Relax that was just clickbait, but as it turns out Musk inserted himself into my day in more ways than one.

This is my review of Odd13 Prince of Putts Helles Lager:

Relax, I am going to avoid talking about the one billionaire everyone simultaneously hates to love and loves to hate.  Today I would like to shed light on something we can all agree on:   Bear Patrol.

While it may seem a useful in this day and age, with all those bear attacks, has it occurred to anyone to ask WHY there has been a resurgence of wildlife attacks in our fair cities?

Woke Politics.

What? Do you think this is a joke?  This is a serious analysis performed by a wildlife expert.  An expert says so!

Nelson believes the situation was preventable, but argued state officials have prioritized a “touchy-feely, nonsensical woke wildlife management” that is “putting the public at risk.”

“This is a complete tragedy on both sides. Nobody wins,” Nelson said. “Encounters like this… are avoidable.”

Nelson noted that fall is the time of year that bears “pack on as much as they can because they’re coming into hibernation.”

What does getting woke have to do with this?

Nelson pointed out that state officials restricted the spring bear hunting season and passed laws that made it more difficult to hunt bears during the normal season. The result has been a steady increase in the population of bears, increasing the risks of similar negative human interactions with the animals.

One of those rules the state passed to make hunting bears more difficult was banning the use of dogs to pursue bears. Nelson noted that state officials are still able to use dogs to track bears involved in attacks, including the one over the weekend.
So, now, we as taxpayers have to pay for this activity rather than have the hunter – who is buying tags and licenses – providing money for the state.”

I suppose this isn’t really a joke.  Given the propensity for progressive politicians to ignore the obvious solution to the problem and simply throw money at a program designed to poorly address the symptoms to the consequences of their policies—we will soon all be paying for a community bear patrol.  Which if this takes place, would make for the most absurd Simpsons prediction yet.

Now, would anyone like to purchase this rock?


Helles no? Helles yeah!  At least they didn’t bite on the obvious pun.  There is very little to say about this one, as it is simply a competently made alternative to the ubiquitous Pilsner or IPA.  Even if the style is fairly popular in my neck of the woods that may not be so in yours.  Which makes it a more than welcome change of pace.  Also handy to pick up to make fun of a buddy that is flying too close to the sun…Which I did (Old Man). Odd13 Prince of Putts Helles Lager: 3.1/5

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.


  1. Yusef drives a Kia

    We vote a lot of bears in my part of the world,
    Beer is beer.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      We have a lot of bears

      • Trigger Hippie

        Mike Singletary for Congress!

      • Chafed

        I thought he was voting foe Jesse

      • mexican sharpshooter


      • Chafed

        I was thinking in.mb but Ventura works too.

  2. Shiny Nerfherder

    Bear Musk, it’s what discerning men wear.

    • R C Dean

      + 1 Leonardo DiCaprio

  3. The Late P Brooks

    Is it just my imagination monitor, or is that beer cloudy?

    My car veered into the parking lot at McKenzie River Pizza last week. They had something they called Drift Boat Lager, from some brewery in Great Falls, I think. Tasty.

    • DEG

      If it is a Helles, it should not be cloudy.

      When I look at the picture, I think it is condensation on the glass.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      It is indeed condensation. We got a lot of rain when I drank this one a few weeks ago.

  4. KSuellington

    They succeeded in getting mountain lion hunting banned in California about 15 years back. We now have a whole lot more mountain lion encounters and attacks on people and pets. I imagine as more years go by they will continue to lose their fear of humans and it will get worse. It was a totally unforeseen thing.

    • juris imprudent

      Well that and their prime prey – deer – are quite suburbanized. Also I think it’s more than 15 years back

      A self-described “strong Democrat” and Sierra Club member, Dunlap won the big cat its first reprieve from hunters’ crosshairs with a moratorium on sport hunting, signed by then Gov. Ronald Reagan in 1971. The moratorium went into effect when the scheduled lion hunting season ended in February 1972.

      • KSuellington

        I’m at the point where everything seems “about 15 years ago”. Looks like it was 1990 that they finally banned lion hunting in California. My friends that hunt deer have pretty much given up on hunting them in the state as deer populations have gone way down since then.

      • dbleagle

        An adult felis concolor will eat about one deer a week. A mom with young consumes around 3 deer every 2 weeks.

  5. R C Dean

    Bringing forward the discussion from the dedthred:

    I’m going with Gal Gadot.

    • kinnath


    • DEG

      r/BustyIsraeliGirls (NSFW so I didn’t link) on reddit.

      Oh, and Kat Dennings.

    • Ozymandias

      Truthfully, I learned 3 women I had never even thought about being (((of the tribe))) were.
      I had forgotten about Gal, but I still would have picked Rachel Weisz.

  6. Mojeaux

    Well, okay, look. If you move into the fauna’s territory, fauna gonna get you eventually.

    Hunting is fine and all—Gaia can take care of herself and all that—but let’s not shocked Pikachu face that the animals want to go where they’ve always gone. It’s just that now, there are two-legged hairless animals in the way.

    • Chafed

      Who you calling hairless?

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Hey now, this is no place for rational, level headed thought.

    • Mojeaux

      I’m listening to this right now. Good take.

      As to monetizing, I have long said I would pay for a subscription because I found it that valuable (at the time).

  7. Semi-Spartan Dad

    One of those rules the state passed to make hunting bears more difficult was banning the use of dogs to pursue bears.

    I agree with this. Or least not banning but rather restrain their use to hunt clubs and private property. There should be no law facilitating them access to mine. VA law allows bear and fox hunters to trespass on my land to retrieve their dogs but, in theory, not to continue the hunt. Loose hunting dogs are dangerous to our poultry and livestock, and our dogs would kill them on sight, leading to what I’d imagine would be a not so pleasant interaction with an armed trespassing owner.

    I’ve seen a couple run through after foxes while walking through my woods, but off in the distance and gone before I could do anything.

  8. Ted S.

    Also handy to pick up to make fun of a buddy that is flying too close to the sun…Which I did (Old Man).

    I’d have guessed (((Old Man))) was flying too close to the Son.

  9. Tonio

    “a community bear patrol”

    Sign me up.

  10. DEG

    Helles no? Helles yeah! At least they didn’t bite on the obvious pun.

    A good Helles is a good beer.

    From the deadthread: Juris: I have commented on the NH Congressional race before. I live in Pappas’ district. I helped out with the Tim Baxter campaign. Unfortunately, Baxter came in 5th. Leavitt won. Pappas’ ads where he claims to want to “Drain the Swamp” amuse me. I think I also posted a story from the primary election about the Establishment trying to shank Leavitt. I think it was Main Street Republicans was running ads against her during the Primary? At this point, I expect Pappas will lose.

    • kinnath

      The IEM has a great track record. They occasionally get it wrong, but not very often.

      • kinnath

        Hmm, I wonder what happened around 31 Aug 22. Any guesses?

        Whatever it way, it was a market blip.

    • Ted S.

      Cool link, bro!

  11. Gustave Lytton

    Metric baking is superior to imperial baking, but what kind of lazy ass site uses ml as the standard metric unit? Mass baby, not volume.

  12. Evan from Evansville

    Terribly sorry for OT:

    ” Dozens of people in South Korea’s capital Seoul are receiving medical assistance after an incident during Halloween festivities in the city, according to Yonhap News Agency.

    Yonhap reported that people suffered from “cardiac arrest,” attributing fire authorities. Emergency officials received at least 81 people in Seoul’s Itaewon neighborhood reporting “difficulty breathing.”

    Authorities have yet to provide exact details on the cause of the incident or the conditions of those injured.”

    The vids are really creepy. This is fucked up.

    • Ted S.

      Obviously they partook of rainbow fentanyl.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Talking to a friend and she kinda jokingly suggested fentanyl. We’ve known each other in Korea for 10 or so years. She came back to MN this year, same-ish time I came back to IN.

        I said that seems HIGHLY unlikely in Korea. Even weed is heavily cracked down on.

        She chuckled and said “Fentanyl’s everywhere.”

        I’m a bit of a druggie and know folk who know folk. That scene in Korea was below where I was, and I was into the scene more than 99.999999% of folk, in that I was vaguely in it at all.

        The bodies strewn out don’t look like they were crushed in a party. You don’t do hard cpr on those who have, I imagine. What do I know.

        It seems fishy. Very fishy. I’m keeping an eye on it.

      • hayeksplosives

        Maybe some sick bastard released a chemical agent on what he knew would be a crowded venue.

        Sarin (as was used on the Japanese subway attacks) causes difficulty breathing

      • Evan from Evansville

        That’s exactly what I was thinking.

        A. That would be horrid, immediately and long-term.
        B. It would further reinforce the Forever Mask culture of Korea, which was already sickening.

    • hayeksplosives

      Vaccination status?

    • Evan from Evansville

      I should clarify: Some talk of over 40 dead.

      Rumor-mill still, but damn.

      • Ted S.

        KBS is reporting 120 dead.

      • Ted S.

        And if you don’t want to read the link, they’re suggesting a stampede in an overcrowded area.

    • rhywun

      A quick search shows multiple sites mention “cardiac arrest” on the search page headline or in the URL, but when you click to the stories, there is no mention of cardiac arrest. That is curious.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Ohio State is not impressing me.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Do you mean the Ohio State?

    • Michael Malaise

      Seems like every team has one of these closer-than-should-be games.

    • Tres Cool

      I didnt see much of it, but I just figured that since its early in the season they’d be playing the 2nd or 3rd string

    • Shiny Nerfherder

      Now that’s funny.

    • hayeksplosives


  14. Sean

    Decades channel is running Planet of the apes, fyi.

    • Sean

      Don’t bring me down, dude.

      • Mojeaux

        I love that song.

      • Ted S.

        It’s gratifying to see how everybody enjoys my music links.

      • Michael Malaise

        High school marching band played this last night. Bruce!

    • hayeksplosives

      That is so blatant it’s an insult to ALL voters. But only non-team Blue members will actually be upset about it.

      And even if the Sec State’s actions get smacked down in court eventually, it will be too late for this election, and there will be no way to distinguish legit votes from illegitimate ones, no way to recount.

      I was glad to find yesterday that Nevada isn’t using Dominion machines for the general election like we did for the primary. Those machines were a mess in the primary; some candidates didn’t even show up on all the machines. How can the machines be programmed differently?? And I don’t mean Dem primary vs Repub primary—the missing names were in non-partisan races like county commissioner.

      I had to sign in, show ID and proof of residency, and had to surrender my mail-in ballot (which were automatically mailed to ALL Nevada voters) in order to vote in person.

      So Nevada (closely watched this year as though it’s a swing state) will certainly NOT have finalized results on Election Day because the ballots have to be postmarked by Election Day and will trickle in for several days thereafter.

    • rhywun

      Chapman’s warning of delayed election results comes after she told counties to ignore a Supreme Court ruling that held undated mail-in ballots cannot be counted.

      Wow. That is pretty brazen.

    • DEG

      Mastriano wants to clean up this stuff. Which is one reason the Establishment doesn’t like him.

  15. dbleagle

    Yesterday a co-worker told me about the Paul Pelosi attack and said “That this is very sad and scary.” I asked them “Why would you say that?” They gave the reason that attacking people because of politics is awful. I told them that if the info they stated was correct that I didn’t see the attack in the same way. They replied, “How could I not see it as horrible?”
    “Well actshuuly……….” I informed them that almost any attack of a person inside their home is horrible and should be prosecuted IAW the law. But that we don’t know if the attack was political. If it was a break in gone wrong or a nutcase Paul was paying part of a bill, that admittedly he never thought HE would ever have to pay, for decades of pro-criminal policies he had voted for and/or supported. Even so, the FBI was on the case so he was better off than if he was a nobody named Mrs. McGillicutty because his case would end up in Federal court and the attacker could expect Federal penalties if convicted. If he was the elder McGillicutty the case would end up in a local court where the accused would be let go and their hammer returned to them. Paul is better off than a SF area pleb.

    If the attack WAS political then Mr Nancy Pelosi still doesn’t get extra sympathy from me. From what you told me a full recovery is expected so he is better off than two recent politically inspired attacks. He is not dead, like the 17 year old, killed because his attacker thought the teen was a “radical Republican”. He is not undergone multiple surgeries like the Marco Rubio canvasser beaten by at least two attackers for going into a neighborhood “that wasn’t open to Republicans”. Again, Pelosi has the FBI on his case, the dead kid’s family and canvasser can only hope that the local DA’s can put together cases against those attackers. Those families have heartache and massive bills in front of them. He has taxpayer funded gold plated medical insurance and is looking forward to spending two years living in the Ambassador’s residence in Rome. So no, I don’t feel any special care toward Pelosi.

    I was accused of being a “dead hearted and uncaring person”. I replied that I consider myself a patriotic American who knows that the only way I should look at the so-called political aristocracy is down at them.

    • hayeksplosives

      *mic drop*

    • EvilSheldon

      “Politicians aren’t people, and they don’t deserve the protection of the law,” is shorter and more to the point, and you’ll get exactly the same response.

    • R C Dean

      (1) We don’t know if it was political.

      (2) What do you think about political violence against Republicans? Scalise, Paul, pro life offices, the canvasser, etc.

      (3) the Pelosis are fabulously wealthy and powerful. They’ll be fine.

    • Q Continuum

      My official response: “Politically motivated violence” is the same as “hate crime” in my book. Punishing motives is stupid and pointless. Breaking into people’s houses and assaulting them with hammers is bad and should be treated the same no matter who the victim is and why the perp did it. Pelosi is a scumbag but I don’t wish him harm.

      Now, it’s not really my place to comment on the karmic justice of Pelosi finally tasting a little bit of the results of his pro-criminal policies, the universe seems to have done a fine job of that.

      • Sean

        Agreed on the second part.

      • Q Continuum

        By the by, if it is in fact politically motivated, it’s almost certainly an attack from the left considering the perp is a pro-nudity activist shacked up in Berkeley with his girlfriend named Gypsy.

        Further, if there was even one tiny iota of evidence that the guy was MAGA, TMITE wouldn’t be twisting themselves into pretzels to tie it to Trump, they’d be writing “EVIL MAGA RETHUGLIKKKAN TRIES TO KILL SAINTLY HUSBAND OF SELFLESS PUBLIC SERVANT BECAUSE RETHUGLIKKKAN TERRORISTS SHOULD BE LOCKED UP!!!111!!!” with lasers on the surface of the Moon.

      • Sean

        The Perl is also an alleged child molester.

      • hayeksplosives

        Clearly he was a clsss A nutter, and a cruel one, for most of his life. He probably has said all kinds of things, from endorsing the unabomber, to fake moon landing, to stolen 2016 election, to stolen 2020 election, werewolves are out to get him, etc.

        The Dems want to latch onto that he said “Where’s Nancy?” As proof he’s on the GOP payroll. They’re counting on people believing brief headlines and hearsay. And it will probably work—but will it work on swing voters?

      • dbleagle

        Swing voters in the Bay area don’t exist in meaningful numbers. Swing voters outside of the Bay area probably aren’t too simpatico with Mr Nancy Pelosi’s tribulations.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    Well, the Buckeyes managed to rouse themselves enough to eke out a win.

    • hayeksplosives

      I can’t watch the OK State game any longer. The Kansas State kitties are showing them up too badly.

  17. Mojeaux

    Mr Mojeaux found my springform pan! Let the peppermint bark cheesecake preparations begin!

    (No, I’m not going to make it for another month and a half, but the project is fucking YUGE and I must needs gird my loins.)

    • Gender Traitor

      The peppermint has to grow enough for you to peel off the required amount of bark?

      • Mojeaux

        lol sorta

        I have to make the bark first, before using it in the cheese portion of the cheesecake.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    peppermint bark cheesecake

    That sounds yummy. Now I want cheesecake.

      • dbleagle

        Looks bueno.

      • Mojeaux

        Some of us basic white bitches love pumpkin spice (and I do), but some of us vastly prefer peppermint.

      • Tres Cool
      • Mojeaux

        Noooooooot quite THAT basic. Or, you know, at all. Yellow dresses don’t ride motorcycles all by themselves, yanno.

      • Tres Cool
      • DEG


    • Mojeaux

      Cheesecake Factory stopped selling it last year and it was my favorite holiday treat, which, because reasons, I hadn’t gotten for the 2 years before that. Nobody else makes one. Hence, I must DIY the thing, as per usual when whatI want doesn’t exist.

      I honestly and truly do not understand why a company would stop selling such a popular item.

  19. Sean


    Sitting at the tint shop waiting to get my car back.

    • Ted S.

      Better than sitting at the taint shop.

  20. Yusef drives a Kia

    Slow day selling parts, we are bailing early,
    Time for Tall Cans!

    • hayeksplosives

      Cheers! I had my last drink—possibly ever—on Sunday.

      So far, so good. Just the rest of my life to go.

  21. hayeksplosives

    Ugh. I’m due to go to a costume party tonight. Was planning to wear a corseted kind of Renaissance fair deal, but the teriyaki bowl I had yesterday has become an Adobe brick in my gut.

    Fortunately I happen to have a fuschia Arabic style gown encrusted with beading all down the front, and it doesn’t have a cinched in waist so I think I’ll be comfy enough.

    Not “scary” but at least it’s a costume!

    • The Other Kevin

      I’m going to one too. Adults only, and the invite says costumes mandatory. I love it. I’m going as the Tom Petty mad hatter. Unfortunately I couldn’t find checkered shoes though.

      • hayeksplosives

        The hat should make up for lack of checkered shoes.

        Have fun!

      • The Other Kevin

        I found just the right glasses too.

      • Mojeaux

        Cheap Oxfords and some acrylic paint should do the trick.

      • Mojeaux

        Or Spicoli Vans.

    • dbleagle

      Or………Take your inspiration from Wednesday Addams. “Whay aren’t you in a costume dear?” “I’m a homicidal maniac, they look just like everyone else.”

      • Ted S.

        I’m a spy.

        My disguise fooled you, didn’t it?

    • Ted S.

      Scare the bejeezus out of them by going as Lady Godiva.