I don’t really feel those ’emotion’ things. So I get very confused by people spewing hatred for things, or those who ‘fucking love’ things. I’m interested in things. Some things elicit a slight chuckle. I’m not interested in other things. But the whole idea of wrapping one’s self in total devotion or love for someone or something is very foreign to me (except my nieces and nephews, until they turn 10 or so, then they get boring). So I was never one of those people who HATED John McCain. Early on before I caught onto his grift I kind of didn’t mind him. I found it interesting how he was a darling of the left and ‘The Maverick’ because he and Lieberman would work together. Then one day he became LITERALLY HITLER with that WOMAN HATING FAKE WOMAN running as his VP pick. Years after his brain had already rotted away he somehow got brain cancer, and then rebelled against the brand new LITERALLY HITLER. A medical miracle.
Hat and Hair Animated :Rerun: Ep 5
About The Author

Organic troll farmer.
Whoa! It’s PIE!
I fucking hate various politicians, FWIW – Guv Kathy is up there lately – but yeah, it doesn’t consume me or anything. Mostly I just SMDH and plod along.
I dislike Walz. Not as a governor but as a human being.
Log into zoom first, then use that link.
Quit bossing me!
Where’s the fun in that?
“I don’t really feel those ’emotion’ things.”
We found the one true libertarian.
She looks to good for this to be real.
eh, she’s disgusting, assumign the cops are properly doing their job (big assumption) sexual assault isn’t okay.
That’s funny even if it’s not real.
I read the site and alls I see are seconds. I am the First Of All Firsters. You people don’t even strive to be second of all seconders.
Too true about kids turning ~10. Not sure what it is, I guess they just get less interested in what adults do around that age, which is good.
Good episode- miss the Trump-as-president quotes.
So I was never one of those people who HATED John McCain.
I agree with Hat. I hated McCain.
But don’t deport the Mexican chick.
I’ve pretty much hated McClain my entire life because my own clan — the Hatfeldsteins — have a blood feud with them.
Mr. Trump would like a hamburger to go.
I’m thinking about doing steroids to up my Firsting game. I know, I know. You are all like, “But you’re already the best Firster, Mike!” True. But if PEDs will help me First even more, who could blame me?
Dbol, brother. You’ll be ready for the tour.
My wife gave me the look. I’m gonna be seconding with gusto tonight.
Impersonating a Firster is blasphemy. The calamity you will bring down on yourself will be your ruin.
Who do you admire more, Aaron Judge or Barry Bonds?
Those of us who have had managed to make CPRM laugh understand that he literally means “slight chuckle”.
Was he laughing, er, chuckling slightly with you or at you? After all, MikeS, you are a funny guy.
CPRM makes me laugh but then so do you
Very good question…
The only times in the last few year I have gotten a really good laugh it has been over someone’s really stupid political thoughts and I was really really drunk.
Speaking of laughing: The day before HH22, CPRM, Yusef, and myself got together for fellowship and sharing the good word.
We ended the night huddled under a stairwell outside CPRM’s hotel, trying to stay out of the torrential rain of a thunderstorm that lasted for a couple hours. Smoking, drinking, laughing (two of us), and telling stories. I say this in all sincerity, it is a memory I will cherish for a long, long time. It was a great time.
And then the next day Yusef and I stood up CPRM for breakfast. Never trust anyone.
Good times. Hopefully CPRM had breakfast anyway and chuckling about the no-shows.
That sounds awesome.
I’m reminded of the bar scene after smoking was banned, and how all the fun moved outdoors.
Huzzah my friends! A great time was had. Under the stairs is unforgettable!
Pisces: The Lovers reversed – Failure, foolish designs, marriage frustrated
Two Corinthians, y’all ! – Herschel Walker
@Sensei (and anyone else with an opinion)
I have gotten serious about buying a 3D printer. A friend has two AnyCubic machines and he likes them, so I’ve been focusing on that brand. I think I’ve settled on the Vyper. It gets good reviews, and seems like it has a decent amount of bells and whistles, while still being beginner friendly. Thoughts?
Be extra careful everything is plumb, level, and square when setting up.
I have now exhausted all of my knowledge on the subject.
Haha. Thanks. One big plus why I’m leaning towards this machine is it has a self-leveling feature. And assembly is very minimal. The reviews I’m seeing say you can be printing 30 minutes after opening the box.
I probably would have started 3d printing had I more room on my workbench. ’tis cluttered.
I really do need a forge/workshop where I can put my tools in a permanant setup.
I’d love to see you find a new place with room for your budding hobbies. I’m kind of surprised you haven’t gotten a 3D printer. It would be great for making your own miniatures to paint.
I keep looking at the cheap ones and going “that’s not a high enough print quality” and then at the good ones and going “gosh, that’s awfully expensive” Sometimes I get close, but I never commit.
I don’t know what your $$ limit would be, but I was impressed with the print quality of this one. It’s more than I need, so I’ll at least start with a filament machine.
Resin has it’s own unique challenges separate from plastic filament. That’s another thing that leaves me on the fence.
My current plan is to pay off my debts (on track for Jan 2023), save up for a new piece of land where I can do more of the things my city lot prevents me from working on. Until then, I should reduce my spending on other items where I can.
I hesitate on Resin printers because I hate working with resin minis (the glue is very different, it responds to tooling differently, and you need protective equipment to avoid breathing in the dust when doing anything involving trimming, sanding, or other surface work prior to painting)
Although I do like this lot… unless the neighbors take issue with hammer noise
Meh. Get yourself a he-shed and they’ll barely hear the hammering.
I was going to criticize you for even thinking of buying such an expensive acre, and then found an acre of land near me that is listed at $270k.
What the fuck is wrong with people?
This might be the dumbest hot-take I have read yet.
NB. I dunno who the fuck did it, but this particular take is just stupid. The notion that Biden’s or Europe’s “radical environmentalism” is anything more than skin-deep is ludicrous.
I couldn’t make it past the part where they argue it makes sense for Russia as the only way to split the Westetn alliance is to sow discord. Blowing up the pipeline is a convulated and stupid way to achieve that. Russia isn’t fixing those pipelines this winter. Blowing them up cut off any chance of delivering gas to Europe which was Russia’s only way to split the West. It was Russia’s only leverage.
Blowing up the pipeline forces Western Europe’s hand. They have to show the political will now to support Ukraine. An about face and blaming America would be a humiliation for European leaders who have gone this far. They would be admitting they are completely chucked here even if they had smoking gun evidence America did it.
We are rightfully the prime and most likely suspects. By far. We are just about the only ones with the capability to pull it off. Perhaps the only party with a sensible motive. The dem party operatives in the media will not admit this until years from now but they know.
There entire argument is bullshit. Blowing the pipeline makes it impossible to deliver gas this winter. To put it more succinctly.
Wow, that is dumb. Every single one of the greenies in the cabinet could be bought off by being told they were stopping Evil Gas from Helping the Russians Destroy the Environment!!!! and the rest you just accuse of being Putin apologists.
and lol, that’s assuming any of them knew about it — which these days, who tf knows. I would not be surprised to find out Nuland ran her own op, and did one of those “slip the orders in a pile to have Biden sign it” tricks and went on her merry way.
“slip the orders in a pile to have Biden sign it”
I assumed that was how everything in this admin gets done. Was that wrong of me? Should I not have done it?
Picture Nuland as Radar, Biden as Colonel Blake.
Well, I gotta think Klain and/or Susan Rice is keeping an eye on the papers. Can’t be the Regent of the King if someone else is accessing the king behind your back too much. and the Regent just tells him to sign it, no trick necessary.
Fuck. I forgot to do a package release yesterday… Slipped my mind never happened before… I say do it today nice and early and now I notice that a component was not delivered by the development team. Goddamnit I should have noticed this yesterday lunch.
“How does it help…to make troubles heavier by bemoaning them?”
– Seneca
Seneca did not have users bitching at him about stuff over webex
Heh…package release…
I’m back, back, I tell you, back to tell you all, I shall tell you all
I can’t stand this indecision married to a lack of vision
Music therapy: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E6QOr-oCTwU
Guess who’s back. Scroaty’s back. Guess who’s back. Guess who’s back. Guess who’s back
Saw Massie link to this article today: https://www.foxnews.com/us/fbi-undercounts-number-times-armed-citizens-thwarted-active-shooting-incidents-report
Worth reading the whole thing – haven’t had time to look at the links/reports myself yet.
I am shocked.
Is that the data collection program ran by Deputy Director Mary Rosh?
The rate of these crimes being stopped in places where the constitution is upheld is really high- 58% in the past year? Hell of a lot better than the cops, isn’t it?
what interesting is the researcher’s data in general and specific to places people are allowed to carry are showing upticks in stopping gunmen by armed citizens. No doubt a consequence of increased constitutional carry and the general increase in gun rights, and maybe awareness among the gun rights community about these events and a willingness to tackle them.
Three days working in downtown Portland. Saw two bums and one tent. And the streets were very clean. The whitewash money being thrown at it is working. Meanwhile elsewhere, trashed underpasses and graffiti over everything in some places and pristine normal neighborhoods in most places. Worst aspect of living in there is the traffic. Thankfully, the city of Portland is trying to do something about that
Oh, and no antifa or riots. Closest was “Kill All Cops” spayed across a building with an anarchy A next to it.
Does that parking meter take your picture to see how black you are? Need to know what to charge, right?
I finally got let into the Zoom. Ya know what? Everyone there was just as polite as could be! A+ for my faraway friends! CPRM smells a bit but we’ll leave that for another day.
High praise indeed! That’s like a Minnesodan calling someone else nice.
You have Smellovision Zoom? That sounds risky…
Festus didn’t use the Zoom to get high, he just liked the way it smelled.
This is laughable. The hateful dyke is smearing her rino opponent as being supported by MAGA extremists and Jan 6 “rioters”. Meanwhile her own top aide was arrested at actual riots. *crickets*
Blue Squiggly Line Clippy says ‘this sentence could use some clarification.’
indeed, no idea who he’s referring to. I didn’t know whats-her-balls was running.
I blame the alky. Tina Kotex, it’s her turn.
Governor Accident has a new ad out with some lady claiming she would die under Zeldin because he would have chained her to the hospital bed while her fetus killed her on the way out. (Paraphrasing, but not by much.)
People really fall for this shit?
She giving birth to a xenomorph?
Finally, a good use for the turbines.
‘Police added that the lock on the windmill was damaged, an estimated $20 value.’
At least they’re going after the bigtime criminals.
Morning Glibs.
Tragic. Fight back, people.
Jesus. Strange they’re not revealing cause of death. Dehydration?
It always comes back to Nazis.
Why do people keep mistaking educational credentials for intelligence? It really irks me every time.
Because iq tests are ‘racist’, so that is the next best proxy?
I think maybe once upon a time it actually required intelligence to complete a course of higher education. But that was a very long time ago.
My maternal grandfather was quite intelligent and extremely well-read – he had an amazing vocabulary – but due to family circumstances never finished high school. (The books we inherited from his home smelled of his cheap cigars for years after we acquired them! 😊)
Pretty much this: it used to be if you didn’t have brains you were unable to obtain a degree so it served as an indicator, not that people without them were necessarily considered unintelligent because so few people went due to various circumstances.
suh’ fam
whats goody
Good morning, homey, Lack, U, and Sean! It’s Friday Eve! 😃
Oh, yeah – late this morning I’m scheduled to sit in on a Zoom meeting about our med/dental/vision open enrollment. I’m going to try to stay vewy, vewy, quiet and hope no one notices my presence so they don’t think later on that I can answer any of their lingering questions. 🤫
Recent open enrollment presentations have been an exercise in illustrating how it is necessary to provide less care for more money, and explaining why this is a good thing.
Mornin’, reprobates!
Good morning, ‘patzie! How (or what) are you holding up?
Off to the urologist this afternoon. Meanwhile I am dealing with a frustrating series of issues with our data pipeline. I know where things are breaking but have yet to figure out how to fix it. Boss man should be back today, having atoned for whatever needed atoning. Can’t wait to chat with him.
“Putin blowed it up!!!”
LOL. The Russian engineer who added the problematic functionality a few years ago is no longer with us. Hmm…
Fell out of a window?