He’s done.
Tennessee took down Green Bay. Maybe Rodgers was hallucinating or something. Aaron Judge unsurprisingly won the AL MVP and Paul Goldschmidt, who I watched play low-A in Visalia, CA ages ago, won his first NL MVP award. The Browns-Bill game was moved inside at Detroit. And the World Cup will officially start tomorrow, and it looks like it’s going to be a complete shitshow for attendees (those who bothered making the trip to that backward country). And that is it for sports.
And speaking of shitshows. Twitter is about to be run by a skeleton crew. And I can’t wait for that to happen.

OK, who did it?
Yeah. No shit. Now figure out who did it and release it to the world in a transparent fashion. We deserve to know.
Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes. I don’t wish this on anybody, but you gotta use your head when traveling for work to a shithole with backward-ass laws.

Gotta protect your friends.
Imagine if the last guy had done this. The entire left would be calling for his impeachment. And they’d get it too.
Alabama needed a junkie on the corrections payroll. He’d have found that vein in a matter of seconds.
Actions have consequences, you dumbasses. Thinking these people would do what you claimed they’d do is the height of stupidity.
Hey look, the government actually did something right. Now if they’d just give that fine to the people impacted by the policy rather than keep it, they’d be batting 1.000 in the case.
Play Stupid Games. Win stupid prizes 2: Eastex Boogaloo. What a maroon.
I wonder if he was a dancing to this? If so, at least he went to a cool song. And here’s another gem. What a great band. So sad to hear about Andy Taylor’s cancer.
Well that’s it. I get to drive fast for the next three days at COTA. I hope y’all have as much fun as I will this weekend. Enjoy it, friends.
Aww, I miss fail-whale. Back when they thought using a MVC framework for a message passing app was a good idea.
“Maybe Rodgers was hallucinating or something.”
Seriously, I saw an editorial blaming their season on the ayuhuasca.
It couldn’t be he is 38 and has no one to throw to.
That will piss off the idjits thinking that he should pull wins out of his ass because when things were great he won a lot..
That’s the narrative. Adams is so awesome the Raiders are leading the division…oh wait. In reality there are multiple reasons the Packers suck this year, and Rodgers is one of them.
At least here in Cleveland, we know where the problem is. It’s the defense. Depending on how the next two games go, it’ll be interesting to see if they don’t play Watson this year, so that his contract starts next year (an idea floated in a couple of pieces).
Adams is so awesome
8th in catches, 6th in yards, 1st in rec tds. Seems pretty awesome.
And yet it doesn’t translate to wins. The point is that Adams leaving is not the issue. The rookie Watson has 5 tds in the last two games, most for a rookie this year. And tied with Max McGee for most by a Packers rookie season. Granted it was only two games, but if the kid develops the way they expect, Adams will be a long lost memory.
“Now figure out who did it and release it to the world in a transparent fashion.”
Well, we know it wasn’t the Russians, no matter who they try to blame. The Russians could have just shut it off for as long as they liked.
“And speaking of shitshows. Twitter is about to be run by a skeleton crew. And I can’t wait for that to happen.”
I think a LOT of people think this is a bad thing, but most IT types are realizing this is precisely what that shitshow needs to have happen so the focus is in delivering a better product and experience for the shitposters.
Are you suggesting that people should work hard and earn their wages?
I’m outta here!
I think there are many people that really feel that way Forescore…
This is what giving participation trophies and self esteem tongue baths bringget.
Take that Elon!
They’ll just go work at Amazon or Facebook or Microsoft.
Oh wait, all three are currently laying off staff.
“Yeah. No shit. Now figure out who did it and release it to the world in a transparent fashion. We deserve to know.”
If they tell you this secret they will then have to kill you to make sure it doesn’t get known…
“Play Stupid Games. Win stupid prizes 2: Eastex Boogaloo. What a maroon.”
One of the reasons that the world seems to have so much stupidity in it is that they have made it harder for the Darwin effect to cull the herd of dumbasses.
“Four defendants have been murdered while on “free movement” days this year, according to the Cook County sheriff.”
Chicago is so dangerous you can’t leave the house.
Well, at least their cases are off the docket now!
/Kim Foxx
Yeah, you can eat some lab-grown dick, cause I don’t want this shit.
“Now with 90% more nanoparticles!”
Lab grown dick? What options are available? Asking for a friend.
“They only come in black in that size” is what he is asking about…
You should get that necrosis treated.
We warned you buying *ahem* products off unsolicited emails would have side effects.
Pay attention to the four hour warning.
If your new erection causes you to tip over or lose conciousness, you may have went too far.
Linked in your link: Alt-meat fever has cooled. Here’s why.
Other than that, they’re great.
Plant-based meats. Uhhhh….there is no such….oh, never mind.
Cows? Input: Plants… Output: Meat. 😉
Now if there was a Ribeye tree, that may raise my interest.
Nebulous health benefits? They are essentially carbs stuffed with bullion cubes.
Dammit man, I wasn’t looking for a real reason not to eat the imitation meat subsitute! I wanted my righteous indigation to be enough!
They don’t even have a better nutrition profile.
NPR’s hysterical doomsaying about the Twits claimed that next time it goes down, there won’t be anyone left who knows how to turn it back on.
The number of people actually required for keeping the lights on is very very few. I say that from personal experience as that sole person.
Non IT types think there is a whole swarm of keyboard monkeys and squirrels battling over keeping servers running or bringing them down…
My experience here in the Federal Government is that there are maybe 6-8 people who actually can fix the data issues I have, (4-6 of those are contractors) but there are 50 managers, approvers, CORs and various proles and strap-hangers between me and each of them.
Are you claiming that our taxpayer-funded news source might have no fucking idea what they’re talking about? Sounds like sedition talk to me!
“…next time it goes down, there won’t be anyone left who knows how to turn it back on.”
That is a bad thing?
The last guy didn’t need to do that because we were producing our own oil.
At the speed of government.
Just imagine the dismay of the media and Democrats if Orange Man hadn’t secured her release by now. The cries of racism and Putin’s puppet would be deafening.
And if he did secure her release, the headlines would be “New Questions about What Trump Promised Putin in Exchange for Griner’s Release”.
Maybe Biden could just issue an executive order. OTOH it’s going to be a perfect opportunity for Griner to learn Russian language and culture. Look on the bright side.
Also on the bright side:
The labor camp isn’t in Siberia.
It’s MORE THAN 200 MILES from Moscow!
So, right next door in Russian terms.
Should be no problem with the Orange Man out of office and America’s stature in world affairs returned to near-Obama levels. Plus Putin won’t mess around with the guy in the Aviators.
Trump should just negotiate this on his own, since he’s Putin’s cockholster.
Turns out it was the Central Infusion Alliance.
I get to drive fast for the next three days at COTA.
Cool tags, bro.
Any defense attorney worth his salt would argue that those are, in fact, basic necessities.
This racket either preys on people with a mental disorder or causes it…
There was a paper published recently relating to a models amount of data and the number of parameters used and how it leads to overconfidence in the model’s predictions.
The two worst offenders? Climate and pandemics.
Do you have a link to that paper?
Thank you.
Basically, it’s I, Pencil applied to research and policy.
Team A works on a fundamental part of a problem, makes a model.
Team B uses the output of this model as a way to model a particular type of interaction.
Teams C-Nn use the output of this model to make a model of a mitigation/modification of the interaction modelled by team B.
Team Nx uses the output of Teams C-Nn to generate a model of a policy prescription.
Except that, with a pencil, you can look at it and see if it writes or not.
Because you can’t pack enough errors into one model, so you daisy-chain them to get to the desired level of fantasy science?
Makes me think of two headlines (both about the same story) that popped up in my newsfeed from different sources (not the exact ones I’m sure, but close enough to illustrate the point):
Scientists Create a Fake Black Hole in Their Lab, Find It Oozing Thermal Radiation
Scientists Simulated a Black Hole in The Lab, And Then It Started to Glow
Yeah, I’ve seen a couple of videos on black hole analogues. I mean, maybe you can draw some comparion to an event horizon and water swirling down a drain but I find it kind of hard to believe you can really learn anything that way.
I was referring more to the one headline saying that they “created” something, and the other clearly saying that it was simulated.
So…. scientists fart, and then declaim the horrific amount of methane in the atmosphere?
@ Penguin
I’d sooner declaim the effects of the Methyl Mercaptan
Actually, if we look at the obesity and population growth trendlines, human flatulence will soon exceed bovine in sheer Gaia-destroying power! It’s no longer enough to simply ban cows, we must immediately fun research into and subsidize construction of Soylent Green factories!
One bad assumption renders even the otherwise-most-rigorous model moot.
Often that assumption is that they even know the factors involved.
Until I hovered, I was expecting gender identity affirmation therapy (or whatever they’re calling it now).
Climate Models Are Imprecise, Because Psychologists Were Not Consulted
Climate alarmists are psychotic enough already.
Something’s afoot.
I just got unsolicited email encouraging me to exercise my Janus rights with regards to the closed-shop union I was forced to join.
In all I suspect it’s a phishing scheme though given the additional details with regards to the message itself.
Janus rights? Sounds a little two-faced to me.
Also, it’s only November.
Maybe Rodgers was hallucinating or something.
I blame the haircut.
We deserve to know.
You deserve nothing, pleb.
You get what you fucking deserve!
I suppose Head like a Hole was in his future there…
Or just hand the inmate a glass of orange juice or liquor with 10 grams of pentobarbitol or secobarbital dissolved in it, like they do in the Netherlands, Switzerland and Canada to peacefully end people’s lives. It doesn’t have to be a fucking medical procedure. It’s remarkably easy to kill yourself with the right drugs.
(To say nothing of hooking up a regulated supply of nitrogen or helium to a face mask)
Nitrogen. We don’t want them to go all squeaky and ruin the solemnity of the moment.
There was a hilarious 4chan greentext story that had that as the punchline, but I can’t seem to find the screencap.
Not being a visitor to that site, can you explain what ‘greentext’ is?
On 4chan and other related imageboards, prepending a line of text with a “greater than” sign indicates a quotation and changes the text color to green. Greentext stories are posted in this fashion to indicate that they are relaying true events (in actuality, few greentext stories are relaying true events, it’s just a board culture meme; greentext stories are usually satirical).
The story in question went something like this:
>Decide to end it all
>Buy helium tank from party supply store
>Hook it up to my exit bag
>Lay down expecting to never wake up
>Wake up
>Dad is standing over my bed asking me what the hell is going on
>Remove exit bag and reply in squeaky helium voice ‘nothing’
mfw = “my face when”, and indicates that the image attached to the post expresses the poster’s facial reaction to the events described in the greentext. In this case, it was a pepe variant of some sort that I can’t recall.
I see.
Thank you.
To increase the solemnity use xenon.
The Biden administration declared Thursday that Saudi Arabia’s crown prince should be considered immune from a lawsuit over his role in the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, saying his position should ‘shield’ him.
This isn’t going to make them produce more oil.
What jurisdiction is this lawsuit filed in? As I regall Khashoggi was a Saudi national killed in a Saudi Embassy by Saudis. That sounds like something for the Saudi courts.
Since when do American judges respect limitations on their jurisdiction or rule of law?
Team America, Fuck Yeah!
They told the 9/11 victims who tried to sue the house of Saud to blow it out their ass even in an American court.
A former Twitter executive who recently exited the company described Thursday’s employee exits as a “mass exodus.”
Muh workplace culture! Muh institutional knowledge!
I hear the media was all aflutter because Elon rehired Ligma and Johnson back…..
Can someone show me how to do a GoFundMe? I want to start one to have the hospital in my county have a Ligma/Johnson kid mutilation wing…
Bless their hearts, A few members of Congress want an honest accounting of the money being dumped into the Ukraine (and laundered back out).
Start with the premise that at least half of it was laundered into team blue campaign coffers and efforts, and you can quickly trace it all back.
Uh, yeah, about that…
::imagines CU CFO boss telling auditors “OK, so we didn’t pass this audit, but we should be able to squeak by in another five years.”::
[Disclaimer: we always pass our audits.]
Out in the real world, a failed audit usually results in heads rolling.
The important part as well is that this isn’t just and audit with findings. For an agency that large, it would be a miracle if there were no findings or only a few trivial ones. This is an audit that says the amounts are in some cases unauditable and in others flat out bullshit. Its findings also mirror what the GAO has been saying with regards to the Pentagon for decades.
I have seen my Swiss masters axe people when terrible audit results come back.
“Zis could cause trouble mit FINMA….fire zem all!”
Griner is nearing her ninth month in detention after being taken into custody at a Moscow area airport in February for possessing vape cartridges with hashish oil, which is illegal in Russia. Griner pleaded guilty in July and was sentenced to 9 1/2 years in prison in August.
Seems excessive.
Snarky answer: Russian vodka manufacturing doesn’t want the competition…
Less snarky answer — probably some “zero tolerance” heavy penalty laws due to proximity to the poppy fields of Afghanistan or whatnot, combined with Putin being (or at least presenting himself) as a social conservative. Harsh sentences for possible drug trafficking seem like they’d naturally flow from those circumstances. Given the stupidity of international diplomacy, I’m sure he feels no urge to avoid sticking a thumb in the eye of the alphabet community loving liberal hippies who are currently mucking up relations as well.
I like Daryl’s idea:
Anybody know what the penalty in the US is for foreigners bringing illegal drugs into the country?
Welfare payments and a day trip to Martha’s Vinyard?
Not if you enter legally, say at an airport. Then you do serious time.
You see, if I were going to smuggle something into a country, I’d use the least guarded and least patrolled section of the border. Walking in the front gates where the guards are just seems like a bad idea. So that’s not the first thing that comes to mind.
I dunno. I might rather take my chances with the TSA than the Border Patrol.
Oh come on, those horse reins don’t have that long a reach.
I’ve transported drugs on a flight after being checked by the TSA a couple times in my life. They’re generally pretty lazy and sleepwalk through their job far more often than not. It really wasn’t that difficult. Just keep said drugs on your person where TSA agents either aren’t allowed to or are loathe to touch.
…so drugs fell out of your ass?!
I don’t think TH was shot in the testicle, so probably not.
More like extruded.
like a Play-Doh Fun Factory
But you’re not a celebrity athlete who doesn’t think the rules apply to them. Now, Griner isn’t either, but I bet she thinks she is.
I get paid to play a child’s game.
Warren Sapp was so right and every pro athlete ought to keep that in mind.
A sanctuary city helps you hide from the feds?
A brief search indicates that a small amount of marijuana
would be a misdemeanor with a smallish fine and up
to a year of confinement.
It goes up rapidly for amounts (of anything) that wins you
a conviction for intent to distribute.
This isn’t my area, so I may have missed something. You should
probably do some further reconsideration before taking
illegal drugs into airports.
research before
Who picks these avatars? What even is that?
A while back, there was some wordpress shenanigans and people with empty avatars got randomly assigned images from a library of these doodles.
“I happen to be a gifted surgeon, I could fix that for you.”
I wonder if they do the US thing where “intent to distribute” is based on weight. I also wonder if a personal supply for however many months she’s there in her European season (in vape cartridge form) hits that weight.
Could be. All I’ve ever seen is that she had a “small amount”
of cartridges or CBD or something. The specifics are lacking.
I certainly question the awareness of the world of some of these
people. It’s not like we’re un-regaled with stories of exceedingly
harsh drug penalties in other countries. I’d personally go
to great lengths to avoid having to answer yes to “Have you ever
been in a Turkish prison?”
“As an inmate? No, I was there to watch the junkie brawl the guards organized. Shame there was no gambling, my bet would have won.”
‘Orning ‘ordles — ending the week with a ‘orror… the left column can just take a flying leap off of a short short pier….
Those of you using different seed words (there’s one in particular I know a lot of folks use, but I don’t want to give hints) will probably be fine. Know the rhyming end letter on LL would have helped a lot.
Daily Duotrigordle #261
Guesses: 36/37
Time: 05:58.00
Daily Quordle 298
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Daily Quordle 298
50/50 miss on UL sent me past the line.
Daily Quordle 298
UL and LL can both kiss every square inch of my entire ass. Had 4 of 5 letters. Change one letter, all of which are still on the board, and you can spell as many as 7 different words.
Chessle 279 (Expert) 5/6
After failing 2 in a row, nice to get a more mainstream one.
Daily Quordle 298
Tricky, but not bad.
Daily Quordle 298
You know what? I may be going
6 7
8 9
most days but I ain’t chumping!
Daily Quordle 298
Good morning, Sloop!
I gotta admit, seeing the Pack drop to 4-7 warms my heart.
Hard to believe piece of shit criminals can’t be trusted, huh?
Great song choices! 40 years on and I still dig their stuff.
I do still quite like some of their early stuff, but oddly enough The Wedding Album is still my favorite of theirs.
“A judge has blocked the anti-critical race theory law pushed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, which looked to stop ‘woke’ teachings in colleges and universities.
The Stop the Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees Act, better known as the ‘Stop WOKE Act’ would restrict lessons on race and gender at institutions of higher learning, which Chief U.S. District Judge Mark Walker described as ‘positively dystopian.’
The 138 page order issued by Walker even referenced George Orwell’s 1984, a novel about totalitarianism and the dangers of the ‘Thought Police’ and political abuses, according to Brittanica.
‘It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen,’ and the powers in charge of Florida’s public university system have declared the State has unfettered authority to muzzle its professors in the name of ‘freedom.'”
I think the judge is right here. Teaching toxic bullshit shouldn’t be illegal.
It also shouldn’t be done on the public dime.
End government funding of schools.
He who pays the piper calls the tune. Don’t want government telling you what to teach? Stop sucking off the government teat. This is more applicable to K-12, of course, but considering federal tuition subsidies and state grants to public colleges, they should be subject to the political process in the same way any other government department ostensibly should.
Political process? No, no, you simply put Top.DEI in charge and shut up, sit back and don’t ask questions while you fund them. That’s progress!
If that were true they wouldn’t need a law in the first place.
Should not be in the publicly funded schools, period. If they want to teach it in a private school, fine. Fuck this judge.
Now do the “positively dystopian” Title IX “prosecutions” required by federal funding.
Other than being a criminal and terrible person?
CNN to Gretchen Whitmer: “You’ve been asked a lot…about a 2024 run…What is the argument for you not running for President?
Aren’t all politicians criminals and terrible people? I don’t see that as disqualifying.
“Tom Brady and Gisele’s charitable foundation gave away just 0.08 PER CENT of former couple’s $770m fortune during their 15 year relationship – with one Costa Rican charity handed a meager $300”
It’s their money, but why even set up a foundation in the first place?
I always marvel at these stories. Who cares what they fo with the money they earn?
Greedy shits who see what they think is a pile of money and want to tell other people what to do with it.
Oh I was referring To what they fo with it, clearly a different subject. /sarc
I guess I care in the sense that it’s just really phony to have a fake foundation. If you are going to play the foundation tax dodge, at least try to do something.
My dad believed very strongly in the biblical admonition to give in secret, and it’s always stuck with me I guess. I find vanity charitable foundations to be incredibly gauche and distasteful even when they actually do distribute the money.
It’s not really charity if you’re looking for plaudits or recognition.
Charity isn’t a thing. Everyone gets some personal reward of some sort or another out of it and that’s actually OK.
I always check the box that says “don’t list my name as a donor”.
Unless your definition of “charity” means “money given by a cold, emotionless, robotic person who feels nothing after helping someone”. Oh, wait . . . .
As a tax dodge.
The IRS frowns upon phony tax dodges.
Phony doesn’t mean illegal.
It’s still cause for suspicion.
I can’t get a tax Plymouth anymore.
Especially from Trump supporters.
From the Clinton family, not so much of a problem.
They need better tax advisers – 2% a year is pretty much the standard minimum requirement for a charitable foundation. Of course, there’s an apples/oranges thing in there – comparing what the foundation did to their total net worth, so the foundation may actually be fine.
Tax avoidance?
Does leaving the company voluntarily prevent the quitters from getting unemployment benefits? How about on one’s resume?
“Reason you left your last job?”
“They expected me to work hard”
It will be awkward for this round of tech layoffs. Everyone who was laid off from Twitter is assumed to be an absolute ass hat. (Apologies to certified public asshat again). I think we are going to see a new sub class of semi technically skilled kids with otherwise unemployable, progressive leanings who will be perpetually unemployed. My fear is, they will be exploited by the government.
Well, DHS can just spin up their Misinformation Board again — they all have experience with doing that going back to at least 2020, but probably 2016, so they should be strong candidates.
But I am an asshat.
You don’t say….
More seriously — I thought that those leaving per the ultimatum were still getting severance (per reporting), which is more likely than anything just Musk trying to avoid lawsuits about the terminations. Throw them a little money now with ndas / no suit clauses as part of it and be better than them coming back with the rabid lefty lawyers you know are just salivating to get their brownie points in and all…
Greenmail? He’s trying to use our own laziness and greed against us!
Kudos for the “cornhole” double entendre there right at the sign-off…
At a previous employer, the “learning library” is allegedly where the cornhole sessions took place.
Both kinds?
A recently laid off employee who remains in touch with former coworkers told CNN that everyone they had spoken to plans to reject Musk’s ultimatum and exit the company. “People can’t overlook the public mockery and firing of other employees,” the former employee told CNN. “In the same vein, they can’t overlook or feel comfortable working for someone who has handled the last few weeks in the way Elon has.”
“People don’t want to sacrifice their mental health and family lives to make the richest man in the world richer,” the former employee added.
This monastery was a great place to hang out and kick back until those stupid Vikings showed up.
What is telling is how many idiots think making a living is not something they should worry about. I guess responsibility and being self sufficient is no longer a sign of a mature and responsible adult. And how many of these idiots are just posturing because they can go home and live in momma’s basement?
Perhaps someday we’ll all break bread.
The UN-brokered deal that allows Ukraine to export grain from its Black Sea ports during the war will be extended for 120 days in the same format, according to a news release from the Russian Foreign Ministry published on Thursday.
“The four-party deal by Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and the United Nations, signed in Istanbul on July 22, will expire on November 18. The text of the document provides for its automatic extension for another 120 days in the absence of objections from any of the parties,” the ministry said.
“No such objections have been received,” it added.
Turkey’s finest flex yet.
Erdogan is an ass, and a scoundrel….but he did keep this going, so a fair amount of the poorer places in the world can eat, a bit more affordably.
I hate to say it, I almost hope someone puts him up for an award…
The hero Buffalo needs in these trying times. I personally would have gone with a broader (and better) selection, but he knows his plans for the weekend.
It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone’
seems uncivilized to have a major snowstorm mid November. It should be still fairly nice outside
Why thanky you.
Do you actually think ‘civilized’ is a good thing?
whisky monocles and all the fine things in life are aspects of civilization
Nay, they are grease paint over the degeneracy.
ran into this strange post singularity fiction thing
I am unsure I like it or not after 2 chapter… it is mildly interesting anyways
I need some musical halp. There is a new age song that has some kind of chanting in it, possibly native American. It sounds A LOT like Enigma’s “Return to Innocence”, but not quite. The melody of the chanting is slightly different in the song I’m looking for. I want to say it’s from the late 80’s or early 90’s
Anything come to mind?
(I feel like I may have asked this question before, but it may have been a different song I was asking about)
Enigma’s Sadness?
It’s more native American-sounding, not Christian chanting
Yeha-Noha by Sacred Spirit, maybe?
Very similar style…a bit more of a distinctive melody though
I’m trying to recall those Time Life new age compilation album infomercials from my childhood…
Sweet Lullaby by Deep Forest?
High five!
Interestingly, the chanting in Return to Innocence is a traditional Taiwanese chant/song that was illegally sampled. They had to fork over royalties.
If it’s “traditional”, who exactly gets royalties?
The performers who got sampled and had their work used without permission. The new performance could have hired their own chanters and used the piece as that is public domain, but using the specific recording was the issue.
In music IP, you can copyright the composition as well as a recording of the composition. In cases of traditional music where no composition exists, or it is public domain, you can still copyright an original recording. I had to look up the exact details to refresh my memory, but it seems that’s exactly what happened in this case:
Forgot the link
Was it in an airline commercial?
伊藤麻希 Maki Itoh
I’m Maki Itoh the cutest in the world.
I was an idol but I was fired. I don’t mind.
I had a complex about my big head but now my headbutt is the best in the world.
I would rather be the wrestler who can be the reason for your smile than the strongest wrestler
All those laid off tech workers can go apply at Starbucks.
“I know you used to work as a ‘user content manager’ at Twitter, but you can’t tell people they’re not allowed to order the types of drinks you don’t like.”
“You can’t stop me. I’m standing up for what’s right!”
“I’m afraid we’re going to have to let you go.”
“My Union rep says I can!”
You can try. I am amazed at how many youngsters at some store will sigh, roll their eyes and grudgingly help you. They seem so put upon that you would screw up their day by coming to their place of work and try to engage in commerce with them.
You actually see youngsters working? The retail workers I meet all seem well past retirement age.
LEARN TO _________ ?
I said it before, but LEARN TO COP.
Tons of openings here in Minneapolis. You will get to get your authoritarian freak on AND you can hang out with all those poor oppressed poor people you care so much about.
Learn to weld.
Something Ive always meant to get more proficient at. Given enough time I can usually get two pieces of metal to stick together, but it aint pretty.
When it comes to board-level repairs on anything, Im a soldering motherfucker tho’.
Good on Robby for not being the dumbest person on Rising.
Briahna is really something.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Kids are always trying to help. When you’re trying to change a tire, etc and Robby is not around you need the B Squad
Thanks, Jimbo
On Tuesday evening, the Berkeley County School District in South Carolina swore in the board members who were elected last week, six of whom were endorsed by the conservative activist group Moms for Liberty.
Within two hours, the school board had voted to fire the district’s first Black superintendent, terminate the district’s lawyer, ban critical race theory and set up a committee to decide whether certain books and materials should be banned from schools.
In addition, the board voted to replace the chair with Mac McQuillin, a local attorney and one of the board members backed by Moms for Liberty.
Getting shit done.
*points to avatar*
Within two hours, the school board had voted to fire the district’s first Black superintendent, terminate the district’s lawyer, ban critical race theory and set up a committee to decide whether certain books and materials should be banned from schools.
Deliberately trying to imply the Moms group is racist. But buried down at the bottom of the article. You can’t even parody these clowns.
Yeah — that nice little summary leaves out that the “first black superintendent” was replaced with an administrator who is now the second black superintendent, in favor of throwing some racism shade there.
Farging iceholes.
Dammit… lost the race condition. We should have topic related mutexes or something….
It’s not taught!!!
But it should be.
A corrolary to the law of merited impossibility?
Legendary director Albert Pyun would like to hear from fans in his final days
the name does not ring a bell off the top of my head
Chekcing IMDB, the only Albert Pyun I could find has a filmography that’s Not so legendary. Is this the right guy?
yup. legendary can have many meaning… legendary for a certain subset of a certain genre of B/C/D movies maybe
The dude made Cyborg with John Claude VanDamme and you are doubting his legendariousness?
Nay, I am refuting it.
I am not. UCS is
I recognize a lot of those JCVD flicks from my childhood.
I think the first time I actively noticed product placement was in whatever JCVD movie that was where Johnnie Walker red was the only thing drunk, the only bottle smashed, etc.
Great night out @FetishAwardsUk with @mistress_inka
Thank you to @Ms_wildfire_
for arranging
It is in poor taste to comment on the looks of other people but ewww gross
Looks ain’t really what we’re after here…
My birthday, I’m drunk, the wife is passed out cause we had nomihodai (all you can drink) and I want insults. Give me your worst.
I’m drunk, the wife is passed out – birthday anal?
I want insults – You are small even in Japan?
Yes. I can’t even satisfy underage girls.
You look like an asian guy transitioning to white lesbian.
White Lesbian is the name of my slave owner.
Every Wednesday there was a nomihodai at a hotel near where I was working in Tokyo. I got really drunk there every week and then stumbled down the street to a capsule hotel.
Japan is a great country for getting knee walking drunk.
Blotto in a capsule hotel. That sounds like hell.
I’ve been told you look a bit like Bill Gates…
That’s all.
Your dick is so small, you had to move to Asia to find a chick that would fuck you twice, and even the gaijin fetishist you married isn’t satisfied with you.
True. I bought her a black dildo for her birthday, but she closes her eyes when using it. Disappoint.
Eyes closed?
How can you tell ?
If they were open, she’d be bitching about something.
Are Japanese dildos like the Japanese toilets with the electronic voice politely expressing their eagerness to serve you?
This is arguments. Abuse is next door.
The Tanaka’s? *Rings doorbell*
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. Happy birthday, you old coot!
Thank you. That’s all I really wanted.
You’re not worth insulting.
Happy birthday. Let your Wisconsin flag fly and
keep drinking even after the rest of them have quit
or passed out.
Brandy? That is the firewater of choice for most Sconnies.
In an old fashioned, definitely brandy. Straight up, Tully seems
to be very popular. I should ask my two main bartenders.
The one is downtown Madison, so there will be a bit of a college
age skew to it. The other is your basic non-college tavern,
so that will skew a bit older.
I have a soft spot for a brandy Manhattan, but never tried with an Old Fashioned.
When we had our cabin in Wisconsin, I was always stunned at how many different kinds of brandy were in the liquor stores. Go to Minnesoda liquor stores and there are 4.
That reminds me. We made up a brandy drink:
Wine glass or champagne flute, one shot of
Korbel brandy, short pour of Korbel brut
champagne, twist of orange.
We called it a Wisconsin 75.
Wouldn’t have to be Korbel, but is way more Wisconsin
with it.
My dad used to occasionally make what he called a Drunkard’s Delight. Brandy mixed with gingerale.
Great drink for an underage kid.
When I was invited to a Vietnamese wedding, every table had a bottle of brandy and a carafe of Sprite on it.
Take your insult kink elsewhere, gaijin
(happy birthday!)
Happy barfday!!!
I don’t do insults past “bitch” and “cunt,” and I save those for special occasions. Sorry, can’t help you.
Happy birthday!
You’re a disappointment to your parents.
Happy birthday!
…and still the most liked by the Glbsters…Well, liked may be the wrong word. Enjoyed, no, least offensive, nah, that’s not right.
Oh, best to be Left at Home so everyone else can have a good time. That works.
Many more to come, Strafe and run.
Why come you have not taken advantage of the drunk wife, yet? You a pussy or something?
Well, just like usual, she didn’t even notice.
Uhh… snowplow bicycle runner?
You were nearly hit by a snowplow while riding you bike but managed to run away?
Reminds me, I should probably get around to replacing the shear pin in my snowblower.
Do it before we actually get snow.
Winter Steel this Sunday. 1:00.
Also, Zack’s has got some used 10/22s sub-$200. I think one is only $100.
How are they handling the longarm permit requirement?
No clue. I applied for the addition when I picked up the CZ, but I have no documentation.
I just have a spare one on hand.
Happy birthday, dickhead!
Happy birthday, drunken straff!
May the hangover gods be merciful.
whaddup doh’
I worked a long time ago with a guy who was a “secret worker” for Yum brands restaurants. If corporate thought that something shady was going on, he’d go in and work and see if he could figure out what was going on.
The funniest story he had was about a Taco Bell in Nashville (I sort of remember). Anyhow, the store started reporting a LOT more money after a new owner had taken over and he got sent in to see what was going on.
Turns out the owner was using a lot of workers from the county work house. The prisoners would get dropped off for a shift, clock in, give the owner $20 and then walk out the back door and do whatever they wanted for the next 8 hours.
The owner was so worried about what he was doing, that he failed to skim the usual amount of cash out of the business so the profits shot up and he got investigated by corporate.
Jim Cummings
I know nothing about this movie, but I will see it based on this poster design.
Looks like a sequel to/remake ofRed Sparrow. So basically Nikita with more rape.
As long as we get some extended Waif-Fu action sequences…
I don’t expect realism in movies and especially in action movies, but c’mon.
Waif-fu may be the best portmanteau I’ve ever heard…
I’m sure this will cause a flurry of attention.
Due to public safety concerns and out of an abundance of caution in light of the ongoing weather emergency in western New York, Sunday’s Cleveland Browns-Buffalo Bills game will be moved to Ford Field in Detroit at 1 p.m. ET, the NFL announced today.
The decision to move the game from Highmark Stadium in Orchard Park, NY was done in consultation with the Buffalo Bills and local and state authorities as the region prepares for the storm.
The fans have given the decision a pretty frosty reception.
Holy Sleet, that is quite the deal!
Did the roof collapse at the Bills stadium? Because that really happens. And it is not totes suspicious that the roof collapsed in the middle of stadium negotiations with the Vikes.
Officials did not release the identity of the man, who was revealed to be 25 years old. It’s unclear why the man was on top of the 18-wheeler. The Houston Police Department said the investigation is ongoing.
He wanted to be a famous stuntman.
Was it a full moon? Because that is a thing
The Unknown Stuntman.
Due to public safety concerns and out of an abundance of caution in light of the ongoing weather emergency in western New York, Sunday’s Cleveland Browns-Buffalo Bills game will be moved to Ford Field in Detroit at 1 p.m. ET, the NFL announced today.
Driving to Detroit and back in a blizzard will certainly enhance fans’ safety and wellbeing.
isn’t it hazardous enough going to Detroit when the weather is good?
Driving to Buffalo and back would be safer?
I think he’s referring to the Buffalo fans driving to Detroit. It’ll definitely be safer for the Cleveland fans who want to go to… Detroit.
I also didn’t realize that Detroit had a dome. Fuck domes in northern states. Let them play in the snow!
re a.m. toons — Paging KK. KK to the white courtesy phone…
I see…poor Andy. Poor wife of 40 years. What terrible news.
My favorite DD song of all time
Also this one, IIRC, is supposed to be a follow-on to The Chauffeur. Another great, more recent song
Is this why Gisele left?
Tom Brady and ex-wife Gisele Bündchen are among a roster of celebrities who have been named as defendants in a class-action lawsuit against the bankrupt crypto-currency company FTX.
The lawsuit, filed by an investor on Tuesday, alleges that by endorsing the company, the former couple — along with Naomi Osaka, Steph Curry, Shaquille O’Neal, Larry David and others — brought credibility to the business, according to the Associated Press.
Larry tried to warn us.
Evidence for the cooking of fish 780,000 years ago at Gesher Benot Ya’aqov, Israel
They want me to pay to read the actual paper.
It’s sad that we went from cooking fidh 780,000 years ago to having people try to tell us raw fish is edible.
sashimi is great… I like to close my eyes and imagine that is how Japanese pussy smells like
Now sashimi is ruined
sushis or sashimis?
Tuna steak.
No, I do not want the inside to look like it just got cut out of the fish.
“Holy mother of God, the *actual Post* story is brutal. It has to be seen in the context of the paper to be properly appreciated as the “whatever, boring” NYC brushoff it is. “Post Staff Report” as a byline is the touch designed to personally enrage Trump.”
pic related
Give the people what they want which in this case is actually news. If people want some politically slanted editorial board nonnews snark bullshit they can go to the NYT.
Art Industry News: A Suspected Old Master Forger Wanted by European Authorities Has Disappeared + Other Stories
Plus, part-time faculty at the New School are on strike, and Anonymous Was a Woman names the winners of its 2022 grants.
Award the grant to the guy who can paint well enough to fake the Old Masters
Like this guy
I hope they had good insurance.
I have been wondering about that. I wonder how much higher the rates are on Teslas due to self immolation?
Not really. ICE vehicles burst into flames all the time. Bodily injury and run of the mill costs to fix your car and the other car because of collision are the bulk of the premium.
This is FUD spread by folk with an agenda. When they do go they really go, however.
There are way better legitimate things to pick on EVs about.
The main difference in car fires between traditional and electric is that as current, fire departments can put out a burning tratitonal car such that it doesn’t reignite. That can’t be said with EVs given the tendency for the batteries to rekindle their fires. Whether there is a process for putting out a burning EV that keeps it out, I don’t know, but it seems the firefighters are in the same boat in most areas.
I believe the current practice with an EV is to let it burn itself out. It is a concern, but for the moment it isn’t impacting insurance.
Complexity of modern cars and cost of parts is one of the big drivers. Today a modest front end collision will trip airbags, rip a dash apart if there is a passenger, destroy 6 parking sensors and a wiring harness plus the usual bumper parts. If the cars is 4 or 5 years old this might total it out. It’s fully repairable with minimal structural and zero engine damage maybe excluding a radiator and/or AC heat exchanger. That said the parts and labor cost to repair will total it out.
My Romeo 1 Pro arrived yesterday. I really should have gotten around to researching what plate I needed for it weeks ago. Found it, ordered it from cz-parts.com, having it sent by Czechia Post, which might take a week longer than FedEx but is <20% the price (and FedEx wasn't guaranteeing anything faster than two weeks, anyway). The cost of buying it from CZ is much less than any of the US sites I found it on — and none of those had it in stock.
Now, let me ungratefully complain about my free optic: SIG sent me one in FDE. It does not match the classic black of the CZ.
Request denied.
I actually acquired it by trading certificates with a guy. I had won a set of dies for a Lyman Mark 7. Since I exchanged something of value for it, does that mean it’s no longer “free?”
You were the one who described it as ‘free’.
I did, because I did not spend money on it. I also exchanged something that I received as a result of a random drawing that had no direct utility value to me, but did have trade value (obviously).
Any particular reason you went with the Romeo 1 Pro?
So he can check the tracking updates going “Wherefore art thou, my Romeo”?
SIG was giving it out at the nats staff dinner drawings.
And ‘m putting it on the S2 OR so I can work CO Nats in Ohio.
OOooooh! The Iron Sight Nationals are also in Ohio!
Yeah, I’m really interested in this new facility.
Only an 8.5 hour drive! Whootely woot!
I mean, that’s a perfectly good reason.
Better than waving the Loan Fairy’s magic wand
The Biden administration announced on Thursday updated guidelines that will make it easier for those struggling with their student debt to discharge it in bankruptcy.
The new bankruptcy policy comes from the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of Education, and allows federal student loan borrowers to prove that they’re experiencing financial distress requiring a fresh start. Under the rules, the agencies may recommend that a bankruptcy judge discharge a borrower’s student debt if they find their case warrants it.
Currently, it’s difficult, if not impossible, for someone to walk away from their federal student debt in a normal bankruptcy proceeding.
“Today’s guidance outlines a better, fairer, more transparent process for student loan borrowers in bankruptcy,” said Vanita Gupta, associate attorney general of the U.S.
Go through bankruptcy and make the lender (the govt?) take an on-the-books hit. It might have consequences.
You want to discharge in bankruptcy? Get a loan not backed by the government.
The truth slips out.
Well, the body cam video hasn’t actually been revealed, and this is anonymously sourced, so I will say that we really have no new information of any value.
But anonymous sources are the most trustworthy because they are risking much if they are exposed. Oh, right, the accusations are against a Democrat.
What are the chances that we ever get to see the body cam footage, footage from their security cameras, or footage from the myriad of other peoples’ cameras on that street that would have caught Mr Fruit of the Loom sauntering around Pac Heights at 2am to get there? Funny how the underwear angle has been silently dropped and never explained.
None. What nobody is saying is that Paul Pelosi had a gimp ball in his mouth….
Of course the media buried this, going so far as NBC suspending a reporter for reporting it, making sure it didn’t get out until after the midterms.
Imagine being the “journalist” who reported what the San Francisco PD said verbatim – and got suspended for it.
I assume they are still paying the guy because the discovery phase of a lawsuit would be hilarious,
I guess I have reached the age where your contemporaries start dying. A lady at church, 1 year older than I, died (of unspecified causes) and her funeral is tomorrow. Another friend of mine, only a couple years older than I, died in February from covid complications (but she was already immunocompromised). She basically made the decision to take herself off the ventilator because she was so over it.
I’m sorry to hear that. I had a coworker die in his sleep at 33 (well before this hax stuff, an old-fashioned heart condition), so all I can say is everyone has their own time.
I offer my condolances, for what they’re worth.
Thanks. I was not close friends with her, but I observed her closely for reasons and a specific reason was because of something she did out of the kindness of her heart that was a) illegal and b) unethical and c) pissed me off. I never said anything to her or anybody else (it could have cost her her job) because she really was trying to do something nice for me.
Condolences anyway. My (step)dad died at 58, mom at 59, and a friend of mine just lost his mom at 53. Of course, it’s an inevitable part of life, but it feels like that shouldn’t happen in this our modern age.
Yeah, my dad was 51 when he died of a heart attack. A young cardiac death is common in the males in that side of the family.
Sorry to hear that. Just had a high school classmate die from liver failure (in a very short time span). Stuff like that can definitely get to you.
I know three guys around my age (50’s) all in good shape who have had heart attacks resulting in open-heart-surgery, One guy – a Marine Boot Camp buddy was still a really good tennis player, (All vaxxed to the max)
All in the past year or less.
Well it looks like Musk has given in and admitted his mistake. There was no way that Twitter was going to be able to function without their employees.
*Points to comment made at 7:55 am*
Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell has said that he’s “at a loss to explain” why student loans are treated differently than other types of debt in the proceedings.
Around 250,000 student loan debtors file for bankruptcy each year, but fewer than 300 walk away from their education debt in the proceeding, according to research published in the Duke Law Journal in December 2020. That’s a success rate of just 0.1%.
Some lenders are more equal than others.
Make the universities liable for the unpaid debt and I bet we’d see a whole lot of trimming happen in the grievance studies departments.
Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell has said that he’s “at a loss to explain” why student loans are treated differently than other types of debt in the proceedings.
Because it is an unsecured loan backed by taxpayers?
“Conspiracy theories.”
MADISON, Wis. (AP) – The Republican chair of the Wisconsin Assembly elections committee who was backed by former President Donald Trump has been kicked out of the closed GOP caucus due to a lack of trust.
State Rep. Janel Brandtjen was told of the decision Friday, according to a letter sent to the lawmaker that was first reported by WisPolitics.com. …
Brandtjen embraced conspiracy theories about the 2020 election and wanted to decertify President Joe Biden’s victory in Wisconsin.
Ligma? Johnson?
Ligma is the middle of the Johnson brothers. The others are Harry and Sugma.
Fuck. Off.
WATCH: Dr. Kieran Moore is now telling parents of toddlers to wear a mask inside their own home if they have the sniffles.
“Should I be masking at home?”
“I’m sorry, but you should.”
Speaking of magic-wand-wavers
U.S. Rep. Karen Bass has defeated billionaire developer Rick Caruso to serve as the next mayor of Los Angeles. Part of her first order of business: the unhoused “crisis” in the city.
Los Angeles, the second-largest city in the U.S., is struggling to address people living in tents, vehicles and shelters and on the streets.
In downtown L.A., Skid Row is lined with tents, one next to another, for blocks. In the beach areas of Venice and Santa Monica, homeless individuals are widespread along the walkways. In Hollywood and the San Fernando Valley, tents and people crowd the sidewalks.
“I ran for mayor to urgently confront the crises our hometown faces,” the L.A. native said in a statement posted to Twitter. “Tonight, 40,000 Angelenos will sleep without a home — and 5 will not wake up.
“To the people of Los Angeles, my message is this: We are going to solve homelessness,” she said. “Los Angeles is no longer going to be unaffordable for working families — good jobs and affordable housing construction are on the way.”
*Housing Fairy dangles from rafters*
Let’s see, 40000, five will not wake up. Ok,
let’s assume that the 40000 are randomly picked.
Average life expectancy is about 80, so 1 in 80
of those will die on average in a year, that’s
about 500/year or 1.4 per day.
So, we’d expect 1.4 of them to die in any given
day regardless of any other factors. If five
of them die, that’s about what I’d expect
on the theory that whatever has driven them
to homelessness probably has other effects
that would increase the death rate. Furthermore,
I’d expect homeless people to skew older.
(Yes I moved the goal post a bit by conflating
daily average death rates to ‘died in their sleep’
rates. I don’t think it would affect the analysis
When I’m god-emperor, journalists will be
required to show their work.
Really? Only five people die overnight in LA every day? Nightcrawler made me think otherwise.
With the number of people in LA, I’d think more keeled over from simple statistical probability.
This just in: Pfizer seeks emergency authorization of their new vaccine against statistical probability.
Over/under on whether it hits 50,000 during her term?
Bass’s homeless plan focuses on housing 15,000 people by the end of her first year in office and building more “temporary, affordable and permanent supportive housing.” She also hopes to end street encampments, a massive problem throughout L.A., and focus on mental health and substance abuse treatment.
Finally. Why hasn’t anybody thought of this before?
El Lay will undoubtedly end up with 60k by the end of her term.
Damn those obstructioning Republicans! Damn them all to hell!
Deaf mute transwoman gets standing ovation at singing competition:
The singing speaks for itself, now stand and clap.
Re: Duran Duran – I think Sloopy picked their 2 best songs. Killer bass lines by whichever Taylor played bass.
Also, the vid from Girls on Film has never been hard to watch.
Incorrect – I posted the two best songs. Well, the best song and a really good song. Their catalogue is so massive.
Faster Than Light – one of their very first songs. Love this song because you can hear hints of the talent that’s about to explode out of them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l37vveLBRGw
Sound of Thunder, Friends of Mine, Last Chance on the Stairway. All better than Girls and Planet Earth
Unreleased demo that eventually became The Seventh Stranger. I think this is better
(the bass on this demo is pretty great)
This has a great groove.
John Taylor plays bass.
Y’all need to dive way deeper with this band!
I know my Duran Duran, thankyouverymuch.
How could I forget Do You Believe in Shame??
More recent:
Reach Up for the Sunrise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0rt2dlfhbk
All You Need is Now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvqnJ8AGhFg
Come, children. Follow me and learn the wonders of Duran Duran
They’re actually A Xel’Naga intent on ending the universe?
/some of you should get it.
Eggsquisite rationing.
Some shops including Asda and Lidl have started to ration the number of boxes of eggs customers can buy due to supply issues.
Asda said customers would be limited to buying two boxes of eggs until further notice, while Lidl is limiting customers to three.
UK poultry farmers are facing rising costs and an outbreak of avian flu.
It has started to affect the supply of eggs, and led to concerns of a shortage of Christmas turkeys.
I’ll nominate Save A Prayer
Bah, meant as a reply to Penguin
Electric Barbarella
Yeah, my dad was 51 when he died of a heart attack. A young cardiac death is common in the males in that side of the family.
That reminds me of Mickey Mantle. When he died, in his mid-sixties, people talked about how young he was, but I saw a story about how he had outlived every other man in his immediate family by twenty years or so.
Whoever mentioned Ancient Apocalypse show…thank you! Really enjoying it.
When was it made and what’s the premise?
Haven’t seen it but it’s Graham Hancock Gobekli Tepe type stuff if I remember correctly. Very interesting, to me at least.
2022 / Netfilx
I started it yesterday and it’s insightful to say the least. It looks at a much deeper human timeline on civilizations so old, they have been built over by several new civilizations. We know so much less than credentialed professors arrogantly claim to know about the history of our species.
So more of a documentary then?
It’s a shame, I don’t do business with Netflix, is that the only place it’s available?
Not sure if anywhere else. Yeah documentary. Like Bones stated, questioning the human timeline and could there have been a great civilization prior to the Ice Age.
I’m trying to think of any pre-ice age remains that even exist of early modern humans. Those I’m familiar with are from interglacials.
Though I will point out that the glacial maximal coastline is now underwater, so there’s a lot of room for something to exist in that space we’re completely unaware of.
As fore pre-ice age… *shrug*
His premise is archeologists have all agreed and stopped looking.
There is precent for that.
The concensus that Clovis culture was the first in the Americas led to archeologists not digging further upon reaching the Clobis layer. Discovery of isolated pre-clovis sites led some to go back to Clovis sites and digging deeper – almost all turned up earlier habitation evidence.
However, a lot of the early hominid ‘sites’ are limited in the number of finds, and dating information comes back after the digging is done on those, so it’s harder to draw a parallel (Clovis culture was defined by a way of making stone tools, so it could be spotted in the field)
It’s your standard episodic documentary, and I don’t think it’s available on other media yet.
Thank you.
Wasn’t that in Tonio’s links?
I’m not saying it was aliens…
“We’re going to solve homelessness in L A. Starting tomorrow, we’ll round up all the bums and bus them to Texas.”
Beats loading them on trains for a final solution, I suppose.
The farging iceholes just keep pushing: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2022/11/18/g20-vaccine-passports-n2616118
They are all a bunch of corksucking bastages aren’t they?
“Twitter employees head for the exits after Elon Musk’s ‘extremely hardcore’ work ultimatum”
I admire Elon in many ways, but one thing he is wrong about is making IT people, developers anyway, come to the office. I mean I get it that if you are a Tesla line worker or a rocket engineer, you need to come to the office. I get it that he probably just wants to get rid of the woke idiots, otherwise, he’s wrong on this one.
I dunno if it’s wrong or right but I’d be pissed. It’s a huge pay cut for many people.
My biggest client played with getting us to come back to the office. We all said hell no, and that is that. I flat out told them no, end of conversation. I’d like to work for Musk, but I’m not going to the office to do it. Bathrobe commute for the win! Hey, I’m saving the planet!
I haven’t worked full time in an office for more than 20 years. I don’t think I could do it.
FTA, he’s backed off on that – it’s now OK if your manager swears you’re doing great work, etc. Just need to show up for one meeting a month.
That’s not so bad.
The idea that people are going to be goldbricking unless they’re physically in a cube is ridiculous. Plus, there are any number of ways to measure productivity – workers are producing, or they’re not, regardless of their physical location.
Two things:
Some people can work from home, some can’t. Whether you are IT or some other laptopper, you can’t look at the job description and say “yeah, everybody who does this will be productive from home.” Anecdotally, we saw real drops in productivity during the pandemic when our IT staff did the WFH thing.
It creates unhappiness in the people who do have to come into the office/plant/whatever. From their perspective, the laptoppers don’t just have cushy office jobs, now they don’t even have to show up.
Alright, three: there is real value in some (many?) laptopper jobs in having spontaneous interactions and face-to-face conversations with people. Zoom/Slack/whatever is a poor substitute for a job that benefits from interacting with other people.
Not all IT is created equal either. There are times when networking and datacenter guys actually have to get their hands on the hardware (desktop support too). Application support and programming has more fleixibility, but productivity from home versus the office is a question of personality and home environment.
I do agree there is benefit to having everyone in the same place at least periodically. Especially when bringing someone onto the team.
Yes, but you’re running a hospital. We’re talking about a tech company.
Some counter anecdata, from a tech company with ~ 10k employees:
We saw productivity go up when everyone went WFH – to the point that they’ve given us a bunch of ‘wellness days’ – they’re afraid of people overdoing it.
As a result, they took a look at the jobs and only 3% need to be physically present (we’ve got a SCIF, I’m sure that can’t be remote). The other 97% get to decide how many days a week in the office, 0-5 (you only get an office if you’re 3+ days). Looks like the average is 1.08 days.
The biggest difference vs. something like a hospital (I suspect): we were already used to working in multiple offices across multiple timezones. To my co-workers in Bangalore, Krakow, Costa, or even San Francisco it makes no difference at all if I’m at my place or in the office a few miles away (in fact, I’ve been WFH for over a decade at this point).
Which is a roundabout way to say, it depends on the company.
Separates the people willing to sacrifice and those unwilling. It’s a quick and very dirty indicator of commitment to the company and his new vision for that company.
Complexity of modern cars and cost of parts is one of the big drivers. Today a modest front end collision will trip airbags, rip a dash apart if there is a passenger, destroy 6 parking sensors and a wiring harness plus the usual bumper parts. If the cars is 4 or 5 years old this might total it out. It’s fully repairable with minimal structural and zero engine damage maybe excluding a radiator and/or AC heat exchanger. That said the parts and labor cost to repair will total it out.
That presumes there are parts on the shelf. It seems as if manufacturers’ ongoing product support is a thing of the past.
My poor Taco has been in the shop for two months, waiting on parts.
These euphemisms are getting downright cryptic.
You mean about the rear-end collision?
Electronics? Or the bumper components?
I talked my kid into forgoing all the bumper tech on his. He crunched the back bumper (naturally), but instead of waiting for parts, we just replaced it with a steel one.
Both. The other car got me pretty good.
I’m thinking about a set of steel bumpers, but I want something a little more discreet than the ones I’ve seen. I also don’t want to give up my backup camera.
Yeah, his isn’t what you call discreet, but it does look pretty good.
Easy to install and much more robust than factory.
“Investigators found traces of explosives at the site of the damaged Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic sea, confirming that the pipelines had been subject to “gross sabotage,” the Swedish Security Service said Friday.”
If they’re soo dumb to figure out the US did this, then there is no help for them. You really cannot cure willful ignorance.
I’m sure lots of people know and won’t say.
I’m going out on a limb, 100% chance intentional sabotage by US. Germans can thank us when they are burning their furniture for heat this winter.
I’m going with US endorsed but non-US actors.
Or, we could have put the Brits up to it. But yeah, Uncle Sam’s fingerprints are all over this.
“WNBA star Brittney Griner moved to penal colony in Russian region of Mordovia
Griner’s lawyers said they met with her earlier this week.”
Why hasn’t Brandon and his woke sidekicks saved her yet? I mean all they have to do is say mean stuff to Putin and she’s out of there, right? I bet she was counting on it. Just like that guy that ran down a bunch of people in a Christmas Parade. I bet he was expecting to get off and some woke prizes instead of 6 life sentences.
They tried to throw diplomatic weight at it a few months ago and Russia said go pound rocks.
Weren’t we going to trade some arms dealer? Or is Putin holding out for his seized reserves?
I think right now our current admin and their media are too busy lying like sociopaths to the American public about Ukraine and don’t want to take a chance on Putin doing anything that will ruin that narrative in any way. It’s going to be a long fucking winter in Ukraine. Time for some boots on the ground? Max boot and Lindsey Graham say hell yes, we’ll be right here by the fireplace watching on the teevee! Come on, American public, just a few more 10s of billions!
The idea that people are going to be goldbricking unless they’re physically in a cube is ridiculous. Plus, there are any number of ways to measure productivity – workers are producing, or they’re not, regardless of their physical location.
This. As long as there are clearly defined and trackable goals, forcing people back to the office is not necessary.
Continuing my curmudgeon position on this:
Defined and trackable goals as the sole measure of productivity sound like the KPI trap to me, leading to tunnel vision and metric hypnosis. “Data-driven” performance indicators can generally be gamed, and many create perverse incentives.
I guess we are going to have to tear down all the offices, just to keep RC at home. He just wants to kill the planet!
Not to worry. I’ll be funemployed/retired in a few months.
When I was on the helpdesk one of the performance metrics was number of ticket updates. Most people would put an entire call in an update. That Guy put Every. Single. Sentance. He. Wrote. As its own update to get the best score. He was not the best agent on the helpdesk.
One thing that I need to keep teaching new supervisors/managers coming into a call center is to know what’s important, and report on that. The ones who choose bad metrics, usually have agents who will game them to the detriment of the center.
The Mumbai agents developed a habit of cold transferring calls because on a warm transfer we asked for the ticket number (per policy on an escalation) so we could see what had been done. Their supervisor wanted them to close escalations as ‘tranferred call’ tickets for their own metrics to look good. I suppose it didn’t help that they often didn’t solve the users’ issues, only managed to process seven tickets a day (average US agent managed 15-20, I averaged 30) and were so generally disliked by the users that until I got laid off the most common sentiment upon hearing me answer was gratitude that they’d gotten the Rochester desk instead of the Mumbai desk. Of course, they were cheaper, so the Rochester desk got laid off.
I didn’t like working helpdesk, but I was good at solving peoples’ issues and maintained absolute professionalism on the phone. My severance was one week’s pay.
/looks at the groups that just continues to send tickets over to my team that are under their groups
I strongly dislike the people who close tickets without making sure the issue is actually fixed. “Referred to another team” doesn’t fix the issue, especially if the team you referred it to isn’t the correct one.
We were general Tier 1 support, so I only closed tickets when I heard the user say “It’s working now” or some policy said we did not support that issue. A true “transferred call” ticket was a rarity.
Admittedly, actual troubleshooting is something I am good at, so I had a high closure rate with “issue resolved” statuses. Other agents… well, I’ve ranted about them already.
Oh, yeah, that’s one of the things I actually got dinged for.
I didn’t follow the script. I listened to the user, asked relevant questions, and zeroed in on the actual issue (some users were easier to work with than others) rather than rote repetition of the knowledgebase process. Management didn’t like that, but the users did.
Those of us working all day in front of a computer look at the window and wish we could be outdoors doing real stuff. The guys outside in the heat / cold / rain are probably thinking how much nicer it would be in a cozy office.
You are correct. Friend had a co-worker who had owned his own landscaping company before ending up in some sort of IT role.
He was quick to disabuse people when they started talking about how much better it’d be not being stuck behind a desk all day, etc. etc.
I have never had that thought.
Just the people you want to entrust your wealth to!
This level of idiocy is why the parents of these kids are desperate to do a global reset and create a hereditary aristocracy to protect these mendacious cuntes.
Tell me you are a dishonest hack without telling me you are a dishonest hack.
Be as mad as you like about House Republicans kicking off day one after winning the House with a massive investigation into the Biden family but also ask yourself why House Democrats didn’t do this for *the Trump family*. Ask yourself this on the day Pelosi is retiring btw.
Why can’t we be like the other guys, we never investigated Trump even once in 4 years, let alone impeached him!
Remember the somber procession?
If even half the shite the Biden’s have been doing comes out, Hillary will be proven right about them all hanging.
I’m pretty sure the reason Johnson was rehired was his troll game:
I suspect Team Blue will find just enough “votes” to win in the recount even if it is just by one.
I told you all year, the Left would do everything that they possibly could to get rid of me.
As this race comes down to every last vote, I need you to help us ensure we have the resources to finish what we started!
Defined and trackable goals as the sole measure of productivity sound like the KPI trap to me, leading to tunnel vision and metric hypnosis. “Data-driven” performance indicators can generally be gamed, and many create perverse incentives.
I certainly won’t disagree with that.
Having always worked in jobs which required having my hands on physical things, the idea of work-from-home is silly, however annoying some of my past co-workers may have been.
Strong linkz.
Looking at Twatter links is like reading random scraps of paper blowing around at the landfill.
*wipes away tear*
Putin sending Griner to a penis colony just proves there is no end to his perfidy.
This is wild.
So where do you suppose they get the phrases? Press releases from the DNC or something?
Aren’t they all CBS affiliates?
Direction from corporate news most likely.