So cute!
“Arduboy Mini Gaming Handheld is About As Big As Two Quarters”
“Movie Studios Can Now be Sued for Deceptive Trailers”
I haven’t seen half of these but whatever, it’s seasonal.
“Economic research suggests that deadweight losses surge at Christmas time”
My dad always found this video marvelous. Last Christmas song of the season from me, I promise.
So trailers will no longer have lines and scenes that aren’t in the movie? How have we survived this long with that happening?
Don’t know but this will make going to the movies even worse because the trailers are often better than the actual movie it’s trying to market.
I don’t know… thinking like that is how we got the first Suicide Squad movie.
+1 Snakes On a Plane
Does this mean that they can’t release trailers that use Orr’s “O Fortuna” (from Carmina Burana) or “Fanfare for the Common Man” as temporary theme music before the studios have figured out their real theme music??
Or my favorite, how one piece of real film score will get used over and over and over again in trailers for a year or two after that movie came out, like the “Bwaaaaaa!!!” from Hans Zimmers’ score to INCEPTION.
People had better things to worry about?
Is it time to kill all the lawyers yet?
According to one movie it should have happened before 2015 so the Justice System would work more swiftly.
I’m torn about this. My understanding is that the trailers are often released while the film is still in post-production (editing, test showings). On one hand it commits the studio to having to include in the final cut anything which appears in the trailer. On the other hand it stops them from being deliberately deceptive.
My suggestion: “DISCLAIMER: This film is still in post-production and scenes that appear in this trailer may not appear in the final cut.”
It’s a stupid decision. Movies always change after initial viewing. Things get cut out, etc… you should no more be able to sue for that than for people saying food tastes good in ads.
Speaking of..
Can we sue for my Big Mac not looking as good as the ad? What of my coffee doesn’t have perfect steam rising from the rim of the cup?
That’s a monumentally stupid court case. Yes, it’s too bad the ravishing Ana de Armas wasn’t in the movie.
But it’s not like it’s really hard to find out who is in the released film.
Ownbestenemy’s comment about fast food commercials is a great point.
Havent seen more than half of those, pretty much Muppet Christmas Carol and Scrooged are all you need.
I have a soft spot for the George C. Scott one — but yeah, those two are my go-tos really.
Same, although Muppets will always be my favorite. My wife loves the Albert Finney one which is entertaining to me because he play Scrooge like a crazy who switches from cantankerous to giddy at the midpoint of the movie. Reminds me of Jim Lahey.
Never seen that one. Will have to check it out this weekend.
Like many others, my faves are the Alistair Sims one, the Mupper Christmas Carol, and the Albert Finney musical. Some fun Andre Previn tunes in that one (plus I like Alec Guiness’ effete Marlowe).
Ack! *Muppet
Dammit! Leslie Bricusse wrote the music and lyrics for the Albert Finney SCROOGE.
I denounce myself.
I just don’t need to see 30+ remakes of the same movie.
*R.J. rises from his grave, agrees, then goes back to slumber.
MIRACLE ON 34th STREET | Rick And Morty |
Miracle on 69th Street.
Rule 34
Fucking Jerry…
I saw that the other day. LOL-worthy indeed.
“In a world where studios can be sued for deceptive trailers, …”
Rip Don LaFontaine
Amazon Women on the Moon ≣ 1987 ≣ Trailer
Love that movie!
“Ain’t no fucking Thelma here!”
If a person was weak minded, or had been visited by ghosts on Christmas and decided to change their ways, how exactly would that person enact the labor of others and submit a story?
It’s been a while Jimbo, glad you are back around. You did make me look up what the hell “Pope” was in Japanese. Never had a particular need…
End of the year craziness mixed in with a family vacation.
I sort of lost my perspective and thought that I should be working hard to repay the generosity of my employers (instead of contributing my witty wordplay in the Glibs comments). I have asked for professional psychiatric help and hopefully I won’t have any lapses like that in the future.
That’s funny, we already have one of those on the schedule for this weekend.
But if you have another one you could submit it using the Leads/Submissions thingy on the home page. Or just email it to me (my handle) at this domain.
I have one in the queue for you.
Thanks, Kinnath. And all the other contributors.
you are welcome
I was mostly just wondering if there was a magic format you needed.
I would say digital text works better then clay tablets.
I’m not sure exactly what my Samsung tablet is made of, but it isn’t clay. Think I’ll be OK?
.doc, .docx, or .odt (LibreOffice writer), please.
I haven’t seen half of these but whatever, it’s seasonal.
No mention of The Passions of Carol. I’m disappointed.
My dad always found this video marvelous. Last Christmas song of the season from me, I promise.
Shouldn’t this be the last Christmas song of the season?
Cool link brah
Shouldn’t this be the last Christmas song of the season?
Considering that there are over 500 covers of the song, I’d say apparently not.
Wow! I was betting on White Christmas.
Do we really want everyone to exchange various gift cards—or worse, greenbacks—on Christmas morning?
No… you exchange silver and gold.
There’s a reason the adults in my family really don’t exchange gifts. If we do, it’ll be something edible or a selection of items to pick from.
Absolutely. Late 1800s silver dollar for the daughter, plus a new solid copper coin. Precious metals have value.
Ian Freeman convicted in crypto case
Libertarian activist Ian Freeman was found guilty of several felonies Thursday in the Bitcoin money laundering case.
Freeman was at the center of a Bitcoin sales and donation operation that used his churches, such as the Shire Free Church in Keene, and hubs to launder money from cyber criminals, according to prosecutors.
The jury took a few hours Wednesday and Thursday to find Freeman guilty on charges of operating an unlicensed money-transmitting business, money laundering, conspiracy to commit money laundering, conspiracy to operate an unlicensed money-transmitting business, and income tax evasion.
They license money-transmitting businesses?
I can’t tell from that article if any of the churches Freeman was connected to were actually used for laundering money. I know what the article says. But there are no specifics beyond “laundering money for cyber criminals.” What does that mean? Were these “cyber criminals” stealing money from people?
Somebody is going to drop a dime…
Caroline Ellison Apologizes for Misconduct in FTX Collapse
Isn’t it fair to say that when you’re his drug-fueled fuck-toy, the title goes beyond “a close associate of…” ?
Trainwreck plans to run again at some point in the future
“I have so many things I must resolve before I can serve another term in the NH House, and I plan to run again when the time is right. I do not feel it is appropriate for me to serve at this time,” Laughton said. “I must say it has been an honor of a lifetime to be a member of the House and to serve the folks who elected me. To the voters who voted for me, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
It takes a certain kind of narcist to be a politician.
Fuck, it’s cold out.
You really can’t stay?
the POS Envoy™ kinda (to a worrying degree) dragged the starter at -8F this morning, so its been on the charger for the past few hours.
Going in/out to check on it, that air is quite brisk.
I love portable game platforms. That one is a tad too small. I am still digging the Miyoo Mini. It’s the bomb. My links are horrid long so I am going to be an ass and not provide one today.
I’ve been really tempted to pick up a Steam Deck, but I’ve got a solid computer and my Switch for the time being.
There are so many small fun systems using old cellphone parts and running Linux. It’s a great time to be in the market. For giant items, I was looking at a Steam deck or the Ayn Odin. I can put the Miyoo Mini in a jeans pocket though. There’s a lot to be said about that level of portability.
There. A decent sized link.
Well all, it’s the holidays, so allow me to present the link to the open holiday Zoom/Happy Hour/Found family room for everyone. I’ll leave it up to you lot if you would like me to keep it up through next week, or allow it to die Monday or Tuesday.
+6 now: 42 degrees warmer than this time yesterday. Sixty if you include the wind chill.
A couple hours with a space heater under the kitchen sink and we’ve got hot water again. Last night I had to heat water in the tea kettle and do the dishes by hand – first world problem for sure.
Merry Christmas!
Warmer?! Jeebus. We’ve dropped about 30 degrees since noon. I’m not going outside for a couple days… I am happy that I don’t have to.
I’ve been mildly curious about Spirited, the current Will Ferrell/Ryan Reynolds CC remake, just because the plot seemed like a fairly original twist and I like Ryan Reynolds. Anyone here seen it? I checked out the local showtimes, and the nearby umpty-bazillion-screen megagonzocineplex is mostly showing it just once a day – either in the morning or late in the evening, which I don’t find encouraging.
Looks like you can view it at home with a free trial. I didn’t even know this was out! I will watch it tonight.
That’s on Apple TV+, which you can get for a free trial and the cancel. Even if you aren’t in the Apple universe.
I tend to be wary of “free trials,” suspecting they’ll make it difficult to cancel. The dramatization of Good Omens, even with the always-welcome presence of David Tennant (***SWOON!!!***) wasn’t enough to persuade me to succumb to the temptation of Amazon Prime, but I’ll reserve final judgment until after you report back. Thanks!
Will do. And I agree in difficulty of cancelling.
It’s cute. Nice twist. It IS a musical, so expect lots of random breaking out in song. This escaped my husband at first and then at each number, he complained, “They’re doing it again.”
I guess because I was raised on musicals, I found it odd when a coworker commented recently that she couldn’t get into musicals because of the “random breaking out in song.” I didn’t say so, but thought, “Well, yeah! That’s kinda the point, and that’s why they’re so awesome (when done well.)”
Have you tried Anna and the Apocalypse yet?
No, I haven’t! I’ll have to be brave and venture into Tubidom.
Well, now the wife has slide on the ice. The dog just looked at her, thinking “woman, are you nuts? I fell for this shit already.” It was supposed to warm up to the mid-forties today, but that ain’t gonna happen, as it is 2pm and sitting at 31* I was going to take the little beast to the dog park, but the roads are all frozen still, and I don’t feel like driving on ice, and she hates the cold, what with being a terrier. I open the door for her to go out and she is like “bitch, please.” So, it is gonna be a chewy and Kong night.
We got all the way up to 0 American (link NSFW) a little while ago, then the sun went down. Winds are still blowing at over 25 MPH, as they have been all day.
I am ordering that.
I’m using an ice scraper, the wooden handled kind, for a walking stick. I don’t want to fall, it wouldn’t have a good outcome. Be careful, like I need to tell anyone..
Hope the missus wasn’t hurt or scraped or anything.
I have my old shooting stick, basically a cane that folds into a stool, and that has a spike on the bottom for going through fields. But, it is in the truck out on the street. I don’t walk too well these days, but a regular cane would be no help, and a squirrely dog pulling every which way is not in the cards right now for me.
Thanks for thinking about the missus, she is OK, only pride and dignity hurt.
Glad she’s OK.
I finally broke down and got trekking poles for hiking. They are worth every dime. Get a pair and you’ll each have one.
I have a hickory walking stick for hiking. It’s good.
Good that your wife is OK.
Adding the well-wishes, glad your wife’s okay.
The first time I took the family to Mammoth around Christmas, it was an impromptu trip, so we didn’t have anything planned except to see and play in the snow. Of course, all the snow parks with slides had long waits.
At one of them, after getting the news that there’s no chance we can get to the hill slides before they close, we walked back to the car and decided to walk around some small piles of snow. Bad idea.
Right before I could say “Be careful!”, my Filipina wife slipped and fell right on her tail bone, landing on a hard icy patch. Broke her tail bone.
I felt terrible. She was in pain for several days, with a dull pain lasting a couple weeks.
Hah! Forgot all about that scene. He was a great character.
All things considered, this is kind of a nothing burger. As all of you point out, huge parts of the country, hell, the state even, get much, much colder. But, this is a once in every five years event here in the valley, and almost no one knows what to do, as they have all forgotten. Maybe a third of the cars put on snow tires, which are useless unless this happens. I have no idea where my YakTrax are, as I haven’t needed them in a half dozen years. No power loss, and if there is, I will light a fire. I have a hand crank radio/flashlight/charger, so I am good. Just run the generator to keep the freezer cold, and bob’s your uncle.
Really, it could be much worse. When my parents moved to Pullman, east Washington in ’68, they were two young Californians, driving a Mustang convertible with a newborn. It was August, and seemed beautiful. That ended up being the coldest winter on record, with 14′ of snow, temps at -40* and windchill pushing it lower. It can always be worse.
Friday Funbags will also get you into hardware hacking IYKWIM.
I so need a boat. Wait. I have a boat.
That was fun. Winds are picking up here in southern NH. I lost power for a few minutes. Back now.
I had a corrupted filesystem as a result of the last power outage. fsck to the rescue!
What about things that appear in movies trailers that end up being cut from the film because of a tragedy? There have been multiple instances of this, but the one I remember off the top of my head was the first Sam Raimi Spider-Man. One of the early trailers showed a helicopter getting caught in a web between the Twin Towers. Then 9/11 happened and they cut out the Twin Towers stuff because, you know, it was kind of a sore sport after some people did some things.
Also, what about crowd funded movies where they shoot the trailer before they shoot the movie?
Overall it’s a dumb decision. See my comment above. If you can sue for movie trailers, why not sue McDonalds for saying a sandwich is delicious?
+1 McRib
McD’s has its place. No matter where you are, once you enter the restaurant you pretty much know what you’re getting.
And the Filet-o-Fish is unbeatable, kinda like BK’s OG-Chicken sammich.
(Filet-o-Fish was developed in Cincinnati)
I do McD’s often. My go to is two mcdoubles plain. Chuck the buns and and you got a decent lunch for less than 6 clams.
I have a right to not be disappointed.
In other news, I’m suing all of you.
Thanks for the music, Riven. You reminded me of Christmases past when I was a younger person. My dad’s been gone 53 years now and scarcely a day goes by that I don’t think of him and how hard he worked outside in the weather to take care of his family. I was the youngest.
Something timely
Cancel Brooks!!1!1!!1
It was better when Cosby did it.
You can tell she’s hating it (Sarc). All her references to needing to leave stem from “what will people think?” rather than “what do I want?” I don’t find this song offensive at all.
The version from “Elf” with Leon Redbone and Zooey Deschanel is charming too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6d-4aOi3AzQ
Seems kindof rapey.
I’m tired of hearing that.
That song was old when I was young.
The song was born in a time when a common joke was: “If a lady says no, she means maybe. If she says maybe, she means yes. If she says yes, she’s no lady.”
This song is about negotiating the cover story for her to use so that can do what she wants to do, while still maintaining her status as a lady.
Yes, it should be retired. Like the joke, it is out of place in this time. The reality they reflect is long gone. Most people younger than me find both of them offensive for reasons unrelated to why the existed to begin with.
Someone’s sarc meter needs calibration.
I will plead guilty.
Been a shitty day.
Sorry to hear that. I hope it improves.
A lot of that going around.
Things have stabilized to the point that I don’t fear having to wait till Monday morning to get the HVAC people to return a call.
Years ago, Andrew Klavan did the closing segment of his podcast about this song, correctly describing how sexy it was at the time, and how it’s really a song of mutual seduction.
Hi Riven!
Merry Christmas! And I agree with your dad – that’s a great one!
I don’t know what all of you are complaining about. It is 75 and sunny here in Palm Springs. I actually had to move indoors because the sun was about to fry my fish belly white skin. I can’t believe I have to say this, but… Maybe a bit less whining about cold and snow?
We’ve been having some great hikes. Yesterday we got within 20 yards of these big horn sheep.
The weather was wrong here and nothing but sun all day. It even got above freezing and I was able to wash the tuck and not get the doors frozen shut. Palm Springs sounds better though. Every year I say I am going to go on a warm vacation in Dec or Jan and every year I don’t.
Not sure why you’re tucking…
Shut up you.
Awesome pic!
I’m glad you are having fun. Staying in a house or hotel?
Earlier this week, there was a “frost advisory” for parts of the LA area (we live in Canyon Country).
Having spent the first 26 years of my life in northern IL (“I survived the winter of ’79” were popular t-shirts), it was funny to see a weather alert on my phone warning of overnight temps as low as *gasp* 28 degrees.
I’m too lazy to scroll through that list. My probably favorite Christmas movie is We’re No Angels. Great dialog.
Also there’s one with a group of squatters in a closed up Fifth Avenue mansion. One of the squatters is the owner. No idea what the name is.
the Filet-o-Fish is unbeatable
Wrong. Arby’s fish sammich is better.
Conceived in Cincinnati, Ohio by Lou Groen the Filet-o-Fish is a gift from G_d.
Im going to bed. Not that Ill be able to sleep after reading such a philistine comment as that.
I must admit, McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish was my favorite growing up. Haven’t had one in at least a couple of decades.
I broke my “NO I-95” rule and I regret it.
What’s wrong with the “Cocaine Pipeline”?
Dear Penthouse letters:
I never thought this would happen to me. By as I was driving down I-95, my car began to overheat. I pulled off to the side, and was quickly met by a woman in an RV…..
Lemme tell ya. I’m really glad I was driving a Nissan Versa. If I were in the RV, I would have given up after an hour and your Penthouse letter would never come to fruition. The wind was BRUTAL. Little Versa was like a leaf on the wind.
Did you soar?
Almost, but everything’s shiny
DC to Richmond is still terrible despite the recent road widenings.
Also it’s supposed to be 11 degrees back home tonight. I’m worrying about Vivian the Class C RV like a concerned momma
Pour antifreeze in the sink drains and toilet
*Goes back to sleep
Add a 495 and 695 to the rule and it’s a great rule.
Use I-85 when you can. Taking I-40 West for a few miles and zooming up I-85 is worth it.
I just prefer to stay away from DC. When I visited Harpers Ferry a couple years ago the nav took us around DC and it was awful. I made sure to plot the scenic route back. That was a nice drive (until we inevitably got to 95 on the north side of Richmond).
When I go over to Harpers Ferry or Berkeley Co. I take backroads all of the way, through Mt Airy, just south of Frederick and never see a highway the entire way. Even when I go to NOVA to see friends in Manassas, I take backroads all of the way down there. No one takes those roads anymore, but they are still there. I hate highways, the way people drive is insane, especially in MD.
“I take backroads all of the way down there. No one takes those roads anymore, but they are still there. I hate highways, the way people drive is insane, especially in MD.”
Adding a note about this for when the wife and I retire and start driving all over the U.S.
She nails this Christmas song. I have no idea about the second song since it is on a ban list from my ears.
Not bad, not bad.
I am partial to Marc Martel Christmas songs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6WQE-NBzwU
Sometimes he channels Freddy Mercury.
One that you won’t hear in the department store is “How many kings?”, his live solo cover of the original by Canadian band Downhere, of which he was a member.
My God it is cold outside. I realized there is no water in the house and then remembered I left a 40 pack in the car, so I went to get it out. OMG, my ears is frozen off! The wind is like ice.
“I’ll hold your hands, they’re just like ice”
The version from “Elf” with Leon Redbone and Zooey Deschanel is charming too.
I fucking can’t stand that guy, and I don’t mean Leon Redbone.
Bad Santa or GTFO
You mean Fauci? Yeah I hate him too.
Fooci is just misunderstood, poor guy. People fund bioengineering killer viruses all of the time and no one gets mad at them!
I love me some Birria tacos.
Chilies are roasting, beans were soaked and cooked today in homemade stock and lard. Getting ready to brown the chuck and put it all magically together for big bowls of chili.
Homemade stock and lard was my nickname in college.
Roasting Chiles was my band name.
I knew a Chuck in college. Does that count?
Mine was Brown Chuck.
I’m not the coldest Glib, but living in old Virginny
18 with a wind chill of 2 is rather chilly.
That’s North Texas right now. I feel for all the northern Glibs.
Yeah, I… well, I just posted it, went outside and I still cannot feel my ears.
Thanks to a new ruling, deceptive movie trailers may be a thing of the past.
That’s quite the plot twist.
Corned beef is boiling, cheddar biscuits ready to be baked, there’s miniature redskin potatoes and carrots and cabbage and onion standing ready for the boiling and there is no women around to spoil the fun. Just me hanging out with the Jameson. It is a proper happy nowomandays.
Dad’s being recalcitrant. Thinks he needs a woman to be happy. I keep telling him women just ruin everything. I think he regrets convincing me of the superiority of womanlessness. But I’ll show him.
redskin potatoes
That’s so insensitive. It’s Commander potatoes.
there is no women around to spoil the fun
Depends. A nagging spouse is a turnoff.
“It’s Commander potatoes.”
It’s that time. Christmas, New Year, my bday, my wife’s bday, all within the next 10 days. And I quit drinking. Makes me feel really weird, not in a good way. I guess I’ll go sulk somewhere since I just cannot seem to activate all those fancy brain chemicals that makes one happy. I don’t like weed. I’ve never tried shrooms, can someone email me some? Why can’t I just be one of those tea totalers who just seem to be naturally happy?
Drink coffee. Caffiene high. But then maybe no sleep for you.
I drink it every morning, no way I am giving that up. But later in the day, it just makes me jittery. Hmm, it does sound good right now. I have some really good Brazilian coffee. If I take some l-theanine with it, knocks the edge off some.
Since it seems to be my night to whine, I just had to stop working out, for like a week now and my weight loss has stalled. At least I’m not gaining any back, but I can just feel my muscles atrophy. I have no idea what happened, I just lost the urge, my legs feel like they are made out of lead and I just cannot summon up the will to get off me arse. My get up and go done, well you know.
It is Festivus. Time to air grievances.
Cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage cabbage CABBAGE
I’ve really enjoyed your all input this past year and