So fucking cringe.
When Ultron wreaks havoc, the Avengers act as the first line of defense. People can help protect themselves by staying up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations. Head to to get a first look at Pfizer, BioNTech, and Marvel’s comic book!
— Pfizer Inc. (@pfizer) October 4, 2022
Globe-trotting botanists beaten to death and fed to crocodiles
As they walked towards the camera through South Africa’s Drakensberg Mountains, Rod and Rachel Saunders were introduced to British viewers on BBC2 as world-renowned botanists who would trek the extra mile to find rare gladioli.
“We have been coming to Drakensberg since we were 16 and I’ve always had a passion for high-altitude grassland flora,” Rod explained in a 2018 feature with the Gardeners’ World presenter Nick Bailey. He later described a trek of about 20 miles to find one species not seen for 50 years. “A banshee yell went up when I found the plant,” he said.
Soon after Rod, 74, and Rachel, 63, said farewell to the film crew, however, they were kidnapped, bludgeoned to death and their bodies dumped in a river in KwaZulu-Natal in 2018, prosecutors will tell a trial in Durban this month.

via fuckeduplookingfood
‘Rust’ Team Announces Settlement With Halyna Hutchins Estate, Will Resume Film Production in January
Nearly a year after she was shot and killed on the set of Alec Baldwin’s Western movie “Rust,” the estate of Halyna Hutchins has come to a settlement with the film production. Surprisingly, the film will also resume production in January.
“We have reached a settlement, subject to court approval, for our wrongful death case against the producers of ‘Rust,’ including Alec Baldwin and Rust Movie Productions, LLC. As part of that settlement, our case will be dismissed,” said Matthew Hutchins, husband of the late Halyna Hutchins, this morning.
As part of the settlement, Hutchins will become an executive producer on the film, which will resume “with all the original principal players on board in January 2023.”
No terms of the settlement were disclosed. Baldwin had taken the lead on an earlier effort to settle with the Hutchins estate, before the suit was filed. In those discussions, which were revealed in an arbitration filing in March, the proposal was to compensate the Hutchins family through insurance proceeds and a portion of the film’s profits. Baldwin was eager to resolve the civil claims quickly and resume filming, because the cast of “Rust” includes a child actor who would age out of the role. Those initial talks collapsed, however.
Well, as long as filming can resume and some money got passed out, I guess that makes everything OK.
Artist: The Magnetic Fields
Album: Distant Plastic Trees
Released: 1991
Artist: Superchunk
B-Side of “The Question is How Fast” (1992)
Album release: Incidental Music 1991-95 (1995)
I have a mandolin
I play it all night long
It makes me want to kill myself
I also have a dobro
Made in some mountain range
Sounds like a mountain range in love
But when I turn up the tone on my electric guitar
I’m afraid of the dark without you close to me
I went out to the forest and caught
A hundred thousand fireflies
As they ricochet round the room
They remind me of your starry eyes.
Someone else’s might not have made me so sad
But this is the worst night I ever had,
‘Cause I’m afraid of the dark without you close to me
You won’t be happy with me,
But give me one more chance
You won’t be happy anyway
Why do we still live here
In this repulsive town?
All our friends are in New York
Why do we keep shrieking,
When we mean soft things?
We should be whispering all the time
One of the rare times that I like the cover far more than the original. Mac McCaughan from Superchunk seemed to grasp that the song is not ironic so much as angry. Stephen Merritt (Magnetic Fields) did have a handicap in that at the time Distant Plastic Trees was recorded–he hated his singing voice and refused to record himself.
Mac would cover another song from Distant Plastic Trees during his solo project, Portastatic, as a 1994 B-Side to “Naked Pilsners” from 1993s I Hope Your Heart Is Not Brittle. (The song was eventually released on 2008s Some Small History, a compilation of covers by Portastatic.)
Well then, Marvel can go fuck itself.
Still probably better then the Obama comics they did.
They can now be a party to the forthcoming lawsuits about the not-so-safe-and-effective jabs.
If nothing else, that Twitter thread has given me this image.
Can an image be your spirit animal? Asking for a friend.
Sure — do whatever you want. We’re not your supervisor.
Get your ass to Mars!
What about the rest of me?
Nah, I want to see at least manslaughter charges against multiple people, including the triggerman.
We’re all dying to see the movie.
If the movie doesn’t come out, then Alec murdered that women for no reason at all.
I do kind of want to see it now. Not enough to pay for it or anything, but maybe as a Tubi Glibflick.
Two years from now, your wish may come true. I expect it will be an awful film which I will stack up against a better Italian western.
And then the Avengers got covid anyway.
Funny because it’s true.
Why is the white girl doing the Wakanda salute?
She is pointing at Brie Larson’s fading career.
That’s not Link.
If you mess with the fro, you got to go.
Some friends and I were just talking about the Marvel shows. They put out some good movies, but now they’re trying to bank on quantity over quality. They’re putting out tons of “just ok” product.
Some of the recent stories I’ve seen are that they’re shifting some of the planned future series are being converted back into movies. Armor Wars being the big one.
I think that’s more about the focus on streaming than anything else. You need more than a couple of tentpole films a year to hold on to subscribers.
I’m just going to embarrass myself right now and say that yes, I would eat a Big Slut. Happily.
Hey, no shame in that – I’d join you. Eggslut, FTW!
I think I had one of their breakfast sandwiches in Vegas last time. Wasn’t bad, and reasonably priced (for a restaurant in a Vegas casino on the strip).
Interesting. I am in Vegas in three weeks. I will try to check it out.
I was mistaken. They do have a Vegas location, but the girlfriend wanted to go to Sun’s Out Buns Out, because she thought it looked cute. That’s the one I was thinking of.
I stayed at RW earlier in the year and I thought the breakfast there was actually pretty good. And they didn’t give me shit for no mask.
Eggslut is on my short-list of places I want to go next time I’m in LA.
Musso & Frank is top of the list. I love some old-school steak houses.
Tres Cool approves this message!
You know… given that the Avengers CREATED Ultron and were responsible for his “wreaking havoc” to begin with… this may not have been the swiftest approach from Pfizer to pitch their vaccine. Just sayin’.
Yeah, but most people will blame Iron Man for that, and he’s dead.
In the comics it should be Hank Pym, though… he’s still around (I suppose… always been more of a DC fan before they went total nuts / crap and I just got sick of it several years back).
Re: “Big Slut Burger” — I don’t even want to ask about their Happy Finish Meal now.
That is extra.
Do you get one of Mexican Sharpshooters toys?
My love of Superchunk is no secret, but that is so, so good.
The original is lovely, but the cover really fleshes it out. Outstanding.
In today Sensei learned something. From the “slut burger” I read the katakana. I had no idea WTF an “eggslut” was either.
スラット (suratto)
slat (window blind, aircraft wing component, etc.)
slut, eggslut, breakfast dish based on coddled egg and pureed potato
There is a burger joint in Atlanta called Slutty Vegan. They advertise that they are “Black Owned”. Which sounds like a porn thing.
Huh… I would think “Black Operated” is more suggestive….
According to official reports, the couple’s remains were recovered after being eaten by crocodiles. Local fishermen said that remnants of their sleeping bags, including zippers, were seen in the teeth of crocodiles months after the bodies were retrieved from the water.
witnessedseed it with their own eyes.I hate superhero movies.
Partial to songs about dead ones, though.
Wow, I actually guessed the link correctly.
Deadpool was brilliant
I watched it on an airplane. If I wasn’t trapped I would never have watched it.
I was pleasantly surprised and don’t regret watching it.
Deadpool was an un-superhero-movie. I loved it.
As an aside, ‘Welcome To Wrexham’ on FX is charming – a documentary series on Reynolds & Rob McElhenney’s purchase of Wrexham FC in Wales.
Yes. I would call it an anti-superhero movie.
And it was terrific.
I liked Watchmen. It should have ended the genre.
I liked parts of it (Rorschach), but I wouldn’t sit down and watch it again.
I knew there was a reason I liked you. Raine Maida is banging it out with Chris Cornell for best grunge-era vocalist.
Yes, but Pootin.
Heaven forbid that we buy low.
“Democratic Leader @SenSchumer defeated the proposal, and later bragged that his party had blocked a ‘bailout for big oil.'” Yes, it would have been beneficial to “Big Oil”, but it was a win-win like the best deals are. Someone should write a book about it, or at least hire a ghost writer to do a book about it.
Orvis has clearly hired someone new in Marketing, who decided that sending 3 e-mails a day, every day to existing customers is a brilliant plan.
He or she must have come from Harry & David.
I mean, it makes good business sense, given my 2 purchases over the last 6 years.
Cabelas says HI!
Pshaw. Kids numbers. The two political parties send me like 10 a day.
“Trending in United States
Oh, come on, they must be up to something!
That Big Slut Burger is thicc and juicy.
I like big buns, I cannot lie,
You other eaters might deny…
That Pfizer tweet…
They can go fuck themselves.
KPMG 2022 U.S. CEO Outlook
70% of U.S. CEOs are lying.
Investing in companies, that increase their expenses by spending money on things that do not correspondingly increase their income, seems like an excellent way to feel virtuous while losing money.
I dunno. There’s a definite cost for large companies that don’t toe the line.
Reality always wins.
I got out of some real estate just in time.
Project Veritas’ latest: Oklahoma Principal on the “anarchist” teacher exposed in the last Project Veritas video.
Nice pictures. I wonder if this will sell?
“Yes, honey, I took pictures of the place for our listing.”
It took me a while to find Waldo in a few of those.
Hah, I missed that he’s in every single shot.
I love the chicken coop one!
The last time someone killed a Polk County Florida sheriff’s deputy, SWAT teams found the suspect and shot him sixty-eight times.
Somehow, I don’t think the person who shot and killed a deputy yesterday morning will get the same treatment.
Somebody likely forgot about Rule #4 in the heat of the moment. BTW, why are you rolling up to someone’s house at 3AM for a failure to appear in court on a simple possession charge?
Have to break at least 2 rules to kill one of your own.
And she picks up a 2nd degree murder charge because his co-workers shot him?
Now this is how you take care of a snitch…
“The president was caught on hot mic proclaiming that ‘no one f***s with a Biden’ during his trip to Florida Wednesday where he put on a united front with Ron DeSantis, who he called ‘guv.'”
Both the president and Florida governor donned navy blue suits…
*narrator* Neither man was wearing a suit.
Don’t ever change, Daily Fail.
Hunter Biden has provided ample proof that lots of people (hookers mainly) have fucked with a Biden.
So, 53 years ago today, “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” first aired on the BBC. For those who enjoy cheese shops without cheese, bookstores without books, secret investigations by the British Dental Association, bureaucracies of silly-walk regulators, surprise visits by the Spanish Inquisition, Norwegian Blue parrots (lovely plumage), and Australian drinking songs about famous philosophers, this is a day to commemorate. But if you’d like to argue about this, you’ll have to pay.
It’s also James Bond Day!
And from my skim of the news the day Steve Jobs died.
If you’re anything like me, you’ll commemorate the day by doing your best Bond: drinking martinis, engaging in feats of derring-do, and bedding glamorous babes. (Detects narrowed gaze from the Bosslady) Well… I’ll do the martini bit anyway.
I’m a lumberjack
And I’m OK
I sleep all night and I work all day
Stop that! It’s silly!
Do you ever have those days when you avoid speaking to people in your professional circle because the potential for bridge burning is simply too high?
*flips desk*
Days ending in Y
I’m having one of those days where I’m extra annoyed for some reason, but I work from home so there’s an even greater danger for me to avoid.
It feels like this time of year is always more challenging. Colleagues and clients who were relaxed over summer suddenly remembered all the shit they (meaning I) have to get done by year’s end. Especially the Europeans coming back from their two months of holiday.
I think possibly I’ve stayed with this too long.
If it weren’t for our present economic unpleasantness, I’d highly recommend retirement.
Only 55. No interest in calling it yet.
But I may explore something else. This is getting silly and it doesn’t appear that it will change any time soon. Part of me would really enjoy the challenge.
Ahhh, it’s not calling it — it’s taking a victory lap. ;-)
You have your own biz, right T? What is it, may I ask (unless it doxxes you or something)? What would you trade it for?
I’d also love to do something different, but it’s intimidating to start completely over pushing late 40’s with three hungry kids at home.
Family biz, so not mine. Long story. Things are getting tougher in our market, for us, our customers and and our partners.
What would you trade it for?
Right now? Evicting your squatters sounds like fun!
Well I hope you can either make the switch or keep it going T. At least it sounds like you have found a new great place to be and explore the fabulous mountains in.
I’ll be doing an eviction tomorrow morning. I used to somewhat like the “interesting ones”. Now I pray for boring.
I know. I shouldn’t have been flip.
I appreciate the well wishes. It’s been a fuck of a week and I’m just in one of those moods.
I’m currently attempting to navigate an untenable business situation between three partners; myself, my sister, and my father, without burning the entire thing down.
And I have to keep my wife in check, who is pissed off for me.
I’ve been a little ornery lately.
three partners; myself, my sister, and my father,
I suppose faking your own death and fleeing to Mexico is out of the question?
Sorry, dude. I actually DO know what you are going through.
Thanks. I hope you are able to resolve your situation peaceably. I’m not certain I will be able to keep everyone happy in mine because I’m no longer willing to compromise on my needs, which include getting the goddamn books done on time so I can make decisions and stay out of the IRS’s crosshairs.
Yes, I’m a little bent about it.
minnetundra AT gmail
Fucking squatters. It’s highly unnerving when i start attempting entry on a supposedly vacant property and then get someone flipping the lock back or throwing open the door and confronting me. At least these ones responded when I knocked on the door before picking it. They wouldn’t open it, but that’s not my problem. The landlord is gonna have to deal with a big fight now. The guy who was in there died and the vultures swooped in for some payout money. He was a first class nutball who I had multiple interactions with. Once he was screaming bloody murder about bloody murder in the stairwell in his undies.
I imagine you have some stories worthy of a Glib feature…
Christ. I assume you are one of the rare ones in SF with a carry permit?
More than you could imagine slum. At this point I’ve been inside the homes, apartments, businesses and hovels of north of 30k. Mansions to crack houses, every imaginable set of humans. Post murder, post suicide, active drug dealing, S&M dungeons, grow houses, hoarders, hookers, mental cases, and some shit I’d rather not even mention. And then some really nice people for sure. I really should write some of it down. No T, I don’t have one, but I am very tempted now to apply at least to see if they would grant it like they’re supposed to.
I’d love to read about it, should you get to writing it down.
Say, this might be a good place for some short stories 🙂
And here I was concerned about moving out of a rental because I didn’t bother to wipe down the oven…
Thanks slum, I will definitely try and get off my ass in the writing department.
Please do, you’ve piqued my curiosity. I’d like to read your story.
Not a job I’d consider unless allowed to be armed at all times.
I’m armed, regardless of my job.
I can appreciate that. I’ve had buddies in the pest control business who work with big property management firms. They’ve seen things.
With so many cabins/homes here being closed soon for the winter I’m almost surprised that we don’t have more squatters. I have seen little campers in unexpected places but they usually don’t stay too long. The cold/snow makes rudimentary living untenable.
I’ve heard we are one of two countries that allow pharmaceutical companies to advertise. Clearly this is a free speech thing and they should be allowed to do so, even in comic books I guess, but I’ll admit the past few years are really testing my adherence to certain principles of liberty. I’m sure there’s more to Big Pharma’s advertising push than simply letting them buy ad space though, as no doubt there are other companies who aren’t permitted to advertise.
It became legal during the Clinton Administration.
We always have to ask ourselves, “What would a libertarian do?” Often times we may not like the answer, especially when it affects us. I have good neighbors in that no one bothers anyone but that doesn’t mean I necessarily agree with them.
I just read the other day it was only with Reagan or Clinton (?) that it became legal – I had no idea.
I sure am sick of them and I think the industry is scammy as fuck but what to do?
What would TUBI and Pluto do without drug advertising!!????
Most of the ads I see on Pluto are local ‘vid propaganda.
But yeah on TV I watch a lot of old timey channels and it’s wall-to-wall three things:
– Medicaid
– Shriners
– Pharma
Don’t forget those “Join our lawsuit!” Ads.
Yeah, a Camp Lejeune commercial came on right after I clicked “Post”. 🙄
I’m pretty sure I suffer from Mesothelionotgonnaworkereanymore.
I’m of the same mind. If pharma was truly unregulated, I don’t think it would be as much of an issue. But given that they are highly regulated and often given implicit as well as explicit liability shields, I think they should be banned from advertising.
Like I said, make them truly liable and I’ve got no issue. As it stands, the government protects them in myriad ways.
Eh, I’d like them to be able to advertise some new things.
The government spending millions of our tax dollars advertising ON BEHALF of big parma is more annoying to me.
Sorry Big Pharma.
Big Parma is cool and I celebrate all the cheeses.
I’m still laughing at this.
All my comments are brought to you by J&J, Moderna and Pfizer.
*Side effects may include a lawyer talking at 10x speed.
Tesla Vision Update: Replacing Ultrasonic Sensors with Tesla Vision
Let’s decontent the vehicle, screw existing order holders and fix the issue later. Typical Tesla. The Reddit is not happy.
Mind you this is the first car I’ve ever owned with parking sensors. Apparently from the screams on Reddit people can’t park without them. Which says volumes.
People have regressed to the point that an actual crisis will kill most of them because they have no survival capabilities at all.
I have to hug the wall in the garage to get my car in*.
When I go to back out the sensors screech “DANGER” and even apply the brakes. Very irritating. I can do without them.
*Wife parks in garage also. Enough said.
My garage is so tight all they do is scream. I mostly ignore them as well.
But enough about your orphans.
Yes, you aren’t supposed to use your orphans for stop sensors.
So, they can afford a Tesla with parking sensors but cannot afford a house with off-street parking or a garage… LOL
The comments are rather humorous.
I only hate how my Tesla becomes jealous of any new girlfriend and tries to murder her.
The modern Stephen King sequel.
Now you’ve done it. You’ve gone and pissed HE off. She might blow you up.
I think modern warning devices have made people complacent, inattentive and lazy. It used to be most people could park without little beepers going off, or stay in a lane without help. This is why I’m against autopilot…until a car can be foolproof going down the highway with no human oversight, it’s just going to get worse.
I guess they haven’t been reading here.
“Flaring” people!
The pic from Biden’s “can’t we all just get along” speech is a nice touch.
Super ultra MAGA!
“ On Monday, federal prosecutors showed a jury in Washington an encrypted message that Stewart Rhodes, founder of the Oath Keepers armed extremist group, had sent his lieutenants two days after the 2020 presidential election: “We aren’t getting through this without a civil war.””
Well, is he wrong?
The sad part is nobody in that courtroom (other than the defendants) understands how widespread that belief is.
In case you were still wondering if Planned Parenthood was evil.
That is pure profiteering on teenage angst and straight up evil.
There are days I hope there is a Hell.
What does any of that have to with “planned parenthood”…?
At least this other thing they’re doing meshes with their pro-abortion mission.
What better what do avoid unplanned parenthood then literally suppressing all sex hormones? duh.
What better way to avoid unplanned parenthood then by literally suppressing all sex hormones? duh.
I suck at this on my phone.
Koch suggested in an interview with German Catholic newspaper Die Tagespost last week that the German reform process was seeking to introduce new sources of divine revelation, beyond Scripture and Christian tradition, to justify theological change.
He said it was the same thing some pro-Nazi Protestants did when they “saw God’s new revelation in blood and soil and in the rise of Hitler.”
Can’t see how that’s a problem.