GlibFit 4.0 – Talent Not Required

by | Oct 9, 2022 | GlibFit | 202 comments

I remember the first time I read this chapter title. My first thought was finally someone who gets me.

Goggins’ eighth challenge, summarized, (from his book) is this:

Challenge #8 – It’s time to compartmentalize your day. Too many of us have become multitaskers. This will be a three-week challenge. During week one, go about your normal schedule and take notes. Log when you work, for how long, whether it is all work, or you are taking breaks (especially breaks to do other things). Log mealtimes when you exercise, relax, and socialize. If you commute, log your commute time(s). The idea is to log everything you do in a day. This will be your baseline. You will analyze how you are actually spending your time so you can determine what stays and what goes. By eliminating your wasted time, you should be able to add hours of productive time to you day.

In week two, build an optimal schedule. Block out all the time in your day. That includes work, rest, recreation, and eating. When you work, only work on one thing a time, think about the task in front of you and pursue it relentlessly.

By week three, you should have a working schedule that maximizes your effort without sacrificing sleep. This is how you get everything, including your chosen exercise, into your day.

I realize this is more about time management than fitness but considering the source, it seems pretty damn important. If you are wondering why you cannot find time to workout or why it’s so haphazard, then this method will get you to address the core of your problem.


— • —


Some of you complained about 70s era Aerosmith for last week’s music. I don’t even know what to do with you people. This week’s music.

About The Author



I'm looking California but feeling Minnesota


  1. DEG

    I don’t remember hearing anything from the J. Geils Band beyond “Centerfold” until after I moved to New England. At first, I thought, “Oh, they have other stuff. It’s OK.” Then over time I got tired of them.

    Strangely, out of all the New England bands which New England radio over-plays, which is all of them, the only one I haven’t gotten tired of is The Cars. I don’t remember any Philly area bands getting that much airplay from Philly area radio stations.

    Last week I wasn’t feeling too well, so I did not go to the gym. I think a low-grade cold. At first I thought it was my allergies acting up, but I was too tired and not very hungry. I slept at least ten hours each night.

    I was at the gym briefly on Saturday. I did a little light sled work and some rowing. I’ll be back at the weights tomorrow.

    • Ted S.

      Last week I wasn’t feeling too well, so I did not go to the gym. I think a low-grade cold.

      Long Covid.

  2. Fourscore

    I got back to my work out schedule. I want to be ready for hunting season next month. Optimistically I’ll drag a deer out of the woods, realistically I want to get one close enough to hook on to with the tractor.

    Walk one day, exercise the next. I try to walk a little faster and farther on the walk days, then do the weight machine 2 sets of 3 exercises on the alternate days. If I have a scheduling conflict (not very often) I don’t worry about missing a day.

    • Tundra

      Excellent, Fourscore!

  3. LCDR_Fish

    That’s why I really like night shift. Unless I have an appt during the day, I have no excuse for not going to the gym before work. When I had day shift and I would work out after work (vice before work at my last job) it was easy to dip out with excuses for all kinds of things.

  4. Semi-Spartan Dad

    Glibfit exercise for last week included chainsawing a point on a 7” diameter wood post and driving it almost 4 feet into the ground with a sledge. Even after using a 6” auger to open up most of the hole, I could still only go an inch or two with each swing. And felt pretty damn close to a having a heart attack afterwards (I did finally get on the books with a cardiologist later this month for a echo). That post is tight though. Way better than tamping it in a wider hole or setting in concrete.

    There’s about 30 more posts more to go. I think I’m going to hire an excavator for an hour to just drive the rest in with a bucket.

    • Don escaped Texas

      inch or two per blow on a 7″ pole? that’s plenty good unless you’re driving into duck shit

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        Yeah. Haven’t used the sledge method before so am glad to hear that wasn’t too bad. I’ve sunk hundreds of wood posts at this point and every one has been either augering out wider and tamping, setting the post in concrete, or driving with the bucket of a front loader. I won’t use concrete again after having several posts snapped after a few years. And tamping just isn’t as strong as driving.

        I’ve got a buddy at a metal shop, and I’m going to see if he can get me some kind of scrap to use as a hammering cap on the end. All the various wood blocks I tried splintered after a few hits.

  5. Zwak. who's suit is as ragged as his nerves.

    Like 4×20, I was able to get all my workouts back into my schedule. I had dropped them during the run up to surgery, and during recovery and PT I was keeping it on the light side, but now I am going into it full tilt. Ain’t no one gonna do it for me.

    On the flip side, the wife is now going back into work two days a week (supposedly) and I have a feeling they are starting to push for more. Thank god. But she will find any excuse not to go in. There are no worries that this is effecting her job, but it is really annoying to have someone around all day, especially when I have to be quiet during a meeting.

  6. R C Dean

    “Too many of us have become multitaskers.”

    Concur vehemently. As far as I can tell, with very few exceptions, multitasking is “flailing around looking busy while doing a crap job at failing to accomplish the half dozen simple tasks you have”, and is mostly an exercise in mistaking motion for progress.

    • Mojeaux

      I vame to the conclusion long ago that there is no such thing as multitasking. It’s just screwing up a whole lot of things at the same time.

      I am very productive. Overly so, if my past office experience has taught me. I’m a quick study and naturally efficient. It gets to be a problem when you’re working with people who aren’t like that and don’t value that. Leaves a lot of sitting around being bored.

      • R C Dean

        My sister from another mother.

    • Chafed

      So much this.

  7. Tundra


    I need to re-read the book. I didn’t even remember this part. His plan is such a good idea! I am the world’s worst multitasker, but the world’s most easily distrac –


    I’m going to try his plan.

    Some of you complained about 70s era Aerosmith for last week’s music

    We call these people ‘righteously misguided’. Hopefully they will seek help.

    I had a shit week overall. Glibfitting actually made it better. I went out for some river therapy this morning. I got skunked, but damn, my melon is in a much better place.

    Have a great week, Glibfitters! I am traveling, so my discipline will be tested.

    Oh, and go outside.

    • Mojeaux

      I’m sorry you had a bad week, Tundra. 🙁

      • Tundra

        Thanks, Mo! I appreciate you.

    • Chafed

      Hopefully this is a better week for you Tundra.

      • Tundra

        Thanks, brother. I am prepared to kick ass!

    • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

      Sorry about your week, man

      • Tundra

        My dog still loves me, so there’s that!

        I loved the pic of you being nasally assaulted by the pupper!

  8. Grumbletarian

    New England managed to win a game and look halfway competent, by apparently having a sniper in the crowd take out the Lions secondary. Lot of severe injuries on the Lions that didn’t involve contact.

    • Lackadaisical

      I wouldn’t put it past the pats.

  9. Don escaped Texas

    for RCDean and Sloopy

    How It Started most over-rated
    #14 MichSt
    #25 Houston
    #17 Pitt
    #23 Wake Forest
    #21 BYU
    #18 NC State
    #15 Miami
    under-rated: #19 Wisconsin

    How It’s going
    unranked! MichSt
    unranked! Houston
    unranked! Pitt
    #14 Wake Forest…..whoopsies: I was wrong, but they’re still overrated 10 places
    unranked! BYU
    #15 NC State………whoopsies…barely a top 30 for me: wait for it
    unranked! Miami
    unranked! Wisconsin….no one agrees with me yet: they’re about a 20, but they’re not getting any votes

    Top Four
    Ohio State now deserves the top slot

    • Don escaped Texas

      best team with
      1 loss
      2 losses
      2 losses
      2 losses
      2 losses
      2 losses
      2 losses
      2 losses

  10. Don escaped Texas

    don’t bump your mouse!

    best team with
    1 loss: Oregon
    2 losses: Texas (which would beat Oregon)
    3 losses: Texas A&M
    4 losses: Arizona State
    5 losses: Central Michigan
    6 losses: Wofford

    • Brett L

      Texas lost by 2 games by 4 points total. That’s a tough pill to swallow. However, with the absolute destruction of OU, it will take an absolutely depraved bender for Sark not to get himself at least one more season.

      • Brett L

        That said, they absolutely deserve to be unranked. Capitalist football doesn’t care about the score, only who had more at the end.

      • Don escaped Texas

        Texas in terms of ability to score against strong teams is a top ten team, but the losses count all out of proportion. I’m not a Texas fan (although my son has season tickets), but they have a solid team.

  11. Aloysious


    Time management is the bane of my existence.

    However, honor demands that I accept this challenge. So I pledge my life, my fortune, and my sanity to this effort. Well, maybe I’ll just try really hard.

  12. Brochettaward

    I don’t have to worry about time management. I’m always…preemptive.

    • Chafed

      I love euphemisms.

    • Shiny Nerfherder

      I thought it was “premature”

    • Aloysious


      I like it.

  13. The Bearded Hobbit

    We’re in southern Maine tonight, having visited with my cousins and their family. DEG, we were in your area on Saturday but time didn’t work out for a visit.

    Tales of the tape for our road trip:

    Furthest west: 123.116W (visiting with Zwak in Oregon)
    Furthest north: 46.1N in the UP
    Furthest east: 70.61W (here in Naples)
    Furthest south: I guess our home at 35N

    • DEG

      DEG, we were in your area on Saturday but time didn’t work out for a visit.

      Another time.

      I hope you enjoy your trip!

    • Zwak. who's suit is as ragged as his nerves.

      I am glad to hear that the two of you are having such a great time. It is a lovely country, and you are choosing a wonderful way of seeing and enjoying it.

      Mazel Tov!

  14. robodruid

    My “glibfit” was moving 100 bales of hay by hand.
    not fun.

    I drove buy a auto store to get groceries…..saw a used jeep for 43K.

    I cant even comprehend what’s going on in the world.

    • UnCivilServant

      Would it have been better as 400 mini bales?

      • Ted S.

        No, the jeep would not have been better as 400 mini bales.

      • Ted S.


      • robodruid

        I honestly have no idea.

        I cant believe how expensive things are getting.
        $7 gallon of apple cider.

      • Lackadaisical

        Yup. Cash is trash, things have value.

    • Brett L

      You’ll have forearms like Popeye with that kind of workout.

      • robodruid

        No kidding, trying to stack the bales high, many different muscles.

  15. Gender Traitor

    Managed to make it to the Y for my usual twice-weekly workouts this past week despite my almost-certainly-sciatica making my left leg achy. Open to suggestions of anti-inflammatories to add to my diet to supplement or replace ibu every four hours. (May also try naproxen sodium/Aleve to see if it works and agrees with me.) Bookmarked a recipe for a lovely-sounding hot beverage with turmeric to that end.

    • Tundra

      Turmeric is great, but food is the best. Want to try an elimination diet for a couple weeks?

      Was this the recipe?

      Because it’s fucking awesome!

      • Gender Traitor

        Same name, very similar recipe to what I’d found – it was one of those suggested links that pop up when I open a new tab in Firefox. This one calls for powdered ginger, cinnamon, and almond butter as well as the almond milk. Glad to get a testimonial for it!

      • UnCivilServant

        …wait there are people who don’t automatically set new tab to about:blank?

      • Gender Traitor

        ::frantically searches through Settings and figures out how to do that:: Now I do! But if I had before, I might never have found out about this stuff that Tundra says is fucking awesome.

      • Tundra

        Yeah, I’ve discovered too many good things to nuke that completely,

        But just go here.

        It’s a fantastic place. I’ve learned a lot over the last 10 or 12 years. You don’t have to buy into everything, but if you follow even half of the reccos, you are gonna me really goddamn happy.

      • Gender Traitor

        …and…ummm…what’s an elimination diet? (I’m almost afraid to ask.)

      • PutridMeat

        Most EXTREME! elimination diet I know of is something like the carnivore, beef only. Basically eliminate essentially everything from your diet except a small handful of items. Used to isolate what food is giving you trouble. One can eliminate everything except one item, e.g. beef, let have time to clear out your body, and add things one by one, letting it work long enough to see if it re-introduces the problem. Rinse, lather, repeat.

      • Tundra

        Nah, it’s easy. You eliminate common inflammatory foods. Grains, maybe dairy, nightshades, etc.

        The biggest challenge is that we are all different. Truly N=1.

        I would start by tracking what you are currently eating. Cronometer is my fave, but even just a notebook works.

        Totally worth it.

      • Gender Traitor

        The thing is, this leg pain seemed to come on very suddenly three weeks ago, but not after any identifiable injury. At worst, I suspected sleeping in an awkward position on that side, perhaps just during a nap on the sofa. I can believe that diet could help, but I don’t know if it’s the cause.

      • Tundra

        Yeah, I get that. But three weeks into this low carb reset I’m shocked at how good my joints are.

        I would experiment.

    • Chafed

      GT if you are not regularly stretching then you are probably missing out on significant relief.

      • Tundra

        And this.

      • Gender Traitor

        As it happens, I had recently bookmarked another suggested link on that very topic. I guess I should actually read it and try the stretches described, eh?

      • Chafed

        Those are fine GT. I highly recommend the book Stretching. It’s been a huge help to me. I saw a chiropractor for years for a number of ailments including a pain that radiated down one leg. I finally realized that if he hadn’t fixed me after years of treatment, it wasn’t going to happen.

        I started stretching every day. I like to do it at the end of a workout but don’t worry about a right or best time just do it. Nearly every stretch was painful when I started. I didn’t realize how tight my entire body was. Bit by bit I became more flexible.

        I also noticed some days there were small pops or shifts I felt in my neck or spine. Every time this happened, the next day I noticed some additional pain relief or greater mobility. One day I noticed, I wasn’t in pain. The improvement over time was gradual. Sometimes it was imperceptible. But there was no question I steadily got better with consistent stretching.

      • MikeS

        I highly recommend the book Stretching.

        This has been sitting in my amazon wish list for over a year. You nudged it into my cart and it’s now on it’s way.

      • Chafed


      • Gender Traitor
      • Chafed

        Yes, that’s it.

      • Gender Traitor


    • Chafed

      I hate how many places now “offer” the chance to tip. I gladly tip for good service but I’m not tipping a clerk.

      • rhywun

        The food trucks at work (back when there were food trucks at work) started pulling that, and I hated that nearly everyone in line in front me encouraged it.

        And then the indoor food stalls – which are basically indoor food trucks – started pulling it.

        It’s outrageous.

    • The Bearded Hobbit

      I’ll give the Chick Behind The Bar a buck for twisting the top off of my $4 beer.

      I’ll tip the waitress 20% generally (because I worked in food service my first job and I know what they deal with.)

      I won’t tip for a buffet or fast food.

      • The Hyperbole

        a buck for twisting the top off of my $4 beer

        Nope, I might give them the change if I’m paying cash, so 50¢ on a $2.50 beer, but I’m not paying extortion just to ensure fair to middling service, of course I don’t worry about that anymore since I quit drinking beer three+ weeks ago.

      • The Bearded Hobbit

        OK, should qualify, this is my local watering hole. The chick deserves my tip because she recognizes me when I walk in the door.

      • UnCivilServant

        But I don’t want to be recognized. It means I eat out too much.

      • MikeS

        I quit drinking beer three+ weeks ago


      • R C Dean

        Because I tend to be a regular at a small handful of places, I view tips as an investment. I would say the majority of my bar restaurant visits are to places I go to often enough that they know me (and remember I tip well). I’m not tipping for what I just got, I’m tipping for what I’ll get next.

      • DrOtto

        This, we don’t have to wait for a table at our regular haunts regardless of how busy they are and will get comps on drinks/desserts from time to time.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, tipping well usually leads to free drinks a few hours later, in my experience.

      • Pine_Tree

        Admission: I never learned how bar tipping works. Just don’t know. Can y’all enlighten me?
        – “normal”?
        – airport lounge where the drinks are otherwise free?

        What’s the normal/right way to do it? Just put cash in the jar, or what? Serious question – I need actual education here.

    • UnCivilServant

      It all boils down to who controls the decision and what criteria is used.

      • Negroni Please

        Involuntary commitment will 100% be used by the state to control the political opposition. I have no desire to live is the USSR.

      • DEG
    • Tundra

      I’m with you. So not libertarian, but there are people that really need to be somewhere else.

      I look at asylums kind of like nuke power. Yes, I’m sure there were problems, but I know hollywood blew them all out of proportion.

    • The Bearded Hobbit

      I didn’t read the entire article through but what they are saying is correct.

      From several sources, including my ass,

      20% of homeless are truly loony
      10% of homeless are in a bad situation and want to make it better
      70% are junkies/wastrels/lazy

      There is an argument to institutionalize the 20%.

      • rhywun

        I would bump the 20% way higher.

        I have no idea what to do with them.

      • Zwak. who's suit is as ragged as his nerves.

        A lot of that 70% would be taken care of by eliminating gov’t subsidies. Stop giving them money, and a lot of the lower end of society would not end up there as it is not an option.

        “Don’t feed the racoons.”

    • Negroni Please

      Ancapistan says no public property so no public nuisance. Figure your shit out or get shot as a trespasser

      • rhywun

        Figure your shit out or get shot as a trespasser

        What happens in the real world?

      • Zwak. who's suit is as ragged as his nerves.

        That is were so much of the bullshit resides, both on our side and the statist side. Everyone is looking at only perfect world answers, and doing their best to set aside the real world and how everyone interacts with it. That stupid article at FEE about dense housing vs. rural emptiness is a great example of this spherical cow thinking.

      • rhywun

        That stupid article at FEE about dense housing vs. rural emptiness is a great example of this spherical cow thinking.

        Fair enough, and I actually agreed with it. Sigh.

      • The Hyperbole

        Nothing to sigh about. Letting people use their property as they see fit is hard not to agree with.

      • rhywun

        Of course.

        But it runs into reality.

      • MikeS

        Letting people use their property as they see fit

        This without limits leads to neighbors shooting neighbors.

      • The Hyperbole

        Freedom is a wonderful and frightening thing.

      • kinnath

        Not cows.

        The Chase

      • kinnath
      • rhywun

        LOL those are great.

        Another chase.

      • kinnath

        The whole set is amazing.

    • Urthona

      That feels like a disaster waiting to happen.

      • PutridMeat

        Yes, in a sane, stable society, with rational actors in positions of leadership, maybe. So in other words never. FFS, we have a full court press right now to label dissenting views with various degrees of ‘ostracism’, from removing one from the tools and mechanisms of society, to removing licensure in fields that require it, to labeling it as terrorism with all the dire implications that has for an individual. And we’re going to have those systems have the power to involuntarily commit people to asylums? How long until that’s turned on political dissent? Medical dissent? We’ve had current law deployed against those already. And the institutions that would nominally protect against that – e.g. AMA, APS, etc. – are thoroughly compromised and would probably be leading the charge.

        Does that mean I have a solution? Absolutely not. But involuntary commitment is fraught with issues in the best, most stable systems. That doesn’t describe ours right now.

        OT: Digging raised garden beds, putting stones in driveway to manage run-off. Glib-fit? No, Glib-Ouch.

      • Tundra


        We might be fucked.

        Good luck with the projects!

      • Shiny Nerfherder

        The Soviets called it “psychopathological mechanisms of dissent.”

      • R.J.

        If you are attacking people. A string caee can be made for commitment as part of a jail sentence I would think. Stabbing people for no good reason means you should be locked up. Also, no doubt that guy who went stab crazy had plenty of violent episodes prior.

      • R.J.

        Strong case. Damn, I hate typing on a phone.

      • C. Anacreon

        I don’t think most people realize how many patient protections there are in involuntary psychiatric commitments, and even when a commitment moves forward (something that most psychiatrists would prefer to avoid, because of a belief that voluntary care is most effective, and consensus agreement in the philosophy of a “least restrictive environment” for placements), it immediately triggers legal review by a judge or hearing officer, with the patient automatically provided counsel. Much of the reason so many mentally ill patients are on the streets is that getting a commitment, and maintaining the commitment through multiple further court appearances as hospitalization continues, is quite difficult. Once an individual can demonstrate they aren’t dangerous to self or others, and can show signs of being able to care for themselves, the commitment is immediately terminated, and the patient walks free, no matter their current psychiatric symptoms or the pleas of family members.

        From a liberty standpoint, this is overall a good thing, and mostly prevents the kind of inappropriate detentions from the past that led to Hollywood’s depictions. I’d like to say this system prevents commitment from being used as a political weapon, and perhaps I would have even argued this just a few years ago, but with the way the current administration has kept wrong-party trespassers in solitary confinement for months, and sees parents at school board meetings as terrorists, unfortunately it seems that just about anything is possible now.

  16. kinnath

    Loaded 1300 lbs of peat moss on to the trailer this afternoon. Then I dropped the trailer out behind the house. Next step is to get that plus twigs, leaves, and topsoil to the raised planting beds.

    I may have my spring project complete before the snow comes this fall.

    • Fourscore

      I trimmed my apple trees and wrapped aluminum foil about a foot up, around the base, a couple inches into the ground. Keep the mice away when the snow comes. I’m leaving all the garden residue and weeds on the garden, to be tilled in next spring. I bought a new sprayer and herbicide that’s a different formula than Round up, I going to do a better job with weed control next year.

      I’m hoping/expecting to get some apples next year.

      • kinnath

        Sounds great.

  17. MikeS

    I was going to First today, but decide to do something productive instead. Did some yard work and some shop work. Cleared a spot for material rack for the plasma table and made a spot for the new 3D printer to reside. Got just shy of 11,000 steps in today, so I think that qualifies as Glibfit.

    • R.J.

      And the sign said “Long-haired freaky firsters need not apply”
      So I tucked my hair up under my hat and I went in to ask him why
      He said “You look like a fine upstanding second, I think you’ll do”
      So I took off my hat, I said “Imagine that. Huh! Me workin’ for you!”

      First, first, everywhere a first
      Blockin’ out the seconders, they are the worst
      Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the first?

      • MikeS

        I see you went to visit Bro’ today. He’s such a pathetic Seconder, isn’t he?

      • R.J.

        I was busy too. I threw that together when I saw you post.

  18. MikeS

    Some good fucking outstanding 70’s J. Geils and Aerosmith

      • The Hyperbole

        The story about how Shadow Morton wrote that song is great. Little Steven tells it better on his radio show but the wiki synopsis is pretty good

      • MikeS

        I’m full of shame and embarrassment that I didn’t know/forgot it was a cover.

      • Chafed

        I didn’t know that was a cover.

      • MikeS

        The only reason Hype’ knew is because he listens to old person music. It goes with his grumpy old man persona.

      • The Hyperbole

        I’m down with the hip new with it sounds, Festus turned me on to Wet Leg way before they were cool and my new favorite band is Kid Kapichi.

      • MikeS

        Hmmm. That’s not terrible.

    • Chafed

      Both great choices.

  19. rhywun

    Well, that was interesting. I had some Kahlúa™️ I hadn’t touched in a few months, and since I have two more days off for Sukkot, I thought it was time for a White Russian. Cap wouldn’t come off so I ran it through the decapper thing with the sharp teeth I installed under my cabinets. Cap came off, along with some chunks of glass that were nowhere to be found.

    I debated for a few minutes whether to take my chances at running some glass powder and shards through my intestines, but finally decided to pour most of a liter of the stuff down the sink. 😡

    • MikeS

      You don’t have any strainers or coffee filters or anything?

      • rhywun

        I wasn’t thinking that deeply.

      • MikeS

        Dishtowels? A t-shirt? 😢

    • Don escaped Texas

      that sucks

      FWIW: Scotch has corks and you can use the shipping cans to store stuff in

    • Chafed

      And you call yourself a Glib.

  20. Mojeaux

    I am sitting here watching TV with my husband, trawling Pinterest, and pinning all sorts of fine jewelry and I didn’t even know I like jewelry! It appears what I like is all art deco vintage expensive shit. WHY do I like expensive shit?! Stop it!

    • MikeS

      Because you’re classy AF.

      • Mojeaux

        Awwww. 😊

      • MikeS

        I mean, you have terrible taste in music, but you’re still a classy chick.


      • Mojeaux

        you have terrible taste in music,

        but I won’t hold it against you. 😜

    • The Hyperbole

      Everyone likes expensive stuff…or more accurately…things are expensive because everyone likes them.

      • Mojeaux

        Why do you make me agree with you all the time?

    • one true athena

      Back when I worked in Beverly Hills (20 years ago now), I would walk past the Escada store and pine for those dresses. Even though I couldn’t afford them, had no where to wear them, and was about six inches too short to wear them well. But I loved the designs anyway (while not caring for the equally expensive clothes two shops over). You like what you like.

      • Mojeaux

        Yep. I have nowhere to wear any of that stuff, so what’s the point of wanting or even looking at it? Well, because they’re pretty and I like pretty things.

      • The Bearded Hobbit

        because they’re pretty and I like pretty things.

        I’ve got a couple of guns that fall under that description. If you like it, own it. Justify it later. Self-fulfillment is its own reward.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Heh. Buy paste.

      • Mojeaux

        Oh, I SHOULD!!!

  21. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    Watching the game. While hyping next week’s Stanford game they showed a picture of John Harbaugh’s daughter. I thought it was Trevor Lawrence.

    • rhywun

      Huh huh, that chick is hot.


    • MikeS

      /searches “John Harbaugh’s daughter”

      /searches “Trevor Lawrence”

      I can’t decide which one should be bothered by that comparison.

  22. MikeS

    I decided to First tonight, and the internal server error is denying me. I had no idea the lame ass wanna be Firster, what’s-his-name, had enough pull here to censor me. Disgusting.

    • Chafed

      Pffffft. He has no clout. Don’t let him take any credit.

      • MikeS

        Good point. Seconders like him have no sway over anyone or anything.

        In all seriousness, it would be really, really cool if someone could figure out what the fuck is causing it.

  23. Festus

    I sit here chewing on my lip but really, I have nothing to say.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Chew harder.

    • UnCivilServant

      None of us really have anything to say, but we say it anyway.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed. Say something once, why say it again?

    • robodruid

      Just Happy to see you still out there Fest.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Hey Festus et alia!

        Mojo, you could do like a pretentious relative of mine and tell people it’s your *traveling* jewelry.

  24. robodruid

    An interesting morning article from american thinker.

    Apparently Russia still has tactical nuclear weapon systems. While we only have our strategic ones.
    I think Biden was crazy with his nuclear holocaust comments, still do. But Congress has been very happy to go along with all of this.
    Very disappointing that no one in govt. is saying anything against this intervention.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Our nuclear brinksmanship is very stupid, no doubt, but it does merit repeating that Putin has not himself made nuclear threats beyond reiterating Russian defense policy in response to an attack, and he wasn’t referring to an attack by the Ukraine. As long as we stay out of it nuclear strikes will not happen. I think our national security apparatus is puffing this nonsense up so they can point and say it was our threats that kept Putin from doing it, therefore praise us, when it was never going to be done in the first place. In other words, it’s just another cynical government propaganda mindfuck.

      • robodruid

        Reasonable, however that would require our govt. to have a level of competence that I rarely see. People are going to be more upset about the price of chicken.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Maybe we are just muddling through and being very stupid about how we’re doing it. Hope not though.

  25. Yusef drives a Kia

    Hello Glibs, coffee and a bowl, getting ready for second friday, hows the mornin’?

    • Gender Traitor

      …and good morning to you, too, Yu!

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Is that Kia’s new El Camino? I like it, looks like something Herman Munster would drive.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        A1960 grey and black, mint condition.
        I want one

  26. Gender Traitor

    Good morning, ‘bodru, Stinky, and TO’G! I have today off (Thank you, Federal Reserve!) and could have slept in…but couldn’t sleep.

    • robodruid

      Isn’t that the problem?
      Work 30+ years up at 5, hard to sleep in.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        True that, I can’t sleep past 0530 anymore no matter how late I stay up. I can wake up and putter around and go back to sleep a couple of hours later but that only works on the weekends.

      • Fourscore

        I go to bed early, usually, and get up early. Mrs F stays up late, gets up late. Often we don’t see each other ’til noon, she’s having breakfast when I’m having lunch. It seems to be the best schedule for both of us.

        …and Good Morning to all the early birds…

      • Gender Traitor

        Good morning, 4(20)! 🙂

      • Gender Traitor

        Good morning, U! Any plans for YOUR day off?

      • UnCivilServant

        More laundry, grocery shopping, and some bowling.

      • Gender Traitor

        Laundry! I didn’t do ANY yesterday! Now I feel as if I broke the Sabbath! 😳

        Hope the bowling is fun! I have a distinct disadvantage due to my club thumbs – any ball with a big enough thumb hole is usually too heavy for me to lift,

  27. Sean

    Mornin y’all.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean! 👍🏼👍🏼

      • Sean


      • Grosspatzer

        Mornin’, GT. You and I no longer need to follow baseball. 😞🎺

      • Gender Traitor

        For now, I’ll root for Cleveland for the sake of Mr. Ilium and because they’re playing the despised Yankees. (Obligatory)

      • Grosspatzer

        LOL, #metoo. Would love to see the two guys we traded for Lindor (Gimenez, Rosario) beat up on the damn Yankees.

    • Grosspatzer

      A perfect celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      They have been at war for decades, this is known in SoCal.

      • Grosspatzer

        Mornin’, Yufus!

        They have been at war for decades, this is known in SoCal.

        And elsewhere. My dear departed mother once explained to me that we were not Puerto Rican, we were white.

    • Fourscore

      Life gets curiouser and curiouser.

  28. Grosspatzer

    Mornin’, reprobates!

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, ‘patzie!

      Guess we don’t have to worry about any more of that pesky baseball, huh? 🙁

  29. Grosspatzer

    Beat me to it 🙂

  30. EvilSheldon

    Good morning!

    This is an interesting idea. I think I’m gonna try it. Not so much for finding time to exercise, but for finding time to do all the other shit I want to do. I haven’t picked up my guitar in *ahem* weeks…

    Trager Brothers Bali dark roast in the v50…Virginia sometimes has its high points.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, ES! Acoustic or electric?

      • EvilSheldon

        Electric. I’ve promised myself that when I finish phase 1 of my online lessons, I’m gonna buy a nice acoustic as a reward. We’ll see how it goes.

      • Gender Traitor

        👍🏼🎸 For your acoustic, I have it on good authority that Taylors are the shit.