“They are dismantling the sleeping middle class. More and more people are becoming poor. We are their cattle. We are being bred for slavery.”
*Removes hat
If ever a movie predicted the state of current affairs, it was this one. This movie has had such a profound impact on our national conscience. Many people haven’t even seen it, yet they know the references. “I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum….” The “OBEY” sign. On and on this movie created subtle ripples in the national conscience.
You know what though? It got a little hard to get a hold of They Live for years. It was released on DVD in 2012, then stock ran out and it was not reissued on Blu Ray until 2022. Time and sales departments overlooked this film, and streaming services also didn’t have it either. I am hoping a new generation of Glibs will get a chance to watch this. One really nice thing about this copy is it is nice and clean. A new Blu Ray transfer. Even if you saw this movie years ago, it is worth watching again to see what you missed from your poopy VHS or DVD copy.
In case you are the book type, this was based on a short story entitled “Eight O’Clock in the Morning” by Ray Faraday Nelson. The movie is based loosely on this short story so don’t expect a Roddy Piper character.
Now, some things this movie got wrong. Not many, but some:
- In the movie the aliens are Republicans and love free-enterprise. Yet somehow they want to enslave everyone? As we all know now, the aliens are marxists. Just roll with it. The movie is from 1988*.
- It is possible to both chew bubblegum and kickass at the same time.
- The currency says “THIS IS YOUR GOD.” That should have been behind the president or on government pamphlets. The money should have said “THIS IS TOTALLY A VALID CURRENCY” instead just to keep people asleep as to the risks of fiat currency.
What are some other Thanksgiving offerings you could show to the family tonight?
- Thankskilling: It’s by Gravitas Ventures! It must be quality! There’s a sequel, Thankskilling 3. Yes, I have seen both. Got unwanted relatives hanging around late? This solves the problem. Killer turkey kills people. Free streaming for both.
- The Last Thanksgiving: Haven’t seen it. Came out in 2020. Has Linnea Quigley in it though! A family spends Thanksgiving hunting down people who don’t celebrate Thanksgiving. Available for free streaming.
- Don’t feel like hanging around the house? You might still be able to catch a showing of Black Friday (2021) in the theaters. Note that there are a ton of films with that name so do not be deceived. Bruce Campbell is in this particular movie somewhere. Also available for sale via Amazon or the streaming service of your choice.
- Death Toilet 4: Brown Snakes on a Plane: Do you live outside of Canada where you can’t just ask someone to kill you? I have good news! There’s a new Death Toilet! This series is popular enough to have three prequels. Some people love it. I’ll bet your relatives won’t. I can’t even find where you can rent it, buy it, etc… Eventually it will be on Tubi with the other three.
Well folks, I wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving. Even if you aren’t in America. Chances are you aren’t even watching this tonight which is fine. The company that just reissued They Live is a regular content provider on TUBI and the movie is likely to be available for a very long time. I will see you all next week as December begins. It’s Christmas season, so I am putting together a list of wonderful films in the spirit of Christmas.
So watch! Or don’t! Everything is still voluntary…. for now.
*Note: OK, so maybe it was a little true back then that the Republicans were creepy. It was released about a month before the election of Bush I, who ushered in the RINOs. Also – is the timing of the release of They Live suspicious? Designed to help Dukakis? One can only guess. (Tinfoil hat grows three sizes, crinkling intensifies).
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
Fine but I won’t wear the damn glasses.
Put on the Fucking Glasses!
In the movie the aliens are Republicans and love free-enterprise. Yet somehow they want to enslave everyone?
I always noticed this when I saw the movie. I still like the movie though.
Has Linnea Quigley in it though!
She has a boobpedia page.
I’ll be back in a few, and then I’ll dive in.
I think it’s the lazy conflation of conservatism, such as it was, and fascism.
Since the 60’s, the bad guys in Hollywood movies are almost always conservatives — sticking it to the man.
There should be a fan update where all the signs are replaced with FREE SHIT and MASK UP. They wouldn’t have to change anything else.
If any man in Hollywood has the balls to do that, you would hear the clanging in NYC.
I hope everyone is having an excellent Thanksgiving. I also hope nobody bet on NY to win against the Cowboys.
I love the devotion of the Lions fans up here, so sad, so loser.
In TX, we just always expect the Cowboys to lose. It’s a pleasant surprise when they don’t.
Being a GB ran in Raider country was tense to say the least, its hard to be on the losing side
In NY we expect the Giants, Jets, and Bills to lose.
I’m torn between hate-watching NE and tonight’s feature.
I think it’s feature cuz I love this movie.
If there is one team in the NFL that never catches a break on blown call it is Detroit. The officials missed a blatant facemask on the final play. The field goal attempt should have been from 60 and not 45 yards.
But the Lions did have a great 1950’s.
Detroit catches a break
I gotta agree with you there.
I see you’ve been to Cincinnati, too.
Well, lookee here. A link to the short story.
😮 I had no idea.
So much media to consume tonight
I enjoyed the short story. It was very short. Like a Glibs post short.
Yep. Saving for later.
I never noticed Roddy’s character was married.
Found it on tubi – it says “Expiring in 6 days”
Well, that wasn’t there last week.
To be fair, last week it wasn’t expiring in six days.
The black guy sounds like your average Progressive.
Nice. Been meaning to pick this up – glad I waited.
It’s on Shout! I believe.
I don’t know what that is. If it’s on Blu Ray I assume I can pick it up on Amazon?
Shout Factory is a DVD company.
I’m shocked no company has this on streaming. It has at least a cult following.
It’s been on at least one. Titles come and go.
It’s out for sale now on most streaming services.
Good point. It’s a mystery to me how that works.
It is a terrible maze of licensing and distribution. I very much expect it will make the rounds, maybe even onto Netflix and Prime. My assumption at the moment is that Tubi got this early due to their good relations with Shout! Apple now has it for sale so I bought a digital copy today, seeing how Tubi only has it for 6 more days.
If only current crop of Hollywood and the like were generally as gracious.
“A trendy double denim ensemble”?
It’s a denim shirt and blue jeans, for god’s sake. I used to wear that when I had some denim shirts.
I know. It’s Jay’s usual outfit. He actually jokes how unstylish it is.
It’s possible The Fail was making a joke.
I’ve heard it called a “Canadian Tuxedo.”
The Bruce Campbell Black Friday is wonderful. I’m back home, and the holiday Zoom is still running.
Still with the Spaniard. My phone may die soon. May not be able to make it.
No worries man. It’ll be continuing on all weekend.
But, there might be people on the Zoom.
lol that’s a bad thing?
To the progressives who wrote this movie, yes! Dirty breeders!
I don’t see *your* wife knocked up.
Believe me, women are better off without me.
But for those who into that, I support doin’ it.
Kids are the worst.
Other people’s kids are the worst.
I have none. They’re all bad.
My kids finally decided that their childhood wasn’t so bad.
They realized it now that their own kids are almost grown?
Sounds about right.
That’s hilarious.
/puzzled look
It’s more in the sense of breeding workers similar to the old USSR.
Ahh…. the fight scene.
That never ends. Although that is part of the charm.
I’m timing it.
The homage:
That’s amazing. I had no idea.
LOL forgot about that
So SF and not Detroit.
I think ED-209’s real problem was a lack of armor and firepower.
ED-209 sounds like an experimental boner pill.
This could actually have some benefits. Imagine:
Bum is using sidewalk as an al fresco lavatory when Equity Droid 209 shows up.
ED-209: Quit shitting on the sidewalk. You have 20 seconds to comply.
/Bum pinches off his loaf, pulls up pants
ED-209: You have fifteen seconds to comply!
/Bum looks nervous
/Droid riddles bum with slugs, leaves the twitching body on the sidewalk, pour encourager les autres
I daresay that a couple months’ worth of “software glitches” would have all the homeless either begging for institutionalization or heading down the I-5 to LA. Either way, it’s a win for SF.
Except Equity Droid is going to be programmed to ignore bums by scent.
ED-209: person of whiteness, remove yourself from this black space. You have fifteen seconds to comply!
“Hey, what’s wrong baby?”
Good ending.
Classic film.
Le sigh. Here I was, thinking “say, the Pats are looking pretty good”.
Ah, and the Vikes got away with a hold.
Hi, I’m from Cleveland. Let’s talk about teams that sounded good before the season started.
After 20 years of dominance, I’m at peace with the Pats wandering the desert for a bunch of years.
/waits for 20 years of dominance
I’m uncertain that’s a feat that will be repeated. The league is designed for parity.
I don’t want to jinx it, but this is a pretty good football game.
I’ll check in after tonight’s feature.
Unfortunately, I don’t really give a shit who wins or loses.
The musical bumps before the breaks have been great as well; at least when the Pats have the ball – Lemonheads, Cars, etc. Great Boston bands.
I noticed some Buffalo music during one of their games. The producers are clever with that stuff.
It is. Mac Jones seems to be living up to his billing. The defense is not nearly as strong as it was a few weeks ago.
They just flashed up that all 12 scores have either tied the game or taken the lead.
Back and forth, back and forth.
Bah. That missed hold on the Vikes kickoff return looms large.
Thanksgiving PSA.
I thought for sure that would be the William Shatner fried turkey warning.
Thanks, RJ 🙂
I didn’t watch this movie. I watched an old movie with my mom.
All is well.I hope you had a good Thanksgiving!
You too!
I wonder if the original Black Christmas is on streaming?
The 1974 slasher film? It’s part of Glibfick Christmas up after Rare Exports next week.
Your mom wouldn’t like they movie?
She doesn’t like horror or science fiction at all, not even the old classics.
So what did you two watch? My
Mom always wants to watch old Seinfeld episodes with me.
A Streetcar Named Desire
Ah yes, those swarthy Poles stealing all the white women.
I am watching “A Matter of Life or Death” right now. Such a fantastic film.
Stairway to Heaven is better.
My mom loved sci-fi and horror – probably where I got it.
I’m out for the night. Thanks RJ!
I wish Elon would get a really good bodyguard team. I know he’s smart, so I also hope he’s made copies of EVERYTHING.
Twitter users want him to make public the records of Twitter deliberately censoring links to stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop (more importantly, how it implicated Joe Biden before the 2020 election), even after they’d been proven to be true.
There’s zero chance anything really damning was recorded.
No telling. I’ll make popcorn before I read any releases about it.
I have some foil pan jiffy pop I will save for the release.
I have a feeling that all kinds of shit is gonna hit the fan.
Whether that moves the needle meaningfully is anyone’s guess, buy I’m hopeful.
He doesn’t have a giant basket if hope. Twitter staff didn’t know what was on that laptop. At best he will show that the government told Twitter to suppress the story, and Twitter went along with it.
Whatever the truth is, it will be reported only in foreign news sources anyway.
And we’ve all seen “man/woman in the street” interviews and how pig ignorant people are on average, so I doubt there’s much open-mindedness among the citizenry.
As long as Musk can get some of us to Mars the human race can go on without first reverting to horrible living conditions and constant clan warfare.
(Only half kidding)
No wonder the WaPo has been freaking out over Twitter lately
I don’t think they’re that smart. But yes, it will all be downloaded as if it isn’t damning.
Zuck already admitted that the FBI got him to censor shit.
Of course Twitter did too.
The question is, does anybody give a shit.
If I knew it was gonna be this kinda party I’d a stuck my dick in the mashed potatoes!
I meed to find that original Rudy Ray Moore joke. Or maybe it was Leroy and Skillet.
I only know the sample.
Mantan Moreland
Back in the days when people had other people over, had some drinks and whores de overs, and played a “party album”.
Ahh! I should have thought that predated Rudy.
BSUBZ Alert: A minor crack is opening in Earth’s magnetic field, setting the stage for geomagnetic storms and auroras. BsubZ is less than -10 nT. (Nanotesla).
What is BsubZ you ask? Spaceweather has you covered!
Sounds like Space Covid.
Do I need to get a shot and put my cellphone in a galvanized trash can?
Jews did this.
Oh, and TUBI tells me that “They Live” is not available. I dont know if its been censored, or if its my VPN.
However I did watch documentary on Ren & Stimpy, and Weird Al’s “UHF”.
It’s available. Your VPN is taunting you.
To any of you awake and drunk, go to sleep, there is shopping to do on Friday
No there isn’t.
need cat food
Happy African-American Friday
DC schools are still retarded
I look forward to follow up reporting.
“Recreational Laughing-Gas Use Mounts In Europe… Along With Casualties”
People gotta panic about somethin’ I reckon.
+1 ether frolic
It’s morning already and I’m up too early.
No no no, really grovel and give her everything she wants; hell, let her bring her boyfriends over. Maybe she’ll come to appreciate him, it’s a well known fact that women respect men who let them walk all over them. Like the old saying goes, “Nice guys finish first.”
I can’t believe it’s even a question.
This can’t be real:
“Loving her doesn’t make you dumb or a doormat. ”
Uh…. It kinda does.
‘This scenario will continue until she comes to the realization that if she doesn’t immediately get help for her drinking, her marriage is over.’
The marriage should have been over after day 1. Sorry, no do overs on cheating.
Good morning, Sean, Stinky, Roat, and U! Mine has gotten off to a slightly rough start: I had Little Black Cat on my lap while waiting for the coffee to finish brewing. When it was done and I went to put LBC down, he didn’t WANT to get down and sank a claw into the tip of my right index finger, where it got stuck. I had to work it out as if it were a fishhook (but still attached to the cat.) Then I had to go wash my fingertip, apply triple antibiotic, and find the right size bandage to apply – all before I could even pour my coffee. 😒
The day HAS to get better from here, right? Right???
Good morning.
Punt the little shit across the room.
I hate cats now, my neighborhood has a ton of semi fetal cats which one neighbor feeds. Their shit is so disgusting and there’s no way to keep them out of your yard.
Good morning to you, too.
I was up, but watching the soccer. The Welsh keeper went all Harald Schumacher on an Iranian player and got a red card which completely changed the game.
Yeah that was some questionable goalkeeping.
High taxes, oppressive laws, and psychotic turkeys. What’s not to love about NJ?
We never had turkeys gamboling here. I saw the first one in my yard about 10-12 years ago. They were introduced into the southern part of the county a few years earlier. Now they have come to stay, 2 toms and 3 hens now, room and board free, what’s not to like? I did eat wild turkey yesterday (and the store bought stuff too).
The same with Trumpeter Swans, they are nesting locally and not unusual to see/hear them every day in the warmer weather. They are the first birds to return in the spring and the last to fly south in the fall.
Invasive species and out of control!
Do you really need a kill list?
Employees that are thorough and diligent in their planning are hard to find.
That Wal-Mart is about a mile from one of my stores.
Wouldn’t a thorough fella keep the list on them and cross off the names?
Well, sure! That’s Item # 1 in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Mass Shooters.
Maybe the people driving on his lawn and screwing up his grass pushed him over the edge.
Lily abuses Frenchies for some reason. I assume they’re assholes, because Lily has no behavior problems whatsoever.
Today is not off to a great start. Woke up late, got out the door after my ideal time, got about two miles out on city streets and realized I forgot my wallet. My wallet has my badge to get into the building and my ID to get a temporary badge, so I had to go back. Because they were city streets, it took a stupid abount of time to get back to my house and get underway again.
I did make it to my cube before my official start time. The parking lot was empty.
I was waiting for the punchline that you remembered today is a day off.
Sorry you have to work.
I deliberately work the day after thanksgiving because most people don’t.
It’s reliably quiet most years.
I do that between Xmas and New Years.
Not that I have much choice when several rungs of bosses are always taking those days off, but I do enjoy those quiet days.
Morning GT, Sean, Stinky, Roat, and UCS,
Too early for the cat business, GT, but now is the coffee hour, sans cat.
Got the fires going, 1/2 a cuppa already gone. Up for the day. Should be a day off for all. I heaped up the wood box and took the trash out yesterday, no snow to shovel, I’ll have a holiday too.
Good morning, 4(20)! I’m finally enjoying my coffee in peace. LBC COULD have gotten some more lap time, but now he’s nowhere to be seen. 🙄 I suppose I could have taken today off, but I have no interest in going shopping today. It should be very peaceful in our almost empty office.
Sounds peaceful.
Now that I’ve settled into the office, it could be quiet. Monday won’t be.
Good Morning:
If you are going shopping, good luck.
I’m torn on going out and about to do some retail shopping today.
We are going grocery shopping, but I’m talking black Friday stuff. And NICS/PICS checks are sure to be a shit show.
If you go out, you will be torn (apart).
Do you need an intervention?
We have to do it remotely, I think he’s armed.
Unless you’re a man of patience don’t go! Shopping is a pain on regular days. Stay home, watch the frenzy on TV (maybe even a few killings of and by the more frustrated).
I’m taking the car in to have the seat belt replaced.
“Do you have anything in gold-trimmed paisley?”
I realized this morning that I never looked for my corkscrew. I was planning to have the bottle of mead Kinnath gave me with thanksgiving, but that was such a disjointed day that I wholly forgot about it.
I also haven’t made the stuffing yet. At least I’ve got leftover turkey roast.
Now you can enjoy the mead tonight without having to worry about working the next day!
I still don’t know where my corkscrew is. 🙁
I forgot the Mead!
Damn it!
Good morning anyway everybody.
Morning, Yusef
I can only hope that Kinnath is not reading about your forgetfulness, for your sake.
It’s not like I lost the bottle, it’s still in my fridge.
My bottles are still in a cool dark place,
I can’t believe no one woke up at home yet …
Planning a hike/scouting mission this morning. Going to see if there are any good camping spots at a presence near here.
I woke up at home, as a mtter of fact I’m still here.
You really did forget the mead.
They woke up at someone else’s place?
camping? why do that to yourself
He’s inflicting ‘character’ on others.
Howdy, its still a workday, carry on.
This is funny,
Daily Quordle 305