Welcome to the Christmas countdown! I must say I really didn’t have my act all together last year so I wasn’t able to pull off a month of Christmas films. This year is different. I have many Christmas movies ready for the paying. Krampus films, Mexican wrestler Christmas films, and this! Tonight’s film about a corporation that catches wild Santa Clauses and trains them to work as department store santas. Yes, that is the basic premise. And they have found the grandaddy of all wild santas in a frozen mountain. Little did they know what would happen when he got out.
This version of the movie is dubbed in English, so no problems for us English speaking heathen.
So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary. Next week, Santa Claus vs. the Devil.
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
I foresaw this early post and this First.
I’ve heard Viagra has side effects but that’s just weird.
“This version of the movie is dubbed in English, so no problems for us English speaking heathen.”
I think mine is in Finnish. So I’ll have to read subs.
*hits play*
You may be right. I think I posted the Finnish version.
I found some music for the action scene.
That’s great. I was so expecting the Star Trek fight music.
Yeah, found them recently. Finnish motorik – fuckin’ sign me up.
Yeah, Finnish for me.
That’s OK. I can read.
Boyhood scenes reminiscent of Twain and King.
And they have found the grandaddy of all wild santas in a frozen mountain. Little did they know what would happen when he got out.
Diving in!
Definitely a relative of STEVE SMITH!
*tap tap tap*
Oh, it’s Finnish. Yeah, got nothin’ there.
Apologies if you hate subtitles. I could have sworn this was the dubbed version.
Funny story, I had a friend who bought one of the first really nice VCRs that could edit. We used to go rent films at the local video store, take them home, and redub the whole thing. We noticed the movies we redubbed became much more popular.
No, I hate dubbin.
May check this out later. Thanks!
I also hate the letter G.
How do you feel about MST3K?
Loved it a couple decades ago.
I would say check it out later. This is really a great film.
I had my wife watch Ong Bak in original form, no dub or subtitles and she loved it.
Does she speak Thai?
Hopefully she doesn’t speak tie.
Interesting how this didn’t mention what made it glow..
No. We just enjoyed the movie. Peer brought it back from Vietnam
Next weeks’ movie will actually be Black Christmas. I didn’t get it corrected in this. I will still write up Santa Claus vs. the Devil too.,
The original Black Christmas, or the remake with weird incest aspect? Or the woke remake of the remake?
I did watch the remake with incest, for the record, though not the woke one.
The original from 1974. No remakes here.
Good! I’ve seen all three. Both remakes are crap.
Heh. It’s like you are reading the draft I just did.
An ad right away?
Oh boy.
Avert your eyes!
Gonna hit pause to join a Zoom. Thanks RJ! This looks good. I’ll wrap it up tomorrow.
Thanks for coming!
re Studebaker
@DEG: yup, I recommended the Auburn museum….how the hell did you remember
regarding South Bend, the city has been trying to figure out what to do with the considerable remains of the factory
At some point I need to start post the sad news that the Darryl Starbird museum in Oklahoma is no more. It was divided up and emptied.
I have no idea how I remembered it. Thanks for the suggestion! It was a great museum.
Last night I went through my pictures of the Auburn-Cord-Duesenberg Museum and the neighboring National Auto Museum. I think a three part series is called for.
T H I C C Thursday.
Just fantastic. Have you got any with Santa hats? It’s the theme, you know.
It’s a shame Heroic Mulatto bailed out. He would appreciate this.
I haven’t seen him here in a long time.
A month of Xmas films? Bah Humbug! I need to start my own media enterprise to avoid the annual repeat of all the shittiest movies/tv show/songs ever made, NoXmas.com “It’s July in Xmas” will be my tagline.
No sappy sentiments here. Only horror films. Next year is gong to be incredible, if I can pull it off. I have so many great films. I wanted to break out and show them now. But I want to do this first. These movies will drive off the sappy folks.
This is the moment that RJ becomes a member of The Golden Firsters. He didn’t know it, but I, of course, did.
I am pleased. And turgid. Last post we discussed making an article about Rule 34,. If that was to happen, what is the porno version of firsting? Or is all firsting porno?
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0077531/ ?
You have lost your place in The Golden Firsters for a multitude of reasons that I shouldn’t even have to begin to explain.
S’alright. I’m just glad the seconding disease didn’t kill you.
Will we remember some (((people))) among us and have “The Hebrew Hammer” one week for Chanukah?
I did that last year – I will honor tradition and post it again, but may do so alongside Anna and the Apocalypse. Not sure how to handle it yet. We have only four movie slots before Christmas and two are already taken. Let me confer with the higher powers.
You certainly did and it was fantastic.
No, Judy Greer was fantastic!
Yes, yes she was.
I really should have included the link to the original show last Christmas. Thoughtless of me, Here it is:
It’s weird reading comments I don’t remember making only one year ago.
To me, it’s weird I have done this for over a year. There are entire reviews I have forgotten.
LOL seek help
Speaking of that particular show and the discussion about the pimp car – here is Torchinsky from Autopian discussing pimp car culture:
Thanks, RJ 🙂
I hope you enjoyed it! See you next week for an extended post!
It was good. Apparently, there are no women in Finland and everyone is a single dad.
Yep. The opposite of Alaska.
No, they are all at BYU playing volleyball on scholarship.
*thinks back to 1990 and Finnish roommates*
That sounds about right. BYU in the 90s huh? Interesting.
Unfortunately all the men are drunk.
Maybe that’s why.
I thought Tom of Finland was an icon among you people.
I’m no physicist, but the helicopter scenes seemed far-fetched.
Meh. Suspension of believe. Big bag full O’ kids? Sounds like a Democrat thing.
They could have flown them to John Podesta’s house for more money.
*Sniffing intensifies
Ah yes, the wonderful innocent times of 2015.
I’m shocked they’ve left that up.
…When nobody even paid attention to his perversions.
No one does not either. At least no one with power.
I seldom like Jeff Sessions, but this was a notable exception.
Jay Leno posted a new video 3 days ago – but it appears to be prior to the accident.
Movies. This popped up in my YouTube feed. Comments? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aH3qsEvB3ZE
Hi, everyone.
Sorry I’ve missed the real-time comments and chats lately!!
I have a request: a good quality but not crazy telescope.
I live in a place with very little light pollution. Twilight and Bewitched
can take pictures as well, I’m not into the concept of having a map/salt road-trip.
Why this says Twilight and Bewitched is beyond me. I think it was a leftover snarky comment I was about to make earlier and it hung around as a draft?!?!
I blame squirrels.
Morning ☕😉
LOL, get fucked.
It’d be nice to just LOL it away but there’s a sizable contingent out there just waiting for the thinnest excuse to bring as much of this bullshit back as they can. The public is almost infinitely malleable unfortunately.
See my mask post last thread. Lulz.
There’s a website for it, they sell for 85 bucks. Somebody’s gotta sell the magic beans to Jack.
Do it!
Time to start.
But…but..that’s illegal!!!
I don’t really mail checks. Mostly online bill pay.
Yikes, never heard of that before…need to buy my parents some gel pens I guess.
My asshole lender won’t accept anything but a mailed in check.
Also, apply this to mail in ballots…
Musk banned ol’Ye from Twitter for posting a swastika inside the Star of David. He claims it “incites violence.”
I don’t know what Kanye thinks he’s accomplishing or doing. One aspect of it definitely seems to be to push the bounds of acceptable speech. Or maybe he is just a Holocaust denier, I don’t know. But posting a swastika isn’t an inherent call to violence anymore than the countless Marxists using the hammer and sickle is (and many of them do in fact call for violence, directly anyway).
And long term, Musk needs to focus on removing himself directly from making content moderation decisions. It’s probably tough to do now because he took over as the supposed free speech advocate, but he needs to codify a set of coherent views on what is or isn’t allowed on the platform and hire some people he trusts to carry that vision out.
Sites where moderators have no clear rules they’re enforcing and ownership selectively goes after certain users tend to breed discontent, especially with larger platforms. I even think I pointed this out to resident hall monitor Swiss at one point, but what would I know?
Are you sure that’s why he was banned? Ye was also allowing Milo and Fuentes to Tweet using his account and he takes ban evasion and impersonation seriously.
“I tried my best,’ Musk wrote in a tweet after Twitter deleted West’s offending tweet and temporarily locked his account. ‘Despite that, he again violated our rule against incitement to violence. Account will be suspended.’
It’s not an explicit call to violence but I understand why he did it from a public relations standpoint. He realistically needs to wait until the furor dies down a bit before he allows stuff like this and Ye probably couldn’t have picked a worse time to go off the Twitter rails.
So, the guy who bought Twitter and said he wasn’t going to cave to the proggie mainstream and cancel people is already caving as a result of backlash?
I don’t think he’s going to get more free speech-y over time. The opposite, in fact. We have already seen that he picks and chooses when he values free speech. The media isn’t going to throw Musk a bone and call off the attack dogs because he banned Kanye. They are going to laugh at him for being a hypocrite who had to reverse course after unbanning the guy like a month ago. And all the little NPC’s on Twitter who already hate Musk are going to continue along the same path.
So, much like Trump, he’s going to be attacked no matter what he does. Much like Trump, the worst mistake he can make is giving the progs even an inch when they have no real point.
He just banned Kanye for “hate speech.” Hate speech is, in fact, free speech. So are crackpot theories about dead children, no matter how distasteful (even if Jones isn’t really guilty of those things). Mischaracterizing it as an incitement to violence or special pleading about how important children are to you aren’t going to convince people that you aren’t a hypocrite in over his head on this issue.
I’m not even endorsing access to Nazis on Twitter, necessarily. Just saying Musk is the one who claims to be a free speech absolutist who has clearly done things that reveal him to be a hypocrite with no principles. And if he’s doing it because he can’t take the heat that is inevitable for upsetting the proggie apple cart, that’s an even worse sign.
And anyone can watch the response in real time:
Banning Kanye is going to lead to mockery from the left and right.
I don’t agree with the banning and your critiques are valid but the free speech platform stuff is also a marketing strategy on Musk’s part. From what I understand, speech is already more open on Twitter and the shadow banning practice has been eliminated. Musk isn’t a free speech absolutist and he’s also a guy taking a lot of heat with a 44 billion dollar business on the line so the banning doesn’t surprise me.
I have been spending my time traversing the First Time Continuum to inject key Firsts into the timeline in order to avert disaster.
But perhaps what I need to do is to be looking at all the seconds to remove them. I need to do some calculations.
There is a ponderous amounts of data and events to sift through here.
“Musk banned ol’Ye from Twitter for posting a swastika inside the Star of David. He claims it “incites violence.””
Disappointing. I thought he understood the slipperiness of slopes, the creepiness of missions, and all that.
Lol, good luck with that.
How about we impose a curfew on city officials. They have to be locked up in the county jail by 6pm every nigtht, and no two are allowed out of their cells at the same time.
“Parents aren’t doing their job so we will do it for them. You’re welcome.”
The city enforced the rule over the summer, aiming to keep young people safe from the gun violence crisis.
It’s really just bringing the hammer down on icky people.
The city enforced the rule over the summer, aiming to keep young people safe from the gun violence crisis.
How did that work out?
Happy birthday Britney!
This is not Nam, there are rules.
I “Finished” the model I’ve been painting last night. Except, I made a few mistakes that I’m going to have to correct. There are a few spots that are supposed to have color that didn’t get them and would have been easier to paint before I glued the subassemblies together, and there was a decorative element that hasn’t even been taken off the spure, let alone painted and attached.
That said, unless I pointed them out, you probably wouldn’t notice.
He looks better in person than on camera
The chest braiding and the thing on the belt buckle to start…
To add…still looks good.
The braid at most needs a dash of nuln oil. Metallics photograph poorly, so the belt buckle looks off in the image.
What the braid is really lacking is the badge and tassel that is supposed to be at the right hand side of the image ‘holding the end in place’ (This was the piece I haven’t taken off the sprue yet.)
That looks good.
Thank you
“The US Is Now Propping Up Tiny Moldova’s Energy Sector Too”
For the love of god, if we’re going to piss money down a black hole let’s at least do it over here so we can end up with something demonstrable from it.
Maybe somebody got a deal that gets ’em more than 10%.
That’s what’s driving me crazy now too: we really need about $1B more to get this Nuke stockpile work funded fully so that there’s no corner cutting. But no; we have to compromise safety, thoroughness, development of the next Gen of scientists/engineers, while the US lavishes cash on foreign countries to lob old conventional weapons.
There’s nowhere near as much opportunity for graft in funding you and your scientists and engineers.
Sadly, I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. Wypipo, particularly males are “over represented” in STEM, so clearly the money needs to be spent elsewhere.
Whatever happened to the simple logic of:
1) What is our goal/what do we need to achieve?
2) When do we need to achieve it?
3) what people resources do we need to achieve it?
4) what equipment/facility resources do we need to achieve it?
5) what are our obstacles and how do we eliminate them?
6) Create budget and schedule, with resource loading.
7) Manage project:
A)Are we meeting the milestones along the way?
B) watch schedule/budget like a hawk and adjust where needed. But really adjust; don’t paper over shit. Project manager needs to be a technical person who’s in the trenches with the science staff.
Was it ever truly there? Or were we minions back then, and now we see how 10% goes to the “big guy”?
I do think it has gotten worse. In WE2 they built the Pentagon very quickly. We armed up not only ourselves but also Britain and to some degree a few other allies.
I am sure we could not do that today.
But that was in a “total war” type of thinking. And even then it was crazy.
As an example, B3001 @ TInker AFB was built with enough brick it would “resist” Japanese shelling. In 1943, the only guy who could reasonably expect to believe that was the brick salesman.
yay… internal server errors…. just in time for me to go to the gym.
Mornin’ all!
Good morning, DEG (et al)! Hope you have a good workout!
Oops! Brooksed it. Must need more caffeine (slurps coffee.)
Morning, GT
Good morning, U! The model looks magnificent! Well done indeed!
At the very least I have to find the appropriate color to finish the effect on the pistol (it’s not supposed to be solid blue) and I’m going to have to paint the badge and tassels. To fit with the army color scheme I’m supposed to paint the kneepads too, which would have been easier before I glued the legs on. Now I’m in danger of getting those colors on other parts of the model where it’ll be hard to touch up.
Any way to safely mask off the areas in “danger” of picking up stray paint? Would the weakest variety of painter’s tape mar the type of paint you’re using?
Getting it in there and back out again is a bit of a pain.
And I think the forward knee is in contact with the cape.
Those 50 and older in Fredericksburg area to receive phone calls about COVID booster
“Report as Spam”
Report it as spam.
Related: Mrs. Patzer got the vid, not feeling too great. I will attempt to talk her out of working when she wakes up. That will likely work out as well as it always does.
Here there’s an official policy that you’re not allowed in the office if you have symptoms. You don’t even have to test positive. You don’t get free leave, but can work remotely or use regular sick leave.
Donno what her work policy is, but a sensible place would be “don’t bring any contagious illness into the office”
That is pretty much it. She is scheduled to work from home today, it would be better if she got some rest instead.
A recruiter contacted me on LinkedIn with a job offer yesterday. I usually ignore these things, but for no good reason decided to check this one out. East Elmhurst NY (a not very nice part of Queens), working for NYC. Vaccination required. I’ll have to forward this to my brother who is somehow still employed by those asshats, I’m sure he will find it amusing.
Rat Czar?
qualifications include ‘swashbuckling attitude, crafty humor, and general aura of badassery,
Sounds like the perfect gig for a glib.
Even if I could work remotely, there is no way I’m giving New York a nexus to my income.
“You set foot in our state on the clock, give us 40% of everything you earned.”
/actual response to getting outside help in emergencies
Hope she feels better ASAP.
I need to see how my sister and BIL are doing – they both had the ‘VID for Thanksgiving, and sister’s retirement party is a week from today!
Hope they are recovering. The vid is a lot like the flu, the effects range from mildly inconvenient to holy shit.
Random song
Suits my mood.
“you can never Go Hone.”
“You never cross the same river twice; you have changed and so has the river.”
Mornin’, reprobates.
Thanks for the morning soundtrack, HE.
Good morning, ‘patzie!
Mornin’, GT. Broke out the winter coat for the first time this year. Brr!
I need to do something – my hand-knit (by me) winter gloves have holes in both thumbs. 😢 I might try darning them. They probably won’t look good, but it’s quicker than knitting another pair. Hope I don’t have to resort to store-bought.
Darn them and see what it looks like. You can decide whether you can live with it or not.
I think I actually have an old wooden darning egg in the sewing box I inherited from the Rev. GT’s mother – the MIL I never met, as she died many years before I met the Rev. The main “egg” part would be too big, but the handle should be just the right size for glove fingers.
I just got a bleeding papercut just under the nail on my little finger. And I’m not being figurative or euphemistic. I’m waiting for the blood to stop leaking out.
*lights Pie signal*
Owwww! 😖 ::digs out Worker’s Comp paperwork, gets a paper cut of her own::
If I don’t miss work, I’m not eligable. Since it’s already stopped bleeding, I don’t think I have a case.
In the continuing adventures of America’s favorite luggage thief:
If he’s been working in nuclear waste, that would explain a lot.
Plus how many of those guys can suck a golf ball through a garden hose?
How do people think Brinton really got the job?
Where’s Sugarfree when he’s needed?
Wait, that’s not Larry the Luggage Handler!
You said it was America’s Favorite luggage thief!
My college frat had an annual bash called “Nuclear Waste” which was quite popular on campus.
This is in response to Sean’s post about Brittany’s Birthday.
Did you know she is an expert in all things semiconductor?
An only site that was a lot of fun in the early 2000’s
Late ‘90s/early 200s website design…ah, the nastalgia.
It’s taking me too long to paint these models. I told myself I’d only get this subscription if I kept up on painting them so I didn’t just have more plastic sprue of unassembled and unpainted minis lying around the house. The one I showed off is from June’s set, Issue #6 (They’re technically weekly but ship in packs of 4) The most recent is issue 24, and it won’t be long before December’s set shows up 🙁
Am I going to have to take a vacation just to paint?
If you are going to take a vacation to paint I have a project for you. Do you work off a ladder?
I have to warn you, I work very slowly, and my billing rates are absurd.
That’s OK,’cause I pay in FTX coins.
I don’t accept them. Sorry.
Major League Cricket starts in 2023
Major League Cricket… so, Grasshopper?
OMG my Dallas boss-boss is going to be all over this.