Look at this little shit
“James Mangold didn’t want to use any CGI during the filming of Indiana Jones 5”
“A cultivation of virtues shapes our character.”
“Movies actually improved by watching while full of Thanksgiving turkey and wine”
“It’s extraordinary how differently Pokémon battling is perceived by different players.”
Really, FEE? Neckties? That’s the hill you want to die on?
Mercenaries and the French Court? You really want to conserve that??? WTF
Don’t forget choking hazard.
Weddings, funerals, and job interviews. Otherwise, never again.
You beat me to it.
Same here.
You just piqued Q’s interest.
Who wears a tie, metaphorical or otherwise, while gardening?? #AwkwardlyMixedMetaphor
No one with a functioning brain.
I have pictures of my grandfather running a lathe with a tie on.
Please tell me it was a clip on.
Until now, I had never thought of a tie-tack as a safety device.
+1 the 50s
I didn’t read the article.
A dude in a well-tailored suit is some kind of attractive. You and KK like your bears. I like sharp dressers.
I like nice suits and ties, mostly since I don’t have to wear them everyday.
I mourn he loss of “jacket required” places. Last one in Boston was Locke Ober, which is long gone.
The stunning Oak Room at the Fairmont is now filled with T-shirts, cargo shorts and flip-flops.
This makes me very sad.
Having said what I said about when I wear ties, I think you can dress nicely without them.
The stunning Oak Room at the Fairmont is now filled with T-shirts, cargo shorts and flip-flops.
I like to “look sharp” – but I don’t like struggling my fat neck into a noose.
Having made-to-measure shirts that actually fit my fat neck was a revelation. Wearing a tie is no longer an exercise in suffocation.
MTM is incredibly reasonable these days.
Where do you go for yours? I am recently in the market for a new suit.
Nothing recent but I’m considering another Samuelsohn. I had one made for my wedding a few years back.
I have been very happy with the J. Hilburn MTM shirts and their suits look nice.
Less expensive, I know a couple people who have been very happy with their Indochino suits.
Thanks. I’ll check them all out.
This I agree with. If I’m out for a nice special night, at an allegedly fancy place, it would be cool if others looked the part. Everyone dresses so slovenly.
We did my wife’s bday at a white tablecloth place a couple years back, gussied up (TBF, it may have been suit but no tie).
The gents at the next table were in Celtics jerseys and hoodies.
That’s bullshit. I absolutely hate that. It’s disrespectful. I have got to believe there is a market for white table cloth restaurants that require appropriate dress.
I’m sure some places do but Boston is such a tourist town that restaurants are reluctant to turn away business.
For you, Mojeaux.
And I do like to dress up for a nice evening out, or for special events. But I had to wear a tie to work much of my career, and that kinda sucked particularly when I was wrangling equipment, receiving shipments, etc.
‘particularly when I was wrangling equipment, receiving shipments, etc.’
That is just dumb, and depending on the equipment… stupidly dangerous.
Knew it before I clicked.
The only ZZTop song I like.
What, no love for Doubleback on violins?
OMG. I’m ded.
“Legs” is also a very good tight song.
I like a black turtleneck and jacket,
Hey, if they were good enough for Ward Cleaver, they are good enough for me.
Really, FEE? Neckties? That’s the hill you want to die on?
No kidding. Having just watched the movie “If…” a couple of nights ago, I call bullshit. A well dressed savage is still a savage. A well dressed authoritarian is still an authoritarian.
A sloppily dressed authoritarian is still an authoritarian also.
My wife read me a quote that Trudeau made about protesting. I was trying to find a story to link to here (it’s not in the link from an earlier post today). I couldn’t find the quote but I did read some articles–and comments–about the hearings in Canada. For those who think covid lockdowns will move us toward liberty…not likely.
But we do need a world in which we respect and emulate those who know more than us or are wiser than we are, or who practice amazing generosity, humility, or self-sacrifice.
Cool, show me some in the public sphere. I don’t see any in DC.
It was forty (!) years ago when I haunted the White Manna; early ’80s. It was a zoo at lunchtime, but by two or two thirty getting in there for lunch was no biggy.
I dread to think of what area is like, now.
All of northern NJ is just jammed. Although the migration continues. Just not fast enough.
A sloppily dressed authoritarian is still an authoritarian also.
Something about a book… nope, it’s gone now.
Considering it is FEE, how ironic that they take no notice of capitalism raining down creative destruction on society as much as the economy.
But we do need a world in which we respect and emulate those who know more than us or are wiser than we are, or who practice amazing generosity, humility, or self-sacrifice.
Does that include basic rules of grammar?
I tupe goos.
I started watching these guys four years ago, then lost track of them.
For whatever reason, Youtube feed me some of their recent videos.
Starting at the keel
Building the mast.
I have a lot of videos to catch up on (about 200 videos over the last 4 years).
Very cool
Fascinating. Mahalo!
There is another one on the west coast that I have been following for about as long;
Sampson Boat company https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSXYZHVqmwY
Indiana Jones 5 director James Mangold didn’t want to use any CGI during the filming of Indiana Jones 5, instead prioritising practical effects.
Speaking to Empire, Mangold explained that he shut down any notions of using volumes – studios that use advanced technology to create artificial backdrops – whenever it came up in production meetings. “If anyone in early meetings brought it up, I’d say, ‘no volumes, please’,” he said.
They got something right. Though the movie will probably still suck.
I’ve often thought that when we treat teens like children (or, worse, treat adults like children), what we germinate are…children.
I agree with him here. Neckties? Weddings, job interview, funerals for me. Otherwise, no.
Each one has been worse than the last. I can’t imagine how bad this one will be. Did they finally jettison Ford?
He’s in it.
I liked “The Last Crusade.”
I thought pretty much everyone did, honestly — if JI is seriously saying Crusade was worse than Temple of Doom, I think he’s cemented his bona fides as our resident contrarian.
OK, LC was better than ToD, but that’s an awfully low bar to get over.
The worst part of “Temple of Doom” was watching Indian troops armed with No. 4 rifles in the 1930s.
Oh, and the blonde chick’s screaming. She was nice to look at, but that’s about it.
Only if it’s a good old plaid ‘70s tie damn near six inches wide. Bonus points if your collar approaches your shoulders.
No I suspect this is just another manifestation of 50s nostalgia. It’s amazing how both the left and right can mine that era, so very, very selectively.
The ‘50s and the ‘80s are the wells that never dry up.
Hah! My wife has a friend who’s an angry progressive. He wants to return the US to the 1950s, especially when it comes to tax policy. When he hears about conservatives wanting to go back to 50s values he rants about how they want to return to segregation.
Who knew that NYC was ruled by conservatives in the 50s? Or has the angry progressive asshole never heard of Harlem?
I think the only tie I own anymore is a bolo.
“‘She needs help, NOT jail’: Family of California mom charged with murdering her baby by smothering her with her breast while feeding say she’s a devoted parent who became overwhelmed when infant twins wouldn’t ‘latch on'”
“devoted parent”
Help AND jail sounds like a good compromise. Normally I’m pretty lenient but, after all, she did kill someone.
And tried to kill the other baby.
I thought they would be newborns. At 8 months feeding is way less stressful.
“Can birth control make you a LESBIAN? As a number of women say their homosexuality was ‘woken up’ after starting or coming off the Pill, studies suggest there might be some truth about the unlikely side effect”
If it makes you are a lesbian then then you don’t need the pill.
‘unlikely side effect”
Is it really that far fetched? Messing with your hormones is serious stuff. Ever been hangry? Now turn that up to 11.
They’ve done studies on how it changes women’s preferences for opposite sex mates, so this is no surprise.
Interesting discussion about that and other psychological and physiological effects of hormonal birth control.
So the estrogen in the water isn’t just for the frogs anymore?
Look, I’ve been through menopause and I know what the sudden and severe change in hormones has done to me. I totally believe this.
And Lack is right about “hangry x11.”
I got an endometrial ablation at age 33 due to my ridiculously heavy bleeding and the fact that I couldn’t get pregnant anyway (said the doctors). So I quit taking contraceptives, which I’d only been on to try and regulate my periods. I did feel much more normal after quitting them.
The ablation means I haven’t had periods in years. I’m having to look for other hints of menopause. I’m starting to have night sweats and then freezing and cycling back the other way. My weight distribution is changing. Watching out for “Fu Manchu” stache.
I’m just winging it.
I had an endometrial ablation after my doctor recommended a hysterectomy, but said it would be a longer recovery. I was working like a dog and couldn’t afford the time off. Nothing hormonally changed. But then I had a hysterectomy and my doc was a big believer in taking the ovaries too and I was down with that. No ovaries == no ovarian cancer. Also, no estrogen. Anyway, yeah, so, I wrote up my experience in the Glibs forum.
Zero is a number.
Anyone want to stop by and make me some eggs & toast? I no feel so good.
Sorry, KK — by the time I got there it would doubtless count as a hunger strike. Can you get UberEats or whatnot from Waffle House? They serve breakfast all day, after all… should be able to find a decent eggs + toast option (one of their breakfast sandwiches if nothing else).
Feel free to substitute something better — just thinking what I’m pretty sure is around in your neck of the woods and all.
No Waffle House currently on the Uber Eats, despite one being not too far from here. But that sounds amazing.
What’s wrong?
Bilious humours
Oh, sorry, I think you need a time machine for that.
Eggs would make you feel BETTER? 🤢
Get some electrolytes too!
I hope you feel better soon.
Thank you! I’ll have a nice big drink of water (I also use the same words to describe what I want in a date) with the eggs & toast I’ll be forced to make myself
You should stop by Nephs zoom link. You can watch me and deadhead drink.
Nothing like a Glibzoom to make the nausea go away…oh wait…
The Mrs. And I are fighting nasty sinus issues. Of course it’s my fault because I was on a plane this week. 😒
Well, you knew it wasn’t going to be her fault.
This guy gets it.
I read the weekly links at Steyn Online. They are put together by Laura Cohen, who writes a few paragraphs before the links, not unlike the Glibs format.
She had the following commentary on the World Cup coverage by Israeli journalists:
Whelp, we did it. We went retail shopping at the Philadelphia outlets (totally not in Philly).
Stupid crowded, as expected.
We got in and got out. Some of my favorite stores are gone. 😒
Yeah, I got out today too and bought a refrigerator I didn’t know we needed a week ago. Biggest challenge was the Best Buy parking lot.
Some maroons think 35 mph is the appropriate speed in the lanes and damn all those cars that are already half way backed out of their spot.
I’m amazed Best Buys are still a thing.
They’re very necessary — I want to test-drive my stuff before I order it off of Amazon. 🤣
They’re like the only IRL game in town since Circuit City folded. The one near me became a TJ Maxx 🙁
OK them and Micro Center. One of those opened near me but honestly it’s just easier to shop online.
We have a regional chain (Western Canada) called “MemoryExpress” that’s kinda the hard-core techie version of BestBuy; unbeatable selection and prices for certain aspects of tech culture (and utterly ignores other aspects — you want a 7.1 stereo receiver? go to Visions Electronics…).
I still wear ties occasionally, but always to weddings. I’m becoming the rare exception lately.
I’m going to battle through my usual inertia and wrangle myself out of the house for a beer. Friday happy hour after turkey day; who knows what wonders I might behold?
The big pick up night is usually the Wednesday before TG, but it’s still a Friday night.
Open weekend Zoom. Come talk about poop with us
Almost didn’t flush.
We can talk Scheißeporn?
Fuck no.
“Last night I ate my first 3-D constructed steak, made entirely from plants, at the great Chouchou restaurant in Stockholm. It’s astonishing. The texture’s exactly right and the taste is excellent.
This is *before* we have precision fermented proteins, encapsulated fats and heme.”
Toss in a nymphomaniac and you have a Cronenberg movie.
I think Moonbat actually meant “made entirely in plants.”
Yeah, that’s what I want — a steak that depends on the existence of a $100-million-dollar processing plant to create.
And in case Moonbat’s missed it — Buddhist monks have been making faux meat for centuries; it’s called seitan.
It irritates me that there are people as preening and stupid as Moonbat on the planet. It irritates me even more that there are people weak-minded and credulous enough to metaphorically slobber all over this guy’s knob in public. I would totally support Moonbat becoming one of the inputs of the manufacturing plants that create his “steak.”
Wonder if the name is Japanese (butterfly) or also means something in Swedish.
It’s French — means “pet,” roughly, or more colloquially, “sweetheart” or “darling.”
There only seems to be so many sounds in the world.
Do not want. Ever.
You and me both, bro.
For one thing, I don’t believe they’ll ever get the nutritional profile right.
Cattle does it naturally. And we have lots of cattle here in Western Canada.
I prefer my artificial meat to be grown in a lab from stem cells just as Satan intended.
It’s a good idea to stay away from processed foods. This is as processed as you can get. Pass.
Meh, I’d give it a try. It might be tasty, you never know. Imagine if people wouldn’t eat Velveeta because it’s not ‘real cheese’ or Pringles because they’re not real ‘potato chips’…
on second thought you are probably right Velveeta and Pringles are trash.
” Antifa extremists stage plans to burn down Tesla outlets following Twitter bans
‘As revenge for [Elon Musk] suspending violent extremist accounts on Twitter, [Antifa] in Portland are organizing arson attacks on [Tesla] locations tonight,’ reported Ngo, who provided screenshots of the calls to action.”
Just proves him right.
For those of you in the market for an AED for home, americanaed.com is having a Black Friday sale of $250 off with code BFSPECIAL250.
I just picked up a Zoll.
I’m going to let my close neighbors know I have it so they can knock on my door while waiting for the paramedics.