor “curves” by adding ten points to everyone’s score to bring the average to 75. That’s what grading on a curve means to current students, so discussions that refer to assigning grades based on SD from the mean are comparing apples to oranges.
Students have learned very quickly what the keywords are that get administrators’ attention, and an organized effort by a clique of students can be very powerful. That said, if I gave a test that 60% of my students failed, I would have to think very carefully about the likelihood that I’m doing something wrong as well. Too many professors think that “upholding standards” is a valid excuse for being an arrogant, demeaning, obnoxious, belittling, unhelpful prick.
Was the sample size–i.e. the class size–large enough to calculate anything like an accurate standard deviation? Anyway, read William M. Briggs on parametric statistics.
Not really. I think you would really want 150 students. I think we were about 50. So decent, but far from perfect.
…such a drastic reduction in Twitter’s workforce would likely set the company back years.
Set it back from what?
The current trend where the crooks work with government to censor those that point out there is an evil agenda afoot by the people in power.
Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who are both Republicans, “are working overtime to destroy voter confidence with a pressure campaign designed to intimidate our hardworking election workers and sow chaos and doubt in the election process,” Harris County Democratic Party Chair Odus Evbagharu said in a statement Thursday. He added that Tuesday’s letter from the secretary of state’s office “reads like an attack on drive-through voting, which expanded voting access during the COVID pandemic.”
If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear, right?
You’re starting to see this ground work get laid before every election now. Now if the Dems lose in this county, the party can immediately say that they were warning about the integrity of the election before it even happened. If they win, they can go right back to the national party motto “questioning elections = killing democracy. Win-win.
The 2020 election was held in a highly unusual set of circumstances. There was a disease spreading around, there were (rightly or wrongly) social distancing protocols in place, and mail service was even unreliable for a while. Some emergency adaptations had to be made. But there is no longer a pandemic scare, so there is no need to continue those adaptations, especially since they are less secure than the established methods (which is why we weren’t using them before).
If one time you eat a piece of rancid meat and survive, that does not mean rancid meat should be on the regular menu.
More SF layoffs ‘Mass layoffs’ of Meta bus drivers lead to pleas for Facebook to bring workers back to the office
The government needs to either force employees back into the office or tax suburbs to subsidize urban jobs. It isn’t fair that employees are saving money and spending what they have in their communities.
It’s becoming ever clearer that many “tech” workers have no use for the office.
I haven’t gone in in over a year and my company has stopped talking about it entirely.
I’ve been at home since March 2020. Only hardware and closed network staff need to be on site.
I went in maybe five times in early summer of 2021, looked around and noticed that nobody else was there, and stopped.
They told us that we should come in 3 days a week. But if you have ANY indication that you might have ANY kind of medical event, including allergies, stay home. So I go in about 1 day a week. and I am totally non productive when I do because there are millions of distractions that keep you from being able to do work or even multi-task and do work.
Short term benefit to you, long term harm to the company and the economy. New people learn by being in and around the organization. You learn what the other teams are up to, you learn the corporate culture and unwritten expectations, and you engage with your job. People with some experience learn how to be a knowledge resource and how to lead.
Full on remote cuts against all of these things. It also turns employees into full on mercenaries, willing to leave the next time somebody throws $500 at them.
Ultimately, there will be a reckoning, and if people insist on full remote, the companies will go full remote and ship your job overseas.
If the quality of the overseas people I already work with is any indication, my job is safe for now.
My office is a satellite office. I gain nothing by being physically next to the one person I currently work with who is assigned to the same office and with whom I have worked for the last 12 years.
The juniors I work with are all over the world – it doesn’t matter where we are.
Short term benefit to you, long term harm to the company and the economy. New people learn by being in and around the organization. You learn what the other teams are up to, you learn the corporate culture and unwritten expectations, and you engage with your job. People with some experience learn how to be a knowledge resource and how to lead.
Counter-argument – my co-workers are already in Bangalore, Costa Rica, Krakow, San Francisco and have been for years and years.
And yet we managed to do all those things.
It also turns employees into full on mercenaries, willing to leave the next time somebody throws $500 at them.
That has not been our experience.
Ultimately, there will be a reckoning, and if people insist on full remote, the companies will go full remote and ship your job overseas.
*every IT person starts laughing uproariously*
In theory yes. In practice, nope nope nope.
My team are all long time, long history professionals. We are spread across 5 states. The office is a once a quarter thing…where is that darn ID to get in the building…why is everyone talking so much and not working thing.
Well, when you’re at the proverbial water cooler location a quarter of the time, you gotta get four times as much conversation into that day.
I’ve outsourced for many years. Managed people all over the country.
I’m not sure I would survive the retardation of an office environment any more.
Already, experts, nonprofits and even Twitter’s own staff have warned that pulling back investments on content moderation and data security could hurt Twitter and its users. With as drastic a reduction as Musk may be planning, the platform could quickly become overrun with harmful content and spam — the latter of which the Tesla CEO himself has said he’ll address if he becomes owner of the company.
Oh, horror.
They better thank doG that Elon is going to take it private. It would crush them to see the stock price soar way over the $55 Elon’s paying for it after he dumps all that dead wood and opens up Twitter.
Elon should flip twitter like an abandoned house after he cleans it up.
That would be funny – turning it into a business that actually makes money and serves customers. Not gonna happen.
It would be even funnier if he could trick the current employees into buying it back from him to be run as a co-op.
Imagine the entertainment of Twitter run for and by Twitter employees.
“harmful content”
“It’s a trap!!! Anybody dumb enough to sign up for this pre-emptive tracking deserves whatever happens.”
That’s the agenda. There are too many people that never connect the fact that government policies are responsible for the Mad Max dystopian world they are made to live in the first place, and will – due to desperation – allow the very same government snake-oil salesmen that created the meat grinder the regular people find themselves in with their policies, to claim they will fix things.
The most blatant example of this was the housing crisis and collapse of the late 2000s. Government policies and practices foisted on the lending, banking, and security sectors created a situation where government had to not only promise these financial institutions tax payer bailouts when the house of cards everyone saw would inevitably collapse, but to give them laws that allowed them to create insane speculative assets to hide the fact lending practices had basically resulted in an unmanageable risk. when the thing finally imploded, the very same actors that led the efforts to create the disaster demanded to be the ones allowed to come in ad fix things. The two people that needed to be dragged out and woodchippered for the crisis – Dodd & Frank – then got to write the new rules that all but guarantee we will have a much worse repeat, because government refuses to stop pushing idiocy to pick winners & losers.
What a shitshow. Although I’m not the least bit surprised. She was clueless from the jump. – trying mild tax cuts in England as a “right wing libertarian” party is a nono
The fucking morons want free shit paid for by other people. Their economy is wrecked by decades of this shit and the green policy idiocy they supported and championed with their votes, but they refuse to accept they will have to suffer pain if they want to come out of the hole they have dug themselves into. Instead, they chose to keep digging. They deserve wats coming, I guess.
England seems to be a lost cause. The “Conservative” party can’t get its act together so I bet some crackpot like Corbyn is sharpening his knives already.
I’d take Corbyn right now. He wants to stop the idiocy in Ukraine.
You’re crazy.
1. nothing would change in that respect
2. corbyn isn’t even the head idiot over there anymore.
No, it’s Starmer, and Corbyn was way worse than anything Truss could do.
The Tories are going through the same thing the R’s are going through here in the states. Half the party leadership is on board with Big Government, and the the other half, along with the base, hates that BS. And until they clear the dead wood, they are going to have issues like this. Truss wasn’t asking for much, and what handouts she wanted to give were nowhere near as big as the Covid crap, but nooooooo, heaven help anyone who wants growth without the gov’t leading the charge.
Gizmodo is on the case
The White House is also concerned that Musk’s business decisions might pose a risk to U.S. national security, especially since his company SpaceX gets billions of dollars in funding from the U.S. government. And while there are no signs that Musk’s Twitter deal or Starlink contracts are currently under national security review by the U.S. Treasury, that could change quickly.
Musk’s business with Twitter also includes foreign investors, something the White House is concerned about given the amount of data the social media company has on Americans. Investors who’ve gone in with Musk on the Twitter deal reportedly include Prince Alwaleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia and Qatar’s Sovereign Wealth Fund.
For his part, Musk may actually welcome a national security review of the Twitter deal, something he clearly wants no part of anymore. After the Bloomberg story broke late Wednesday, one Twitter user commented that it would be “hysterical if the government stopped Elon from over paying for Twitter.” Musk replied with two emjois: The red 100 and crying-laughing.
National security threat? Give me a break.
Political defiance.
DC is pissed over Musk stepping into the Ukraine fiasco and putting a dent in their propaganda push.
If you stand in the way of the mandarinate, you are a national security threat… I am going out on a limb, and I am gonna bet this is what comes after their current racket of accusing their political enemies of being domestic terrorists becomes blatantly obvious as false, and they need a new lie to give them the veneer of legitimacy.
National security threat?
Where is Ambrose Bierce when we need him?
given the amount of data the social media company has on Americans
The NSA could not be reached for comment.
We knew we were going to hurt those least likely to be able to deal with the damage and wreckage of our policies, but we were more concerned with power and our own ability to steal shit from the tax payers!
Holy fuck, an admission of reality? Clyburn is slipping.
I suspect the entire cabal of evil crooks in the crime syndicate is now ticked off at the peasants for seeing them for what they are – that whole story we have been told about how the problem the democrats have is not one of policy but of messaging to get the idiots to accept the horrifically bad policies as good ones – and no longer feels the need to keep on the proverbial mask they have been snickering behind as they destroy us all.
We had to destroy the country to save it, kind of like democracy. -every democrat
Clyburn has some reckoning to do. He was the one who did a deal with Biden and the other Dem establishment operatives to save Joe’s campaign.
I’d love committee meetings where they asked Clyburn and Joe what horses were traded. Because if Clyburn hadn’t backed Joe and given him his first ever primary win, who knows who would have won the nomination (it wouldn’t have been Joe).
As some one from Romania, this represents my opinion accurately
Wait, the Belarussians think the Belarussians are ugly?
I know a couple Belarussian women, they’re definitely above the American average.
Same with Turkey. 🙂
TOK knows the score.
At least one country is being honest.
You Europeans have too much time on your hand to do surveys like that or evil people in charge that keep you distracted from the criminal cabal in Brussels with this sort of idiocy.
They keep requesting those polling questions in hard copy so they have something to burn this winter.
LOL @ the Balkans- ‘Ottoman empire’ for Greece (based) plus Serbia and Albania pointing fingers at each other.
I like that Greece said the Ottoman Empire.
The Greeks have it right. Every gal from the Ottoman empire is cryptkeeper ugly.
My geography is bad, but isn’t Turkey saying they are themselves the ugliest?
After finally finishing what is one of the worst projects for me since I am employed – and not being sure if it is any good – yesterday, today I did not do shit at work. Though I have work. But I could not concentrate.
It’s called burn out. Tonight you should go out on the town, eat a nice meal, drink some hard booze, then find a hooker and enjoy some quality time that ends with something risque like a Cleveland Steamer, Rusty Trombone, or Dirty Sanchez…. And if you are not into those try a Blumpkin.
then find a hooker – already did… took a long lunch break
Well, that’s one way to go about it…
But doesn’t that now leave you feeling like you need a nap?
Not really. Who naps anymore these days?
I have never napped (a medical condition that made sleeping unnecessary meant not napping, and even after correcting it 3 years ago I have yet to nap), but I hear that it is very popular. I am jealous.
then find a hooker
What are you a girl? Learn to bait your own hook. You don’t need to hire someone to do that for you.
I dont like to touch worms, so on the very few occasions I went fishing as a kid I did ask people to put it on the hook for me
You should switch to fly fishing.
And, thus, you prefer to have someone else touch your worm for you.
My day is now complete. Thanks, Swissy.
Sounds like you’ve been taking R.J. pills. My focus is at -23 right now.
Sorry to go off topic a little early, but fuck the goddamn CDC.
Yes, I know we all saw this coming. Yes, I get that more than anything it is to protect Big Pharma and they likely have some sweet, sweet insider trading or post-CDC jobs lined up.
But fuck them with a rusty chainsaw right up the butt anyway.
https://www.nashp.org/states-enact-policies-to-support-students-transition-back-to-school/ becomes more pertinent than ever. The only thing that is going to stop a switch of coasts over this next summer (which is almost certainly going to cost me a LOT due to COLA and lovely HR and remote work not mattering in these equations) is *if* CA only mandates for in-person and we can weasel out of it since we homeschool. We’ll see. No goddamn way my son is getting that crap if I have anything to say about it, I’m still pretty sure we had it in the first wave, we all got over it and that’s just as good as the “3 weeks at best then it declines” clot shots.
And while I’m ranting — what the everliving fuck is with also having yearly flu “vaccines” on the schedule? They’re not vaccines, you lying cuntes. They’re at best immunity boosters, and kids getting the flu is statistically non-dangerous and arguably better for their long term immune system. No wonder we have the *-intolerant, can’t step outside fucking porcelain generation.
Yes, I’m a trifle upset by this shit, even knowing it was coming. Thanks to the Glib Overlords for giving me one place to rant in this fucked up world.
You should be upset, don’t apologize.
If you want a clear and undeniable metric of what the value of this vaccine is, look at health insurance companies. If you see health insurance companies suddenly start giving someone with the vaccine a discount (like they often do for non-smokers, people that are not overweight, and people with some habits they want to encourage – like free flue shots), then you can bet their actuarials have decided the risk is a positive one and one that will help them manage their income. If you see the opposite, you will also know the thing is a disaster. I suspect that these companies will need to factor this in their models in the next year or two, so there is that wait.
Obama specifically called out and went after actuaries when he launched Obamacare.
This CDC move was unavoidable. As more and more information comes out about incidents of damage caused by these vaccines, these pharmaceutical companies were heading for a legal disaster, despite the existing government immunity they had. The CDC, by doing this, have now provided them with a second blanket to give them full immunity from this kill shot.
I think there is a simpler explanation- the CDC is staffed with true believers and those too afraid to do otherwise.
CDC is staffed with people who are probably heavily leveraged in Pfizer’s stock.
‘no conflict of interest, my life partner owns the stocks, not me’
I thought kids and the flu was heavily dependent on the dominant strain each year. Some strains have worse results for children, others better.
‘And while I’m ranting — what the everliving fuck is with also having yearly flu “vaccines” on the schedule? They’re not vaccines, you lying cuntes. They’re at best immunity boosters, and kids getting the flu is statistically non-dangerous and arguably better for their long term immune system. No wonder we have the *-intolerant, can’t step outside fucking porcelain generation.’
Yeah, I never get these, and my son will never get the covid jab.
Government health agencies are now just wholly owned subsidiaries of big pharma. Their job is to enroll your kids’ immune system into a subscription service. If it makes them autistic, destroys their hearts, or gives them cancer, that’s your problem.
Yes. This is just blatant corruption. In Europe and the rest of the world, they’re backing off vaccines, and many countries are not recommending or outright banning them for children. But the US is the lone outlier, and coincidentally the companies that make the vaccines are based here.
This is the biggest, boldest grift in history. The pharma companies got money from the government to develop and distribute a product. They were given protection from lawsuits. They get to keep the patents. The government is trying to force everyone to use this product. The government-controlled media censors anyone with anything bad to say about the product. And despite saying they were only going to have “marginal” profits, they made more last year than in their 100+ year history. Now those profits will be enshrined year after year forever. This level of corruption is unbelievable.
I called COVID the West’s Chernobyl a couple of years ago because of the similarities in the bureaucratic denialism and grifting.
They will pursue their agenda until it brings down the whole regime. There’s no backing down now for them.
Freaky Friday: Definitely not a lesbian
Ghoul? Witch? Tranny?
Minnesoda woman sneers at your lesbo
Closed, until further notice
Three judges appointed by former President Donald Trump handed down an astonishing decision on Wednesday, effectively holding that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the federal agency charged with protecting consumers from a wide range of predatory activity by lenders and other financial services, is unconstitutional and must be stripped of its authority.
The decision by the conservative United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit relies on a novel reading of an obscure provision of the Constitution, and is entirely at odds with a Supreme Court decision that rejects the Fifth Circuit’s reading of that provision. This is not unusual behavior from the Fifth Circuit, which often reads the Constitution in novel and unexpected ways that benefit political conservatives and the Republican Party.
Indeed, Judge Cory Wilson admits in the court’s new opinion in Community Financial Services v. CFPB that “every court to consider” the arguments presented in this case has deemed the CFPB to be “constitutionally sound.”
Should the three Trump judges’ decision stand, it would effectively neutralize much of the federal government’s ability to fight financial fraud — although that outcome probably is not likely given that the Fifth Circuit’s decision is such an outlier. As Wilson explains, the CFPB assumed enforcement authority “over 18 federal statutes” when it was formed nearly a dozen years ago, and these statutes “cover everything from credit cards and car payments to mortgages and student loans.”
Meanwhile, the agency also enforces a “sweeping new proscription on ‘any unfair, deceptive, or abusive act or practice’ by certain participants in the consumer-finance industry.” All of these consumer protections could evaporate if the Fifth Circuit’s decision earns the favor of the Supreme Court.
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their bureaucrats.
Fauxcahontas is going to have a snitfit.
Good! There is nothing more illegal and corrupt than these wholly unaccountable government entities that have been destroying our lives peddling globalist criminal agendas.
I think she is going to go on the warpath!
You know what I don’t see in that rambling crap – Any actual information about the clause, or the ruling’s reading of the clause.
Stay useless Vox, stay useless.
They’re just trying to figure out how best to explain why the decision was bad.
What, you think they’re journalists or something?
Damn UCS.
Now the really neat trick here is he is relying on the Federal Reserve Act, not the Constitution proper. And of course the national bank wasn’t ever a burning political question or the constitutional basis for it was never hotly debated.
Like I’m going to follow a link to Vox before condeming them.
Also, is it really “Drawn from the treasury” if it’s being drawn from the Federal Reserve instead? /sarc
a novel reading of an obscure provision
It may surprise everyone to learn that the author is an idiot.
The decision by the conservative United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit relies on a novel reading of an obscure provision of the Constitution
So in reading the decision, it looks like the court is referring to the Appropriations Clause.
From the decision:
So the leftist argument is likely “CFPB doesn’t draw money from the Treasury, it gets it from the Federal Reserve, so totes legal.”
I hate it when my sarcasm is the actual argument the other side is using.
That is crazy.
Also, talk about poisoning the well- ‘obscure’ clause of the constitution? Bro, it isn’t long enough that any clause is particularly obscure.
Nope, saw Milhiser’s name in the byline and knew just how bad it was going to be.
.”..would effectively neutralize much of the federal government’s ability to fight financial fraud…”
The writer cannot be this stupid so I assume purposefully lying.
Embrace the power of both?
I think that gives the writer an out. Fuck that. Too many fall back on “did I do that?” In Urkle voice and all.
Freaky Friday: Just In Time For Halloween
At least there were no tentacles involved…
Does it include real hair smell? Asking for Brandon.
How dare you attempt to stop our cheating???
Our election system is broken by design. The people that constantly complain of voter intimidation of one sort or another do not want the system to have any sort of ability to monitor or audit voting, because they need to have the ability to cheat.
If only we had a system with more centralized locations to accept ballots (call them, I don’t know… places to poll the public… or polling places! Yeah, that’s the ticket!) as opposed to hither and yon where there’d be no way to maintain chain of custody, watch for intimidation or any of the other nefarious problems that can crop up.
If only….
[intolerable whiney voice] but that’s not as convenient [/iwv]
And the sad truth is, it will work – just like being a willing accomplice to surveillance (oh, this is so convenient) does.
Why wouldn’t absentee ballots mailed in be even easier than dropboxes?
We’ll make it even easier and pre-fill the ballots for you — you just need to mark them if you disagree, otherwise we’ll take care of it for you.
All you need to do in order to fully understand this issue is to look at who is taking which position.
There are safeguards in Minnesota to make sure the drop boxes are secure
Such as?
I don’t understand why this is easier than just doing mail-in voting. Why is it easier to go to a drop box than to your own mailbox?
‘Orning ‘ordles stripped down to see if I can actually post without server errors:
Daily Duotrigordle #233
Guesses: 37/37
Time: 08:13.50
Daily Quordle 270
Daily Quordle 270
Daily Quordle 270
Daily Quordle 270
Chessle 251 (Expert) 6/6
Daily Quordle 270
Decent start, missed a 50/50 on LR on turn 3, then UL almost stumped me.
Chessle 251 (Expert) 4/6
Boring, and weird.
Daily Duotrigordle #233
Guesses: 37/37
Time: 03:03.08
New personal best
Daily Quordle 270
Not too shabby
Under the line for a change – I’ll take it.
Daily Quordle 270
Daily Quordle 270
Daily Quordle 270
Most federal agencies receive an annual appropriation from Congress that may be altered each year during legislative negotiations over federal spending. Many agencies, however, have separate funding sources, such as the ability to collect fees or assessments from the entities they regulate, and do not rely on the annual appropriations process to fund their operations.
This arrangement, where an agency has a continuous funding source regardless of what Congress decides to do in annual debates over federal spending, is particularly common among financial regulatory agencies. The Federal Reserve, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the National Credit Union Administration, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency are all financed outside of the annual appropriations process. So is the CFPB.
Not a perverse incentive in sight.
No government agency should ever have any stream of revenue that is not directly controlled by the legislature.
That’s another of those obscure constitutional provisions.
I’d say I wish to subscribe to your newsletter, but I think being here already covers that.
Three top officials in Texas’ most populous county have asked the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division to send federal monitors to Harris County for the midterm elections to oversee what they view as an effort by Republican state officials to “chill voters’ trust in the election process” and “intimidate” election workers.
By trying to have some semblance of fairness and accountability? And I’m pretty sure the feds have no jurisdiction in state elections, with the states being sovereign** and all that.
**I know…I know…
This is the response to Republican poll watchers in just about every urban district. Their mere presence is an affront to civil and voting rights as well as the personal safety of the election mafia.
Anything that makes it difficult to cheat, especially for team blue to cheat, is a violation of civil rights. The dead, the multi-vote caster every election, and the ballot harvesters have a right to vote without anyone catching them doing their thing!
I find it interesting that the complaint comes from Houston and not Austin.
Deadthread… but Article I, Section 4, Clause I gives Congress the authority to override the states on Congressional elections.
When I read articles like this I feel like such a piece of shit for not questioning the vaccines I let them put into my 3 daughters. Thank god they are all pretty healthy. So far anyway.
Now all of us with kids have to contend with the CDC saying it’s yearly. I am hoping the pushback is huge and this turns off. That crap doesn’t go into my child every year.
AFAIK, they would also have to start at the first vaccine.
Meaning the stuff on the childhood vax schedule. Not these new death shots.
Reality is that the Kung Flu shot is not a vaccine of any sort. Also that most people, especially if healthy, will not have side effects (well, immediate ones) from vaccines based on other ones (I bet I have the most vaccines here because of the places I ended up living in in my younger years). And the information, as it comes out despite the best efforts to hide the data, shows that number of people that are experiencing problems after this Kung Flu shot seems to be far larger than the 1-5% range you usually saw with any other vaccine. And these are not people reacting to the vaccine medium (egg allergy for example), but people showing real problematic and deadly symptoms.
I took the first 2 shots because the information at that time was not showing problems, I needed to travel internationally, and my son was told he had to take it to keep working (and he had had a seizure back when he was young after a series of other vaccine shots so he was at risk), so we took the shots together. This would allow me to monitor him. I had no issues. My son was sick for a day after each shot. But by the time they started telling people they would need to take a third and fourth booster, it was obvious this was a money making racket for the vaccine companies and a government agenda to force people to accept they had no sovereignty over their medical choices or bodies (a key globalist agenda topic).
The one group of people that we are now 100% sure do not need the shots are young kids though (this was not too clear until after the first 2 shots) unless they have some sever medical condition that puts them seriously at risk. Time will tell if those of us that took the shot will have more issues or not, but our government is not looking out for us. Yeah, that same government the marxists keep telling us should be in charge f all health and medical services because it is a human right….
Recession? What recession?
Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger warned employees Thursday that the company is planning cutbacks in the weeks ahead to improve its financial situation, promising more details on Nov. 1.
“These are always hard decisions, but our costs are too high and our margins are too low. We have to take actions to address them,” Gelsinger said in a video address to staff, according to an employee who related Gelsinger’s comments to The Oregonian/OregonLive.
Somebody’s going to get a stern talking-to. That’s not how businesses are supposed to operate. Stakeholders first. Shareholders last.
“Organic chemistry is a difficult and important course,” he wrote in an op-ed published in the Boston Globe Thursday.
“Those of us who teach it aim to produce critical thinkers, future diagnosticians, and scientists.”
Everyone knows science has a woke bias.
No, science does not. THE SCIENCE does.
Especially when governments enforce it by canceling rabble rousers and denying them the all so lucrative funding that only comes when you say what government wants the results of your studies to say…
Someone posted this story a week or two back. We had a nice discussion about weed-out courses.
“Officials in Texas’ most populous county ask DOJ to send federal monitors in response to state plans to send observers for general election”
There was a time when I would have said ‘good, more monitors, the better’. Now I am highly suspect of federal anything.
He insisted that nothing that happened during the parade attack last November was intentional
That’s up to the Jury, and I don’t think they’re going to believe him.
BEST OF The BLACK TAPE PROJECT 2021 & 2022 Performance Art Runway Fashion Shows Miami Swim Week
most of these probably appeared in previously linked yutubz but this is a compilation
Yesterday’s from Hawaii was pretty good, though I don’t usually click these, so I’m not sure how it compares.
Man, I shoulda become an “artist”.
Good work if you can get it.
“What a shitshow. Although I’m not the least bit surprised. She was clueless from the jump.”
Was she, or were the knives out for anyone looking to change their high-tax society?
Blood pressure a bit low? Lemme help you with that.
Pfizer Inc expects to roughly quadruple the price of its COVID-19 vaccine to about $110 to $130 per dose after the United States government’s current purchase program expires, Pfizer executive Angela Lukin said on Thursday.
Lukin said she expects the vaccine – currently provided for free to all by the government – will be made available at no cost to people who have private insurance or government paid insurance.
Reuters earlier on Thursday reported that Wall Street was expecting such price hikes due to weak demand for COVID vaccines, which meant vaccine makers would need to hike prices to meet revenue forecasts for 2023 and beyond.
The U.S. government currently pays around $30 per dose to Pfizer and German partner BioNTech SE (22UAy.DE). In 2023, the market is expected to move to private insurance after the U.S. public health emergency expires.
“Listen, people. We’re not a charity.”
Don’t worry, they’ve made that clear from the start.
Because raising prices four fold is sure to increase demand. That’s how it works in all the industries right?
Beat me to it.
I was told by persons on high that price hikes are greed driven
Corporations, I am told, should be servicing their stakeholders, not their stock holders, because stock holders only care about profits on their investments. These corporations to be good entities should employ armies of drones that add no value – at a living wage – and produce no profits.
This brings me back to the whole marxist trope about how all labor is sacred, and yes, that turd polisher’s work is just as valuable and important to society as that of a doctor, fire fighter, airline pilot, nurse, or engineer.
When the person who makes the decision to receive the jab also isn’t the one to pay for it, price will have almost no effect.
I’m saving taxpayers $130, the family plan saves taxpayers $260. I’m not here from the government and I will help.
The screams of the Covidians will be deafening if they don’t get their regular hits for free.
‘Reuters earlier on Thursday reported that Wall Street was expecting such price hikes due to weak demand for COVID vaccines, which meant vaccine makers would need to hike prices to meet revenue forecasts for 2023 and beyond.’
Demand plummets so…raise prices? How does economics work again?
They raised it after it was added to the childhood schedule. Just a coincidence.
Exactly my thought as well. “The adults have a choice and aren’t picking up the boosters… but now we’ve locked the kids into yearly shots in a lot of states… Time to harvest the profits!”
Besides abolishing the FBI and the rest of the IC, my dreaming the impossible dream will now include revoking the National Childhood Vaccine Injury law when TEAM STUPID BUT COME ON, THEY SHOULDN’T BE THIS FUCKING STUPID takes power.
Of course, fortifying will probably make that impossible as well. Because FYTW has most certainly replace E pluribus unum.
Oh, how horribly cynical and corrupt of them.
They have a guaranteed buyer…it isn’t economics and definitely not any semblance of a free market.
Fair take.
Texas stuff: https://nypost.com/2022/10/19/texas-man-gets-no-jail-time-for-beating-girlfriend-killing-their-unborn-child/
“Texas man gets no jail time for beating girlfriend, killing their unborn child: report”
Austin is evil, but at least they’re ideologically consistent?
Look, abortions have to be provided somehow now that Texas has become the Handmaid’s State.
Speaking of the UK
I can’t actually believe the IEA, which did so much to incubate the ideas in the mini-budget, encourage the PM/CX to adopt them, and cheerlead for them afterwards, is genuinely now going with the line that “real libertarianism was never really tried”.
You broke it. You own it.
Liz Truss was REAL LIBERTARIANISM and it broke the economy. Announcing a milt tax cut that was never implemented broke the UK economy. And that is libertarianism. I know I should not be surprised but I keep thinking how can you debate with people that say outright that up is down and there is nothing you can say to convince them otherwise?
That is the ridiculous part- nothing ever happened and it ‘destroyed the economy’ or something. I don’t buy it.
The merest thought of trimming some fat made the elites go apeshit.
They’re so screwed.
So I guess the economy will be back to normal soon, and everything will be great again? No?
They gave it a solid 44 days and it didn’t work, and that’s exactly like the 100+ years of socialism/communism not working.
‘They gave it a solid 44 days and it didn’t work, and that’s exactly like the 100+ years of socialism/communism not [being tried].’
Fixed it for you. 😉
thing is the left do this all the time now. THey declare some bullshit libertarian . And when someone says that is not libertarian, they smugly say “well libertarians complain when the socialists say it was not real socialism, this is the same thing”. It is not the same thing. Calling an apple an apple is correct. calling an orange an apple is not.
I agree, just that is how stupid they are. Anything they don’t like, and also happened to have not worked (or in this case, not to have even been tried) is libertarianism.
nothing remotely libertarian was implemented for a day let alone 44. Cutting the top tax rate from 45 to 40 while keeping a fuckton of regulation, basically making it almost impossible to build new houses and cracking down more an more on free speech is not libertarian.
I know, it’s ridiculous. Wasn’t a huge part of the plan energy subsidies and price controls? So very libertarian.
yes it was
Spacey exonerated by jury – funny that isn’t the headline, or story.
“his truth”
Believe him!
so-called ‘Don’t Say Gay’
Oh that’s better, parental rights in scare quotes. OK, I guess it really is NPR.
They got shellacked for trying to sell this as anti gay. So now they are adjusting their rhetoric and tactic to try and salvage the need to scare their usual moron voter base.
All the political flyers say that this legislation prevents me from teaching my son that he is a omnigendered unicorn. Damn fascists!
Nothing prevents you…just people other than you that feel 6 year Olds should know the best way to massage their prostate
‘Nothing prevents you…’
I know, but it takes a village, I can’t be expected to raise my son myself.
‘6 year Olds should know the best way to massage their prostate’
These accusations of grooming are completely unfounded.
I will give them a 4/10 for this sentance.
“… the controversial Florida law that bans instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation in kindergarten through third grade classes”
Cause I am not seeing the controversial portion of that…
The groomers find it objectionable that they’re being told not to groom.
that’s about 10x more honest of a take than I thought they would take.
Of course, anything the left disagrees with is ‘controversial’. Shitty leftist policies are ‘common sense’, like teaching grade schoolers how to use dating apps.
I see they’re trying to split hairs.
As if there isn’t ample evidence that “discussion” of the former increasingly leads to the latter, and next thing you know your children are rubbing the crotches of drag queens.
The controversial part should be that instruction on gender identity, etc. has a green light starting in the 4th grade. WTF?
I always knew you were a shifty, traitorous, neocon cunte.
Mike Pence on Wednesday appeared to hold back from supporting Donald Trump if the president were to run again in 2024 and become the Republican nominee.
“Well, there might be somebody else I’d prefer more,” Pence said at a Georgetown University event late Wednesday. “What I can tell you is, I have every confidence that the Republican Party is going to sort out leadership. All my focus has been on the midterm elections, and it’ll stay that way for the next 20 days. But after that, we’ll be thinking about the future, ours and the nation’s, and I’ll keep you posted.”
As devoted to Wilson’s vision as anyone ever was.
“Mike Pence stands with Ukraine’
When does he ship out?
Seriously, your kids must be grown, what’s stopping you?
A new Lincoln Brigade!
National Review asshats are lacing up their combat boots as we speak.
Meanwhile The Bulwark cheers them on from the safety of their cocktail party!
Fortunately, I don’t think anyone outside of the Lincoln Project cares a whit for what Mike Pence’s opinion is on anything. He’s already burned his bridges, let him sit on the shore in the ash can of history.
Sorry, Mike, he’s not making that mistake again. And neither is any possible challenger.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Anyway, let the nation unite at the image of a perfect breakfast
What would you add to this breakfast?
I would take out the fucking beans and cut everything else except the eggs in half … removed the cooked tomatoes and add a tomato salad on uncooked tomatoes, with salt pepper and olive oil. Maybe some bell pepper.
That’s a Full English, already too much food for breakfast.
garlic fried rice? corned beef?
never had corned beef but sounds icky
It’s cousin pastrami is good. Corned beef is what you do when you don’t have refrigeration, not particularly tasty imo.
You people are heathens, or improperly preparing your corned beef.
Given that my mother had prepared it, that is entirely possible.
But have you has pastrami?
Corned beef is awesome.
+1 reuben
England was also voted as having the ugliest breakfasts by a majority of European countries.
Addressing a crowd outside the Manhattan courtroom, Rapp lawyer Richard Steigman said: “The jury spoke. Anthony told his truth. We respect the jury’s verdict, but it doesn’t change his truth.”
Two truths enter, one truth leaves.
“But ain’t it the truth: you take your chances with the law, justice is only a roll of the dice. A flip of the coin. A turn… of the Wheel.”
“His/her” truth = his/her opinion.
“One of Danny Masterson’s alleged rape victims admitted on the witness stand that over a 14-year period, she changed her story about what happened between her and the actor in their first sexual encounter at his house in September 2002.
Jane Doe #1 has testified that when she went to Hollywood police in 2004 to report Masterson for rape, she told the cops that the sex they had during that tryst was consensual.
But under cross examination Thursday by the That ’70s Show star’s attorney, Philip Cohen, she agreed that when she was interviewed by Deputy District Attorney Reinhold Mueller in 2018, she had ‘changed her position.’
She told the jury that by the time of that interview she had ‘changed her view’ and she now believed her sex with Masterson in September 2002 was ‘not consensual.'”
Why is she Jane Doe?
Cause he was Hyde?
Are you thinking that they assumed xer gender?
Joe Buck?
Guessing cause of Scientology
Pretty sure the Scientologists already know who she is.
“She told the jury that by the time of that interview she had ‘changed her view’ and she now believed her sex with Masterson in September 2002 was ‘not consensual.’”
Uh… I would probably vote ‘not guilty’ just based on this.
I am guessing her belief changed around the 3rd season renewal of The Ranch and its success….
NHL so white.
The NHL launched an initiative to recruit “people of color” and improve how underrepresented communities feel about hockey after conducting an internal demographic study that found the majority of the league’s workforce is comprised of white men.
According to the National Hockey League’s “Diversity & Inclusion” report on Strategies, Initiatives, and Progress released Tuesday, 83.6 percent of the NHL’s workforce is white. More than 90 percent of players and nearly all coaches are white.
Maybe just let people play and watch the sports they like regardless of immutable characteristics.
Maybe if they stopped melting the black players down into hockey pucks?
The vulcanization process proved to be disastrous.
Should’ve gone with Vulkanization. We could use more Salamanders.
How can they not be participating??? They are the centerpiece of the entire game!
It got weird when they put a glowstick in them
NBA players make more, and have their teeth.
There’s your solution, merge the NBA and NHL!
You can’t merge checking with flopping.
P. K. Subban disagrees.
Enrollment is decreasing faster than we anticipated? Whelp, I guess we better ask for even moar money!!!
Minnesoda has a large surplus and all sorts of helpful people are coming out of the woodwork to help them “invest” it wisely.
I bet by the end of the next fiscal year, all this money will be gone and nobody will know where it went…
Since our surpluses are actually just projections, I wouldn’t be surprised either.
“Surplus” 🙄
It sounds like they don’t need any more “relief”.
Dammit eBay sellers. You ask them to package things safely and no, every single time…
So, is this revelation telling us that soon being an election denier will no longer be a banable offence, or will they basically now make the argument that the only deniers that are banable are the ones that deny the 2020 presidential election they told us they fortified?
I don’t know, sounds to me like Obama is bitch-slapping the leftest-wing of the party.
Even when it is his people now running everything and wrecking it? Nice PsyOps move on his part….
Also I noted lots of excuses for why the message isn’t getting through, but not so much about denying the actual election results.
Are you pointing out how the team blue cuntes and their media hacks are all whining about the fucking unwashed serfs actually looking at the effect of team blue policies instead of falling for the narrative telling them to believe something contrary to what they are experiencing?
I have it on good authority from my academic friends on FB that inflation is not Biden’s fault (which is mostly true; we just know it would be Trumps’ fault if he were still in office; and vice versa from Republicans).
He is positioning himself to be the leader of the “reasonable Dems” when the knives come out after this election. He will point back to shit like this and say “See I’ve always been against the woke shit” and start going after the the uber woke.
“Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan survives its SECOND legal challenge – as federal judge in St. Louis throws out lawsuit from Republicans just one hour after SCOTUS Justice Amy Coney Barrett rejected similar request”
What separation of powers?
They are desperate and they need something to motivate their crowd of bloodsuckers, so damn the torpedoes and full steam ahead!.
Really hasn’t stood up to a legal challenge if courts are refusing to hear on grounds that there is no standing.
One was a group of States and the other some tax policy group. Isn’t there another on out there that argues he will see an unforseen tax burden if his loan is forgiven? Or did that guy lump into one of these?
They’ll pull the same BS they pulled on the election challenges.
“The results aren’t final so you don’t have standing.”
“The results are now final so the case is now moot.”
“A few white supremacists successfully lobbied YouTube to suspend me for anti-semitism.”
Klein is the poster boy for “This is your brain on stupid ideological shit”…
He’s like the ur-soyboy with mouth open meme.
“The people reporting me, excepting Ben, are tiki torch carrying, white Christian nationalists. They do not give a fuck about anti-semitism or Jewish people. They revel in the fact that YouTube and other institutions are so quick to act on bad faith & malicious outrage.”
so quick to act on bad faith
It’s almost like looking in the mirror, ain’t it kid?
He thought he was ready to move from a kid and gaming centric youtube to acting like an adult with serious commentary and has proven himself fucking retarded.
Wow. I read some of that guy’s work on twitter. Yep, he is a race-obsessed anti-semite. It wouldn’t take Shapiro lobbying to get him taken down.
Yet another reason why I despise my alma mater now.
So this amounts to them saying we fucked up seriously in the most important job we had, but we promise that if you let us do whatever we want and give us a shitton of more money, next time we will be solid?
Yeah, fuck the hell off.
Yeah, that’s how I read that too.
We fucked up so bad that the medical community and science itself is now distrusted — so the solution is to make the agencies that fucked up that bad all powerful. That way it won’t matter what the peons think anyway. FYTW for the win!
“I identify as someone that shouldn’t be paying any taxes….
In light of Liz Truss’ resignation, I made a chart to explain UK politics for anyone confused
Nothing like enjoying two seventy year olds bickering for two months. God help me.
Are you talking about the midterms?
Maybe you’re annoying?
“The first [several] years of our marriage we had an amazing sex life … and as he got older (he’s 30 now), he just doesn’t seem interested in sex anymore.”
This is one of many comments floating around the r/DeadBedrooms subreddit on the social-media platform Reddit – a self-described “discussion group for Redditors who are coping with a relationship that is seriously lacking in sexual intimacy”. Frustrated anecdotes like these abound from people who are in low- or zero-sex relationships. “Why does he prefer his own hand over having sex with me?” one poster asks. The subreddit’s outlook is relatively bleak: “Advice is always appreciated,” reads its description, “just don’t be surprised if we’ve heard it all.”
You and the BBC intruding on Q and the tabloid’s turf?
Why does he prefer his own hand over having sex with me – are you remotely fit? would be my first question
That is likely. Or she’s not giving up the booty.
BBC… I don’t suppose they’ve heard the news about how attractive the rest of Europe finds England.
In too local news. I haven’t decided how I feel about this because it’s not clear if they make airplane parts for the government/military.
That sucks. They probably do- lots of precision parts are required for military uses.
I was wondering why Mass has so much high-tech manufacturing, and I recently discovered they never got rid of all their tech high schools.
The name’s Funbags, Friday Funbags.
Actions have consequences.
Together with 15 other members of @ScientistRebel1 I have occupied the Porsche pavillion at @Autostadt, 9 of us glued to the floor and some of us on hunger strike until our demands to decarbonise the German transport sector are met👉 https://scientistrebellion.com/coming-actions/ @ClimateHuman
.@VW told us that they supported our right to protest, but they refused our request to provide us with a bowl to urinate and defecate in a decent manner while we are glued, and have turned off the heating. People in support can’t get out of the building. 2/
Just a clarification: people in support can get out of the building but then they couldn’t get back in. We can’t order our food, we must use the one provided by Wolkswagen. Lights off. Random unannounced checks by security guards with bright torches. Police just came in.3/ …
These are our demands to the Volkswagen CEO, adapted from our general demands. (1) support introduction of speed limits on German motorways; (2) condone bonds held by
@VW from Global South; (3) declare infeasibility of 1.5 goal 6/
After 24 hours of remaining glued to the floor and a nearly sleepless night my hand got swollen. The Wolkswagen manager had initially refused to let a doctor in but eventually accepted. 7/
Enjoy being immobile in your own filth.
‘We can’t order our food, we must use the one provided by Wolkswagen’
what? why?
‘After 24 hours of remaining glued to the floor and a nearly sleepless night my hand got swollen. The Wolkswagen manager had initially refused to let a doctor in but eventually accepted. 7/’
Too bad, amputation would have been a good reminder to this tool not to do dumb things.
You’d think they’d have brought their own home-grown, “organic” food. I heard they were bitching about heat, too. Do they know where that’s coming from?
Turn all the cars so they face away from the protestors, and leave them idling overnight.
“Look how brave I am to protest! I shouldn’t have to suffer any discomfort or inconvenience when doing so!”
I bought an AR15. I was deciding between S&W, Ruger, PSA but then an online retailer sent me a 10% off coupon so I bought the basic SIG for less than the Ruger and about the same as the others. Put irons and a decent holosun full tube red dot on it, sighted it in at 50yds, and I think it’s pretty neat. I really like how flip up iron sights and the dot can be used independently or together. The dot felt like it was made for this rifle, probably was as it cowitnesses perfectly. I had it for four years and it was kind of awkward on anything else I put it on.
Reading online about ARs makes you think you will have some disaster if you don’t do such and such thing just so. Doesn’t seem to be the case. It amuses me just how small and handy these things are. I have to be careful not to get sucked into the accessory rabbit hole and just shoot the crap out of it as-is.
I guess my enthusiasm for firearms comes in fits and spurts. Every 3-4 years I buy two or three guns in a couple month window, shoot as much as I can. Then my obsession wanes until the next cycle. Seems like now or the near future there may be a glut of decent stuff to buy, quite the contrast to the previous two years.
I’m hoping for some Black Friday ammo sales to stock up and store.
“SALE: 10 for the price of 20”
Excellent. While I’m not a fan of Sig in a general sense, they make a better AR than most.
Do like Sean said and get more magazines. Get yourself a case of ammo and shoot it all before the end of the year.
Buy more mags!
Where you shooting?
I can take you to here.
I bought 10 pmags because they were 8 dollars each and one came with the rifle. Are these substantially better? I feel like I’m getting away with something every time I load 30 rounds into a magazine. What living in California for 6 years will do to a guy.
They’re located in my town, and I like their products. I don’t know if they are objectively better than P-mags, but they are good.
And message sent.
I can take you here https://www.efga.net/
It was the no-hassle place to shoot for me, can fit a micro range trip in a lunch hour. Might try to join another club, maybe in Carbon County as I spend weekends there. The only rifle shooting at EFG is a basic 25,50,100 setup. Steel is fun to shoot, wish they had more. I have a micro silhouette that I would place out at 75yds in the public ranges I used in CA. Somehow I’m more leery about rule bending in the private club.
May take you up on that offer.
phalkorsfire@gmail.com is a dumpster email but if you send me a message there I’ll respond with my contact info.,
I agree – I see people with ridiculous amounts of crap attached to their rifles. A sling is mandatory in my opinion so you can carry it, but you don’t need all the lights and gadgets.
Gadgets like what?
Understand what you need, and buy your accessories accordingly.
I put a Fenix Tk30 on one of mine. It’s fantastic.
My go-to inexpensive weapon light is the Streamlight Protac HL-X. I don’t think you can do better for a c-note.
This wasn’t a house clearing type of experiment setup. The TK30 is a distance monster and mounted on a scoped rifle.
seems pretty cool. Come to think of it, I have never shot a gun at night.
I’ve jumped out of a plane at night, but don’t recall any night time gun play here either. Dusk time, sure.
BUT, I have the capability.
Self defense cases during the hours of darkness are common, but self defense cases in the dark are very rare.
In order to rob you, they need to be able to see you.
There are some exceptions, so be prepared. Myself, I have weapon-mounted lights on the long guns I keep for home defense, but not on my carry pistols. I do carry a pocket flashlight.
I have one of those on my belt right now. I love it. It replaced a halogen bulbed Streamlight Scorpion (which I also loved.)
I, for one, don’t have any guns. But I have several fishing rods and many lures…I’m fond of my Angler Royale model 15…
Just don’t lose it on your next fishing trip.
They already know where you are coming from and going using license plate readers (LPR). Originally, the LPRs were mounted visibly on police cars. Now they mount them under the grilles on most municipal vehicles and install them in fixed high traffic locations. The consent for tracking is just adjusting the focus a little tighter than they already get from the network of LPRs.
Wonder when PA will get pushed to be a two-plate state?
Interestingly enough, Ohio just removed the front plate requirement.
It is culturally insensitive to force me to put more than one license plate on my vehicle. Never did it, even when in California. No one noticed.
Huh- there’s somebody at BMW who isn’t a complete idiot
The rules allow consumer tax credits only for electric vehicles that meet increasingly strict goals for US-based manufacturing of the vehicles themselves, as well as their batteries. They also require US sourcing for battery raw materials and they place caps on the cost of the vehicles and the income of the buyers. Buyers can get full tax credits only if they, and the vehicles, meet the requirements.
But that sort of regulation had no impact on BMW’s decision to locate battery production in South Carolina, BMW chairman Oliver Zipse said in an interview with CNN Business. Simple logistics were a far more important factor.
“You will not fly hundred of kilograms of batteries around the world or put them on a ship,” he said. “You’re not going to do it. You’ll localize anyway.”
Not only were the IRA’s rules pushing American manufacturing unneeded, said Zipse, they also risk negative repercussions for the very American jobs they’re designed to protect, he said.
The IRA provides no benefit for vehicles, regardless of how “American made” they are, if they aren’t sold inside the US. More importantly, though, protectionist regulations attempting to wall off American-made vehicles for American buyers can spark retaliation, endangering valuable export business, said Zipse.
Zipse also warned of the possible unintended consequences of regulations, like those in some US states and in Europe, that ban sales of non-zero-emission vehicles after a certain date. For one thing, it could mean overall industry sales will decline.
“We do not believe that this one drivetrain will make up the complete market of today’s size,” he said.
Not all consumers will be able to have electric vehicle chargers at home, Zipse said, so many could decide, instead, to keep their gasoline cars longer or buy used gas-powered cars.
Some automakers, like BMW competitors General Motors and Mercedes-Benz, are apparently not worried about that possibility of shrinking sales and have announced plans to go all-electric by a set future date. BMW has never said publicly that it intends to make only electric vehicles after any certain time.
Instead, he said, regulators should impose gradually more stringent emissions restrictions while leaving it up to automakers how best to reach those targets, as regulators have done in the past. To date, that approach has not halted increasing global warming.
Unintended consequences? Never!
Don’t lock us into a specific technology? That’s what regulators do.
I saw that announcement on the local news a few weeks ago. Another factor is cheap electricity – Spartanburg is relatively close to two nuclear power stations that aren’t being closed by crazy German Greens.
The cruise ship my dad is on is docked next to L Ron Hubbard’s rusty bucket, the Freewinds. Maybe he’ll get a Tom Cruise sighting!
Probably in a closet somewhere.
Pshaw. He’s in a closet everywhere.
Does he like fish dicks?
Ya’ll in Clearwater?
Putting untested EUA pharmaceuticals on the childhood vaccine schedule should be a capital offense.
Welcome to the New Age, where authority has no authority and does not deserve to act with any authority, but will act as if it does, anyway, and then lie to you about it. Nowhere is this quandary more vivid than in the racketeering operation formerly known as medicine.
Uffda. Minneapolis City Council refuses to stop brutal Minneapolis cops from clearing homeless encampments
The city council isn’t very competent at much, but they do know which way the wind is blowing and are not going to lose their cushy jobs bucking it. They know that the solid majority of people are not happy with all the homeless encampments we have. So they deftly avoided doing anything themselves and pretended like the cops are doing it all on their own.
I also like that the journalo thinks it is bad because the homeless are given little notice and lose most of their things. That is a feature not a bug. You know what cuts down on homeless camps? The prospect of losing your shit without any warning.
The shitlords really cannot be reasoned with:
My flock would have increased dramatically once I issued my papal bull that said all Jimboists must live in at least a 5 bedroom/7 bath house and the city must accommodate such a common sense religious need.
Did you see this?
I hadn’t seen it yet. Not surprised, Jensen has been closing all summer.
Still trying to figure out why the only debate between Jensen and King Walz was only aired in Greater Minnesoda. For some reason none of the stations in the Twin Cities showed the debate.
Yes, that’s a real head-scratcher.
The Commonwealth Fund Commission on a National Public Health System—which includes Ellen MacKenzie, dean of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health—published a detailed strategy for overhauling the national hodgepodge of more than 2,500 state and local health agencies to better prepare for future threats and better address current ills.
Will it have its own SWAT teams? And
prisonsmental health treatment facilities?Good morning, Sloop!
Madness is a nice antidote for some poisonous lynx. Thanks!
Gotta train some people on the technology. No big deal, all part of the job.
Downside is, he’s a long term Windows guy and this is a Unix shop. This’ll be fun.
Can you get him to do everything using WSL2 and/or Powershell invoking it? 😉
Hell no.
We’re making him use SSH like everyone else.
As is right and proper.
(Please don’t tell me everyone just uses a shared key and logs in as root)
No, we have individual accounts, but can sudo su to the service account that the application runs under.
Only I still have root on the boxes I built back in the day.
Ugh. We were moving a piece of equipment this morning. I read the T.I. (technical instrctuon) that specifically stated peripheral devices such as keyboards, printer and monitor are a DB-9 to DB-25 with a special pin out. So we built and teated the cables.
One cable straight to the printer and the other two to a serial terminal server that converts to proper signals for keyboard and monitor.
Nope…”we upgraded that part and you built wrong cables” I ask, is there documentation of that? “No but you should have known that….”
FAA folks….leading edge of yesteryear technology and shitty industry standards and practices.
When I watch the ATC scene in Close Encounters, I think “well, not much has changed in almost 50 years”
Wait… what year is it where you are?
Shit, when the state IT guy is dunking on you…
Hell, FAA/ATC was a case study (in failure to modernize their system) back when I was in grad school.
Let’s see that was, uh give me a minute, oh, yeah, 35 years ago.
Its slated to move to IP-based….8 years ago
They will blame you when the planes start falling out of the skies, too?
So the other day I posted a pic of a piece of political mail addressed to the previous resident of my address with the threatening intonation that the organization who sent the flyer would be reviewing public records to see if the recipient joined his neighbors in voting (a rather comical threat considering the intended recipient has not lived at this address in at least 9 years). Somebody suggested it was intended to put pressure on first-generation Hispanics who don’t know any better. Today I received Proof of your theory.
Imagine, if you will, a political flyer addressed to somebody with a Mick name like me emblazoned with “IT’S OUR TIME”, endorsing exclusively Irish-American candidates, and printed in English and Gaelic.
What makes you think we Irish Americans kept Gaelic?
Seven generations on this continent, we speak American English.
Some, I assume, are good people.
They barely speak Irish in Ireland.
And, to save other people the effort:
Oddly, I’ve never heard an Irish person refer to it as Gwalic [gaelic] football for GAA.
The fact that anyone at all speaks it (and the other Celtic languages) after centuries of ruthless suppression by the Saeson is remarkable.
I knew second-generation Hispanics that were English only until they took Spanish in high school.
So, Masto has never had a real job? Seems legit.
“Holy flipping mackerel. The @nytopinion platforms an eco-terrorist:
“Mr. Malm is the author of “How to Blow Up a Pipeline: Learning to Fight in a World on Fire.””
“When activists from the same group smashed gas stations in April this year, they hit the nail on the head.””
Also, the New Yorker.
Tip of the day: avoid Marie Calendars BBQ mac bowl. Unless you love cramping and explosive diarrhea.
When I want the cramping and explosive diarrhea, I would go to Taco Hell.
Pipped to the post…
<blockquote? Unless you love cramping and explosive diarrhea.
The success of Taco Bell proves that such people do, in fact, exist.
Next time skip the BBQ mac and just go straight to the chocolate satin pie, it’s delicious.
I eat Taco Bell all the time and that never happens. In the glorious future when everyone must take their turn being glued to the floor of a Volkswagen showroom, my strong digestive system will see me through.
Well, I thought things couldn’t get worse for those dumbass protesters, but if Taco Bell was delivered to them, I’d have to reconsider.
Nope…”we upgraded that part and you built wrong cables” I ask, is there documentation of that? “No but you should have known that….”
You should have pinned it out, you fool!
You will bend the knee, or else…
Just got home from the cafe; went in at 5am to make peanut noodles for the day. There may be salacious tales of they/thems and college wokeness on the zoomy tonight. I love Madness and the fact that you linked to their toothpaste song made my day. Thanks.
I had forgotten about that ad.
In crazy local news, the signs looking for temporary workers for snow removal services have started popping up. The big theme on all of them is that you can work within 15 minutes from home (this is on all of the signs I saw yesterday). The huge change was the “up to” hourly wages being offered. One series of signs was offering up to $95/hour while another was offering up to $125/hour. This is for shit work shoveling sidewalks and the like, but even last year those were only going up to $25/hour.
The Progressive groups also appear to believe they’re losing Ohio. Got an ad on streaming music last night from the Progressive Turnout Project offering up to $250/week to work from home and contact potential voters.
Who at the company makes $125/hr?
Let me think, $20 same as downtown, times per hour…
I would guess that the $125/hour is for people with trucks with plows (and the appropriate licenses for the cities that require it), and are able to haul a couple people with them. You know, what would be a supervisor role. I’ll guess that the sidewalk shovelers and the like would be still only around $25/hour.
I had my VPN running on my tablet while streaming a football game. I got very confused by the ads until I remembered the VPN POP I was using was in NY.
Now I’m tempted to do a little tour of pants-shitting local political ads throughout the country.
It’s telling that in Mass that I only see NH ads – it’s a fait accompli in Mass, so no need to waste money on advertising :-/
There are panic Ads in NY? (I’ve been successful at isolating myself from advertizing, so I don’t know what’s being run)
Here in Western NY, we get a great deal of “LEE ZELDIN IS DOUBLE HITLER!” type adverts.
Yah, it was of the “Zeldin is the worstest!” variety
“OMG! He wants to crack down on the rampant criminality!”
Has to be if you bring your own truck… I will quit my job AND move back up there to shovel otherwise.
Probably wouldn’t be pulling 40 hour weeks, even in the snow belt.
Bannon gets 4 months/
Released pending appeal. Nice move, Dems. That should shore things up.
I would have gone and taken the fifth.
“Leftists are now comparing Muslims to Hitler for demanding the removal of pornographic books from school libraries.”
Of course they are.
Looks like Muslims are no longer a useful political tool. ::updates scorecard::
Was going to suggest keeping lots of white-out on hand.
Equity concerns pauses county’s push to develop sports tourism facilities
It is more equitable if there are no sports facilities.
Re: work too hard for students…new trend I’m noticing this semester: “Can I send you a copy of my paper before the due date? You can tell me what I’ve got wrong before I send you my final submission.”
Sure, and you can take tests until you get the score you want.
“I’ll tell you what you got wrong after the due date.”
I have narrowed down the universities I’ll even consider hiring from. I hire engineers, and they better damn well know their stuff.
I am considering giving them a written test after the friendly chatty part of the interview. Need to know.
About 15 years ago, I took a class on how to interview candidates. The teacher said “Don’t ask ‘Do you speak French?’ ; ask them to speak French right there and now.”
You can’t be this stupid and destructive by accident
If we thought the latest inflation numbers were bad, the Biden administration is about to make things worse. Last week, the Department of Labor announced a new rule that would curtail the use of contractors and freelancers – the heart of the “gig economy.”
Framed as “helping” these workers by forcing them onto payrolls, this rule will certainly be another example of “when help hurts” to come out of the Biden administration.
This rule will drive up the cost of everything as the gig economy is far more than ride sharing and food delivery. Gig workers that would fall under the restrictions of this rule include plumbers, electricians, nannies, tutors, journalists, therapists and actors – pretty much anyone who offers their time and talent on their terms.
The destruction of America continues.
New rules promulgated by the Executive Branch sound very democratic.
“Separation of powers” is white supremacy, but only when it benefits Democrats.
Democracy is only supposed to ratify what the experts have decided.
It worked out well for California.
Good morning, fellow teenagers.
I am about to be off on a road trip (5-6 hours) to Imperial Beach, CA to visit some friends. We will stop in Barstow to add miles to the Tesla Y and have lunch at Chili’s (built especially to serve the EV charge station there) and then continue on. Yeah, it takes longer than fueling with gas, but it’s nice to have an hour to chillax and eat semi-decent food. It’s a supercharger, so it takes about 40 minutes to get back to 295 mi “in the tank”.
Our Imperial Beach hotel has valet parking, and we’ve learned that if we grease the valet’s palm, he will plug us in to the EV charger there. Win-Win!
Accuweather is telling us that here in southern Nevada, there is a massive windstorm situation expected from Sat AM through Sunday. 50+ mph. Time to close up the picnic umbrellas before we go!
Have a fabu day.
I’ll have you know that I’m old enough to drink, thankyouverymuch.
A normal warning for California – avoid any place that starts with a “B”.
Eh, we’ve done the Barstow stop for charging every time we have driven from Pahrump to San Diego and back. We don’t venture out of the charging area (last time we were there, the Chili’s server told us they were working on adding 60 more Tesla chargers to the lot! Crazy).
No idea what the rest of Barstow is like.
There was a Mexican comic who used to do a bit..
You know how bad Mexico is? Mexicans get to Barstow, look around and say “not bad”.
“Time to close up the picnic umbrellas before we go!”
Highly recommended. I failed to do so a couple.of weeks ago and came home to a pile of glass which had formerly been a table top on my patio.
Safe travels!
They got Slow Joe’s meds wrong again.
That’s probably a more accurate reflection of how much money this administration has spent than any other government estimate.
“Once in a lifetime investment”
If only.
Mornin’, reprobates. Seems I have survived the surgery. *checks upthread* – well, this is certainly not heaven. Could be the other place, though. You know who else might be in the other place?
Seems I have survived the surgery.
So, what did you name your newborn renal calculus?
Glad you are doing better!
‘PATZIE!!!!! 😃 How the heck are you?? Sure hope you’re recovering comfortably!
Thanks! Recovering, but comfortably is not how I would describe the sensation of razor blades passing through my urinary tract.
The 84-year-old said he has witnessed a decline in student capacity in recent years as well as administrators bending to the wishes of students more often than not,
“Deans must learn to not coddle students for the sake of tuition and apply a little tough love,” Jones wrote. “They must join the community in times of conflict to generate those teachable moments.”
My first thought when I heard the story was, “What did this professor actually say to the students?”
A friend of mine and I had the same professor for one of classes during our undergrad. My friend was a year or two ahead of me. When my friend found out who was teaching this class, he told me, “I’ll never take another class with that guy again.” When I asked why, my friend told me about when he had this same class with the same professor a year or two ahead of me. My friend said, “The professor came in the first day and the first thing he told us was, ‘Last semester I failed a record number of students for this class. I’m going to break that record this semester.'” My friend said he and most of the class went to see the department head immediately after the class. According to my friend, it was rumored around the department that the department head had a chat with the professor about his plans. My friend said there were people in the class that failed, but the professor did not set any record that semester.
On my first day of that class, the professor warned us his class would be hard but he did not brag about how many students he had failed.
It was a hard class. I got a B+ in it.
I suspect the professor from this NY Post story actually isn’t anything like that professor from my undergrad.
We will stop in Barstow to add miles to the Tesla Y and have lunch at Chili’s (built especially to serve the EV charge station there) and then continue on. Yeah, it takes longer than fueling with gas, but it’s nice to have an hour to chillax and eat semi-decent food. It’s a supercharger, so it takes about 40 minutes to get back to 295 mi “in the tank”.
I stopped at a Best Western someplace in Nebraska. In the morning, I noticed they had a bank of EV chargers (On the far side of the parking lot, for some reason).
I wondered to myself if they rent rooms by the hour. It could be a profitable add-on.