Chaz! Chaz! Chaz!
What a freaking game. What an absolutely great freaking game. JV finally gets a win in the World Series and Pressly threw the first five-out save of his life. Now the series moves back home where the Astros can win it all tomorrow. The Brooklyn Nets are going full retard. And that’s pretty much it for sports. Enjoy the huge Tennessee-Georgia matchup tomorrow and the end of the World Series.
This seems legit. “if you run for office, we’re going to investigate you.” Well at least they could consolidate their fishing expeditions to one boat. Will that save on gas at least?
“Fuck your 1A rights. And your 2A rights as well.” This is absolute bullshit. These people have not been accused of a crime, let alone convicted of one. But I guess their rights aren’t as important as some peoples’ feelings. This judge is an asshole.

“It’s a private company.”
Won’t somebody think of the poor Twitter employees. They can always learn to…oh wait, what else are they qualified to do?
What a boob. Well, a pair of them to be exact. Well, you may not have gotten your food, but you got the attention you ordered. Which is all this is really about.
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! And this is the premier academic institution in the UK? Well, they’re fucked. Also, the dude’s last name is the icing on the cake.

I hope Biden decries this. Or the home of the GOP candidate that got shot into yesterday. But I’m sure he won’t say anything.
Well this is certainly weird. I usually laugh it bizarre reactions like this, but if I were those people, I’d be visiting an ER.
What a strange, strange story. I don’t want to assume anything, but it sure sounds like she went their on her own. I hope she gets the help she needs.
This is for all those Astros haters. Enjoy it even if you don’t care for baseball. And enjoy this masterpiece as well. What a couple of great songs.
Well, that’s it. Enjoy your Friday and have a fantastic weekend, dear friends.
Is it just me, or are the pictures Sloopy’s embedding in the links getting really, really small?
I can fix that.
Thank you.
The general complaint had been that they’re too big, so I went out of my way to make them about 3 lines of text tall. I’ll stretch them out now.Until somebody else complains. Which should be before the end of the morning.
When I’d seen them they were something like 1.5 lines tall, with the caption on one being a vertical column, otherwise I wouldn’t have mentioned it.
Somebody’s a size queen.
Thank you. I’d noticed the tiny illos for a while and just gave up trying to guess what they were.
They were really small for a while, to the point that I couldn’t see what was in the pictures most of the time. FYI I view on a laptop running Windows.
One thing you can do is go to the controls for the illustration, find the Display Settings section, and change Link To from the default “none” to “media file.” That turns the picture into a link to the full size copy in the Media Library.
They always have been on my screen.
Did my embedded Lily vids get tiny? They used to be full sized but the ones I pre-wrote during my trip all look ridiculous when I saw them live.
They were all tiny when I saw them. I wasn’t sure if it was my client or the way the page was laid out.
I had noticed that as well. Even on the phone. I figured it was some action of the block editor.
Yeah, they got tiny. But they blow up when I click them so didn’t matter.
I think it’s some WordPress thingy, just like how the Edit Faerie controls just stopped working one day. WebDom said the highly-customized template we use is very out of date and incompatible with the current version of WordPress. Rather than fix small stuff as it breaks she’s doing a big push to get us on a redesigned website which is also going to fix a lot of those small issues.
Full disclosure and mea culpa: When you first started posting the Lily pics I would downsize them a bit so they didn’t overwhelm the text. But I haven’t messed with your videos, nor do I think anyone else has either.
You are probably our best expert on the block editor at this point. That thing is evil and I hate using it.
Will the update to the new design impact the look and feel a lot?
I have no idea. That’s entirely a WebDom thing.
I probably fret too much over UI changes.
Yeah, I think we can trust WebDom to whip it into proper shape first.
Thanks for the heads up! My site is pretty heavily customized with CSS and stuff to make it more pleasant for all the hours I’m tied here.
“,em>This seems legit. “if you run for office, we’re going to investigate you.” Well at least they could consolidate their fishing expeditions to one boat. Will that save on gas at least?”
An existential threat to democracy! The fucking rabble would vote for him and not for democrats, which means the end of democracy!
“Won’t somebody think of the poor Twitter employees. They can always learn to…oh wait, what else are they qualified to do?”
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women…
No, I don’t think they’re qualified to do that.
At best they can lament.
Elon will hopefully do the first two to them… They deserve it.
“Conan, are you a biologist? You can’t know those wailing are actually women!”
…. Conan looks around at the poncy enemies in question…
“Ja… you haf a point!”
I can see his response being “They are not men.” Whether he means ‘not male’ or ‘not human’ left ambiguous.
“TikToker Polska Babinks alleges she and a female friend were denied entry into a Paris restaurant because they were showing too much cleavage.”
Maybe it was a fancy restaurant?
I couldn’t see a problem
/cleans glasses
Judging by the pictures… no. Jesus, man, get your ceiling fixed. And are those florescent lights over the bar?!
Also judging by the pictures, they’d have to sanitize any chairs she sat in. She’s dressed for the beach, at best. As Rufus noted, she’s wearing slippers.
I’ve seen streetwalkers wearing more.
Go on…
“Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! And this is the premier academic institution in the UK? Well, they’re fucked. Also, the dude’s last name is the icing on the cake.”
Like government bureaucracies, academia is where you go when you want to do destructive, evil, and stupid shit, and avoid the consequences or blame others for the “bad luck” you constantly keep bringing about…
As Donald Trump inches closer to launching another presidential run after the midterm election, Justice Department officials have discussed whether a Trump candidacy would create the need for a special counsel to oversee two sprawling federal investigations related to the former president, sources familiar with the matter tell CNN.
The Justice Department is also staffing up its investigations with experienced prosecutors so it’s ready for any decisions after the midterms, including the potential unprecedented move of indicting a former president.
Sure, indict on trumped up, bullshit charges. But Republicans are the fascists.
Whatever a democrat tells you their political enemies are doing or going to do is precisely what they are doing or going to do.
I think this is a way to forestall any real investigations from congress.
Members of a group accused of voter intimidation have been banned from coming within 75 feet of ballot drop boxes in Arizona, a federal judge has ordered.
The ruling also prohibits members who openly carry firearms or wear visible body armor from coming within 250 feet of ballot boxes.
Show me where in the constitution – oh, fuck it. Never mind.
I feel the same about civilians in body armor as I do cops in it. Sure, you can do it, but is it really necessary?
When has ‘need’ ever been a factor?
True – it isn’t about need at all, it’s about look.
I think it’s a reasonable choice to wear body armor anytime you are carrying a long gun (*Fudds excluded). Common saying: I carry a handgun because I don’t expect trouble. If I was expecting a trouble, I’d be carrying a rifle.
I often carry a long gun when I walk my woods, and it’s not for hunting game. I usually wear body armor around hunting season, and always put armor on my dogs. My neighbor’s two dogs got lose one day, ran into my woods, and surprised a poacher. All my neighbor found was his dog’s bodies. I may not expect trouble, but I’m prepared for it.
If I felt the need to go somewhere urban with an openly carried rifle or shotgun, I’d absolutely be wearing armor too. The real question is why do you need to open carry a long gun? I’ve never been in the position to need to do carry so in public, but I understand why people like Rittenhouse did and others who have had enough.
Pressure cooker environment is going to change that decision calculus quite a bit from even 10 years ago.
I put armor on my dog whenever I see a cop coming down the street.
It’s funny you say that. The cops setup a checkpoint on the road in front of my house about once every couple months. My dogs line up against the fence and watch the cops the whole time. There’s an entire pasture separating the cops from the dogs, but I still get concerned that one of the cops is going to be and asshole and do something stupid.
Related story about asshole cops and that checkpoint. My neighbor across the road got caught at the checkpoint driving with a suspended license. The cops made him pull his car over in the grass about 300 feet from his own driveway. Then they told him they were going to tow his car if he couldn’t find a licensed driver to drive it the 300 feet to the driveway. Asshole cop wouldn’t even do it himself. Neighbor ran to my place and I moved his car the 300 feet.
“Some Vagrant” didn’t pick them off with a rifle?
Power trip. Ugh. This is why the fall out from the shit show that BLM become sucks: thin blue line is cool again.
All my neighbor found was his dog’s bodies.
Oh that would put me on a hunt.
I can also see it to deter antifa or other Democrat backed/affiliated thugs from trying to mess with you. Would unarmed ballot box observers be left alone? I’m skeptical.
The group is also banned from accusing individuals of committing voter fraud solely based on the fact they deposited multiple ballots in a drop box, and from making false claims about Arizona laws that permit people to return ballots in a drop box on another person’s behalf in exceptional circumstances.
Sure, sounds legit.
How do you ban an opinion?
You accuse the people holding it of being worse than Nazis, racists, homophobes, misogynists, and above all, transphobic, and hope anything sticks so the person holding the bad idea is canceled and others learn to not go there?
You just need to prevent them from executing their constitutional rights long enough to “win” the election.
You punish its expression until it is traded in secret on the black marketplace of ideas.
indefinite solitary without charges?
This judge did a 180 on this. And not just to reverse his previous ruling, but to go pretty over the top in the other direction.
Somebody got to him seems the most obvious answer
Sounds like the judge gave Republicans the green light to follow suit.
Ballot boxes are like embassies and have all the protections of the sacred grounds of thr Capitol.
that’s pretty much it for sports
Really? You’re leaving out the group in UEFA League where everyone finished on 8 points and it was all decided on goal difference?
That’s not a real sport.
Or Gauff getting her ass kicked up in Fort Worth again?
I was impressed by that when I saw it.
On a related note, instead of expanding to 48, the World Cup should be expanding to 40 with 5 in each group instead of 4. Top 2 advance.
Makes it harder to advance and slightly less random.
““Fuck your 1A rights. And your 2A rights as well.” This is absolute bullshit. These people have not been accused of a crime, let alone convicted of one. But I guess their rights aren’t as important as some peoples’ feelings. This judge is an asshole.”
Their crime is to interfere with the machinations of the party that KNOWS it needs to cheat in the election to prevent their political opponents from winning and then resorting to exposing the criminality and corruption of the party claiming to be the protectors of democracy.
Fucking banana republic level shit.
It really is banana republic shit, because other countries that allow the ridiculous vote bullshit that we have, are considered illegitimate or at least suspect by us and every other election observer.
Yeah, but what if they dressed in drag and added wigs?
Then they’re being oppressed by bigots, right?
TikToker Polska Babinks alleges she and a female friend were denied entry into a Paris restaurant because they were showing too much cleavage.
This sounds remarkably un-French.
Summon Le Q!
Obs it was anti-Russian prejudice!
““I want to clarify any confusion on where I stand fighting against anti-[Semitism] by apologizing for posting the documentary without context and a factual explanation outlining the specific beliefs in the Documentary I agreed with and disagreed with. I had no intentions to disrespect any Jewish cultural history regarding the Holocaust or perpetuate any hate. I am learning from this unfortunate event and hope we can find understanding between us all. I am no different than any other human being. I am a seeker of truth and knowledge, and I know who I Am.”
Does it have a name?
Found it in another paper:
“Irving posted a link to the Amazon page for the 2018 film ‘Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America’ last week”
Well damn. I was going to make a joke about He’Brew pivoting to making malt liquor, only to find out they permanently closed last year.
In related news, it looks like supply chain issues may also be killing the forty.
That sucks. I didn’t have it often, but every thing of He’brews I tried was decent.
Yeah, I used to get their Uncle Lenny RIPA on a regular basis. As more breweries popped up here, shelf space started becoming a premium, and with the recent… issues… quite a few breweries pulled back on their distribution footprints. So it’s not so strange for me to miss seeing a brewery on the shelf that I had seen regularly before.
/patiently waits for Allagash to start distributing regularly to Ohio again
They mention it:
Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America
Next Glibflick?
Is this the trans thing? I can’t keep up
It didn’t work out so well for Kyle.
But I’m sure he won’t say anything.
Listen, fat. Democrats do not solve political problems with bats, hammers, or guns. Not a joke.
But do they create political problems with bats, hammers, or guns?
Just fire your shotgun off the back porch.
Because hippie, illegal alien Canadians are quintessential patriots…
And how can you call yourself a democracy when you have a group of 1,000 people who storm the United States Capitol, break the windows and doors down, two policemen die as a consequence of it [sic], break through the House and Senate doors and chambers, have people cowering on the floor, threatening to kill people? You saw what happened to Paul Pelosi, in an effort to get to Nancy. Well, guess what? What do they call these guys? What do Trump and all his Trumpies call them? He said they’re “patriots.” No! No! No! No! No! Not a joke! These are “patriots”!
No, it’s not. It’s just a series of lies.
Well at least it’s now 2 police men and not the entire force that died
Won’t someone protect our beloved politicians from the Canadian Republicans?
This is who they are:
“Costantino, who was standing near the stage at the time, said she tried to prevent the protester from moving toward the stage, and that is when she was bitten.
“She just bent over and bit me really hard,” Costantino told ABC 7 Detroit. “I’ve never been bit by an adult in my life or anyone over 5.”
The protester has been identified as a teacher with Dearborn Public Schools, according to ABC 7 Detroit. Her name is not being released because no charges have been filed. However, the incident is under investigation.”
That right there…
Wait…she bit someone but no charges…slow walking that one?
Public School Teacher. They are the new Brahmin caste.
So we’re going to cook them for food?
/too much fallout
+6 Hit Points for 15s, +3 Strength for 2m -150 Starvation
Ooo – No rads, sweet.
Does that mean she turns into a leftie-zombie?
That’s a bit redundant.
Never been bitten by an adult?
I can’t help but bite in certain situations….
Pillows beware?
My view on the folks watching the ballot boxes is they didn’t read the room. This is an administration that pulled out the FACE act from thr dustbin of forgotten law and went after church ladies.
They should have adjusted their planned tactics
I see a bad moon rising. I see trouble on the way!
I see nothing.
Hope you got your things together
Sergeant Shultz, is that you?
The bad moon…
Still wear a mask and condom just to be safe.
Nice timing.
I hope it isn’t cloudy. I should be out on my morning walk during totality.
“ Uranus will also be visible Tuesday, but binoculars and telescopes are encouraged…”
Heh heh heh.
Boob girl appears to be wearing slippers.
So who else has heard the rumor that the reason that undocumented Canadian hippy with sever mental illness was able to circumvent all the security at the Pelosi house- cause admitting he was there for Paul to do some freaky shit isn’t gonna go over well – was that all the FBI and Capitol Police in San Fransicko were involved with investigations on problematic parents challenging their kid’s indoctrination or investigating other citizens for white supremacy terrorism. Anyone else hear this?
The latest theory I read is that he sent the security away so they couldn’t be turned around by the FBI and used against him, a la that chick at the J6 circus who spun a bunch of tales about Donald’s backseat driving.
Speaking of mentally ill, illegal Canadians… It looks like Rufus is back!
Did Trump bail you out?
Sports is infested with stupid woke politics.
I went cold turkey. I don’t know how people can stand all the faux-righteous blathering and virtue-signalling moronity.
It’s not fun anymore.
I watched some hockey last night. I haven’t noticed any overt wokeness for awhile.
The national broadcasters will go into it during lulls of game play. But overall, only when their team organizations are running something do play-by-play or color even go into something other than the gameplay.
On another note Leah Hextall is absolutely grating to listen to and its because she cannot keep up with the pace of the game. “He passed the puck…there is a shot….” it’s like listening to EA sports pre recorded video game play by play
The Wild flirted briefly with a color-chick. It was awful.
One thing that I like about the Browns, is that the majority of the players (including Nick Chubb) have the same thing on the back of their helmets: “Cleveland”.
Ours are all “STOP HATE” or some other vacuous talking point.
Don’t watch the pre or post show on F! and during the race proper they seem to keep things to mostly about the race itself, so not intolerable. Especially after they let the “We race as one!” and “BLM!” crap die down (maybe one benefit to Verstappen domination… they are ignoring Hamilton a bit?)
Now the aforementioned Verstappen domination not making it as much fun anymore… for that I just pick a year in the archives and watch that season afresh.
My poor neighbors – they were getting into Drive To Survive, finished and announced they were finally going to watch a live race broadcast! Cool, cool.
The first F1 race they viewed was this past weekend in Mexico :-/
In today’s environment, I would expect nearly any employer to pursue the same course of action.
Your brain and body are an extension of the corporate brain and body and you are expected to think and act accordingly.
In the NBA you can’t deny concentration camps in Germany eighty years ago, but you have to deny concentration camps in China right now.
“BREAKING NEWS: Republicans drop 1,000-page report saying FBI is ‘rotted at its core’, manipulated domestic violent extremism statistics for political purposes, and deliberately downplayed ‘serious allegations of wrongdoing’ from Hunter Biden”
and nothing else happened.
The machine isn’t going to police itself, brah…
Why? Voter minds are set…drop it after you actually win amd then do nothing. Who runs their strategies?
Republicans will huff and puff about FBI corruption, and do nothing. That’s why they are Republicans.
Here’s how it goes:
Republicans take over congress.
They write a reform bill with the most modest of changes
Democrats call it extreme like we’ve never seen
A handful of “moderate” republicans keep said bill from passing.
Bill fades away with moderate grumbling and grandstanding from a couple senators.
Republicans and democrats quietly pass bill that makes FBI bigger and stronger. And allows more intrusion.
Repeat with almost every scenario.
All while the media completely ignores the whole thing.
Even if the moderate republicans didn’t kill it, wouldn’t it just be vetoed anyway?
Exactly, why aren’t the FBI getting funded tot he tune of $0?
*document drips straight into round bin
If you keep wondering why the left is obsessed with stopping “misinformation” read this. If they controlled “misinformation”, Colbert’s bullshit gaslighting and lying would be the truth.
Apathy and lack of accountability are the twin vipers of our demise.
Good morning, Sloop!
And a good morning to the rest of you lovable scamps and sociopaths!
Oh no, not that. Poor Elon – however will he endure?!?
Lots of bad shit in the lynx today. It really feels like things are about to boil over. Next week is gonna be insane.
But today is still cool. Enjoy, peeps!
Still working on leftover Halloween candy — way to early for Easter!
You have that backwards, he’s giving you Peeps he has left over from Easter so he can get started on Holloween.
We’re winning the sky penis war.
It’s closer to the British base at Dhekelia Cyprus.
It shows America is standing firm against Russia.
Almost related. I carved a penis shaped nose on the pumpkin I was helping my son with. My wife was not amused.
The glue pattern in the dog trailer behind the walls was done by our boys and is in the shape of penises. Boys will be boys it seems
Jack-off-a lantern?
Now that’s thinking outside the barbie
pouchbox…More proof that multiple advanced degrees and certifications does not confer intelligence.
I’ve noticed that the more degrees a person has, the more likely they don’t have general intellect, but a specific proficiency for catering to the proclivities of academia, making them less suitable for anything outside of their narrow sliver (or for anything if their section of academia is already worthless).
You are correct sir.
Piled higher and deeper.
Musk has also promised to loosen rules about what kind of speech is allowed, prompting concerns that the changes could drive away users and advertisers. General Motors announced it would suspend its advertising on the platform.
Republicans buy pickup trucks, too.
Like Government Motors cares, they’ll just apply for another bailout.
The companies that are reducing their advertising spend are doing it because their revenues are in the shitter. They’re just spinning the reason.
The spin they gives says a lot about them too.
This. I’m hearing a lot of companies are cutting back on paid media/advertising. Everyone with a brain is battening down the hatches and cutting expenses. I’ve never met a CFO who didn’t think the marketing and advertising budget was bloated, with no straight line to higher revenues.
As they say in the business, half of all advertising dollars are a total waste, the trick is to figure out which half.
It’ a better investment to blow it on parmesan cheese, hookers, and new laptops, man…
Multiple Fortune 500 companies use the same firm, I can’t remember the name, and the recommended pausing the ad buys.
They handle all the BS associated with buys including pushback. My guess is they said if you want to keep the ad spend going be our guest, but you deal with blowback not us.
Most companies aren’t equipped to deal with that so they paused the buys.
But for MSM it’s easier to say GM cancelled Twitter rather than provide any ******* context and do their job.
Ad buying firm.
Probably these guys
That’s it!
Ukrainian C2 system? Maybe somewhat, supposedly, similar to US system(s)?
Sometimes good old fashioned artillery is what you need.
Trebuchets at 500 paces!
“Pardon me, young woman. Perhaps you were not aware. Les prostitutes all eat lunch at that restaurant around the corner.”
“Ok… that’s where the lez prostitutes eat… but we’re straight!”
That was my thought. The owner doesn’t want his place to turn into a hangout for hookers and johns.
Coworker: “I’m worried about how the Identity Verification efforts will impact [specific user population]”
Project Person: “Can you send me some examples?”
Coworker: *sends spreadsheet with 7,500 users on it*
Me: *tries not to be heard laughing*
(for context, that was only about 2% of the user population inquired about)
Women and minorities hardest hit? (“ID verification is HARD!”/Barbie)
Thing is, given past experience with this user population, their reaction to seeing anychange to the login screen will be to open a ticket and insist the applicaton is “Broken”.
Worse, the general public.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Sock hop! Thanks, Jimbo
Then they grow up to be teenagers…
Chessle 265 (Expert) 5/6
Not bad, process of elimination.
Daily Quordle 284
Chessle 265 (Expert) 4/6
I’ve played the Black side of this on and off. Cost me big time in an open tournament where I had won my first three games and my opponent sprung 3. e4 in round 4. I was totally unprepared and got crushed; wound up with 3.5/5 after drawing in the last round, enough to snag the class A prize and a few bucks.
Ive been experimenting with it at blitz. Dont know it well enough to play it in rapid yet. I consider chess.com rapid as my “official” level. Which isn’t very good. I am bouncing around the low 1200s. Ive been as high as 1279, but can’t get the push past 1300. At 1220 at the moment.
I have heard this is the last common low level plateau, that most people who can push past 1300 move pretty quickly to about 1800. Don’t know if true or not, but it seems to be common.
That was pretty much my progression. First tournament in 1970, emerged with a 1213 USCF rating. By 1972 (when the above tournament took place) I was in the mid 1800s, and have pretty much stayed there since. I played/studied 4 hours a day just to get to that level, the amount of work the top players put in is mind-boggling. Of course you also need to have the innate ability.
He has also said he plans to form a content-moderation council that would include “widely diverse viewpoints”; no changes have been made so far.
This is not the sort of diversity we seek.
It sounds like somebody went a little overboard with the cleaning supplies at that Safeway.
Daily Quordle 284
Found the line.
Daily Quordle 284
Glad you’re walking the line there, Tundra.
Not a bad day (for me) — not Super Fantastico! but tolerable enough:
Daily Duotrigordle #247
Guesses: 35/37
Time: 07:58.59
Daily Quordle 284
Daily Quordle 284
Daily Quordle 284
Should you save a dying person who eats meat? The guy who wrote that dreck is named Dr. Plant? Is this some kind of prank?
Also, The Journal of Controversial Ideas? Sounds interesting actually, they should let Ye pen a few articles.
“I hope you are all Republicans” is no longer a joke.
She can eat at my restaurant anytime.
Friday Funbags.
Huh… from the pictures I was certain you’d complain of the portion sizes.
Martyr Made with some happy thoughts:
The motivation to censor talk about the plague and about Ukraine I can get because obviously the DHS is just another organ whose purpose is to promote The Narrative.
“Racial justice” seems a little vague, though. I wonder what they’re censoring there.
Seems to me that DHS is completely self-assured of their infallibility.
Not surprising, DC is in a groupthink bubble probably unlike any the world has experienced in centuries.
Did you also get stuck in the dryer?
She could always move to Alabama where that kind of thing is tolerated.
If it was good enough for Saddam Hussein and FDR it should be good enough for her.
+500 years of Hapsburgs
I like the “I don’t think he even remembers” line. Sure, your cousin just forgot he used to fuck around with you.
Maybe he realized he fucked up as a youngin full of hormones and has moved on with his life.
Maybe the not remembering is what really gets her. In the scheme of bad things hormonal teens could do, this is pretty low on the you oughtta feel shame for the rest of your life about it scale.
RIP Jerry Lee Lewis
He acknowledges most readers will consider this argument ‘preposterous’.
But he counters that since a year of a person eating meat is roughly equivalent to five years of chickens suffering in abominable conditions, the total ‘negative wellbeing’ created by that person over time is quite large.
According to my model, you’re worth less than a flock of chickens.
Sorry, Dr. Plant, feel free to wear a “do not save me” shirt. I also don’t give a crap about your feelings towards livestock. It exists to be eaten.
*moves chickens to better conditions, awaits different argument from blowhard “ethics” types amounting to the same thing*
We are getting ready to get rid of our latest four chickens as it is approaching winter and they are getting close to 3 years old and not laying much anymore. I’m going to go over to the nice Chinese lady across the street and tell her. She has happily taken care of multiple sets of chicken dispatching for us. I tell her she can have all the meat as chickens that are more than a few months old are really only fit for soup. The first time she did this I also gave her four chickens. She walked to her house and eight minutes later she was back on my porch smiling with a chicken perfectly plucked, cleaned, and quartered, ready to go in the pot. I was astonished at how quick she did it as usually when I have plucked birds I’ve done the boiling pot of water method and she wouldn’t have had time for that.
“I’m not a sex worker. Also not a porn actress.”
Ummm… yeah ya are.
That’s some epic denial going on there.
But she is doing it in a CLASSY way!
12 orgasms a day? Yeah, she’s definitely acting.
Meh, multiple orgasms are possible for women, so I could believe it. Probably not every day… But who knows.
Possible, but every single day? That’s a lot of work for swiftly diminishing returns.
I can see why the party might have a bone or two to pick with OrangeManCheap.
Imagine: A political party spending money on its candidates campaigns. Well I never!
Starting to sweat
The overall battle for the Senate majority continues to be a “Toss Up.” But the range of plausible outcomes now includes a sizable Republican majority: A sweep of the six “Toss Up” races would give the GOP 54 seats.
And if the two parties split the “Toss Up” races evenly, Republicans would still win a one-seat majority in the chamber. Democrats are banking on the power of incumbency and lingering unpopularity of some Republican nominees to overcome an increasingly rough political environment for the party in power.
New Hampshire is one of three Senate races changing in our latest ratings update, in addition to four governor’s races and 13 House races — with almost all of the shifts going in Republicans’ direction. The political environment in the closing days of the race continues to move toward the GOP.
The lingering unpopularity which makes more people likely to vote for them as the days pass?
Translation: “There is still some effect from our constant attack messaging that hasn’t fully faded”
RCP is projecting a 30+ seat swing in the House.
So riots, then?
Mostly peaceful.
Election deniers all?
30+ isnt even a dramatic swing.
I think 30 is the very low end, but could be wrong. But that isn’t really a red wave.
Locally, even the news is questioning if Ryan has a chance to win the Senate race. Ryan finally announced his positions on the two Ohio constitutional amendments being proposed, and said he would vote yes on both. Issue 1 is regarding bail, saying local judges must take public safety into consideration when setting bail (I’m not a fan of any constitutional amendment being something so subjective). Issue 2 is banning localities from allowing illegal immigrants from voting in local elections (they’re already banned from state and national elections). I’ll probably wind up voting yes on issue 2 if I go out and vote.
Completely fucking clueless
Yet he will win a significant portion of the votes here. Scary.
Thank a California transplant he is not your governor already.
WTF? Bulworth lives.
Bravado, false or otherwise
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) remains optimistic that the Democrats will be able to defy the recent wave of enthusiasm for Republicans and maintain their Senate majority, The Associated Press reports.
Schumer believes Democratic candidates will be able to defeat their opponents in the highly contested battleground states and even sees the potential of flipping some seats.
“It’s tight,” Schumer said in the interview with AP. “I believe Democrats will hold the Senate and maybe even pick up seats.”
Schumer’s confident forecast comes as support and enthusiasm for Democrats fall behind a boost in the polls for the GOP. Republicans are benefiting from voters’ high interest in economic concerns and their dissatisfaction with President Biden’s performance. Maintaining control of the Senate has been a steep battle for Democrats from the beginning, and historically the dominant party tends to lose congressional seats in the midterm elections.
Regardless, Schumer is counting on high voter turnout on Tuesday to secure the win for his party and told interviewers that Democrats have advantages in each of the critical battleground states. He emphasized that Democratic candidates are “defying the political environment,” shattering the narrative that Republicans would quickly take control of the Senate.
“Oh, I think we’ll find the votes we need.”
False…as the leading Dem in the Senate he pretty much has to say that kind of bullshit.
Democrats have advantages in each of the critical battleground states
He’s not wrong. Having the folks who count the votes in your pocket is a big advantage.
I dunno.
The president gave me a lot of confidence when he said that the counting could take days and questioning the outcome in any way was deeply wrong.
It is amazing how counting used to be able to be done overnight, but now it takes days.
Well, hand counting paper ballots v. electronic/automated counting . . . no, wait.
My prediction, fell free to mock me next Wednesday:
54 to the GOP on election night, with GA going to runoff. With no motivation to win that seat, Walker wins the runoff handily.
“Election night” may mean 3 days later, but youknowwhatImean.
I have a feeling that the shenanigans to come will dwarf the weeks of “hanging chads” flapdoodle from a couple decades ago.
My prediction for Michigan governor:
Dixon doesn’t get beyond the margin of fraud. Whitmer will be losing on Tuesday night. Vote counting will be paused. Whitmer ends up winning re-election.
👆👆 As a fellow(?) Michiganian this is likely correct.
All votes are ballots. Not all ballots are votes.
He [Schumer] believes his party’s endurance against the odds suggests that voters “are seeing how extreme these Republican candidates are, and they don’t like it. And second, they’re seeing the Democrats are talking to them on issues they care about, and that we’ve accomplished a great deal on things.”
The internet:
Cherelle Griner, the wife of WNBA star Brittney Griner, has spoken out for the first time since a Russian court ruled to uphold the latter’s nine-year prison sentence on drug charges late last month, calling it “absurd.”
During an appearance on ABC’s “The View” on Tuesday, Cherelle Griner blasted the court’s Oct. 25 decision to deny the two-time Olympic gold medalist’s appeal of the sentence, pointing to the apparent discrepancies in Russia’s judicial system.
“Honestly, it was just disheartening. It was a complete disbelief for me. I understand being in the field of law that every state, every country has their own rules, but this is just absurd,” she said.
“The crime and the punishment is disproportionate at its finest. There are people convicted of murder in Russia who [have] a sentence way less than B.G., and it just makes absolutely no sense to me.”
Another Harvard legal scholar?
Are the Russians known for their lenient ten year murder sentences or is she just winging it?
Well I mean their laws really are absurd. She ain’t wrong.
Cracker Jack box degree? Or just one of those that were harmed by affirmative action?
North Carolina Central University School of Law
Among the most prestigious law schools of central North Carolina, no doubt.
Certainly the most prestigious at Central University.
That place kicks the shit out of north central carolina.
The people will have to do their own thing to get justice, because the mandarinate has no intention or desire to hold itself accountable for criminality…
The FBI’s reputation is so damaged at this point they don’t have a reputation to protect anymore. Anyone who expects them to be either competent or moral is a damn fool.
Soap,ballot,jury, which one came next?What could go wrong?
Austria’s government is looking to ban the use of new fossil fuel heaters as of next year and replace very old oil and coal heaters with climate-friendly options by 2025, Euractiv reports.
Austria, like the other EU countries, aims to cut its reliance on Russian gas as soon as possible. The government says that abandoning Russian gas should happen simultaneously with adopting renewable heat options.
The green movement is an anti-humanist/eugenic movement that hides their bloodthirsty want to kill billions of people and force everyone but the elite to live as serfs did in the 18th century while they yuck it up. It’s a wanna-be hereditary aristocratic movement trying to cull the field and create a system that guarantees their hold on power. And the peasants be damned…
The destruction of the Georgia Guidestones was just hiding the evidence.
How many BTUs does a burning politician give off?
My understanding is they suck all the air out of the room.
Or are they self oxidizing?
I think we need a study. With a large sample size. You know, for science.
I’m the President- I can do anything
President Biden on Thursday vowed to “free Iran” during a campaign rally in San Diego, adding that citizens of the country will free themselves soon.
“Don’t worry, we’re gonna free Iran. They’re gonna free themselves pretty soon,” Biden said at a political event for Rep. Mike Levin (D-Calif.).
The president was in San Diego during a swing out West less than a week before the midterm elections.
His comment came as people at the rally held up “free Iran” signs on their phones and an Iranian freedom protest was taking place outside of the event.
Send in the
troopsclown.Great, another ham fisted attempt at being a tough guy. Let’s see if he can set a record for the number of wars started by one president.
Isn’t he still desperately chasing another deal with the mullahs?
The whole article is a steaming pile of bullshit with factually wrong assertions, but this was particularly rich:
I’m confused. If these chicken littles are right, this should be a self-correcting problem. Why fret, just wait for all the vulnerable to die off, the virtuous remnants will be fabulously wealthy given the reduced competition for scarce resources.
Get the jabs until
you dieit kills you.‘What a boob. Well, a pair of them to be exact. Well, you may not have gotten your food, but you got the attention you ordered. Which is all this is really about.’
I’ve heard they’re pretty strict about this, for both sexes.
‘Should you save a dying stranger if you know they eat MEAT? Oxford philosopher controversially argues that it’s ethical to let them die because of the suffering they cause to animals (and he’s not even a vegan!)’
If you really believe all life is sacred, that there is no moral difference between animals and humans, you’re a coward if you don’t follow through… I agree with the philosopher and think you could take it further.
“So what you’re saying is, if I don’t have a problem killing animals for my own benefit, I should have no problem killing people, either?”
It’s an interesting philosophical debate. And one that think there is great deal of variability in libertarian thought.
At one extreme, you have the animals are essentially the same as inanimate objects and things like skinning and then boiling dogs alive at the Chinese Dog Meat Festivals are fine. Personally, I’d consider it a service to humanity to drop firebomb on those festivals. At the other extreme, you get thoughts like this about equality among animal species.
My own view is that I don’t see a fundamental difference between humans and other animals, but rather it’s more a spectrum of intelligence at which the human species sit at the top. We should treat other higher level animals (great apes, etc) with less care than other humans, but more care than lower end species like fish. Animals are to be eaten, but we have a moral duty to cause as little pain and suffering to our food.
The biggest regret I have in my life is when I slipped on dispatching a wonderful loving animal that trusted me but needed to be put down, and I didn’t do it cleanly. I’ve never made that mistake in hesitating again. Heinlein had a good quote about that somewhere.
“When the need arises – and it does – you must be able to shoot your own dog. Don’t farm it out — that doesn’t make it nicer, it makes it worse.”
Thanks, that’s the one.
‘This is for all those Astros haters.’
Best political ad of the season.
Holy Shit!
That’s gold Jerry, GOLD!!
That’s it. It’s done. This endorsement is likely to swing at least 10s of people.
Oprah Winfrey endorses John Fetterman over Dr. Mehmet Oz in high-stakes Pennsylvania Senate race
LOL. Took me a sec to realize what he was going for.
He’s angling for the Methuselah Steelers’ fan vote.
That’s actually Fetterman’s monster, not Fetterman.
You get a Lump, and YOU get a Lump, and YOU get a Lump!
How many lumps do you want?
“Fetterman’s campaign said Winfrey’s support for the Democrat over Oz “speaks volumes.” ”
Yes. It says that Oprah is one of those people who puts team politics ahead of everything, including personal relationships she’s had for decades.
All he needs is one final stroke of assistance to get over the line.
Seamus isn’t too far behind.
“ I’m plus-size — and haters say my tummy looks like a butt in these pants”
Well it does you idiot. Now, who’s gonna hose down Tres?
Come on, that’s got to be a photoshop? Nobody is that fucking retarded.
::realizes she almost certainly lives closer to him than any other Glib::
Not it!!!
Quite the opposite, I should hope that people who like you would tell you not to go out in public wearing something that makes you look terrible.
““Research has shown that access to gender-affirming care improves mental health outcomes for transgender youth, and many major medical associations agree that providing this care is medically necessary.”
You know it’s the correct position when it’s supported by both Teen Vogue and Randi Weingarten.
Funny how the science always seems to align with the $$$$$$ and gender affirming care and lopping off body parts and giving kids puberty blockers aren’t synonymous.
At least they’re making themselves known.
It makes the inevitable purges easier.
I call bullshit on those stat claims. When you have higher suicide rates than even the military where PTSD because of all the woke fucking training is driving people to suicide, you have serious problems, and feeding insanity might make you happy in the moment, but the crazy doesn’t go away.
Where do I get surgery to become the nuclear warhead I identify as, huh?
Get with the program dude, it’s all your fault.
Well, I will compromise. team blue can do this as much as they want to children of team blue parents that approve. If Team red parents say “Fuck, no. Not while they live under my roof,” they respect that as well. Statistically this will eventually end up solving itself as the population with these mental illnesses self immolates.
Post-op, the suicide rate goes Up. Therapty to treat the mental issues without surgical intervention brings the suicide rate down.
access to gender-affirming care improves mental health outcomes for transgender youth
*checks trans suicide rate and compares to average population*
Hm…it seems as if there is a problem with their conclusion.
Yeash. I guess there will be no need for a COVID amnesty in China.
No paywall: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ft.com%2Fcontent%2F77622627-9433-445a-a763-a547b77b58ed
Also, what sort of stupid dumbfuck goes to China right now?
Worth the read. Unfortunately it’s the FT, so blocked from direct link.
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Works for me with this:
Started watching Inside Man on Netflix, because it was done by the co-creator of the awesome Sherlock series. Not a bad premise, good actors, but the execution is incredibly contrived and dumb, right from the beginning. Sherlock it ain’t.
I just started del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities. At least from the first episode, seems a more Lovecraftian twist on the Twilight Zone anthology model.
I watched the first one, too. It was OK, but I thought the ending was lame. Also, a little too on the nose with the social commentary.
That’s it. We wonder whether these people are evil or stupid, but I think it’s mostly stupid.
They are going for the fucking idiot vote.
This just in- Twatter is not a DEMOCRACY!
Fear and dread spread across Twitter Inc offices on Thursday as 7,500 employees from San Francisco to Singapore feared for job cuts that were planned to hit about half of the staff, according to current and former employees and message board posts shared with Reuters.
Since billionaire Elon Musk took over last week, he has kept employees in the dark. He has not addressed the staff or laid out his plans for the future of the company, leaving workers to study message boards, news reports and tweets by Musk and his advisers for clues about their fate, multiple employees said.
Managers have been forbidden from calling team meetings or communicating directly with staff, one senior Twitter employee said.
Twitter did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Employees have largely stopped posting on internal Slack channels for fear of reprisal from new bosses, with many instead taking to venting in encrypted messaging apps and the dedicated Twitter company channel on the app Blind, which provides a space for employees to share information anonymously.
I can’t believe Musk isn’t putting all his plans up for a company wide vote.
The worst sort of spoiled products of the participation trophy and other lefty crazy indoctrination ideas are acting out because they were never told by adults to grow up and shut the fuck up.
is an avid supporter of gender reassignment surgery on children in Arizona.
Now we know why: Her husband profits off it as a therapist “treating” minors who want to transition.
But of course.
How long has this sick tranny shit been going on? Did I just never notice it?
It used to be done in the dark. Now it is out in daylight, and people are realizing what a criminal racket this whole thing is….
I would guess since the T has been added to the QUILTBAG.
The kids thing is recent. I don’t think there were any pediatric gender clinics in the U.S. ten years ago, now there are around fifty.
Using puberty blockers is also new.
This is ironic on many levels.
Germany’s Scholz secures deal for expats in China to use BioNTech vaccine
Germany must have a bunch of old people that are burdensome on their healthcare system that survived the KungFlu death wave they need to get rid off?
The vaccine! The vaccine!
Festival! Festival!
Ask an expert
“At about five people per square meter, any kind of crowd movement can create a crush,” said John Drury, professor of crowd psychology at the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom. “It actually collapses the chest, causes asphyxiation and people can die standing up.”
Based on video he had seen, he said that the situation in Seoul was “a recipe for disaster” because too many people were in the same place making it hard for them to leave, and there was “no single flow of movement because people were trying to do different things.”
Stewards and barricades could have been set up to regulate the inflow of the crowd, said Keith Still, a professor of crowd science at the University of Suffolk in the United Kingdom. “Once you understand the risk, then put the mitigation measures in place to regulate the number of people that flow into that area,” he said.
“Professor of crowd psychology”? Honest injun?
As someone with “personal space issues” it is inconceivable to me that so many people would continue to pack into an already overcrowded area.
Who here is surprised at this finding? I am surprised that there is any positive coverage for team red. Unless kissing the asses of team red sellouts like the 2 asshats that joined the J6 circus is considered positive.
With an honest media and an honest vote, the Democrats could never win an election.
Yes they would. That’s some of the people that live in this country.
Equal coverage to TMITE is “We invited the Democrat candidate to talk shit about his opponent, and found the most offensive things we could pull out of context for the GOP candidate.”
Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake scored a perfect 100% negative coverage.
Even if planning was poor, Haghani said that artificial intelligence-based crowd management tools are available that enable operators to rapidly deploy emergency measures.
“Using real-time CCTV footage, you can determine the mood of the crowd using facial recognition tools and tell when it is getting uncomfortable,” he said. “If somebody has the expertise to interpret these signals, you can then stop the inflow.”
Where is our AI fortune teller?
On those frequent lists of “things Americans do that the rest of the world doesn’t and/or hates Americans for doing,” having a large personal bubble of space is one of them. We’re super-friendly. We’re very helpful. But don’t get in our personal space. At that point, we frost you out.
If I extend my arms and spin about, my fingertips shouldn’t reach you.
If I can hit you with an elbow, you’re waay too close.
So anyone else hear that some FBI informant has made the claim that the day before J6 bomber tape released by the FBI was actually edited to degrade the resolution (make it impossible to recognize the individual involved or look at his phone for info), removed time markers (they can be used to find forensic electronic evidence to narrow down scope), and dropped any details that would allow this person to be recognized by anyone that actually wanted to find the perp? Combined with the fact that this story was buried by the lame stream media which wants to accuse anyone that can be used to paint resistance to the criminal cabal running the country as terrorists, one has to wonder if this was not just the backup operation in case they couldn’t get the actual J6 thing to happen.
Yes. but only conservatives were talking about it.
Haven’t heard that, got a link?
So my publishing partner is writing a book on the erotic in Mormon literature (in which space I used to be kind of a heavy-hitter). My work and thoughts are heavily featured, probably because I’m the most visible and explicit in writing Mormons having sex on the page. It’s a scholarly work, so lots of footnotes and things. I just read the book and am seriously flattered. It will have a readership of about 3 people, but it’s nice to know I contributed something to a field of knowledge, no matter how niche.
You’re Niche Famous!
Very niche, but it’s nice.
That’s pretty damn cool!
I didn’t realize you’re kind of the Larry Flynt of the Mormon world.
With apologetics!
That’s very cool. As you say, very few people care, but personally you can revel in the achievement. I’m the acknowledged world’s expert in one tiny happening in the War for Southern Independence, but it gets me a few handshakes — nothing I can ride around the highways with the top down and three hawt babes hanging off my arm.
If you’re driving, having that arm clung to by three people would soon endanger all of them.
I meant in a limo, with three hawt Q-certified babes with their tops down!
Rock on!
So my publishing partner is writing a book on the erotic in Mormon literature (in which space I used to be kind of a heavy-hitter).
“Saucy Mormons? Aisle three.”