I got some stuff this morning, so I’ll post the .gif and get to it.

Typical Tuesday in Philly
Shit appears to be going down in Brazil. Not just iPhone journos on social media anymore, the corporate media is taking note.
I was specifically told 2A fetishists had no chance fighting back against the government:
When four federal police officers came to arrest Roberto Jefferson, a close ally of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, the veteran politician made clear he was going nowhere.
“Run,” he told them. “You’re going to get hurt.”
The former federal lawmaker then threw three adulterated stun grenades at the police and sprayed their armored car with over 50 shots from his Smith & Wesson 5.56 mm assault-style rifle, according to his testimony and those of the arresting officers. Two cops were hospitalized with shrapnel wounds and Jefferson only surrendered after an eight-hour standoff.
Meanwhile, Mexico pledges to get the GMO corn thing sorted out. I mean…I for one hate when I run out of tortillas.
…but not before they can meddle in Peru. This is actually more interesting than you might think. Its no surprise the countries being the most vocal about his ouster jut happen to either just elect leftist governments, or are perpetually stuck as one.
A decent enough song once you can skip that Healthcare.gov ad.
“The former federal lawmaker then threw three adulterated stun grenades at the police and sprayed their armored car with over 50 shots from his Smith & Wesson 5.56 mm assault-style rifle, according to his testimony and those of the arresting officers.”
It’s the hits that count.
The leftist media no longer even take themselves seriously.
The media also wants to play American politics as if it were the West Wing.
Dude, that is DNC porn at its finest!
How long until artificial lumps become fashion accessories?
:: gagging noises ::
And be completely insulated by mocking, not mocking hunchbacks
I actually work with a hunchback, nice guy.
Weirdest thing I ever saw….
What hunch?
I would like to purchase one of your glamourous goiters. Do you have a link?
Next, they’ll have Favelasqatch with big ol lumps of blubber hanging out everywhere, on the cover of Vogue.
They’ll sow them into hoodies and make it a new fashion line.
Like Packers for the Trans?
I would actually wear one just so anytime someone asks me about it, I get to look them in the eye and ask them in a complete deadpan “What hump?”
I’m unclear on your comment. By hump you mean……?
Please, no.
How long until artificial lumps become fashion accessories?
Haven’t bolt-ons been a fashion accessory for decades?
The fashion equivalent of “Just say there are 5 lights”… “Reality is whatever we tell you it is, serf.”
🙄 x 1,000
What in the fuck?
That’s for the Barbados article.
Meh. It’s a clickbait article.
I don’t know if Latin America is stuck, but that article is.
For me, the song link is showing me ads for booze. Maybe big tech IS spying on us.
No ads. Straight to the good stuff!
I didn’t get any ads.
AdBlock for the win.
You can use an ad blocker. I think FreeTube blocks ads as well.
In a time of geopolitical upheaval, few parts of the world have weathered greater social and economic upheaval than Latin America.
You would think that, after more than a century of impoverished, chaotic independence, maybe Latin Americans would look to their (relatively) free, peaceful, prosperous neighbors to the north and say to themselves “Hey! Why don’t we try what those guys are doing?”
But that hasn’t happened yet.
Wonder why?
All I can figure is the relative legacies of English common law versus the legacy of the Spanish colonial system — individual free men (at its best, yes it didn’t always live up to that) versus “Plenty of serfs, a few Dons to run the haciendas”.
While I know full well the Mexican-American war was all sham and pretense at the start… part of me still thinks the hemisphere would have been better off if we had just annexed all of Mexico and then down to Panama and actually integrated the people there. Smaller border to defend against immigration, lots of resources — and if we actually assimilated them, everyone is better off. Of course, the Southern states would have wanted to turn it all into South Texas Cotton Plantations and almost everyone involved were racist assholes (because let’s be honest… just about everyone at the time was a racist asshole… it was the way the world worked), so it almost certainly wouldn’t have worked that way.
Max Weber would probably like to have a word, too.
‘it almost certainly wouldn’t have worked that way.’
It’d go as well as any other attempt to save democracy.
Given the way Mexican politics has worked, elections and all, I think annexing Mexico to the US would have just meant we got into the “crony leftist corruption” phase decades before we did.
You ever hear of a Spanish Enlightenment? I thought not.
The wut?
No one expects the… SPANISH ENLIGHTENMENT!!!!
There’s no one to pop out from behind a curtain because literally no one expects the Spanish Enlightenment.
Because it’s easier to blame – *checks article* – the vid, Russia, “global inflation”. The article stopped mid-sentence for me but I’m sure gringos fared in there somewhere too.
You could probably apply that question to much of the world. Over and over we’ve seen how embracing capitalism turned some of the poorest shitholes in the world into economic behemoths, and how embracing Marxism has impoverished nation after nation. And yet still it persists.
…I’ll post the .gif and get to it.
You’re doing God’s work, MS.
Thank you.
Not looking good in Brazil. I guess some people are tired of the commies everywhere. Civil war is no good, though.
Nice song selection – another Aussie band!
Yeah, long day at the site turning wrenches to sit down for lunch and see…the .gif
And by “get to it” you mean…
I’ll be in my bunk.
Well, you can vote commies in, but you have to shoot your way out.
I don’t know what’s really going on down there but I get a sense that the MSM are going to blame the not-commies. Shocking, I know.
I also get a sense that it’s like seeing our near-future in the US, in real time.
“Barbados legalizes butt sex.”
It sounds like heterosexual butt sex was already legal. No mention of weed or Mexicans.
The Mexicans are meddling in Peru, didn’t you read the other links?
My partner and I traveled to Barbados several years ago and had no idea about this law. It didn’t even occur to me check, unlike with Singapore. I don’t remember if we broke the law.
‘The Barbados High Court issued only an oral ruling’
No indication when they’ll rule on anal.
“Supporters of Brazil’s defeated Bolsonaro attack police headquarters”
Wake me up when it get’s past the mostly peaceful phase.
That’s Portland Peaceful.
The Peru story…
Uh? What?
If politicians can’t hand out fat government contracts to small politically connected cartels in exchange for helping them get elected in an endless cycle of corruption do they even have any reason to exist at all?
Read that again and explain the rule of law aspect of it? 30 months pre-trial detention, not charged with a crime.
There is no rule of law and the punishment is doled out selectively based on party and larger global allegiances. It’s called politics. It’s nothing new.
You’re right, and that’s why I hate politics.
*grumble* background documnetary on is talking about Roman Amphitheaters, but it calls ALL of them “Colosseums”. The Flavian Amphitheater was dubbed the Colosseum because of the Colossal statue of Nero out front (later converted to a statue of Helios I think). It is not a generic term for an amphitheater!
The documentary writers just played too much Civilization, most like.
I haven’t…
*watches AI tanks rolling over my iron age warriors*
LOL. Presidential sashes…
Hunter perks up…..
Oh… *sash*-es… Bummer, dude.
The left in Brazil just watch what the left in the USA do and copy it. Election cheating was first. Globo News is like an exact clone of CNN.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
The sheeples got smarter, so necessitated some fixin.
I mean that copying the Democrats is probably a good plan, because they’re good at getting elected.
They are very good at being declared the winners of elections.
It’s for a certain value of ‘winning elections’, yes, but that’s what matters.
This is true. I see they get it too.
“Yenifer Paredes, was given 30 months of pre-trial detention. Prosecutors alleged that Paredes was involved in a scheme to hand contracts to allies of the president in his home region. She has not been charged with a crime”
Nice legal system. Three years in jail without a charge being filed? Or are they just really messing up the description of what’s going on?
Beria approves!
I’m not ruling out journalistic incompetence yet.
Otherwise, that’s just bonkers. How is the country not even worse off?
“Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said relations with Peru would be “paused” until the political situation is resolved. Castillo won the 2021 election “and he can’t be dismissed,” he said in his regular morning press conference Tuesday.”
Except of course, that he can be removed from office based on the constitution, luckily we have expert peruvian constitutional scholar obrador here to comment.
He’s a lefty, so can fill in for whatever expert needs filling in for at the time.
Cartels need their coca.
So, they arrested the hyphenated bitcoin dem donor dude? Does the DNC or/and dem candidates have to return all of that money?
Sam has nothing to worry about,
You’re adorable. Anyone want to take bets before he’s found dead in a cell next to two sleep guards and three “malfunctioning” cameras?
They charged him, primarily because he was supposed to testify before Congress today.
I haven’t heard what happened with that yet.
From the ded thread (Im a little behind): Young Einstein was a total rip-off of Real Genius.
Sadly, I wasted money seeing that in the theatre.
Real men of genius.
Before 9/11, that campaign was Real American Heroes.
Those were very good. I get why they changed it, but they were never as funny after that.
Yahoo Serious was a genius man, a genius!
I thought it was also inspired by Ned Kelly?
The leftist governments of Mexico, Argentina and Colombia threw their support behind Pedro Castillo, the Peruvian leader impeached last week, adding a new twist to the crisis that has paralyzed swathes of the country and left several protesters dead.
Makes sense. If the peasants of those countries see Castillo getting the Allende (or better yet, the Mussolini) treatment, they might start getting ideas about their own backyards.
Today, in everything is stupid
“EXCLUSIVE: PICTURED: Female trans ice hockey player, 32, who left rival CONCUSSED in brutal tackle: Her non-binary wife, 33, plays in goal for same team and lashes out at ‘terfs'”
“Woke Ivy League students demand medical schools make the MCAT pass or fail – to stop white applicants with ‘wealth, resources and access to books and coaches’ retaking $330 exam”
Why do they write female when they mean male? It’s nonsensical.
You’re watching thousands of years of human progress, including the entire Enlightenment thing go down the crapper in one huge wave of wokeness.
I don’t see any way we come back from this. Not sure if we just wipe each other out in a nuclear war or we devolve into some sort of primitive Madmax style world of tribal warfare.
Who is the genius who first came up with the idea to give the most power to the dumbest people alive?
God’s little joke? Makes power most attractive to those least capable of using it well.
This is how I see it too. We have a disturbing number of people who are attempting to throw out everything humans have learned throughout history, because they believe that they are the smartest and most enlightened people who ever lived. It’s the narcissist generation.
It’s not new. Every generation seems to have this idea that they’ve finally cracked the code.
We’re the smartest monkeys.
And they won’t stop until I can get my medical degree out of a gumball machine. Can I do your brain surgery?, I’m 1/64th Native American. Well, not really, but I identify as black.
It’s assholes everywhere I look these days.
You gotta get out of the locker room, Scruff.
You can’t get out of the locker room. The whole world has become these lunatics locker room to dangle their surgically constructed bits around freely. Applaud them or face the consequences.
Their rival was another transgendered individual. They willingly signed up for that, to compete against much larger individuals in the same league. And watching the video, it doesn’t even look like there was anything intentional done. I don’t even see a hit being inflicted.
The only real thing of note as you have a bunch of people who have deluded themselves into thinking they are the enlightened ones on gender engaging in a completely lopsided contest.
Yep. I watched it too to see if the (former) dude seriously checked a tryna-be dude (aka, a woman). I’ll save you all the labor. Here is my video analysis a la the NHL’s Dept of Player Safety:
The video clearly depicts the (former) woman in the black jersey getting coming out (get it!) of the penalty box in pursuit of the puck, and promptly falling on her fucking face.
In the general vicinity is the giant (former) dude whose ass may have brushed the person who couldn’t skate, and perhaps may have had xir stick inadvertently trip the NSPOAS (non-skating person of ambiguous sexuality).
In sum, the giant (former) dude did not tackle, check, or do much beyond being nearby while the NSPOAS audaciously drove xir own face into the ice.
Assholes all the way down.
I’m confused.
You’re not the only one. /Be here all week
May I try the waitress? Tip the veal?
Anywhere the article calls out a gender, read it as the opposite gender and it and it starts to make a little more sense.
Man (pretending to be woman) knocks out woman (pretending to be man).
Much more understandable than the new speak they use today.
Also, it’s not like hockey players never got concussed before.
That about sums it up for me.
OK, now I’m not sure what the outrage is about.
Getting clicks?
Gotta keep your head up. Hockey 101.
Everything’s stupid. Everything’s dumb. Everything’s retarded. Nothing’s ever fun.
“Roberto Jefferson” ?
“The palm tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants.”
And how high are the stacks of Frankencorn-fed corpses in the streets?
Oh… GMO bans have nothing to do with that? You don’t say.
The difference between the GM corn of 5000 yeas ago and GM corn of today is a farmer’s attire and a lab coat.
Ima ackshually you on this one.
Actual genetically modified (as the term is used) corn comes from a radically different process than ye olde selective breeding/hybridization. I think its fair to call some corn GM (if it has been altered via this process), and not apply the term to corn that hasn’t been.
Why? *should be heard in 3 year old’s voice*
The just don’t make Latin American strong men like they used to.
I can’t believe my grandparents took me to this when I was 12!
RIP, you magnificent human beings.
A relatively unknown gem.
My dad made me watch it with him one afternoon when I was younger. It was merely “okay” when I was younger, but I’m glad he showed it to me.
Upon later (older) rewatch, it’s spectacular.
The dinner with Peter Falk explaining the Guacamole Act of 1976 is an all-timer.
“Serpentine, Shell! Serpentine!”
I just wasted a bunch of time watching clips. Time to order the DVD, I think.
I loved that movie as a kid. I think it was on HBO when they still showed the same thing over and over agian. Must have seen a dozen time as a youth. That and Evil Under the Sun.
And I thought things were bad, but…
“Elon Musk eliminates Twitter’s Trust and Safety Council”
Trust and Safety Council has a very “Ministry of Truth” ring to it. Just like “Don’t Be Evil”, it should be seen as a giant red flag.
Yeah. “Safety” – the current fetish word – is the red flag for “some people shouldn’t have to be exposed to offensive content, so we’ll block what offends some people”.
Ignorance is safety. Censorship is truth.
Goddammit. I went to town and had lunch (bacon. eggs and potato pancakes).
Now I have “Jingle Bell Rock” stuck in my head.
These euphemisms.
Get your rage on.
Do you have a less biased source?
Man with ax had extensive criminal history, cop had over-amped authority circuit. What could possibly go wrong?
Did you watch the video?
Too bad I won’t be on that jury.
Not Jingle Bell Rock
Savior of democracy…
Sounds like they are doing God’s work, too.
BS, if they’d uncovered what they claim to have uncovered those priests would be face down in a ditch.
Also not Jingle Bell Rock
From the sidebar of Brooksie’s video:
Beato on the 20 best rock singers of all time.
Should piss off at least a few people.
Watched 15 seconds, saw Chester Bennington in the comments. Get fucked (not you, him)!
Yeahhhhhh, no. Pearl Jam, but no Steve Perry from Journey? I might not like them, but the dude could sing. No Anne Wilson either. But no matter how much I like Bon Scott, he wasn’t a great vocalist.
Chris Cornell and Little Richard could both sing though, so he has that going for him.
Military Intelligence: https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1602796419680964608
According to my model, I’m a genius
Biden, standing beside Council of Economic Advisers Chair Cecilia Rouse and National Economic Council Director Brian Deese, said he hopes prices will return to normal by the end of next year, if not sooner. But he stressed he cannot make that prediction.
“I’m just convinced they’re not going to go up. I’m convinced they’re going to continue to go down,” he said.
The president acknowledged that many Americans are currently struggling. But he said the positive economic news confirms that his economic policies are working, and urged Americans to stay the course.
“What is clear is my economic plan is working and we’re just getting started,” Biden said. “My goal is simple: get prices under control without choking off economic growth; bring inflation down while keeping the labor market resilient; build an economy from the bottom up and the middle out; an economy with good jobs, good wages and for the long run, not a boom or bust economy.”
See? Just pass a law with “inflation reduction” in the name, and stand back!
“I’m convinced they’re going to continue to go down,”
Prices are going down? I figured they were still going up, just a little bit less astronomically.
*checks latest grocery receipt*
Biden is full of shit.
If something costs a dollar this month and the price goes up by a dollar, the monthly rate is 100%. If the cost goes up by another dollar the next month, the monthly inflation rate is only 50%. And so on. Therefore, the price is going down. C’mon, man. Don’t argue with math. It’s math so easy, even the non-Asian kids can do it. But just in case, I had Hunter run the numbers by his Asian hooker kids, and they agreed.
There is absolutely NOTHING – no law of physics, logic, not even of Iron – that an act of Congress can’t over-rule. Thanks Joe.
“Exclusive: An intel analyst tried to prevent the Jan. 6 attack — but DHS failed to act
On Dec. 20, 2020, a 21-year-old intelligence analyst went online to search for local Washington, D.C., fishing holes and stumbled upon the blueprint of a plot to storm the Capitol and execute members of Congress and law enforcement officers to prevent the certification of electoral votes to make Joe Biden the next president…
And yet, in the weeks leading up to Jan. 6, this arm of DHS produced no warnings, no bulletins and no alerts or other reports on threats it was seeing, documents obtained by Yahoo News show…
Inside DHS, the young analyst led the charge to activate the mechanism put in place to share critical intelligence among agencies. That person’s attempts to sound the alarm were shut down, delayed or flat-out rejected at every turn, according to the analyst’s written account provided to inspector general investigators and an unredacted version of that final investigative report and other materials obtained by Yahoo News….”
“Shush, kid,”
Interesting comment:
“Trump is openly inciting the planned terrorist attack on Congress on January 6, intended to take over that body and install him as president.
But we’re treating it as a funny joke because we’re a systemically racist country and threats by *these* kind of people are special.
9:50 AM · Dec 26, 2020”
I still have trouble following the thinking here. And, for that matter, with what happened in Germany last week. Is the argument here really, if the mob got into the Chamber and used Nancy’s gavel (or the German parliament building) that the whole country would go, “whelp, I guess Trump’s mob are in charge now”? It’s not like the gavel is some kind of magic piece of equipment.
The reason coups worked in the past and/or in other places was either (a) the populace was disgruntled with the current government and were willing to go along with the new guys OR (b) military power OR both. If the US (or German military last week) wanted to take over the country, it wouldn’t really matter who had possession of the chamber.
Did I miss something happening in Germany last week…?
Yes, you did.
I have a feeling it’s horseshoe, but the Establishment is trying to tie it to the AfD.
I see they shoehorned “QAnon” in there 🙄
It used to be libertarians that were to blame for all the troubles in the world – back in the Libertarian Moment.
They’ll be back on us like white on rice as soon as we have enough influence to make a difference.
It’s not that it could work, it’s that people were saying it before 1/6. So it wasn’t spontaneous, or incited by Trump on that day. It was planned, the FBI was in on it, and the lefties were in on it.
Everyone knows that Congress has power only if it meets in the Capitol building. It’s right there in the Constitution.
“…plot to storm the Capitol and execute members of Congress and law enforcement officers…”
Hold… hold… hold…. now! Oh shit, did we all forget to bring weapons?!
There were letter openers on hand!
LOL horseshit
There is video of Ray Epps on 1/5 telling people to enter the Capitol. There are videos of glowie dudes with ear pieces taking down barricades on 1/6. So it’s plausible that this DHS guy found stuff online way before that.
Oh so it’s a “the call is coming from inside the house” thing? That’s more plausible than the way I originally read it.
Exactly. The DHS didn’t want to call out the FBI’s honey trap.
“I was only looking for fishing holes, in DC”.
Consults Urban Dictionary.
“A secondary residence, kept secret from one’s spouse, used for extramarital sexual encounters.”
“Sue met this carny at Applebees and took him back to her fishin’ hole for a rusty trombone. Her husband Pete will never know.”
21YO intel analyst?
Fuck off with that shit.
Now you see it; now you don’t
John J. Ray, the company’s new CEO and the panel’s sole witness, told lawmakers the company had “no record-keeping whatsoever,” using bookkeeping software QuickBooks to track its multibillion dollar portfolio.
“This is really just old fashioned embezzlement. This is just taking money from customers and using it for your own purpose. Not sophisticated at all,” Ray said in blistering testimony that lasted more than four hours. “Sophisticated, perhaps in the way they are hiding something, frankly, right in front of their eyes. This is just plain old embezzlement. Old school, old school.”
Pockets were picked.
“Montana Law That Bars COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates In Health Care Settings Is Unconstitutional: Judge”
I assume it’ll be appealed and overturned but what a bunch of fucking bullshit.
Up is down.
Thanks Brandon. Gas usage down 10% from this time last year but bill up 25%.
Is the argument here really, if the mob got into the Chamber and used Nancy’s gavel (or the German parliament building) that the whole country would go, “whelp, I guess Trump’s mob are in charge now”? It’s not like the gavel is some kind of magic piece of equipment.
Don’t underestimate the power of the spear and magic helmet, Wabbit
The Constitution says whoever wields the gavel is the law.
[mental image of He-man, but with Nancy wielding the gavel instead of the Power Sword]
“I have THE POWER!!!!”
checks out
In the latest inflation reading, used cars are one of the few categories with prices that are lower than they were a year ago.
While the consumer price index — which measures price changes for a variety of consumer goods and services — was up 7.1% in November from a year earlier, used cars and truck prices posted an annual 3.3% decline. That compares to some categories that have kept climbing far above year-ago prices, such as eggs (49.1%) and airfare (36%). New car prices are 7.2% higher.
Despite sliding prices for used vehicles, they remain 33% higher than where they’d be if normal depreciation were occurring, said Pat Ryan, founder and CEO of CoPilot, a car-shopping app.
“It’s important to remember that prices are still grossly inflated compared to all normal market conditions,” Ryan said.
Praise Brandon!
If only I could feed myself on used cars.
You can, he also enjoyed eating light bulbs and breaking steel nails with his teeth:
Might want to avoid that lifestyle if you weren’t blessed with a strong constitution though.
I remember my 1979 copy of the Guiness Book of World Records had a French guy who ate a bicycle, with a footnote mentioning that they wouldn’t be accepting any more entries for that particular record.
There was all kinds of weird and nerdy shit in there. I looked at later editions and they had dumbed it down so much I couldn’t even.
+1 fat twins riding motorcycles
Roots Action honchos Jeff Cohen and Norman Soloman – wonder what kind of roots they have? And yes ALL of America yearns for a screaming leftist progressive – what kind of fucking drugs are these assholes on? Although it does make me think how ripe the left is for a good trolling – say The Wilson Project?
Wilson is far from beloved across the political spectrum.
How about The Kennedy Project?
I mean, that would be return to Democrat norms, would it not, not a progressive fever dream?
Nah, he was actually a prog.
Lots of Aussie music
Some of ya’ll might relate this:
They are gonna be here in May. I think I may go.
“Latin American countries have suffered more than 40 percent of all deaths from COVID-19”
Clear evidence China plans to depopulate the continent as a safety valve/prison continent for their own population?
We won’t provide any extra perks to support your pregnancy, but we will offer you travel to another state, meals on us, and a 5 star hotel while you get the abortion. Can you be back in your cubicle in a few days?”
Today I saw a new entry in the “Just 19 dollars a month!” series. No, it wasn’t Shriners or St. Jude’s. It was the ACLU, and the entire pitch was around abortion.
Did they use the “Angel” song?
You can abort this child for just $19 a month.
*deletes sick joke about stuffed toy they’ll send you*
“There’s a lot of conversation around the #TwitterFiles. Here’s my take, and thoughts on how to fix the issues identified. I’II start with the principles I’ve come to believe based on everything l’ve learned and experienced through my past actions as a Twitter co-founder and lead:
1. Social media must be resilient to corporate and government control.
2. Only the original author may remove content they produce.
3. Moderation is best implemented by algorithmic choice.”
4. Close barn door after horse leaves.
The founder of Twitter doesn’t want to do a Twitter thread, so he links to an external article. The irony burns!
It’s an interesting read
“ The biggest mistake I made was continuing to invest in building tools for us to manage the public conversation”
Is he trying to be the Oppenheimer of social media?
“I have become bullshit, employer of turds.”
“an activist entered our stock”
What, are they a breeding program?
Sounds like he isn’t really that bad of a guy, just kind of a wimpy boss who got steamrolled by his nutball employees.
He’s also the CEO of Square, so I suspect that he focused most of his time and effort there.
Yep. Just looking at him, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were giving him swirlies in the executive bathroom.
I think his has ragrets.
Dear Lord. My fiefdom for an edit button.
“I think he has ragrets”
Put a cork in it Jack. Nobody cares what you have to say anymore.