Monday Morning Links

by | Dec 5, 2022 | Daily Links | 403 comments

Let the games begin…in three and a half weeks.

Well the Buckeyes back-doored into the playoff. Let’s see what they can do to redeem themselves. The Bengals beat the Chiefs. The 49ers beat the Dolphins. The Giants and Redskins played to a tie. And the Cowboys demolished the Colts. Meanwhile, across an ocean, the USA bowed out of the World Cup by playing like ass Saturday. England, France, those pesky Dutch, and Argentina have moved on to the quarterfinals.  And that’s it for sports.

Interesting headline, CNN. It’s not a same-sex marriage case. It’s a religious liberty and free association case, you malignant turds.

Authoritarian dipshit

And speaking of malignant turds… Maybe these dipshits ought to ask themselves why not only gas costs more in their state, but everything else does as well. But they won’t do that. That would require some introspection.

Noooooooooo shiiiiiiiiiiit. This has been known for years now. And its because the federal and various state governments were throwing money around without accountability as they ran 20% of the country out of their jobs.

Chilling. No, that’s literally the term for this. They were chilling the 1A rights by pressuring private actors to censor speech.  They should all be put out of a job and forbidden from working in government ever again.

Let your love flow, Gaia.

I wonder if there’s another reason they’ll do nothing? Just think of all that sweet federal money they’ll be able to get for repair and other “infrastructure projects” if the road gets covered with lava. Also, I’m still waiting on the climate change people to give us a word on how much greenhouse gas the volcano has put out so far.

This will continue so long as people are forbidden from defending themselves. But these politicians don’t care because they have cops protecting them.

I’ll never understand how these things happen. It’s not as if the tracks grabbed his tires and locked his doors.

Come on, Axl. Leave em alone. Maybe one of our resident lawyers can shed some light on who should prevail. Because I find this interesting.

Here’s a rocking number to start the week. Such a great song. As is this masterpiece. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely, warm-ish Monday, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. Count Potato

    “The Giants and Redskins played to a tie.”

    Oddly, I’d feel better if Washington won.

    • hayeksplosives

      My Dad was a die-hard ‘Skins fan. When the naming brouhaha was swirling, he was getting deeper into Alzheimer’s, and the very week when they announced that they were dropping Redskins, without even having a replacement name, was when he passed away.

      I think the two events were related.

      And, BTW, Commanders?? Really? It took 2 years, and THAT’S what you got??

      • Rat on a train

        Washington Commies is fitting.

      • AlexinCT

        I am a Skins fan. Used to be die hard. This commander shit however has ruined football for me.

      • hayeksplosives

        My favorite suggestion for the name was to put a sweet stylized diesel engine on the helmets, in a nod to the 1980s era Skins, and to call them “The Washington Engines”.

        Imagine the head explosions.

      • UnCivilServant

        That’d be a way to drive the point home.

      • Rat on a train

        Change logo to a spinning wheel and call themselves Indians?

      • juris imprudent

        Or the [big] Endians. With a logo of 1s and 0s.

      • AlexinCT

        They should have switched from feathers to dots…

      • Not Adahn

        …kids these days.

      • hayeksplosives

        That would be hilarious.

      • hayeksplosives

        CAN bus users unite!!!

      • Count Potato

        Sorry, about your dad 🙁

      • hayeksplosives

        Thanks, Count. His passing (at a VA hospital in OK, one of the good ones) was one of the few good things that COVID ushered in. He didn’t live long enough to get into the frustrated non-communicative state of Alzheimer’s.

        We had his funeral in July 2020. I flew in from California. Brother and Sister and their spouses were local in OK, so they just had to drive a little. Ft. Sill sent over the honor guard and did a lovely military funeral. My mom (who was then terrified of TEH COVIDD) did not attend, so as the unaccompanied daughter, I was unexpectedly thrust into the role of the widow. I had to accept the ceremonial flag and sign off on the paperwork attesting that the Army had done its final duty for him. It was touching, but I’d have liked to have a heads-up that it would happen that way.

        I then went to Hobby Lobby and got a flag frame so I could give it to Mom. I kept one of his oak leave clusters, and brother gave me his (dad’s) bronze star. I guess I should mention it in my will since I don’t have kids of my own. But I can’t think of which of my nieces/nephews is worthy of it.

      • hayeksplosives

        Oak Leaf clusters. Duh.

      • UnCivilServant

        I coulda sworn that’s what it said the first time I read it.

      • AlexinCT

        Silver or gold?

      • hayeksplosives

        I think brass? Not an expert.

      • AlexinCT

        The material used for the rank insignia is/was brass, yes, but it was called a gold cluster (rank of Major) or a silver (definitely not real silver) cluster for a Lt. Colonel. Them non-Navy branches have weird O-rank insignias and progressions and nothing as cool as a rear-admiral.

      • hayeksplosives

        Brass. He was a major. He could’ve gone up, but when he was working at the pentagon, they started “bussing” , and it was not going to be great for my big brother.

        So he asked for a transfer to Ft. Sill (he was born in Duncan, Ok). His superior said “you realize this is a career limiting move.” He said yes. They made the transfer, I was born a couple of years later, and there it is.

        I still wear a St Barbara medal around my neck every day as a nod to his service with artillery, which directly put me into the artillery/bomb world. Dad received the Order of St Barbara, which was rare especially since he was Signal Core (officially—though “signals” allow a lot of leeway for interesting work).

      • tripacer

        I had a friend invite me to St Bab’s ball at Fort Lewis a long time ago. It was a good time, particularly the “mixing of the grog” ceremony.

      • Trigger Hippie

        The Swamp Rats was the only appropriate name change.

      • Zwak, who taser's the chimp with the razor.

        I always thought they should have gone with Washington, Team Football. And have their initials as the logo.

    • Fourscore

      So, like kissing your sister?

      • Count Potato

        I didn’t know you were from Mississippi.

  2. Certified Public Asshat

    FBI warned Twitter during ‘weekly’ meetings of Hunter Biden ‘hack-and-leak operation’ before censoring The Post

    It’s been a real rocky transition from “laptop is Russian disinformation” to “Twitter was censoring Hunter’s penis.”

    • AlexinCT

      Actually what was going on was that the weaponized Obama admin era corruptocracy was controlling the information people were allowed to see as a means to help make their “fortification” of an election easier. People are hyper focused on the doings of twitter, but the real criminality is what our government has and is doing. Our constitutional rights are gone if they can wipe their asses with it this easily and never have to even worry about being held accountable.

      • SDF-7

        Narrator: “They won’t have to worry about being held accountable.”

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Sovereign immunity for the win.

    • SDF-7

      Their consistent message is: “It is all just nuts”.

      • sloopyinca

        I’ve seen the term “revenge porn” thrown around a lot by the private state mouthpieces. I think that’s what they’re gonna go with, re: the James Woods and handful of other people being removed at the behest of the Biden campaign and government actors.
        They’re literally saying the campaign and Twitter did the people posting the pics a favor by removing them, otherwise they’d be subject to prosecution under revenge porn laws.

        It’s mind-numbing.

      • AlexinCT

        Speaking of porn…

        Anyone see the news that after years of Twatter saying they couldn’t do anything about the child porn but actively working to suppress news that would hurt the globalists and team blue, in a few hours Elon managed to have his people shut down 44K accounts when they tried. It took getting rid of the people working at Twatter that obviously protected the child porn industry to do it….

      • Chafed

        I have but can’t tell if the sources are trustworthy.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Now, Hunter Biden sending James Woods nude photos is a story!

  3. Count Potato

    “Chilling. No, that’s literally the term for this.”

    It is. Remember when Google published “Chilling Effects” about internet censorship? That was before “Don’t Be Evil” became “FYTW”.

      • Count Potato

        It was, which now goes to another site. There were also chilling effects notes added to Google’s regular search results.

        “DMCA Takedown Database Takes Itself Out Of Search Results

        The irony here is almost too obvious to mention: an entity dedicated to monitoring the potential “chilling effects” of DMCA takedown notices is censoring itself. has now removed itself from search results, making those notices harder to find. was created in roughly 2001 as an academic and public resource to monitor and record potentially improper DMCA requests.”

      • db

        ah, thanks

  4. UnCivilServant

    Most past attempts to divert lava flows have ended in failure, so the sensible move is to evacuate and see where the new landscape ends up.

  5. Count Potato

    “Also, I’m still waiting on the climate change people to give us a word on how much greenhouse gas the volcano has put out so far.”

    Geologically speaking, it won’t be long at all. Maybe a couple hundred years?

  6. hayeksplosives

    “There are only two things I can’t stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures, and the Dutch.”

    –Nigel Powers

    • SDF-7

      Michael Caine knew about Max Verstappen years ahead of time…

      • hayeksplosives


        Had to look him up.

      • sloopyinca

        That’s “two time world champion Max Verstappen” to you, buddy.

      • The Last American Hero

        Max is really just a character from a Tom Cruise movie. Young, handsome, loaded with talent, but with an ego that gets him out over the tips of his skis at times or manifests itself in ugly ways, like in Brazil.

    • KSuellington

      Part of the Dutch national personality seems to be an ability to be brutally honest and forward and I think Verstappen got an extra dose of that, he is like super Dutchman. I was a bit more ready to condemn him during the Brazil GP for not letting Perez gain the place, but after hearing about his possible reason for doing so ( Perez possibly crashed purposely in the Monaco quali that led to Max not getting pole there) I can understand why he did not want to give him the place.

  7. Pat

    It’s not a same-sex marriage case. It’s a religious liberty and free association case, you malignant turds.

    The two aren’t always perfectly discrete or easy to disentangle. I spent a lot of years pedantically arguing this issue with my more conservative friends, explaining that the marriage issue and the public accommodations, protected class, and free association issues were legally separate, in that you could have liberty-infringing civil rights laws with or without gay marriage. “Yes”, they said, “But the public and legal acceptance of gay marriage will be a slippery slope to more and more protected class and public accommodations rules.” So far, it looks like they were more right than I was.

  8. AlexinCT

    So, we now know Elon Musk had Matt Taibbi roll out confirmation that all of us that don’t get our government approved programming from old legacy and social media already knew, which is that the Obama administration’s weaponized pro globalist reset and anti-American government bureaucracy, was either coordinating or coercing media to lie to favor its agenda and the political party that has sold both its soul and America for power, and even went so far as to interfere with an election (and much more for sure).

    The usual suspects in the legacy and social media spent all weekend desperately throwing shade at the people that have shown us how corrupt and broken our country’s media and government are. Now that that did nothing for them, they will desperately try to ignore the story. I am sure their marching orders are still coming from the WH and the numerous 3 letter US bureaucracies that have been engaged in this criminal manipulation of the propaganda that they pretend passes as news.

    I have already seen calls for the people at Twatter that were part of this criminal act as well as all the scum now coming out to attack Taibbi and Musk to do their masters dirty work, to be held accountable. While this is necessary, we better accept that we are beyond ever again having an independent media in the old way because the whole thing is rotten to the core. And more importantly, what we need to be focusing on is how to dismantle, punish, and block the government bureaucracy cabal of criminals running the country into the ground and selling us out to the globalist agenda, so that this can’t continue or ever happen again.

    Whether we can do it through legal means, considering all US institutions, and especially the legal system, have been compromised by these crooks, remains to be seen. But if we do not hold our government bureaucracy and the politicians, and especially the political party, that has worked with this cabal to sell us out accountable, and also institute clear means of making sure they can not do this ever again, we are doomed.

    • hayeksplosives

      Did you see that Musk was asked if he feels safe (sometime in the past few days) and his answer was “If I committed suicide, it was false.”

      • AlexinCT

        At this point I would not at all be surprised that they activate one or more of the many people they keep angry at the world and drugged up so they can have them do the occasional criminal shit that they then use to peddle confiscating our fire arms or to allow them to be even more heavy handed against law abiding citizens to go after Musk & Taibbi. There is no guarantee that they can effectively hide this story or play it down. Their crap this past weekend bombed on them.

        I hear Nixon is demanding his presidency back cause they keep letting corrupt democrats that have weaponized the bureaucracy and are selling us to the globalist movement get away with murder.

      • WTF

        There is no guarantee that they can effectively hide this story or play it down.

        Of all the major networks, the story was only mentioned on one for a grand total of 7 seconds. Combined with “Taibbi doing PR for Musk, herp derp” and they seem to be doing a fine job of hiding it and playing it down.

    • SDF-7

      I was already at the “salt the earth” stage regarding the Intelligence Community (which I consider the FBI part of), so can’t say it moved the needle for me.

      And as intimated above, I fully expect Not A Damned Thing to happen as a result of this — so just consider me signed up for the Gorram Black Pills this morning.

  9. Count Potato

    “Guns and roses, for sale in the same place? Who could have predicted that combination?”

    Anyone who has been to Walmart?

    • UnCivilServant

      Do they even still sell guns?

      I honestly don’t know I only seem to be in one when on a road trip.

      • Pat

        My local Walmart does.

      • UnCivilServant


        Now I wonder if the individual supercenters maintain their own FFL, or if the corporation has one umbrella license.

      • Pat

        Interesting question. From this, it sounds like each store that sells firearms maintains their own FFL.

      • Not Adahn

        The ban was only for handguns, and anything chambered in an intermediate cartridge, IIRC.

    • Fourscore

      “Bob’s Beer and Bullets”

      /Downtown Podunkville

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        There used to be a Guns N’ Guitars in San Diego.

        This was obviously long ago.

      • UnCivilServant

        They need to sell tommy guns in guitar cases.

      • pistoffnick

        “Bob’s Beer and Bullets”

        Been there. Too expensive in both cases.

    • Pat

      The lawsuit also addressed the nature of the business itself, stating that “GNR, quite reasonably, does not want to be associated with defendant, a firearms and weapons retailer.”

      Yeah, being associated with a legal business selling legal products would really be a hit to Axl Rose’s otherwise sterling reputation. Fuck off.

      • UnCivilServant

        If you don’t want to be associated with guns, then why is it in your band’s name, man?

      • SDF-7

        Yup, might tarnish their well earned reputation for heroin, cheap women and desperately needing some GlibFit at this point….. (yeah yeah, glass houses…)

    • R C Dean

      Vague recollection is that trademarks are for specified lines of business. Ours are registered as health care blah blah. I would guess the lawsuit is a loser on the merits that will succeed because the store can’t afford to fight it.

    • robc

      It seems that every Ace Hardware in northern Colorado is also a gun shop.

  10. Drake

    Guns & Roses – Back in college, my roommate and I would get sandwiches from a combination gunstore / sandwich shop in Auburn Maine. No idea if the place is still there.

    • UnCivilServant

      FN Sandwich? Rifles and Trifles (No, that’d be a bakery). Pistols and Panninis?

      • SDF-7

        Guns and Buns? No… that’s probably a gay bar somewhere….

      • Not Adahn

        Nobody needs a barrel over 5″.

      • DrOtto

        In MPLS back in the 90’s, there was a strip joint called Buns and Roses.

      • Drake

        If it had a catchy name like that, I would still remember it. It down near the ramp for the Maine Turnpike.

  11. Pat

    Just think of all that sweet federal money they’ll be able to get for repair and other “infrastructure projects” if the road gets covered with lava.

    In libertopia, Hawaii probably wouldn’t even be populated. Try running “We’re going to build massive modern cities and a billion dollar tourism industry on a string of active volcanic islands in the geologically unstable pacific region.” past an actuary some time.

    • dbleagle

      I agree with not trying to stop or divert the lava flow. Mucho dollars and bad history of success. The impacted area is in the middle of nowhere and an active volcano will always win in end. If the road is covered, wait for the lave to cool until it can be worked with and rebuild the road. It will be cheaper.

  12. hayeksplosives

    “Also, I’m still waiting on the climate change people to give us a word on how much greenhouse gas the volcano has put out so far.”

    Spoiler alert: The carbon that they want to control is you.

    • AlexinCT

      They chose CO2 so they could basically eventually come clean and admit their agenda is depopulation, and since humans breathe out CO2, they need to cull a few billion of us…

      • Jarflax

        They chose CO2 because CO2 is not by any reasonable definition a pollutant, and nothing humans can do will seriously reduce it. Who wants a crisis that has an end?

  13. The Late P Brooks

    The case comes as supporters of LGBTQ rights fear the 6-3 conservative majority – fresh off its decision to reverse a near 50-year-old abortion precedent – may be setting its sights on ultimately reversing a landmark 2015 opinion called Obergefell v. Hodges that cleared the way for same-sex marriage nationwide.

    Return of the Sodomy Laws! They’ll put you back in chains! And not the fun kind, neither.

  14. Count Potato

    “The extraordinary revelation for the first time lays bare how the FBI was involved in pre-bunking the story of the laptop, which had been in the bureau’s possession for almost a year.”

    A year before the NY Post got it? So they knew it was real.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Absolutely. The FBI is the new, improved Praetorian Guard, complete with its own political agenda.

      • Pat

        Same as it ever was. I feel like a lot of people severely underestimate how corrupt to the fucking bone the Hoover FBI was. The only thing changes is who their political enemies are, but it’s been a domestic spying and black ops domestic terrorism organization from its inception.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Got to give them credit where it’s due, they run one hell of a propaganda program.

        Fuck you Dick Wolf.

      • SDF-7

        Fuck you Dick Wolf.

        bow chicka wow wow

      • WTF

        The only thing changes is who their political enemies are, but it’s been a domestic spying and black ops domestic terrorism organization from its inception.

        Probably why the constitution doesn’t authorize any federal police powers.

    • AlexinCT

      They sure did. otherwise they wouldn’t have worked so hard to try and suppress it, or failing that, to discredit it. But they all KNEW it was true and damaging to their agenda to get rid of the evil orange guy the people put there to show the corruptocracy they had had enough…

      • Count Potato

        I knew it was true, because if it wasn’t, the Democrats would have verified it was the Russians. Instead, they just said it couldn’t be verified.

      • AlexinCT

        Speaking of Russians….

        I think the place to start demanding jail time are for the 50 or so ex-intelligence scumbags that came out to help the crooks lie about the Hunter laptop being a Russian disinformation effort so they could keep away from having to actually investigate this or report it was true…

    • Count Potato

      “The FBI knew that Mac Isaac was a legitimate whistleblower because he had come to them in the fall of 2019 to express national-security concerns about evidence on the laptop of payments to the Biden family from Ukraine and China. On Dec. 9, 2019, two agents arrived at his store with a subpoena and took the laptop and a hard-drive copy. 

      We know from FBI whistleblowers who have come forward to Republican members of Congress that rogue FBI employees within the Washington Field Office buried the laptop and other information detrimental to Joe Biden before the 2020 election.”

      Also, Giuliani is a moron for using the cloud.

      • AlexinCT

        He’s a fucking boomer.

        And anyone using the cloud is a fucking moron.

      • The Last American Hero

        It’s fine for storing my vacation pics.

      • Fatty Bolger

        “rogue”? I think not.

      • Gadianton

        Also, Giuliani is a moron for using the cloud.

        Back during the Fappening, I made a comment elsewhere which included the sentence “The cloud is someone else’s computer which you do not control.”

  15. Scruffy Nerfherder

    Ridiculous city spending, part bazillion and two, this came in my email today.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to identify a contractor/consultant with prior experience in consulting, designing an eSports venue, successfully attracting investors (if needed) and the day-to-day operation and management of an eSports destination venue. No contract award will be made from this RFI, but the City will use the information obtained to identify capable entities, familiar with the eSports industry, who can assist in assessing the viability and requirements of a potential eSports venue

      • Pat

        Uh… isn’t the typical “eSports venue” somebody’s mom’s basement?

      • UnCivilServant

        No. It’s actually a shocking large dollar value industry that generates more revenue than a number of meatspace professional sportsball leagues.

      • UnCivilServant

        I don’t get it either.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Then let private investors build it.

      • UnCivilServant

        I never said they shouldn’t. I was responding to Pat’s comment.

        I find eSports even less interesting that real sports and keep underestimating the size of it myself. And if you’re pulling down the kinds of revenue and attracting the audiences that need a large venue – you can afford to finance it yourself.

      • Pat

        I mean, I’ve seen the big tournaments that they host in convention centers and arenas and whatnot, I just didn’t think that was typical.

        Like you, I don’t get the eSports thing. At all. I’m of the “native video gamer” age cohort and still play vidya regularly like an overgrown manchild, but watching other people play video games ain’t my thing. Then again, neither is traditional spectator sports.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    “I am concerned,” Mary Bonauto, senior attorney of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, told CNN in an interview. “I am concerned only because the Court seems to be reaching for cases and literally changing settled law time and again.”

    How long had the law been “settled” pre- Obergefell? And don’t mention the people who have been beating the bushes for decades in the pursuit of precedent-breaking SCOTUS cases. they are noble seekers of truth and justice.

    • SDF-7

      “The rachet is only supposed to go one way!”

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        They believe this quite literally.

        Stalling may drive them nuts, but the howls of outrage when one of their achievements get repealed are quite real.

      • juris imprudent

        It’s called historicism and it afflicts a lot of people on both sides of the system.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    Somebody should open a store called “Guns and Butter”.

    • Fatty Bolger

      And we’re all out of butter.

    • Michael Malaise

      A combination Legal Firm, Gun Store, and Credit Union: Lawyers, Guns and Money.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Lindzen has been decrying the global warming nutters for decades now. They just ignore him, like they do Spencer and Curry.

      Nobody debates anymore. They censor.

    • Penguin

      Thanks for posting that, Alex.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Got to give them credit where it’s due, they run one hell of a propaganda program.

    Fuck you Dick Wolf.

    You misspelled Efrem Zimbalist, Jr.

    • Not Adahn

      I remember liking Remmington Steele

      • hayeksplosives

        Me too. Favorite episode was the one where someone had been murdered over the invention of calorie-free chocolate chip cookies. A very young Geena Davis was a guest star. The whole episode was just a funny romp. Stephanie and Pierce were both at their peak.

  19. Sean

    Daily Quordle 315

    • Pat

      Daily Quordle 315

      That one letter sure is important…

    • Grumbletarian

      Daily Quordle 315


    • robc

      Chessle 296 (Expert) 6/6


      This was like the rhyming word problem in quordle.

      • robc

        Daily Quordle 315

        I knew what UR was going to be after turn 3, but refused to waste a turn on it until the end.

    • Tundra

      Daily Quordle 315


    • SDF-7

      Oh, rub it in why don’cha? 😉

      Daily Duotrigordle #278
      Guesses: 35/37
      Time: 05:06.68

      Daily Quordle 315

    • Jarflax

      Daily Quordle 315

    • Cowboy

      Daily Quordle 315

      Todays quordle hurt me emotionally and physically.

  20. Pat

    Gunfire damaged North Carolina power station, outage ongoing

    Dec. 4 (UPI) — Nearly 40,000 customers were still without power in North Carolina on Sunday night, after an apparent incident of vandalism involving the use of a firearm cut power a night prior in Moore County.

    Moore County Sheriff Ronnie Fields said “extensive damage” was found at a Moore County substation.

    “Evidence at the scene showed that the firearm had been used to disable the equipment,” he said during a press conference on Sunday.

    I’ve been hearing warnings about how lax security at electrical generating facilities and substations would make it trivially easy and cheap to seriously fuck up the power grid since about 2 hours after 9/11. 21 years later we still have to take off our shoes and throw away our travel shampoo at the airport, but any bored vandal or malicious terrorist can cut power to 40,000 people with a sport rifle.

    • Not Adahn

      Apparently antifatwitter is claiming that it was done by christofascists in order to shut down a drag queen story hour.

      • Pat

        I mean, what else could it possibly be?

      • rhywun

        LOL I read that as “anti-fat Twitter”

      • Not Adahn

        That’s “thinspo,” “pro-Ana” or “pro-Bella.”

      • Rebel Scum

        Seems unnecessary if the target is one building/location.

    • Penguin

      They can’t spend any money on hardening the power grid. They’re spending it on important things, like solar and wind power. Solar and wind, which is useless, because they need backup capacity for when those two aren’t producing jack. Which is often.

  21. Rat on a train

    I know it is getting cold in the house when the cats sit on the vents.

  22. Count Potato

    “Then there is the curious role of Twitter deputy general counsel James Baker, who is former general counsel at the FBI where he was involved in Russia-collusion plots against Trump.

    Before he was parachuted into Twitter, in June 2020, conveniently just five months before the election, Baker was a personal acquaintance of FBI agent Chan.”


    • AlexinCT

      They started “strategizing” and moving the pieces into place to make sure they could “fortify” the 2020 election in their favor the moment they realized the people had voted over the margin of error they had planned for and “fortified” the 2016 election in favor of Hilary Clinton. People do not realize that when Obama promised to fundamentally change America, what he meant was that he planned to weaponize the government bureaucracy against the American people in order to help the marxist globalist agenda reach its goal of putting a boot on all our necks.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        The primary issue being that Obama couldn’t do that if the bureaucracy didn’t already want it.

        And Bush set the stage for it perfectly. Hell, he’s on board with it.

      • AlexinCT

        The bureaucracy has wanted it from the beginning. The “Pax Americana” movement from the getgo was a new world order that would allow them to control it all. They were constrained by the will of the people and the disastrous fall of the USSR. Hence the constant gaslighting and false flag shit to get us into wars after the Korean war, and the panicked need for a new enemy after that.

    • Not Adahn

      Wait, they’re retconning Charlie Chan to being a fed? Do the Feebs even have a Honolulu office?

  23. Scruffy Nerfherder

    Didn’t catch this earlier in the year.


    • Rat on a train

      Speaking of trains, paying ridership on the VRE is up enough that farebox recovery is now about 13% of operational costs, well below the still low pre-coupvid 52%.

    • PieInTheSky

      I like trains for short to medium travel

    • Michael Malaise

      60 Minutes promos last night were touting how they were “invited to sit down with French President Emmanuel Macron.”

      First of all, who is the audience for such an interview? and second, I’m sure it was hard-hitting if they were invited.

  24. Rebel Scum

    It’s not a same-sex marriage case. It’s a religious liberty and free association case, you malignant turds.

    So much dishonest framing in just the first couple paragraphs.

    • AlexinCT

      Without that maneuver they know they have no ground to stand on. It is just about power. And to get power anything, criminal or otherwise, is allowed.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Furious about oil companies’ supersized profits after a summer of record-high gas prices, California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday will formally start his campaign to punish big producers by asking the Legislature to fine them and give the money back to drivers.

    State lawmakers will briefly return to the state Capitol on Monday to swear in new members and elect leaders for the 2023 legislative session. But this year, Newsom also has called lawmakers into a special session for the purpose of approving a penalty for oil companies when their profits pass a certain threshold.

    It’s bound to be a popular proposal with voters, who have been paying more than $6 per gallon of gasoline for much of the year. But the big question is how the measure will be received by California lawmakers, especially since the oil industry is one of the state’s top lobbyists and campaign donors.

    I wouldn’t mind seeing a cost accounting breakdown of the price of a gallon of gasoline. Something tells me those California legislators don’t really want people to be made aware of the additional built in cost of doing business in Paradise.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I don’t know why they bother convening the legislature in California anymore. King Gavin still has his emergency powers two and a half years later.

    • UnCivilServant

      When I saw the breakdown on the cost of gas in the UK I noted that the only way it added up is if they were taxing the price after the excise tax was applied, meaning they were taxing taxes, and I would not be in the least surprised if Commifornia were doing the same.

      • Pat

        taxing taxes

        They’re used to that over there on account of VAT.

        Not quite the same thing, but ever since SCOTUS decided to make every business a tax collector for all 50 states regardless of their location, “marketplace facilitators” like eBay take their final value fee/commission based on the dollar amount of the sale plus the sales tax.

    • Michael Malaise

      ” punish big producers”

      Alexa, what is socialism in three words?

      • PieInTheSky

        competition for Chinese mystery pistols?

      • EvilSheldon

        Because they’re running out of .303 ammo, but 5.45mm 7N6 is still plentiful?

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Does the flower shop play nothing but Guns n Roses music all day?

    Because that would be cruel and unusual torment.

  27. Brawndo

    “I am concerned,” Mary Bonauto, senior attorney of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, told CNN in an interview. “I am concerned only because the Court seems to be reaching for cases and literally changing settled law time and again.”

    I’m not a lawyer, nor do I work for a think tank. I merely melt metal together. But SC decisions aren’t “settled law” right?

    • UnCivilServant

      Stare Decisis only counts when it’s a decision we like!

      /most people who know what ‘Stare Decisis’ means

    • Raven Nation

      “literally changing settled law time and again”

      Obvious question for anyone who makes this statement: “so, you disagree with Brown vs. Board of Education”?

  28. Brawndo

    “The case comes as supporters of LGBTQ rights fear the 6-3 conservative majority – fresh off its decision to reverse a near 50-year-old abortion precedent – may be setting its sights on ultimately reversing a landmark 2015 opinion called Obergefell v. Hodges that cleared the way for same-sex marriage nationwide.”

    What does same sex marriage have to do with roe v Wade?

    • UnCivilServant

      It was another case that dictated national policy without constitutional basis.

      The proper reading should be “The government has no role in marriage”, though the best you might get is “Marriage is not mentioned in the constition, therefore under the 9th, it belongs to the states”

    • Trigger Hippie

      Biologically speaking, literally nothing.

      • Brawndo

        Cosmically speaking as well.

    • juris imprudent

      Progeny of Griswold.

      • Not Adahn

        Audrey and Rusty?

    • Pat

      What does same sex marriage have to do with roe v Wade?

      The thinking is that the same legal reasoning that gave abortion back to the states as a policy issue on account of it not being within the enumerated purview of the feds will be used to give marriage back to the states as a policy issue on account of it not being within the enumerated purview of the feds. It’s a sensible concern, actually, if all you want is your gay marriage pony. Who knows where the slippery slope might lead from there. States having to fund their own schools? States having to build their own roads? Dogs and cats living together? Madness!

      • Brawndo

        I see. From what I remember about Obgerfel is that it was more about reciprocity between the states. Would be funny to see an org like GOA use that argument against draconian state gun laws.

    • rhywun

      I believe that in his concurrence Clarence Thomas hinted that in addition to abortion, the penumbras don’t include anything about gay marriage either.

      • AlexinCT

        I am pretty sure they include nothing about any kind of marriage..

      • Brawndo

        Yep. I’m waiting for Thomas to declare my heterosexual marriage to be null.

      • AlexinCT

        Government should not be butting into marriage.

    • Brawndo

      Similarly, why is transexual lumped in with gay and lesbian? One is about sexual identity, and the other is about who you are sexually attracted to. The left has been saying for years that what you identify as has no influence on what you are attracted to, so it seems like kind of a self own to lump the T’s in the with LBG’s

      • Count Potato

        Gay and lesbian are also identities. I don’t think it was meant to be that exacting.

      • SDF-7

        “Because it is useful” — leftists.

        Really that’s all it comes down to…. “Hey teenagers? Do you ever feel out of step and put upon? You must be a Special Minority ™ and have to join us to Smash The System ™! Vote now to give us more power and money!”

        That this has worked and continues to work is a sad statement on the human condition. (Queue up Life of Brian scene…. “I’m an individual! I must think for myself!”)

    • Pat

      How were we able to send fertilizer to Sri Lanka? I was told that Putler’s war was going to make fertilizer more valuable than gold on account of it can’t be produced or obtained anywhere on earth except Ukraine?

      • Not Adahn

        Well, there are 6000 farms in the Netherlands that don’t need it anymore…

      • PieInTheSky

        I thought it was 3000 are you inflating numbers? FAKE NEWS!!!! MISINFORMATIHUN

  29. The Late P Brooks

    As of Sunday night, Newsom had not yet revealed his legislation and legislative leaders said they likely won’t begin deliberations on any proposal until January.

    But the battle has already begun. Last week, the California Energy Commission held a public hearing about why the state’s gas prices are so high. California prices spiked over the summer, but so did the rest of the country — mostly in response to a crude oil price surge after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

    California’s prices spiked again in October, even while the price of crude oil dropped. In the first week of October, the average price of a gallon of gas in California was $2.61 higher than the national average — the biggest gap ever. Since then, oil companies reported billions of dollars in profits.

    a) Newsom writes legislation, and the Assembly rubber stamps it?

    b) The retail cost of gasoline is solely dependent on the price of crude?

    c) Those damn Russkies are at the bottom of all this?

    • Trigger Hippie

      ‘Since then, oil companies reported billions of dollars in profits.’

      Yes, and they still have some of the most narrow profit margins of any type of business in the world. So what?

      • UnCivilServant

        Well, the people that line is written for (and by) don’t understand margins and are easily fooled by large-sounding numbers.

      • Grumbletarian

        It would be nice if oil companies told Newsome “We’re going to help you more quickly reach your goal of an all electric fleet in CA by ceasing the sale of gasoline and diesel in your state, starting tomorrow.”

      • UnCivilServant

        Believe it or not, California still produces oil and still has some refining capacity.

      • The Last American Hero

        I know someone who inherited part ownership in a property with a couple (literally couple) of wells on it. If you ever wondered who Small Oil is, it’s that guy.

    • rhywun

      why the state’s gas prices are so high

      It is a mystery.

      Do they not have mirrors in California?!

      • SDF-7

        They do — but with their noses stuck so firmly up their asses to smell their own sweet, sweet smug flatulence, they never get the chance to use them.

  30. Count Potato

    “Weed Gardens: More illicit cannabis shops sprout up in NYC’s Kew Gardens

    The shop — adorned outside with hordes of colorful balloons and gold blown-up letters saying, “GRAND OPENING” — offered a cornucopia of cannabis pleasures. There were pre-rolled joints, a plethora of various levels of flowered marijuana, vapes, oils and numerous edibles.

    Nearly all the products had a California label, claiming they were grown or manufactured in the Golden State.

    Under New York’s “seed to sale” law, cannabis products sold here must be farmed and manufactured in the Empire State.

    The state recently awarded the first 36 licenses in New York to sell cannabis: 28 to retailers and 8 to not-for-profit groups. None have yet opened, and their locations have not even been identified.

    New York regulators have also come under fire after revelations surfaced that former NBA star Chris Webber, selected by the state to help raise $200 million in a public-private partnership for the emerging legal weed industry, has failed to raise any cash.

    The Office of Cannabis Management has defended its rollout of the program.”

    What a clusterfuck.

    • UnCivilServant

      Fun fact – in order to work for the Office of Cannabis Management (the agency that’s supposed to regulate these stores) you have to have some pre-existing connection to the weed trade, including (but not limited to) conviction for distribution.

      • Trigger Hippie

        /hurriedly fills out an application

    • PieInTheSky

      It is a weed. It dont need an office for management

    • Rat on a train

      Under New York’s “seed to sale” law, cannabis products sold here must be farmed and manufactured in the Empire State.
      I would love to see a challenge in federal courts.

      • UnCivilServant

        Well… It’s illegal to transport across state lines, so intrastate commerce would be the only way of getting around it, but you’d have to overturn Wickard.

        Please, please challenge it and get Wickard overturned

      • WTF

        Wickard will never be overturned, because that would also cancel most of what the federal government currently does.

      • UnCivilServant

        All the more reason to overturn it.

        Bad law is bad law and needs to go away.

    • Not Adahn

      Somewhat related, I tried a rye that was made with all NY grain. It was a bit rough but not bad at all. However, it was vastly overpriced.

      • PieInTheSky

        Same thing with Islay barley tbh

    • rhywun

      There are also weed trucks, which TBH seems smarter to me cuz you can just drive away if you hear the cops are coming.

      • UnCivilServant

        What music do they play?

      • Count Potato

        It doesn’t sound like the cops are doing anything. These are stores with huge signs advertising they sell weed.

      • rhywun

        It doesn’t sound like the cops are doing anything.


  31. PieInTheSky

    Well the Buckeyes back-doored into the playoff.

    Georgia 47 Ohio 18 you read it here first

    • Trigger Hippie

      Well if Georgia did play the Bobcats I’d say it would probably end up around that score…Ohio maybe scoring less than ten.

      • robc

        I still don’t know why OSU does a Bobcat cheer.

      • Pine_Tree

        Because they’re just nuts.

    • SDF-7

      Just be glad it isn’t Indiana — don’t need any back door cornholing of their buckeye….

  32. PieInTheSky

    Fraud victims ‘devastated’ by Revolut’s response

    “Deborah Wright was left devastated when she lost £8,000 of savings from her Revolut accounts to fraud in October.

    She expected the electronic money firm to refund her but it refused. Other fraud victims have also had difficulty getting refunds from Revolut.

    Deborah, a dog groomer in North Yorkshire, had given her Virgin Money bank details to a fraudulent website that she thought was legitimate while online shopping.

    A few weeks later, the 55-year-old got a phone call from a man claiming to be from the Virgin Money fraud department.

    The fraudster said her bank account was under attack, and persuaded her to download some software that allowed him to take control of her computer.

    The fraudster, who kept reassuring her that she was safe, asked her about her other accounts, and got her to transfer money out of her 12 Revolut “vaults”.

    This included savings that had taken years to build up for her grandson, and for a holiday in the US.

    She lost more than £8,000 from Revolut alone, along with funds from her Virgin Money account.

    While this was happening, she got warnings from Revolut, but the fraudster did not give her time to read them. He knew they were coming, and told her he was sending them.”

    I am not sure I understand why revolut should reimburse this woman

    • PieInTheSky

      “She questioned why Revolut had not stopped transactions that had not followed her normal behaviour patterns, as banks do.

      About 10 High Street banks are signed up to a code – the Contingent Reimbursement Model Code – which aims to give money back to people who fall victim to this kind of scam.

      But Revolut is not a UK bank, and is not signed up to this code.”

      Well …

    • Rat on a train

      The fraudster said her bank account was under attack, and persuaded her to download some software that allowed him to take control of her computer.

      He too was called by fraudsters, who persuaded him to download desktop-sharing software that let them take control of his computer.

    • SDF-7

      Yeah, they’re trying to do something similar with Paypal apparently.

      Some stupid “Anyone can request invoices from any email account via Paypal, so it looks legit” shit… got one the other day (which since I had closed said account not too long back bugged me enough to look into it). All about confusing things enough to get the visit to the desktop control website delivery mechanism. Assholes.

      • Rat on a train

        The “your account is locked” SMS have dropped off. I guess they moved on.

      • AlexinCT

        I keep getting those via email and sometimes even on my land line (calls from automation)… Not so much on my cell. It is hilarious to see how terribly obvious (by design, I believe) these things are as scams.

      • Rat on a train

        It’s been a while for me. One amateur just sent “Unusual Activity” without a link or phone number.

      • Pat

        Every other time I list something on Craigslist I get a text within 10-20 minutes of the post going live inquiring about the ad, then asking to send me a confirmation code to make sure the ad is legit. I texted back the last time asking if anybody ever actually falls for that, but didn’t get a reply.

      • Sensei

        My friend’s wife was taken by that when she placed an ad on Facebook Marketplace.

        I’d never even heard of the scam until a few weeks ago.

      • UnCivilServant

        How does the scam work?

      • Pat

        The scammer uses your phone number to sign up for a service that requires 2FA – could be financial services, gaming accounts, etc. – then has you text them back the confirmation code “to verify that your ad is legit.”

  33. Rebel Scum

    Furious about oil companies’ supersized profits after a summer of record-high gas prices, California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday will formally start his campaign to punish big producers by asking the Legislature to fine them and give the money back to drivers.

    By what percentage vs. the investment?

    • hayeksplosives


      • R C Dean


    • Count Potato

      “give the money back to drivers”


      • UnCivilServant

        Fastest way the government can do that – cut taxes.

      • Rat on a train

        Fed and state taxes total about $0.85 per gallon in CA.

      • UnCivilServant

        I said it was the fastest. The state can absolish their fraction of that immediately, then toss all the state level regs that cause increased costs, which will take a little while to filter down to the pumps.

      • Rat on a train

        No argument. Pointing out the high retail taxes in CA. It is more than the cost + profit of refining.

      • R.J.

        California built its own refineries, specifically to make that super expensive gasoline. Even if you eliminated the regs those refineries would require a complete retrofit to make gas like the other refineries in the nation. That’s the issue. Now Newsom did allow the refineries to sell the winter blend gasolines ahead of schedule in October. But that’s hardly a savings considering the California approved refineries require everything except a personal blessing by the pope for each gallon made.

      • Rat on a train

        California was hoping to use their size to get the rest of the country to change to the California blend.

      • R.J.

        Correct. Sadly some states did start buying from CA. I bet those decisions will be revisited. But now the rest of the country doesn’t have the ability to pick up the slack. It’s a catch 22.

      • Pat

        Sadly some states did start buying from CA.

        Nevada among them, which is in part why our gas prices are the 2nd highest in the country.

      • SDF-7

        Newsom loves to bribe his voters, I expect this to reflect that — and for the state government to wet its beak in the process, of course.

    • The Last American Hero

      Now do tech companies.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    No guns, no violence

    The heads of the Oregon police chiefs and sheriffs associations have submitted statements to a federal judge, saying their agencies are unprepared and not staffed or funded to support a permitting program for prospective gun buyers as required under Measure 114, which is supposed to take effect Thursday.


    Their submissions to the court come as U.S. District Judge Karin J. Immergut is deciding whether to grant a temporary restraining order that would put the voter-approved measure on hold as four lawsuits proceed in federal court. The judge said she will issue a written ruling by Tuesday.

    Each suit argues the regulations violate the Second Amendment right to bear arms and the Fourteenth Amendment right to due process, while the state attorney general’s office has defended the regulations as critical to stave off mass shootings and reduce suicides and homicides.

    The measure, which passed with 50.7% of votes, will require a permit to buy a gun; ban the sale, transfer or manufacture of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds; and require background checks to be completed before a gun is sold or transferred.

    We haven’t banned them, so much as just made it impossible to buy them.

    • Not Adahn

      We haven’t banned them, so much as just made it impossible to buy them.

      It worked for DC and Cook County for quite a while.

    • juris imprudent

      Reduce suicides in a state with legal physician assisted suicide?

      • Pat

        They also have an executive moratorium on capital punishment. Ironically, anti-death penalty activists’ successful campaigns to get drug makers to stop selling barbiturates used in executions in the United States has resulted in the cost of a prescription for secobarbital or pentobarbital to shoot up to ~$10,000 in the states where medical suicide is legal.

      • Count Potato


  35. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “The warnings were so specific that Twitter immediately censored The Post’s scoop about Hunter Biden’s laptop on Oct. 14, 2020, citing its “hacked materials” policy, a move described on Saturday as “election interference” by Twitter’s new owner, Elon Musk.”

    Private company, bro. Whoops, I meant defacto government entity but whatevs.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    During a court hearing Friday, Senior Assistant Attorney General Brian Simmonds Marshall assured Immergut that Oregonians will be able to apply for a permit when the measure takes effect on Thursday, drawing laughter from gun rights advocates in the courtroom’s public gallery.

    Order in the court!

    • juris imprudent

      He said they could apply, not that the applications would get processed.

      • UnCivilServant

        “We have our great big ‘Rejected’ stamp ready for all applicants.”

  37. Rebel Scum

    The FBI warned Twitter during “weekly” meetings before the 2020 election to expect “hack-and-leak operations’’ by “state actors” involving Hunter Biden, and “likely” in October, according to a sworn declaration by Twitter’s former head of site integrity, Yoel Roth.

    There is no deep state, you fascist Q-tard.

    They should all be put out of a job and forbidden from working in government ever again.

    They’ll get bonuses.

  38. Count Potato

    “Model lists the ‘disadvantages of being pretty’ after being told she’s ‘too beautiful’ – and the huge difference in how she’s treated when she doesn’t make an effort

    ‘I’ve never once been in a job where I haven’t been harassed. I’ve rarely been in social situations where I haven’t been harassed,’ Emily claims. 

    ‘People don’t usually take “no” as an answer with me, because they think I’m something to be possessed.

    ‘People do not ask before touching me in public, I am grabbed regularly, I’ve been assaulted by a stranger.'”

    Oh, bullshit.

    • UnCivilServant

      What are the odds her idea of harassment is “Ugh, ugly people talking to me.”?

      • AlexinCT

        You win the internets!

      • Fourscore

        Needs a bigger nose ring, problem solved.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      In a third video Emily admitted she’s ‘tired of being pretty’ so much she decided to get a rose ring and hand tattoo that was ‘culturally designed to destroy beauty’.

      She’s right about that.

      • rhywun

        Yes, plus there is the fact that she looks like if I touched her I might catch something.

    • Pat

      When you don’t get enough attention posing in front of a camera because of your looks, so you have to invent a form of persecution unique to your circumstances.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Nose ring…check, tats…check, unwarranted feelings of victimization…check…best avoid her like the plague fellas.

      • PieInTheSky

        but I assume she swallows

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Well nobody’s all bad.

    • The Other Kevin

      The reaction to the Twitter dump by so called “journalists” has been entertaining. They all put out basically the same tweet, something like “Matt Tiabbi used to be so great but now he’s sold his soul to the richest man on earth.” Apparently these creative geniuses decided to independently write the exact same thing on the same day. And you can be sure that prior to last week none of them knew who Matt Tiabbi was, or if they did they wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire.

      • The Other Kevin

        Sorry, thread fail.

      • R.J.

        *Lights the Brooks signal

      • Count Potato

        They all knew who Matt Tiabbi was long before this.

    • Trigger Hippie

      Instagram models are known for their humility and desire for privacy, it is known. If she woke up tomorrow fat and ugly the lack of attention would probably drive her to suicide.

    • R C Dean

      Attention whore whores for attention. Yawn.

  39. The Late P Brooks


    Profit is theft. Every nickel of “profit” is money stolen from the yeoman laborer.

  40. PieInTheSky

    The Hibernator’s Guide to the Galaxy
    Scientists are on the verge of figuring out how to put humans in a state of suspended animation. It could be the key to colonizing Mars.

    ” There are, after all, scores of species that go torpid every winter, drifting into an unconscious state that drastically squelches their bodies’ cravings for food and air. When they rapidly whirr back to life in spring, these creatures show no signs of suffering from muscle atrophy, malnourishment, or other ailments that might be expected to stem from lengthy spells of idleness. Bradford suspected there might be useful wisdom to be gleaned from understanding how such animals switch into low-power mode when their environments turn harsh.”

    “Hock mustered the courage to creep into sleeping bears’ dens and stick thermometers in their rectums, a gambit that allowed him to assess just how much their internal temperature declined during their annual torpor.” – I mean it’s a living

    • robc

      Mars? A planet around Alpha Centauri, sure, but Mars?

      • PieInTheSky

        saves on the food

    • Count Potato

      “Hock mustered the courage to creep into sleeping bears’ dens and stick thermometers in their rectums”

      What could possibly go wrong?

    • juris imprudent

      It was all good until he slipped into STEVE SMITH den while STEVE napping.

      • Trigger Hippie


      • rhywun


      • Jarflax


      • Not Adahn


  41. Tundra

    Good morning, Sloop!

    You forgot to mention the Vikings barely squeaking by the Jets.

    I’ll never understand how these things happen.

    I gotta believe that those are mostly suicides.

    Come on, Axl. Leave em alone.

    Lame. What happened to ‘any publicity is good publicity’?

    That is a rockin’ song. Off an amazing record. Definitely a good way to start the week!

  42. Certified Public Asshat

    But honestly Biden's loving and supportive relationship with his fuckup son is probably the most likeable thing about him and trying to make hay of it mostly just makes the Republicans look like assholes.— Ben Burgis (@BenBurgis) December 4, 2022

    Step one: Assume Joe Biden has been a good father

    • UnCivilServant

      The evidence I’ve seen would suggest he’s abused all his children at least psychologically if not physically.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        And pretending the stripper kid doesn’t even exist.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        …which, maybe that is the most likeable thing about him, he is not fucking up one of his relatives.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      He likely kept his son close because he’s so compromised. Makes him much less likely to (purposefully) drop the dime.

  43. Scruffy Nerfherder

    It was just a system gone awry.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      On Friday, Elon Musk announced that he would release the Twitter Files: a behind-the-scenes account of why the social media site prevented users from sharing the New York Post’s infamous Hunter Biden laptop story. That story, which was erroneously categorized by national intelligence experts as disinformation of dubious and possibly Russian origin, has become the archetypical example of social media moderation gone awry.

      • Count Potato


      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        “gone awry”

        Whoopsie! Aw shucks, we made a mistake y’all.

      • Q Continuum

        Cosmos gonna cosmo.

      • AlexinCT

        has become the archetypical example of social media moderation gone awry.

        I am pretty sure the problem here isn’t social media but the corrupt and massive government bureaucracy that knows how to use its power to either find sympathetic scum to do their dirty work or to coerce compliance with said dirty work…

      • Tundra

        More retardation from butthurt media.

        NPR is hurting, CNN and Gannett are cutting staff and most major newspapers are a gnat’s ass away from going under. Is reason next?

        We can only hope.

      • AlexinCT

        Congress is hard at work passing a bill that will make us tax payers subsidize these failing corrupt entities the machine needs to keep us programmed.

      • Tundra

        Who cares? Their numbers are cratering regardless.

        I know it’s fashionable to be pessimistic, but this tanking of corporate media is fucking awesome!

      • AlexinCT

        In a just world they would tank and then go out of business. New entities that would know better could then be spun up (or better yet, never happen).

      • The Other Kevin

        See my misthreaded comment above. These “journalists” spent the weekend sending variations of the same tweet. These are the creative geniuses complaining nobody respects them or pays them enough.

      • Tundra

        The bitterness toward a “Substack Guy” is so delicious.

        Taibbi is making a living completely on his own while the Cathedral has to gargle Biden’s nuts.


      • Grumbletarian


      • rhywun

        Oh, Robby… never change.

    • PieInTheSky

      tits are so last month. elbows are in

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I’ve always been an armpit guy myself.

      • AlexinCT

        Doesn’t that deodorant end up causing some massive chaffing due to the friction?

      • Rat on a train

        who’s assman?

      • Mojeaux

        Heroic Mulatto.

      • AlexinCT

        Me two.

      • Pat

        Million to one shot, doc!

  44. The Late P Brooks

    Under the measure, anyone applying for a permit to buy a gun must provide proof of specific firearms training, some of which can be done online and other parts through in-person demonstration.

    The training requires instruction on state and federal laws related to purchase, ownership, transfer, use and transportation of guns; safe storage of guns including reporting of lost and stolen firearms; how to prevent the abuse or misuse of firearms, including the impact of homicide and suicide on families, communities and the country; and a demonstration that the applicant knows how to lock, load, unload, fire and store a firearm before an instructor certified by a law enforcement agency.

    Golly, what are people complaining about? That’s just common sense gun safety regulation. It should be used as a template for the other states.

  45. Q Continuum

    “Welcome to the sperm bank, thank you for coming.”

    • AlexinCT

      Is this were Apu went to work after Hank Azaria got em kicked off the Simpsons?

      • Michael Malaise

        You can still watch The Birdcage with Azaria playing the role of a gay Ecuadorian who pretends to be a greek? named Spartacus.

    • UnCivilServant

      That statement was poorly phrased, but not technically wrong. The realignment happens at a micro-level, but the phrasing implies a macro-level rotation.

  46. Mojeaux

    I do not like Axl Rose’s voice.

    Pierce Brosnan is yummy at every age. Also, he is a very nice guy with a tragic past, so romance novel hero ahoy! (Yep, did it.)

    • Trigger Hippie

      Hiya, Mo. I just saw your email from Thanksgiving. Goes to show how often I check it. Thank you for the offer anyway. Much appreciated.

      • Mojeaux

        🙂 You’re welcome. Let me know if you want to hang out with 3 old ladies, 1 middle-aged couple, and a teenager for Christmas Eve. We generally just eat and talk with Christmas trees and music on in the background. Maybe play Pit. No alcohol. All very wholesome.

      • Count Potato

        “talk with Christmas trees”

        Druid Christmas?

      • Mojeaux

        Dammit, Ted’S!

      • Trigger Hippie

        Ya know, I could still probably get some acid if you really wanna talk to the trees…

        If I decide to come by I’ll let you know a couple weeks in advance.

      • Mojeaux

        Just know that you are welcome.

      • Trigger Hippie

        Again, much appreciated. The lack of alcohol really wouldn’t be a big deal. Believe it or not I haven’t gotten drunk since Halloween. Once a year I go a few weeks without drinking just to prove to myself that I still can. So far, so good. Gonna try to run this streak until New Year’s Eve.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      I remember back when they first hit it big and seeing an interview with Axl bragging about hanging in the Hollywood hills with Izzy and shooting AKs and the “cops can’t do nothin’.” God do I hate aged rockstars, when they lose the fire in the belly they become pussies.

      • Mojeaux

        I don’t generally follow celebrities on social media. They talk too much.

        But of COURSE I made an exception for Nikki Sixx, and then promptly unfollowed when he kept spouting new agey self-affirmations. No, dude. Stop. You’re embarrassing yourself. You died TWICE of a heroin overdose. You were the Drug Scouts of America. Don’t take that away from me.

    • Michael Malaise

      He’s also been married to the same woman and frankly, she looks like a pretty-but-real middle aged woman.

      • Mojeaux

        Yes. He seems to be an honorable man.

        His first wife died of ovarian cancer and his (step)daughter did also.

  47. The Late P Brooks

    social media moderation gone awry.

    To be sure, they may have unintentionally obscured the truth, but their intentions were good.

  48. The Late P Brooks

    NPR is hurting, CNN and Gannett are cutting staff and most major newspapers are a gnat’s ass away from going under. Is reason next?

    Maybe Penske Media well swoop in and bail them out, like they did with Rolling Stone. They can turn reason into something like a libertarian Teen Vogue.

    • Grummun

      So, still with the ass sex, then.

  49. Certified Public Asshat

    You know what’s not on Hunter Biden’s laptop? Stolen classified documents.— Mueller, She Wrote (@MuellerSheWrote) December 5, 2022

    Nothing to see here!

    • Count Potato


      • Trigger Hippie

        You know what was not in Jeffery Dahmer’s fridge? Female genitalia.


      • Count Potato


      • Trigger Hippie

        Not sure if Mueller, She Wrote’s comment counts as a non sequitur or not. Just pointing out that the statement doesn’t absolve Hunter of any criminal activity. Ya know, kinda like saying “Sure, Dahmer may have been a cannibal but there’s no evidence of him eating women so there’s nothing to see here.”

    • Pat

      Correct, that’s Hillary Clinton’s email server.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      “Mueller She Wrote”. What a pathetic name. You know what wasn’t in the Mueller Report? Evidence of collusion with Russia.

  50. Rebel Scum

    I, for one, am glad that we are on the side of freedom and democracy.

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced he is seeking to ban all religions with ties to Russia under a new law. He claims the move is needed to “guarantee spiritual independence to Ukraine.”

    The measure will target millions of Ukrainians who identify as Russian Orthodox.

    During his nightly address on Thursday, Zelensky announced he was introducing legislation that would eliminate religious organizations affiliated with Russia from operating in Ukraine. He said this will make “it impossible for religious organizations affiliated with centers of influence in the Russian Federation to operate in Ukraine.”

    The Ukrainian leader said it was necessary to purge the church to preserve the country’s spiritual independence, adding “We will never allow anyone to build an empire inside the Ukrainian soul.” Zelensky denounced Ukrainians continuing to attend the parishes as failing to overcome “the temptation of evil.”

    • PieInTheSky

      I say the Romanian orthodox church should step in and take over.

      Though russian orthodox were good for local tourism back in the day…

      • Tundra

        They are just Orthodox. Fucking splitters need to pare it back to basics.

      • PieInTheSky

        thing is the Russians have a the old style calendar so Christmas for them is in January which was good for mountain resorts in Romania because in december and around New Year they were full of Romanian tourists, and then right after new year the Russian tourists came for their Christmas.

      • Rat on a train

        Return to the Viking religion of the Kieven Rus.

      • Trigger Hippie

        At the very least we need the return of long handled axe welding Varangians stomping the grounds of Constantinople regardless the context.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      They should all join forces and liberate Constantinople.

    • rhywun

      That ought to be worth a few more meet-ups with his Hollywood celebrity pals.

  51. The Late P Brooks

    No alcohol. All very wholesome.

    [inset Homer Simpson screaming and jumping through window gif]

    • Mojeaux

      We are boring people. We like being boring. You know why? Boring is underrated.

  52. UnCivilServant

    Am I alone in thinking a fixed-handled knife whose blade is shorter than the handle is just a little off? With folding knives you obviously can’t make the blade longer than the handle, but even paring knives where the blade is shorter than the handle just look wrong to me. (I have a general purpose knife with a 1:1 ratio for the paring knife role)

    I was thinking about it because I was looking at metalworking classes and realized I didn’t have the money for the ones I wanted to take.

    • PieInTheSky

      you cant even kill a lion with a knife like that

    • The Last American Hero

      My steak knives are like that. While they look a little odd, they function fine = they will cut, and they hold up well. Haven’t tried them on a keel test and don’t intend to.

    • Count Potato

      Not really, plenty of knives are that way. So are scalpels, x-acto knives, Stanley knives, boxcutters, etc.

      • UnCivilServant

        Those aren’t knife-knives.

      • Count Potato

        Hence, the “So are”, but there are plenty of knife-knives that are — steak knives, carpet knives, floating knives, etc.

    • Semi-Spartan Dad

      I dunno. The handle on this one is just a bit longer than the blade, and it’s probably the most useful knife I own.

      You can often get them on sale for closer to 3 bucks. At that price, I buy 10 or 15 at a time. I use them all around the property. Give them away. No concerns about losing them or blunting the blade. It’s definitely not a nice knife, but that’s not its purpose.

      • UnCivilServant

        I guess my issue is that I’m looking at works of art that represent hours to days of investment rather than tools. I don’t even think about the aesthetics of the xacto blades I use in my hobbies and just replace those when they get dull.

    • Not Adahn

      Long handle/short blade is very utilitarian.

      • UnCivilServant

        And they all look wrong.

  53. Rebel Scum

    You Trumpite election deniers know no bounds.

    Katie Hobbs’s office contacts Twitter to have posts removed! So, the democrat candidate, who ran the AZ election, censored her political opponents, disrupted Election Day votes, and then threatened counties with prosecution if they didn’t declare her the winner.

  54. The Late P Brooks


    European Union chief Ursula von der Leyen on Sunday warned that Europe must address distortions in the marketplace created by President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which heavily subsidizes green energy technologies.

    Speaking to an audience at the College of Europe in the Belgian city of Bruges, von der Leyen said the EU must “take action to rebalance the playing field where the IRA or other measures create distortions.”

    The IRA, passed in August, incentivizes the U.S.’ transition to a low-carbon economy, with tax cuts for U.S.-made electric cars and batteries and around $370 billion in subsidies for green energy.

    Von der Leyen said the EU needs to work with the U.S. “to address some of the most concerning aspects of the law,” but she qualified that Brussels needs to “adjust” its own rules to encourage public investment in green technologies and “[reassess] the need for further European funding of the transition.”

    Her comments echo other business and political leaders in Europe who have criticized the IRA as being “protectionist.”

    Last week, French President Emmanuel Macron, who traveled to Washington for an official state visit, complained that subsidies meant to incentivize semiconductor production for electric vehicles have put European industries at an unfair disadvantage.

    Trade war? What trade war?

  55. Mojeaux

    I don’t remember* who turned me on to, but I am now happily bouncing along with the “department store Christmas” playlist.

    *I apologize. I really do. I just bookmark shit and go upon my merry way.

    • Drake

      Yosef I think

  56. waffles

    I feel so vindicated by the twitter leaks but also empty because it’s unclear whether anything can be done about the hunter biden laptop. When the FBI suggests a private company do something it really cannot be seen as a mere suggestion. It is a threat.

    • R.J.

      Yeah. It was nothing we didn’t already know. So now what? Some stupid congressional investigation? Those go nowhere.

  57. The Late P Brooks

    Inflationary pressure

    Accelerated wage increases will likely hinder the Federal Reserve’s fight against inflation and could lead to the central bank boosting interest rates more aggressively than the market currently expects, according to UBS.

    Strategists at the Swiss bank said Monday that the November US jobs report — which showed average hourly wages climbing at the fastest monthly pace since January of 0.6% — showed wage pressures in the world’s largest economy still remain high.

    That suggests the Fed will probably raise benchmark rates higher than 5%, the level that financial markets are currently pricing in as the likely peak in borrowing costs. The so-called fed funds rate is currently set in the 3.75% to 4% range.

    “Friday’s jobs report indicated that the labor market remains tight,” a team led by UBS CIO Mark Haefele wrote in a note. “The 0.6% growth in average hourly earnings is too high for the Fed’s liking and heading in the wrong direction.”

    Reduce wage growth? Not if the Union-Man-in-Chief has anything to say about it.

    • Pat

      Official CPI inflation at 8% YOY means monthly consumer inflation still rose faster than wages, which have been more or less stagnant in real terms since the late ’70s, so the obvious solution is to do something about that damn wage growth!

  58. Drake

    Ohio State backdoors it in – USC wasn’t ready. Great offense when Williams is healthy, abysmal defense. As soon as Williams was hurt, they had no chance in that game

    Another year of recruiting and transfers of the defensive side and they should be ready.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      If the game had been close USC might have still qualified. But that defense showed no heart, no desire to tackle.

      • Drake

        It was the same all season – in most games the offense could just floor it and score on literally every possession. A couple of stops or turnovers per game was all that was asked of that crap defense.

  59. DEG

    But this year, Newsom also has called lawmakers into a special session for the purpose of approving a penalty for oil companies when their profits pass a certain threshold.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Texas Guns and Roses is the name of a store with a Houston mailing address and what appears to be a unique business model: their website offers an array of weapons for sale, as well as several floral arrangements that are also available for purchase.

    That’s a pretty cool business idea. Pick up some flowers and a gun for your date with a pretty lady at the range.

  60. DEG

    Rat on a train – you asked in the last thread about PA liquor licenses being limited by geography – At one time they were. I think they still are, but with higher numbers of licenses per district.

    • Rat on a train

      Thanks. I recall stories of Maryland businesses that couldn’t get a license because all were issued for the district. They had to pay an existing holder to transfer the license.

      • Pat

        Ahh, the old NYC cab medallion problem.

      • Rat on a train

        They were concerned there would be too many bars in poor neighborhoods.

    • PieInTheSky

      guy in the accord cant drive though

    • Rat on a train

      Who’s slow now?

    • creech

      I’ve seen that maneuver done successfully most of the time (usually in front of me!). What I don’t get are the idiots who act out on an airplane and expect that nothing is going to happen to them.

    • Michael Malaise

      Kind of makes me want to buy a Tesla.

  61. The Late P Brooks

    Official CPI inflation at 8% YOY means monthly consumer inflation still rose faster than wages, which have been more or less stagnant in real terms since the late ’70s

    We were importing deflation for most of that period, so buying power was not stagnant.

    • Pat

      True, but it’s still hard to blame wage increases as the root cause of our current inflation.

  62. Semi-Spartan Dad

    The real takeaway of the Twitter emails is that these show in the light of day how information is controlled and manipulated. Neither the shadowy puppet master or organic self-interest theories hold up. And the whole “never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence” trope is naive and severely underestimates what is actually happening. We now know that there are indeed groups of interconnected groups of government, NGOs, and private actors that actively coordinating and manipulating events.

    This is exactly how voting is being rigged.

  63. The Late P Brooks

    Today’s best of idiots in cars.

    It’s impossible to even tell what the fuck happened there.

    • Michael Malaise

      Impatient Accord owner who can’t drive.

      Sure, the left lane guy (camera) was a bit slow, but looks like heavy enough traffic to leave some car lengths ahead of you.

  64. Rat on a train

    DC tries to lure more people back to downtown

    Foot traffic in D.C.’s downtown and Golden Triangle areas is better than it was in 2020 but it’s still far below pre-pandemic levels. City officials are now looking for ways to bring customers back to struggling retail businesses that depended heavily on office workers.
    About one fifth of offices in the Central Business District in D.C. are vacant at the moment.

    The Rediscover Equitable Central Occupancy Vitality and Encourage Resilient Yield (RECOVERY) Amendment Act … would offer temporary tax relief to new businesses that relocate to the Central Business District.
    It would also offer real property tax abatements to incentivize the converting office spaces into housing, retail or entertainment spaces.

    Accept that you no longer have your captive audience.

    • R C Dean

      “Rediscover Equitable Central Occupancy Vitality and Encourage Resilient Yield (RECOVERY) Amendment Act”

      Oh, fuck off.

  65. Count Potato

    “it is a very welcome development that @GretaThunberg used the launch of her new book in October to place responsibility for the climate crisis at the door of capitalism and to call for its overthrow.”


    • UnCivilServant

      Fuck off commie. Go off into the Swedish wilderness, live off the bugs there and freeze to death when winter comes.

    • R C Dean

      Just ignore that the biggest contributor of anthro CO2 is run by communists.

      • UnCivilServant

        And ignore the fact that CO2 isn’t a prime driver of temperature.

      • Rebel Scum

        And it is not a pollutant.

      • Rat on a train

        By definition they can’t be real communists because they didn’t create a communist utopia.

      • Penguin

        Well, if they had tried to, it would be totally fucked up, and then they wouldn’t be “real” socialists either.

    • R.J.

      Was that book and ebook only? Or did she kill trees to make copies?

  66. KSuellington

    I don’t think they are not stopping the lava from crossing Route 200 to get more of that sweet sweet Federal cash, I think they are doing so because I don’t think there is a feasible way of diverting large lava movements. Lava pretty much goes where it wants to go. If 200 gets crossed by the lava flow that is a tremendous screwing of life on the Big Island. Back just before we had kids we spent a week or so driving almost completely around that amazing island. On the stretch of 200 that is in danger we stopped for a view of the Mars like landscape and saw a giant Mouflon ram and it’s flock of ewes. Evidently some rancher imported them a century ago to hunt and there is still a sizable number of them. Awesome and unexpected sight among the otherworldly landscape that exists right between Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea.

  67. The Late P Brooks

    True, but it’s still hard to blame wage increases as the root cause of our current inflation.

    No argument there. Near-zero interest rates for decades, and plague inspired helicopter money have had a lot more effect. Wage increases are more of a symptom than a cause, but if the railroad contract is any indicator, we’re in for a rough ride.

  68. Count Potato

    “Yes, Of Course Kanye Is Crazy

    You didn’t know that already?

    I refuse to be scolded about Kanye West by the people who’ve enabled him for the past 20 years. Libs created this guy, they built him up and told him he was a genius, and now they get to deal with him. He’s not my problem.”

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Remember when he spoke at Oxford?

      • Count Potato

        I don’t.

      • Rat on a train

        I only recall when Rob Lowe was at Oxford.

  69. Rat on a train

    Disney Buys Major Streaming Company For $900M to Boost Disney+

    The Walt Disney Company reportedly paid $900M to Major League Baseball for the remaining 15% stake in BAMTech, a streaming video tech company that powers Disney+.

    Disney+ is already losing over $1B a year what’s another $900 million?

    • LCDR_Fish

      Michael Malice showing up in replies/retweets too – nice signal boosting.