Daily Stoic Week 47

by | Nov 18, 2022 | Advice, LifeSkills, Musings | 183 comments

The Daily Stoic

The Practicing Stoic


How to Be a Stoic

If you have anger issues, this one is a great tool (h/t mindyourbusiness)

What I’m currently reading:

Disclaimer: I’m not your Supervisor. These are my opinions after reading through these books a few times.

November 19

“For any challenge we should hold three thoughts at our

‘Lead on God and Destiny,
To that Goal fixed for me long ago.
I will follow and not stumble; even if my will
is weak I will soldier on.’”—CLEANTHES

“Whoever embraces necessity count as wise,
skilled in divine matters.”—EURIPIDES

“If it pleases the gods, so be it. They may well kill me, but they


I do what I do. If it doesn’t work out, I try not to get angry at the universe. Some people have interpreted this attitude as fatalism. Stoicism does not tell me to not do things, just don’t get upset if things outside of my control go against me. I hope that my life goes well and am taking steps to increase the odds in my favor, but there is no guarantee one way or the other.


November 20

“If you’ve seen the present, you’ve seen all things, from time immemorial into all of eternity. For everything that happens is related and the same.”

“History Does Not Repeat Itself, But It Rhymes”- Mark Twain (maybe) What our government is doing to its people and the value of money is nothing new in the history of the world. When things happen in my life, the same thing has happened to people since the dawn of time. It is easier to accept bad things happening when I know that I am not the first, nor will I be the last with this particular problem. Reading history has shown me people are still people regardless of the technology we have now.


November 21

“A good isn’t increased by the addition of time, but if one is wise for even a moment, they will be no less happy than the person who exercises virtue for all time and happily passes their life in it.”
CONCEPTIONS,” 1062 (LOEB, P. 682)

This quote is a little confusing. If I do the right thing, I get the same reward as someone who has been doing it longer. In the long run consistency will lead to better long term results, but in the short term, the feeling is the same. There is no reason to not start today, since the rewards will be there.


November 22

“Fortune falls heavily on those for whom she’s unexpected. The one always on the lookout easily endures.”

If I am ready for a bad event to befall me, then I will only have to deal with the event and I will not compound it with my shock and sorrow about what has happening. I have tried to imagine what would happen if I lose my job or my house. I hope these mental exercises will help me deal with misfortunes that are bound to come my way sooner or later.


November 23

“In short, you must remember this—that if you hold anything dear outside of your own reasoned choice, you will have destroyed your capacity for choice.”

If I am a slave to things I have no control over, the I will waste a lot of time and energy stressing about things that I can do nothing about. I could get sick, lose my job, lose my house, and everything else that currently is important to me. If I can learn to deal with setbacks of this magnitude, minor inconveniences will be easy to deal with.


November 24

“Whenever you experience the pangs of losing something, don’t treat it like a part of yourself but as a breakable glass, so when it falls you will remember that and won’t be troubled. So too, whenever you kiss your child, sibling, or friend, don’t layer on top of the experience all the things you might wish, but hold them back and stop them, just as those who ride behind triumphant generals remind them they are mortal. In the same way, remind yourself that your precious one isn’t one of your possessions, but
something given for now, not forever . . .”

Passages like this are often used to criticize the Stoics. A surface level reading makes it sound like they want me to keep a distance from others and not get too attached. It is really trying to prepare me for one of the most difficult human experiences. My wife will not live forever. Neither will my parents or my brothers. When any of these people are gone, it will be devastating for me. While I will mourn, the understanding that this is a part of life that happens to everyone will help me to not wallow in the grief, but be able to live well without them.


November 25

“As for me, I would choose being sick over living in luxury, for being sick only harms the body, whereas luxury destroys both the body and the soul, causing weakness and incapacity in the body, and lack of control and cowardice in the soul. What’s more, luxury breeds injustice because it also breeds greediness.”

I understand the sentiment, but I would not willingly choose to be sick or injured. What I was able to do during my spell of 2 months being couch bound was work on my anger at the situation and my gratitude that my wife was able and willing to take care of me. I also see how my current level of living has made me soft in a lot of ways.


Music today is from a German metal band, Blind Guardian.

I only hve one of their CD’s Imaginations From the Other Side, it has some real good songs, but I haven’t been impressed with other offerings from them, maybe I just haven’t listened to them enough?



There are quite a few good ones on this album, but I think these 3 are my favorites.

This year is almost over, should I continue to write a weekly Stoic article?

I could do book reviews, some Stoic exercises, and tackle some critiques of the Stoic philosophy.

If not enough people think that’s worthwhile (I know it’s not the most exciting reading), let me know.

Either way, good or bad, feedback is appreciated.

About The Author



What I told my wife when she said my steel Baby Eagle .45 was heavy, "Heavy is good, heavy is reliable, if it doesn't work you could always hit him with it."-Boris the Blade MOLON LABE


  1. KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

    In the same way, remind yourself that your precious one isn’t one of your possessions, but
    something given for now, not forever . . .

    I think you could also read this as the people in your life don’t belong to you: their actions, choices, etc. aren’t yours. It’s actually a central tenant of Al Anon…the whole “God grant me the wisdom” thing.

    • Mojeaux

      So my wonderful Aunt Robin, who died 1.5 years ago, always had a policy of not taking on the guilt of her children’s actions. She taught them what was right. Their contradictory choices, their guilt and consequences. I’m not quite that phlegmatic because my children’s choices do affect me, and when they are negative effects, I resent it. But I’m trying not to make their choices/consequences mine. I did what I was supposed to and taught them right from wrong. Now it’s their turn to do what they know is right. Or not do it. Whatever.

  2. Tundra

    “If you’ve seen the present, you’ve seen all things, from time immemorial into all of eternity. For everything that happens is related and the same.”

    I agree with your assessment of this one. And it is weirdly comforting to know that this round of people doing evil shit is exactly what the ancients would have done had they had access to all the tech.

    Studying history is a decent antidote to narcissism.

  3. The Late P Brooks

    This year is almost over, should I continue to write a weekly Stoic article?

    I say yes. You could also bring other philosophical schools of thought into the series.

    • UnCivilServant

      The Daily Epicurean?

    • Tundra


    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      You can take a few pages from this guy. Ancient Wisdom Project. He would take about a month to explore an ancient tradition. He did 8 in total. He still writes from time to time but not very much.


    • mindyourbusiness

      For sure. doG knows, there are some good Stoic writers out there who could provide you with a ton of information – Bill Irvine and Massimo Pigliucci, to name just two.

  4. Nephilium

    I need to be more stoic over the next couple of weeks. Had a new job interview that went well, recruiter e-mailed me on Monday saying they wanted to set up a conversation with the hiring manager, which I replied to. No response yet. I’m trying to blame the holidays.

    • Tundra

      I’ve been getting a lot of ‘out of office’ replies. I think a good number of people use the next few weeks to burn accrued time.

      Good luck!

      • Pope Jimbo

        lol. Just had a meeting with some German colleagues who were griping because we couldn’t schedule a meeting next week. They were complaining that all us Yanks were pretty much worthless for the entire week.

        Of course when we started proposing times in December they recoiled in horror at the idea of working anytime in that entire month. It is the Christmas Holiday season! What sort of barbarian works then?

        * August is the other month that no True European can be found anywhere near a place of work.

      • UnCivilServant

        What sort of barbarian works then?

        I didn’t know they thought so highly of us. I’d hate to be labelled as Civilized.

      • Mojeaux

        August is the other month that no True European can be found anywhere near a place of work.

        Except, you know, all the retail and hospitality workers in Spain.

      • Unreconstructed

        Just had this discussion with the work team yesterday. We’re all out next week, and some of us are out for half of December. One of my coworkers traditionally takes off all of December (he’s been around so long he gets a ton of PTO).

      • Nephilium

        Yeah. I’m off all next week as well. It’s just trying to keep my mental process from spinning out that the opportunity is going to wash out.

      • UnCivilServant

        I prefer to work the holiday weeks. It’s so quiet.

      • R C Dean

        Same here. Although there is often some year-end thing that causes a big kerfuffle, also.

        I would question whether anyone who routinely takes a month off every year is necessary, although it would depend on their job. I couldn’t imagine it in my job – even a week off leaves a big backlog that is a pain to deal with.

      • UnCivilServant

        Us non C-Suite plebs get the benefit of something called ‘coverage’ where theoretically other people can handle most things that come up. Though my job keeps finding out what I actually do when shit breaks while I’m out.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        A month is a long time to ask for coverage from coworkers, who are already working fulltime. I unofficially cap coverage at a week for my team. Any longer and you are expected to be “on call” for existing work you’ve already committed to (but not “on call” to accept new work). But we also have a great deal of flexibility and independence into setting timelines for our workloads. Exceptions of course for extraordinary events like family deaths, parental leave, etc.

        I took two weeks of paid paternity leave for the last kid and thought it was long enough. Huge backlog waiting for me too. Paid paternity leave didn’t exist for my first kid and my time off was all unpaid. My brother in law took something like 24 paid weeks parental leave for his first kid. Quit his job instead of going back in. Dicked around going to school for a couple years instead of providing for his wife/kid and then started another round of 20 weeks paid leave his first month at his new job for a second kid. There’s less than 10 years separating us but it feels like a wildly different generation.

        It’s also why I don’t believe the GDP numbers for the United States are anywhere close to what’s being reported in terms of true economic output.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        Yep, almost half a year. Nearly a full year combined across the two companies.

      • R C Dean

        See, if the rest of the team can cover for you for a full month, why can’t they cover for you indefinitely when your position is eliminated?

        /management OFF

      • Nephilium

        There’s usually a backlog, but it’s also a good practice to make sure you don’t have a single point of failure in your support group. If you lose the only person who knows how to do/fix X, what happens when they leave?

      • UnCivilServant

        People scratch their heads and scramble, breaking more stuff because they don’t know where the real issue is.

      • Nephilium

        UCS: Depends on the group. The worst is when there’s multiple ways to fix things, and someone decides to do the more complicated, fragile way instead of the simpler, easier way. Then leaves it in without any documentation.

      • DEG

        I’ve worked with Indian folks that took a month off every year to visit India. Many of them worked extra hours during the year such that they probably worked what their colleagues worked in a normal year (if that makes sense).

        I’ve taken a month off at times, though not every year. I had no problems with my management or my coworkers. I made sure everyone knew in advance. I made sure my work was done or handed over to others before I left, and when I got back, I got right back to work.

        A month off being a problem or not being a problem depends on the industry and the person taking the time off.

      • UnCivilServant

        Same here. From a logistical standpoint, anything shorter than a month doesn’t make sense for them.

        Also, there may be some visa related regulation regarding trips to and from the home country depending upon where their citizenship lies.

      • Not Adahn

        I just took a month off. I’m still fixing things that broke and were pushed off for me to fix when I ogt back.

    • Drake

      Good Luck. I hate that crap. In my recent job search I had interviews at a company I used to work for with similar job duties and Directors I used to work with pinging the hiring manager with recommendations and… nothing, Instead I get an offer in a completely different in a completely different industry.

      • UnCivilServant

        Hrmm… “We looked at your previous work and decided not to go forward with your candidacy” or “We’d love to have you back, but you’re too expensive now”?

      • Drake

        A half hour after I accepted the new job, a recruiter from FN America calls me up to schedule an interview, Damn!

      • UnCivilServant

        Fabrique Nationale? Or some other FN?

      • Drake

        Yes – Product Development in Columbia, SC

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m not qualified to take your place at the interview… 🙁

      • Drake

        I had applied there first day of my job search. She apologized for the delay and explained that she had been on vacation.

    • DEG

      Best wishes on your job hunt.

      It’s probably the holidays. I’m trying to set up a phone screen through a recruiter. The hiring manager wants to do it after Thanksgiving because the manager is out until then.

      • Nephilium

        Thanks. There was already one delay in getting a response because the first recruiter I was working with was ill (the second recruiter started off his message letting me know that). Looks to be a good company, with growth potential and upward advancement opportunities.

    • Nephilium

      And looks like I didn’t need to worry, call appears to be set up for this afternoon.

      • DEG


    • robc

      Is it twitter? Because the hiring manager may have quit.

      • Nephilium

        Not in my wheelhouse.

  5. Drake

    How’s this for gaslighting?

    “The New World Order is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government.”
    While sitting in front of a sign that says “World Government”.

    • Rebel Scum

      Video title: “Are We Ready for a New World Order? | WGS2022″

      • UnCivilServant

        One without the current ‘leadership’ in it?

  6. Pope Jimbo

    Reading about stoicism every 7 days makes one week.

    * Note to Swiss: a true stoic wouldn’t even squint, much less narrow his gaze when confronted with clever wordplay.

    • UnCivilServant

      a true stoic wouldn’t even squint, much less narrow his gaze when confronted with clever wordplay.

      What’s that have to do with what we do? We’re not exactly bandying about a blinding wit.

    • kinnath


      Try Weekly

      Try Weakly

      • Michael Malaise

        Shit. You got Van-Cleefed!

    • Ted S.

      This implies that the above comment has clever wordplay.

  7. DEG

    It is really trying to prepare me for one of the most difficult human experiences.

    Yes. That was my immediate thought on reading that passage.

    I vote for keeping up the Stoic articles but branch out into other things. You mention critiques of Stoic philosophy. I vote for starting there.

  8. The Late P Brooks

    You could do Catholicism.

    Prove your love for God by giving us all your worldly treasures.

  9. prolefeed

    My wife was calling Elon Musk an idiot for offering three month’s severance to all the remaining employees who didn’t want to work really hard, because half the employees took him up on it.

    To which I silently thought:

    Twitter was losing huge amounts when Elon bought it.

    Step one: fire the half of the employees who could legally be terminated for cause.

    Step two: pay some severance to get rid of half of the remaining employees who have revealed they don’t want to work hard, without running up huge legal bills for people claiming wrongful termination.

    Step three: Twitter will still be up and earning ad revenue, but with 3/4 of the headcount gone. Maybe even profitable.

    Yeah, what a goddamn fool.

    /mental eye roll

    • UnCivilServant

      Also, since the laws require two months, it forecloses lawsuits.

    • Hyperion

      But they were working hard, signaling for woke causes. What were they supposed to do? Like work towards icky profits?

      • Hyperion

        I I remember the one dat who was saying ‘hell yes, we’re commie as fuck!’. I bet he thinks that is real funny now, finding out that commies are mostly unemployed because they think capitalism is bad. It’s hard when you have to actually apply what you are signaling for to the real world.

    • Fatty Bolger

      They didn’t terminate for cause in step one, except for (reportedly) some of the executives.

      • R.J.

        Regardless his initial thought was a 75% staff reduction. He has only exceeded his goal by a few percentage points. And then twitter had a record posting day. And will start making money and attracting a better class of advertisers.

    • DEG

      Pepperidge Farm remembers when the WHO opposed vaccine passports.

      • UnCivilServant

        Why are we taking medical advice from a band?

      • DEG

        So we won’t get fooled again.

      • Drake


    • Hyperion

      The can go fuck themselves.

      • Sean


    • The Last American Hero

      So long as you enter through the southern border, nobody asks for a vax passport.

  10. kinnath

    Daily Quordle 298

    • rhywun

      Buggering bollocks.

      Daily Quordle 298

  11. The Late P Brooks

    Go fish

    A U.S. agency seeking to restore habitat for endangered fish gave final approval on Thursday to decommission four dams straddling the California-Oregon border, the largest dam removal undertaking in U.S. history.

    Dam removal is expected to improve the health of the Klamath River, the route that Chinook salmon and endangered coho salmon take from the Pacific Ocean to their upstream spawning grounds, and from where the young fish return to the sea.

    The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued an order surrendering the dam licenses and approving removal of the dams.

    The project has long been a goal of several native tribes whose ancestors have lived off the salmon for centuries but whose way of life was disrupted by European settlement and the demand for rural electrification in the 20th Century.


    The dams on federal land, which at full capacity provide enough electricity for 70,000 homes, will be surrendered by power utility PacifiCorp, a unit of Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway (BRKa.N).


    • Rebel Scum

      which at full capacity provide enough electricity for 70,000 homes

      Just throw up a few windmills and solar panels.

      • Suthenboy

        Just turn their electricity off.

  12. Fourscore

    “It is easier to accept bad things happening when I know that I am not the first”

    After living through our own teenage years, with the crushes, the non-reciprocal pretend romances and the broken hearts we somehow got over that and went on with our lives. Then our kids become teenagers and it’s difficult to try to get them to understand that the disappointments will pass.

    One day they become adults and remember the wisdom we endowed them with.

    Thanks Ron, keep up the reminders and encouragement, we all can use it.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Faced with costly new regulations that included building fish screens and ladders, the company instead entered an agreement with the tribes and the U.S. government to decommission the dams.

    PacifiCorp is contributing $200 million toward dam removal, paid for by a surcharge on its customers in Oregon and California, said Bob Gravely, a company spokesperson, and California voters approved a bond measure for the state to provide an additional $250 million.

    Let them eat cake.

    • UnCivilServant

      “In response to the loss of production capacity, we will be shutting off power to State government facilities.”

      • R.J.

        Staaahp. I won’t be able to stand up for a week.

    • Drake

      Charging customers extra so they’ll have less product – or else it will cost a lot more.

  14. Rebel Scum

    I was told it is strange that I question the “experts” and “muh-science” on convid virus theater because I am sciencey STEM major that does sciencey engineering things for a living. Well, excuse me, I guess I’ll have to stop that now. Wait. That doesn’t sound like me at all. So scratch it. Reverse it. I’m going to do it more and harder.

    In other news, this happened in my locality.. No motive or suspects yet.

  15. UnCivilServant

    I’ve got a corned beef bricket thawing out in the fridge, I was planning on putting it in a slow cooker with some potatos which will later be mashed. I keep thinking “I need a third thing for this plate”. Any suggestions that do not involve cabbage?

    • Rebel Scum

      Carrots and onions.

      • Nephilium

        This right here.

      • Pine_Tree

        Except for the carrot part.

    • creech

      Winston’s Mom?

    • Sean

      Roasted green beans with bacon.

      • Sean

        I know…I know…you’re out of bacon.

      • UnCivilServant

        Look, I’m stopping by the store anyway. I just have to make up my mind before I get there.

      • Sean

        A little oil, salt & pepper to taste. Super easy.

    • Not Adahn

      Brussels sprouts?

      • Sean

        I loves me some kohlrabi.

      • Not Adahn


      • UnCivilServant

        Sorry, I was thrown off in formulating my retort when my fact checking truned up the fact that Burssels Sprouts didn’t just look like little cabbages, but literally are little cabbages.

      • Not Adahn

        Did you make it to the Triangle of U?

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m afraid I don’t understand the question.

    • UnCivilServant

      I know you guys care a lot, so I figured I’d mention I decided to go with Sean’s suggestion, simply for variety’s sake compared to recent meals.

      It also appears to be Brussels Sprouts season, as huge trays of them took up an inordinate amount of the produce section.

      As an impulse buy I got radishes, and am now thinking of what to do with them.

      Thanks everyone for helping out

      • Not Adahn

        Classic German snack: radish sandwiches. Must butter the bread.

  16. Rebel Scum

    Maybe don’t hold tournaments in culturally backwards countries.

    Qatar banned the sale of beer at World Cup stadiums on Friday, a sudden U-turn on the deal the conservative Muslim emirate made to secure the soccer tournament with only two days to go before the opening game.

    The move was the latest sign of the tension of staging the event, which is not just a sports tournament but also a monthlong party, in the autocratic country where the sale of alcohol is heavily restricted. It’s also a significant blow to World Cup beer sponsor Budweiser and raised questions about how much control FIFA retains over its tournament.

    • Pine_Tree

      It’s like if you see a guy stand in front of a wall, and then throw a tennis ball really hard at the wall, and then you see the ball bounce off and hit him in the nuts.

      “Well, what did you THINK was going to happen?”

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      Qatar banned the sale of beer at World Cup stadiums

      And a million British soccer hooligans cried out in terror.

      • UnCivilServant

        Sheet, a million soccer hooligans would be enough to take over the country. Filibuster for Beer, Soccer Hooligans!

      • Nephilium

        A power is rising in Austria already…

      • R C Dean

        “As well as the boozy fountain in the Austrian capital, the party’s drinks-themed proposals include (but are not limited to):

        “For the purpose of better networking between local restaurateurs and local politics, the creation of a gastronomy network.”
        “The long overdue banning of all mixed beer drinks from public spaces…”
        The abolition of mandatory closing times for bars and restaurants.
        The abolition of taxes on drinks in bars and restaurants (compensated for with a new 50% tax on Radlers and “other atrocities”.)
        “Live and let live (except Radler drinkers).””

        I’d vote for that.

      • Sean

        LOL, yeah.

      • robc

        Germans won’t put fruit in their beer, but radlers.


      • R.J.

        “ However, the “joke” party certainly has some serious ambitions beyond the beer. The party has advocated for investment in Vienna’s public transport and sports facilities and has adopted a progressive stance on trans rights and the environment.”

        Still a joke party.

      • robc

        Britain has primarily eliminated the hooligan problem. Except for Millwall. And they have been redirected towards terrorists.

    • Drake

      Can they bring a hash hookah instead?

    • R C Dean

      If I’m Budweiser, I’m on the phone with FIFA right now telling them we want a big chunk of our sponsorship fee back.

  17. Rebel Scum

    More government abductions.

    Agents from the U.S. Air Force and FBI recently raided homes in Clark and Lincoln counties in an investigation of a man who operates a website about the top-secret military base known as Area 51, a spokesman said Wednesday.

    The Air Force Office of Special Investigations and FBI entered homes owned by Joerg Arnu in Las Vegas and the tiny town of Rachel on Nov. 3 and seized potential evidence for an undisclosed joint agency probe, according to Lt. Col. Bryon McGarry, spokesman for Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas.

    “This is an open and ongoing law enforcement investigation between the Las Vegas FBI and Air Force OSI,” McGarry said in a statement.

    • slumbrew

      Let me guess: “receiving classified documents”

      • R C Dean


  18. Mojeaux


    Elon Musk
    New Twitter policy is freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach.

    Negative/hate tweets will be max deboosted & demonetized, so no ads or other revenue to Twitter.

    You won’t find the tweet unless you specifically seek it out, which is no different from rest of Internet.

    Elon Musk
    Kathie Griffin, Jorden Peterson & Babylon Bee have been reinstated.

    Trump decision has not yet been made.

    • kinnath

      It’s a start. Still way too much latitude to disappear people. And we don’t know who will be deciding what/who gets disappeared.

    • UnCivilServant

      So, shadowbanning and arbitrary real bans are still the way to go, got it.

  19. R.J.

    “Lead on God and Destiny,
    To that Goal fixed for me long ago.
    I will follow and not stumble; even if my will
    is weak I will soldier on.’”—CLEANTHES

    I am driven by a desire to make this rhyme.

  20. R.J.

    “As for me, I would choose being sick over living in luxury, for being sick only harms the body, whereas luxury destroys both the body and the soul, causing weakness and incapacity in the body, and lack of control and cowardice in the soul.“

    I took this back a step and looked at society as a whole. Think of all the soft college kids in the generation beneath us. And think of all the so-called elites that rule above us. What happened to them? Was it a triumph of luxury over adversity? It almost seems like another way of saying hard men make good times, good times make soft men. Soft men make hard times.

    • Hyperion

      I have a solution. Give me all your luxury stuff, problem solved!

      • R.J.

        You would be sorely disappointed by my lack of luxury goods.

      • Hyperion

        Try me, there is always Ebay and the dumpster.

    • kinnath

      Lots of brittle people out there.

  21. R.J.

    You used Euripedes. The joke must be delivered:
    “Euripedes trousers, you pay for dese trousers!”

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Euripides trousers, Eumenides trousers.

      (RJ, I love that you love The Spirit of ’76. “I am an asshole. And you’re an asshole, and you’re an asshole.” 🕺 🪩 🌈 ✌️ I recently found a Werner Erhard bio in a wee free library.)

      • R.J.

        Fantastic. Someday I will post that movie.

    • Not Adahn

      I put in my two candidates for Glibflick at the end of the post. I don’t know if they’re available though — one’s Troma and the other’s NBC.

      • R.J.

        I am still catching up. I am way behind. I will go back and try to grab them.

  22. Hyperion

    “Pelosi’s Secret Sauce Chris Cillizza, CNN”

    Only if your name rhymes with ‘sleeza’ could you write a title that repulsive. I mean, SF makes me gag less than that on his best attempts.

  23. Hyperion

    Shit, I gotta bring houseplants in before the cold kills them all. This means work, damnit, the manual labor type that only a barbaric slave drive like Elon Musk would ask you to do.

    • Sean

      The last of our outdoor veggie plants died this past week.

      • Hyperion

        Mine are all my wife’s ornamentals. My veggies are all inside. I better bring them in or she will get upset. Upset wifey is bad, worse than some work bringing them in.

  24. R C Dean

    I just saw that the Respect for Marriage Act on its way to enactment will strip tax exempt status from churches who don’t toe the woke line.

    You can be on board with no tax exempt status for churches (I am), but I don’t see how any decent person be in favor of this.

    • UnCivilServant

      Before this week, I didn’t even know that abomination existed.

      We definately need an end to lame duck legislating. Everyone’s term should end the day Before election day.

    • Not Adahn

      Can taxes be levied on newsprint and printer’s ink yet?

    • Hyperion

      Don’t worry, no decent people will be voting on it. And the chance of anyone in Congress even being a decent person is getting tinier every election.

    • kinnath

      strip tax exempt status from churches who don’t toe the woke line

      There is no end to the fuckery coming out of DC.

      I’m sure the Catholics on SCOTUS will have a word to say.

      • Hyperion

        We fought a damn bloody war over discrimination and now the dems are hell bent on taking us back there.

      • R C Dean

        “I’m sure the Catholics on SCOTUS will have a word to say.”

        Tax exemption is a privilege, so its OK but us?

      • R C Dean

        But, by, whatever.

      • kinnath

        Yes it is a privilege.

        And the privilege is granted or withheld based upon the religious beliefs of the church in question.

        How doe that not run afoul of the establishment clause of the 1st.

      • Not Adahn

        “The power to tax is the power to destroy.”

      • rhywun

        Call it a fee. I seem to remember them slipping that one through before.

    • rhywun

      I was wondering how this could be deemed objectionable and well, there’s my answer.

      It’s not enough to legislate morality, one must punish the wrongthinkers too.

  25. Hyperion

    “What Does an SAT Score Mean Anymore? Jeffrey Selingo, New York Magazine”

    It’s supposed to mean you know stuff and you can demonstrate it, at least on paper. God, you people are stupid. That’s one thing, it’s the fact you want everyone else to be just as stupid that is troubling.

  26. Not Adahn

    So, my coworkers…

    They’re pretty good. Someone fucked up big time and I had to work a couple Saturdays back getting them out of their mess. So they sent me an “Appreciation Award,” which anyone can send, in the $20-$50 range. Imagine my surprise when I opened it up and saw it was $500. Yes, the fucker-upper was higher up the management food chain than most.

    • Sean


    • Hyperion

      Now that you’re filthy rich, you better share that with your Glib friends. I’m pretty sure Santa is not coming, over the whole orphan thing you know?

      • Not Adahn

        Lily chewed through my passenger seatbelt when she was a pup. I found out Tuesday that you fail safety inspeciton with a chewed seatbelt. Take a guess how much a Subaru WRX seatbelt costs?

      • kinnath

        as much as a new car?

      • Sean

        We just had two catalytics stolen from a new truck. $9k+

      • Tundra

        Jesus Christ. What truck?

      • Sean

        2023 Isuzu NPR gas

      • Tundra

        Something special about the cats in those? It seems like certain brands are hit more than others.

      • Sean


      • Not Adahn

        $411.30. I’m hoping that includes labor.

      • R.J.

        That is a super awesome deal for that.

    • UnCivilServant

      Glad you got recognition.

    • DEG

      Good that you got something for it.

  27. Hyperion

    “House Oversight Committee To Subpoena Hunter Biden”

    Do any of y’all see Hunter showing up for this? Because I don’t.

    • UnCivilServant

      I also don’t expect him to get jail time for ignoring it either.

      • Hyperion

        Nothing.else.will.happen. The end. The GOP are pussies and there are bigger fish to fry than Hunter. They won’t be doing any of that stuff either.

      • rhywun

        It doesn’t get much bigger than 10% to the big guy.

    • kinnath

      Put Willie Brown under oath and talk about Kamalump’s rise to power.

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        But then there’ll be questions about other congress critters rise to power. We can’t have that.

  28. Suthenboy

    “….your precious one isn’t one of your possessions, but
    something given for now, not forever.”

    I have made it a point to tell Mrs. Suthenboy that I am still in love with her every day for the last 35 years (married 32 years).
    Every day. I have kept my word to her all of that time and if I have to keep it for another 100 years it won’t be enough for me.

    • Tundra


      (But congrats!)

      • Suthenboy

        Yep. I have done plenty of that as well.
        When you find a good one…keep her around.

      • Tundra

        Yep. 31 years next month.

      • kinnath

        46 1/2 so far

      • Mojeaux

        20 for me.

      • mindyourbusiness

        56 in December.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    I took this back a step and looked at society as a whole. Think of all the soft college kids in the generation beneath us. And think of all the so-called elites that rule above us. What happened to them? Was it a triumph of luxury over adversity? It almost seems like another way of saying hard men make good times, good times make soft men. Soft men make hard times.

    We won the War Against Running With Scissors, and this is what it got us.

    • R.J.


  30. R C Dean

    Interesting speculation on the Paul Pelosi incident:

    He’s on probation. There’s probably a probation violation involved in the Hammer Incident Of Which We Shall Not Speak. Violate probation, go to jail for three years (well, less than that with good behavior, but still). Thus, the full weight of the media and Dem-controlled law enforcement is thrown behind the coverup.

    Interesting additional fact: The story that he opened the door and walked back to Hammer Dude dropped shortly before Nancy stepped down from leadership. Maybe somebody was sending her a message?

    • Suthenboy

      Or maybe Nancy hired the boyfriend to kill her husband. They were both in their skivvies when the cops arrived.

  31. Lackadaisical

    Ron, thanks for posting these.

    The cover art for Blind Guardian reminds me of Heroquest.

    “I could do book reviews, some Stoic exercises, and tackle some critiques of the Stoic philosophy.”

    I like the idea of critique take-downs/analysis.