“Sloopy and Banjos, sitting in the cold…”
I’m not one to air dirty laundry, but I’ll let your clever little minds figure it out.
Ahaha! Aha! Who the hell would fly to the East Coast in the next five days, amirite?
Shut up, sit down, and eat your bugs. You’ve earned this.
I mean, you can’t just grind some up in Koolaid, toss it back and go for broke, right? Right?
Okay. Go out into the world angry today. Get it all out. Christmas is on Sunday.
Alright, I’m done. Pray for pity on Sloopy’s soul.
Happy Festivus. Let the airing of grievances begin.
I air my grievences the rest of the year.
Well, I don’t really have an Episode 3 based game where I can learn Force Throw, so nah….
Also, Merry Christmas everyone.
And back atcha, Gunslinger
Merry Christmas, glibs
Fröhliche Weihnachten, Feliz Navidad, С Рождеством, Maligayang Pasko, …
Maybe they are keeping each other warm.
That would be my assumption… they don’t have a brood for nothin’ after all.
You prefer to wear stinky clothing?
“Shut up, sit down, and eat your bugs. You’ve earned this.”
Apparently, it takes a robot for McD’s to put tomato on a burger.
Just wait until the robots go on a bender….
Kill all humans.
But why would you put tomato on anything?
Because it’s tasty and delicious. And it’s an American food.
Grilled cheese with bacon and tomato – yum.
Fauci’s warning to America: ‘We’re living in a progressively anti-science era and that’s a very dangerous thing’
Stop being anti-science, asshole gnome.
But he is the SCIENCE. He’s just upset people are done listening to him, he wanted to milk his fame for longer… to help cover up him being completely wrong for at least 45 years.
You can understand his concern – being he is the personification of science.
If we accept that he believes He (Fauci) == Science! then yeah… I would hope we’re in a progressively anti-science era. I can still hope we’ll damned well lock Science! up in the near future. Beagle butchering, lying weasel Science that it is.
It’s more of an anti-dictator-hiding-behind-a-lab-coat era.
Well, isn’t that just the poster child of mangling the blockquote tag there… hmm? Sigh.
I like the double-line – like the highway you yearn for.
I have done I-80 over Donner in a blizzard, with chains, towing a trailer, in an ’09 Beetle.
To say it sucked is no exaggeration. White knuckle at 20mph, all the way.
And where is the illustrated write-up on this? You want Hobbit to be the only one with a towing adventure story on here?
Except that it never got published.
On it.
did it in a GMC savana once, full on blizzard, white knuckle. exciting in all the worst ways.
didn’t seem so bad in a subaru impreza.
Donner in March is the only time I had to chain up during my short lived truck driving career. Fuck Donner pass and fuck driving a truck.
Freaky Friday: I heard this place serves footlongs
The reluctance to impose new mandates has frustrated some public health experts, who believe that anti-mask rhetoric has made even many Democrats fearful of a measure that could stop the spread of the coronavirus, as well as of other diseases. And with hundreds of people still dying from COVID-19 each day, they argue, not making masks mandatory in crowded spaces only puts people at risk.
“The science of universal masking has not changed — COVID spreads through the air, and masks reduce spread,” Boston University public health expert Julia Raifman told Yahoo News. “Rational, data-driven approaches to mask policies when and where there are state or local surges could help mitigate the transmission of COVID and other respiratory diseases currently overwhelming pediatric hospitals.”
The science has not changed, that much is true. Masking is still driven by superstitious emotionalism. Fucking cargo cultists.
When I string all these words together like “rational, data-driven, and scientific” it sounds like I’m not a blithering idiot, but you’d be surprised.
No, generally when I string of buzzwords like that, I conclude the person producing it is a blithering idiot.
It didn’t work last time because it wasn’t real masking.
Do better, America.
it didn’t work anywhere in the world. but it COULD stop the spread
It stopped the Flu though.
Wear your shame muzzle, pleb!
I guess at least the Navy has figured out the endless supply era has come to an end. Ancient history of course, but Dwight Eisenhower was a U.S. Army major for a decade – utterly unthinkable in the post-WWII military.
It was always a stupid policy.
And thus perfectly suited for our military.
I always thought ‘up or out’ was a stupid rule. But it should have been canned when there were better people to retain.
I think it is stupid in the military and when applied in a corporate space. Technical folks especially may simply lack people skills needed to move to management or Architecture roles but be vital parts of the process in the role they are in. Forcing them out because they aren’t “growing their careers” is just f’ing stupid to me.
But I’m one of those Should-Never-Be-Management types, so what do I know… ;P
I knew a guy that was an Army captain for 8 years, knew him well.
I recall the Army QMP cutoffs for enlisted and the twice passed over for officers. Some people are good at a lower rank. No need to Peter Principle them.
Uffda, that wind!
My eyelashes have finally thawed.
Could it be not getting laid and East Coast are linked, sort of.?
-12 this morning but still beautiful, the trees are heavy with last week’s snow, the wind is not taking it out. We did get an invite out for lunch tomorrow so that’s nice. Old people like lunch rather than dinner ’cause we don’t like driving after dark.
With the plethora of way-too-high lights on SUVs and pickups and ultra-bright LEDs, I don’t like driving at night all that much either.
Of course… I’m probably just getting old… but honestly I do think a lot of folks are defaulting to “blind other drivers” these days.
That’s a trend I’ve noticed around here, about 10-20% of drivers just leave there brights on all the time.
Hard to do with auto-brights existing on most cars these days.
Good Lord its a touch chilly out. The minus 8º F is tolerable, but the 40 mph wind gusts make it something else.
Tickets for the Browns/Saints game on Saturday are down to to $4 for cheap seats, ~$25 for Dawg Pound. It appears that while we like the cold, being on the lake in single digits with 60 MPH wind predicted is cold enough that we’ll just watch from home.
Sitting on the couch with heat, snacks, and plenty of cold beverages has its place when the option is freezing your ass off, $12 beers, and cold soggy nachos.
Yep. I’m not even planning on walking up to the local with good wing deals and solid beer prices, I’ve got plenty of beer and booze here.
Remember folks, watch out for black ice.
Also black ice? Stanford has a sad.
I laffed.
I’m going to hell.
You’ll be in good company 😉
Did you see my pointer to Timothy Hutton as Archie Godwin in the 2001 Nero Wolfe series? Excellent work.
I did. Never heard of it.
That’s actually a good series, although the writers did some mind-bending things with the timeline (one episode they’re in the 40s or 50s, the next they’re in the 70s, and Archie’s outfits never really change…).
Really? In the 2001 series? I either didn’t notice or it was in the one or two episodes I didn’t watch because I wasn’t a fan of those particular stories.
Do you remember which episodes?
I’ve got that series in my DVD library. Can recommend. Hutton and Chaykin are great, but the ensemble cast makes it that much better.
Charles Darwin wanted that asshole trying to dodge cars on the highway.
Also, it’s
“colored ice”“ice of color”.Was expecting this.
ARgh – the dumb arguments I used to get with people at work about how I use snow tires even with my 4X4 or AWD vehicles. (and especially RWD).
Them: But I have AWD
Me: but that doesn’t help you stop any better
Them: But I have AWD,
East side of Cleveland, on 271, you could always tell the people who just got a new AWD SUV before the first snow fall. They’d go zooming past you on the snow covered roads… and then you would see them a mile or so down the freeway stuck in a ditch.
Heh – the old man was driving his old TrailBlazer in a really bad winter storm. And a Porsche Cayenne went shooting by. A mile or two later, there was the Porsche – in the ditch, lying on its side.
AWD and even 4X4 gives bad drivers a sense of over confidence; minimal feedback telling you how shitty the road is. I had a RWD BMW with winter tires; caught in rainy conditions with freezing temps. I saw one truck and SUV after another crashed into ditches or trees on the side of the highway. I could feel the rear of the car sliding on me; telling me to lift the throttle and slow it on down. And yet I kept getting passed by people.
BMW? I had you pegged for an armored sand rail kind of guy.
And don’t touch your brakes. Ever. If you have a manual, put it in neutral and steer through the carnage.
Nothing sudden either. Everything slow and deliberate.
During Winter Driving Phase II training we intentionally pushed vehicles too far so you could learn what it feels like as you lose traction and then how to recover. The fun part was intentionally getting tactical vehicles sliding around the ice pad.
Luckily I have a natural finesse. Gotten out of a few less-than-ideal situations with ice and snow.
But I have AWD
But your summer tires won’t stick, moron.
I once passed an AWD Audi on a hill in my RWD car.
The difference is I have good winter tires.
“No dwarfs. No Prince. Disney’s new Snow White is a bid not to leave the snowflake generation grumpy”
Here is a crazy idea. If you make an entirely different movie, give it a different name.
Hell, at this point they should have just gone full race flip and actually made Pitch Black and the Seven White Supremacist Honkies. Be more honest.
A remake of Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs?
I’m not watching unless Snow White is non-binary.
Snow White just used the dwarfs for drugs.
No dwarves, but CGI ‘hobbits’. Written by Greta Gerwig, who is doing the Barbie movie. She’s made some weird and good movies, so I’ll wait and see.
Caption Contest
Foul Ball.
He’s not going to fake that injury.
“Lifts and separates”
taking one for the team
What penile inversion surgery looks like in transphobic Qatar…
“Ach, mien pony-tail!”
Daily Quordle 333
Ugh… self-own today in the primary event. Meant to type a ‘D’, typed a ‘C’ and it was still a legal word and blithely pressed enter anyway. Yeah, yeah… shouldn’t have been close enough to the line for it to matter… but I’d burned a guess just to get extra letters in play and set myself up for it. grumble-bitch-moan-complain…
Regular was in the “not fantastic, but wouldn’t kick it out of bed for eating crackers” category…
Daily Duotrigordle #296
Guesses: X/37
Time: 05:01.28
Daily Quordle 333
Daily Quordle 333
Daily Quordle 333
Ugh, nothing to work with.
Daily Quordle 333
Daily Quordle 333
that’s clusterfuck of weird words
“Christina Hall announces she has lead and mercury poisoning ‘most likely’ from house-flipping career in ‘gross’ buildings”
Leaky vibrator batteries.
And I remodulated the main deflector array to defeat the Borg.
Then realized it was a cow-catcher as the museum security escorted you out?
You just have to assimilate the right people.
I have no idea who she is, but her roots are blacker than Kunta Kinte’s.
That horse won’t feed itself!
She’s just jealous Tariq had like, real cancer.
My GF likes to talk smack about her. *shrug*
Pretty sure more than five people die on the roads in those states when it is not snowing. Snowpocolypse this.
But the outbreak was dynamic, and science is self-correcting. So what we knew in January was one thing. When we later learned that the virus is readily spread by aerosol, and that 50% to 60% of the spread was by people who didn’t even know they’re infected, we had to change our recommendations and guidelines.
And all those “infected” people whose symptoms were so mild they didn’t even know they had it; it never occurred to you to say, “Maybe this isn’t really the end of the world”?
Isn’t that hoe science works?
Hoe Science?
Is that because a pimp’s love is different than that of a squares ?
Hoe Hoe Hoe. Tis the season.
It’s only Ho Ho now, since Santa Lost a Ho.
Laws of Economics
“On Thursday’s “CNN Newsroom,” Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) stated that she doesn’t think that the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill will make inflation worse because it funds programs that already exist”
Let me guess — she consulted economics wizard AOC for this dazzling display of wisdom?
God help us. We are led by morons. War mongering morons.
“science is self-correcting”
Eventually, but there are far too many recorded instances of established tenured professors having to die before new ideas can be accepted. Plate tectonics and warm-blooded dinosaurs come to mind.
As the saying goes, “Science advances one funeral at a time”
And that, kids, is how science works!
later learned that the virus is readily spread by aerosol
Bullshit. Obvious from the start with even a modicum of thought.
and that 50% to 60% of the spread was by people who didn’t even know they’re infected
Asserted without evidence in an attempt to propagate the lie of asymptomatic transmission. Never mind there’s a lot to hide in “didn’t even know they’re infected”; One is meant to think ‘has no symptoms’ when it actually encompasses symptomatic people who didn’t know they had Covid.
Translation: We lied from the start and we’ll continue to lie and wrap it all up in platitudes and hope no one notices. So far that last bit seems to be working for the majority of people, so we got that going for us!
It’s all intentionally non-falsifiable bullshit.
Like “climate change” “science”.
People will believe in bullshit artist scientists just like they do false religious prophets. It’s what people do. It’s when you don’t do it that you stand out from the mob.
The whole narrative is dishonest. They pretend that respiratory illness never existed before and that everyone and there mother didn’t always periodically have one all through the year every year but particularly in winter.
Happy Festivus. Let the airing of grievances begin.
Stop trying to boss me around.
You can’t tell me what to tell you what to do! 😉
In the three county area that makes up the Houston area, it seems only about ~15K people are out of power. But it does seem to be barely 20º.
That could be damn un-handy.
9 degrees?
Auto parts delivery?
You betcha,
Merry Christmas Glibbies
Drive safe. There are crazy people out there.
I am the crazy person You have to watch for😏🌨
Havent you learned yet that the UP has only winter, and then a couple months of bad sledding?
6 degrees here in the wilds of Michigan. Not a lot of snow fell though. Wind chill looks like a bitch though.
I’m getting over a sore throat/cough right now so I’m not going out there. EF is about to brave the winds to get some (booze) supplies. I wish I had bought that 12V -> 120VAC inverter though; saw a video how to run a house heater off of a 12V car battery. It really sucks here in MI with no power – just hoping that doesn’t happen or else I have to pack up the dogs and cats to retreat to my folks house. They have a natural gas powered generator ::sigh::
Remember folks, watch out for black ice.
That looks like a Hal Roach production.
I read that as black lice. Oh god, another problem.
Sarc; It’s 45 and a bit rainy here, is there some weather related issue I don’t know about?
The President told me it’s not like the snow days I might remember from my youth.
I don’t remember the exact year, but it would have been in the early ’80s for the one I remember. Ice storm and freezing temps across the SouthEast (we were in NE GA at the time), with the ice bringing down trees and branches like crazy. So something like 5 days without power and freezing temps for all the Southerners who were not up for anything past a day or two of that crap.
The winter in my wiki link was the worst I ever went through. It snowed about 6” to 12” every week and never melted. Salt stopped working due to how cold it was and some roads that had shade most of the day were like inverse icy train tracks for your car.
The only time I remembered having a -20F temp during the day.
Thanks Pinitubo.
In 1980 there were massive orange groves in Florida all the way north to Ocala. By 1986, everything north of I-4 was dead from cold. I remember going down the Turnpike and marveling at all the upright firewood running as far as you could see.
As strange as it may sound, I remember that same event – though I’m not sure of the year either.
We lived down near the FL line but had gone up to Stone Mountain and then to my grandmother’s (between Athens and Augusta). I’d like to say it was “the first time I ever saw snow”, but technically it was sleet/ice.
We got knocked-down cardboard boxes from the restaurant at the Stone Mountain Inn, where we were staying, and used them to sled down the hill behind the building.
the snow days I might remember from my youth. – the little ice age was a bitch
Yeah yeah, Vlad… right after you kicked the Turks out and all, we know. 😉
I remember a week of school being cancelled for sub-0 weather back in 91/92.
school being cancelled – Ah that is why you like belgian beer lack of education
or wait maybe robc liked belgian beer and I am confused
Catholic High School, we did learn how to tolerate slivovitz during that time period (we had quite a few Croatian students in our class). I did just recently get some St. Bernardus and Corsendonk Christmas Ale on sale from one of my local beer stores.
I remember that.
Since there’s no place to go let it snow let it snow let it snow
We haven’t had snow in 3 years…
We need to start a snow donation service to send it to snow deprived areas of the world in the name of climate equity!
You’d certainly make my son quite happy.
Until he had to learn how to shovel the driveway, of course… Mwa-ha-ha-ha….
40+ mph wind gusts, powdery snow, and the dork up the road is running a snowblower. I was laughing watching it all blow back into his driveway.
Lol, serious stupid right there
Send some to RVA.
M A X I N E YACHTWEAR | Official Miami Swim Week™ The Shows 2022 | Swimwear Runway Bikini Models
above average ass quality in this one
She needs to be more body positive.
Now I want to go swimming in Miami.
It is a balmy 27 here at the moment. I only plan on going outside for more firewood so it is ok.
Mild 36 warming to 56 once the sun comes up over here — I assume the Jet stream dip down is on the other side of the Rockies (or at least the Sierra Nevadas). We’re actually about 10 degrees warmer this next week than we’ve been.
Ya, we are up 10 from the past few weeks too. Looks like no sun today though.
Currently 50 going down to 10 this evening.
-5 going to 16. 44 tomorrow and 50 on Sunday. No complaints.
Same ‘ol same ‘ol out here.
Good luck to any impacted Glibs.
Supposed to dip to the single digits here tonight and remain below freezing until Sunday-Monday. Then back to a high around 60 by the end of next week.
1/ On their first day of work abroad, hundreds of Filipino domestic workers presented their new employer in Saudi Arabia and Hong Honk with a small pack of dried mango and a photo of their family. Guess what happened next.
I very much doubt this will lead saudis to treat their slaves better
mmm, mangos from Mindanao are delicious
But the comments, arrrgh. As usual progs reject any harm-reduction measures and insist that policy changes in the host countries is the only way. Policy change which those researchers are not empowered to make.
For me personally, I don’t care. But I’m not OK with the country being so divisive that they threaten the life and the safety of people like me and my family merely because I’m telling people to get vaccinated, to wear a mask where appropriate, to avoid indoor settings, and to abide by public health principles.
I mean, if that’s the reason why I’m hated by people, that’s a sorry state for the country.
The view is really quite spectacular from up there on that cross, isn’t it?
That’s an incredible lie, even for him.
learn your types of screws
GODDAMN stupid wordpress
Torx is the superior screw.
Who the hell calls it six-lobe?
But I can’t use a butterknife to unscrew it.
Penta-lobe or GTFO!
But, seriously, most people don’t understand that Phillips is designed to cam out under torq, which is why anything done by robots needs JIS for cross compatibility.
Never used an impact driver, huh?
OT but something I learned that some might but others might not know.
You can buy and replace YKK zipper pulls in about 2 minutes if you buy a zipper repair kit. Mine was 5$ and it came with 10 #5 zippers and stops.
The website is dogshit so I recommend using Amazon.
I saved two full zip sweatshirts that got damaged in the washer.
Dog that went missing in California is found a year later – in Kansas
No one knows how Zeppelin, a three-year-old German shepherd mix, made the 1,600-mile journey, but he is alive and well
I knew there were flat states in the US where he joke went you could watch your dog run away for three days. Kansas must mountainous if the dog hid for a year
Stories like this make you question what instincts took over for the dog. We used to have stories of dogs returning to homes tens or hundreds of miles away after the owners moved.
“Just a few weeks before going missing, Zeppelin had fathered a litter of puppies. Two of them were kept by his family and will be waiting for their doggy dad’s return.”
He was ducking the support payments, duh.
“Bitch set me up”
Sounds like that dog tried to pull the old “I’m going out for a pack of cigarettes, I’ll be right back.”
A remake of Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs?
I really want to get my hands on a copy of that.
I saw that movie along with several other banned cartoons at an art school in Philadelphia in the early oughts. The point of the festival was to educate people about the past, today it would not happen. It’s better to control the past and burn the cellulose than learn how fucked up some of it was.
Feet & Ankles Yoga Flow | Yoga with Suzie
in case anyone has ankle mobility issues
Today’s Idiots In Cars. Be sure to watch until the end for the cherry on top of the sundae!
What could go Wrong doing a quick U turn
Comments say that Officer Room Temperature IQ is Utah HP.
What do you want to bet he tried to ticket both of them?
Maybe $1 at best. I’d need odds.
What’s funny is that the dashcam guy looked as if he could’ve stopped but he decided to teach
that cophimself a lesson.My guess is he was also mindful of the truck pulling the boat behind him.
Coronavirus infection rates rose steadily through the first half of November across Los Angeles County, then began to climb sharply around the long Thanksgiving weekend.
It’s called “Flu Season”.
In stating her case, Ferrer cited not only COVID-19 but also influenza and the respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, which were creating a viral blizzard some call a “tripledemic.”
Curious how these other things are now a thing.
Fauci’s warning to America: ‘We’re living in a progressively anti-science era and that’s a very dangerous thing’
Correct, but not how you mean.
“The data on masking to reduce transmission is pretty abysmal,” says Dr. Lucy McBride, a Washington, D.C., physician who writes a newsletter about medicine. “And even if the data showed that masks work perfectly all the time (which they don’t), we must consider the potential downsides of covering faces,” she told Yahoo News.
Anti-SCIENCE! disinfo!
Not to mention racist.
Torx is the superior screw.
Until you snap the head off, anyway. The whole point of those early screw head designs was to prevent over-torquing.
Ehh. A screw with a damaged slot from climb-out isn’t really much better than a screw snapped off in the hole…
Sounds like you’re using cheap metal in your fasteners.
Have you thought of using better materials?
Did you check the thermostat?
It Sheldon who’s breaking his fasteners.
Clippy does material sciences?
It looks like you’re trying to make a clamshell for a $2 product. Might I recommend adamantine plastic untrasonic welded closed?
Cheap fasteners? Normally I’d take that as a blood insult.
What I’m using, usually, are very small fasteners that are subject to lots of vibration. Would you be interested in a lecture on the various benefits and drawbacks of Loctite 242 versus Rocksett thread adhesive?
Yes, please. Can you go into the chemistry and physics of how they work as well and why it makes a difference in the function?
Id read that for a dollar.
Hey, it sounds like Sheldon is volunteering an article for the site. 🙂
Friday Funbags brining the ho ho hos!
Excellent collection for this group. Quite a few naturals, only a few that are comically big and no face diapers.
Brined ho-hos?
Does that make them juicier?
The last thing you want is for them to dry out.
Jaysus. #2.
Today’s Idiots In Cars. Be sure to watch until the end for the cherry on top of the sundae!
Situational awareness, FTW!
“leaving masking as a matter of personal choice”
At the risk of jinxing myself, it was minus-teens Wed night, warming up to single digits from yesterday to this morning.
The water is still running.
*knocks on wooden head*
It’s 34F here, with a predicted high of 60F, and completely clear skies.
I will take it.
Use staples.
No, Sean, I did not sew butt plugs on my stocking.
So what did you sew them on?
Her WW1 artillery shell cozy?
The advent calendar.
Ah, glued, huh?
I keep tripping and falling on his penis!
DEIDRE SAYS: This will continue until one of you stops it.
I need to start writing one of these columns.
“We cheated fair and square!”
KARI LAKE TRIAL: Katie Hobbs’ lawyer goes on bizarre rant during closing argument arguing it’s political malpractice to tell voters to vote on Election Day and not vote early
Says Americans choose their own “rulers”
Says you can’t go contest an election in court after results
Interesting slip there…
Good morning, Spud!
Thanks for filling in. I am praying for Sloop and his soul.
You mean when weather radar and vehicles were shit? When it really was dangerous to venture out?
What a douchebag.
Winter of 1977 – 1978, IIRC, was crazy. I skied to my best friends house a mile or so away. Snow past the mailboxes. As a little kid it was great! Snow forts, plus tunnels galore. And yet even with all the RWD cars back then people still got around.
Also why does the President have to say something about EVERYTHING these days?
More of the electorate than we’d like looking to him as Big Daddy, face of Big Daddy Government at a guess.
Govt Daddy for all those people that laugh at the people that believe in Sky Daddy.
Hardly ‘all’.
My mind is not for sale or rent, to any god or government.
So you gave it away free.
No, I kept it for myself.
My guess is you aren’t one of those people that laugh at folks with religious beliefs.
Hmmm. I try to ignore, be polite, but ultimately treat them the same as vegans.
Exactly, you don’t ridicule people because of their beliefs as long as they aren’t trying to shove those beliefs down your throat. You aren’t very American you know, because there is nothing we love more than that – shoving our silly beliefs while ridiculing others.
Boston, blizzard of ’78
School cancelled from mid January through month of February.
As a 16 year-old with a license, venturing out in either an 81′ vette* or a 77′ olds cutlass in weather like this was nothing. Both RWD with questionable tires for the conditions. I kinda feel bad for the people that panic at the thought of 2″ of snow on the roads.
*Chevette. I beat the hell out of that poor thing.
I had my parents ’84 Nissan truck, RWD only. If I was lucky there was some firewood out back. I learned a lot about winter driving in that light thing – because ice storm or not, I was going to my GF’s house to get laid.
’65 LeMans with bad tires. Used to use the concrete bases of light stanchions to stop.
And yes, weather meant nothing when there was a pretty lass waiting.
When I met ex-wife, she had a 1981 Toyota Starlet. For RWD, it was a beast in SW Ohio snow.
Also, it was the only car Ive owned (been party to ownership) that had a manual choke, which I thought was brilliant for the time.
I won’t drive our truck in the snow if it doesn’t have something decently heavy in the bed. RWD and a light ass? No effing way.
Now you know why I like fat broads. Heat in the winter, weight over the axels, and shade in the summer.
Plus, when its dark, no matter what part you grab it feels like it could be titty.
Yeah, my Ranger’s tiny ass is sliding all over the place even on wet pavement if there is nothing heavy back there. I could have better tires, but really I just use it to take trash to the dump and for Home Depot.
Where I grew up, you didn’t really know how to drive until you had learned how to spin your car so that you could pull directly into your driveway instead of needing to turn into it. It was useful to at least get you into the driveway without needing to shovel out the apron.
Heh… you had me going… “Who would give a 16 year old new driver a Corvette?!?!?” 😉
A buddy of mine had a Chevette we used to take turns jumping off a small bridge. The suspension on that thing was incredible, the acceleration, not so much.
I cut my teeth winter driving a ’77 Impala with bald tires (Cooper Tiger Paws retrieved from the trash bin behind a Goodyear- where I got all my tires as a teen.) through several MN winters. I hate to brag, but there is almost nothing I can’t do in a skidding car.
The plebs can eat cake.
Democrats in the state Senate and Assembly voted overwhelmingly Thursday to give themselves a record raise and hike their taxpayer-funded pay to $142,000 a year.
The early Christmas gift … to themselves, makes Albany the highest-paid state legislature in the nation — despite ongoing inaction on critical issues including New York’s controversial bail reform law and the Big Apple’s migrant crisis.
The 29% boost to their current $110,000 pay will also result in wages more than three times higher than the median $43,208 earned by average New Yorkers.
Lawmakers will also be allowed to continue raking in unlimited outside income until 2025, when it would generally be capped at $35,000.
I’m just wondering when it is going to be enough to be time for torches and pitchforks.
One word. Just one- term limits.
There is the Illinois way. One term in office then one term in prison.
How the hell is the average New Yorker living on $43k a year. Yes, I realize that there is a thing called Upstate NY, but there is also a giant city where people in regular jobs are well over 100k, and a high concentration of millionaires.
Would you be interested in a lecture on the various benefits and drawbacks of Loctite 242 versus Rocksett thread adhesive?
I was watching a youtube car thing where the guy was building a motor with bolt holrs through into the water jacket. He said “We’ll use silicone on theses.” I said, to the teevee, “What? Why not PST?”
Ummmm… gross.
Her plants don’t drink……. vater.
Feed me.
“Is it your testimony that the printer set changes that led to the so-called “shrink to fit” issue was that done on Election Day?”
Maricopa County Elections Director Scott Jarrett:
“That’s correct.”
I think “shrink to fit” is not the correct characterization. It’s not “shrink to fit” if the print is smaller than the paper size.
I took it as they were printing a 20″ designed ballot document but set the media type to 19″ (when the printer actually had 20″), hence it shrank-to-fit the true document size to the supposed media size and all.
But you know what they say about assume and all…. helps the Democrats take the votes of you and me or somesuch…
No, the ballot size that is supposed to be use is 19″. They printed the 19″ output on 20″ paper.
It shows a new method of manipulation.
Where else was it done?
Jesus… can’t wait to find out how much more of the Dem agenda they couldn’t pass by itself they just lumped in. Despicable.
Remember – the Republicans got an increase for DoD!
McConnell is the real problem.
The alleged Catholic says:
“How silently, how silently, the wondrous gift is given,” Biden began, as he delivered his address to reporters at the White House.
The president spoke about a “child” born on Christmas but did not speak the child’s name.
“We look to the sky to a lone star, shining brighter than all the rest guiding us to the birth of a child, a child that Christians believe to be the Son of God,” he said.
He’s called ‘Jesus’.
“That light is still with us, illuminating our way forward as Americans and citizens of the world, a light that burned at the beginning and at Bethlehem,” he said.
The president used the Christmas holiday to ask Americans to unite around shared values rather than getting caught up in political bitterness.
“I sincerely hope this holiday season will drain the poison that has infected our politics and set us against one another,” he said.
Biden also asked Americans to look beyond each other’s political beliefs.
“And look. Really look at each other. Not as Democrats or Republicans, not as members of team red or team blue, but as who we really are. Fellow Americans,” he said.
He added: “You ultra-MAGA terrorists who support the Great MAGA King are a threat to the very foundation of our – uh – you know the thing.”
This the same guy who stood in front of the eerie red Nazi-inspired staging and told half the country that we’re evil.
a child that Christians believe to be the Son of God
Not that Joe believes that, but he can’t just say it. Or if he does believe it, he can’t say that either. The life of a Democrat.
Stanford students faint in unison.
New furnace installed in November.
Last night it’s -10 with howling wind.
Temperature in the house drops to 62 degrees while the furnace is running non-stop.
Someone fucked something up.
Waiting for the service tech to call back.
“Looks like we routed the output up the chimney and vented the chimney into the house. How are you not dead?”
Cant happen with a modern furnace, but the blocked vent will cause exactly what Kinnath is expereincing
We have hot/warm air come from the vents continuously. The furnace just isn’t keeping up.
Undersized furnace? At least it appears to be keeping the house at a stable temperature.
They replaced a furnace that kept the house warm in -25 weather in the past.
You would think they could read the BTU rating on the old one an put a new one in with at least the same rating.
Either they put in a smaller furnace or something is not installed properly.
Part of my brain is waiting for “FedGov says the max unit for your square footage is this, so that’s what you got. FYTW”
“Oh, wonder who left this window open”?
Did you check the thermostat?
Did you turn it off and back on?
And yet even with all the RWD cars back then people still got around.
I’d toss a couple bags of “tube sand” in the trunk of my MG every winter.
Beats jail in the Bahamas.
Sam Bankman-Fried Released on $250 Million Bond With Restrictions
Paywalled NYT.
So a thief can use his ill gotten proceeds for bail? Since when?
Of all the times you would expect asset forfeiture to kick in.
Parent’s home.
They didn’t make him post the full amount.
Which just begs the question: where did his parents get the money for the bond? I read somewhere it was $15MM and they mortgaged their house. How do two law professors wind up with a house with $15MM in equity? Something stinks on ice, here.
Also, a question: Dozens/hundreds of people with trespassing charges are held for years without bail, but this guy is charged with billions of dollars worth of crimes, and gets bail?
Nothing to see here, move along.
Didn’t SBF buy his parents a house? I seem to recall that as one of the questionable things that he had done during the rise of FTX.
Jesus… can’t wait to find out how much more of the Dem agenda they couldn’t pass by itself they just lumped in. Despicable.
But it’s Trump’s mega-MAGA robot army which poses an existential threat to the nation.
Well heck…
Glaswegian who ‘invented’ chicken tikka masala dies
Don’t want to write Ukraine a blank check? Don’t support regime change in Russia? Not thrilled about starting WWIII? YOU’RE JUST A RUSSOPHILE USEFUL IDIOT WHO CAN’T EVEN SPEAK BECAUSE YOUR MOUTH IS FULL OF PUTIN’S COCK.
Cathy Young used to be so smart and rational.
As with most people, once you find out what they hate, you’ll find the key to their irrationality.
And Young really really really hates Putin.
Young, who was born in Moscow and came to the United States with her family in 1980…
I’m going to guess she also suffers from the general hatred of all things Russian like the rest of the
To be fair, I also hate all things russian. Even their hot women.
Pie’s mostly afraid of Babuskha
The question they don’t answer is whether eastern Ukraine is worth a nuclear war.
Merry Christmas!
Where is Randy Quaid when you need him?
In Kentucky?
I read that drivel, and….
Based on the 5th Column from the other day, she should be doing a MFM with Welch and Moynihan.
The anti-Ukraine right can’t stand America standing as the arsenal of democracy.
This might be a surprise to this dishonest cunte, but Ukraine is not 1) an ally of the US and 2) a democracy.
The extent and purpose of U.S. military aid to Ukraine is certainly a legitimate subject for debate. Right now, there is a powerful consensus in the United States and Europe that Ukraine, for all the flaws and imperfections of its still-young democracy, is fighting for freedom against an authoritarian Goliath and that its fight is also a fight for the free world and its values.
Show your work.
Goliath? An economy on par with Spain and Italy?
With a shrinking population.
So that’s where she washed up.
All her flapdoodle about “democracy” can’t hide the fact that they’ve been fighting over this turf for hundreds of years and we have no business sticking our nose in it, not even to “git Putin”.
Someone a fuckton smarter than little miss dumbshit from Russia.
Cathy Young used to be so smart and rational.
*bangs sarcasm detector on edge of desk*
Horton had a debate with her recently and handed her her deranged ass on a platter.
Young has been in full neocon SPREADING MUH DEMOCRACY mode for a while now. She’s got nothing other than platitudes and bullshit promises.
NYC quietly moves to let giant lithium ion batteries be installed on rooftops
Fire and structural concerns for sure. But should you assume that only DU and not the NYP has some “smart” commenters let me share the first comment.
Better put down that phone, them got the radiation built right in.
Well, these are probably the same people who can detect Wi-Fi and can feel the electrical wires near them.
Well, I can when I touch them
Maybe stop voting for Democrats and their “green” fantasies. Just a thought.
Didn’t Elon burn off a lot of rooftops with his solar panel arrays about ten years ago?
+ 1 gigawhat Akira?
Gotta love the scare quotes around “free speech”.
TL;DR – Twitter suppressed wrongthinkers who think wrong things so suppressing them was good. Musk wants to allow wrongthinkers to share their wrongthoughts with other people so that’s bad. Also: Musk is not really that smart or talented, he’s just a crypto-Ultra MAGA right-wing terrorist who is a threat to democracy, puppies and the space-time continuum.
Irony in that censorship is as wrong-think as you can get. Total lack of self awareness FTW!
Doesn’t the author of this piece sound like somebody who’d ‘moderate’ any speech he wouldn’t like right out of existence?
For some reason, the phrase “precious little woke prat” occurs to me…
NYC quietly moves to let giant lithium ion batteries be installed on rooftops
Fire and structural concerns for sure
Yeah. Just wait ’til a NYFD truck rolls up to a building and they say, “Sorry, nope. We’re not going in this one. We’ll just hang out here and try to keep it from spreading (too far).”
NYC: “Why should China have all the fun?”
The new “save the foundation” strategy.
The wind is here. The temperature is dropping.
Get your alchol supplies, its getting rough on the roads,
if only you had gotten solar panels this would have been avoided
They have a high insulation rating?
The anti-Ukraine right can’t stand America standing as the arsenal of democracy.
Watching War Factories the other night, about American aircraft production, they talked about that time when Henry Ford refused to build B-24s(?) because he was a hard core “isolationist” (and he hated FDR with the intensity of a thousand suns).
*I was mildly surprised they didn’t hang “Nazi sympathizer” around his neck; PBS would have, unhesitatingly.
Just took an unbroken latch cover from the first toilet seat with the broken latch base and fit it onto the second toilet seat with the broken latch cover but two complete latch bases.
I think we’re in business! 😀
Now you can shit to your heart’s content.
Uffizi gallery director Schmidt lays down email rules in Italy
After seven years running Italy’s flagship museum the Uffizi, its director has clearly had enough of inappropriate punctuation.
Eike Schmidt has laid out his rules for email etiquette in a message to staff.
His circular may have lacked Dante’s style but the sentiment was clear:
Capitals should be limited to proper names of where their use is required by Italian grammar
Ellipsis, where words are left out but understood, should be avoided…
Work emails should always be “clear, explicit and never allusive”.
For Benjamin Weissman, lecturer in cognitive science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the US, Eike Schmidt’s recommendations are an attempt to resist a gradual integration of elements that have made text-based communication closer to the way people speak.
“It amounts to telling people they can only speak in monotone or with a neutral expression. In addition to any general issues of employers controlling the way employees communicate, this appears to restrict their expressive flexibility,” he told the BBC via email.
German capitalization rules are simpler. How about russian capitalization rules?
They exist?
German – capitalize every noun. Russian – normally only capitalize the first word of a proper noun and any word that would be a proper noun on its own. (“Mikoyan i Gurevich (MiG)” not “Mikoyan I Gurevich (MIG)”)
The few. The proud…
The US Marines may ban recruits from respectfully addressing senior members as “sir” or “ma’am” to avoid “misgendering” and offending them.
The woke recommendation was made in a new $2 million report commissioned by the Corps from the University of Pittsburgh.
The exhaustive, 738-page study that the Marines first commissioned in 2020 said traditional ways of addressing superiors were holding back gender integration.
“Employing gender-neutral identifiers eliminates the possibility of misgendering drill instructors, which can unintentionally offend or cause discord,” the study said.
“By teaching recruits to use gender-neutral identifiers for their drill instructors, Services underscore the importance of respecting authoritative figures regardless of gender.”
I’m sure woke language will come in handy in combat.
On a related note, I find it odd that we are (further) debasing our currency, destroying our energy and food production, importing millions of foreign nationals, depleting our weapons supplies and rendering our military useless. It’s like someone is at war with average US citizens.
The US Marines may ban recruits from respectfully addressing senior members as “sir” or “ma’am” to avoid “misgendering” and offending them. – highness or your grace is gender neutral
There’s a Corporal Klinger joke in there somewhere.
Rank will be the next thing to go, instead there will be a talking stick to get passed around so everyone has their say.
The Red Army tried to abolish rank.
It didn’t work out so well when war arrived.
everyone in the platoon should get a vote whether we advance or hold position
They tried to fly the Ukrainian flag in the Slovak parliament – didn’t go as well as it did in the U.S. Congress.
Remember when there was a leak of an interview with Trump from January 2020 where he was pilloried by left as a liar because he said that covid was a nasty thing because it spread through the air and was highly contagious? He was a liar who misled the country!
But there’s Fauci claiming he didn’t know that at the time, as if he wasn’t privy to the same info as Trump.
The evil little gnome isn’t just on record as “flip flopping” with the data. He is on record as blatantly lying telling the public to do things that in private he was saying wouldn’t work. The guy was asked to provide just one example of a study that changed his mind on masks when something like three days before publicly demanding their use he said in private that they don’t work. He couldn’t do it. Then years later he tells us that no, cloth and fabric masks don’t really do anything. Wear N-95’s (for a less deadly version of the virus). There was no data to support the conclusions, and that was quietly sidelined when few people actually listened or cared. It was just back to basic masking. Wear a mask for mask’s sake…
Final part of the rant – it shouldn’t even need to be said how ridiculous it is for him to play the martyr and claim he’s hated for simply telling people they should do things. No, asshole, you are hated for pushing mandates and lockdowns that stripped people of their most basic and fundamental rights as people and parents.
He’s just upset that he doesn’t get the same respect that Mengele got in Nazi Germany.
Also, a question: Dozens/hundreds of people with trespassing charges are held for years without bail, but this guy is charged with billions of dollars worth of crimes, and gets bail?
A pinky swear is sufficient, as long as you’re a member of the correct tribe.
I heard it wasn’t even “bail”, just a pinky-swear from his parents who do not, in fact, own a $250 million house.
“It amounts to telling people they can only speak in monotone or with a neutral expression. In addition to any general issues of employers controlling the way employees communicate, this appears to restrict their expressive flexibility,” he told the BBC via email.
Asking people to communicate in a clear and concise manner is slavery.
1. Free people have a right to be wrong.
2. The NY Times is wrong all the time.
3. Many of the reinstated accounts weren’t wrong; they were banned for making true-but-prohibited statements.
4. Blocking opinions from the public square is worse than being wrong about anything.
We are not allies…
The Ukrainian ambassador to the UN just posted this
The other nice benefit of a cold snap is to put your truck battery out of its misery once and for all. Five fucking years old!
I had an appointment to put tires on my truck today. Wouldn’t start. Battery is shot.
Battery is shot. – I blame lack of common sense gun control
I heard it wasn’t even “bail”, just a pinky-swear from his parents who do not, in fact, own a $250 million house.
Less than full collateral value, I believe. Plus, the3y’re letting him road-trip to mommy and daddy’s house, where he will be strictly supervised.
To be honest, I’d laugh if it turned out he was sprung from that medieval dungeon in the Bahamas just so he could be bumped off at some truck stop in Nevada.
Or he got kidnapped and his kidnappers got paid ransom in FTX coins.
he drove onto the NIH campus in Bethesda, Md., in June 1968, a 27-year-old physician fresh out of residency training.
So he stopped treating patients.
People are icky, sick people even worse.
So, went to take the dog out to go to the bathroom, open the door, dog goes running out… and proceeds to find the stairs are a slip and slide. I chuck and go down to help her. And then I find the stairs are a slip and slide.
Son of a bitch… But no broken anything except pride and dignity.
Actual footage of Zwak’s dog