A Fantastic Fear of Everything
It’s election week! As I write this, I have no idea who won so far. Heck, many of the races may not be done by the time this launches on Thursday. I had this film pretty much in the post hopper so I am going to wrap this one up and do the Brain Damage election special next. This is a film I wanted to show for a while. It was part of an initiative by Pinewood Studios to fund and promote films from otherwise underfunded talent. Simon Pegg signed on to be the main actor and it was written and directed by Crispian Mills, who also wrote and directed Slaughterhouse Rulz a couple of years later. That film also had Simon Pegg in it, indicating Crispian and Simon have a good working relationship. Simon Pegg is excellent in this, the script is also great, and the camera work is great. Overall this is very entertaining and strangely seldom seen. The only reason I can think that this wasn’t more widely seen is that the subject matter didn’t play well outside some core fans. It’s all about phobias and mental illness, and it makes those funny as hell. I really cannot spoil a thing about this film – not what Crispian wrote, or what Simon Pegg’s character encounters – without wrecking this film. I suggest you just watch it. All I will add is this film took on a special meaning for me after the madness of the lock downs. Everyone around me became Simon Pegg’s character except you folks.
I hope you enjoy! Watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary. Next week is Brain Damage and an election special. No matter who wins, there will be brain damage. Seems appropriate.
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
*hits play*
“Heck, many of the races may not be done by the time this launches on Thursday.”
Oh, you.
I figured the fraud wouldn’t take nearly this long!
It’s election week!
And it’s not fiery but mostly peaceful.
Diving in.
I’m trying in Brave today instead of Firefox. Last time I tried Brave, tubi wouldn’t play. Firefox did.
And this time…. tubi plays!
Interesting . Tubi on Brave is my go to for fast film appraisal, due to the great video speed and stability.
I’m drinking Harpoon Dunkin Pumpkin. It’s not that great, but I’m amazed that someone can make beer that tastes like a pumpkin donut that isn’t terrible. It’s not sweet either, and has a good amount of hops.
Good pumpkin beer is hard to find. I had some Sam Adams pumpkin beer this year that was good. Ale, not porter.
“Good pumpkin beer is hard to find. ”
So true.
This tastes more like an ale. I found a decent pumpkin porter too.
Elysian is the worst. It’s Nikki in beer form. Absolutely undrinkable. It’s like a diabetic cinnabon taking a piss in your mouth.
Read this in a book: “The only thing stronger than fear is routine.”
“Never underestimate a hunchback.”
sage advice
Are we talking Quasimodo or Richard III* here?
*I know his scoliosis wasn’t that bad.
Ragsie Lawrence. The Dancing Dyke.
They found a guy of Richard’s approximate size and degree of scoliosis and taught him how to joust and sword fight on horseback (pretty cool college gig to put on his resume, I reckon).
Conclusion was that Richard could totally still kick ass in battle despite the scoliosis.
When they found Richard’s grave under a parking lot, they were able to confirm that the scoliosis wasn’t just a rumor.
I knew they found him in a car park (along with the info gained), I did not know about the scoliotic jouster training. Got a link with more info?
I *think* this is it. I don’t know. I’ve slept since then.
Thanks. Even if it’s the wrong link, it’s still looking like it might be an interesting watch.
How did a king end up under a car park?
There was a rumor that his bones had been tossed in a river so nobody looked for a while. His body was desecrated, since he was the last of the Plantagenets and the victors weren’t feeling charitable.
He was buried at a small priory that eventually got flattened.
When his remains were conclusively proven to be Richard 3, there was talk about reinterring him at Westminster, but in the end they buried him properly at Leicester.
Interesting stuff. I don’t know anything about English history but it’s fascinating how easily you can dig up five- or six-hundred-year-old bones. Everything is so old there.
In England Five Hundred Miles is a long Distance, in America Five Hundred Years is a long Time.
The Wars of the Roses are a great topic to study, tons of good books there.
I’d start with the Plantagenets if I were coming into English history as a newb.
I can recommend some specific books if you want.
Then when you get into the 1600s and the English Civil War, you’re knocking on the door of American history. A lot of the 17th century colonists were getting away from that civil war and its aftermath, and it becomes clear why religious liberty was a big freaking deal. Also shows where puritans came from. Catholics settled “Maryland” named after Queen Elizabeth I’s murderous older sister. Virginia is named for Queen Liz herself. Lots of County and town names are based on English monarchs of the time and a bit later. College of William (of Orange) and Mary, imported from Holland to avoid having a Catholic king of England again.
Puritans settled further northeast and brought the fun of witch trials with them.
Tangled stuff.
*looks around nervously* …I started with the Saxons.
The plantagenets and the wars of the roses are the weakest areas of my understanding of English history.
Oh, yeah. For sure If you’re a hard-core Anglophile you gotta go back to the prehistorics, the celts, the Picts, the Saxons, the Normans, and so forth.
But if instead of starting with the earliest stuff we (think) we know, you start with the relatively well-documented British history, Plantagenets are a decent place to start. Helps get a grounding in the silliness of the French and English counterclaims on each other’s kingdoms and really informs what makes America a grandchild of England. English common law, traditions, and the Magna Carta are highly influential on the good old US of A.
I’m convinced that we as a nation would never have made it if we had been colonized fully by Spain instead of England+Scotland+Wales+Ireland.
(Another possible Glibs article topic: the far-top-often overlooked Scottish Enlightenment)
I just remembered doing a book report on the English royals in like 5th grade, and yeah starting with the Angles and/or Saxon.
Yeah, long-time Anglophile but history is not my bag.
I’m a history nut, but spread my attentions across a lot of areas and time periods, so the individual depth of knowledge of any given time is weaker.
Speaking of, I’m looking for a good audiobook on the history of India. It’s a gap in my knowledge set.
since he was the last of the Plantagenets
That’s just what history’s greatest liar would have you believe.
I love when you bring up movies I never knew existed.
I know what I’m doing after work.
We will be going old films again for a few weeks. After “Brain Damage,” I have something wonderful: “They Live” is available on streaming.
They Live may as well be the official Glibs movie.
What?? Not Zardoz???
Boy if I ever find a legal streaming copy of ZARDOZ, that will be a very special GlibFlick with tons of trivia.
It does have it all.
Nonsense. It has a distinct bubblegum shortage.
Fucking A! I don’t know how you found it but that’s great.
The visuals for this movie are great.
It’s a first film effort too! Very impressive.
OOOO!!! The conspiracy wall!
“A highly suspicious paranoid cynic”
He’s a libertarian?
..or…someone like me!
One of the California lurkers just called me. He just had gone to a job interview, it was his second one with this company, at the end of it they were ready to make an offer, and they just wanted him to come into the office first before they made the offer. He shows up at the office, and they won’t let him in the building because he’s not vaxxed. The man has had Covid. He doesn’t need a vax. Not that anyone needs that shit. So the manager refused to let him at the door, and just walked away from him. He doesn’t get the job, because he didn’t have a stupid vaccination. Fuck California.
Bullet dodged.
Does he need to work in person? Lots of remote jobs out there if he can swing it.
I want him to move. I need to mail him luggage, like that Sam Kinison skit. He would have a great life in Austin, or in Pensacola.
Kinison would have revised this skit for Californians.
He was a genius.
Glad I got to see him live.
I can fix the ginger lad!
I bet but it wouldn’t be a gingersnatch…it would be a gingerroot or gingerhole?
He has some nice pajamas on at his psychiatrist’s office.
Dude, with underwear like that you would have a lot of fixin’ to do.
Daughter is watching this.
“I hate six ads in a row without skipping.”
Judge struck down the Biden student loan forgiveness plan.
Many challenges to go, no doubt.
My guess is they want to keep it out of SCOTUS as long as possible..good news is it stop any planned payments
At least until the case has value to agitate the base again
So here’s what will happen. The GOP led House will offer a compromise, bi-partisan student loan forgiveness. Amount will only be $5K and income cap will only be $100,000.
This will be hailed as a big victory for fiscal sanity. Five seconds after Harris signs the legislation, the Dems will start demanding “it doesn’t go far enough,” the Republicans “hate students and don’t care about education” and “college and grad school should be free of charge.” Gen Z will continue to vote 60+ percent for Democrats. GOP politicians will scratch their heads about why their efforts to placate students wasn’t rewarded at the polls. Sens. Romney and Graham will introduce new legislation to make the forgiveness $7,500.
But what are the winning Powerball numbers, oh fortune-teller?
My spreadsheet says #REF!
It’s almost like you have some familiarity with American politics or something.
I feel like I’m watching The McLaughlin Group.
Wrong! Special K with banana!
Topic three: Zakk Wylde is the best guitarist Ozzy Osbourne ever played with. True or false? Chafed!
Absolutely false. Randy Rhoads is a top 5 guitarist just for Blizzard of Ozz and Diary of a Madman. Outside of Eddie VH, he probably inspired more people to play metal guitar than anyone.
Very dead thread, but I just heard Ozzy say Zakk was the best he’s ever worked with. Might be because Zakk is a alive to hear it and Randy isn’t but…
Gotta go, will pick up the movie tomorrow. Thanks RJ!
Yeah, I recall seeing a couple pieces about this somewhere – probably on one of my queues- but haven’t watched yet.. thanks for the reminder.
I knew it!!!
But forgot?
I know what part you got to.
That’s the spirit, John.
That song was #1 in 25 countries!
OK. He likes hair metal, he can’t be all bad.
Very fun movie. Thanks, RJ!
Taibbi’s got up a piece that makes my CNO series (Steven Friend would almost be the model for Frank) sound tame (as far as the internal corruption in the FBI). Subscriber only, but I’ll share a taste. Second part is supposed to delve into the sausage making (tip processing) mentioned below.
We’re Week post the point that the Feds will accept any restrictions being put on them. And there’s no real political will to do so.
We’re going to have to wait for economic collapse for anything to get rectified
We’re well…
I’m sure the TLAs have an internal Frank Church Award for
most egregious constitutional violationpublic service as a giant FYTW.Looks like there is less than a thousand dollar difference between the PSS21F4 and the PSS30F4 once the enclosure is added and most of the common options are added.
Any reason to choose between the two?
The FBI got to your comment
Anonymous my ass. Either another fed agency or leftist doxxing machine.
Hey folks! It looks like the “milf-tastic” Boebert might have pulled one off in Colorado. I don’t give a shit about her policy positions but she does poke the right people in the eye. Plus, she looks great in them tight fittin’ jeans.
Fes! How the heck are you??
Carrying on. Still wrapping my head around the disabled part. I need to find an outlet soon.
https://youtu.be/-993tLyeVqwFor reference –
Can-way Festus!
(I sing along to that song when it comes on)
Assuming my BIL is able to get us reservations, it looks as if my barely-extended family is going to celebrate Thanksgiving at the second-oldest inn in Ohio. It looks like a neat place, but it’s going to feel kinda weird not making green bean casserole in the big turkey-shaped bowl the previous owner of our house left behind. I may have to make some anyway just as an excuse to snack on the french-fried onions.
Yeah, so those French-fried onions. French’s ruined my life. They had CARAMELIZED French fried onions. Fucking CANDY. But now they don’t. They got me all het up and then took it away again. I hate those people.
Huh. They still show up on French’s website (apparently a teeny-weeny subsidiary of McCormick’s,) but unlike the “original” french-fried onions, you can’t click through to get more info. Damn supply chain issues! I have much more of a “fat tooth” than a sweet tooth, though, so the originals are my jam.
🤨 I remember when they were a hometown brand (1 Mustard Street lol).
Did that street have streetlights shaped like mustard jars, a la Hershey, PA’s “kiss”-shaped lights?
Doubt they went that kitschy. It’s just a side street off Main Street in a now-shitty industrial neighborhood just outside of downtown.
I like them on my burgers – convenient when I can’t deal with a whole onion or want to store half an onion in my fridge for a week.
I need to start making those cool onion volcanoes that the fancy hibachi places do with my half-leftover onions. Would make dinner more dramatic and fiery.
Fun! Apropos of your forebears’ owning odd names, my Grandmothers were named Hilda and Marjory. One of M’s sisters was named Geneva. Hilda’s brother was named Archibald. There were a bunch of archaic names from both sides but I can’t remember them now. Geneva used to smoke her cigarettes through a holder. She liked to put on airs even though she was born in a sod hut out in the prairies of Saskatchewan.
My grandfather was Horace (and a Canuck to boot). My grandmother was Doris.
I’d bet if I dug a bit further back, especially in the German branches on both sides (mother’s mother and father’s father,) I’d find some doozies.
I wonder what Great-Grandma’s birth name on the one side was. Two Dogs Fucking? The rest would go back to Gaelic, Celtic, Viking and Pictish.
I shouldn’t speak ill of the dead. She used to treasure our visits to the “rest home” even though she didn’t know who we were. She’d hide candies under her pillow as a special gift for us. Opened, sucked-on lemon drops. She seemed to believe that we were her little brothers. I dreaded those visits @ 8 years old. The despair was apparent. One time they cleaned up a fellow prisoner right in front of us. Some unfortunate with probably cerebral palsy. Nightmare inducing. Nope. I will never die under “care”.
I love the old German names, like Waltraud or Isolde and shit.
They were Metis girls but they passed as white. Grandma hated Geneva because she was younger, prettier and never served in the Army like she had. They all spoke in a weird mid-Atlantic accent they’d learned from the picture shows, as did my Mother. “Dude! Why does your Mom speak with an English accent?”
My grandfathers had pretty normal names, but my grandmothers were Gertrude and Frieda.
My grandmothers were Lillian and Yrsa.
Dude who threw White Claws at Ted Cruz said he was trying to give him a celebratory drink.
He isn’t Gronkowski.
Thanks, RJ 🙂
Thanks for coming!
Whoa…I didn’t think it was that good.
Hanoi handshake!
Second Attempt – Thanks for doing this RJ.
Thanks Festus! Hope I can bring you some joy on Thursdays.
Wait. That came out wrong.
I’ll take every bit of happiness right now. With conditions.
The background noise show I had going ran a segment on the “First woman to bicycle around the world”. except when they showed the route, she skipped almost the entire Eurasian leg save France by sailing from south france to san fransisco and doing little day trips whenever the ship made port. When compared to the route of the guy who’d done it before her, he at least appears to have only took to the sea because the Hindu Kush and Hymalayas were a bit much. If you chained together his cycling miles you could get across the land route. She only legitimately crossed the US and France.
Ugh. Let me know when the first Two-Spirit-trans-Polynesian/Mongolian-Wiccan-little-person does it. Not until then will we have achieved true equality.
Sorry, not my genre of fiction.
“Good evening everybody! We’re the Two-Spirit-trans-Polynesian/Mongolian-Wiccan All Star Band!”
Song titles?
“Don’t it Make my Brown Hair Blue”
“They’s a Beauty”
“Winds Of Change.org”
“Cygnus X-1 Book I: The Pansexuals”
Meh. Anyone can do the east-west route. Get back to me when someone does the north-south route.
Barefoot and walking to through house, accidentally kicked the wooden corner of my bed.
That fucking bird is cool.
My bed-frame bruised my short ribs last week. Conniving furniture will out!
Shoulda’ve been wearing your safety vest like that guy. Then the corner would have seen you.
Just got a cheque in the mail from the government. $200 for nothing sent to me and half the populace of Canada. Trickle-up economics? Way to tamp down inflation, Justin. I’ll spend it, don’t get me wrong but it’s not even enough to fill my tank close to one and a half times. They want to run out of other peoples money sooner rather than later. After Tuesday I have become officially black-pilled.
It’s not so bad to be black-pilled.
Yes it is. That mentality eats away at you.
What’s the point of being black pilled? Most humans throughout history would have a reason tho have been blackpilled, but they went on regardless.
Where is the joy in that? People need something to look forward too, even fatalists like me.
Absolutely! If I feel as if I have nothing to look forward to, I start to think along the lines of “why bother?”
I think the question is can you be black pilled and still retain your sense of humanity and will to survive?
As far as the definition of black pilled that I know, no, you can’t. Black pilled is “Game over, man”.
No desire.
Isn’t that kind of a Buddhist ideal?/woefully ignorant of Buddhism
Hey, have you ever been to The Burl in Lexington, KY? I’m gonna be stopping there for a music show on my way to the Warren Haynes Xmas Jam next month. It looks like a cool place.
I have not, but I wouldn’t be surprised if my sister & BIL have been there, as they lived in Lexington for several years. Our current big musical excitement is that we’re going to see Todd Snider and Tommy Prine in Bellefontaine (pronounced “bell fountain”,) OH this Saturday evening.
Cool! A local friend of mine in La Crosse, WI is Todd’s manager and was the keyboard player in the band Hard Working Americans with Todd. Due to the connection, he usually plays in our small town every year or somewhere close by. A buddy of mine actually opened for him for a few midwest shows this spring / early summer.
Hopefully Todd stopped requiring masks at all his shows. He still had that going on when he played here, so I skipped the shows.
I’ve heard no mention of it, so I sure hope not!
The desire to rid oneself of desire is undesirable.
¥200/$ or bust.
Also no desire.
By the by, my comment about where that influencer should be warehoused was nothing to do with feelings and everything to do with xer being obvious rape bait. Same way you wouldn’t put a person in a block run by a rival gang.
Well, been offline or not had time to read for quite a while with the travel, etc – slowly catching up on old threads and current stuff. (still don’t want to sign in at work).
For DEG and other NH folks – Travis Corcoran was elected as an R for NH state house. I DM’d him again on twitter for congrats and said he should write a piece or two on the process for our site, and he indicated he’d be interested if someone “representing” the site reached out. Not sure if he was expecting a paid piece or not, but either way, might be a way to entice him by other NH members.
Good Morning:
Our weather has turned blustery and unpleasant. Which is not fun because my work to get down out there is a lot.
So a question for the morning crew.
What does it mean to you to be “black pilled”? How far is to far?
I personally consider black pilled to mean devoid of hope or to despair. Is that too far? Probably. None know what the future holds. To be black pilled is to assume too much, I suppose. I tend to float between that and numbly laughing at the absurdity of it all.
I consider myself black-pilled most of the time. To me it means the experiment of the United States of America as a Republic representing the ideals of individual liberty and autonomy has reached the end. One could say it was a victim of its own success, but that seems a bit too much post-hoc rationalization. It encompasses a realization that those ideas will not survive in a large dispersed polity. I don’t want to disengage as I like a lot of what a large dispersed and diverse society creates, but I’m increasingly convinced that such a society will inevitably be consumed by itself, there is not hope for it to survive beyond a few generations. As a society, there is no sitting back and enjoying the fruits of your labor, but you must continuously struggle. That, to me, is black-pilled.
CWAA, allegedly.
Super early quordle:
Daily Quordle 291
Not bad.
Buggered a few.
Daily Quordle 291
Daily Quordle 291
Daily Quordle 291
Good morning, rhy, Grumble, Sean, TH, and ‘bodru! And special thanks to any veterans among you (or lurking)!
Besides helping clean the gutters yesterday, I also put the back porch futon away for the winter and swept as many of the leaves and pine needles off the patio as I could. As expected, we’re getting hurricane remnants of rain this morning, and it’s expected to turn cold and stay that way. No more Tranquility Base for the season! 😔
DC sues Commanders, Snyder, NFL over ‘deception’ regarding sexual harassment investigation
How about suing the entire US Federal government under a “Voter Protection Act” for all the crap that goes on in every branch of the government down through every agency? That has more effect on the “consumers” of government than the effect of whether a football team is sufficiently “sensitive” to its female employees has on the team’s fans. 😒
Government is the consumer, we are the consumed.
Excellent point.
Mornin’, reprobates!
Next week there are all kinds of activities at the office, week of service or something, and all employees are encouraged to come to the office. Well, most employees; there is still a vaccine mandate…
I am waiting to hear from HR if I am permitted to attend our departmental Happy Hour which will be held off-premises. There are a couple of my old colleagues who have relocated to IL and will be in town and I’d like to see them. This shit.will never end, will it?
Good morning, ‘patzie! I hope you get to see your visiting colleagues. Worst case scenario, if the Happy Hour is being held at a “public accommodation” but is in a private meeting space therein where “the unclean” are forbidden to enter, maybe the out-of-towners can sneak out and enjoy a cold one with you!
Definitely not a contender for the “five greatest movies ever made” list.
To be black pilled is to endlessly walk through the haunted houses of life. It is to laugh at the jump scares and the absurdities other have built to frighten us. To know that at the end of the day, all the others attempting to disturb us are not the monsters they wish us to see, they are merely other people who will also fall to dust some day.