Ready for another run?
The Chiefs piled on to the Raiders’ misery this season after the latter went for two instead of trying to tie the game by kicking an extra point. The MLB divisional series are on tap today with all four matchups set to take the field. The FIA issued its certificates of compliance and Red Bull put their toe (slightly) across the line, but shouldn’t face a severe penalty for last year. And that’s gonna be enough to cause Toto Wolff to lose his shit, which is always good. And there’s quite a slate of UCL matches today across the pond. And that’s it for sports.
This is excellent news! I wonder if all the anti-semitism in Europe will lead to them diverting the find to other locales.

What a bunch of swine. No, for real. This will be an interesting case. And I think California should prevail. They have a right to determine what’s sold inside their state and I don’t see this as a regulation on producers outside their borders. Those producers are free to export elsewhere. Although that pesky interstate commerce clause may enter the chat and I could be proven wrong.
Well, it ain’t done yet. Strangely I had to scroll a few pages before finding this piece. I wonder if that’s because the midterms are around the corner. Nah, I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.
Excellent! We need more of this. Sorry Yale, but silencing dissent by those who don’t play along with your hivemind experiment has consequences.

“This is fine.”
Of course the city never sleeps. You can’t sleep when you’re sitting in a busy emergency room after being beaten half to death.
This is hilarious. Sorry you feel entitled to “courtesy” the rest of us don’t get. I guess you found out that’s not always the case. Now if they’d only get held to the same standards as normals when it comes to acts of violence…
More stupidity from the Golden State government. I guess they’re not fans of science.
And lastly, I bring you a link to debate. I’m a bit torn on this one. Yes, each adult should enjoy bodily autonomy. And I believe if someone wants to off herself, that’s her right. But I also believe the docs who assisted her ignored their primary responsibility, which is to do no harm. And I think they should be locked the fuck up. We had an interesting debate on this elsewhere. I’m curious to see how y’all feel about it.
Here you go. My daughter missed them at ACL on Saturday because they stopped playing 45 minute early. And here’s a masterpiece of gibberish lyrics. Enjoy them both.
And enjoy a lovely Tuesday, dear friends.
“What a bunch of swine”
Wrong link!
I’m rooting against California as a matter of principal (I dislike the principals involved), and because I dislike them putting rules in place that reach outside their borders.
I’m rather fond of pork — but I’d like to see the industry just boycott the state by refusing to make the changes and just say “Nope, sorry — Sacramento says you don’t get bacon!” (Though this may have been one of the Many Idiotic Ballot Propositions, there are too many to keep track of that have “feel good” stupidity like this). See how long it takes before the people say “Enough already”. If I set up a chest freezer I could probably drive to Reno once a month or something… ;P
This. CA can dictate what gets sold in their state, and pork producers cannot be forced to continue providing Californians with pork products. The end.
I agree with this take too. Let a small group of pork producers pop up to cater to their crazy demands. The rest of us can continue eating our low priced piggy parts.
I agree but:
Californians consume 13% of the pork eaten in the United States
That’s a big chunk for the producers to give up.
When the price of pork doubles or triples, I bet that percentage drops.
To flip it on you, if they are a big market, it means that suppliers will pop up to raise their special pork for them. It isn’t like they only consumed 1% of the pork and when it becomes too expensive to sell to them, no one else will think it is worth it either.
When the state keeps making more and more appeals because some want us to eat bugs (Davos crowd), some are vegan and want everyone else to be, and some believe all livestock should roam free across the plains? I think they need to pick where to draw the line — and this seems like a good spot.
Every cricket should be raised in its own 2ft square cage that is planted with natural prairie grass.
And Fourscore is going to have to stop torturing his bees and give them hives where every honeycomb has its own internet access and color TV.
Yes. So if California makes that rule, it ends up affecting prices for everyone. Hard to find a way out of that, other than all the other states combining forces and demanding otherwise each time California makes a rule. The only other way out is when California shrinks to insignificance (coming soon), or totally bans a product.
Send it to Mexico so they can make carnitas.
Which they’ll ship to California.
That made me think: I wonder if they’ll go a step further and ban all prepackaged and processed pork dishes unless they comply with the regulation. Because that would empty their stores’ freezers of pretty much all pork products as well.
I fixed it 30 seconds after they were posted. Everybody calm down.
All is Well with your Bacon link?
Well played.
First two links same?
They’re a work in progress until 7.
“Second verse, same as the first! John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt…”
I got into an interesting 30-tweet exchange with somebody when I said Herman’s Hermits did it better and he went into fits of rage.
“Well, it ain’t done yet. Strangely I had to scroll a few pages before finding this piece. I wonder if that’s because the midterms are around the corner. Nah, I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.”
Was this one of those sites created to spoof lefty idiots and program to not see how bad team blue has made things? Prolly not, since you eventually did find it.
Next year??
Yes, after the midterms… until then there ain’t no recession even if there is one..
Well then, Double secret recession.
And the year after and the next and the next and the next. Even if the private sector spending slows down the fed gov will continue to spend
If it’s not the antisemitism it’ll be the environmentalist retardation.
“Excellent! We need more of this. Sorry Yale, but silencing dissent by those who don’t play along with your hivemind experiment has consequences.”
The evil cult won’t act differently until it costs them. We need to fight back. But I tell people to be weary, because the lesson they learn will not be that what they are doing is evil and bad, and people don’t want it. Look at Paypal’s lies about their accidental rule to fuck people over. The people that did this will not learn what they did was wrong. No, they will see this as a confirmation that their attempt to circumvent the slow boil of the frog in the pot failed and they need to go back to do this slowly.
“And lastly, I bring you a link to debate.”
I posted that about a week ago. I still think 23 is way too young.
In principle, I can’t say I’m that much of a fan of letting doctors kill people. As applied, it is becoming clear that medical institutions are leaning on “Kill the patient” as an easy out from actual delivery of care, so the option needs to be taken off the table.
Wouldn’t the docs and institutions want to keep them alive and paying if they have insurance?
I can see the insurance companies wanting to talk the patients into checking out, but the hospitals? I think they’d want to keep that money flowing in. Especially since you aren’t expected to cure them of anything.
Not when the margins are low.
I think I’m one of the only resident pro-suicide people. I think it should be legal for anyone who is a legal adult with no issues of competence. It’s a real slippery slope once you start telling adults they can’t do things with their own body that aren’t good for them. I also don’t think any physician should ever face liability for providing assisted suicide drugs or performing euthanasia on a competent, legal adult. That’s as nonsensical as the “prosecute the johns, but leave the hookers alone” harm-reduction nonsense they’re doing in Canada. And of course, the issue would rarely need to involve physicians in the first place if we didn’t have the retarded gatekeeping prescription system to access drugs.
I’m concerned about situations like in canada where they isolate elderly patients and execute them over issues like “hearing loss” when they otherwise would never agree to be killed. ‘Quality of Life’ is being used as a fig leaf to cover medical murder in cases where it’s increasingly clear it wasn’t the patient’s choice.
It’s a worthwhile concern, although I think the risk has been exaggerated with a handful of high profile cases that probably aren’t representative of the majority of assisted suicides. The incentives would be quite different without a socialized health care system as well, obviously.
I suppose the best route is to take the doctors and the medical establishment out of the equation.
Their role should be strictly curative. If the patient decides to off themselves, the doctors should have no role in that.
How do you handle cases like, say, a paralytic who wants to die but is incapable of self-administering?
He gets a friend to help him. Doctors should play no role.
I don’t see any reason why the moral calculus would change just because the friend has no medical credential.
Because helping someone kill himself goes against the ethical code of medicine. It doesn’t necessarily go against the moral code of friendship.
Professions do not have ethics, individuals do. If a physician is ethically comfortable with participating in assisted suicide by dispensing lethal drugs, or even participating in euthanasia by actually administering lethal drugs to a patient who asks for them, that should be their own decision. And of course, in consideration of the abortion issue, I would say that the medical profession has given up any claim to such an ethical premise even if we accepted that such a professional ethics be binding regardless of the individual.
Wait, you don’t think there’s an ethical code for medical professionals?
Not after the Kung Flu or Newsom’s recent ruling.
The AMA and various medical boards publish ethical codes, and can certainly withhold their seal of approval from anyone who violates them. If you think that’s anything like a legal obligation or the basis for liability, I can tell you’ve never been involved in a medmal case. There’s also a question of “is” and “ought”. I don’t think the sorts of professional governing boards who censured their members for discussing COVID-19 treatments with their patients ought to be taken seriously as the arbiters of ethics.
I wasn’t speaking about the AMA’s definition or a legal code. I was talking about the base ethical code everyone in medicine should adhere to. And it starts with: First, do no harm.
Medical schools haven’t administered the Hippocratic Oath for at least a century, and even if they did, I don’t think any medical practitioner ought to have to swear an oath or be bound to any moral or ethical premise with which they disagree in order to practice their profession. Of course in practicality, most medical professionals must comply with a code of conduct as part of their employment with a major medical group, but that’s a contractual issue; a physician can always practice independently or find a different employer. And, as I pointed out earlier, the basic tenets of the Hippocratic Oath have not been respected in the context of abortion, which the Hippocratic Oath specifically forbids. It’s one thing to say “Hey, I think you’re a scumbag for performing abortions” and another to say “Physicians who perform abortions should go to prison.”
Medical schools kick out any student that points out biology says there are 2 genders based on XX or XY chromosomes, these days.
And it starts with: First, do no harm.
It seems to me that they are doing harm to the patient by forcing someone to rely on an untrained person to perform a difficult medical procedure. Or by not helping a person to die with dignity you force them to live with pain and despair.
Wouldn’t the doc also be causing harm to the relative/friend who was forced to kill the patient? It would be like a vet handing a shotgun to anyone who showed up and telling them that they had to pull the trigger to put their dog down.
So who exactly should be the one killing the patient? Family? Friend? Or could they hire someone who specializes in this to do it? As long as it wasn’t a doctor?
I would go with the “El pozolero” Q linked below….
C’mon, man, don’t you know any cops?
How do you determine competence?
Regardless, I don’t think it’s something doctors should do.
Clinical evaluations and court proceedings, like we do for many other issues, like medical POA or competence to stand trial.
How could someone in good physical health who wants to off himself be declared mentally competent?
The same way that someone so consumed with mental derangement as to rape a child or shove someone in front of a speeding train can be declared mentally competent. The only thing required for such an evaluation is evidence that the actor comprehends the consequences of his actions, not that those actions match up with a particular moral standard.
So now we’re back to the state determining competence?
By that logic, she should be fine to off herself (which I agree with). But anybody who assists her is participating in a murder (since the consequences of their actions is the deliberate ending of a human life).
Was there another option on the table? If so, I’ll be happy to entertain it. In the absence of some evidence that a person is incompetent, I think the default should be to assume competence and just rely on informed consent. But if such an adjudication is warranted, I don’t see any particular reason why the state shouldn’t make the evaluation, the same way as it does in medical POA cases.
Certainly I don’t find it any less offputting than the state determining the scope of practice and medical ethics for physicians.
I’d be for devices that allow the patient to make the decision, although I don’t necessarily think it’s always the best decision, it’s their life. However, I’d want the decision to firmly be in the patient’s hand, not the doctor’s.
not the doctor’s.
By which him mean the state.
Informed consent should be of absolute primacy, of course. Kevorkian and Nitschke both used devices completely under the control of the patient in their euthanasia and assisted suicides, so the proof of concept is there.
ANARCHY, MADNESS!!! Oh, wait a minute, that actually kinda makes sense.
In principle, I think I agree. But in a socialized healthcare system, I think the slope is a little too slippery. The incentives to encourage people to kill themselves that are a drag on the system are real
In this Belgian case then, you would disagree with the decision to euthanize? She seemed very mentally ill.
I don’t think age is relevant necessarily, if she was 23 and had terminal cancer then euthanasia seems appropriate.
Not necessarily. “Mental illness” is a nebulous construction of social science dressed up in the language of biological science. I think pathologizing behavior or emotional states is fraught with horrifying complications. In any case, I don’t believe “mentally ill” and “incompetent” are synonymous. You can be profoundly “mentally ill” and still understand the consquences of your actions. That’s competence.
Imagine how fast you could fall down that slippery slope. Street person is crazy, now demands euthanasia individually. Now government decides to offer euthanasia for street people. Now euthanasia is forced on street people. Now forced on everbody. Surely that situation won’t be taken advantage of.
I feel more read up on the story now. She suffered for 6 years, was on 11 anti-depressants, and just not getting any better. Sure, I would tell her my bro-science ways of feeling better, but whatever, she was following advice for a long period of time and it didn’t work. Sounds crass, but you can’t save them all.
I definitely struggle trying to separate mentally ill from incompetence (not a doctor). It doesn’t seem like that is the case here.
With advances in palliative care in recent years, there is no excuse for medically assisted suicide. And it isn’t isolated cases.
Tell me you’ve never watched somebody die on a morphine drip without actually telling me…
We don’t have any laws like that here in Nevada, but it doesn’t matter because the grocery stores never refill the produce bag dispensers anyway…
The plastic straw ban is the best one, especially when you get a paper straw in a plastic cup.
You don’t like your drink tasting like newspaper?
I’m a bit torn on this one. Yes, each adult should enjoy bodily autonomy. And I believe if someone wants to off herself, that’s her right. But I also believe the docs who assisted her ignored their primary responsibility, which is to do no harm. And I think they should be locked the fuck up. We had an interesting debate on this elsewhere. I’m curious to see how y’all feel about it.
Suicide is a permanent “solution” to a temporary problem, unless it’s a terminal cancer patient in hospice. But it certainly is for someone in their 20s without any serious physical disabilities. Helping her kill herself rather than treating her mental state should result in the gas chamber.
Gun manufacturers should be liable for school shootings. McDonald’s should be liable for making people fat. Distilleries should be liable for health care costs of alcoholism. Tobacco companies should be liable for smokers’ lung cancer. Etc, etc. Bad, bad, bad idea to start down that road.
Not sure how you get to those arguments since you seem to be claiming I somehow advocate that companies should be held liable for misuse of their products. Which of course is not the argument I made. I simply said doctors should be held liable for their own actions of doing deliberate harm. If a competent adult wants to kill themselves, have at it. But doctors should not be in the business of facilitating the deaths of people, except maybe in very limited, extreme circumstances.
Because they are based on the exact same premise of vicarious liability. To narrow it down more specifically, let’s say you go into a gun store and ask to buy a pistol and 1 box of ammunition. While casually conversing with the store owner, you happen to mention that you’re feeling suicidal and want to have the gun around “just in case” you decide to end it all. Is the gun store owner less morally culpable if you go home and shoot yourself in the head with the pistol he just sold you than a physician who prescribes you enough barbiturates to kill yourself?
You’re stealing a few bases there to try to make the arguments come out the same. You never said “gun dealer” you said “gun manufacturer”. And dealers can be held liable for things like knowingly participating in straw purchases. No, physicians should not be prescribing lethal doses of drugs to someone who just said they would like to kill themselves. But then, I don’t believe any drugs should be subject to any restriction by prescription anyway to adults.
There’s a reason I chose a gun store for a more specific example, to demonstrate how the slippery slope works once you’ve accepted a certain premise. If we accept that the gun store owner may be liable for selling a gun to a suicidal person, the argument can expand to a point where the gun manufacturer may be proportionally liable in some degree as well without very much new moral or legal reasoning. Dispensing drugs that are controlled by the state when they shouldn’t be isn’t very different from selling firearms that are controlled by the state when they shouldn’t be. Accepting a premise of liability for the physician, but not the gun store owner, is getting into special pleading. I grant you that there is a distinction between that and euthanasia, where the physician is a direct participant.
All the gun stores I know would refuse that sale the moment you bring up the suicidal ideation.
Been there, done that.
Which is well within their right, and I certainly wouldn’t support requiring any physician to participate in assisted suicide. But I also don’t think that the gun store in that scenario should face any civil or criminal liability for selling an independent adult the means with which to effectuate their own death.
Vicarious liability is holding someone responsible for the actions of a third party. Prohibiting doctors from intentionally killing patients is not vicarious liability.
That would apply only to euthanasia, not to medical suicide. I don’t think physicians should be held liable for participating in euthanasia either, but the premise is legally distinct.
No, its both. Prohibiting a physician from killing a patient with the patient’s consent is still not vicarious liability.
Euthanasia (killing patients without their consent) is definitely a line we shouldn’t cross, IMO, although the line can get fuzzy when it comes to withdrawing care rather than injecting something lethal.
What they do here (I’ve heard it first hand from physicians) is they “accidentally” leave a lethal dose of some drug on the bedside table and make it known how lethal it is. The cops here will also tell you about many cases where the terminally ill wife or husband is found dead in bed come morning. An imprint of a person’s face freshly mashed into the pillow. They pretend the spouse didn’t do it, and spouse pretends to be shocked.
At least fluff the pillow afterwards. Jesus…
That’s not what actually happens with medical suicide though, the physician merely prescribes a drug in a dosage range that is capable of causing death, and the patient ingests it himself. In the absence of the prescribing system we use to gatekeep drugs, no physician would even need to be involved at all, you could simply walk into a pharmacy, pay for 8 grams of pentobarbital, go home and take it at your leisure. Your definition of euthanasia is also heterodox. It does not definitionally involve a lack of consent from the patient.
JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon warned that the U.S. is likely to fall into a recession next year.
Recessions two years in a row?
I’m going to need some proof that we’ve left the recession we were driven into this year.
The propaganda machine told you there was no recession, you heretic!
Stop with the misinformation. I’ll be expecting a $2500 check from you by Friday.
It’s in the mail…
I just wish i had not canceled my Paypal account more than 7 years ago, cause I sure as hell would have done it now…
If government spending were excluded from GDP, I’m not confident we could be said to have left the recession begun in 2001.
The headline I saw for that said that he was predicting we would be in a recession in the next 6-9 months.
/looks at the economic news for the past 6-9 months…
So a solid year + of recession. Time to call it what it is – a Depression.
Like the last one, created entirely by our federal government.
Oh joy… another stupid ban by Sacramento. I’m so looking forward to produce in soggy paper bags, that will work so well. Damned idiots.
That SF Gate also took me to this: https://www.sfgate.com/food/article/bake-off-mexican-week-controversy-17495045.php — what a whiner… “Oh noes… a country across the ocean with a vastly different culture didn’t do what I thought they should to represent a country / culture next door to me… Waaaaaahhhh.” At least Paul Hollywood didn’t bring a Mexican guest judge on so he could bang her behind his wife’s back (again).
Back when TOS was still somewhat sane.
Oh nooo. Brits don’t know how to make Mexican dishes they can’t pronounce. It is the end of the world. Now I expect the writer to pronounce all European dishes with the proper accent.
Unless you’re Dr Oz. Then pronouncing something correctly will have deleterious effects.
“But the cherry on top comes during the opening scene, where comedian-hosts Noel Fielding (“IT Crowd,” “The Mighty Boosh”) and Matt Lucas (“Doctor Who”) wore long, colorful serapes and round sombreros in the middle of a well-manicured green lawn just outside of the show’s famous white tent.”
I assume the “well-manicured green lawn” part is supposed to be a stereotyping nod to Latin America’s role in North American groundskeeping? Looking around for something offensive… looking around… there it is! The writer also helpfully notes that the offensive costumes are culturally appropriated, because one never misses the opportunity to sneak in an in-crowd phrase or concept, no matter how out-of-place.
My wife had this episode on while I was coming and going last night. My takeaway was: Don’t eat tacos in Great Britain.
They abandoned the old religions, because they didn’t want to be limited by rules that prevented them from doing whatever evil shit they wanted to. So they made up a new one to fill in the void.
“SB 1046, put forth by Sen. Susan Talamantes Eggman, will force supermarkets to phase out single-use plastic produce bags, called pre-checkout bags, that are often seen near the fruits and vegetables section by Jan. 1, 2025.”
“I am the retard. goo-goo g’joob”
This is a great way to make food things that could carry dangerous pathogens to come into contact with other things and thus clear Gaia’s surface of a large lot of those Gaia damned unwashed plebes that would have to deal with this idiocy…
Clostridium botulinum and E. coli are 100% organic and gluten free!
No but they are fans of punishing low-income people.
Oh, never mind, they’ll just raise cash benefits to cover the price increases this will cause. Utopia has a solution for everything!
The solution they want is government dependency… People that can’t live a normal life without government handouts are easier to control…
Damn it. It doesn’t look like there’s a good clip from the Good Place with the question that implies supporting the Red Hot Chili Peppers will cause you to go to the Bad Place.
You’ll just have to go watch it streaming from NBC to your budhole.
Oddly, I’ve enjoyed RHCP less and less as they became better musicians. Had all their early stuff but nothing after Blood Sugar Sex Magic.
They never did anything for me. Doubt I’ve heard them since the last time I watched MTV a couple decades ago.
For me, their earliest stuff is too amateurish, their later stuff is too produced, and they should be contractually obligated to never make any music without the participation of John Frusciante, because none of the rest of them can write a song.
Freaky Styley and True Men Don’t were both good examples of SoCal PunkFunk, much like Thelonious Monster, Mary’s Danish, and a few other bands at the time. Nirvana killed most of them, with the Peppers radically dumbing down the sound to survive.
Same here, although I would consider myself only a casual fan. I still listen to them even though a lot of their post BSSM titles are horribly brick walled, The Uplift Mofo Party Plan is my favorite even though it contains the dumbest song they ever released.
Semi-related to the CA pork story…a story popped up on my news feed this morning that the New Zealand government plans to levy taxes on two aspects of farming. One is on nitrogen fertilizers. I forget what the other is on. This is the same government that recently created the office of grocery commissar (or something like that) because the two grocery chains in the country are making “excessive profits” on food.
Have to starve out those excess people somehow.
What, they’re turning 4% profit instead of 3%?
Grocery is notoriously low-margin.
Let me guess – they’re just looking at the total dollar amount of profit and not the profit margin and have decided that pile of dollars is too large, somehow.
Profit >= 0 ergo, profit is too high.
They looked at Madagascar and said “We want this”?!
Raider/Chiefs: watching the highlights now. Was the “roughing the passer” call legit? From what I could see it seemed like a standard sack but the highlights I’m watching don’t have a replay.
Also, I don’t understand either 2-point conversion decision.
No, it was a shit call. The defender had no where to go, and tried to brace his fall anyway. And I have no love for Mahomes or the Chiefs.
I kind of understand the Chiefs trying to go up by two scores. The Raiders one. OTOH, was idiotic.
I liked the Raiders going for the win rather than the tie.
The roughing call was complete BS. The defender had the frickin ball in his right arm. There was no way for him to avoid landing on the QB without fumbling.
Not to mention, he didn’t land on him that hard.
Right on cue.
Yale Law School was one of the most prestigious law schools in the nation.
I lost the last iota of whatever indoctrinated respect I had for them when I saw the video of the student shouting at the school president saying “It’s not about studying, its about making a home here” and he just stood there and took it and she wasn’t simply expelled for lack of academic focus.
It was a dean of the residency hall, not the president, but the point stands. Spoiled, coddled children – not a generation of budding adults.
It’s about time, Tulsi.
Someone get this man a dust pan to scoop up the drugs he lost!
Scooped by a whole half hour on the last post of the previous thread. Guess I’ll be making a call to the doc who helped off that 23-year old now.
Who you calling last post? Oh, never mind. I was gonna repost anyways. Thx.
Is she switching to R or just independent?
Today, in pork and suicide
“Amazon is sued for ‘selling suicide kits to teenagers’: Parents of Ohio girl, 16, and West Virginia boy, 17, accuse online retail giant of assisting in their deaths by selling sodium nitrate – a fatal food preservative that ‘is as deadly as cyanide’
They note that Amazon’s online recommendations suggest that customers who purchased the chemical also buy a scale to measure the correct dose, an anti-vomiting drug and Amazon’s edition of a handbook on assisted suicide.”
The algorithm wants you dead?
Why would you use something fatal as a food preservative?
You have to admit the food stays more in tact if you die eating it.
Pretty much anything can kill you at the proper dosage.
True, which I guess is why water is the fatal necessity of life.
LD50 is 90g/kg or ~2 gallons for 200 pound person.
Wiki told me 180mg/kg (rats), so for 180 lb person, 14.6 g ?
All sites I’ve seen are 90g/kg. For 180 pounds it is 7.3kg = 7.3 liters = 1.9 gallons. A quick calculation is a quart per 25 pounds.
I know this is evil of me, but I kind of darkly laughed.
Skynet Prime….
The Jonsson family said Kristine was a happy, healthy high school student and talented artist, who was ‘extremely intelligent and focused’.
Sure, that explains her suicide – she just saw this on Amazon and decided death was preferable to life. You could have at least said she was troubled and you were trying to get her help.
No one tell the parents that you can order sodium nitrate from any decent spice or butcher shop as well.
Uh, they don’t have a bazillion dollars like Bezos and Amazon!
Otherwise know as “curing salt”.
How many butcher shops carry “Teen Suicide Guide, a Handbook”?
Another example of a stupid lawsuit. Unless of course the idea is to stop people from making jerky. Eat crickets, peasant!
whaddup doh’
HTML fails, that’s what’s up.
Getting rid of a meritocracy is not going to shift the odds in favor of the inbred moron offspring of the elite (see Hunter Biden for an example) enough, so ,a href=”https://victorygirlsblog.com/the-elites-are-intentionally-destroying-your-children/” target=”_new”>their backup plan is to make it neigh impossible for those not part of their circle to get a decent education that would allow them to thrive even in a world where meritocracy has been replaced with nepotism…
Alex, you have to slow down your posting — I think your voice is starting to go. Definitely getting a little horse.
I have been accused of having another thing in common with horses. In particular stallions…
Catherine said you were great? I suppose there’s no reason to halt her….
Don’t saddle him with that responsibility.
I’m reminded of the joke about the guy who walked into a bar and bet that he could make the horse laugh…
I actually won the bet to make em cry.. Cause I showed it to the horse…
You have a tendency to acquire stable vices?
My other screen name is Girth Brooks.
Just sayin’
Shaped like a tuna can…
Might not get in there deep, but it is gonna scrape the shit out of the sides?
You’re thinking of my other other name….Johnny Depth
Same. I can’t even tell you how many people have referred to me as a horse’s ass.
Did they at least do it creatively, like saying you were a Rouncy’s Rump?
If somebody called me that, I would be beaming with pride rather than offended.
Big teeth?
Don’t accuse Alex of trying to stirrup trouble.
Once again, Swissy’s gonna pommel us.
If he doesn’t rein this in soon we’re gonna have a stampede.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
‘Orning ‘Ordles — not a dank cloud to dim the Pope’s Ray of Sunshine… but not great either. I shout my barbaric “Meh.” from the rooftops of the world or something…
Daily Duotrigordle #223
Guesses: 35/37
Time: 05:56.07
Daily Quordle 260
Daily Quordle 260
Decent day.
Daily Quordle 260
Daily Quordle 260
Hmph. Seed words crap again… I’ll take it.
Daily Quordle 260
Daily Quordle 260
Daily Quordle 260
Daily Quordle 260
Whenever government policy & actions cause economic harm, the private sector is blamed and accused of profiteering. Whenever the private sector overcomes government ineptitude, criminality, and corruption and things don’t go horribly wrong, some government entity will step up to claim they did that. The scary thing is how many lemmings go right along.
In the minds of a lot of people, govt and politicians have replaced god(s) and priests. No one wants to admit shit just happens without SOME thing/one being responsible.
You may be correct that some, maybe most, people have forgotten that people will always look out for themselves and their own first and foremost and have come to see government as the solution to problems instead of where all the big ones come from. What frightens me is that these people always can clearly see this issue in the private sector, but for some reason think the people in the public sector suddenly have stopped being driven by the usual baser motivations that plague us all.. That level of idiocy is something that scares the bejeebus out of me.
Dude, political-person (politician/bureaucrat) is just what priest used to be – not just another shlub with base motives, but someone who has been called by the higher power and is therefore blessed.
I am sure this was a mistake….
The fact it was a democrat that did this should not make anyone suspicious at all…
And then there is this situation. A Canadian soldier calls requesting help for PTSD. He his recommended to make use of Canada’s assisted suicide program.
Govt health care FTW!
Cross selling services?
Shocked face….
As I tell anyone that tells me you have to nutty to think the 2020 election was rigged: No election before that required as much effort, both before, and after, to not just convince people of its legitimacy (or lack there off), but also required government punishing anyone pointing out the massive mountain of irregularities pointing to the thing being
stolenfortified….My shocked face came when I tried to open that “link.”
I am fat fingering HTML all over the house today.
As you were saying…
Must be typing with his third leg.
It keeps pushing the keyboard around as he tries to type.
It’s easier to play a piano with it cause those keys are not so small…
It’s all gone downhill for Alex today since this moment.
Well played Slooplord…
They’re even suppressing links.
So shocked the link SF’ed itself.
Lose an election? Claim it was stolen.
“Watch the whole video but this is the WPATH part. I added a zoom in so you can see one of the panel laughing at the idea of children not understanding they’ll be chemically castrated or surgically castrated. Also they claim 14yo w/ gender dysphoria think “they’ll live forever” ?”
“We want kids to be happier in the moment.”
A direct admission that they’re not considering the long-term consequences of their actions at all. It’s a hell of a commentary on the morals of our society.
I just loved the whole “These kids obviously don’t understand the ramifications of what they’re doing and don’t listen when we try to explain consequences”… “so let’s just go ahead and fundamentally alter their lives before they understand!”
Rage Inducing.
future time orientation is racist
Consequences are an oppressive patriarchal concept.
I had a friend back in the early 90s that said she never wanted kids. She was in her early 20s and wanted a hysterectomy but no doctor would perform one without a medical reason.
I wonder if she ever had kids.
This came up after the med student thread from her day at the adolescent clinic “gender care” day:
“Only” five years of hormones before stopping.
Heartbreaking. Her life is ruined.
I wouldn’t say ruined. She certainly fucked it up, but people have comeback from worse shit and found meaning. Also, IIRC she isn’t regretting her decision, just that they side effects are worse than they warned her about.
My mistake – I had thought they had stopped the hormones.
Still, quite the illustration that “hormone treatments are NBD, they can always stop them” is bullshit.
The follow-up thread was illuminating:
It’s very illuminating that, when someone who points out a downside to transitioning claims that medical professionals might be putting their thumbs on the scale in support of transitioning, in the replies, many of the folks who are on Team Victimhood suddenly pivot to personal responsibility/actions have consequences.
Our city’s police budget is clearly too high.
The neighborhood here is mostly streetside parking, so the city designated no parking hours for the street cleaners to drive through and get at the gutters. It’s three hours on tuesdays here. All the signage is there. Apparently they decided to have the cops drive down the road blaring their alert noise and announcing over the megaphone that people need to move their cars before the street cleaning window. If they repeat it at noon for the other side of the street, I’m going to be annoyed. Especially since the street cleaners never actually clean that side during the noon-3pm window, and just drive around the parked cars during the 9am-noon window for the other side of the street.
Street cleaners are the backbone of civilization
Biden re-evaluating relationship with Saudi after OPEC decision
You are their bitch now. That’s the relationship, get used to it.
They’ll do anything except negotiate with the Russians. It appears DC will burn the world down before they’ll do that.
The Ukraine war is about the massive Lithium deposit there. It’s worth trillions of dollars in today’s green movement world. The Russians want it. We want it. There is no negotiating…
Trotskyites are a stubborn lot.
They’ll do anything except allow oil and gas production in this country ,with all the secondary benefits o f producing our own rather than buying it from foreign kleptocracies.
It is a special type of retarded to go into a world energy war while cutting your own production.
Yes it is. It is called “Progressive green energy and AGW cultism”.
Not only do you not have to rely on foreign kleptocracies, but those same countries also won’t have all that revenue flowing in.
If we had kept gas down at $30/barrel, how long would the Saudis and Russians be able to survive? I mean, they have spent their petrobucks so wisely before.
It really looks petty that after they fuck over the Saudis and then needed something from them but didn’t get it, they now want to punish the Saudis for not just bending over.
So what we say or we’ll hammer you, not exactly a good way to gain loyal friends. The Biden Administration’s foreign policy is disfuckingfunctional.
Too bad for the Saudis that there isn’t an alternative to trading in petro-dollars. Oh wait, hello BRICS.
A State Department so incompetent they are facilitating the creation of trading partnership that will destroy our currency.
So happy the “adults” are back in charge.
If only we had some domestic resources or could make it easier, faster and more convenient for Canada to ship us oil or something.
If only…..
Nuke them till the desert becomes glass thus increasing albedo and helping global warming?
So i am in this small town to visit wine makers and i entered the only good restaurant in the place. Super packed and the menu was in catalan i did not have time to translate so i chose random and boy did i choose wrong
Though half a litre of drinkable wine is like 3 euro which you would not find in romania
Romania has no drinkable wine?
Not at 3 euros
Yes, yes we know… In Romania you don’t drink…. wine.
Red? White? And did it compliment the meal?
Well the meal was random so no…
So… you’re drinking Two Buck Chuck?
It is mantonegro
You get donkey balls braised in man goo?
He said Catalan, not Basque.
Starter was a souo of white beans with clams. I dont know what the main is yet
Seems to be fried fish
Insert Admiral Akbar shouting “IT’S A TRAP!” meme here…
So you went out for sole food.
He made a random choice just for the halibut.
A Pair of 1880s Jeans Just Sold for $76,000. Their Pocket Reveals a Complicated Piece of Levi’s History.
“The only kind made by white labor”
Time to cancel Levi’s.
Already on it!
Fuck that noise. The company should have gone “The statement was true at the time it was made.”
Dang. About 20 years ago I was exploring a very old mine and found a pair of jeans. I left them there.
In Re Euthanasia: If you ain’t free to be wrong, you ain’t free.
I too think the young lady who opted to check out was wrong and that her family or docs should have tried a lot harder to talk her out of it. But…. I think it is much worse to not allow millions of people to be able to die with dignity just because one crazy person used the right to die poorly.
I think government should be picking the livers and diers……
They already are choosing who lives and who dies.
Well, they likely feel they need the freedom to do more of it…
A viral video clip showing two primary school children slaughtering a chicken in Kenya has caused uproar and some hilarity about the country’s new curriculum, which has more of a focus on practical skills.
During the outdoor lesson for 11 year olds on how to kill and cook a chicken, one boy is seen pinning down the fowl as another holds a knife nervously to its neck.
They need to learn practical things, like how gay sex works and why some words are problematic.
If you don’t like killing chickens, you might actually be a girl.
My grandma just used to rip their heads off after twisting their necks…
Your grandpa just choked them, didn’t he?
Thanks for not disappointing and taking up the good pun cause, your holiness!
I don’t actually enjoy killing anything, but a man’s gotta eat. Anything I’m willing to eat I’m willing to kill.
Wait, I like to eat pu…
Oh never mind.
The line I used to propose.
Does she know?
Where’s the issue? How are they going to eat chicken if it’s still running around?
Go to a Michelin star restaurant like civilized people?
Overpriced French food? No thank you.
I hate appointment confirmation calls. I made the appointment. You already sent a text reminder. You charge a fee if I miss the appointment. Leave me alone. I am not going to call to confirm the appointment.
You must not ever have had to deal with the distracted younger crowd that claims unless you tell them 50 times that something is expected of them, they forget about it, huh?
The ironic thing is that a lot of medical clinics are so busy you have to stay on hold for 20 minutes before you can talk to a live operator while half the front office staff is on the phone making appointment reminder calls…
Without Titty Tuesday, there is nothing.
‘I’m paycheck to paycheck.’ I make $350K a year, but have $88K in student loans, $170K in car loans and a mortgage I pay $4,500 a month on. Do I need professional help?
Glibertarians has just the posts for this guy
I suspect we commented on this before, and a lot of people told him to ditch the overpriced cars.
Well i have not been around that much so this counts as new
Overpriced house too, but that one is more acceptable. For that income, that mortgage is fine. But the car loans is fucking insane at any income level.
I see the problem… this is an economically illiterate moron playing at being an adult. Someone should manage the money and especially the purchases made, for em.
Bankruptcy is still a thing minus the loans. Also, fuck off you money squandering shithead.
To be honest, I bet this idiot also lives in a state where after all is said & done that $350K gross income ends up being less than $160K after are paid taxes. Still, going that deep in debt for 2 EVs shows me this isn’t a very wise individual.
My quick math got me about there on takehome pay, after withholding and benefits. The mortgage likely includes property taxes and insurance, so its hard to know what the P & I payment is (and what they paid for the house), but there are markets where its not unreasonable to drop $1MM on a house if you are bringing in $350K (gross).
I note that the advice in that article is mediocre at best, as it never addresses their overspending on cars, which really is the first thing they need to deal with. This is a great market for unloading their two six-figure cars, For around $45K each, they could both be driving nice 3 year old low mileage used cars and be $100K ahead.
I’ve never spent more than $30,000 on a car. Maybe buy less than what you qualify for.
I have a 2002 Tundra and a 2004 Sienna, both with 220K miles that get me where I need to go.
And I’m getting ready to buy a 2011 Mazda CX-9 with 200K miles for 2 grand.
Yes, I’m a cheap bastard, but I refuse to make car payments. I’ve always seen that as a total waste except for commercial vehicles that provide a return.
*Two electric vehicles.
That will get you there fast.
How can a professional be seen driving a Nissan Rouge?
From one of my favorite YouTube auto channels.
2023 Nissan Rogue SV | So Normal It Hurts – YouTube
“I bought the most I could and now have financial problems.”
I’m the first of my generation to own a home and the first to earn this much annually and don’t want to mess this up.
You already did.
This all just feels like a massive self-own.
It is, but I see it with people all the time when they first start making good money. The good news for them is, they can get back on track relatively easily. $350K/year is one hell of a foundation for financial health.
Just went to amazon to order more “rain coats/Jimmy hats”, and they told me I should get a subscription for them based on how many I use….
Time to only date post menopausal ladies born with XX chromosomes.
They’re just starting to get worried you’ll pay with a rubber check.
Any other site would condom your licentious lifestyle Alex and tell you that you will go to hell.
One a day keeps the obstetrician away.
How did MS miss this one?
So us libertarians are supposed to be anti freelance undertakers now?
I recommended this fell get a job in that thread up above about Youths in Asia.
Switzerland has reversed the decline of more than half of endangered frogs, toads and newts in one region, research finds.
After conservationists dug hundreds of new ponds in the canton of Aargau, amphibian numbers significantly increased.
The European tree frog population in particular “exploded”, scientists say.
Scientists hope this method could be used globally as pond building is simple and effective.
Do we really want global frog populations to explode? There are to many as is in the lake by my mom’s place
In other news, accusations of witchcraft in Aargau have skyrocketted.
That is the Swiss for you. Once they decide to do something, they hop to it and get it done
It’s only so the Davos people can turn them gay.
Well, I mean, frogs are one of the biblical plagues.
So does Yale really get the best and brightest to attend their law school? Or is there a significant portion of them that were admitted because of their mommies and daddies?
The people I’ve met who went to Harvard or Yale as undergrads have been largely underwhelming. Why should I think the law school or other post grad programs are any different? I’ve met really smart people who went to State U because that is what they could afford.
Not only do I wish the legal profession would stop slurping on Ivy League law school grads, but I’d like to see a SC nominee who isn’t even a lawyer. Specifically, it would be nice to see someone who understood technology get nominated to the SC so that they could educate the other judges on how the tubes on the internet work.
I have long been of a mind that judges should not be lawyers.
I want a collapsitarian put on the court. Prolly vote with Alito most of the time.
When’s the last time you were even in this country?
The last time I was there smear the queer was a P.E. staple.
Now we know why Straff left the Home of the Brave.
You mean “Bash the Fash”?
I would like to see someone who doesn’t use a computer or phone get on the court.
Get back to the basics of the written word.
Is it possible to dislike just about every part of this article?
The Real Asian-American Race Issue
Good luck CA!
“This will be an interesting case. And I think California should prevail. They have a right to determine what’s sold inside their state”
I’m not seeing how this is a libertarian argument. If *individuals* don’t want to buy the pork, they don’t have to. Same as every other consumer good that doesn’t have popular support for legalization, but libertarians support like raw milk, marijuana, and guns.
Not much of a libertarian argument – more of a constitutional one: can the state impose inter-state trade restrictions? Dormant commerce clause says no.
Maybe I misread sloopy’s commentary as moral agreement instead of legal agreement.
At the risk of sounding evil, I have dreams that she gets divorced and I get shot at that
I get a shot at her
I think she is anti-gun, so your toxic masculinity will doom your efforts to woo her.
I could fake it on the guns for a bit and my fondness for surfing and weed will redeem me.
She has walked back her anti gun stance quite a bit, and the shots I want to give her would help keep her skin soft and young…
You probably should scale back the frequency of those T-shots.
You would give her collagen shots?
She has walked back her anti gun stance quite a bit
That would be a good start. Link?
She’s also anti-nuclear power and supported the Green New Deal, so there’s that.
She is one ginormous ball of philosophical contradiction. She can’t get a handle on her feelz.
At the risk of sounding like an asshat, your correct diagnosis MoJeaux tends to be what I see in most people, but especially those with tendencies to lean left (whom also suffer from mental disorders). I also see it occur in people that are shifting on the political spectrum, as they hold on to some of the tropes they believed longer than others, sounding like a lot of crazy and all over the place.
I am not looking to marry the chick, anyway. just stick it in less crazy.
I don’t particularly care so long as those people don’t have a say in my life and/or the conditions of living my life.
I know she’s a powerful topic around these here parts, and occasionally she says something that rings true for me, and given a choice between her and some other leftist, I’d vote for her, if I voted, but she’s a hot mess leadershiplywise.
“I don’t particularly care so long as those people don’t have a say in my life and/or the conditions of living my life.”
Yeah, the problem is that their belief system requires them to not just have a say, but actively meddle to force you to do what they feel you should do, regardless of your personal desire. They know what’s best and you do what you are told.
“ I’d vote for her,”
I wouldn’t. She still has too much of the crazy that worries me.
So is she joining the Republican party now?
Why would anyone care? Isn’t she out of politics?
She and Amash form a new party?
Amash? ew….
I think I’d sooner vote for younger Bernie Sanders.
For the name, I’m torn between the “Freedom Party” and the “Lose Every Election With 1% Of The Vote Party”.
She’ll go independent like Bernie Sanders.
If so, would she caucus with the Dems?
You forgot the “t”.
Woke Yale Law School faces more boycotts as federal judge in Atlanta joins Trump-appointed colleague in New Orleans who refuses to hire students as clerks over ‘cancel culture’ and lack of free speech on campus
One would think that understanding the Constitution would be a part of a Yale Law education.
Why? it’s an evil document written over a hundred years ago by some misogynist racist homophobic dudes that didn’t like government that much…
Man sues Texas Pete after learning hot sauce is not actually made in Texas
Our legal system is broken.
I don’t think there’s anything necessarily wrong with cases like this from a libertarian perspective. I’ve always thought that a libertarian society would probably be a very litigious one in the absence of the more unified standards created by regulation and legislation. Let him go to court with his $700/hr attorney and argue that he suffered damages above and beyond his $3. And let a jury laugh him out of court.
You have an unjustified faith in the common sense of people.
That’s a factor, of course, but I can’t conceive of a system that would produce better results in a majority of cases. Sometimes life just sucks.
You forgot that the jury will be instructed that they cannot apply common sense to the case before them. Nope, they can only rule guilty or not guilty. No jury nullification for you dirty rubes!
I mostly agree, should be based primarily on torts. Absent loser pays options though this particular lawsuit just a frivolous piece of trash.
Loser pays needs to be a big part of the deal. Otherwise, many companies think its worth it pay off nuisance claims rather than contest them because they will be out of pocket for defense costs even if they win.
This kind of cultural appropriation will keep happening unless we take a stand.
Pete was unavailable for comment.
The audacity of this guy thinking that — despite being from North Carolina — he had the capability of combining ingredients together to make a sauce.
The case should be a single motion to dismiss with prejudice and a granting of said motion.
Perfect example of why our legal system needs loser pays.
Or I could just keep scrolling before commenting.
The principle sounds great in theory, but in practice, a loser-pays system has the secondary effect of making legal redress inaccessible to the poor who can’t afford to risk being saddled with all of their opponents’ legal fees as the price of admission for bringing forward a complaint. I could see it as an available punitive option at trial if a judge or jury believes a case was egregiously frivolous. But I don’t think it ought to be the default. Every trial has a winner and a loser, even the ones involving meritorious claims and genuine controversies.
A practical example: PayPal recently suspended the accounts of the Free Speech Union in the UK, freezing the funds therein for up to 180 days while assessing whether or not to confiscate the money in the account for “damages”. The situation was defused after public pressure caused PayPal to relent, but let’s say that instead, the FSU had sued PayPal, but lost the case on the merits because of the legal particularities involved in PayPal’s user agreement, terms of service, and contractual obligations to account holders. Do you really think the FSU should have to foot the bill for the lavish defense put on by PayPal, with a market cap of 97 billion dollars, for the offense of having brought a case?
Texas Crown Whiskey comes in a nice velvet bag that looks like the Texas flag. It says Texas prominently, has a picture of an oil derrick on the bottle. It’s made in Canada. Much more blatant and hilarious.
“Texas Crown Canadian Whisky”
It’s not _that_ subtle.
That was just added. Previously it had only a tiny reference on the bottle. Somebody must have sued them successfully.
I like Texas Pete. It’s great on eggs.
I’ve been busy past few days. Has this made the rounds?
Los Angeles council president steps down after audio leak of racist comments
If I said this I’d be unemployable in anything but retail.
Such scientific inaccuracy! Humans are Apes, not Monkeys.
/Deliberately missing the point.
They only stepped down from the presidency too, btw. Still a council member.
They’re not giving up their $200K+ salaries and associated graft.
A thread:
If you can’t put down the arm rests, you’re not trying hard enough.
She has a picture of the tray down but being blocked by the fat of one of the passengers.
So when they ask to put the arm rest up, say no. If they can’t fit in the seat, that’s not my fault.
While I agree that our current culture has gone to far on this, a couple hours stuck between two fat people … meh. This is America.
What part of “each according to their needs” does she not understand?
You ain’t fat! You ain’t nothin’! YOU AIN’T NOTHIN’!
Yo, Ding Dong man… Ding Dong, Ding Dong yo.
Still the greatest line in music video history.
Weird Al ref?
Most certainly
I can sympathize. There’s a case to be made for charging fatties extra money if they occupy more seat than they paid for. On the other hand, they pack ’em in so tight in coach nowadays that you don’t even have to be overweight to spill over into the next seat. If it’s that bothersome, kick in the extra cash for first class.
My ideal airline would have no overhead bins and would weigh the passenger with their luggage.
Also no fatties.
That happened to me on a Southwest flight. Except it was only one fat fucker. Me and another guy literally had to sit sideways on the flight between Mpls and Chicago.
Complained and SW gave me a big voucher to make things right.
Look, fats….
Sometimes even a stranger knows.
Wow. And someone remembered that episode.
Good thread here:
“If you use Wikipedia, you’ve seen pop-ups like this. If you’re like me, you may have donated as a result.
Wikipedia is an amazing website, and the appeals seem heartfelt. But I’ve now learnt the money isn’t going where I thought…”
Kill it, gut it, wear its carcass like a skinsuit.
/The Leftist Way
I’m gonna start my own Wikipedia.
With hookers. And blackjack.
There have been several attempts at that. Including a blockchain Wikipedia type thing.
you may have donated
If they drop their bias I may consider donating.
I donated once, many years ago – before the bias became so obvious.
Yeah, they can piss right off.
Hey, baby. How you doin?
I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms
Next thing you know she’ll be hanging out with Ye and getting kicked off of Twitter.
Don’t be indigenous about it.
Tucker Carlson mocks Elizabeth Warren as being “not your average shrewish liberal white lady.”
Indeed, she’s even Whiter than most.
Sioux are much uglier than the Ojibwe.
There I used my white beauty standards to totes objectify native women. I’m so happy.
At least you get real performance this time for $1,600. But it’s huge and an electric space heater.
RTX 4090 review: Spend at least $1,599 for Nvidia’s biggest bargain in years
450W makes up for the efficiency of LED light bulbs for keeping your house warm.
That’s at stock clocks and power draw. Add in any kind of overclocking and I bet you can add another 20% on the power.
Yeah — between that and the 95C “normal” running temp of the Ryzen 7950x, I’m thinking I’m going to wait at least one more generation with my r9 3950 and rtx2080 combo. Still performs well enough and doesn’t heat the whole house. With CA electricity prices and 110+ weeks common in the summer, I can’t justify the extra power for “slightly smoother framerate in the games I care about”.
It looks like this whole generation is about pushing frequency, power efficiency be damned.
Gotta satisfy all those “work from home” users.
Some dudes will fuck anything.
She’s still under 25.
Is she still young enough for him?
“Let’s hypocrite together!”
Peppers away.
/points at your avatar
I wish there were more/more varieties…but some plants just didn’t get with the program this year.
Good read.
Tulsi gonna be VP for DeSantis in 2024
I don’t think that would help him.
You don’t think video of Tulsi in spandex shooting AR-15s will help with soccer moms in middle America?
It helps with me….
Is there a….
Link to this wonderful thing?
….. For “Research”?…..
It’s been linked a couple of times this week on Glibs.
I don’t have that link handy.
You know what other Austrian destabilized Europe?
Austria sues European Union, claiming natural gas and nuclear energy are not ‘green’
Sued for not committing economic suicide fast enough.
I’d argue that the Greens are far more of a threat to Europe than Russia.
And this winter will prove it.
Oh let’s hope it does.
OK Austria, have a beer, sing another verse of Edelweiss, and shut the fuck up.
Dams have killed far more people than nuclear has, or ever will.
Speaking of economic suicide – South Africa National Assembly passes bill for land expropriation without compensation.
And here we go….
Anton throws down his gloves.
That was the easiest pull quote – he goes on at length about Kristol and all of his attack dogs.
← I feel so much better now! Almost forgot to change into my Halloween outfit.
That “roughing the passer” call was bullshit. Also, it is clear to me we need to have another kicker who can actually kick like Harrison Butker.
Assisted suicide: I am of the opinion that we treat animals more humanely than people, with regard to euthanization. That said, my theology teaches that a person goes when he has learned or taught as much as necessary. On the third hand, theology does not explain evil people or straight-up bad luck that doesn’t teach anybody anything. So there I go, in the weeds of youth in Asia feeling very much some kind of way, but unable to form an opinion.
Assisted suicide: I am of the opinion that we treat animals more humanely than people, with regard to euthanization.
I think there are three distinct categories:
Euthanasia: Killing someone without their consent.
Assisted suicide: Someone other than the soon-to-be-dead person kills him with his consent.
Suicide: The soon-to-be-dead person kills himself.
There are some gray areas between each of the categories, true. But I think there are difference of kind, not just degree, that present different moral/ethical/societal imperatives.
Interesting. I hadn’t thought about it in those terms. Of course, I don’t think about it much.
A doctor I did transcription work for had a set of parents who were both in the beginning stages of dementia. Apparently, the dad had a plan that when he and his wife started declining, he had planned a murder-suicide, with the mom’s full knowledge and consent. The plan was broadcast to the family, but IIRC, none of the family took it seriously. Then one day, my doc wakes up and his parents are dead. I know a shotgun was involved, but I don’t remember the specific details. It might have been sadder if the dad and mom hadn’t made the decision with full mental capacity. I guess the only question for them was at what point in their decline this should happen.
Side note: This particular doc made me realize that excellence in your chosen specialty and the shit-ton of money coming therefrom don’t confer class. I also made him a minor villain in one of my books.
I hate to corpsefuck the thread, but I’ve already made a pest of myself and may as well continue.
Your categorizations do not comport with the general understanding of those terms within the assisted dying communities or the laws that have been passed in the US legalizing certain forms of assisted dying. Euthanasia is mercy killing. “Good death”. The consent of the decedent may or may not be present, but the important distinction between euthanasia and other forms of assisted dying is that it involves the direct participation of a second third party. A soldier on the battlefield killing a fatally wounded comrade to spare him further suffering would be an example of euthanasia where there was no consent from the decedent. Mojeaux’s example of the elderly couple with dementia, or, say, a physician starting an IV and hanging a bag of barbiturates to induce death in a patient at that patient’s request would be examples of euthanasia where the decedent did consent. “Euthanasia” as a term does not definitionally require a lack of consent for the mercy killing, just that the mercy killing be performed by a second party. It’s an important and meaningful moral and ethical distinction even if you oppose the practice entirely. The level of moral culpability in the two different circumstances would certainly be different even if you believe the battlefield coup de grace and barbiturate IV both deserve punishment.
Assisted suicide is a somewhat misleading term as it’s used here in the US. “Medical suicide” would be a much better term, in the same way that we differentiate chemical abortion from surgical abortion, with the former generally being referred to as “medical abortion”. “Assisted suicide” usually refers particularly to the type of assisted dying that is legal in Oregon, Washington State, and Switzerland, for example, whereby a physician is authorized under the law to write a prescription for lethal drugs at the request of a terminally ill patient once certain conditions have been met. This type of assisted dying shouldn’t even require the participation of a physician. A physician’s participation is only necessary because of our drug control system whereby we are disallowed from obtaining certain drugs without the permission of the medical priests. The only “assistance” offered by the physician under such legal regimes is his signature on the prescription so that a pharmacy will dispense the drug(s). The patient then uses the drugs he obtained with the assistance of a physician to commit suicide by ingesting the drug(s) himself.
BWAHAHAHA – okay, probably linked yesterday and I’ll sweep up the drugs from my heels, but this is by the far the funniest bit or irony I’ve seen in a while.
The Nobel committee is manned by moronic virtue signaling asshats and douchebags.
I vow there will be a First in every pocket when I’m done. People will know the power of a First.