That’s how we feel too, John.
Man arrested after he allegedly masturbates on JetBlue flight from NYC
A man flying JetBlue from Kennedy Airport to Detroit was arrested Monday afternoon after he allegedly masturbated on the two-hour flight.
The disturbing incident was reported by WJBK-TV after the station’s assignment editor was also on board Flight 1019.
“There was chatter what had happened when we were on the plane,” FOX 2’s Chris Farina said. “The talk was he exposed himself and now find out it was a little more than that.”
Crew members were notified about an” incident involving potentially inappropriate behavior by a customer” and moved passengers sitting near him away from the jerk, the airline said in a statement to The Post.
The unidentified suspect was slapped with federal misdemeanor disorderly conduct charges as soon as the plane touched down, according to the Fox affiliate.
“Three Metro Airport police officers boarded the plane and within seconds, they were escorting a guy off the plane,” Farina said.

“I two hand have. Me statesman.”
How Online Mobs Act Like Flocks Of Birds
You’ve probably seen it: a flock of starlings pulsing in the evening sky, swirling this way and that, feinting right, veering left. The flock gets denser, then sparser; it moves faster, then slower; it flies in a beautiful, chaotic concert, as if guided by a secret rhythm.
Biology has a word for this undulating dance: “murmuration.” In a murmuration, each bird sees, on average, the seven birds nearest it and adjusts its own behavior in response. If its nearest neighbors move left, the bird usually moves left. If they move right, the bird usually moves right. The bird does not know the flock’s ultimate destination and can make no radical change to the whole. But each of these birds’ small alterations, when occurring in rapid sequence, shift the course of the whole, creating mesmerizing patterns. We cannot quite understand it, but we are awed by it. It is a logic that emerges from — is an embodiment of — the network. The behavior is determined by the structure of the network, which shapes the behavior of the network, which shapes the structure, and so on. The stimulus — or information — passes from one organism to the next through this chain of connections.
While much is still mysterious and debated about the workings of murmurations, computational biologists and computer scientists who study them describe what is happening as “the rapid transmission of local behavioral response to neighbors.” Each animal is a node in a system of influence, with the capacity to affect the behavior of its neighbors. Scientists call this process, in which groups of disparate organisms move as a cohesive unit, collective behavior. The behavior is derived from the relationship of individual entities to each other, yet only by widening the aperture beyond individuals do we see the entirety of the dynamic.

“John! John!” the photographer yelled. “Show us pensive!”
Song: “Still in Hollywood”
Artist: Concrete Blonde
Album: Concrete Blonde (1986)
I was walkin’ down the street early this morning
Past the graveyard voices callin’ to me.
I was walkin’ down the street, early this morning
And the silver drops of rain hung from the trees.
And I swear I heard the voices singin’ to me
Singin’ to the rhythm of the beat of my feet,
I swear I heard the voices singin’ to me,
Keep on, keep on, keep on.
I’m still in Hollywood!
Oh WOW! Thought I’d be out of here by now.
Still in Hollywood!
My, my I’m runnin’ on a wheel and I don’t know why
I don’t know why. Don’t know why.
And on the bus today, I met the Queen of L.A.
At least she said she was and who am I to say?
She was sixty-five and full of life,
She had purple-painted cheeks
And glitter on her eyes
And the troll on the corner, I flipped him a quarter
And he looked at me and smiled.
He wasn’t abused, he wasn’t confused,
He had nothing to gain and less to lose.
I’m still in Hollywood!
Oh WOW! Thought I’d be out of here by now.
Still in Hollywood!
My, my I’m runnin’ on a wheel and I don’t know why
Still in Hollywood!
Oh WOW! Thought I’d be out of here by now.
Still in Hollywood!
I’m running on a wheel
and I don’t know don’t know don’t know why.
And so it’s three A.M., I’m out walkin’ again.
I’m just a spot on the sidewalk in a city of sin.
He doesn’t give a fuck, he’s living under a truck.
You know it coulda been me, guess it’s just my luck.
But I swear I hear the sidewalk talkin’ to me,
Singin’ to the rhythm of the beat of my feet,
And I swear I hear the sidewalk singin’ to me,
Keep on, keep on, keep on.
I’m still in Hollywood!
Oh WOW! Thought I’d be out of here by now.
Still in Hollywood!
My, my I’m runnin’ on a wheel and I don’t know why
Still in Hollywood!
So this asshole for at least six years?
Not if he has another stroke and dies.
I mean if they are going to elect some brain damaged person who has never contributed anything to society, couldn’t at least be some hot IG influencer?
Probably his wife. He’ll be out in six months.
Does he even own a suit?
The outsize hoodie is good for hiding the Lump and his moobs.
…or maybe Lump gets cold easily.
It congeals when cold.
Checks out.
That is how they eventually defeated the Blob
He wore a suit for the debate, it didn’t help.
Something helped.
Maybe it was the appeal of a low IQ.
It was literally the D after his name. You could nominate a not particularly bright Corgi as the D candidate, and it would have won.
And been nearly the best Senator by a huge margin, IMO.
And all the votes were already counted by then.
I was thinking of having my cat run for office. He just has to run as a Democat in order to paw his way into office. The trouble is that he is kneady and a groomer…
Ds are fine with groomers.
It would be a cat-tastrophe
The sex claws in the social contract.
A cat named Bill
I’d vote for Not Particularly Bright Corgi. At least I know where NPBC stands on the issues, and I know she wants is to please me.
Semi Bright Border Collie.
My wife was apoplectic last night. “How could ANYONE v I te forbthis tjong?”
He does. He looks like Frankenstein’s Monster in it. Truly bad.
The comparison to Peter Boyle in “Young Frankenstein” was truly apt.
“Putting on the Riiiiiiitz!”
Likely we’ll get Mrs Fetterman appointed as his replacement sooner (resignation) or later (stroke). The big question is will the Lump migrate to Gisele?
I wouldn’t bet on that, PA has plenty of other ambitious Democrats.
The appointment part, or the migration part?
Does Lump control Fetterthing or does Fetterthing control Lump?
The Lump controls all voters in PA.
Geez, nature is sick.
Breast cancer?
“It’s not a tuhma!”
What’s the over/under on this race getting the Trump acolytes to think twice for the next election?
No Trump, no Trump minions.
Power hungry strivers will still be power hungry.
So is Democracy safe again?
No. It’s lying in a shallow grave, waiting to be buried alive.
Nope. Those evil Republicans might barely take the House, and then it’ll be the Handsmaid Tale or fascism breaking out.
/my wife
I read the wikipedia history of the book.
Other than hand waving, i would love to see an coherent explanation of how it could be.
Canadian Baptists.
Still waiting for confirmation. Remain in your homes until further notice. We will let you know when you can come out and whether you should celebrate or be mostly peaceful.
Yes, it’s very safe.
Sure – it’s still the worst and least stable form of government government ever invented.
So you’re saying murmuration isn’t stochastic?
Didn’t Stochastic Murmuration open for Porcupine Tree at CBGB’s that one time.
New HVAC installed and running. Running the AC in November is weird, but it is cooling much better than the old one.
Did you go with the HE?
Conventional. Even with huge tax breaks, geothermal doesn’t make sense. That, and they would have destroyed my back yard digging 6 or 7 vertical wells to put in the loops. And even then, a conventional heat source is needed for the coldest days.
I’m still fucking with the four 500′ strips they dug up in my yard for my GT system.
It runs significantly cheaper though.
I guess they were 500′ loops, so 250′ strips.
I seem to recall that flock of birds (or school of fish) behavior is like only 3 or 4 equations at each node, but massively parallel.
Jules : You, flock of seagulls, you know why we’re here?
Because they ran so far away?
I’m giving you credit for not posting a music link.
Yeah, nearest-neighbor systems (aka cellular automata) were kind of a fad for research back in the 90s. I haven’t heard much about them recently.
It’s a true shame that Concrete Blonde’s biggest song is the horrible Joey.
Still in Hollywood is fucking great. Thanks, Sug!
Bloodletting has grown on me over the years. “Joey” is tedious, though.
Mexican Moon has always been a favorite. I saw her in a small record shop once, tiny and quite beautiful at the time.
Joey isn’t great but man, her vocal work on the chorus is fantastic.
I also dig women who play bass guitar.
’cause they’re awesome?
I heart Kim Gordon
And Melissa.
Not bad, little ‘on the nose’ for the style though.
Meh, lacks heart.
She’s the coolest.
No love for the girls playing stand up bass?
I stand by my assessment. Cool riffs and droning lyrics may make somewhat interesting music but it just ain’t got that ‘thing’.
And those cars, too.
it just ain’t got that ‘thing’.
Fair enough.
Sonic Youth is definitely not everyone’s thing. I will say that they are a band that I like more today than 20 years ago.
They’re weird – I can’t get into most of their albums but Daydream Nation is flat-out brilliant from beginning to end.
@rhywun I understand.
One of my good friends (and former boss) and I talk about this all the time. He divides pop music into two wings: Beatles and Velvet Underground.
It doesn’t matter, but it has sparked many, many years of fun discussions/arguments. Sonic Youth definitely falls into the VU wing. I was always more into the melodic Beatles wing. Most punk bands, we both agreed, were more from the Beatles.
When you look at GbV and a lot of the Matador label, they definitely pull from both. It took me some time to appreciate the VU and its spawn, but I definitely get it now.
Great links and music link SF. I really dig Johnette’s voice. Their newer work is still good. Her voice is even more deep and grizzled, but soulful.
Group Therapy was a very introspective record, but the progression of the members as musicians is very easy to see.
So the crypto markets apparently wanted a red wave.
Makes sense but would be irrelevant to the inevitable that it will eventually become regulated.
Weather to GCN airport was terrible. The 4 hour drive for 30 minutes of maintenence is absolutely a waste of time. At least I was able to get my badge to drive on the field and not feel too unproductive
I watched Bride of Frankenstein last night. Fetterman strikes me as a slightly less eloquent version of the monster.
Yes. He is.
This is correct.
That’s why I have been calling him Fetterstein.
That’s actually Fetterstein’s monster.
Does that mean he’s better in the sack than average?
If that guy had just shit in the aisle, everything would have been fine. Masturbation is just a step too far.
In LA, you are free to jerk off on sidewalks outside of business. Can’t find the story right now.
That guy was truly delighting in himself.
If he had just waited until he was over LAX…
Aren’t we all over LAX?
I’ll never get over LAX
Talking in circles again. Hour and a half past the end of the workday. Talking in circles again.
The design changed, but no one can figure out which is the current design.
Talking in circles…
I fucking hate meetings.
We should get together and release the app I want to develop called “conference call disruptor.” Basically a sound board of things like loud static, loud indistinct voices, dogs barking, toilets flushing. We could make $100 or more!
Remember, with a Zoom call you can have technical difficulties at any time. If it’s a live meeting, you may have to feign a heart attack.
That just results in having the same meeting again later.
oh fer fuck’s sake, this was scheduled as a half hour meeting, and it’s still going on.
Irish goodbye FTW.
drunkenly headbutt someone in the nose?
We’ve got a guy that always worked early, 6-3. And people kept scheduling late meetings. So now he works full time remote … from Utah. From his point of view, still 6-3, but no more late meetings.
Sooo, Biden and Fetterman. Are there any elected Republican politicians in DC who are obviously and literally brain damaged, or is this a D only thing?
Herschel Walker may still win, so …
Maybe he can join up with Fetterman to create the Retard Caucus.
Or the Horse Caucus.
“We may not make a university student out of him,” he told the jury, “but if we can teach him to read and write, maybe he can work at the post office rather than as a garbageman when he gets through with his athletic career.”
That isn’t specifically about Walker, but that was a quote from uga’s lawyer during the Jan Kemp trial, about a hypothetical player, roughly during the time Walker was at uga.
Here is her NYT obituary, with details. It actually aligns with the time Walker was at uga. Whether he was one of the nine players or not is another issue.
McCain served for a lot of years with real brain damage.
Graham may have a brain even if he has no spine.
But it’s a tiny little cunning lizard brain.
a flock of starlings pulsing in the evening sky, swirling this way and that, feinting right, veering left. The flock gets denser, then sparser; it moves faster, then slower; it flies in a beautiful, chaotic concert, as if guided by a secret rhythm.
See, also: investors
OK – I laughed.
Guess this will be his last kid.
Legitimately funny shit. I guess it’s a boy.
A man flying JetBlue from Kennedy Airport to Detroit was arrested Monday afternoon after he allegedly masturbated on the two-hour flight.
What a dick.
JetBlue? I may have to give him a break. You have to do something to make their trips tolerable.
If it’s anything like flying Allegient, he should get an award for being able to get it up.
What a sad experience.
It is not.
I’m surprised they didn’t charge him for the privilege.
He just wanted to join the Half-a-Mile High club.
Come on guys.
Apparently everyone moved away from him, so I don’t think he did.
Swiss is going to beat you for that.
Eh, just a few strokes.
Swiss is a great guy, but he never lets you finish.
This is my only vote from yesterday that “won.”
Question 3 fails, signaling a win for chain liquor retailers and a loss for package stores
Question 3 was a desperate measure by package stores to try to stop chain liquor retailers from edging them out of the market.
Increased the total number of alcohol licenses a single retailer can have in the state from nine to 12 in 2023, up to 15 in 2027, and finally up to 18 in 2031. These new limits would have been a combined tally for two types of retail alcohol licenses: “all-alcohol” and “wines and malt beverages.”
Reduced the number of “all-alcohol” licenses a single company can hold in the state from nine to seven. Retailers that currently hold more than seven “all-alcohol” licenses would have been grandfathered in.
I’m looking forward to the new fascist regime of Maura Healey…. Charlie Baker may have chastised us with whips, and it appears to me that she will chastise us with scorpions. It should be quite the ride.
Question 1 passed.
“Brought to you by the Florida Association of Realtors”
Ah shit. I thought that failed. Just a giveaway to rich people.. Why not exempt my new roof from taxation too? It helps prevent storm damage.
I was referring Mass Question 1, which takes us from a flat 5.5% state income tax to 9.5% on income above a million dollars.
The “drive high-earners from the state” proposal.
Thus, my crack about Florida realtors. New Hampshire realtors are also probably pretty happy about it.
No ballot items here this year which is good because they tend to be “borrow more money or you hate children”.
I choose “hate children.” Keep your mitts off my cash, slaver!
DeSantis apparently had long coat-tails in Florida (this sorta came up earlier today).
Yeah, he definitely set the tone down there.
And all these righties saying he should tone down the culture war shit look stupid today.
No one gave a fuck about 2020. Which actually makes a lot of sense.
He won 62 of 67 counties in Florida. The ones he lost:
Broward (longtime lefty stronghold)
Orange (Disney and a bunch of Puerto Ricans)
Leon and Alachua (college towns)
Gadsden (FL’s only majority-black county)
So DeSantis’ brand as a bulwark against nannyism plays well in Pembroke Pines, Pinellas Park, Palatka, and Pensacola. But will it play in the proverbial Peoria?
My hope is that Republican primary voters, tired of Donny Two-Scoop’s schtick, ditch him for Dino. My fear is that, having been rejected by the Rs, Trump goes full Perot and runs as an independent, handing the ’24 election to the donks.
I said that same thing. Trump will run as an independent. He has a huge war chest of money to do it with.
He has better things to do with that money that waste it on a political campaign he can’t win (and even if he could, the consequences would be even more govt paralysis than his first go’round).
The Donald’s guys lost a few big races, but he endorsed a lot of other candidates and today he’s touting his great record. So he’s not crawling away any time soon.
DeSantis is a carnival barker like all the other politicians on TV yesterday. But unlike the other carnies, he does bark about things people care about.
As far as I can tell he actually dies a decent job if running the states government too. Didn’t hear the Dems crying about the hurricane response, so I assume he knocked it out of the park there.
They’ve got the Ruskies on the run!
The Russian Defense Ministry said Wednesday it was withdrawing its forces over the Dnipro River in southern Ukraine’s Kherson region, abandoning the only Ukrainian regional capital to have been captured since Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine earlier this year.
The withdrawal announcement was made by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and General Sergei Surovikin, the commander of Russia’s forces in Ukraine.
“The decision to defend on the left bank of the Dnipro is not easy, but at the same time we will save the lives of our military personnel and the combat capability of our forces,” Surovikin said in a clip aired on state television.
But it is just a strategic withdrawal.
Gerrymandering is ok when Dems do it.
The Associated Press projects that Rep. Mayra Flores, the first Mexico-born congresswoman, has been unseated by her Democratic opponent, Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, concluding a short tenure in the House that follows a high-profile special election victory in June. …
Despite Flores’ win earlier this year, the newly elected congresswoman was in for an uphill battle to hold onto her seat since day one, as her district was redrawn to include greater swaths of Democrat-voting San Antonio.
In Flores’ special election race, the congresswoman ran under previous district lines where Biden won by +4 percentage points in 2020, however under new district lines, the +16 Biden district is far more friendly to Democrats than before.
I don’t think Dems did the TX gerrymander.
How exactly did Democrats draw Texas house districts?
So the Republicans were actually stupid enough to gerrymander themselves out of a seat?
Seems about right.
They are just compensating for the super gerrymandering of Republicans.
I like the alt-text.
The AP is now showing the GA Senate races as a run off.
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you.
So Dems keep control of the senate.
Don’t know
They do if Warnock wins the runoff.
Is there really any doubt? The Dems control the large population urban areas and won’t hesitate to do whatever they need to to ensure they maintain power.
Obligatory reminder and link for Glibs Humpday Zoom, which kicks off at 8:00 PM Eastern. This is a pre-scheduled, self-running Zoom without human moderation. You may have to login to your personal Zoom account thingy (free) to gain access.
Thanks, WebDom, for setting this up, and for everything else you do for us.
Full house standby generators. Any suggestion for which brands to get or to avoid?
Neighbor’s been pretty satisfied with his Generac. He’s got a big set-up for a huge house.
But I think it kinda depends on how much juice you think you need and what fuel you’re going to run it on.
We’ve got a 17kw Generac/Honeywell (bought from Costco – in Delaware back when the fuel cost was outweighed by the sales tax avoidance); already had the propane so that wasn’t an issue.
Find Scruffy. He knows a lot about those.
We’ve got a Kohler 14KW propane with automatic transfer switch. Works well for us. The transfer switch is rated for utility amperage, so utility and generator feed into the switch, and that feeds the main household breaker panel.
Generacs use Briggs and Stratton engines, I think, if you have a preference there. I do, hence the Kohler.
I looked into Generac. The bid was about $10k, but that was fiveish years ago so price has probably gone up a bit. Plus another few thousand to buy a propane pig, pad, and gas. Natural gas would be easier and cheaper, but I’m more hesitant on it’s supply reliability after seeing what happened in Texas.
It’s about triple the cost, but I’m now leaning toward solar on the roof and a Powerwall instead. Solar doesn’t make fiscal sense where I live, but neither does a full house standby generator. The point of either is insurance, not ROI. I’m increasingly seeing solar and a battery storage as insurance against an unstable energy supply.
Keep in mind that the battery is only good for seven to ten years.
Buy a Winco
I’ve sold, rented, and repaired generators for twenty years.
Looks a bit pricy.
You get what you pay for.
A significant portion of the cost of a generator is the copper in the windings and the insulation of the same. Lighter gauge windings heat up faster and the cheaper insulation tends to melt, leaving you with a a pricey boat anchor.
Guess where the less expensive brands save money.
I have portable Wincos with over 3000 hours on them. It doesn’t get any better than that.
Can you recommend a dealer and installer for Iowa?
Remind me tomorrow and I’ll get a rec for you.
I will. I need installation and long term service.
“And with this race call, every single Republican who won their primary with help from Democratic meddling has lost in the general election.”
Big if true.
Oh it’s true, certainly at the federal level. It was a very effective strategy.
A strategy aided and abetted by Trump.
Kind of. If you dig around – Trump certainly endorsed them, did personal meetings… Bit hardly any monetary support. He left the Republican organization to do that. Hence McConnell’s anger over candidate quality and support. Which was legitimate for once. Trump saved all his money for his presidential run. As a Republican, or as an independent.
Please don’t take that as an endorsement of cocaine Mitch. I am not a fan. But I definitely now understand his irritation .
That’s not the first I’ve seen this today. Looks like it’s true.
And it can never work in reverse. There’s no one so terrible, brain-damaged, corrupt, racist or rape-y to lose the Democratic vote.
I’ve said it before, you could run Hitler in AOC’s district and as long as he was on the ballot as a D, he’d win.
NH Updates: NH State Senate stays Republican, 14-10. Two NHLA endorsed candidates, Keith Murphy and Howard Pearl (Full disclosure: I’ve donated to Keith Murphy’s campaign and patronized his businesses), won.
Preliminary results show Republicans will hold the NH House – 203 to 197. My source says there will be recounts which could change those numbers.
Executive council stays Republican – Three Republicans have won, One Democrat has one, one race still counting but it looks like the Republican will win at this point.
New Hampshire’s House has 400 members?
Yes. There must be between 375 and 400 representatives.
The three “state questions” seem to be on track to fail to pass in Nevada. Huzzah for not handing more time/ money to govt!
I’m glad your husband was able to get the griddle Hayeks. It was a steal of a deal. I just finished setting mine up today and plan to break it in Saturday night with smashburgers.
You already seasoned it? You definitely want to do that before cooking meat (given the difference in how that polymerizes).
All four state and locals passed in NY with enormous margins. One is a big pile of graft money for the “green” outfits, the rest set up a “diversity” framework with an eye toward reparations would be my guess, in addition to the expected graft.
This is my shocked face.
We had a bond measure that is ostensibly for schools/fire/parks/etc. that passed with 75% support in my locality. I voted against it because fuck you, use the money you get from taxation and don’t incur more debt.
Doesn’t seem that way…unless I’m missing something?
“A massively inconvenient truth for lockdown fanatics. As of reporting date June 19th 2022, of all the countries analysed by the OECD, Sweden (who rejected lockdowns and school closures) has the lowest overall cumulative excess deaths total over the pandemic period.”
The world shrugs and moves on to the next shiny object.
Chrome plated Fetterlump?
Feature role in the next Mad Max?
Wasn’t there a quote circulating recently that had Trump c. 2020 excoriating Sweden for not doing lockdowns?
At the time they were relative to other countries. In this way, it’s a bit out of context. I think Trump felt he had to buy in to the health “experts” at first because a global pandemic was out of his wheelhouse.
Well, that’s how Trump fucked up his presidency listening to his health “experts.” And no, Sweden was never worse than Italy, Spain, UK, France, NY, NJ or MA.
Just like he got rolled up by the national security experts. For all his bluster he has no conviction (which for a con artist probably makes sense).
This is an excellent reminder.
I think after yesterday we can officially say not enough people care and the lockdown fanatics will do it again. Get ready for climate lockdowns.
We’re just outliers on the political curve of life I’m afraid. Coming here often tends to obscure that fact.
Yeah, every once in while I get yanked back into reality by an offhand comment from a coworker or something.
Thank God politics are by some unspoken agreement just not talked about at work or I’d probably pop a blood vessel.
Get ready for climate lockdowns.
Someone is going to put their life on the line for that.
I used to believe that.
I’ve been thinking about that. I’m not convinced it will fly this time.
But I’ve been really wrong a lot over the last few years. It just strikes me that when you’ve already been exposed, doubling down seems like a bad strategy.
I hope you’re right and I’m wrong.
Me too, but I fear I’m whistling past the graveyard!
15 minute video on guns in the Czech Republic.
I need to go there.
We were supposed to go in 2020 but the ‘vid killed that trip.
I want to go and shoot guns with those cool people. Thanks, DEG!
One final pepper picking.
The Krakens came through in the end, and the cappuccino scorpions too.
Frost is coming.
Watch whom you choose in primaries. In PA, Shapiro spent money on ads promoting Mastriano as a tool of Trump. So the Trumpers voted for him in the primary.
In the general, Shapiro thumped Mastriano, a terrible candidate and statist pig. To make it worse, Mastriano is a hard-core pro-lifer – even if your brother rapes and impregnates you, you don’t rate an abortion. Now PA is bluer than ever, with the Legislature probably flipping to the Dems (not that solid GOP control stopped Gauleiter Wolf’s agenda). Abortion rights were a big swing issue, as most voters realized state legislators couldn’t do much about inflation. We will see if PA Senate, still 28-22 GOP, can hang on.
Seems oddly specific. Is impregnation by brother rape a particular problem in PA?
It is if you’re Fetterman’s sister.
A dark money pac ran emotional ads about a 13 y.o. being raped (didn’t mention incest) and not being able to get an abortion.
Lumpy Fettersquatch!
I’ve got to admit that I never payed any attention to Mehmet Oz. But he must have been a REALLY bad candidate. I mean the one time that I did pay a few minutes attention to selected footage of that Oz and Fettersquatch debate, it was like:
I support fracking. I support fracking…, no… I support fracking. Jeebus that dude cannot even talk, he’s all sorts of fucked up. Besides being a lie right in your face sociopath on a democrat level.
I guess according to that guy who used to a a ‘shock jock’, whathefuck is his name? Weird Al or something. He says that Walker in GA is like the freaking antichrist or worse. Is that really true, because I never paid attention to him either? I mean Warnock seems to not be anything special, maybe just that he’s somewhat better that Abrams on a likeability scale or something.
Fetterman looks like the bad guy from Plan 9 from Outer Space and he sounds like a less intelligent Porky Pig. Six years of that douchebag is gonna be rough but at least I don’t live in Pa.
Guess what, SW, Fetterman isn’t making laws just for PA. If he cancels out Manchin, then he’s lurching for you too.
Ugh, I’m well aware.
The mailman got the check, it’s on its way.
I wasn’t ever going to live in PA anyway because of the taxes. But add to that the possibility that one day you look out your kitchen window and the Lumpy Fettersquatch is lumbering through your front yard, yeesh, that is nightmarish stuff alone. Add to that that over 50% of people in PA were stupid enough to vote for that, deal breaker!
Are you calling Howard Stern Weird Al? That hurts me in my soul. Weird Al actually has talent.
Ryan Saavedra blaming the Libertarians in Georgia for costing Walker the seat. (LP candidate had 2.0% of the vote)
It’s always our fault.
You and your libertarian moment!
Who knew we had so much power?
Don’t forget we get blamed for every evil thing the Republicans do and we are considered an enemy the FBI must investigate.
“the FBI must investigate”
It’s your fault for having a Ron Paul bumpersticker and more than 7 days of canned foods.
Horseshit. The LP just forced a runoff that Walker could win.
Like I said, the dems will be camped out in GA now with their full cheat force in tow. Dumptruck loads of ballots will be showing up from Philly any time now. Good thing for them that fatass Abrams has lots of time on her her hands now.
Finally got to read todays issue of Joemala.
Wonderfully disturbing.
Particularly smoky pork chops cooked indoors. I may have to evacuate for the Zoom.
Bah, server errors
Shorter version of my comment: The abortion fanatics can go to hell. I don’t care anymore.
Moar dead babies!!!!!!!
Obligatory music link:
This is the one…
The obsession with being able to get an abortion has poisoned the minds and souls of countless people. If this is the cost of it, then maybe it should go away.
I’m pretty sure they have Tupperware like parties and give away prizes for the person who can bring in the most dead fetuses. Protecting your rights is one thing. Turning into a complete ghoul over it is another thing.
Until a day or two ago I couldn’t have told you if Kathy Griffin was still alive. She should be on her knees thanking Elon Musk for buying Twatter.
Elon likes the crazy ones, but in his bracket you get the upper right quadrant not the upper left. More Amber Heard on her knees, less Kathy Griffin.
Adam Carolla on Stossel’s YouTube channel:
Not a libertarian certainly but a good guy regardless.
Dude is hilarious. I remember the first time I ever really heard him, he was on some show being interviewed. Anyway, he was on a rant about traffic cops in LA and was saying he got pulled over for running a stop light at 4 am. He said ‘I’m sitting at a traffic light at 4am. How do I know it’s OK to go? Because there ain’t no fucking cars!’.
Mr Birchum was my favorite teacher.
I’m pretty sure that not getting completely removed from power is a mandate. Prepare to to lose what little bit of wealth you had left over buried in the back yard. They’re going to go completely fucking crazy now. 3rd world level poverty, more viruses and lockdowns, probably nuclear war for an encore. Because voters have demanded all of that, and more!
Good. I could use a dirt nap.