Underrated sports movie
Pele has passed away. I’m not sure he was the greatest soccer player ever, but he was certainly a generational player and helped grow the game in the USA. He’ll be missed. The Titans are in freefall after losing again. What is that, six in a row now? Anyway, their season is done. A few more bowl games yesterday. The FSU-Chokelahoma one was exciting to the end. Five more today, with Tennessee-Clemson the headliner. And that’s it for sports.

What’s wrong with this?
What’s controversial about it? They’re just doing their own thing. Isn’t that to be applauded? I thought we had entered a time when people were to be cheered on for their lifestyle choices, CNN. Or does that not apply to certain groups?
The optics of this would be awful had it been anybody else. I distinctly remember Ted Cruz being pilloried for going to Cancun before a storm hit his home state while the Senate was in recess. Biden literally had aides fly a document to St Croix while people were dying during a blizzard that started before he left and hardly a peep from the mainstream media.

“ThAt’S DiFfEreNt!”
This sounds sketchy to me. He was setting up his organized crime ring with the intention to do all these things but hadn’t gotten started yet? Maybe our resident Romanian can explain how the law works over there.
I think this is a great idea. He should ask Dick Blumenthal and Lizzie Warren to sponsor the Senate version.
This guy is crazy. I hope they don’t house him with women. Oh who am I kidding, he’ll probably be released in a day.
What an unusual story. I can’t fathom the difficulty people like this are forced to endure. Every moment of their lives is a blessing and a chore. God bless them.
Best of luck. The feds will still be able to fuck with anybody involved on a whim. I can’t believe anybody would take that risk.
Somebody explain this to me like I’m five. Because I really don’t understand how investors can stop it, shy of voting out the current board.
Here’s a magical song. And not just because of the crowd at the end, although that makes it even better for me. And here’s one for New Year’s. Enjoy them both.
And enjoy this lovely Friday and the weekend, as we head into another year, dear friends.
“Or does that not apply to certain groups?” — You know full well you just answered your own question there…
Morning, Sloopy.
Only transgressions against the mainstream culture are to be applauded. Once the mainstream is the freak show they want it to be – then, maybe, it will get a little love.
In the grand scheme of internet phenomena, tradwives are a fringe group.
Dangerous though I assume.
Traditional families in the mist.
Never change, CNN.
“The optics of this would be awful had it been anybody else.” — yeah, but this bill was important (just not important enough to wait long enough to have it on Air Force One with the PPP, or for anyone to actually read it or anything..). After all, it contains the Republicans Number One Priority ™ and all.
Kayne isn’t around anymore to tell us that Biden doesn’t care about black people in Buffalo.
Nobody cares about Buffalo.
Neneh Cherry does.
Don’t you get fresh with me
This song sounds exactly like the 80s turning into the 90s
Yes, yes it does.
Much better Neneh:
It certainly doesn’t take long in the article for them to point out that they have more social “reach” because *gasp* they’re allowed to use social media too! Can’t have anything against The Narrative and all…
And from there it is a very short hop to linking them to the “far-right” and then “White Supremacy” (because they quickly reduce them mentally to Baby Factories pumping out white babies to fight The Great Replacement or what not). Love the snide dropping in of “of course, the 1950s were rife with domestic abuse” and that “their simplistic view of the past can’t survive” and garbage like that. No question where the article author stands on this “news” piece.
Re: potmall,
The first legal dispensary opened this week, and some “concerned officials” were very concerned that this was too close to one in NJ so that if the lines were too long at the NYC one, people would drive over to NJ and illegally import cannabis into New York!
Translation: Those are our tax dollars.
They care about borders now?
“I think this is a great idea. He should ask Dick Blumenthal and Lizzie Warren to sponsor the Senate version.” — yeah, fine by me. Too bad for us that it can’t be ex post facto given PPP’s lies over the years… but then again, I think Harris is at least honest in her worthlessness, but better that way.
Imagine my surprise that the Democrats would have a field day with this story. 🙄
I have been saying for a while that there’s no need for Congress to meet at one location anymore. I wonder if there’s a state in which I/we could agitate to have their state leg provide congressional/senate offices and begin depopulating DC.
Do you want them in your state? I don’t. They can stay in DC.
Having them locally makes it easier to protest them by locals, and more expensive to lobby the legislature as a whole. K Street real estate prices might drop.
Tennessee-Clemson the headliner
Most appropriate Orange Bowl ever.
Guest starring Northern Ireland?
No love for Syracuse?
None at all.
None for Texas either, since they burnt their orange.
They’re all tuckered out after all the Verstappen fans left COTA?
A long time ago, the Orange & Blue-wearing Syracuse Orangemen squared off in the Orange Bowl against the Orange & Blue-wearing Florida Gators. The Orange Bowl that year was actually played in the Orange Bowl, since the Dolphins were hosting a playoff game across town in Joe Robbie Stadium that same day (I told you it was a long time ago).
Unsurprisingly, the southerners used their patented “SEC speed technique” to thrash Donovan McNabb and the kids from New York 31-10.
Also, the Orangemen began 1998 by being edged at home by Big Orange in one of the greatest games ever.
Cuse bested Blue at Michigan, but the season was otherwise uninspiring.
Vols then went through a string of improbables including WooPig fumbling away a game when they should have been taking a knee and ultimately Chris Weinke being injured for FSU’s at the Fiesta Bowl, so who’s going to throw to Peter Warrick, especially with vehicular maniac Dwayne Goodrich haunting him every snap. Vols proved that someone must win the championship every year.
We call it The Protestant Bowl in our house.
“Somebody explain this to me like I’m five. Because I really don’t understand how investors can stop it, shy of voting out the current board.” — danged if I know, but I’m crazy enough to think that if the investors are the co-owners of the company and the Board isn’t doing what they want, the Board should be subject to the same at-will employment as everyone else and all.
The way that corps I’ve been involved with in the past have “You can vote for Board members, but there’s no “No” and if they get even one vote they’re in” and “We’ll set the propositions, not you” and whatnot have always made me feel that there’s a pendulum there that is way too far away from investors. (But then crap like ESG makes me glad that’s true in some cases…. in all honesty, I just appreciate private companies run by their founders more than anything else — yeah, it may be harder to finance expansion, but they tend to not wander off into the Trend of the Moment for the Harvard MBA clique and all).
This appears to strike right at the heart of Burnham’s Managerial Revolution, and the divorce of ownership of the corporation from control of it (leaving aside whether that split should be considered legitimate). The corollary arrangement in the public sphere is the expert bureaucracy being in control with the political figureheads being ownership. The BoD is supposed to be the fulcrum between those two interests but primarily representing ownership. Usually you get a fight for control of the Board. Here it appears the Board and management want to fight their investors – which is a bit unusual. I can’t imagine there is actually a covenant on ownership requiring it to support management (as implied), even for institutional shareholders.
whaddup doh’
yo whats goody
Several women back in the Salem witch trials era?
Ouch. Too soon.
It takes a village, you bigot.
I just watched some lady in a Donbas village say basically that to Patrick Lancaster when he asked how she has survived 8 years of war in the area.
I grew up on a steady diet of “you don’t need a man” and “you can have it all!”
I can only imagine what they’re being fed today.
You can be a man?
Talk about fucking yourself.
you forgot the link
So did I
I talked to one of those women last night. Only in her case it has been 40 years of telling herself that. Now she is scared to death because as the youngest she sees that unless something bad happens she is gonna be alone and die alone… When I pointed out the connection between the choices made and where she is now, she got mad…
Tennessee-Clemson the headliner
The SEC will continue to suck for one more day. The Vol record was built by a QB who’s out with an ACL and a mike (a converted running back, no less) who is resting up for the draft.
But tomorrow in the CbftC (Championship before the Championship) The Old Sloopy University goes down to U of REM. Halftime performance will be Herschel Walker sitting in bass for Love Shack.
“Hop in my Chrysler, it’s as big as a whale”
I have no idea how this game tomorrow is gonna go. We have gotten a few key players back that have been hurt for much of the year. But apparently Miyan Williams has had the flu all week and it’s been running through much of the team.
We’re at least sitting at about the same place in the stadium we were for the Sugar Bowl when we beat Bama 8 years ago (different stadium, same name though) so we’re doing our part.
Dammit, how did I miss this gem?
The stupid, it burns.
I just lost some IQ points from that. Thanks.
Of a piece with this.
But if you want real supremacy — make sure you watch the slomo with the Avengers theme in this one.
I thought that smelled familiar…
Article is surprisingly not that terrible (not really interesting either), they just couldn’t resist with the click bait headline and the two paragraphs of stupid:
Some historian, ignoring the entire eugenics component of Progressivism to pluck out that little tidbit. More like distorian.
It wasn’t real Progressivism.
And now that they can’t abort as many of these people, encouraging unhealthy lifestyles are needed to pick up the slack?
That would explain Planned Parenthood’s foray into genital mutilation. As long as it results in population decline, they’re all for it.
“An honors graduate of Columbia Journalism School” Of course she is.
You know part of the reason for that, you ninny? A much larger portion of the populace were doing manual labor and not sitting on their butts in front of typewriters / early computer screens / etc. The rise of white collar work and cubicles directly correlates to needing to get up and actually move from time to time and all.
That’s also why the fashions of the past (like the 1920s that you cite) have larger body types glamorized.. only the idle rich could loaf around getting fat in the past… or not be out in the sun (which is why red necks / tans / non-lily white was looked down on). Read a history book you supposed professor! Oy.
She doesn’t need to read – she professes!
Kinda surprised that nobody’s posted it yet, but Miss Ukraine is cosplaying Archangel Michael
If the Miss Universe pageant was carried out like Hunger Games, the world would be a better place.
Winner gets the Donbas
Michael looks different than that… Even though he too has no junk.
“Miss Ukraine and Miss Russia will go head-to-head … ”
Will they? Or are there dozens of other competitors?
Journalism is such shit all around.
Projection from the article writer… they want to see it with the bow-chicka-wow-wow soundtrack…
They might be describing some back room dealings….
Yeah, I’d pay money for a three way with those two.
Both look like they’d skin you alive if you pissed them off.
So, standard issue expression.
‘Orning ‘ordles — I shout my barbarian “Meh” to the world.
Daily Duotrigordle #303
Guesses: 36/37
Time: 07:46.95
Daily Quordle 340
Daily Quordle 340
“Missed it by that much!”
Daily Quordle 340
Daily Quordle 340
7 6
4 8
Daily Quordle 340
SHOCKING: Tradwives are not all white:
Black women might like having the father of their children in the house? Not true, it’s just some secret code for whitey.
Notice they don’t even talk about Asians in the tradfam discussion?
The whole thing is cherry-picking in pursuit of furthering The Narrative – shocking, I know.
There’s an overlap between the far right and tradewives, tattoos, wearing clothes, … ban them all!
Hitler used indoor plumbing.
Ban it.
He didn’t smoke. Light up everyone!
I did click on the profile of one of the women in the article. She did a day in the life, where she got ready in the morning and then…took a trip to Starbucks. So not too traditional to make coffee at home.
That is excellent
I used to work with a guy who lived like this back in the 90s. His wife milled her own wheat to make bread. She made clothes for her and the kids. Canned and pickled everything under the sun.
There was something cool about it in a nerdy way…. but I couldn’t help observing that a really good loaf of bread costs a couple of dollars…. meaning less than 15 minutes of your labor. And it takes your wife hours. So…..
They were a bit odd… he also asked me how to post pictures to usenet newsgroups and a month or two later someone saw pictures of the wife on alt.sex.binaries.pictures. soooo… not opposed to technology. Just into DIY.
While I love the Heinlein quote, comparative advantage is a thing.
Yeah, that quote is ridiculous. And wasn’t true of anyone after about a million years ago.
I think people enjoy the spirit of the quote more than the literal quote.
I prefer to be literal when people break out quotes like that.
I choose to think that he meant you should be able to do those things, not that you have to.
I can change the oil in my car but I still have someone else do it.
Ugh threading.
I was agreeing with this:
I have a friend from college who married a guy who was into the Quiverfull movement. She became a stay at home mom, had eight kids (one died in infancy), homeschooled all of them, the whole nine yards.
Somewhere along the line they must have forgotten that children transformed from an economic necessity in the nineteenth century to a luxury good in the 21st. Add in that the husband is generous with sperm but bad with money, and now she’s complaining that her oldest kids, in their late twenties, have a higher standard of living than she does at 54.
I love her to death, but once in a while I want to grab her by the collar, give her a shake, and say “What were you thinking?”
When it comes to food prep type stuff, I am always having to remind my wife that there is a reason that bakeries exist, that chicken farms exist, and so on.
We don’t have to do it all!
I think tradewives is a different Reddit.
Most of the alt right dudes I encounter in real life or the internet are more into Asian chicks than white chicks. /shrugs
I’m not alt right
Well, “alt” does mean “old” in German, so . . . .
Freaky Friday: Welcome to Austin?
Fucking hipsters ruin everything. I bet he’s got a portable record player he carries around with oversized headphones to listen to his albums with while he sits outside at a bar and drinks his PBR. And he almost certainly rides a unicycle.
So I’m a little behind on my trans lingo: Is the person accused of killing the father up there a bearer of a Y chromosome or not?
It’s a chick with a dick.
Chromosomes are so yesterday.
It was cause by the accused suffering from Emotional imperialism: The strange belief that their feelings should dictate someone else’s behavior.
their feelings should dictate
someoneeveryone else’s behavior.FTFY
The cure for this idiocy is Wokanniblism: A low-carb, high-protein diet consisting mainly of eating your own.
So the “trans” angle came out later yesterday – been following this since it is near me and when it was just a “random home invasion”.
I wonder how much more ridiculous it will get.
Chromosomes can be changed, you science-denier.
Can transwomen grow a womb and normal men can lactate and I don’t think hormones will make a female grow a penis although they might make the clitoris bigger. Regardless, these people are nuts.
You want your smoking gun?
Receipts up and down the line. Your federal government is funding huge censorship networks for partisan political purposes.
They even had the NSF fund university research into “fighting disinformation” that included grants to specifically target “populist communications” and to “combat populist politicians”.
And… put on your tinfoil hat…. remember how I was pointing to weird articles in the spring and summer of 2020 that said things like “on election night it might look like Trump won in a landslide, but by the time the recounts are done on Friday,Biden will win in a landslide”? This, at a time that Trump was down 16 points in the polls?
Well… this article documents a change in the censorship consortium’s definition of disinformation to include any questioning of mail in ballots…. in the summer before the 2020 election.
“This speech control network also flagged popular populist-right YouTube channels, including Steven Crowder, BlazeTV, Judicial Watch, CDMedia, and even the GOP War Room, as “mis- and disinformation” spreaders.”
So… there is your smoking gun. The federal government directed those “private corporations” to censor political speech. And only in the direction of suppressing republican and conservative voices.
The federal government under the Trump presidency, even better. Ironic how this didn’t come out before the recent election.
Trump and the people around were at best terminally naive about government bureaucracy and its political tendencies at best and were complicit at worst. Still, the preHarris Administration has taken it to a new level.
As if the federal government was “under the Trump presidency”.
Jaysus wept.
Yeah, the article makes it clear that the folks running this were distinctively not under the control of the white house. In fact, they put white house and cabinet personnel on the censorship list.
“This leftist establishment-aligned censorship consortium flagged then-President Donald Trump, the highest elected official in the US government, as one of its top “mis- and disinformation” spreaders.”
……and the President’s sons, Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump, amongst others.
Every single “repeat spreader of election misinformation” cited in the EIP’s report was aligned with the political right:
(Insert spreadsheet of people who were blocked by the group here.)
Exactly my point: first – the president doesn’t fucking matter much. Second – he matters even less when he is as dimwitted as Biden or disengaged as Trump.
This only ever has ANY hope of being fixed, if a largely new-blood Congress is elected that demands accountability and shuts off funding. All other bitching is pointless.
It only ever gets fixed if they fire every single federal employee and start from scratch with a new bureaucracy that’s 1/100th the current size. And none of the new employees can have ever worked in a government capacity and their employment is on a correct basis that prohibits renewal after 3 years.
Ah, so never then.
That is a little more succinct.
But yeah. Exactly.
But of course.
Who’s the guy on the right in the pic? It looks like they reanimated Anton LaVey. And yes, we have quite a mess as far as defacto government censorship goes and not a damn thing that’s meaningful will be done about it.
Libertarians should have their pitchforks and torches out… and not just because we often get lumped in with the right.
Instead, our largest voice, Reason, is filled with people running to hide in the political left bushes.
“Before receiving a $3 million government grant from the Biden Administration in 2021 after censoring the Biden Administration’s political opposition in 2020, SIO was originally funded by private foundations such as Craig Newmark Philanthropies, the Omidyar Network, and the Charles Koch Foundation,“
Stanford Internet Observatory
They are a key player in the federal censorship regime.
I suppose you don’t need to fight the censorship machine if you have a seat at the table when the targets are selected.
Hey, icky people are icky people – you don’t want to associate with icky people do you?
Pot. Kettle. Black.
To underscore…. Charles Koch helped fund the Stanford Internet Observatory during the time that TDS infected Reason.
SiO is on the board rub out of DHS that decides what to censor, how to censor and what counter narratives to push to combat “misinformation”
I have been pushing for several years…. “what is the command and control mechanism behind this propaganda machine?”
Now we know.
It is not just a talking points fax sent from the DNC, the feds have literally hundreds of workers involved, and there are many thousands more deputies in universities and think tanks. And the FBI and DHS are the point of the spear delivering the message to the press behind the scenes.
Da Science must have been behind this doozy..
This cannot be real.
Sadly it is.
And what it should tell people is that our “expert class” is never again to be trusted if they play along with shit like this…
They’re so afraid of institutional retribution over rejection of this nonsense that they’re turning out trash studies? I am unfortunately not surprised.
Apparently it is. Here’s the source material:
“We hypothesised that the transmission routes and clinical presentation of monkeypox virus in the current outbreaks might not be the same for women as for GBMSM, and that presentations might also differ between cis and trans women.”
Wow. We got ourselves some geniuses over here.
People who sleep around spread disease? Shocked.
A can of sparkling wine before 9 AM? Why not if I’m in the air and it’s the start of a vacation.
The why not is more in the “can of sparkling wine” part than the 9am part.
Gotta agree on this one. Even a fruitty cocktail with an umbrella would be better. At least it has flavor.
Mine had bubbles and a moose picture on the can. So, there’s that.
Moosehead makes wine now? Them Canadians have gone all classy, eh?
It’s Archer Roose.
I’m hillbilly trash, so I got no opinion on anything another man pays for himself. Think of it as emotional camping.
Ok. Confession time.
I don’t really drink. Not my thing.
But…the wife and her friends have always been the “buy the trendy drink” people. So little bottles of wine in a 4 pack when that was the thing. Wine coolers when that was the deal. That nasty seltzer water wine crap now.
And when it was the hot item…. Mike’s Hard Lemonade.
Now…. Mike’s Lemonade is good….
That Black Cherry stuff is like Crack. Someone brought some to a picnic thing and made me try one.
Yeah. Nobody else got one after that.
You wanna get me hammered? That stuff has a good shot. I drank it like I was having a Mountain Dew after mowing the lawn.
Oban is my crack. I usually drink something much more peaty to slow me down because I might as well screw a nipple straight on an Oban bottle.
*googles for “liquor bottle nipples*
*immediately experiences regret*
Well… single malt straight from the bottle. Yeah.. that would do it.
This comes under my rule “never try the good stuff”.
Doesn’t matter what it is… if you are happy with what you have, don’t try the good stuff.
I really liked Johnny Walker or Jack Daniel’s. Then someone gave me the good stuff. A friend from Venezuela had a rum he brought from a Vista. Oh, boy. I can’t remember the name and I have never seen it since. Dude just wrecked spirits for me and then took a job in London.
I really liked my Mazda Protogee with a 5 speed. Then I drove a BMW 328i.
I loved my nice sleeper sofa. Then I tried a $14,000 sofa.
Never try the good stuff unless yoi can afford it, now and forever. You will never be happy with what you can afford again.
My mom likes all Mike flavors BUT cherry. I find them all too sweet but there are ways to de-sweeten them.
Yeah… guilty pleasure. When even the ladies thinj it is too fruity….
I don’t know what it is, but I have a thing for black cherry style stuff. Publix brand black cherry chocolate chunk iced cream… ooh, yeah. That is a-list.
And most of the family is like, meh.
They make the best black raspberry ice cream. Eat it once you will never eat any other brand.
Pictured: cyto
Perfection. Nailed me right down to the suit and tie. I had that same one.
You’ll want to try these.
Good morning, creative chefs.
I got groceries via delivery yesterday. but instead of the fresh Brussels sprouts I requested, they brought 2 of those bricks of frozen Brussels sprouts.
How in the world can I make those palatable? Air fryer? Skillet? Oven? I have lots of supporting cast members like garlic, onion, panko, bacon, etc.
I just can’t imagine how to overcome that texture…
I usually do Brussels sprouts under the broiler. It crisps the outer leaves with the interior remaining tender. ( i mix lemon zest, avocado oil, salt, pepper, ground caraway seed, and ground allspice and toss the split sprouts first.)
No idea if that will help the unholy abomination of frozen Brussels sprouts, but I have used the broiler to make frozen broccoli into something approximating real food
I do mine the same way… different spices though
I have taken to adding in couple of heads of peeled garlic cloves. Also, sliced onion goes well with it.
The kids like just olive oil and salt… or sometimes Lowreys seasoned salt added after cooking.
can you cream them like spinach?
Creamed Brussels sprouts? Are you a space alien?
Ok apparently that is a thing humans do. Weird.
But creamed spinach is gross too, so …. predictable?
Creamed spinach is divine.
You would have loved my mother’s cooking. Lots of mushy vegetables in casserole dishes.
With nutmeg.
I used to think it sounded gross.
That might actually repel even space aliens – keep it in mind.
That might not be a terrible idea.
Nope, creamed greens are a terrible idea. I don’t know why people do that.
some of us have low blood cheese levels
I literally paw through the produce section to pick out the stuff I want. Maybe in extremis I could accept someone else’s choices, but not under anything even close to normal circumstances.
I haven’t worked with frozen sprouts, but I typically just roast them in the oven.
Toss with oil, salt & pepper, and a couple cut up pieces of bacon. Occasionally, some fresh garlic too.
May I suggest a balsamic drizzle to enhance your experience?
Sometimes I do.
Other times I’ll mix ghost pepper salt into sour cream and put on top.
I have not been able to do anything satisfactorily with frozen vegetables other than wet techniques, and I hate Brussels sprouts cooked with those.
Might they be salvaged by drowning them in a soup with a nice, hearty well-seasoned broth?/not a chef by any stretch of anyone’s imagination
Brussels sprouts in any form make me throw up so I have nothing to offer here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thaw them out and feed to livestock?
Chop them up, and cook them like collard/turnip/mustard greens?
I’d probably still try my usual go-to for sprouts. Halve them at least, thin slices if possible (if you can thaw them to that point, it seems) — fry some cheap bacon to get the grease, set aside and keep for later — fry the sprouts in the bacon grease and a pat of extra butter with some minced garlic and pepper to where the outside is crisp, serve with the bacon crumbled.
Mushrooms and/or onions can be fried mixed in or separately to taste — I do whatever fits my mood.
Hopefully the frying in the bacon grease would take care of the consistency — but I do tend to do this with “fresh” (as fresh as the store allows) sprouts, so sorry if they just go to mush. I don’t *think* they will….
Fry ’em long enough they’ll be crunchy!
A simpler approach might work:
Thaw Brussels sprouts.
Lightly coat frying pan with olive oil.
Put Brussels sprouts in pan.
Take pan to trash can, and tip over. The olive oil should help the sprouts slide right out.
Tell them to come get it, or dispute the charge on your receipt and throw them out.
Our iguana used to like chopped-up brussels sprouts. Aside from that, I agree with Mojeaux.
Thaw them out, run them through chickens
No idea. I’ve never been able to make any Brussel sprouts palatable to myself. Broccoli needs cheese, and it’s good. Less offensive veggies (green beans, cauliflower, carrots, peas) only require a decent helping of butter. I wouldn’t eat a Brussel sprout on a bet.
Kale, cauliflower and broccoli belong in a salad only
4×20 – I’d agree about kale.
Cauliflower puree is absolutely Devine though.
I make a very tasty kale-spinach soup.
Thaw, and air fry tossed in olive oil, then drizzle with helping of balsamic vinaigrette.
Their politics, too, hearken back to that of the post-World War II boom (at least, for those who were straight, White and middle class). In their ideal society, men are the providers, women are the homemakers and the nuclear family is the holy grail.
These young women belong to a small subculture called “tradwives.” Short for traditional wives, tradwives aren’t your average stay-at-home moms. They sneer at what they consider to be modern-day feminism, with its girlbosses and its ungratifying grind, and wax lyrical about the value of traditional gender roles. Crucially, they promote submission to one’s husband, sometimes evoking fundamentalist Christian principles in their beliefs.
Most offensive of all is their rejection of Big Nanny as the primary source of support and protection.
These heretics are turning their backs on the One True Faith of almighty omniscient government.
Crucially, they promote submission to one’s husband…
Like the sands of time draining out of an hourglass so too does this sand drain… out of something.
those are the Days of Our Lives?
It’s hard to pick just one thing but the assumption that black people never had traditional families is up there too.
Though the numbers of self-identified tradwives are low, social media has allowed them to reach sizable audiences. The 10 to 15 largest tradwife accounts have tens of thousands of followers across Instagram and YouTube, according to an analysis from Political Research Associates, a think tank focused on the US political right.
Nothing outside the narrative. They must not be allowed to poison impressionable young minds.
It could reduce child attendance at Drag Queen Storytime! This cannot be permitted.
Might they be salvaged by drowning them in a soup with a nice, hearty well-seasoned broth?/not a chef by any stretch of anyone’s imagination
That was my first thought. Or some sort of cream sauce.
Or you could just throw them away and have something good, like asparagus.
what is this I can’t even
This is the correctest answer.
Greta advice…
Brussel sprouts are da devil!
Nope, creamed greens are a terrible idea. I don’t know why people do that.
To cover up the taste of the greens.
Friday Funbags brining you some future lower back pain.
Do you have the links to any Sexy Italian Girls with Thin Female Mustaches galleries? Asking for a friend…
For Christmas I bought myself a new knife sharpening kit.
I was inspired by a YouTube suggested video that compared a bunch of knife sharpeners. They included this cheap $14 double sided whetstone from Amazon. 400 and 1000 grit. It was nearly as good as the $900 set.
I bought the $25 set that includes a 3000 and 6000 double sided stone too, leather strop, compound, etc. That was a lot for the price.
Tried it out last night. Grabbed my cheapest chef’s knife… a Chicago cutlery knife from the apartment days back in the 80s.
I used the included angle guide… a triangle you clamp to the back of the blade… and started from the bottom stone and worked up.
All of the stones really removed a lot of material. Even the 6000 grit stone quickly built up a grey paste.
It took quite a while. It just wouldn’t make a burr for me no matter how long I tried. The angle was a good bit more shallow than the one my Chef’s Choice 110 used, so I guess it took a while to reshape the edge.
After a complete restart and with better angle control having some experience under my belt, I was able to put a really sharp edge on the knife. Not the sharpest thing ever, but easily passing the paper and shaving test.
With practice, I expect I will be able to get razor sharp blades.
Bonus… the electric sharpener is surprisingly loud on our counter… so sharpening during TV time is now an option with the nearly silent stones where it was not before.
Shockingly cheap for what it is. Last time I looked at a whetstone set it was more than that forba single stone…. and that was quite a while back.
You don’t necessarily want even a shaving sharp edge on cooking knives. It tends to be not as durable.
Plus, when I did that to our kitchen knives, Mrs. Dean nearly took her thumb off washing the knives. Which was the last time she washed the knives. I now put a somewhat less polished edge on our kitchen knives. A hair less of an angle, too. I think for meat slicing, you want a sharper edge than you do for chef’s knives or knives that will be used for vegetables – a little bit of “tooth” on the knife helps with veggies.
I’m sure that, like much else, there is violent disagreement about proper knife sharpening for kitchen knives. I also don’t put razor edges on my machetes or utility knives – I want durability on those edges.
Yeah, I thought about all of that too.
Worse, my big job for my old, cheap chef knife of late is butchering chicken leg quarters.
They have been having this 10 pound bag of leg quarters for 5 bucks or less for the last 6 months or so. Aldis and Walmart have been carrying them.
So I need a super sharp blade to slice meat, skin and sinew easily.. yet durable enough to encounter frequent run-ins with bone.
The Chicago Cutlery with a chef’s choice electric sharpener edge has been pretty good, but I have to sharpen it immediately before to get good results. That blade is not too terribly far off from a machete. It is pretty chunky.
And my boning blade hS never been satisfactory for deboning the thighs. We shall see if a razor edge helps, or if I lop off a fingertip.
I like the Norton dual stone. It’s aggressive and yields a good edge.
If you want to get stupid sharp, some plate glass and these sheets work very well. I use them for planes and chisels as well as MY carving knife. The wife’s knives don’t get that treatment.
Not gonna lie… that first one looks exactly like one of the stones I bought.
I don’t know much about the Chinese knockoffs. I’d buy Korean in a heartbeat though.
I purchase and resell a lot of diamond tools for concrete grinding and sawing. I’ve found that the Chinese tend not to mesh their abrasives very well and you get unpredictable results.
Probably why i was shocked to find a stone for less than twenty bucks when I had always seen hundreds.
The wife’s knives get her treatment, basically the Norton two sided stone, while my planes and chisels get my treatment, which is the same general type of stone. The difference being that we each do our own tools.
My HSS tool bits get a Norton white stone on the 7″ grinder, followed by hand stoning the edges. Works on every thing as needed: brass, stainless, carbon steel, etc. Fuck aluminum.
Regarding the trade wife’s article. Yes it’s a terrible idea, but not for the women instead for the men marrying one. You marry a trade wife she gets bored,starts banging the neighbor, you get a divorce, she has no career and takes you to the cleaners.
Well it would help if you’d stop trading her around, probably. 😉
Haha damn autocorrect
The seventies ARE making a comeback.
Apparently my phone thinks so.
Pretty solid analysis.
Not sure I am going to recommend legal marriage for my son. At least, not without a specific marriage contract.
Eh, if a woman (or man for that matter) is going to fuck around behind your back, they will do it whether or not they stay at home or go into the office.
Women who associate with the label exist on a spectrum of sorts, with varying ideas about what it means to be a tradwife and varying reasons for promoting those ideas.
No shit, Shirley? Now do every other group of humans on the planet.
How did this sort of nuanced analysis make it past the editors?
It is a not-so-subtle argument against self-reliance. They don’t need any damn editors for that; they churn these out by the dozen.
If you aren’t a dependent of The State you are likely an enemy of The State.
There is no way on the face of God’s green earth I could be a tradwife. First, I LOATHE housecleaning and cooking. Second, I have things I want to accomplish with my life that have nothing to do with housecleaning. Third, I want my own fucking money. Fourth, I LOATHE housecleaning and cooking.
I don’t exactly “like” cooking but I’ve forced myself to get better at it. Right there with you on housework.
When I was growing up, every day was spring cleaning. I never got the “don’t let perfect be the enemy of good” or “good enough is good” vibe because it had to be perfect and by damn, I was to make it that way. Even now I go over to help my decrepit mother do her weekly perfect spring-cleaning housework. She acknowledges that I am a shit housekeeper, while also acknowledging that I’m the one who knows how to do it RIGHT. The time it takes is thankless and the work totally irrelevant. I keep my house decluttered by not having a lot of crap in my common spaces. Nobody cares if my books and CDs are properly dusted.
Also, in my rental, whoever painted the molding did a shit job. First, they chose flat. Second, it feels like there was sand in the paint. It cannot be dusted. So if I want to dust my mantel (I do want to do that), I’m going to have to take a sander to the fucker and repaint in semi-gloss.
Same here. Total half-ass job. I can’t put lipstick on a pig so I don’t try very hard.
I am fairly spartan as is & it’s reasonably clean if you don’t look too closely and especially at the kitchen floor but I’m not impressing anybody so I don’t care.
I’m letting the next owner do the cleaning. My time is too valuable at this point.
My brother in law solved this dilemma with my sister (a partner track accountant at a big 6 firm) by letting her be the contractor on their new home… a 14,000 square foot house on 24 acres in town.
She has a staff for the bits you don’t like.
As tradwife gigs go, that would be the one to pick.
The “tradwives” in my neighborhood were SAHMs, but with a twist—they always did the DIY stuff too. No fit’n’flare dresses on my block. All red bandannas and work boots all the time, including me. The husbands made the money, the wives fixed the home the way they wanted it done, and it was good work, too! I had a guy come buy a cabinet off me, and he was a contractor. He liked hiring women because they actually cared about doing a good job, and their work was better. Those wives were a lot younger than I, and had smaller children. They also did not want to be “My kids’ mom” or “My husband’s wife.”
And we compared power tools.
Winner of most transparent euphemism of the day.
No battery operated tools in my tool chest. My tools are corded. MOAR POWER.
How are you at concrete?
I can do little things that require not a whole lot of rebar, but I’d didn’t because I didn’t want to spend the money on tools.
Half my first projects’ costs were dumped into tools.
I did not mess with infrastructure. I should have replaced our roof, but I did not. I was too busy paying a plumber.
You sound a lot like my sister! You should see the TIG welding setup she has in her workshop….
I had to stop the day I picked up a stack of 2x4s and something unfortunate happened with my reproductive organs. Never really got back into it after surgery to repair said unfortunate happening.
Yes, but how do you feel about cooking and housecleaning?
OK, sorry. Had to be done.
Nice song choice Echoes is a massively underrated album.
I remember when I first got that album…took me a year to finally figure out the cover. I thought it was just an abstract painting at first.
Vox being Vox:
Winter storms put the US power grid to the test. It failed.
America’s aging energy infrastructure and reliance on fossil fuels pushed local power grids to the brink.
Gee, Wally…
I’m sure those solar panels will continue to produce normally while encrusted by a sheet of ice.
But the wind turbines and solar panels just hummed along right Vox?
Not like a “build nothing, anywhere” culture and regulatory / lawfare state might be keeping the infrastructure from being improved or anything either, right Vox?
Like any of their readers will get to that point of reasoning
Or ask: Why did this stuff work so well in the 1970s? I remember the blizzard of 1978 and we never lost power (that I can remember)
Bureaucratic red tape, listening to the crazies, not expanding infrastructure. It’s like we are in a real life Sim City game and I am the one doing the city planning
I remember that one. Had to stay in school until June to make up for all the missed days. That said, I wasn’t crying about the days off when they happened.
My god they are dangerously stupid.
In other news, my fossil fueled vehicle requires occasional maintenance and sometimes gets involved in accidents.
Your car is an excellent microcosm of the problem. When just you up to 4 people it functions as advertised. Keep cramming people in it and eventually is starts to break down and not function.
It was obviously perform better on solar power.
would, ergh…
Well yes. As you approach 10-15 people you supplement with solar. Onwards to 25 people for your 4 door sedan you need to then weld some offshore windmills.
Speaking of fringe niche subcultural paranoia:
While tradwives are already a niche subculture, an even smaller faction of them are using tradwife content to spread more insidious ideas, says Annie Kelly, a journalist and researcher with expertise in anti-feminist and far right digital cultures.
Kelly describes the overlap between tradwives and far right movements as something of a Venn diagram. While there are some tradwives, including women of color, who simply hold conservative beliefs on the roles men and women should occupy in relationships, she said some on the alt right use tradwife aesthetics to recruit White women into the movement. Such influencers promote a contempt for modernity and feminism, as well as “a desire for an idealized and implicitly coded White past,” she said.
“If you’re a White influencer who’s espousing these things, there will be a quite pleasing overlap with how many White supremacists configure gender politics, because it coincides with lots of the alt right theories about what has gone wrong in the West,” said Kelly, who is also the UK correspondent for the podcast QAnon Anonymous.
I’d bet you a thousand dollars this is a woman who would snort with derisive laughter at somebody who believes in Bigfoot or space alien abduction, even as she is convinced there is a right wing bogeyman lurking under her bathroom sink, trying to turn her into June Cleaver.
I have to stop. The stupid in that article is making me light headed.
*flees in terror*
But minstrel shows mocking blacks = bad; drag queen shows mocking women = good.
It wasn’t that the country didn’t have enough gas to go around to meet the high demand. There was plenty of gas, but the infrastructure proved vulnerable to the extreme weather. Enough wells and pipes were frozen or broken to bring the grid to its brink.
How does Vox justify a massive investment in “hardening” the grid against severe cold weather when they also profess an unshakeable belief in the imminent meltdown of the planet from global warming?
And an unshakable faith in intermittent energy generation which underperforms in severe cold weather.
Beware the dreaded Cold Dunkelflaute!
Because climate change means it will be warmer AND colder. Dryer AND wetter.
Because shut up, denier!
Pine while scanning the tradwife thing: “This must be what it’s like for real Special Forces types to peruse tacticool mall-ninja stuff.”
Laughing at how sad the wannabe-stuff is?
Six years of Donald Trump’s federal tax returns released on Friday show the former president paid very little in federal income taxes the first and last year of his presidency, claiming huge losses that helped limit his tax bill, among other revelations.
The returns, long shrouded in secrecy, were released to the public on Friday by the House Ways and Means Committee, the culmination of a battle over their disclosure that went to the Supreme Court. They confirm a report issued from the Joint Committee on Taxation that Trump claimed large losses before and throughout his presidency that he carried forward to reduce or practically eliminate his tax burden. For example, his returns show that he carried forward a $105 million loss in 2015 and $73 million in 2016.
Maximize revenue. Minimize income. Who does that?
I mean who doesn’t want to pay taxes and go broke doing it?
The fucking despicable thing is that ll the people screaming the loudest about someone using the loopholes in the laws our congress passed to avoid paying taxes are also the ones most likely to just not pay taxes at all and then be forced to do so once they go work for government and are audited.
He couldn’t hire a cabinet worh shit but apparently has some excellent corpo tax lawyers.
Absofuckinglutely. You don’t make it past your first building as a real estate developer without some great white sharks for lawyers, particularly in NYC.
Cabinets are overrated. They are almost always comprised of swamp creatures because there’s not that many who will be able to take the job (and only so many will get approved by the Senate)
I’m sure they were the biggest, the most impressive, huge losses.
They’re obviously trying to impress people who just collect a salary and don’t have investment or business losses. Admittedly, it’s not that hard to do.
A politician who’s net worth went down while in office?
Let’s compare and contrast with Pelosi, McConnell, Schumer, Biden, and the rest. Release them all.
Well it’s only because he cheated on his taxes duh!
Friday dump. They have nothing LOL.
Friday before a holiday weekend dump. Can they have less than nothing?
Can only think they are setting up new congress to chase its own tail rather than let this slide into obscurity
Seems I was correct…
Russia! Russia! Russia!
tax returns are nobody’s business
legal practices such as carrying over losses are not interesting
the pop culture question of whether Mr Trump is a poseur is not advanced by what I’ve heard of these releases; of course, if I were a billionaire, I would have no trouble flexing in a way to prove my wealth instead of attempting to sequester documents that should be consistent with such status; there’s nothing necessarily wrong with being a highly-leveraged man-child except in his unsubstantiated protests that he is not one: he invited the debate but refuses to end it
I think we need to release Don’s tax returns to verify that he is (as he claims) not a billionaire.
Don invited this debate, but he refuses to end it.
The Don above did not run for an office that demands the trust of the American people as did the Don of the tax question.
This episode was shite. Listening to @MattWelch and @mcmoynihan gotchaing lecture fringe alt-right types on #387 was a low point in my listening year. I can’t even begin to capture the lapses in rigor or the stench of the sanctimony. Red herrings, non sequitur, rationalizations, and every other sophistry except ad hominem were employed to gotcha fellow travelers of folks they don’t like……..
WITHOUT regard to whether any of the facts or positions in play were correct or rational. The saddest part is they give aid and comfort to necons in the process, deploying rationalizations which can be used without limit to justify any amount of foreign adventure and any amount to taxation to underwrite it.
@kmele was guilty of a rare silent complicity, eventually making a weak attempt to funnel the discussion into a legitimate attack on government excess but still dodging his intellectual responsibility to to call out him comrades’ lapses and overreaches.
I call on WeTheFifth to create a short mission statement that is more substantial than “sanctimonious guys get to go after anyone and abandon any principles in the process whenever they want to”. My attraction had been to educated, well-traveled, well-read, and open/vulnerable commentators having a fairly decent treatment of the week’s issues, but I don’t have to be a Republican water-toter to object to American involvement in Ukraine, and I don’t deserve the headshaking and fingerwagging unless you come with facts. Welch and Moynihan always were from another view and culture than mine, but I’ve spent a life listening to decent and honorable men of consistent behavior so long as their arguments were philosophically consistent, and their podcast had been a pleasant boys club for me. #387 is just too much of the wrong thing and crossed a line for me.
Welch and Moynihan are bent over losing the LP to the Mises Caucus and have pretty much declared war on anyone who’s not down with kiddie drag shows or whatever the current left-liberal social agenda is. I gave up on them a while back.
The “tradwives” in my neighborhood were SAHMs, but with a twist—they always did the DIY stuff too. No fit’n’flare dresses on my block. All red bandannas and work boots all the time, including me. The husbands made the money, the wives fixed the home the way they wanted it done, and it was good work, too! I had a guy come buy a cabinet off me, and he was a contractor. He liked hiring women because they actually cared about doing a good job, and their work was better. Those wives were a lot younger than I, and had smaller children. They also did not want to be “My kids’ mom” or “My husband’s wife.”
There was some nonsensical blather tucked in there about the perceived (by the author) “failure of neoliberal capitalism”. I suspect that’s a fancy way of saying simple math makes it obvious that the second income goes almost exclusively to paying for things like child care and housework and other services which must be subcontracted due to the absence of the wife/mother.
\And [insert libertarian disclaimer] these are choices best left to personal preference and subjective value.
Pine while scanning the tradwife thing: “This must be what it’s like for real Special Forces types to peruse tacticool mall-ninja stuff.”
Or an actual demolitions expert watching action movie ‘splosions.
Also, in my rental, whoever painted the molding did a shit job. First, they chose flat. Second, it feels like there was sand in the paint. It cannot be dusted. So if I want to dust my mantel (I do want to do that), I’m going to have to take a sander to the fucker and repaint in semi-gloss.
Now I have a picture in my head of Mojeaux wet-sanding her mantel with 2500 grit sandpaper to a perfectly flat and smooth surface.
Believe it.
“What’s controversial about it?”
In the 1950s, not everyone alive would have supported transing 5 year olds and pedophilia. Very dangerous people they were!
I was really contemplating the calls against Tilted Kilt, Hooters, and Twin Peaks and kids being brought there in comparison to drag-shows, drag reading hour, etc.
I would argue that if a little league team is brought to one of the former it’s cause horny dads wanna look at T&A versus the later are specifically targeting children in overt fashion to be brought to what is akin to a nudey-booty
Heaven forbid you have a pool party too or a group picnic at the beach.
The Hooter girls are promoting unhealthy heterosexual man like behavior. We just cannot allow it! Toxic masculinity!
Trump reported having foreign bank accounts between 2015 and 2020, including a bank account in China between 2015 and 2017, his tax returns show.
Trump was required to report the accounts to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). The filings show that the former president maintained foreign bank accounts in countries such as the United Kingdom, Ireland and China.
The China bank account, which was reported by The New York Times in 2020, was tied to Trump International Hotels Management’s business push in the country, Trump Organization lawyer Alan Garten said at the time.
The 2020 disclosure of business dealings in China came as the Trump campaign sought to portray opponent Joe Biden as a “puppet” of China. Biden’s income tax returns and financial disclosures showed no business dealings or income from China.
Trump’s disclosures must be gone over line by line with a fine tooth comb. Biden’s are presumptively correct and above board.
International businessman has International ties! Grab the rope!
Speaking of tradwives I have been really enjoying the writing of Peachy Keenan (mostly in The American Mind, which is an excellent sit btw). She has a pretty great Twitter feed as well. I dig that she describes herself in her bio as a “Gen X Supremacist”.
It should be remarked that included in that 1.7 trillion dollah monstrosity, there includes the hiring of a packed football stadium crowd of new IRS employees. Thankfully Team Red had other priorities than ditching that part of the bill. It looks like there is going to be increased unemployment for the next year at least, so at least there will be 87k new jobs created there!
I must be imagining that stuff where I could have sworn the GOP said their number one priority after the election was going to be stopping the insane idea of 87K new IRS employees.
“We’re going to hire another 100k on top of that to investigate our political opponants.”
Heheh, wouldn’t it be nice. Fuck Turtle. What an utter piece of shit he is. As long as he is in office that party will remain a less worse version of the Dems.
“Stop Another Non-Truthful Office Seeker”
I think it’s a great idea too. Please pass that and then libertarians can celebrate our long overdue victory. Finally we get to cut government by over 90%.
Huh, they got someone.
That’s gonna be interesting. Those family might get some closure. I am curious on how someone thousands of miles away is connected. Boyfriend?
In Scranton, PA. Beet farmer? Paper supply salesman?