The next things banned in London: Bats, mannequin parts and oversized Christmas displays.
This is it, an end to the holiday movies for 2022! I enjoy the holidays, but I also don’t miss them when they are gone. This particular film was suggested by a few of the Glibertariat last year. It’s fun and gory, like Shaun of the Dead, and it has a musical number*, like Shaun of the Dead. It does not have Simon Pegg, unlike Shaun of the Dead. So it is zombies wrecking Christmas with the lovely Ella Hunt as our lead. Enjoy watching as she leads a rag-tag dollop of dancing teenage angst to safety during a festive zombie apocalypse.
So what other seasonal movies did I consider for December 2022? I will say there were a few tempting ones. It was very hard to cut back to just four this year:
- A Christmas Karen: A remake of A Christmas Carol with an annoying woman named “Karen.” Slightly woke and judgy. But then, name one version of A Christmas Carol that isn’t preachy and judgy in some way. That’s the whole idea of the story! Very entertaining version. It was a real toss up between Anna and the Apocalypse and A Christmas Karen for movie slot #4 this December.
- Weredeer: Girl gets bit by a deer on Christmas holiday, turns into weredeer. This thing has less production values than a kindergarten play. But it has heart.
- A Christmas Twister: I almost forgot about this one. Tornados come to destroy a small town near Fort Worth, Texas on Christmas! What heartless bastards! I made it through the film. I am not proud of that fact.
- Nutcracker Massacre: I haven’t gotten around to officially appraising this yet – but how could I not watch this? It’s a contender for 2023.
- All the Krampus movies on free streaming: Eight of them! Eight! No way I could get through all those this year and just pick one.
I hope you enjoy Anna and the Apocalypse and I hope all of you survive the holiday season with your sanity intact. We will kick off the new year a couple of days early with a newer film entitled Moonwalkers. It’s the story of how a drugged up CIA agent kidnapped people and made them film a fake moon landing. Just does not get better for the tinfoil hat crowd. So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary!
*I may have downplayed a bit. Anna and the Apocalypse has many, many musical numbers. I don’t want to scare anybody off just because kids break into song every couple of minutes.
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
Firsting on my own post to let you all know to start at 29:00 in if you wish to just see the zombie apocalypse part.
I’ve got a fridge full of beer, a basement full of booze, hot buttered rum batter setting in the fridge, and plenty of movies to watch. I’m ready for the cold snap and lots of movie watching.
No beautiful girl?
Also, please for the love of God, quit remastering stuff. It’s never better!
The fact that I don’t have to work tomorrow is finally sinking in.
Beautiful Girls is a good flick.
Yes. It’s one of those ones that never gets talked about much but it’s solid across the board.
Uma and Natalie, right?
Yeah, damn good.
I always had a little thing for Timothy Hutton….
He’s very dapper, and we’ll cast, in the Nero Wolfe TV series from some years past.
Shirley, is this a remarkable coincidence, or are you thinking of his dad Jim playing Ellery Queen? 😉 I was quite fond of that series – one of the best opening musical themes ever! Which I may hunt up after a few more sips of coffee…
And good morning to you! Hope you’re staying warm and inside up yonder!
Remarkable coincidence. Timothy played opposite Maury Chakin, as Wolfe, and directed a few of the episodes. This is the 2001 series, there are at least a couple of others that I’ve not seen.
I’m a huge Nero Wolfe fan and was more than pleasantly surprised at how very well they handled casting, characterization, and the adaptation of the stories to video.
Meanwhile, when I went to bed the forecast was low of 10, with today’s high to be 11. It’s now 7, with a new forecast high of 10.
We hates it, we hates it forever! /gollum
Oh, that’s cool! 😃 I’ll have to see if I can hunt up the Wolfe series somehow.
Here’s the Ellery Queen series theme, along with the delightfully cheesy/retro introductory teaser.
“Remastered” usually just means “brickwall every track and compress the shit out of everything until there’s no dynamics left” because modern music production sucks and the kids all listen to sonically uninteresting crap through cheap chinkshit headphones or smart phone speakers where the difference couldn’t be detected anyway.
Sometimes a good sound engineer does make a difference . Behold, the live version of Free For All, mixed by a deaf man. This is one for the ages.
Fittingly, it sounds like Wolfman Jack looks.
And I thought the theology stuff got you riled up.
For you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m-DYM7JvMA
Lol. My years as a sound tech probably hypersensitized me to shitty production. Blame Dave Compagno, he taught me.
I was just at the Christmas party of the CEO of Avid, who came up through the ProTools side of the house.
I imagine you have thoughts about ProTools.
I actually haven’t used it much as I mostly did live sound, and it was (and still is) insanely overpriced, so I was never about to buy a license for myself (let alone their integrated hardware). I got to toy around with other people’s setups just a little bit. But I’m not against digital production in principle. It’s enabled a lot of shitty techniques that have homogenized music, though. One of my pet peeves with almost anything produced in the last 15 years is that live drums sound exactly like v-drums or loops now since everything’s grid aligned and corrected to a click track. I like a little EDM now and then, but outside of that context, rhythmic imperfections like you get with live drums give the music character. Perfection is boring.
I owned ProTools back when it was 16-bit on NuBus.
We are back in another age of producers, and it sucks.
Garage rock, all the way!
Their first two albums are great.
You even see it in mainstream studio productions though. I’ve used this example before, but it’s worth repeating because it’s so stark and obvious: Pixies. Gil Norton produced Doolittle in ’89, Bossanova in ’90 and Tromp Le Monde in ’91 before they split up. When they reunited in 2014 for Indie Cindy, he’s back in the producer’s chair. It’s all the same musicians. The songwriting isn’t really any different. But where the fuck went the dynamics? That was the entire Pixies shtick. When they put together a documentary about the band in 2006, they entitled it loudQUIETloud, because that was their signature-to-the-point-of-cliche style. Tame from Doolittle compared to Greens and Blues from Indie Cindy stands out for me, because they’re sonically very similar – whispery verses with ascending, screamy choruses – and because Greens and Blues was a standout on an otherwise forgettable album. But on Greens and Blues the tension you get from Tame is gone because those screamy choruses that should slap you upside the head have no punch or impact; thanks to dynamic range compression there’s almost no sonic distinction between the verse and chorus. When I saw them do Greens and Blues live it was like an entirely different song.
Almost all of the bands that came back up, the Pixies being the best example, suck mainly because it wasn’t that the music was so special, it was that they nailed the time period.
The first few Elvis Costello albums are great, and then he changes. Which is totally cool, but he moved away from the things that are great, and the primary aspect was urgency, which he had in spades until he got established and wanted to spread his wings.
But bands that die before or at the peak of their ability, and then move into spaces that never allow the members to attempt to go back, those are the bands that don’t soil their greatness with Chrismas albums. The Birthday Party or Joy Division are to great examples of that.
Damn, that bass line. I never noticed it as a kid, but that is almost all I can hear these days.
As you age and accumulate damage from exposure to loud noise, the upper ranges of the audio spectrum (from 15k to 20k) are typically the first thing you lose. If you had good hearing as a lad, you might be better able to hear lower frequencies now.
When I saw Girl Talk live a few years back it sunk in how completely gone my upper end hearing was. I couldn’t hear anything but the bass.
That could just be down to the mixing or venue too. Some engineers and/or venues want a muddy, bass-centric mix because they think everybody wants that chest-rattling experience.
Being young and stupid I didn’t go in for hearing protection for the first several years I was doing sound in 90-110 db settings twice a week for 5-6 hours at a time, so my upper range is gone past about 15.5k. Fortunately, that part of the spectrum doesn’t contain a lot of content for music anyway. Most frequencies much above 16k are quite unpleasant to listen to when sustained. When you start losing the 12k-15k range that’s when you start noticing it more.
“All of the above” is certainly the right answer – it was at a semi outdoor venue on Boston harbor and I don’t doubt the mix was less than ideal, but my companions had no problem hearing the lyrics but it’s like they were instrumental tracks to me.
Would you describe this moment ats your oeuvre?
I was gonna say Scrooged, but then I remembered the schmaltzy ending. Still one of my favorites though. As you said, you can’t tell A Christmas Carol without that element to it.
The was an excellent try. Are there any libertarian retellings where Tiny Tim becomes a change sorting orphan after his dad works himself to death for an agreed-upon wage?
Way back at the dawn of the lib movement, the SIL NEWS had an objectivist version of Christmas Carol. I recall it ended with Tim telling Scrooge “I’ll buy my own damn crutches.”
These are the things I need to find for next year.
I should pop in Bad Santa. An Xmas movie to suit my mood.
There is always Die Hard.
It’s a rental dammit, or it would be the last post of Christmas.
I don’t own Die Hard. I do own Bad Santa.
“The Five” today was discussing “best” Xmas movies. Christmas Story with Ralphie and the b.b. gun got two votes, but It’s a Wonderful Life got a couple votes too, with Charlie Brown Christmas also in the running. I don’t see how any libertarian would find It’s a Wonderful Life wonderful, but I do recall Donna Reed was pretty MILFy.
Donna Reed is a solid would, and Jimmy Stewart was a great actor and real war hero. I don’t see how any libertarian couldn’t enjoy It’s A Wonderful Life — it’s a great movie.
I tried watching Christmas Story with my mom. It’s was awful. We turned it off after 20 minutes, and watched Shop Around the Corner.
I’ve never seen it, except a couple snippets here and there that didn’t make me want to watch any further.
It must be a you-had-to-be-there thing.
You are right. I remember when TCM would play that thing for 48 hours straight like some kind of indoctrination/brainwashing shit. My mother would leave it on when I visited for Christmas. I never want to see it again.
Maybe it’s my childhood nostalgia glasses, but the soap poisoning daydream and the leg lamp saga alone are worth the price of admission.
Being here in Cleveland, it’s required viewing. Most bars and the like will have at least one leg lamp out, especially this time of year. The girlfriend and I watched the latest sequel, and it was surprisingly tolerable (especially compared to the two other attempts at sequels).
Leg lamp?
Leg lamp
It must be Italian!
The Bishop’s Wife.
You are all wrong.
Ok. Maybe not a full length movie…
I’ve probably seen the Rankin/Bass Xmas specials more times than all these Xmas movies combined.
Same. I have a crap-ton of Christmas movies, among them all the Rankin/Bass. Heat Miser and Snow Miser #FTW!
LOL cute!
Not everything has to be an economics lesson. The movie’s more than the evil banker trope. It’s not among my favorites, but my mom always liked it. I got to watch it with her one last time last Christmas, so that was nice.
I enjoy the Rankin/Bass Rudolph less and less every time I watch it, so I’ve stopped watching it. Santa’s an asshole, and he didn’t need to be for the story to work.
My daughter called that out last time we watched.
Die Hard IS a Christmas movie, and I’ll die on this fucking hill.
Anyway, it was assigned for extra credit for my medical coding course. Had to assign diagnosis codes to medical problems in the movie. Last month it was MASH. I had to reach to come up with some of those dx codes.
“Anyway, it was assigned for extra credit for my medical coding course. Had to assign diagnosis codes to medical problems in the movie.”
What’s the medical code for making bad decisions on coke?
Depends on what your bad decisions lead to.
Die Hard was … repetitive. Only so many “gunshot wound”s you can get credit for. I had to get creative, but it still wasn’t terribly exciting. After all, what’s sexy about “foreign body, bilateral feet”? NOTHING. But damn, those scenes are sexy.
Two amused me for MASH. In one scene, Walt thought he was gay and therefore impotent and therefore was suicidal. So they decided to “help” him and slipped him a mickey, and while he was half sedated, a nurse banged him, and he woke up and he was cured. The second was when they were playing football and they stabbed the opposing team’s player with some sedative.
Lot’s of GSW in Die Hard.
That’s wonderful. I hope those assignments were enjoyable.
Yeah, they are. Close Encounters of the Third Kind was … interesting. I’d never seen it before.
Bong bong bong bong….bong!
Despite my curmudgeonly demeanor and general distaste for schmaltzy flicks, I actually indulge my sentimental side this time of year. Childhood memories, I guess. My dad would always find a way to ruin otherwise nice family holidays, but he harbored delusions of Norman Rockwell family Christmases, and watching Christmas movies as a family was actually pleasant. Christmas Vacation in particular has always been a favorite, because my dad was basically a more dysfunctional version of Clark Griswold’s wannabe Christmas family man.
Clark doesn’t deserve the scorn.
So what were your faves?
Clark meant well and, in spite of himself, pulled it off in the end. My dad also meant well, he just never quite got there.
In addition to Scrooged and Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story, How The Grinch Stole Christmas, The Bishop’s Wife, and A Charlie Brown Christmas were all annual staples. Those are the ones I end up watching for childhood nostalgia. Later additions would be The Ref, Black Christmas, Die Hard, maybe Edward Scissorhands, if that counts as Christmas movie.
I don’t get the love for Edward Scissorhands at all.
Me neither.
I am between like it and love it. *shrug*
There’s a Seinfeld episode for that.
I guess what I mean to say is, I don’t understand the movie. It’s just so … random. (What I remember of it, that is.)
If you asked me to tell you what was good about Edward Scissorhands I’d have a hard time explaining it. I just like it. Tim Burton’s by now worn-out visual style, Johnny Depp’s strength as an actor, and young Winona Ryder being fun to look at for 90 minutes all coalesce into something a little better than the sum of its parts.
The Ref does not get enough love.
A wonderful movie. Uncle Lewis is my favorite.
Trading Places is a good Xmas movie. I haven’t seen it in a while, maybe I’ll put that one on this weekend sometime.
Another great movie they couldn’t make today.
No it couldn’t. There were reasons that Eddie went PG after getting caught with the trannie in Hollywood that time. But he was really at the top of his game in the 80’s.
“Top of his game”
Heheh, I’m sure he was doing a fair bit of blow when that was somehow green lit.
Yes. Top 10
On Her Majesties Secret Service.
My favorite Christmas flick.
Just so long as it isn’t your favorite Bond flick…
We bought the entire Bond series last year and have been exposing the boys to them. We are up to the Pierce films. On Her Majesties… is easily a top 5 Bond film, just a great ride and solid story. Telly Sevalas makes a great villain, and the snow scenes are terrific.
They never show that one on cable. I’m not sure I’ve even seen it.
Oh, that’s the Lazenby one – and Telly Savalas!
Yeah, I’ve never seen it.
Well worth a watch. I’m a pretty big Bond fan and I had only seen it once I think before we watched it a few months back. I had forgotten about the whole back story of Bond getting married. I like all of the Connery and Moore ones, even the ones that aren’t as good like Diamonds, Man with the Golden Gun and View to a Kill. They all contain some great elements like the Vegas car chase in the Mach I, and great villains like Herve and Grace Jones played.
OMG, I’m watching “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service” right now.
Does Karl Schwab have posters of Blowfeldt up in his office? And the Virus Omega to depopulate the world??
OK, I was being tongue-in-cheek about the Christmas bit but it is a good, solid, addition to the Bond universe. What makes it a favorite of mine was the snow-ski sequences right around the time that I was getting interested in downhill skiing. Plus Dianna Rigg and all of the Bond Beauties. Stays fairly consistent with the novel, as I recall, which is another plus.
OHMSS isn’t nearly as bad as its reputation would suggest, but it wouldn’t crack my top ten. Then again I’m in the tiny minority that likes the Dalton flicks.
Both Dalton movies were good flicks, and I’d say License to Kill might even make my top 10 list. As much as I enjoyed Moore’s tongue in cheek antics, it was time for a new take, and Dalton basically laid out the template that Daniel Craig would use for a darker Bond.
And I’m in the minority that dislikes the Moore series precisely because of the tongue in cheek antics. He played it like a cartoon and all the fancy gadgets got him out of trouble, not his wits.
“ And I’m in the minority that dislikes the Moore series precisely because of the tongue in cheek antics”
I think that’s now the majority opinion.
I agree, FWIW, despite him being the Bond I grew up with.
Agree with both of you. The harder edge Dalton brought was a necessary tonic after the goofiness to which the Moore era had descended, and especially re-watching them as an adult, the Moore flicks don’t hold up well. In addition to his goofier characterization, they jumped on every shitty ’70s film fad from blaxploitation to Star Wars. It dates them terribly.
I feel like I’m losing mine and not because of the holidays but because of national and world events.
Tinfoil Hat Thursdays will come to your rescue next week. I too, am feeling crazed. Whiskey helps in small doses.
Yeah, I’m working up my usual buzz. I don’t like being drunk but I do need something to take the edge off the craziness*.
*And I’m not kidding – I’ve never seen so much craziness. This is not where I thought a couple decades ago we’d be today.
I haven’t worked since last Thursday so maybe I have too much time on my hands.
Posted because Ted isn’t here:
And I certainly sympathize.
Ted usually plays terrible songs, and while I don’t like Styx and think most of their songs are terrible, that one is their best, which makes it borderline tolerable.
Hell in a Hand basket came so quickly, but it has been steadily downhill for so long and then suddenly everything seemed to pile up all at once.
As inflation expands some will be surprised and demand supplemental cash. It’s no longer borrowing, plain ass printing.
Enjoy your holiday
It’s much easier when you have many small hobby circuses to tend.
Oh, I have my hobbies but they don’t suck up time the way work does.
“I hope you enjoy Anna and the Apocalypse and I hope all of you survive the holiday season with your sanity intact.”
I’m a bit behind schedule today. I haven’t even made the bacala salad yet.
I had never seen nor heard of her before, but from the search engine thumbnails she’s got kind of a young Katie Holmes thing going on.
I enjoyed it. I understand if you have a hatred of musicals and character development and posted a suggestion as comment 1.
I think she is Mike’s sister.
Mrs. Hobbit is angry and it’s all my fault because of course it is.
Her new lapdog, Wut, pooped on the carpet last night because he wouldn’t poop outside because it was too cold. Nevermind that he pooped okay at 9F the other night but 37F was unacceptable.
On topic, Silent Night, Deadly Night and Wild Turkey 101 have saved my sanity around this time of year for decades.
Peace, y’all (I’m slightly drunk right now).
Wow, me too! What a coincidence!
I have no favorite Christmas movie besides National Lampoon Christmas Vacation. Until recently I just always worked through Christmas so it ceased to have any special meaning.
I’m a Charlie Brown Christmas guy, myself.
How about a picture of the little shithead?
Fumbled around and wound up sending you an email.
Got it!
He’s awesome!
Wish Mrs. Hobbit a Merry Christmas for me, please!
Thanks, same to you and yours!
Mrs. Hobbit: “You sent him that picture? I look horrible!”
Narrator: She looks great.
She does.
Yup, that one is great, we watched it again last week. That Vince Guaraldi soundtrack is just superb.
*hits play*
I couldn’t find subs, so hopefully I can understand their British.
My transcription/editing pools are empty. This means I have to go clean the kitchen. 😭
Okay, y’all. I got a problem. I forgot to get my husband’s Christmas stocking* candy and I’m afraid they’re all going to be out when I can go out to get them. He’s going out tomorrow for a while, doing last-minute Santa things, so I may just bundle myself up in the rags I wear around the house and hit up Walgreen’s while he’s gone. That’s the nice thing about cold weather. Nobody really can tell what you’re wearing.
*I made these stockings. They are GINORMOUS. You can fit 2 Halloween variety bags in those fuckers and have room left over for 3 ropes of sausages. If they are not stuffed, they just look like Santa hates you.
You know what they say about a man with large stockings
large feet
And massive sacks
Of candy
If Walgreens is low on candy, just buy cotton balls to pad it out.
Our CVS here is still awash in xmas stuff, so hopefully yours is too. I don’t know if it’s because they sold very little of anything for the pandemic years so have a lot of stock, or people aren’t buying (both? idk)
Maybe one big chocolate santa to take up room?
From your fingertips to God’s ears. He just wants Snickers. If I have to raid 6 QuikTrips at midnight on Christmas Eve, I will.
Umm…is that stocking adorned with butt plugs?
THICC Thursday after dark.
Narrator: Yes. Yes they are.
I hope so. They’re making the country stoopid.
An idiot is someone who lets their education do all of their thinking
Good tune
Not soon enough. my god, just seeing the garbage my kid’s school is putting out and pretending it’s SO GREAT that we’ve added five DIE admins to the Engineering School! YAY!
They’re all just termites, gobbling all the resources while contributing absolutely nothing useful. But until they consume the structures supporting them, I don’t see how they can get removed at this point.
Tell me he isn’t at CalPoly.
I woke up to find the winter storm is fully upon us.
Yup. You still have to go in to work?
All I’m sayin’ is, Gomer Pyle sings like an angel.
Vincent D’Onofrio? He was good as Kingpin but I don’t think I ever heard him sing.
I don’t even know what that means.
Jim Nabors.
What is your major malfunction, Mojeaux?
Oh, where do I start.
So we’ll start here: Current circumstance is that it’s late, I’m working (reluctantly), but I’ve got all sorts of things on my mind about what I need to get accomplished through Christmas night, shopping lists, feeling stupid that I forgot my husband’s stocking stuffers, it’s dark and cold outside, and I need a manicure.
And the doctor I am transcribing is taking a bath while dictating and I’m wondering how opulent his bathroom is.
Get the fuck off of my obstacle! Get the fuck down off of my obstacle! NOW! MOVE IT!
Guess I shoulda googled before shooting my mouth off.
I have never seen Full Metal Jacket.
Uhhh… I don’t even know were to begin.
It is one of the best movies ever made, and one of the least understood.
ZOMG! You should.
You are also not stupid for forgetting a fairly minor item, especially during this high-stress time. I don’t know your dude, but I can’t imagine he’ll mind.
Also, your nails look pretty. Merry Christmas.
Kubrick had already made one stellar anti-war film, so then 30 years later he decides to show Oliver Stone and Francis Ford Coppola how a superior talent would have approached their Vietnam flicks.
(Yes, I am an unabashed Kubrick dick rider, and I don’t give a single shit what any of you contrarian cool kids think)
I always interpreted Full Metal Jacket as a pro-Firsting film, not an anti-war flick.
I am a massive Kubrick fan, also. But, that being said, Apocalypse Now is a movie that Kubrick couldn’t have made, and it still one of the best American movies ever made, even though Kubrick was probably the greatest American director. He was too precise, and that was a work of chaos. They are so different as to be incomparable.
Fuck Platoon.
+1 point perspective
Thread fail, should be a reply to Pat.
Small quibble. By the time he made FMJ he had two anti-war films- Dr Strangelove and Paths of Glory.
Good point. I guess because it’s a satire I don’t always think of Dr. Strangelove as an anti-war film, but it certainly is. Quite possibly my favorite comedy of all time. I’ve been using some variation of “Dr. Strangelove” as a screen name in forums and video games since I was a kid.
Jim Nabors had several albums
That gave me chills, thanks. I love that song sung by a baritone (or bass, in this instance). I’m tired of tenors.
😲 I had no idea he could sing. And like that!
And my favorite hymn, to boot.
Forgive me RJ. Tonight, thanks to you, I’m watching The Hebrew Hammer with my daughter.
Yes! Thanks to RJ and the rest of the actual contributors and snarky commenters. Gives me a reason to get up come the ‘morn. Funny bit. Judi the vegan ate half of my Carl’s burger tonight and didn’t burst into flames. She quite liked it but I’m still out half of a hamburger. She offered the vegan option as compensation but I declined.
“You can eat my vegan thing” is in no way a fair trade. You are an indulgent husband (I’d be in the same boat).
These euphemisms are getting out of hand.
Yeah, I thought that comment was going to become Q worthy.
I’m a day behind on threads because the holidays are upcoming. Slow comments will be afoot!
Wonky weather. The temperature has climbed to 55. Tomorrow’s low is 11?!
I can hear the winds kicking up.
Good morning.
Morning, Glibs.
I have to decide if I’m going to work remote or go into the office like I’m supposed to. The temperature is supposed to drop around the time of my commute home.
Some schools have already closed for the day down here.
I’m going to do some grocery shopping then come back to the house before work.
I don’t want to mess with the commute roads just as its getting ugly.
Good morning, U and Sean!
I’m up, but hoping against hope that either my employer will close or that my boss will let me use a vacation day. The snow has just ended, but it’s 4 below and reportedly feels like 29 below. 🥶🌨️🧊
Just got back from the grocery.
I’ve heard that the ones around here were madhouses yesterday, between the impending holiday and the dire weather forecast. How was yours?
No different from normal.
What was different was the drive – there was practically no one on the roads. That was a bit eerie.
Yikes! You’re getting hit worse than we are. The bulk of the snow is yet to come, but it’s too dang cold.
Cold blooded.
Sure, why not?
Because they should get a pay cut to 90% of the median, and no outside income allowed.
$142K per year, and that’s not counting the additional “opportunities” that come with the job. Nice work if you can get it.
Good Morning.
Its Cold.
How are the sheepies, cows, and goats doing?
As of yesterday sheepies and cows were fine. I opened the barn so the two varieties of sheep and the cows could get shelter from the wind. (it felt like -19 out there).
Garage chickens were moved into craft room. Main run of chickens were shut up in there coop with food and water. They will need more water and food this AM.
I forgot about the chickens!
I’m glad they’re doing okay too.
Its been a very tough year for chickens. I have lost over 30+ Since the summer between heat, disease, and predators.
Chickens are hard to keep alive. I’ve lost hundreds over the years, mainly to predators.
Even my Jersey Giants, the largest domestic chicken, were killed by something. I wanted to buy a special hybrid cross between the Jersey Giants and a Malaysian game fighting bird but the wife nixed it.
Good morning, ‘bodru! I just bet it’s cold there! And windy too?
It was very windy, very cold.
I do not like it.
Cold delayed until tonight. It’s in the 40s this morning.
Mornin’, reprobates! Nice and warm this morning, will enjoy while it lasts.
Good morning, ‘patzie!
OK, one of our competitors has announced that they’re closed! ::crosses fingers::
And I just heard a siren, no doubt from the nearby state highway. Do NOT want to go out there!
Who makes the decision about closing the office?
The CEO, but I suspect the senior managers hold a conference call to discuss it first.
Sounds like you are really under the weather. You should stay home, wouldn’t want to infect your co-workers.
Oh! Yeah! Right! Cough cough! 🙄
Just texted my boss, and he gave me the green light to take the day off! 😁
Did you include the *cough* *cough* in the text?
No – he’d already said yesterday that if I wanted to call off, especially given the distance I commute, he’d be OK with it. I have plenty of vacation hours.
Huzzah! Hope you feel better 🤣🤣🤣
Millennial snags a home on cruise ship: ‘Just like owning a condo’
I paid the same for a house that I get to keep.
Is there an on-board farm or is the farmers market like those in cities that are just another venue for the distribution services that stock grocery stores?
I wonder if they have private kitchens.
$89 for 3 dozen donuts & two boxes of coffee. Nothing special.
Were these boxes the size of shipping containers?
Regular old to go boxes.
This inflation has to stop – I don’t want to be poor again.
wallmart earlier this week $6 gallon of milk.
Bribes for the police?
Opiates for the workforce.
I didn’t realize they made poppyseed doughnuts. But then again, that’s not as strange as some combos I’ve seen.
Maybe filled with poppyseed paste with a few sprinkled in the frosting on top?
Festivus fentanyl.
Pope warns Vatican staff an ‘elegant demon’ lurks among them
Outing himself?
Nah, he’s not elegant.
Elegant demon?
Delicious Demon