Who gave Perlman a gun?
Welcome to tinfoil hat Thursday! Tonight’s film is about a crazed CIA agent tasked with finding Stanley Kubrick and forcing him to direct a fake moon landing. Just in case. This is one of the biggest tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, and this film handles it well.
One complaint I saw in a couple of reviews was that this film ‘wasn’t serious enough.’ You want the dry truth? This movie is probably closer to the truth than you think. Secret agents are nuts, and it is well within the realm of belief that one would screw up and get a rock promoter to fake a moon landing. Life is always weirder than fiction.
I don’t want to blow any more plot points. I will say that this is the one and only film from a French director named Antoine Bardou-Jacquet who has otherwise done commercials. It’s his film, his story. He had an assist by Dean Craig in writing up the film. I really hope we get to see more from Antoine in the future. This is a stellar first effort. And I feel like almost no one has seen it or heard of it. Like someone is trying to suppress it…
So watch! Or don’t! Everything is still voluntary in 2022! And in a couple more days, welcome to 2023! Where your wildest conspiracy theories may come true! Next week we continue to explore conspiracy theories with Troll Hunter.
Bonus! A GlibGlub Crossover, to help with New Years’ Eve cocktails. I wrote down the brands of what I used. Behold, the perfect chocolate martini:
- 1 part vodka (Monopolova)
- 1 part Irish cream (Kavanagh)
- 1 part chocolate liqueur (Tolón-Tolón chocolate. I am a sucker for the little cow bell.)
Shake over ice, serve with shaved chocolate – the perfect chocolate martini.
What are you mixing this New Years?
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
I foresaw this First.
I answered your question on the deadthread.
and I stand by my statement.
I foreskinned this bris.
This First took weeks of meticulous planning. It had to be worded just right. Timed just right. And then you come on here and spout gibberish attacking my accomplishment.
You’re welcome. 😘
(((I))) approve.
“May your wildest conspiracy theories remain fake!”
Thanks, RJ.
“1 part vodka (Monopolova)
1 part Irish cream (Kavanagh)
1 part chocolate liqueur (Tolón-Tolón chocolate. I am a sucker for the little cow bell.)”
I used to have this often. Just on the rocks, rather than as fancy as you described.
I be fancy sometimes.
What is that USB thing?
Ultra-Sonic Buttplug, they’re all the rage with Firsters.
Oh! On the front picture? It’s a USB tool for hacking PCs. Plug it in, steal the data.
AKA a “USB drive”.
Heh. Where’s Pat when you need him? Analyze the post cover photo, stat!
It looks a bit more than that.
Amazing you can buy a 128GB drive for $10 now.
Back when I made techno I paid a fortune for a drive big enough to fit 2 cd’s worth of audio. It was the size of microwave oven.
Tonight’s film is about a crazed CIA agent tasked with finding Stanley Kubrick and forcing him to direct a fake moon landing. Just in case. This is one of the biggest tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, and this film handles it well.
Good for post Happy Hour viewing.
Diving in soon
Enjoy. I am upping the film quality for New Years’.
Shades of “Yellow Submarine”
Or some trippier “Heavy Metal”
Yes. This was not a low-budget effort at all. Part of it is the director’s connections making commercials. That really upped the quality. But his success in commercials gave him the budget to do this right. There is an English mansion about 30 minutes in… You’ll know what I mean when you see it. Total redo would have been necessary after that.
Ron Perlman doesn’t come cheap.
This is definitely a cut above most of what you normally post production wise. Better acting and better written, as well.
I am upping the ante, at least for a month. Maybe longer.
Sort of OT but I watched an old Firing Line interview with candidate Reagan from 1979 this afternoon (I’m cool like that). Nothing has changed. Absolutely nothing has changed since I was 14 years old. The same talking points, the same arguments. I was really digging what old Ronny was saying until he showed his hand regarding the Church Commission. Nearly 45 years ago he called for draining the swamp and letting the free market decide. We all know how that turned out. Still, it was nice to see how sharp he was at the time. I had an irrational hatred of conservatives back then that I’m still trying to process, silly child that I was.
He could have been a great President if only the MIC hadn’t had him by the balls. That and the Alsheimers…
The MIC must have had him by the balls. I knew a Reagan speechwriter; he told me David Stockman (Reagan’s budget cutter) took an initial look at the Pentagon’s budget and said it could be cut 25% without harming military capability at all. Instead (after 535 congressmen and senators screamed about Defense spending cuts in their bailiwicks) the spending went up and up, allegedly pushing the Soviets to the wall and toppling Russian Communism.
Deficit spending is immoral unless under dire consequences, but at the least Reagan can say that he accomplished something tangible with that spending. Ending the Cold War and destroying the Soviet State was money well spent.
It isn’t funding black celebrity wax museums.
Me too. I think the Bush years really fed that. Bush 1 and 2 did not equal Reagan. Young men and their opinions…
Makes me be gentle when I talk to young lefty men now.
I grew up with a hippy-dippy Mother even though Dad was a suit and tie guy. She raised us, he provided.
There was a LOT of anti-Ronnie propaganda when I was a teenager, especially growing up in the “inner city”.
My mom, thank goodness, did not feed into any of that. She rarely talked politics but I do know she voted for him.
“There was a LOT of anti-Ronnie propaganda”
The punk rock scene was full of it.
Batman: The Dark Knight comic had anti-Ronnie propaganda in it. It was everywhere. The world has not changed.
Music videos, hell, the music industry itself chose a side. Movies were staunchly right-leaning at the time.
Yeah, very quickly off the top of my head I can think of two popular songs from the 80’s using Ronnie as the bad guy. One good (use a Reagan quote at the very end), one shit.
You missed the best one.
Gustave, I like you. I really do. I’ll kill you last. But your idea of “best music” and mine are just so very far apart.
“Remember Gustave when I said I’d kill you last…”
Mo’: I couldn’t stand listening so I searched for the lyrics. Fuck that ginger Brit. But that goes to show the propaganda of the day. A British band with no fucking clue of American politics decides to bash the current president for a hit.
They had their own cottage industry bashing Margaret. The first few that come to mind are all death fantasies if that tells you anything.
“Movies were staunchly right-leaning at the time.”
Top Gun, Rambo, Hamburger Hill, Red Dawn. Even the Olympic commercials were way over the top.
Top Gun was gay. Rambo was very anti-establishment.
Yeah, I was hoping the OMB presidency would inspire the pop music scene to 1980s greatness.
Alas, pop appears to be dead beyond resuscitation.
It is amazing how it has barely changed in a couple decades.
I would channel scan as I drove to alabammy, and there were songs in the Top 40 rotation that had been there for YEARS. That Glass Animals song about all he can think about is Jews was on the chart for like 118 weeks or some such.
It’s crazy because he was overwhelmingly popular. I don’t think you’ll see anyone with such a lopsided victory again in our lifetimes, unless the people running elections go full North Korea.
Also, never forget that the Democrats literally did collude with the fucking Soviets to try and oust the guy. To absolutely no avail.
Ted Kennedy dis collude with the USSR, but Reagan won 49 states.
So Teddy was a murderer and a traitor. Evil fuck.
The only reason it wasn’t 50 is because Minnesoda went for the hometown boy by the slimmest of margins.
Meanwhile the Biden admin is almost certainly colluding with the CCP and he gets “the most votes evar”.
It’s maybe a good reminder that none of this propaganda is new, it’s just that they now have social media now to amplify it. Case in point; there was a local radio DJ who as recently as 10-ish years ago would still occasionally trot out the “Reagan said ketchup was an acceptable substitute for tomatoes in school lunches” trope. Anyone else remember that bullshit or just me and that old hippie DJ?
Like the Teachers that would allow you to call them by their given name? I remember that being a thing for about five minutes.
Yeah, growing up in a college town, we got more than our fair share of it.
I loved Ronnie. First time I voted it was for him in ’84. Letting them put Bush on the card turned out to be a terrible mistake. I voted for DuPont in the ’88 primaries.
Yeah, running with the former head of the spooks should have been a huge red flag.
That was the last time I voted. Fool me once, Ronnie…
That was the beginning of my disbelief in any politician and nothing has changed in 40 years.
How the fuck is that a martini? 🙂
“What are you mixing this New Years?”
Probably nothing fancy. It’s my casual observation that people who are/were bartenders drink simple stuff. If they are working, usually the same highball that doesn’t have a name in a non-SOP glass so no one confuses it with a drink order. Mine was bacardi, OJ, and seltzer. Whiskey in a coffee coffee cup is also pretty common. I’m drinking bacardi and graperfruit now.
Ha ha ha! Yes, it’s a girly martini. My Euro friends like it. I like it in small doses. If you zoomed you’d see me having a James Bond martini made with Monopolova, no olive juice. Or bourbon with ice (It’s hot down here.)
You can tell its yours because it has lipstick on the rim and a cigarette garnish? *runs away*
+1 Winston’s Mom
Sick burn.
Thanks for letting me not be the asshole…again. 🧐
Obligatory link:
“Trollhunter” is really good.
Is that an attempt at the flag from Fort McHenry?
ahh.. no… too many stars
OT lulz… In case you weren’t sure which side of the Drag Wars is the correct side, the NY Post helpfully offers the following.
I wonder how many false-flag Nazis the Marxists who run “Drag Queen Story Hour” have on their payroll for situations like this.
Tons. Most of them are closet Nazis anyway.
*Nazi’s wife pounds on the door* “What are you doing in there? Nothing, dear! I’m coming in! No! Don’t look at me!”
*Finds man in dress, with a shoe polish mustache
R.J. gets it.
Damn straight. That’s Justin every night.
Shades of Podesta with that table?
Hell of a low profile.
Yeah, if you have ever met such people as portrayed by Ron Perlman, that is their low profile.
I could use some new conspiracy theories. Mine came true.
These internal server errors are annoying.
Please describe?
I kept trying to post a comment, but it wouldn’t let me.
I like the rear view.
This CIA guy is easily triggered.
Best. Observation. Ever.
But does he get to fuck the cute gal?
That would be telling.
Which scene?
I’m already passed it…. there was a scene with Toots and the Maytals as background music.
“Acid is the best thing for headaches”
RJ – fun movie. I even like Perlman in this one, despite his incredibly hateable face.
I’d watch more movies by this guy over like 90% of the other crap that’s getting made these days.
Glad you liked it. This quality will keep up for at least January. I am starting to try to theme months, however long that lasts.
There’s been some excellent stuff on Prime and Netflix recently. But R.J. always brings the good stuff too.
He was alright in ‘Enemy at the Gates’.
Great flick (and book). It’s been years…I should watch it again.
Love these posts, R.J. the Tulpa.
I’m starting to watch more stuff as I get older and more bored, I have to check this out.
Have you seen the Prime series Utopia? It’s pretty fucked up, I highly recommend it.
Not yet. Turns out running a free streaming movie night takes up all the normal entertainment time. I really enjoy doing it though. I added it to the list.
Doesn’t everyone’s penis whisper to them?
As long as Perlman’s penis isn’t whispering to you. That would be a bad sign.
Tommy Lee’s had conversations with him.
Bren gun. Nice.
I’ve lost the narrative thread. I am watching the movie in the corner of the phone screen, commenting, and hanging out at a party with a group of six girls. My concentration is shot.
All done. I like it. Thanks RJ!
Thanks! Hopefully I’ll see you next week for Trollhunters.
THICC Thursday continues!
Might as well call it “Tres Thursday”…
Lol. That’s only because Heroic Mulatto abandoned us.
I miss the cummies. 😥😥😥😥🐔🦍🦠🥒🥒🍆💦💦💦💦🌈🔥💉🩸🚬
You can call me Abe Pistoffnick, the Sausage King of Northern Minnesoda
I mixed and stuffed 40 lbs of ground pork today: Minnesoda Bratwurst, Currywurst, Garlic and Rosemary bratwurst, and Porketta bratwurst. plus a little bit of breakfast sausage.
How much do you eat in a month? Five pounds?
My usual weekday lunch is 2 bratwurst and a side of broccoli.
I still have 40 more lbs. of pork butt in the freezer yet to grind. I’m thinking Vietnamese lemongrass and Thai chile bratwurst, Keilbasa, jalapeno bratwurst, and something funky.
I bought the pork butts at $1.29 per lb. I figure each bratwurst cost me $.43. The grocery store here charges $1.00 per bratwurst.
That’s awesome
No potato sausage?! You’re dead to me.
The garlic/rosemary brats sound tasty
They are! I always fry some up before stuffing the pig up it’s own asshole, just to make sure the taste is correct.
What’s in the Minnesoda brats? Wild rice?
Nevermind. Low carb.
Lutefisk and smoked whitefish?
I’m low carb, dude!
I have discovered Jamesons Stout Edituin… and I have no idea what’s going on.
Whiskey aged in beer barrels? Now there’s a twist! Does it taste as good as it sounds?
I was going to go to bed, but now I’m going to have a glass of plain old regular Jameson. I can’t decide if I should thank or curse you.
Why not both? Maybe brush your teeth with whiskey? Let us know what your dentist thinks.
“Your teeth are as clean as an operating room, but your breath smells like a dirty Mick!”
Well fuck. It took me half an hour to get to bed. Legs just stopped working yet again What do? I fried my brain with concussions, drugs and alcohol. What now?I can’t live like this and we certainly can’t afford it.
God’s name, don’t tell Justin. He will have you put down.
Please don’t give in to those mother fuckers who want to kill you. Please. If you need help, ask your fellow reprobates. You know we will help as much as we are able.
Absolutely. Don’t let those assholes take you.
Speaking of the small home conversation from earlier, something like this could be ok for me. I have modest aims, after all. Model decor is ok but not entirely my liking.
I fucked up something there.
This is better.
That is significantly bigger a than my condo.
1: Why do the porch stairs lead up to a blank span of wall? Shouldn’t they lead up to a door?
2: Does it come with the land and outbuildings?
3: Is this a manufactured homes demo model?
4: Is the deck and the building behind is standard?
5: where are the interior walls?
6: This place looks to me about half the size of my house – if split lengthwise.
Maybe the porch stairs to blank wall is to fake ghosts and evil spirits out out, kind of like the Winchester Mystery House. Considering they think the blue paint around house openings is water which they can’t cross they appear to be fairly easy to trick.
Carpe Donktum is back and he’s taking on Bruschetta.
Better seconders than him have tried.
Morning peeps.
Good morning, Sean, Roat, Stinky, Lack, and Shirley!
Last work day of the year, so I’ll be anxiously trying to think of what absolutely has to get done before the calendar rolls over to 2023. At least it looks as if I won’t have to
livework like a refugee and vacate my office – our maintenance guy assured me the big fan they ran in there overnight dried up the water from the (second) burst sprinkler head.Mornin’, GT. You working today too? I am the only member of my team on duty today, everyone else gets a 4 day weekend.
Yup. Happily, I’ve been able to get a little bit of a head start on some of the usual month end stuff and likewise some of the once-a-year stuff. Tuesday it would behoove me to hit the ground running.
I’m battling between getting lots of work done because everyone else is on vacation (what I thought would happen) and putting out fires because everyone else is on vacation (what is actually happening).
We have the same job, apparently.
And all the fires I was putting out yesterday were due to one of my reports’ backups while he and I were on vacation last week being a no-show. Consultant, so… them’s the breaks I guess.
He no show up, eh?
I have to hassle some cable company employees today, despite just wanting to sleep.
I have to hassle some cable company employees today
That actually sounds like fun. Enjoy!
How is trying to convince customer service people to fix my account ‘fun’? I have to deal with people, in person!
That’s the fun, right there.
Good morning, U! When hassling cable company employees, is there a technological equivalent to “You missed a spot”?
I intend to watch at least some of it (on tv), if not all.
Make your own jokes.
That kid ain’t ripe.
Mask don’t work.
Schools don’t educate.
Neither does garlic or the evil eye but the superstition persists.
Paterson and Camden. Steel cage match between the biggest shithikes in North and South Jersey.
Two districts where parents won’t fight back – imagine that.
Two districts where parents are nowhere to be found.
Buy yer mega millions tix. $640m
Meanwhile, in Romania…
That’s… pretty weak after reading the blaring headline. Well, couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
So Perlman up there: Unusual amount of Neanderthal DNA or resuscitated Australopithecus?
porque no los dos?
I was listening to an excerpt from T. Sowell, and he casually mentioned how George Washington had no children. All I could think was ‘how fortunate for the country’. It would be like the Kennedys on snuff as far as political dynasties go.
Someone should write a biography of G. Washington titled “The Man Who Would Not Be King.”
We owe him a lot for not taking that path.
Good news: https://www.amazon.com/George-Washington-Man-Would-King/dp/0590437305
‘We owe him a lot for not taking that path.’
As a federalist he certainly isn’t to be admired too much, but it could have been a lot worse (e.g. Hamilton). He did a good job, and better than could be expected.
Mornin’, reprobates.
Good morning, ‘patzie! Happy New Year’s Eve Eve!
Is that a thing? Right back atcha!
Bourbon & Honey Bacon.
Morning all. FWIW, I’m always on for the early morning re-activation of the overnight post. I’m just not usually awake enough to comment ;-\ Something’s been messing up my sleep cycle, so now I’m awake *way* too early, and thus fully conscious (loosely speaking) by the time the morning crew starts chatting.
Happy New Tear’s Eve Eve indeed, to each and all of us!
Okay unintentional (but funny), and hopefully not prophetic, typo. Awake enough to comment, but not type or proofread.
Of course, given the state of the world, lacrimae mundi may be what we have in store. sigh
Nimble fingers there 😆
Happy New Tear’s Eve Eve
Typo or astute observation?
Haven’t you heard of the annual onion chopping festival held every January 1st?
One so hopes that’s all it is. But one doubts. Sigh…
I think it’s my favorite typo of the year 🙂
Mornin’ all.
Off to the gym.
Where’s the beef?
No, really?
Behold the wonders of decades of ferocious propaganda.
Bureau of Green Nutrition, Lona Sandon, Director
Problem solved
Ever noticed that nutritionists, either amateur or professional, look and sound so earnest it hurts? /fixes three-egg breakfast with huge cinnamon roll/
There is (or was) a place on the way out to the Oregon coast from Portland that served a lumberjack breakfast. Those guys burn off a lot of calories.
There was a waitress on Hayden Island who had this Don Rickles act. I’ll have the omelet and a bald joke.
Sure labeling, what could possibly go wrong with some labeling requirements. Looks back at baby formula shortage…
How do we get from “perceived as healthier” (presumably due to labeling) to actually, in fact, reducing obesity?
Who would have thought post-modernism would lead, in such short order, to magical thinking?
I am officially cranky this morning.
*nods angrily*
This has been a great week at work, but a shitty week at home.
I made some really dumb mistakes installing my optic, the most important being not confirming that the plate that CZ said was for this optic would in fact work with this optic before installing the plate. Now I need to take the slide somewhere to have the stripped mounting screws removed.
Yeah, the “footprint” is correct, but the plate has some indexing posts that won’t work. I guess I need to buy a universal plate instead. The only other option would be to have those posts ground off.