Looks super supportive.
Applebee’s for life. (Spoiler alert)
Muppet Christmas Carol is now streaming on Disney+ with some new content.
“Incredible Size Difference Between Prehistoric Animals and Today’s Descendants”
Looks super supportive.
Applebee’s for life. (Spoiler alert)
Muppet Christmas Carol is now streaming on Disney+ with some new content.
“Incredible Size Difference Between Prehistoric Animals and Today’s Descendants”
““Incredible Size Difference Between Prehistoric Animals and Today’s Descendants””
It goes the other way too. Some prehistoric elephants were tiny.
Or as our ancestors referred to them, “snack size.”
The extinct demon duck
That’s just what they want you to think.
“Consider a pitcher who always throws a fastball right up the middle on a 3-2 count. What will happen to him? Well, batters will begin to expect the fastball and will be able to hit home runs.”
I’m thinking Nolan Ryan would strongly disagree.
Of course this is how I grew up, but I think Norm just had a basic (rural?) whimsy about him. I don’t disagree about his unique approach to timing or set-up or subversion, but he just sounds like one of my uncles telling a co-op joke. His pace is agrarian, like he’s walking rows behind a plow: plodding and docile on the outside while actually very structured and goal-centered.
Then you add in a bit of the underclass acerbicism: there’s a bite that says I wasn’t born to high rank, but I’m really sharper than these gatekeepers and judges around me. That’s what made his Weekend Update so awesome: he was lying in wait for the high and mighty to misstep, to reveal their arrogance in the baldness and conspicuousness of their foibles. He was never funnier than when he was gunning for OJ or Hillary with his seething, down-home contempt. Here’s a showcase of such bits; skip to 3:14 for a quick haymakers, but the whole thing is one great toss-off after another: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9CGUFhZdN4
I loved Norm because he was very folksy. He begrudged the right things. He was fire by Dick Ebersol, and there’s no higher badge of honor than that. Last, I’d suggest to skip his stand-up work and just watch his last show on Netflix or listen to him just messing around with people like David Spade, fellow craftsmen who knew Norm was working in a higher gear and thrilled at the seeming contradictions between his comic genius and his common sense lapses.
Norm just seemed a decent neighbor in that midwestern and Canadian way. Teach him a hillbilly drawl, and his humor would have been most welcome at the chicken lunches after church of my youth.
During the Royals flash-in-the-pan seasons 2014 and 2015, my husband had to teach me how to watch baseball (SoCal, Dodgers fan; nobody in LA cares about football). It seemed to me in my microscopic wisdom that fast balls were easy (relatively speaking, natch) to hit. I am totally fine with being wrong. This was my impression. Also, I know who Nolan Ryan is, but not what his signature pitches were.
He threw 100 mph fastballs. For almost 30 years. So he’s known for his longevity more than anything.
Nolan threw the fastball very hard for a very long time.
Incredibly, he is the only player in MLB history to finish with more than 5,000 strikeouts and he finished with a total of 5,714. Number 2 on the career list is Randy Johnson with a total of 4,875. Also, Nolan’s total is more than 2,000 strikeouts ahead of #5 on the all-time list.
Most walks too.
How about this little nugget?
“In 1974 Nolan Ryan purportedly threw 235 pitches in a game against the Red Sox. He would start another game 3 days later, pitching 6 scoreless innings.”
Bert Blyleven was color commenter for the Twins TV broadcast for many years. Any time the “100 pitch count” topic came up, you could tell he always self-censored his disgust.
It’s widely said by other athletes that hitting a fastball is one of the hardest feats in sports. You have about 125 milliseconds to recognize it and adjust accordingly. Witness Michael Jordan unable to make it even in the minors.
If it looks easy that’s because of survivor bias – you’re not seeing the thousands of guys who never made it in baseball in part because they couldn’t hit one.
Even worse, they couldn’t hit a fast-baller who could mix in a major league curve ball.
I actually got to see Ryan pitch in his Angels days. He didn’t throw a ball, he threw a blur. That anyone ever hit that is testimony to some amazing skills and reflexes. For some reason, he was most vulnerable early in a game; once he was in his groove it was over.
My favorite Nolan Ryan moment:
You want a piece of me? YOU GOT IT!
Nice clip.
So, a lot of sax this weekend?
Stay hydrated.
Pretty much!
We are hosting a drug-fueled NYE party. Gonna be a good time.
Cocaine is a helluva drug.
Hmmm…we gots the meats on the smoker for an invite!
The weather gods have smiled on my wife and she gets ribs tomorrow for her birthday.
Your wife and I share a birthday.
I’m making myself Eggs Benedict for breakfast then a pot of posole for the evening.
Birthdays are for teenage girls.
Happy Birthday, BH!
So OMWC picked the wrong weekend to be in Montana.
What size STEVE SMITH ancestor? By size, mean….
Arrest in the Moscow murders. Press conference in progress
Darn. It already ended? Just dead silence.
Not a whole lot other than a suspect was arrested in PA. Grad student at WSU.
He’s a libertarian apparently. Wont this shitshow be fun for us
Wonder where he stands on the non-aggression principle.
Bigger questions are abound. We need to know his thoughts on: Mexicans, ass-sex, weed, pineapples on pizza, deep dish pizza, what does it mean if drugs fall out of your ass and what is a Tulpa.
Otherwise I’m questioning his credentials
I’m thinking he’s definitely going to have thoughts about ass sex.
Mentally ill men claiming to be women are inserting frozen tomato paste into themselves to “mimic a period”
I am so sick of pretending like these people are normal.
I’m thinking anyone who does that is not trans.
I’m sick of pretending too.
I find these people more disturbing and confusing than the guy who murdered the coeds in Idaho, frankly.
“We came up with this idea together with Alexandra Uchytel, my wife and business partner, for our children to know what the ancestors (or relatives) of the animals they see in the zoo looked like,” Uchytel explained to IGN. “Besides, I’ve been wondering how these animals would fit together. Everyone compares extinct animals to humans, but no one compares them to contemporaries (descendants).”
This is cool.
That sax solo guy was oddly entertaining.
A paean to the worst hour of Trek ever filmed – now I’ve seen it all.
I own the box set and I have skipped that one so many times I didn’t even know the wonderful Weyoun was in it, let alone you-know-who.
The worst hour of Star Trek? Not while TNG episode Code of Honor</em? exists.
Fair enough lol
Code of Honor can’t be worse than some of the Klingon-themed episodes.
It is; and I could barely tolerate most of the Klingon Krap episodes.
I’m not a big fan of most Klingon-centric eps, but I’d still disagree.
Additionally, there was this DS9 episode. That show got better quicker, though.
As the year ends, remember who your enemies are.
Fuck those assholes.
Reposting because important:
“Elon Musk slams CISA censorship network as ‘propaganda platform’
This DHS-backed censorship network used 120 analysts to censor millions of social media posts on elections and covid-19.”
I’m sure the MSM will be all over this.
Oh, the MSM is already all over it…
This morning I found my mom on the floor. Besides a bit of a bruise on her elbow she seems fine. Her walker was way over in the other room next to her bed. And for some mysterious reason the bed was turned about three feet. So no idea what happened. As someone who worked on an ambulance, I’m generally pretty calm in medical situations. It’s different when it’s your own mother. So thoughts and prayers for my mom’s health and my sanity are appreciated.
Sorry. I hope for the best.
Yikes! Pardon me for not remembering if you’ve said in the past, but is her mental state such that she’s unable to explain the circumstances?
Yes, she says she doesn’t remember being on the floor.
We’re right there with you brother: mother in law fell Tuesday and doesn’t remember our visiting Monday. She’s been lying to us about her money (which is my business since she’ll be moving in when she runs out of the stuff), so it’s about to get pretty intense. Tough on NewWife to see the decent lady and tough old bird from the high desert of western Washington that her mother has been ebb into dependence; the coming season will be rather the character builder for me, I’m afraid.
Sorry, to hear that, but good thing she has you and your wife.
When I can’t remember shit I hope to hell I remember to take a nice long walk, deep into the woods.
Oh boy, Count. Sorry to hear that. She has no memory of it?
The only thing is that she said she remembered sitting on the bed and that’s why it moved. Which doesn’t make much sense. Doctor thinks it might have been a TIA.
Oof. Sorry CP.
Sorry CP. T&P for her and you.
Oh my! I hope for the best. Falls are no fun once you get to a certain age. Your mom will be in my thoughts.
I am so sorry!
Sorry man. Good luck
My heart goes out to you, CP. It’s tough watching our parents get old. We always want to think of them as being the rock they were when we were kids.
It’s tough to admit we’re getting old, too, but one day, one day.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Had to help my mom off the floor a couple times. Sorry to hear that, CP.
Well, I’ve been spending my time off productively playing video games and cleaning around the house. But traditions continue during the holidays, so Holiday Hostless Zoom should still be up and running for the weekend.
Happy New Year, and come back to Memphis soon.
Is this a Scots Irish thing: we believe that New Year’s cleaning sweeps out the good luck. Or is it that we just like our homes covered in mud and kudzu?
The girlfriend would like to see Memphis, she doesn’t believe me how small Sun records is. I’d like to get back down there sometime, but I don’t think work will be sending me there anytime soon, and there’s no good way to get there from here.
When you’re there, will you be Walk’n?
After the Midnight Train maybe
NC law limiting governor’s emergency powers to take effect soon
A new North Carolina state law taking effect the first day of 2023 will limit the governor’s powers.
The law came in response to Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper’s handling of COVID-19 restrictions during the pandemic. Written by the Republican-majority General Assembly, it was part of the state budget bill Cooper signed into law in late 2021.
The law changes how often governors declaring states of emergency will need to get agreement from the rest of the statewide elected officials on the Council of State, and when they will need to consult the General Assembly.
DEG….NH has come into play in our move ideas…any areas we should avoid if it comes to be?
I always wanted to find a place in the Littleton or Conway areas – but got vetoed on account of the long winter.
Greenville is still tops and I was surprised with the wife saying NH or MA are game. I love snow. I am done with desert.
Jugsy was in SC last year when we got 6-8″ of snow. She said “did you shovel the driveway?”
My reply- “thats why I have 4WD. So I dont shovel.”
MA is right at the top of my no-go list,. And I grew up there and still have lots of family in the area.
A couple of quick thoughts:
Portsmouth is nice to visit, but politically left and kind of expensive to live in. Keene is similarly politically left, but I think nowhere near as expensive.
North Country tends not to have a lot of jobs outside of the tourism industry.
The most populated part of the state is the triangle roughly formed by Salem, Nashua, and Manchester. Lots of folks here in the Before Times commuted to Massachusetts for work.
Housing stock wherever you look tends to be older. There is new construction in many parts of the state, just not a lot of it.
I’ve got some family headaches I’ve got to go deal with, and then I plan to go out for dinner/drinking aftewards. You have my e-mail right? If not, TPTB can get it to you. Let’s talk more via e-mail.
I worked in Londonderry when I was there. It always seemed like a lovely community. But DEG would have more up-to-date and probably more thorough knowledge.
That sax solo guy was oddly entertaining.
Incredible breath control.
So- I was just looking at my IRA. It’s a good thing I don’t do that very often.
And here I was looking at my Sinn Fein!
I knew I shouldn’t have invested in Orange.
Believe me, it hurts more when you are already in the “required minimum distribution” age.
I know that is changing (age going up), but not if it applies retroactively or not.
If there were a nuclear weapon airburst over Davos, I would be okay with it.
Or maybe a neutron bomb; it would be a shame to render such a nice place uninhabitable for decades.
Why tax us when you can just print and spend?
President Biden and congressional Democrats imposed a long list of tax increases as part of their “Inflation Reduction Act” passed in 2022.
Because they still need to provide cover. It’s like how Norwegians actually think that it’s their sky high taxes that pay for their welfare state, and oil.
Social engineering. Reward some people; punish others.
Irish you wouldn’t do that.
People aged from 18 to 49 can from today make an appointment for their second Covid-19 booster dose.
The HSE’s chief clinical officer said it is “very concerned” about the steep rise in cases of Covid-19, influenza and other respiratory illness at this time. …
“Getting a vaccine, whether it’s your next Covid-19 booster, or a flu vaccine if you or your children are due to get it, can really help to protect you, the people around you, and our health services. Since flu season can last for 12 weeks or more – it’s not too late to do that now.”
The national lead for the Covid-19 vaccination programme at the HSE encouraged everyone to receive their second booster dose.
Eileen Whelan said: “We are putting the most recent vaccine advice from NIAC (National Immunisation Advisory Committee) into action and inviting everyone aged 18-49 for their second booster, once it is 6 months since their last vaccine or since they have had a Covid-19 infection.
“I encourage everyone to get their second booster dose. It will give ongoing protection from serious illness and increase your immunity against infection from Covid-19, which we know tends to reduce after a period of months following your last vaccine.”
None of that argument makes sense.
They can fuck off too.
Would Elon let me on Twitter just so I could tell people to fuck off?
Probably. I might make an account just for that purpose. Also, the term “cunte” will be heavily utilized.
Yes. Telling someone to fuck off isn’t against the TOS
You may disappoint Elon if you can’t be a little wittier.
Oh I would start to be more creative. Use old English insults, call people yeasty codpieces, etc…
For a spell my son was laying fown Shakespearian digs at his brothers.
“How SWAT teams descended on sleepy Poconos town to catch Libertarian Idaho murder suspect Bryan Kohberger who was ‘obsessively vegan’, ‘looked drugged at school’, and was cut off by friends after becoming aggressive
Police say DNA evidence links Kohberger, a 28-year-old criminology PhD student, to the scene.”
“Kohberger is a registered Libertarian, although does not appear to have had any active social media profiles at the time of his arrest.”
Dude seems like kind of an unreconstructed freak.
Guy put on Reddit looking to find out how criminals felt during the crime. Wonder if he decided to find out himself.
Sure. Words don’t mean anything anymore.
Apparently he was a registered Libertarian, according to the article.
TOS, but on point.
A Former Obama Drug Policy Adviser Blames ‘Libertarianism’ for ‘Fueling San Francisco’s Drug Crisis’
I look forward to the political affiliation of every criminal suspect being publicized.
Well… At least some of them
And when conspicuously absent you will know the accused is a Democrat.
Apparently they couldn’t pin “Trump supporter” on him or you know they would have.
Well there has been a good effort to pin all bad on libertarianism, from failed liberals and conservatives alike.
I like how political affiliation matters in murders.
Libertarians aren’t immune to murder. Years ago, a prominent ex-member of the Libertarian National Committee murdered and dismembered his wife. Doing life in a West Virginia prison, I believe.
Don’t think anyone is arguing otherwise but pointing out the rush to attribute political affiliation
A vegan Libertarian? How fucked up can you get?
I guess you don’t even need to say “incel” at that point.
President Biden and congressional Democrats imposed a long list of tax increases as part of their “Inflation Reduction Act” passed in 2022.
Don’t worry. Only rich people will be affected.
Would Elon let me on Twitter just so I could tell people to fuck off?
He could just have a bot do that. Are you cheaper than a bot?
I think that if the Glibertariat banded together, we could raise at least $50k to buy this rare copy of Nukie.
Some of you can sell a few guns or something.
I thought we’d get something useful like a killdozer?
UCLA is playing Pitt and I keep getting them mixed up since Pitt is wearing UCLA’s travel uniforms.
UCLA is wearing PItt’s home uniforms?
Pellet grill cleaned in preparation for the long cook. Whole brisket will get dropped onto thr smoker about 10pm at 225. Hopefully by morning it will be able about 150-160 on both flat/point.
Since it’s the pellet grill I won’t wrap but I’ll have to spritz to maintain moisture.
I’m sure this is fine.
More tech tantrums. China’s Covid surge. And above all, no central banks riding to the rescue if things go wrong. Reeling from a record $18 trillion wipeout, global stocks must surmount all these hurdles and more if they are to escape a second straight year in the red.
With a drop of more than 20% in 2022, the MSCI All-Country World Index is on track for its worst performance since the 2008 crisis, as jumbo interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve more than doubled 10-year Treasury yields — the rate underpinning global capital costs.
Bulls looking ahead at 2023 might take solace in the fact that two consecutive down years are rare for major equity markets — the S&P 500 index has fallen for two straight years on just four occasions since 1928. The scary thing though, is that when they do occur, drops in the second year tend to be deeper than in the first.
I don’t give a shit about stocks. They’re a horrible measure of economic well being.
5 facts that will surely taint the jury pool
According to WPVI, authorities, including the FBI, Pennsylvania State Police, and the Moscow Police Department, had “tracked” Kohberger and located him in Chestnuthill Township, Monroe County, in Pennsylvania’s Pocono Mountains region
What are the Russians doing in PA?
Still looking for a Red October in Pennsylvania.
So, looking at the pictures, 3 women who refused him dates, and a guy who made fun of him for getting shot down.
They have been considered as such by the gov’t for awhile.
All gun laws are illegal themselves. Shall not be infringed. The minute we started accepting the least infringement, it was all over for the 2nd.
I just looked at my supplements and Im out of magnesium,
0Mg !
Ru serious?
I C what you guys are doing.
The mayor of SC was unable to comment…
DC not SC
It ain’t the 60s anymore. And the years of BLM riots beg to differ. So go to hell, you racist cunte.
Yes… yes… as was evidenced by the police response to BLM.
What a raging asshole.
It begs the question of what police response to BLM? They were allowed to destroy cities. They occupied part of Seattle for weeks. Antifa was attacking a federal courthouse for months. The feds, by comparison, lost their fucking minds because some hillbillies occupied an unused cabin in the woods for a few days.
Or the boarding up of DC prior to election day in 2020 – that wasn’t in anticipation of Trumpers running wild.
“The Capitol police would have carried out a bloodbath if the mostly white Jan 6 protesters were black, according to House sergeant at arms William Walker.”
Holy fucking shit these assholes have taken disingenuous asshole to a heretofore unseen level.
The rock went mini bra in a star trek thing? Ok….I am down with that. #wontjudge.
Well, he does have a most excellent Klingon forehead there.
It’s interesting that he looks less roided up there than he does now.
It’s perfectly normal for men who are 50 to be bigger, stronger, and have lower body fat than they did in their 20’s. He just eats right and takes his vegtables.
+1 Frank Thomas commercial for testosterone supplement
Look, shitlord, testosterone is only for 3-5 year old girls who need to transition, so you and this Frank Thomas buy are talking what should be illegal shit.
They make better stuff than they did 22 years ago. He’s probably taking HGH and other stuff as well.
Guys, you gotta help me out here.
I’m working out, but it’s only cardio/aerobic stuff. I want to start weights again. I want to get some dumbbells and a simple bench. Any tips/suggestions?
I thought about this one, but it seems overly expensive and the dumbbells seem weird, like they are too wide. I like that you can adjust the weights so simply, but they are just weird.
The bench looks nice, but lacking even a rack or leg extension, seems pricey.
Over Priced Weights
Assuming you are still in MD, run your ass up I-83 to York Barbell, they have an outlet store.
Unfortunately, still here.
Thanks. Looks like they have an online store as well, so I will check it out.
I bought these:
and a selection of these:
Interesting, I have some of the Sourcefit ones in my Amazon cart right now.
How are they so far, each type?
They are fine.
The neoprene coating seems to be pretty durable.
A lot depends on how much room you have. The Bowflex makes no sense if you have plenty of room, but might if you are in an apartment, say.
Here’s the really scary part from catching killer….
23 and Me for the win!
Same way they caught the Golden State Killer, would be my guess.
Bets that parent(s) and or sibling(s) just used one of the ancestry sites…
I refused, but my wife, son and other relatives have. At this point my refusal is pointless. They could easily use my DNA and identify me.
Where did you bury the prostitutes?
Spinal Tap Saucy jack
No, Cyril; hookers. When they’re dead, they’re just hookers.
MikeS gets it.
Now where did you bury the hookers?
They’re trying to stop me from Firsting by no posting articles, but the effort is futile. I will First by day, I will First by night, I will First until my entire essence is drained from my body!
This made my butthole pucker so hard I sprained my lower back:
Not for all the money in the world.
+1 window washer
Fuck. No.
I’m not sure how he does that while his massive brass balls are clanging around.
elon again
He’s definitely grown on me. I don’t know what exactly happened to the guy but he doesn’t seem like the same person.
He noticed just how insane and dangerous the left are now.
Anyone know of anywhere to get real uncensored news of what is going on in Ukraine now? It’s amazing the level of censoring they have been able to put in place about this bullshit. I mean it seems to be a complete blackout in the Western media at this point.
Larry Johnson is good – https://sonar21.com/
Brian Berletic (New Atlas on YouTube) also.
Patrick Lancaster on YouTube – on the scene in the Donbas. His delivery is hard to take, but you see what the place is really like.
There are several daily may walkthroughs (Defense Politics Asia and Miltary Suunmary – both YouTube are two). They manage to cram three minutes of info into half and hour though.
All have their points of view, but I think the truth (or close to it) is in there somewhere.
Map walkthroughs.