It was decided on my birthday that I should travel West to the Honey Harvest, and meet my friends. I haven’t been more than an hour from home in over 2 years so this seemed to be just what I needed, Road Trip! then I decided to take a few extra days and play some disc golf courses along the way and it was set.
From my location in Manistee MI it was obvious that the ferry to Manitowoc WI was the right choice, so I took it, and had a blast.

S.S. Badger
There was a smoking deck high on the ship with great views, and we drank the day away with no one to bother us filthy smokers, hehe.

The smoking deck

The biggest smoker of them all
Once off the ship it was launch time for the Kia, so off we went, destination Wausau for golf. Blal bla bla driving, then we reached the course.

Timberwolf run disc glf course
Five holes in and the rains came so I abandoned the entire game, and one of my precious discs, I had places to be.
Eau Claire
Now we’re in Eau Claire,

Motel 6 parking lot, never again
In the morning I grabbed coffee and headed west and north to 4×20’s place, a reasonable 4 hour cruise through the countryside, it looked much like back home in the Mitten, definitely Yusef approved. I arrived at 4×20’s place and had a lovely lunch with his family, and then it was off to find MikeS at the local disc golf course.
The course we found was one of half a dozen within 10 miles of HH, it was a typical park course with wide open holes and forest holes, and as it was our first time on this course we played terribly, but had a great time.

the 9th hole

MikeS readying his shot
After a nice dinner Mike, CPRM and myself proceeded to sit under a stairwell with tubs of imported beer and a torrential storm to entertain us as we got drunk, sharing tales of bawdy and animation.
Woke up, got outta bed, and looked up the closest golf course. yep, 3 miles away, so I head over to a nice little 9 hole course set in a 1000’x1000’ park, open and compact.


A sign

Basket #1 concrete is OB

#5 one of my favorite holes

gorgeous hole
I arrived in good time, and was greeted by Kinnath while parking, Hello!

and headed up to meet the Glibbies for real. Everyone who was there was there, and had a great time. Being the shy types I took some clandestine pictures with a hidden camera.

Fourscore and his lovely wife in front of their home

left to right, UCS, CPRM, Yusef, MikeS, Putrid Meat, Stillhunter, Pissed off Nick
Honey harvest is another story best told by others.
The journey home
Monday morning sure looked fine,Google showed me the way, into 180 miles of roundabouts, every 20 miles, most for no reason other than to break up your momentum, idiots! I was headed to Wausau, where I had a nice room and wanted revenge on the course that rained on me, and I was not disappointed, I shot my first eagle and shot a minus 1, fuck you golf course!

Ace run
Then I found Liberty park, what a great course!

Signature hole
A typical open/woods course, lots of fun but it was time to move on.
I found a large disc golf center a mile from the ferry home so i dropped in for a quick 9, impressive spot,

A big complex
then time for a bite at the Wharf

food and drink, next to the ferry

Submarine in a lake
By then it was high time to get home, Kia and I were tired, so sea was rough, and we watched people barf as we consumed beer 2 fisted,

Kia goes home!

Manitowoc lighthouse

big swells

Ludington lighthouse
Once off the ferry it’s about 30 miles north and home to Manistee. I never thought I would say that but, Home, in Manistee, I think I’ll stay.
Wow! Great pics! Thank you for sharing.
The lighthouse looks awesome.
Thank you
You’re better than Rick Steves!
Rufus! How the hell are you!?
Tryin’ to make sense of it all.
It was great meeting you this year.
I’m still waiting to open up your magic potions,
Great pics, Yusef! Can’t wait to throw more discs and drink more beers with you!
Preferably nut huddled under a stairwell.
agrees, fun,once only.
oh, we will play again, the talk is always fun.
The tournament I put together is gonna be big, Sunday, for tags and money, winner takes all, hehe.
Had to miss the HH this year because of scheduling with Mom’s memorial. Like I say every year, “next year for sure.”
We stayed in Wausau on the 2nd. Didn’t play disk golf.
I wouldn’t want to throw a hard drive either, so I throw discs,
Day 26 of our road trip. I’m beat like a runaway slave. Last night in New England, then a high-speed haul-ass home.
Nice pictures, Yusef. The maps always prompt me to take the ferry but when I checked it seemed like it was beaucoup bucks so we always went around.
with gas high and time save it’s much cheaper easier and fun.
Awesome photos and sounds like a great time. Thanks Yusef for sharing
Glad you enjoyed my home state and great to meet you. The clandestine pics are a hoot.
The only pictures I took were of Mr. and Mrs. ttyrant, they were such a cut couple, little t was a sweet little guy.
Little t was very cute. Lots of big smiles.
“How Not to Be Seen”
I love taking pictures but Glibs, so I didn’t, next year for sure.
Good picture of MikeS playing the course, though
LOL. For sure.
zoom in
Great travelogue, Yusef. Pretty sure that I would have been one of those people barfing. Happy for you that you weren’t.
Damnit! I always look fat in pictures (especially standing next to Fourscore).
He is tall you know.
But your beard is very photogenic.
I’ll go next year, you’ll look thin next to me.
BTW, that’s copyrighted, HobbitCo. Harumph.
I gave it a brief thought,
Fuck it
Just giving you a hard time. Enjoyed your article.
no worries
I still haven’t talked Pope Jimbo’s lovely wife out of her kimchee recipe.
Ha! You left too early this year. If you had stuck around a bit longer, you could have seen her go full Euell Gibbons and stripping 4Score’s land of all the wild plants that grow there.
The real problem is she doesn’t have recipes. She just makes stuff, but has no idea how much of anything goes into the dishes she is making.
LOL I only know that as a frequent Match Game clue and could never figure out why I couldn’t find the name under Yul.
In the early ’70s, my mom was a True Believer in Euell. We were living out on the farm at the time and I think she was interested in trying stuff like that out because it helped with boredom.
We made tea from milk weed leaves, we ground cat tail roots for flour. I don’t think there was one thing we tried that you would put in the “good” column. Mushrooms on the other hand were a different cat. In the spring when the morels sprouted, we lived like kings.
I *hated* mushrooms when I was a kid.
Love em now.
I like the pictures.
alt text is your friend
I saw.
Great article Yusef. Looks like a good time was had by all!
The pics don’t show anything like the fun that was had, that is best done by others,
OT: @The Hyperbole, yes, “pejorative.” So not an “i” word. Definitely gonna go for a dementia screening.
Looks like you guys had a good time.
They were reserved but provided their own entertainment. (and well behaved). It was good to meet the new guys, Yusef, Putrid M, the brand new TT and good to see UCS and Stillhunter again, as well at the original Glib visitor Jimbo, and of course the TTyrants, Kinnath, CPRM, PONick, MikeS (though we missed his brother NoDak Mat).
Zep the Lurker and many others carried the work load so I had a chance to socialize. The ladies had a chance to meet one another as well. We’re already talking and planning next year. May have to expand the parking lot.
We’re already talking and planning next year. May have to expand the parking lot.
The parking lot can stay the same, 4Score, we can just make the n00bs valet parkers. That will serve dawdlers like Swiss who swear they will come every year right.
Redhedz 4 Yusef.
hmm, more boobage please?
Oh lordy
Oh my
oh yes
All these years and I thought, of all the times, this one for sure is a euphemism. Honey harvest really is about honey?
My quart says yes! as fresh as it gets
Yet another euphemism
Not honies, I’ve been led to believe.
You betcha, hon.
None of your beeswax!
Fuck football, I’m done.
Yeah, that was total bullshit.
Someone doesn’t want to END RACISM.
Racism forever,
to hell with the chinks and them neegers, them Messicans too!
That’s the spirit!
takin our jerbs!
I hope that crew fear for their lives until they get on the jet at MCI. That call was even more bullshit than the Brady call yesterday- and that call stunk up the airwaves worse than a stockyard.
I didn’t know about the Brady call until the halftime commentators said something about it.
Me neither because for once Brady didn’t get a national broadcast so I got to watch a different game.
You can’t tackle the quarterback anymore, huh?
They’ve been calling that for couple years now. Can’t put your weight on the QB. Thank Anthony Barr and Aaron Rodgers.
Another ref did that yesterday, too and everybody’s screaming about untouchable QBs now.
the defender grabbed the quarterback while he was still in the pocket, and unnecessarily [threw] him to the ground.
He has a wife, you know? Incontinetia Buttox.
I’ve probably mentioned it before but there is a Piers Anthony book from ~1980 with a plot point centering around the notion that every American football game includes at least one obviously wrong call – even a game with computer refs – which our hero uses to his advantage.
I read a shit ton of PA as a yute and don’t remember that, sounds like a Stainless Steel Rat story, do you remember the title or the characters?
One of the “Apprentice Adept” books – our hero finds a gateway between fantasy and sci-fi.
Silly stuff but I ate it up. IMHO better than some of his other tired shit like the whole of Xanth.
I read that, but I don’t remember the football bit… its been a while . The Xanth stuff was good up to a point but yeah it jumped the shark six seven books in, Bio of a Space Tyrant was probably one of the first ‘adult’ book I read but I imagine it’d be pretty cringe on a re-read. My impression is his one off short stories are much better than any of his series.
There are some good ones – like the planet with cow-women.
I’ve plugged it before but Macroscope (1969) is fantastic – more “serious” than anything else of his I recall.
Lots of astrology for NA.
I wasn’t a huge PA fan, but his stuff was better than a lot of the crap out there at the time*. Loved the book about the devil.
*looking at you, Anne McCafferey.
Heywaitaminnit. Her Crystal Singer series was good. Disclaimer: I haven’t read anything else of hers.
I was just thinking about all the Dragonriders books. Dreck, the lot of them. It just replaces little girls horse fantasies with dragons.
I remember liking something of hers but I could never summon up the name or anything else about it so I gave up.
I remember really enjoying that series. The main character was named Stile. And yes, the robot umpires were programmed to blow at least one call randomly per game.
I gave up on football a long, long time ago.
Fellow Vikes fan? The Purple has been known to break more men than the Tree of Woe.
Lived in Atlanta when they started as an expansion team. Falcons and Braves ever since.
Football was great when I was young. Then it turned into a twisted form of money ball where the surest path to winning was to injure the opposing side so they couldn’t play their best players. The pendulum has swung far the other direction, and now you can’t even tackle the opposing QB.
I lost track of all he rules changes a decade or more ago. I don’t recognize the game during occasional times I see TVs in public spaces.
Satire, not a racist
Very cool pics.
Thanks, Yusef.
my pleasure
<emThe Onion has reposted an old chestnut on their Facebook page.
Computer Scientists Say AI’s Underdeveloped Ethics Have Yet To Move Beyond Libertarian Phase
What zingers. Those crazy libertarians and their constant praise for the police state. Wait… What??
Yuk yuk. 🙄
Whelp. Happened yet again. Every time that Judi farms out mechanical work we get fucked. I want it back like the old days a year ago when every bolt was tightened to spec. Some lack wit did the brakes and left out the top caliper bolt on one side. I would never make a mistake like that. Can’t crawl around anymore. Fuck. New caliper on order and still have to trust someone else to do my job right. I hate this.
Fuck it. I’m going to bed.
I like the pic of the Manitowac lighthouse. I fished for salmon with my father for multiple years out of Manitowac. Nice little town.
That stretch of Lake Michigan between Manitowac and Algoma is an interesting place. A lot of towns that used to be working ports that pretty much died out completely and now are sort of back because of salmon fishing and all the guides working there.
Square lighthouses look odd to me,
Watched the first 30~40 minutes of that Netflix Dahmer thing. Hell no. Turned it off. Nasty, nasty stuff. Why would anyone want to watch that?
Is it worse than just run-of-the-mill true crime TV?
It hits harder for some reason. Of course it did spawn some funny new jokes I hadn’t heard before. “Dahmer’s bologne did have a first name.”
Hm. I was thinking about “watching” it while I was stitching. Now I am given pause.
There is an episode that is so terrible cause it delves into his humanity and part way through you cheer for him….but he dispels that briefly and without prejudice near the end of it.
I do believe the Chiefs are pissed off, and that call may have been the kick in the ass they needed. One hopes.
They did seem sleepy for a while there.
I give my husband shit about them being sloppy, and they ARE a lot of the time!.
To many Chiefs.
Not enough Indians.
Why even bother trying to be reasonable with these people?
What’s the option?
“Fuck off, Bitch”
I could not watch that all the way through. The cringe and rage (in me) is too strong.
One part of me admires his self-discipline. Another part of me wants to see him drive her head into the concrete for her stunt at the end.
He should be back with the stand the next day, and the next, and the one after that.
When she took the phone and wouldn’t give it back—that’s assault territory.
Jury nullification FTW.
lol same.
I had to stop it.
It’s hard to believe that’s even real.
I’m skeptical that it is, at this stage of this bullshit. But I sadly do still see people walking around with masks, ran into one who would panic if you got close to her haggy old ass.
It is questionable but I have no doubt there are people walking around with that level of fake fear.
There’s something about it that makes me believe it’s real.
Any idea when that was taken?
*Walks into city hall to complete BS paper work and takes a number*
Unexpected LOL.
Yeah that is bureaucracy dun rite
One by one they call us back to the window when they’ve finished the paperwork. 126,127,128,130,131,132,133….
One guess what number I actually had.
Systemic racism.
I see Japan has adopted American DMV practices. See, we are an exporter
Same Muzak? Der Kammisar. Why would anyone make that?
it pains me to give any bureaucracy credit, but after spending time in the local DMV three times in the last year, they really have made the system much more efficient here. They did a smart of thing of not forcing every window to be a jack of all trades, and instead sort you at the beginning so different windows have different expertise, and you can move through much faster. It was extremely frustrating when they wouldn’t accept my son’s birth certificate because the original was damaged before copies were even sent to us (so our official copy is also damaged), but they did take the passport (and guess how his passport identity was established? that same birth certificate!) but other than that, all three visits were each maybe 15 minutes waiting.
Number of years ago they did a pilot program where you can receive updates of line queue via text. Check in online, get your window and as it go closer, you go to the DMV. They axed it as “technical issues”. Technical issues were probably people who claimed they never got the text…why come phoneless people gotta wait? Etc.
No shit
“An Estimated 30,000 Americans Were Killed by Ventilators & Iatrogenesis in April 2020”
I can’t even.
Look, it got rid of Bad Orange Man. It was a sacrifice for the greater good.
And Yusefs loved one and my dad and 29998 other folks. The big W there for politicians.
Jeebus. That’s crazy.
Crazier to think all of government and medical industry worked tirelessly to suppress it for years. Maybe it’s not as high a number, maybe it’s higher but they get to hang their hat on “it was an emergency! We had to do something! By something, we mean throw out decades and in some instances centuries old practices!”
I just assumed it was ventilators everywhere – I was not aware that there were different usage rates in different areas.
Excellent Yusef. I think I was supposed to take that ferry with my family when I was a kid in the seventies, but we had a tent trailer and they wanted to charge us full freight for it. The old man said no way.
I Firsted out with my cock out. I put the I in First. I have saved your souls.
The First Of All Firsters.
Fuck MikeS, the false Firster.
Nugent’s Stranglehold is an absolute beast of a song. There is a certain 5~10 second part that appears twice which I can’t stand. Wonder if anyone knows what part I’m talking about.
The 5-10 seconds before it starts and when it ends.
Fellow fan. Love it. I’ll just say it, though. The marching drums at 5:53 stick out like a sore thumb.
Seriously? I would not have guessed that. I actually like it. That sort of change from the rhythm section keeps things interesting, IMO.
Just wondering, Yusef. Are you still doing lichtenberg items? I’d like to commission one from you. Simple task for you, a cigar ashtray. 12″-16″ diameter, a couple of 1″ grooves for cigars.
Everyone time someone seconds something, it is like a knife being twisted into my back. The absolute nature of the war between Firster and seconder is on display everyday in the Glibertariat. Even my presence, as The First Of All Firsters, is not enough to decisively and definitively overcome the pernicious nature of seconding which is ingrained in so many of you. At least, not yet. There is still so much work left to do to lay the groundwork for The First That Will Change Everything.
Rest assured, seconders, false Firster, Anti-Firster, that I shall First. I will win. The Way Of The First will eventually be the only way.
Semper fi First.
When will your first post finally be submitted?
Have you forgotten the teachings of S Club? You’re supposed to tell him ‘Don’t Stop, Never Give Up’.
I 💕 Hannah Spearritt.
Morning Glibs. ✊
Fun with numbers:
They are saying the quiet part out loud.
I’m sure the NY Post is there with lurid details of the latest crimes.
suh’ fam
whats goody
Steve Smith in Michigan ?
Is a Michigan man trading gifts with Bigfoot?
Squatch can take human form to blend in. One was living in the White House not too long ago.
Morning, Glibs.
suh’ cuh
I don’t want to go to work today.
Me neither. But I absolutely have to – it’s a payroll day (a day late after the holiday,) and my only backup is my boss, who’s in Vegas.
Oh, don’t let him bet the payroll 😛
“C’mon baby! Daddy needs ninety-some direct deposits!” 🎲🎲
most days
While true, today is the most pressing day at the moment.
Good morning, U, homey, Stinky, and Sean!
I can’t focus my eyes on the text on the screen. 🙁
Time to make use of those vision care benefits?
How was bowling?
Early morning, just dragged myself out of bed, of course my eyes aren’t focusing.
My best game was a 103, and I had an average of 75. I never claimed to be good at bowling.
That sounds very like where I’d be, even with a ball that fit my thumb.
I want to knock off one ‘corner’ of the thumb hole to make it more comfortable, but that would probably weaken my grip. I bought the ball and had it drilled to fit my hand. So the holes are the appropriate size.
Wow! You bought a ball? I guess you’re committed now! I hope at the very least you have fun using it!
Saves the trouble of finding a new one that fit every time. And I agreed to attend the league, so that’s months of bowling.
I always thought of bowling as a convenient excuse to consume large quantities of beer. I still have a bowling ball sitting in the storage room, been a while since I used it…
I need to get out of the house for reasons other than work, and need hobbies that require physical activity.
Also provides minimal social interaction that (thank goodness) is focused on a specific task. 👍🏼
Welcome to getting old.
Who said anything about being old? It’s a lack of sleep.
Good morning!
Why do I schedule early flights?!?
To get there earlier.
Good morning, Tundy! Early flights must be either the cheapest or the only ones available.
Mornin’! Early flights hereabouts means no traffic. Apropos of nothing, United used to run ads featuring hot stewardesses along with their slogan “Fly the friendly skies”. I was too young to appreciate that a the time.
Airport was nuts. But I’ve got a whole row to myself!
Plenty good room for friendly skies, eh?
Mornin’, reprobates!
Good morning, ‘patzie!
A shockingly sane ruling from a NJ court?
Every inner-city resident could use this defense. Or maybe just remove unconstitutional restrictions on the right to bear arms.
Little Black Cat, now sprawled across my lap sound asleep, clearly does not want me to go to work today. He’s been getting spoiled since it’s gotten too chilly for me to go outside on weekend mornings, not to mention my extra day off yesterday.
[Narrator: He was already spoiled.]
Aww… Clearly LBC is not related to Shadow.
Shadow is more feline-typically aloof? I could sure stand for BOTH of our cats to be a little more aloof! As it is, they both come running when I get up in the morning, and it’s not for food (which is dry stuff out all the time.)
Yup. LBC is Ninja Cat, especially when he’s sneaking up on Big Dumb-But-Sweet Cat.
There’s only so many little pictures built into the computer, and only one black cat among them.
I have to figure out what I’m going to have people work on so that they don’t have so much idle time, but we’re being told explicitly to not work on installs for the big project because the contract says the vendor does that, and management doesn’t talk to me anymore, so I have no idea what their priorities may be. And we’re bringing in a new consultant who needs to be assigned work worth what we’re paying. I had expected more project related work to give these guys.
Forcing me to actually do my job and find ways to fill their schedule. That’s just not right.
Dig a ditch here…. Once they are down 6 feet, tell them to fill it back up and level it.
That’s an out of title work grievence. I can only require them to perform tasks within the scope of their job title.
Tulsi swinging for the fences.