So! How’s it going? This is the GlibFlick election special, which proved once and for all that kids living in their parent’s basement outnumber the parents now. Back when I helped kids understand electronics I taught a couple of concepts, including Thermal Runaway in transistors. I wonder if we are approaching thermal runaway as nation? Thermal runaway usually ends with a loud, smelly explosion.
Enough foreshadowing! Let’s dive into our movie. A man finds himself connected to horrible little creature that lives on human brains. It requires a host. It eats other people’s brains. In return, it gives the host incredible highs. Anyone see why I might have picked this film? Parasites hiding as odd body lumps? Handing out good feels and drugs in return for action/votes? Yes? No?
I first saw Brain Damage in the theatre, because I am old. It’s a great film which I think gets labeled with the “horror comedy novelty” trope by many. That’s wrong. This film has a great message about addiction and power. The kids can vote themselves more money, take drugs and think they are staying free and safe. After a while, the kids might just overdo it and experience thermal runaway. Discuss below!
So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary! Next week is Thanksgiving and we have a GlibFlick special showing of They Live. That movie is definitely in the top ten list of most popular Glib films.
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
*hits play*
“Thermal runaway usually ends with a loud, smelly explosion.”
I had an asparagus omelette for lunch and just took a piss.
This qualifies.
“Next week is Thanksgiving and we have a GlibFlick special showing of They Live.”
I might miss that one. I’ve seen it a bunch of times though. Definitely worth watching for anyone who hasn’t.
Newly restored and cleaned up for 2022! It’s a beautiful copy.
I’m looking forward to it.
On a related note, what’s a good Thanksgiving movie I could watch with my mom? I don’t think she would like They Live.
Aw damn. So I included a ton of movies to empty the house on Thanksgiving when relatives overstay, as I am an ogre. I shall prepare a list of decent movies for you.
Planes, Trains and Automobiles.
OK mang – I am normally the B movie guy. So it depends on what you mom likes. If your mom likes slasher movies, just pick from the amazing list on Thanksgiving. I picked three Thanksgiving slasher films. If not:
Mom likes relationship / sexy movies:
Awkward Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving: Has Amy Sedaris! Who is less funny than her brother!
David Sedaris is/was high-larious.
In one of his books he talks about buying half a rabbit in a French market (literally half a rabbit, lengthwise, head to bushy tail). “I had half a mind…”
I dug one or two of his books ages ago.
Literally decades… jeez where has the time gone.
TCM ran Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House last Thanksgiving.
That is available streaming for a few bucks. Also, you could pick Marx Brothers Casablanca parody, or Duck Soup. My favorites for family classic time. Hey Ted, what happened to Horsefeathers? It’s been unavailable for years. Did it hit too close to home?
Mom likes family movies:
The Thanksgiving That Almost Wasn’t: A Hanna Barbera lost classic.
Christmas Cartoon Wonderland: 1930s cartoons about Christmas. Guaranteed Libertarian.
Mom likes romances:
Christmas Truce: WWI pauses for some hot sex action
Christmas in the Rockies: Single lady falls in love with guy in the mountains. Many, many movies like this.
Thanks for the list. I’ll look it over.
Mom likes disaster films:
Christmas Twister: Or should I say – “Christams Twister,” since some asshole MISSPELLED THE FUCKING TITLE SCREEN AAAAH! AAAAAAAAH!
Scent of a Woman
“Santa Claus Vs. The Devil” Mexican wrestler film. Someone posted the whole damn film onYouTube:
Ahhh, NO.
One of the few films I couldn’t finish
Too squicked out.
The last three years we have watched Captain Ron after getting home from Thanksgiving dinner at my parents. I may continue the tradition. Note, it is in no way a Thanksgiving movie, but it’s really funny and fam friendly.
Captain Ron is a great movie!
Good choice. I try to live by “Let’s shove off. If anything is going to happen it’ll happen out there.”
The docking scene at the bar is epic!
/still trying to figure out how they did that scene.
Heheh, terrible sailing advice, but possibly good life advice from Captain Ron there. It’s my favorite Kurt Russell movie, and he’s made some great ones.
“Gorilla…..Guerilla. Huuuge difference!”
I have to tell a proud grandpa story. A month or two ago my grandson spoke his first line from “Captain Ron”. My dau was playing a board game with my granddaughter and grandson when the granddaughter complained about having to do something after a move. My grandson piped up with, “Tough shit. Pay up.”
He might be a born sailor.
“Tough shit. Cough it up.”
I stepped on my own story.
A man finds himself connected to horrible little creature that lives on human brains.
That creature is going to starve.
I’ll dive in in a few minutes.
There was a halfway decent TV take on this.
Never heard of that. And I watch a lot of television. But not the Big Three, I guess.
TV show based on the Peter Jackson movie.
From the lynx: Bipolar Junction Transistors would make a great name for a cult.
Everyone could wear one white and one black shoe.
And funny hats. Like Devo.
Only if they have big square metal terminals glued to the top with center punched holes.
Also: eating moar fiber will help with your loud, smelly explosions.
That’s a lot of Goya products for a Jewish couple.
I noticed.
Hey, it’s the lady from Basket Case!
Good eyes!
Yaaass! Loved her.
The brother and the girlfriend are fucking or will fuck.
I am accepting bets now. Fucking? 2/1. Will. fuck? 3/1.
Busty Bar Chick is Q approved.
R.J. approved, too!
I approved too.
That’s not how you face fuck.
I know! Not pleased with that.
Is that a Pinto?
Funny you should mention that. For years, the American museum of tort law had a flaming Pinto as their logo. They had one of the best T-shirts you could ever own. They recently changed it. And I hate that.
Gotta go, will finish this tomorrow. Thanks RJ!
*presses play*
Our hero’s chapped lip is bugging the shit out of me.
He’s not a hero. A protagonist, yes. Hero? No. A slave to a problem that he allowed to destroy him.
I call any reasonably attractive male lead “our hero” – don’t mind me.
How about “Our eye candy”
Works for me.
Wait until you get to the bodybuilder in the shower.
LOL there.
This movie is sending a lot of messages.
Lifting weights is gay?
I really need to try this one. Perfect excuse for me not to exercise.
“Lifting weights is gay?”
I defer to Joe Rogan:
I’m getting serious vibes of my first couple year in NYC tho it was the late 90s instead of the late 80s.
I was in Dallas, then San Fran. Different vibe from the scenes in this movie.
Thanks, RJ 🙂
I wonder if the subway scenes were guerilla. It’s more realistic-looking than most things I’ve seen on a budget (i.e. on an LA set or something).
And the NYC subway does not take kindly to filming there without permission and dollars – ask me how I know.
How dost thy know?
My buddy filmed a scene with us at 14th Street – Union Square. Quick in and out. Anything more sophisticated like in tonight’s feature, you need permission.
Even Pelham 123 was filmed in disused sections of the system.
Even big budget movies. Polanski had Mia Farrow step into the middle of actual NYC traffic.
This film was made by the same guy who made Basket Case and Frankenhooker.
Yeah it became obvious when I saw basket dude on the subway, and then I remembered it was mentioned last (?) week.
Great stuff. Really enjoyed this one.
Tubi wants to show me Frankenhooker now but I have other things to do, sadly.
I saw it a long time ago on VHS.
I was clicking around Tubi and I think I found our next horror film.
No thank you.
You sick bastard.
Fetterlump, Thunberg….is this the new left?
Too scary, Frank.
Got new glasses, so now I can stitch without magnifiers AND watch all the Hallmark Christmas movies at the same time. w00t!
I had no idea there were so many….
Everyone is so blandly pretty. Yeesh.
I like vanilla.
Fair enough; pretty is nice.
There are like 1000 of them, they are all exactly alike with different actors. There is is always that perfect guy who the woman has apparently selected from the top floor of the Man Store.
I got lost on the way to the Man Store somewhere in the early aughts.
Yes, and?
Sunday I walked by the sofa and wifey has TV on, I glanced at the screen. Oh no, Hallmark Channel, so tried to make my getaway as slick as possible. ‘Hey are you not going to watch this with me?’. ‘I already saw that last 700 versions’.
We can’t just let some evil capitalist take over this lodge and make money! We have to save this lodge! My current boyfriend doesn’t care about the lodge, he’s going to turn it into a bar and brothel! Booze, hookers, and blow! Radical Glibertarians hanging around! But we were going to make it a home for orphans! The Glibertarians will buy the orphans and enslave them in their evil diamond mines!
Yeah, I saw that one last week.
Yeah, he holds her cheek while they kiss even though the entire town’s economy crashes and burns.
Ugh I need new specs real bad.
And not that bifocal shit that’s bad for both near and far. I need one specific set for sitting in front of the computer which is like 90% of my time.
I’m not doing mask theater though and I’m also leery of getting suckered into expensive frames again. Just gimme something cheap.
I got a prescription for about thirty inch focus, but still got the progressive option for reading. Works great for the computer.
You can buy them online.
I guess I need the exam and just give me the prescription without the upsell? I’m not good at that.
“that bifocal shit”
Progressive. There’s no line. Or they turn you into a dem voter. I turned them down because you have to wear them all the time and I don’t need glasses for far away stuff anyway. I HATE glasses, I really hate them. But for puter and really small print, I guess I am stuck with them. No flying cars and we still have to wear glasses. The future is here and it sucks.
I have progressives. I hate them so much I left them at the office I haven’t been to in a year and a half.
I got sick of tilting my head up in the air just to watch a computer screen.
The best glasses I have for my puter were $9 at Walgreens. I have a $400 pair of Burberry glasses with prescription lenses and specialized for computer. And they suck compared to that $9 pair of China made glasses, lol. They’re excellent for small print, but I specifically bought them for puter and I’ve had my eyes tested again and they’ve redone the scripts 2 times now to no avail, I still cannot use them for computer. I told them again, look, see these glasses here with 1.75 magnification, both lens the same? That is what I need, STOP trying to do anything else. Fuck it.
Heh I see shelves of that crap at Rite Aid. I should just blow some dollars and see if it works.
I have astigmatism along with my severe myopia, so I can’t get something off the shelf. If my husband didn’t have such good insurance, this pair would have cost me almost $1,000.
Yeah I have wonky shit like that which makes me doubt some store-bought crap might work.
I had to get special contacts for the astigmatism in one eye kind of thing ugh.
I always vote for turd sandwich. At least it’s nutritional.
Brawndo, mang, it’s got what plants/half-humans crave!
“Everything is voluntary!”
Geez, R.J., you can’t just let people do whatever they want! There will be chaos, and Glibertarians, and anarchy!
*sigh* Just may have trimmed my own toenails for the last time. What a drag.
My wife does mine, she’s really good at it. It’s like getting a pedicure. She hasn’t painted them, yet, lol.
My mom used to go to town sanding the calluses off my (future) stepfather’s foot-skin. That’s true love, there.
My Grandma used to soak her feet in apple cider vinegar after a hard day. Guess what Judi does now?
The smell. The smell.
i don’t see the point in removing callouses… They’re there for a reason.
Getting the cuticles pushed back is mighty pleasurable.
No! I must dance!
Baked Penguin’s newest post was outstanding! I did have to roll the chair back in order to read the text, though. Severely far-sighted.
I thought it benefitted from some magnification, just like 15% bigger would have helped (that’s what she said)
Re: Thanksgiving flicks – I’ve been fond of the Steve Carrel pic “Dan in Real Life” for a while now – may rewatch this weekend.
I avoid that mess. Thanksgiving? Xmas? What? I stay home and drink beer. Someone else will have to care about it on my watch. Fuck that shit! Pabst Blue Ribbon!
Just got brought a beer. Pacifico! The favorite of drunken Canadiians since 1988!
The extra ‘I” means that I’m not a Glowie…
Madonna really really really needs to go away. She’s crushing my adolescence.
Good God.
She looks like one of the aliens from “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”
I watched that recently. I have no real thoughts on the matter.
Holy fuck she turned into less pretty Marilyn Manson!
The girl that just talked to me in the coffee shop (really? I’m reading a book and have earbuds in, yet that isn’t a deterrent?) had shaved eyebrows, too. That shit freaks me out. Her pink hair didn’t increase her appeal any, either.
I’ve decided to start judging others with much more severity than I judge myself and vow never to be convinced that is a mistake.
That’s a vow you can keep.
Of course, my vows carry less weight to me that others vows.
Tough, but fair.
I totally dig the graphic. Perfect.
I have had a rough few days.
Stepkid infestation (2 sons and their fiancés, plus a stepdaughter) crashing at our pad. Oh, and the granddaughter (kid of the stepson getting married Saturday.
Sick hubby (just a cold, we think) ,
Smart kids with exactly zero walking around sense. I have had to take care of all their arrangements, their logistics, their laundry.
And also my former coworker dropped a bombshell.
And (redacted)
They can’t be troubled with such mundane and provincial things as laundry.
|And (redacted)
See? That’s the crap that gets me worried……
When i did base tour of contractors, i pointed out AWACS area. (they may have to drill out there)
I said as long as they were there, ill be here.
If they ain’t here, none of us will be here.
@OBE, your wife needs to start vlogging her grooms. Lots of groomers on YouTube vlogging their dogs, but I haven’t seen a mobile one yet.
Yeah, that could be a good hook.
I watched this movie around 2002 with a friend. We loved it. When internet movie viewing became a thing I kept looking for it, but could never find it. Problem was I remembered the title as Brain Damage and my searches kept pointing me to Peter Jackson’s Dead Alive, as Brain Damage was one of it’s alternate release titles. Managed to find this again maybe 4 or 5 years ago after I realized my mistake. Perfect choice. 9 Lumps Out of 10!
Mornin y’all miscreants!
Morning Sean.
I feel excluded.
You’re just a lazy miscreant.
I am no miscreant.
You’re here aren’t you?
…this is why you’re fat…
Carbs. 😒
We got hit again this week.
Clearly, this is Trump’s fault.
‘and exhibiting a weapon within 1,000 feet of a school. ‘
She’s probably screwed now.
This is also why you always drive courteous like in Florida.
Elon’s got balls, I’ll give him that.
He does, he’s surprised me actually. He’ll manage, it might be rocky short term but almost anyone can be replaced and he’s managed to shed a shit-ton of dead weight.
If the reports of people working four hours a week are true, he can shed 90% of the workforce before even having to see if the work being done is needed (most of it doesn’t sound like it was) If the 4 hour work week isn’t universal in that company, he can still afford to offboard a lot of excess staff.
Stunning and brave to take the severance package. 🙄
*taps out*
Being a bajillionaire I’m sure she could do whatever the fuck she wanted.
I haven’t seen any “boycott or confront your wrongthink family at Thanksgiving” articles. Are we not doing that this year?
They’ve already been disinvited from family gatherings, so there’s no one to harangue.
Boycott the dirty capitalists.
Who raised this turkey? Who grew these potatoes?
If you told them farmers tend to be Republican, would they boycott food?
It’s hard to eat anyway with your head that far up your ass.
Jared Quigg (he/him) is a junior studying journalism and political science.
Eventually to be employed responding to “half-caf, mocha, double-shot”.
Cancel Thanksgiving with any lockdown supporting fascists?
But, why?
To prevent a grey dawn.
Hm, seems fair. If it saves just one life…
San Bernardino
My college town.
Well, it’s time to drive to the office. I’ll talk to you lot when I get there.
In ‘momentous’ act, regulators approve demolition of four Klamath River dams
It’s not like California needs electricity or water storage.
Social justice outranks your puny concerns for “power” and “water”.
That’s salmon justice you know.
Show Search
In ‘momentous’ act, regulators approve demolition of four Klamath River dams
An earthfill hydroelectric dam sits along the Klamath River.
The Iron Gate Dam, shown in March 2020, is one of four Klamath River dams that are slated for demolition. (Gillian Flaccus / Associated Press)
NOV. 17, 2022 UPDATED 3:39 PM PT
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In a milestone decision, federal regulators on Thursday signed off on plans to demolish four aging dams along the Klamath River, paving the way for hundreds of miles of native fish habitat along the California-Oregon border to flow freely for the first time in more than a century.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s decision will see licenses of the four dams transferred from the PacifiCorp energy company — a subsidiary of Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway — to the Klamath River Renewal Corporation, a nonprofit entity created to oversee the dam removal, and to the states of California and Oregon.
We’re there for your what-ifs.
The vote marks the final major hurdle for what will be the largest dam removal project in the nation’s history, officials said. The $500-million demolition has been championed by environmental organizations, commercial fishing groups and tribes that spent 20 years fighting for the river’s restoration.
“The Klamath salmon are coming home,” Yurok Tribe Chairman Joseph James said in a statement. “The people have earned this victory and with it, we carry on our sacred duty to the fish that have sustained our people since the beginning of time.”
Illustration of a Chinook salmon breaching with a dam in the background
California salmon are at risk of extinction. A plan to save them stirs hope and controversy
April 7, 2022
Officials said the dam removal process could begin as soon as next year, with the smallest dam, Copco 2, slated to be removed first. Deconstruction of the remaining three dams will occur in early 2024, with all four dams removed by the end of that year.
FERC commissioners on Thursday described the decision as “momentous,” “historic” and “the culmination of years of work.”
“Some people might ask why, in this time of great need for zero-emissions energy, why are we, why is the licensee, agreeing to remove the dams?” Chairman Richard Glick said during the meeting. “First, we have to understand this doesn’t happen every day. … A lot of these projects were licensed a number of years back when there wasn’t as much focus on environmental issues, and some of these projects have a significant impact on the environment and a significant impact on fish and other wildlife.”
Indeed, salmon populations in the once-teeming Klamath Basin have dwindled to almost nothing in large part because of the dam-blocked habitat. In an April letter to FERC, the Pacific Fishery Management Council noted that the Klamath River once produced the “third-most prolific salmon runs of all river systems in the lower 48 states.”
Today, those runs are at only a “small fraction of their historical average,” the council said, with two of the runs listed under the federal or California endangered species acts, or both.
Mark Bransom, chief executive of the Klamath River Renewal Corp., said the dam removal will not only create conditions that will allow fish to move up and down the river freely, but will also help improve water-quality conditions on the river, including toxic algal blooms in stagnant reservoirs.
“People consider this to be a salmon recovery project — I like to characterize it as a resiliency project,” he said on the phone. “It is not only a project to restore conditions for salmon and other species to regain a toehold in their historic range, but it is also being done to enhance the resiliency of the many communities that are reliant on the river, including the tribes. … We really are standing on the shoulders of the tribes who have been working so hard for this day and ultimately for dam removal for decades.”
At least try fish ladders and such before removing the dam, you silly goose. Also, lots of dams are dual use. I hope you like getting flooded…. Kind of the opposite of resilient.
“Bransom said funding for the half-a-billion-dollar project will come primarily from California’s Prop. 1 water bond and from PacifiCorp, noting that it would cost more for the company to upgrade the facilities to today’s standards than to enter into the agreement. FERC’s decision kicks off a 30-day timeline for the states and the Klamath River Renewal Corp. to approve the transfer, though he expected it would take less than a couple of weeks to do so.”
Lol, you thought you were voting for more water supplies, syke!
Derp, copied way more than I thought. Damn phone…
Insufficient. The regulators should be sacrificed to the river gods before any discussion of dam damage should begin.
TW: Longer video clip.
War good for business….
(TW salon)
They should just come out into the open and pass an enabling act.
Uh… why do we need to declare an emergency just to buy ammo?
That is just a Tuesday for a Glib.
Also… does that mean they admit we’re officially in a war for the first time in 70 years?
We’re still in the forever war.
Admitting we’re in a war means the people will expect quantifiable results and we can’t have that, it might dry up the gravy train. That being said, after our decades of low intensity antiterror wars we are woefully unprepared to fight an old timey big armies actual war war.
Maybe we can ask the Taliban for our weapons back.
Because they spent the ammo budget on diversity seminars and telling the soldiers that stright white people are evil.
Blockbuster! CapitolHunters claim (with evidence) that Musk has no STEM degree of any kind.
Now do Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg.
That seems to imply that running a business doesn’t require acedemic credentials.
“He was an illegal immigrant who illegally overstayed his visa when he sold his first company”
That is rich. This is why liberals are pro illegal immigration- one more thing they can try to hold over people to enforce compliance.
“it is a truly blockbuster claim that bears much wider scrutiny”
…uh??? Why? He’s a private person, even if he’s illegal, we know he must be paying taxes, etc. If we’re willing to bend the rules to screw over the lower class for ten million or so (no one even has nay idea how many there are anymore, right?) illegals then why not for just one billionaire? I will however be willing to trade every illegal today and all in the future for deporting Musk to the moon, where he belongs. I don’t think anyone cares what degree Musk has when doing business dealings with him.
They want him watering the flowerbeds instead of running Twitter.
Ugh, DailyKos…actually they want him dead just like they want you and me dead. It goes beyond financial ruin with those sorts of twats.
If Musk has no degree then he becomes a legend.
Good morning, RoaT, ‘bodru, Sean, rhy, U, and Lack!
On the agenda at work today: at some point, my boss will ask me to proofread his budget “memo” for the Board meeting next week. He has already warned me that the more accurate term for the document is “novella.” 😕
Board: *gets budget novella* *reads ‘executive summary* *skips remainder*
Close, but:
(Note: vast majority of Board members are retired. All they care about is the “Board Conference & Travel” line item.)
Morning Ma’am.
I wish I didn’t wake up an hour early with a wicked pissuh headache.
😟 Caffeine deprivation maybe? At least there’s a quick cure for that.
Nah, I only drink one cup a day.
That cup just happens to be made from a five gallon bucket, doesn’t it?
Nope. Literal 8 oz.
And I find myself having to choke it down. For some reason, I don’t like coffee anymore.
I’m never on a schedule to watch these with y’all, but here are my tow suggestions (they might not be available tho):
Cannibal! The Musical! Stone and Parker’s senior thesis, a musical about the only person convicted of cannibalism. Includes Mormons, Nihonjin Indians, the world’s longest brick joke, and an entire plotline added once it was discovered that the choreographer (who was Trey’s financee) was cheating on him. Also singing SO BAD that it was decinded that instead of replacing it in post like all the rest, it had to be left in.
Tapeheads The finest absurdist comedy Tim Robbins and John Cusak ever costarred in! Much of the humor comes from the editing that NBC required to get the movie down to the desired length which resulted in characters suddenly appearing in rooms and that sort of thing. A movie about shifting 1980s entertainment technology, startups, corrupt politicans, classic music being better than what kids these days are playing. Cameos by whoever NBC had around, so Ted Nugent, Alice Cooper, Fishbone, and Jello Biafra, and Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles. Let’s get into trouble baby!
I just want to say that the splash image maybe needs a little more space between the L and the I in FLICK.
I read it as GLIBFUCK
*searches the intarwebs for “GLIBFUCK”*