The day after Halloween, 2014. We had just gotten back from Estes Park, where my wife ran around The Stanley Hotel in a bedsheet making ghost sounds and scaring the guests.
Short Film: Brutal Relax
This has been a rough Halloween season. Normally I am King of Halloween, not so much this year. Too much crap going on in my personal and business life.
In addition, I am going to echo the sentiments of CPRM, who told me a few months ago how hard it was to find good new movies. This goes double for horror movies. Maybe triple. Here is a short list of what hasn’t made the cut for a Halloween post:
- Gravy: Is it possible to make a boring film about cannibals that strike once a year? Yep.
- Book of Monsters: This had such potential. It did not in any way have enough plot or direction. It was basically just a video game of teenagers murdering monsters.
- Tethered: This might pop up as a post. One time commenter Bethannica recommended it. It is based on a short film, and on my initial walk through it had about 30 minutes of filler. Which can happen when you expand a short film.
- Death Toilet 3- Doody Calls: Yeah, I watched part of it. IMDB had this rated as a 7.7/10, probably by the dude who wrote it. There are five films in this series, three of which are on Tubi. Look CPRM, if this can get on TUBI, you can. Put all the Hat and Hairs together into a super cut and send it on over. You are a hundred times better than this.
- The Unkind: One of the top reviews at IMDB said “I would rather watch Wonder Women ’84 fifty times than watch this movie’s trailer.” Harsh!
The availability of inexpensive film equipment, rather than boosting unknown talent, turned the playing field into a minefield of cow patties. Much like Twitter or Facebook, or anywhere else where anyone is allowed access to a giant audience. It all turns to crap.
So what’s left? Is there anything new out there that might keep this show going for another year? I am remaining stoic and pressing on. That’s what Ron would want. And MikeS, Count Potato and DEG. And all the others who like this weekly escape. That brings us to tonight’s film.
Ghost Stories, released in 2017, was the eleventh film I sampled to find some suitable Halloween viewing. I must say I liked the trailer, I liked the first 20 minutes, and it had some great reviews from people I trust. It’s British – I will say I have seen a trend towards making more good quality British horror films the past ten years. Maybe it has something to do with the flirtation with the European Union? I will say, if some twat in Brussels was trying to regulate everything down to what kind of tea kettle I could buy, I might want to start making some escapist films too.
And a bonus! Please enjoy Brutal Relax, which is an absolute classic and a gem for the Halloween season. I will spoil nothing! Looks like you can get a Brutal Relax t shirt now too! I may be pulling out the credit card.
Prattling. That is what I am doing. I will stop after I say that now I have played a ghost film for Halloween. I need a newer slasher film to round out Halloween. My search continues. So watch! Or don’t! Our journey becomes more unpredictable by the week!
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
*hits play*
“where my wife ran around The Stanley Hotel in a bedsheet making ghost sounds and scaring the guests”
I already like Mrs. RJ.
I christen this post with a First from The First Of All Firsters, on this day of Firstings.
You…may proceed.
I’ll First when I’m damn good and ready.
“hard it was to find good new movies”
There are good new horror movies, but they aren’t going to be available free streaming. Tubi is like waiting for movies be be on TV, but without the censorship.
Correct. Meantime, a bunch of mookiestinks pile up.
I think I am going with Tucker and Dale vs. Evil next week. Anyone here other than Count Potato seen that?
Yes. I’d imagine a number of people have, I’m pretty sure it’s come up in the past. It is comedy. Not horror. Not a slasher.
This is Halloween. You need to bring your fucking A game here, RJ.
Not much A game on free streaming (new movie wise). I can do a good write up on Terrifier.
It’s a horror comedy that spoofs the slasher genre, and has someone go full slasher in the end.
I haven’t seen it.
I think I did it on one of the substitute days for you, if not, then I mentioned it in an early post about Halloween movies to watch.
If you’re looking for solid ones on Tubi, there’s Tales of Halloween, Ginger Snaps, Cat’s Eye, Jason X (seriously, don’t do Jason X), House (1985 version), Deathgasm, Sleepaway Camp, Cube, The Belko Experiment, and the Gingerdead Man (it’s got Gary Busey).
I think I found what I want. Possibly even a double feature. A brand new film from 2021, and a second one directed by a guy who wrote with Sam Raimi. Both pretty well unknown.
Good deal. Just trying to throw out some suggestions if you were looking for some options.
I’ve just thrown Cube on as I love that minimalistic mind fuck movie. If only the pre/sequels were any good.
Amen to that. I love Cube.
I sent you an email. I am feeling pretty good about those two.
Indeed. Cube is good cube.
I think that I sent you some info about the movies that my wife’s cousin directed. They might have been too bad for this venue.
No such thing, in case you haven’t noticed. All things in due time, after the Halloween show. I have a whole other year to go here, and many posts to make.
Jason X was stupid fun, but yeah.
There’s a movement trying to say that Jason X was a good movie. Don’t believe their lies. The movie is godsawful, with maybe three good scenes in it. I would put the Smithee Hellraiser 4 (Hellraiser IN SPACE!) above Jason X.
Leprechaun 4: in Space was better.
Here’s the scene where the Leprechaun pops out of a guy’s wang.
True. But so is Jason-on-the-sea but it’s still amusing. Well, to me.
LOL I haven’t seen (and was not aware of) that.
Jason Goes to Hell wasn’t much better, I saw it in the theater and we were talking shit about it during opening weekend.
Hellraiser 4 was the last one to be released in the theaters, and if it had been split into three movies and extended, there were the decent bones of a story there. I seem to recall that Hellraiser 6 (direct to video) was surprisingly good. The next two were just to keep the license, and the reboot on Hulu is… meh.
You could always recommend old movies for people who haven’t seen them yet.
I am going right back to that after Halloween.
I guessing Ted’.S is thinking a few decades older than you are.
Would those be considered recent? Asking for the thread below
I logged off early for the night, but I was going to mention Blood Diner. You used the movie Fido last year, and I recall mentioning I had that one on a cheap Lions Gate box set that also had Blood Diner. (I actually picked up the set for Earth Girls Are Easy; there’s an interesting set of movies.)
Blood Diner is profoundly and hilariously awful. And it’s got a scene at a topless aerobics studio.
Terrifier is the only slasher I’ve seen released this year that is worth anything, and even then aint much. It is rather brutal, with some scenes bordering on the snuff territory. So not for everyone. The original is pretty easy to find.
Should read, there is a Terrifier 2 just released. The first was released a few years back.
Yes, apparently it made people pass out in theaters. I watched 1. Just pointless gore, which irritates me.
I can’t argue with that. But it definitely was a slasher.
Crimson Executioner would be a good pick if I just said screw it and did old movies. That’s a classic slasher/ torture film that holds up.
I Googled that and it is some Italian movie from the ’60’s. If I watch this, and it ends up being a fucking nightmare, I’m going to throw something at you, RJ.
It’s known here as The Bloody Pit of Horror. And it is Italian.
You mean Bloody Pit of Horror? I saw it hosted by a transgender pornstar “cosplaying” Elvira MST3K style.
“Bloody Pit of Horror? That sounds like why I’m not a lesbian!”
Anyway, it’s not very good.
That’s funny.
I’ve only seen the first one. The second one isn’t out yet.
The best part was Jenna Kennal as a cute goth chick, but irl she is a GNC, ecofeminist, vegan commie.
Please enjoy Brutal Relax, which is an absolute classic and a gem for the Halloween season.
I’m starting out here. I had to go to nsfwyoutube because of the age sign-in.
Thanks for putting these together RJ. I like them.
It’s a fantastic short. Worth it.
What did you think of that? Was using the baby as nunchucks in good taste, or over the top?
I was chuckling at that part.
Over the top. And funny.
I finished the short.
I kept wondering if there would be a “Mortal Combat” style voice-over.
I’ll start the main movie in a minute or two.
OMG I miss cigarettes. I have a few pics from the aughts with the coffee table booze and the Marlboro Lights.
Camels for me, but, yes, I miss them so much.
#metoo, but I only vape now. I don’t miss cigarettes. Vaping is better.
Yeah, same.
I vape. I don’t really want a cigarette except once in a while when I really, really want a cigarette.
It’s like 15 bucks a pack now here. Pass.
That’s three good cigars in TX.
And liquor tax. And gas guzzler sales tax on trucks, which workpeople have to drive. And fast food surcharges, which busy workers have to eat.
I imagine that about $13 of that is state and local taxes.
Funny how the left never questions the fact that they prey on the lower classes (ask them – that’s who they say smokes) in order to line their pockets.
The same pack is probably $3 in North Carolina.
“Funny how the left never questions the fact that they prey on the lower classes”
Same with gasoline tax.
They say that, but go outside a hipster bar and you will see a half-dozen of them smoking it up.
THAT’S DIFFERENT!!11!!!!!!1!11!1
The Poor need to be nudged to stop smoking. They’re too stupid to know what to do unless their Betters on the Left are there to lead them into the glorious future.
rJ, have you ever seen Kwaidan? It is an older Japanese movie, but is considered one of the best ghost stories ever filmed.
That’s the cleanest copy I ever saw on that trailer!
I remember it was rather long? Maybe too long and “serious” for Thursday night.
Anything is fair game. I really wanted to play something newish, from at least 2010 or newer. I started to consider Dude Bros Party Massacre, but after about 15 minutes in I realized that all they had – 15 minutes of material.
The credits rolled?
I watched a bit of ‘The Midnight Meat Train’ the other night, not much of a horror fan so I can’t say if it’s any good or not, but the violence is pretty bloody. Oh just checked it;s from 2008, that’s how out of it I am, I thought it was a recent flick.
Anything after the turn of the century is a recent film.
I think…. Wasn’t Screaming Jay Hawkins in that, one of his last appearances?
I was wrong. I was thinking of another film on a train.
Here’s “Constipation Blues,” since he seems to only be remembered for “I Put a Spell on You.”
Midnight meat train was my nickname in college.
Midnight Meat Train is good. A Clive Barker effort, IIRC.
Three hours might be a bit much for most people, including me.
It is 3 plus hours long, so a bit of a stretch.
Imagine you’re sitting in family court and the judge looks at you and says, what’s your address? I’ll meet you there in 10 minutes, and I’m going to search your house with your ex-wife and my bailiff – a police officer who will arrest you if you don’t let me in.
I see her actions and am reminded of the song “Rocky Top” as a potential response.
I liked the first 20 minutes
About ten minutes in. Pretty good so far.
And now I’m getting ads included that Chris Pappas ad where he claims he wants to drain the swamp. Blech.
It’s all Beto and Abbott here. Abbott at least pulled his head out of his ass and ran an ad about Beto wanting to defund the police. His ads have absolutely blown up until now.
Even the Tio Greg ad? /sarc
Ugh. Watching the Wild. Probably a mistake.
Tundra, what is your opinion of fighting in ice hockey, and what would you say to someone who told you that it was only a recent phenomenon of the last few decades of the sport?
I don’t have a dog in this fight (because Hockey is stupid) but ‘someone’ mentions the 1920’s thru the 1960’s as his frame of reference, “last few decades” is the way a mendacious cunt might frame ‘someone’s argument.
I’m not misrepresenting shit, there, Hype. That’s more your game.
First, hockey started decades for the 1920’s, but per Swiss, fighting wasn’t part of it until decades after it was started and then says specifically wasn’t part of it through the 1920’s to 1960’s, which is bullshit.
Swiss is categorically wrong no matter how you want to read his statement, but there sure as shit isn’t any mischaracterization on my part. The only real question is if Swiss even knows when ice hockey was first developed.
You claimed that Swiss said the violence was a ‘recent ‘ phenomenon of the ‘last few decades’. He mentions at the latest the 1960’s, 6 decades ago is neither ‘recent’ or “the last few decades” and thus you are misrepresenting what he said, whether he is wrong or not in regard to the overall argument is irrelevant to that fact.
No, what Swiss said was:
“Fighting didn’t get into hockey until decades after it was started”
Swiss was asked to reconcile his statements, and never did. Nor did he actually specify when it became a part of the sport. I, and anyone else reading things, am left to infer things based on contradictory and nonsensical statements, and even the time period he did talk about specifically, fighting was in fact part of the sport.
I don’t know, Hype. Maybe you missed your calling. Maybe you should try your hand at becoming one of those propagandist fact checkers used by big tech.
No, what Swiss said was:
“Fighting didn’t get into hockey until decades after it was started”
Then why did you say to Tundra that Swiss said “it was only a recent phenomenon of the last few decades of the sport”?
Sound like something someone would say who was trying to frame the narrative to their advantage.
You might wanna go back and read it all again. When did Swiss say fighting came into the game? I read it is as him saying the 70’s at the earliest.
This is great padding to my comment count. Keep it up!
I obviously missed something.
Holy fuck.
You’re tops on my mind. We should rap battle soon.
Crickets…because Hype can’t answer the question anymore than Swiss could. So Hype’s argument now boils down to whether my characterization of a recent phenomenon in the last few decades is an accurate description of someone saying since the ’70’s, at best.
Never change, Hype.
That’s exactly what I was saying the 70’s are neither recent nor the last few decades and Bro’s framing his question that way was mendacious. Again I personally don’t care who’s right or wrong on the entire hockey/fight thing, since it’s a silly sport for Canadians.
Good for you.
I think that’s a rather ridiculous hill for someone to die on, and changes nothing of substance about what was being discussed. And doesn’t even address the fact that Swiss was wrong about the period he specifically highlighted as not featuring fighting, unless he flipped his position two posts later because he said the exact opposite about that period.
It’s especially funny because you chose to ignore the parts of Swiss’s post that were contradictory and wrong when you came at me. And you still refuse to address that whatsoever.
So, would the 1980’s be considered recent enough? 1990’s? What do we consider the last few decades?
So this really has nothing to do with hockey.
What we are arguing with Hype right now? No, not really. It’s Hype being Hype.
Last night with Swiss was about hockey until he Swiss reverted to being Swiss.
So, would the 1980’s be considered recent enough? 1990’s? What do we consider the last few decades?
70’s No, 80’s Iffy, 90’s Yes.
If some chick told you she was into ‘recent’ music from the last ‘few decades’ would you think that she meant Earth Wind and Fire, Supertramp, and The Ramones?
So this really has nothing to do with hockey
Exactly, it has to do with Bro lying about other peoples arguments.
Or maybe Hype deciding which side he was on and then framing his own “argument”.
You purposely “Hype”rfocused on one poor choice of words to go after someone you don’t like while completely ignoring all the fuckery someone else pulled.
Bro? Mendacious? I guess there’s a first time for everything (see what I did there?)
And while we are dregging up dead shit from old threads, should we address your laughable argument from the afternoon article yesterday where you claim that you don’t judge people’s positions based on perceived intellectual consistency? I mean, what is your schtick again around here supposed to be?
And yes, the law in question in Florida mainly targets mega corporations, ones who are in fact in bed with the government and Dems already. And pretty much everything in it that applies to private businesses already would be applied to them under a fair reading of laws already on the books. It aint the mom and pop shop in Florida that is going to be held accountable under the anti-woke law, if anyone ever actually is. But Disney? Yea, they may run into some problems.
…judge people’s positions based on perceived intellectual consistency…
I’m supposedly a contrarian (I’m not) which doesn’t involve pointing out hypocrisy or ‘whataboutisming’. it only requires one to take an opposing position for the sake of opposing, which I don’t do. I simply don’t agree with some of you people on any number of issues.
And okay great, as long a a bad law only ‘mainly’ targets companies I don’t like than I’m cool with it.
hahahaha. Holy fuck. Now who’d being mendacious?
Why do I feel like I’m being set up?
It’s a weird game. I feel like the fighting in the modern pro game is mostly performative. A tool to get the crowd/team rolling. It totally works.
I would be willing to bet that there was a fight in the first hockey game ever played, I have something like 50 years in and I can attest that the game is so fast and physical that fights are almost inevitable. Honestly, I think it’s mostly retarded, except when it’s not.
I worked with a machinist who was a stud in high school and then went to juniors. He was used to a skill game, but he was big and tough so the coach only wanted him to fight. He quit after a couple years because he saw the writing on the wall. Better a solid career than CTE.
I love Slapshot but it’s so over the top I get the feeling people think that’s the way hockey is.
Fights are part of the game. Our last men’s league team broke up after one of our guys got his jaw broken in 5 places by some dipshit. That’s extreme, but I remember being destroyed by some fucker (in a no check league) and one of the youngsters lit him up. He got thrown out but I gotta admit I appreciated it and the game settled down after that.
To summarize, I would love to see it gone, but it is a violent, fast game. It has gotten so much better but I’m doubtful it could ever be eradicated,
It’s definitely the lamest part of the game.
Rodney Dangerfield, “How bad is my luck? Last week I went to a boxing match and a hockey game broke out!”
As I recall, the source of that quote, to me, was Parade magazine circa 1968. Seems like fighting in hockey was well-established by that time.
My dad grew up in Boston in the 30s and 40s and was into hockey. (His right elbow is pinned at 90 degrees after smashing it during a street hockey game) Fighting was always in hockey although there could be a question of the level of violence in the fights. His comment was that you knew the fight was serious when the gloves came off and they started pulling the padding off each other so as to better hurt their opponent.
I view it as a recognition of human nature.
Don’t tell me that soccer players or tennis players or FFS football players don’t sometimes want to beat the shit out of each other. As long as it’s sort of “playful”, it does the needful. Lets off some steam.
And more often than not, that’s what hockey fights are. Hell, a decent percentage are two guys talking and agreeing that they are going to fight before it happens. Like two gentleman discussing a duel.
Clearly it’s a “for the audience” part of the game. Like shootouts. But you are right. It’s fast, physical and adrenaline filled so eventually tempers will flair.
Hockey players obviously need more flair on their uniforms.
Probably better than the Kings tonight.
And old Jag? Nice!
Oh, joy! The child just came in and said she has to do a weeks’ worth of lexicons words tonight. Double duty for me.
The short was great in the worst way. I’ll have to catch the main event later.
The emotionless Spaniard is in a number of short subjects. He’s great in all of them. And no, that is not Tall Thin Spaniard what Lurks on This Site.
Just saw a Lee Zeldin ad.
He could be the next George Pataki!
What’s a Leezeldin?
A cover band.
Nothing you have to worry about.
Gotta go, will finish this tomorrow. I like what I’ve seen so far.
Fuck it. I’m watching Terror Train.
A good choice.
The Halloween post-party pic is puzzling. It looks like there is still booze in some of the bottles and cups. Does not compute.
Some of those were the kids drinks with juice and dry ice.
Movie idea: Young entrepreneur starts business from parents’ garage in San Francisco. He brings back lick-a-stick but instead of cherry and grape, he uses meth and fentanyl. Feel good story.
I think I found the film. Watching it Saturday morning.
Finished my match. Some silly misses dropped to me 15th in the staff match, out of the top half. I did come in the top half of my class though, so +2 victory points for me. Oddly enough, the Masters/GMs on the staff did kinda shittily. Maybe they earned those classes back in diggety-seven and never shot a classifier since then?
My squad had two notable figures: a Dude who looked like your typical broken down scraggly-bearded guy with that incomprehensible NC accent variant but who must be Vietnamese somewhere in his father’s line based on the name. He gave me great pointers and excellent coaching. We also had a paid competitor who couldn’t come to the main match and also arrived at a production match with a 1911. So he has to compete in a non-recognized category, so he got nothing. But… his scores still show up, and currently he’s 8th out of 55, only being beaten by PCC shooters and way ahead of any pistoleros. He would have been even further up in the rankings, but there was a 35 yard shot with metal hard cover both in front and behind the target. He did not realize there was metal behind and kept shooting every time he heard the impact. He would up with nine hits on the target before he gave up.
This is a fine thing.
I’m really looking forward to seeing how he does in the final rankings when this whole this is over on Sunday.
The argument above probably seems very important.
Not really.
How’s things?
Not bad. Hobbling around. Caught myself complaining about my sore back to a coworker that has used a wheelchair since childhood. Perspective is important.
Yes. It’s amazing how a real life bitch slap can square you away.
What did you do?
A kid at worked jumped on it. It’s alright but still stiff at times.
I am not a fan of horror movies, but I do have a soft spot in my heart for 1922’s Nosferatu.
No, I don’t count Francis Ford Coppola’s Dracula. We all know that was just soft-core pr0n.
There have been a few I was tempted to see, but I don’t remember those now and/or they got spoiled for me so I didn’t follow up.
There’s a language and a rhythm to a good horror movie. Some of the more modern ones get a bit fancy, and require the audience to understand both to get the references and sly winks they’re doing.
A few that may be in your wheelhouse would be Pan’s Labyrinth (foreign language film, so subtitled), the Others (ghost story), and Fallen (demonic possession).
Pan’s Labyrinth and Others were definitely on my list. Others was spoiled for me, so that’s a no-go, however. I’ll check out Fallen.
Even with the spoiling, the Others was well crafted and did a good job of setting up the reveal.
Fallen has Denzel, and has some nicely shot scenes that really set up some creepiness. It’s not a happy and cheerful movie though.
Yep. Still worth watching.
Ti-i-i-i-ime is on my side…
Fallen is a very excellent movie.
Pan’s Labyrinth is really top notch. I agree with Neph. You might also try the main feature tonight, it is not your typical jump scare horror film. I got fancy.
Off to bed! I have meetings before the sun comes up tomorrow.
You like (1922) Nosferatu, check out Willem Dafoe in (2000) Shadow of the Vampire, based on Nosferatu. You won’t regret it.
Pan’s and Fallen are must see.
I don’t know of “Fallen”. Will check out.
Lair of the White Worm is also good.
Seriously I am going to bed now.
Hugh Grant at his best.
Moje, have you ever seen The Innocents, ’61 film adaptation of The Turn of the Screw? One of my favorite good-old-fashioned-ghost-story movies.
I just watched the original trailer. Looks good.
I’ve had that on the back burner forever.
Seconded. Very good movie.
I have The Other next to it on my shelf – can recommend as an older, more thriller type movie.
Since you are a Tangerine Dream fan, you might check out The Keep. Good sound track, creepy vibe.
Please. I’m all over The Keep. 👍🏻
And the soundtrack was not easy to find, but I did.
A better novel than a movie. Made me sick to my stomach on first reading when I was about 9 years old.
You ever check out the Kinski/Herzog 1970’s Nosferatu? It’s really good, and I am also not a big horror movie fan (but I am a Herzog/Kinski fan).
If you like Nosferatu, you should check out Shadow of the Vampire with Malkovich and DeFoe
On topic…I enjoyed the short. Except for the stars on the topless girl. Some of the gore caught me off guard. Not like PTSD level, more like, oh dayum!
When I first saw the title, I had a brief hope that it was the 1981 movie Ghost Story, with Craig Wasson, Fred Astaire, Melvyn Douglas, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. and John Houseman.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be on any of the free streaming services for next weeks episode.
I thought that too – but I’m more familiar with the book. My mom had it, so I read it when I was a kid. I vaguely remember the movie but not really.
I don’t know if I knew that the movie was based on a book until I just looked up the movie. I always enjoyed em>Ghost Story when they used to show it on the Saturday afternoon matinee on the local UHF channel, a long time ago.
Craig Wasson had a good, if brief, run in the ’80s, with lead roles in Ghost Story and Body Double.
Is that the Ghost Story by King/Straub?
Looks like it.
I just finished “Brutal Relax.” Holy Cow!
I has both horrified and hysterically laughing.
Great find, RJ!
The social workers basically told Judi to back off from championing her son’s cause. Apparently it makes it less likely for him to receive the help he needs if it appears that he already has a helping hand. Sink or swim. Good advice, never mind that I’ve been saying the same thing forever. Two nights of relative peace thus far. Let’s hope for a third!
“Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.”
I hope you have many more nights of peace, relative or, better yet, absolute.
Thanks Red! It means a lot! These last few months were already trying enough without the added bullshit.
There are only about 3 or 4 hundred “unhoused” people in my small city but they have sucked all the oxygen from the air. Her boy is one of them. They have made the downtown area into a no-go zone yet the powers that be keep building free stuff. There used to be vagrancy laws and the really crazy were once locked away for everyone’s safety.
Three or four hundred is a lot. Jeez, I couldn’t imagine being homeless in Canada. Way too damn cold.
Any UFC fans out there put your picks in for this weekend’s killer card. I’m taking:
*hoping for Oliviera, though.
Nah, I’ve gotten soft. I can’t watch that shit anymore. Not a big fan of the ultraviolence.
Festus, what you need to is to get a good First out of your system. Get your dick hard again.
Sorry, Bro. I am become the Don Meredith Of Firsters and thus sadly can only report from the sidelines…
Do I need to come over to your house and knock over a water cooler here?
Since I’ve been “retired” I’ve noted one good thing. If I neglect to shave for 4-5 days, when I do my face is as smooth as a baby’s bottom for two days. That’s a win, right?
Fuckin’ eh, buddy. Fuckin’ eh.
“Brutal Relax” was entertaining. I especially liked the dude offing the sea zombies with a child’s corpse! I can stomach the fake violence but the stuff like you see on-line or in real life just makes me cringe.
I’ve been listening to macabre stuff for the past three weeks when I hit the hay. Makes for some very interesting dreams! The best part is when your actual conscience leaves off and your sub takes over. I used to read, now I listen. This is probably not good.
I had one of those “I think I’m sleeping” night a few days ago when i had to wake up really early. I knew I was sleeping yet felt awake.
Hey Glibs. Apparently, it’s morning again.
I need to pick up gin today.
Cotton processing?
It’s morning but it’s Friday morning.
Spacey’s a deviant and a douchebag but it sounds like the evidence simply wasn’t there. A guy shouldn’t have his ass handed to him over a he said-she said.
“Biden Admin Weighs Blocking Twitter Deal On “National Security” Grounds… Just As Musk Wanted”
I’m not Musk’s biggest fan, his head’s mostly in the right place but he does love himself some government lucre more than just about anyone else out there, but what the fuck is this? The author apparently thinks this is what he actually wanted but I’m not buying it. The government stepping in and saying you can’t buy this or that because of your pushing back against Russia policy is straight up authoritarian bullshit.
Opposition to US funding for Ukraine is treason almost as serious as opposing the Jones Act.
I dunno, it kinda makes sense if he was being forced to pay way more than it’s worth.
Seems a bit convoluted and the government seems to be going after Starlink too. I think some opportunists in the security state saw an opportunity to tie an emerging dissident voice to Satan…err…Putin and will use that to demonize him as much as possible as well as appropriate partial control of some of his companies if they can manage that. If it was a calculated move it was a misstep: He might get what he wanted in the short term but the long term consequences will be ruinous (or would be if he wasn’t worth $200 billion, the guy will be alright I think).
That’s the most believable part. I can’t blame Musk for griping about losing money in that meat-grinder and if it’s as “crucial” to our exploits there as everybody is saying, why not just appropriate it for ourselves and make the taxpayers pay for it.
PA election commercial : “invasive ultrasound”
Do I not understand ultrasounds or is the commercial just shite?
Invasive of one’s privacy maybe.
Is this where MAGA wants to chain pregnant woman to hospital beds or something?
Come on, man. MAGA wants to create The Handmaid’s Tale.
Good morning, RoaT, rhy, Stinky, Sean, U, and (maybe) Ted’S. (who is probably already at work)!
On the agenda today: cover a few of Reliable Coworker’s morning gotta-do’s while he’s off, fill out part of a tax form for my employer, and continue to try to sort out a SNAFU made by one of our vendors. My reward afterward: go hear a couple of friends play music at a “meats and fine wines” joint! Yay, Friday! 😃🎶🎸🎹🎙🎵
Morning, GT.
How’s everything in your neck of the
woodsurban jungle?It’s quiet.
I’m at my desk, having breakfast, trying not to look at my email or calendar lest something upsetting dwell within.
… I just had a twisted idea to go along with the story I emailed you about last night.
Ooh! Please do tell me about it via the communication technology of your choice when you get a chance!
I sent you an email because the comments would spoil it for too many people and text messages are clunky for long communiques.
Good morning GT and all others (See GT’s list above) and Ted,s for sure
Friday and then we get the whole week-end. The years roll by quickly, fall and no roses to smell.
Warm today, glad Biden et al are on top of this problem.
Morning, Fourscore.
Happy to enact your labor! 😁 Also glad you’re warm, and I hope it stays that way as long as possible up dere in da Nort’ Woods!
…and good morning, 4(20)!
Good Morning everyone.
Been busy with contractors (job). Hope we all have a safe Friday.
Cannot believe year is almost over.
I am surprised at the “news cycle” peaks and troughs WRT russian-ukraine war.
How are the sheepies?
They are well, wife is thinking about selling the flock to focus on the cows. Our hay habit is $900 a month at the moment.
The cows that hate you?
The very ones.
They come over when i give them hay. The 6 month old cow is freaking adorable.
Also yesterday i made the mistake or turning my back on the ram. Bastard nailed me on my lower back. Still hurts.
How rude, ramming the back that feeds you.
He doesn’t care.
I think there is a lesson there somewhere.
Seems like $900 is a lot to pay for the critters’ meals, plus the incidentals like grain, supplements, vets’ fees and labor enacted. How many critters are living off your benevolence?
Good morning, ‘bodru!
If it’s in a “trough,” the news out of Ukraine must not advance The Narrative.
Howdy folks, I hope the day is a good one,
More Covfefe!
Covfefe and early meetings. But I leave work early!
Why black widows bite so many men in the “junk”
Spider article anyone?
Clearly it’s arachnoid misandry.