They’s Lump, they’s Lump, they’s Lump… Hmm…. hmmm… hmm… hmmmm…
You know, I was going to show a different film. Then Sugar Free captivated me with his excellent Lump story, and I decided I would show… Another Lump. After all, we may be dealing with our Lump for another 6 years. No telling. If he does win, you can bet I will post Brain Damage.
Another thing that sold me on posting this movie is it starts with a big splash screen saying “This Film is in the Collections of MOMA (Museum of Modern Art.)” I has class now! Wooo!
For anyone who has never seen Basket Case, it is a horror film. It is funny, it has sarcasm. It has a Lump, which once removed from the host, becomes a bit… angry. What similarities to our current Lump can you see? Let us hope our current Lump is never released from its Fetters!
Yeah, my puns suck. I just got back from Vegas where a mimosa was $17 and a sandwich with iced tea was $36. Nothing funny about that! Highest inflation in the nation, I was told. I had to use my video poker skills to avoid paying $21 a pop for an old fashioneds while at The Mirage.
Because I just got back this will be a short post. I don’t think any of you mind. I hope you enjoy Basket Case, it is stellar! You may have heard of it before, but never seen it. Now’s the chance! So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary! Next week will probably be A Fantastic Fear of Everything.
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
*hits play*
I first heard about this movie from this tekno track:
Eon – “Basket Case” (1993)
The ’90s was a big ear for basket cases
I like big ear better. Now, with no edit fairy, your typo is forever. Just like my many typos!
You know who else had big ears?
Oh hell yeah.
*consumes psychedelics and proceeds to dance club*
I had to use my video poker skills to avoid paying $21 a pop for an old fashioneds while at The Mirage.
FreedomFest was at the Mirage.
Diving in.
Since the Hard Rock bought The Mirage, they plan on disposing of the volcano and replacing it with a big guitar. Absolutely horrific. Mirage was one of my favorite hotels on the strip, for about 30 years now. I was there after it went up, and now I was there right before it got taken down.
They’ve been advertising that stupid guitar hotel for awhile now… or maybe the other one.
I’m surprised it lasted as long as it has tbh. The themed, kitschy megaresorts are gradually being displaced by these utterly charmless, boring glass boxes.
Yep. I hate the glass boxes. The Mirage had R.J. style class. Smelled like coconut in the air, had tiki touches everywhere. Used to have a bar around the waterfall in the middle. I would spontaneously sprout a Hawaiian shirt every time I went in.
Sounds amazing. Someday, I imagine the nostalgia for such a place could return.
I wore Hawaiian shirts for most of FreedomFest.
It seems troubling correct that the FreedomFest was at the Mirage. A little too on the nose.
Never been. Gambling and hookers might be the only two vices I have no interest in.
Me neither. But I love Las Vegas! People watching, Penn & Teller, good food, full-auto machine guns…
That sucks.
I stayed at the Mirage the first time I went to Vegas. It was my friend’s 21st birthday. His car broke down and barely made it to the hotel. We abandoned the car in the Mirage parking garage and spent the weekend playing all the slot machines that had “a new car” as the jackpot.
I did pretty well and won some money playing blackjack then found a buffet with an all you can drink wine bar, then did not well at all playing blackjack.
Eventually I had to call my dad and get him to wire me some money so I could get an Amtrak ticket home.
At least you didn’t have to pay our gas prices…
True! I just took cabs. No rental this time.
Cheapest beer I know of in Vegas is just off strip at Ellis Island Casino and Brewery. Since it’s off strip, you get to see the quick change from tourist trap area to sketchy ass neighborhood.
Meow Wolf had decent prices. Or should I say Area 15. I will write that up next week sometime, with pictures.
Ack! The link. You would like it.
Never been there. I may have to remedy that in April/May. The girlfriend and I usually spend one day on the strip, and one day downtown. With the rest being taken up by Viva activities. Usually a tiki bar is involved at least one night.
That is off-strip. It has Meow Wolf, and a big arcade, and a place to eat and a big bar. Then some ravey stuff. You would fit in better. I was the fat old guy surrounded by cool young people. They even have a silent disco. I should shut up since I am writing this up soon.
Silent disco?
Yes, it’s a place where everyone wears wireless headphones linked to a DJ. When you go in without headphones all you hear is shuffling feet.
That’s… actually kind of interesting.
Check out this area – “The Arts District” or “Brewery Row”
I just discovered it last time I was in Vegas a couple weeks ago, there’s a bunch of breweries within stumbling distance of each other. Walking distance from Fremont, but I’d definitely uber/lyft after dark.
Meh…Area 15 is still ‘strip’ to us that live in Vegas. Off-strip is completely away from Paradise, though some interesting places can be found just a couple blocks away.
I was waiting for the cute receptionist to ask the guy out.
Something is causing tubi to hang when it would normally play ads.
I note the doc in red had a wedding ring on.
The secret is to use Brave should an emergency like that arise. Although supporting the content is preferable. Maybe Tubi can no longer parse your ad preferences? “WHAT DOES HE WANT! ERROR ERROR! RESTART CAMP LEGEUNE ADS!”
I drove by Camp Lejeune one time.
I don’t feel so good. Where do I sign up to sue?
Watch TV for five minutes, the number will magically appear. Those lawyers have deeper pockets that medicare salesmen.
I got a Camp Lejeune robo call the other day.
I just envisioned the call sounding like a Dalek:
Another fucking law Biden signed.
This guy is a danger to my sanity.
I drove by Camp Lejeune one time.
A very small, underfunded group of people made this film. The group did very well with this film. “Basket Case” became a classic and eventually spawned sequels.
Might as well discuss epic Halloween costumes, since we are post-Halloween. I wonder what Elon wore?
Heidi Klum went as a giant worm. Just a fantastic costume:
Thanks for the movie. I’ve actually seen this one and it’s fantastic.
Next week is Simon Pegg in “Fantastic Fear of Everything,” then either a women’s prison film or “Brain Damage” depending on whether Fetterlump won.
She always has the best costumes.
But speaking of actresses as worms: https://youtu.be/mkm3CCX1_xk
Best for last.
Very girl-next-door.
She is very girl-next-door. It also seems revenge-porny to me.
To clarify, I’m not saying Q is purposely posting revenge porn. Just that to me it feels like a very candid, private pic that she never would have wanted to be put on the internet.
She’s a porn actress.
Lynne Marais, just so you can feel comfortable about leering at her.
She reminds me of someone I once knew, though I never saw her naked.
I was wondering what Tara Reid is doing.
Definite resemblance…with 20-years-ago Tara.
Gotta join a zoom. I’ll finish this tomorrow. Thanks RJ!
If the LP wants to play spoiler, they actually have to spoil the election for the less worse candidate sometimes. But, every election is super duper important this time! so you always need to drop out. Two party system where third parties don’t wield even an ounce of sway.
Yup. If everyone unhappy with the duopoly would just vote for a third party candidate, we could maybe start making some changes. If I thought a Communist had a chance of winning an election, they’d get my vote.
It’s why I was so frustrated with libertarians who refused to vote for Gary Johnson. So what he was an idiot; he had a chance to get to Libertarian party to the magic 5%.
*presses play*
LOL this Times Square is long gone… except for the “smoke smoke smoke” guy.
You enjoy! This is a good one.
Yah and I think I have a little thing for our hero.
(No, not Lump.)
Heh heh. No judgement here.
What? But I came here specifically for the judgemental content!
I didn’t say “big thing”.
Thanks, RJ 🙂
Thanks, Count!
Seriously WTF!? They just played a Christmas commercial during the World Series. Plus, the weekend before Thanksgiving the local Target had the XMAS decorations and products up.
Halloween = Thanksgiving for my bitching. Not much Turkey Day stuff out as a semi-independent kvetch.
Halloween is all that holds the line back from Christmas stuff now. Thanksgiving is now basically gone except for the grocery stores, seems like.
My oh my. That was special. Lots of screaming.
And the kid was from Glens Falls. That explains a lot.
Uh-oh. Dems might want to walk back the “GOP is causing political violence” now that a crazed gunman shot up the home of a GOP candidate and came damned close to shooting his 3 and 5 year old kids.
The fact is, these would-be killers are nuts and just use any old excuse. Same with the Gifford shooter, the guy who shot up the baseball game, etc. These are not serious political operatives, so stop finger pointing at each other’s party.
This happened two weeks ago? And wasn’t even nationally reported when the Pelosi assault came along? The Media really is a subsidiary of the DNC,
If the 1-5-1 Texans beat the 7-0 Eagles, it’s going to be HILARIOUS.
No chuckles for you.
LOL this is wonderfully depraved
OK. Now I’m interested.
Tubi wants to show me that next. I’ll wait.
Speaking earlier of cheap beer joints in Vegas off the strip.
1$ beers and 1/4 lb hotdogs.
Man, I’d do that dollar beer like a champ and then try the armful of hot dogs at the end of the evening.
The other day I was stuck behind a novice driver in the left turn lane that kept stalling. I didn’t get pissed off, instead I waved to them later and felt good that young people are actually learning how to drive.
They were driving stick as well?
Featherman continues to lead Oz by 4% in the polls. Now he just got Oprah’s endorsement. She, too, must be for fracking now. It’s real strange how the number of environmental activists I know are suddenly o.k. with a candidate who says he supports fracking. If the GOP fails to win the Senate, given the inflationary and “it’s the economy stupid” situation, then it will be pretty obvious that a Trump endorsement is a kiss of death. Sure, it helps win the GOP primary, but poison for the general elections in the purplish states. Oh, and maybe the Roe v. Wade decision could have been left until after Nov. 8th.
Yes, it’s Trump’s endorsement. Not the rino-E club that would do anything than have to carry out their espoused rhetoric. Or the cultural and media institutions only pushing one way. Or the voters who are apparently more brain damaged than Lump and have been for years.
And ignore that Dr Oz would be a shitty candidate, with or without Big Orange’s endorsement.
That’s just it – he wouldn’t have been the candidate without Trump’s endorsement. (won by only 950 votes). There were several other GOP candidates in the primary who were less shitty than D. Oz and could have crushed Featherman.
Or the polls showing Oz up by a point or two.
OR, Oz is a grifter and he sucks balls and an endorsement from Jesus Christ himself wouldn’t be able to drag him across the finish line. The kiss of death for Oz if he doesn’t actually make it is Oz and, yes, Trump’s an idiot for the endorsement but that isn’t what done it.
Morning Glibs.
I don’t want to go into the office. Can’t think of a good reason not to.
It’s Friday should be enough.
Fridays are among my office days though.
How about
“I can’t even.”
“My pet has threaten to destroy my house if I leave.”
“The old gypsy woman told me not to go to work today.”
I can even
I don’t have a pet
I’ve never met any gypsies
I’m already in the office now.
That’s a lot of powder.
Server errors… 😞
foot fault?
Have you gotten your REAL ID? A look at compliance across the DC area
DC is at 92%. MD is 88%. VA is 43%.
I do not have a “REAL ID,” mainly because it’s going to be a pain in the butt to acquire all the paperwork for both times I got married and changed my name. I also don’t need one to fly on commercial flights because I don’t fly on commercial flights.
You’ll also need it for access to certain federal facilities and it’s going to be a complete pain in the ass.
A Passport is a acceptable replacement to fly instead of a real ID and you just need to maintain it if you have an existing one.
***SIGH!!!*** Guess I’d better see about acquiring copies of both marriage licenses. At least they both happened in my current county. At last check, I actually did have a copy of the dissolution decree from Marriage #1. And my birth certificate is…around here somewhere…
Have you gotten your REAL ID?
Hell no. Fake ID was good enough to buy booze as a teenager, it should be good enough now! /Boomer
Good morning, RoaT, Sean, and U!
First order of business at work: check with the boss to see if he made deliberate changes to a report spreadsheet that seems to have had some of its data consolidation formulas messed up. I can’t imagine why he would, but better safe than sorry. If he did NOT intend to stop consolidating this data, I’ll dig in and fix the formulas. I’d still rather do that than work on meeting minutes. (My personal motto)
Hey there! How are you today? Other than not wanting to be in the office. (Who does?)
Morose and irritable, and I’m trying to figure out why people have started treating me like I’m an idiot. I don’t know whether it’s sinister or they’re just assholes. (I do not have a lot of history with these people, so I’m still in the ‘figure them out’ phase. So far I don’t like them)
I’m sorry. 🙁 Odds are good they’re assholes. (I certainly hope it’s not both!)
Good Morning UCS. I thought you were in NYC? Could it be they are sinister assholes?
Albany. I HATE downstate. I would never live there.
I’ve only had the misfortune of being downstate four or five times in my life.
I apologize, never been to Albany. Saw part of NYC once. No appeal to me.
Is the election season getting to your coworkers? All sorts of conflicting polling on DU.
Curious, how do you define downstate? Anything outside of NYC metro might as well be another planet.
@Patzer – I draw the line at the tappen zee. It’s an easily identified geographic location.
@robodruid – Most of the time we avoid political talk in the office. I’m not sure they would appreciate hearing the unvarnished truth of my opinions.
Morning all. It’s the beginning of a new month, so it’s time for monthly KPI reports. Fun fun fun till my daddy takes my TPS away.
Good morning, ‘loosey!
Not ‘Mel?
No, pulling the nickname out of the middle is (so far) reserved for ‘bodru (::waves::) just because it sounds so Cajun.
Unless you’d prefer I call you ‘vilS.
Are there some who call him… ‘Tim’?
I’m not sure if I should be honored or offended that I get an acronym.
I’m generally referred to with an acronym of my handle, so it’s obviously a GREAT honor!
Perhaps a tribute to the Princess Bride. I am larger than your average rodent.
“bodru’ waves back.
Mornin’, reprobates.
30 year old furnace is on its’ last legs, no heat for the top floor where the spawn sleep and marginal elsewhere (thermostats are not functioning, heat is either on or off controlled by the emergency switch. Up and down the stairs to the basement, nice glibfit workout.). ETA for the replacement is Tuesday. Good thing we are having Indigenous Summer here.
Sorry to hear that. Hope it’s not too expensive.
I haven’t even turned on my furnace this year yet. My house tends towards the warm side anyway (real pain in the summer)
Expensive enough, we were told it would have been $1500 less one year ago. It’s an old unit, we were planning to replace it anyhow. Now we have to
Good morning, ‘patzie! BRRRRR!! 🥶 You ARE lucky to be having warmish weather there (as are we.) Got electric blankets to tide you over at night until relief appears?
Right now we get by by cranking the heat in the evening and then shutting it down. We also have a wood burning fireplace which heats the area above the chimney quite nicely.
You really need a hypocaust.
/most expensive option.
So…if that’s the most expensive, would you refer to its price as a “hypercost”?
Right? 70-ish this weekend.
Amen. Someone explain to me again why a warmer climate is a bad thing.
I hate summer.
Especially summers of love.
I ran my AC when I got home last night.
An excellent opportunity to get a clean, efficient, solar-powered furnace!
Well, I would first need to cut down some shade trees. Oh, wait, I need permission from the town to cut down a tree, gotta maintain the natural beauty dontchaknow. Green town vs. green planet, a steel cage match for the ages.
Get a politician burning furnace, those oily bastards burn like whales.
I just bought a goodman off of Amazon of all placeds for less than $1000. I can handle the install myself. I’ve seen 96% efficient 80k btu ones there for $1500 as well. May save you some $.
Thanks. We need 150K BTU, 4 zones so a bit pricier. I am also completely useless WRT installation…
… these servers don’t have wget or a telnet client? What are people using to test connectivity when troubleshooting? They’re probably not. I’ll bet you they just assume it’s open even though the default is closed.
It’s there, but I don’t think these vendors would know what it is. (That might be excessive, but their performance hasn’t given me that good of an opinion regarding their technical expertise)
To be clear, I really just want to know if the other server can answer the traffic or if I need to put in a firewall request.
This is library!
I don’t like torturing the tools for the sake of just checking the network flow.
Yay, I don’t need to open a firewall request.
One headache off the table.
I love Frank Henenlotter movies. You definitely should do Brain Damage. Its a great movie. Frankenhooker too!
Why is it that between quarter to eight and eight, the regulars always stop commenting?
Are you People Leaving for Work?!?!
You didn’t get the invite to the secret morning meeting?
If I did, it wouldn’t be a secret!
I’m leaving in a minute. Be there in a minute + 15 seconds.
My morning commute is putting down my laptop and picking up the corporate laptop.
Last summer my commute was toggling the HDMI feed on my desktop. That was a little TOO convenient.
I start getting ready to leave for work around 7:30ish.
I start work at 7, so I try to be out the door at 6 (and hate if I arrive after 6:30)