Violence can be a solution to some problems…
Welcome! Tonight we have an actual repeat for GlibFlick, based on popular demand. I intend to pour a nice hot cup of hot chocolate, add some orange liqueur, and enjoy this film one more time. If you have not added something like Gran Gala to hot chocolate, try it and turn yourself into a holiday hero. You may never put peppermint liqueur in your hot chocolate again.
About the only thing I didn’t talk about in the last post of this movie was the wonderful pimp car the Hebrew Hammer drove. I got an unknowing assist from Jason Torchinsky over at Autopian in the past year for that. Thanks! He did a great writeup on the manufacturer of pimp cars and pimp car accessories. Still, the whereabouts of the actual movie car for The Hebrew Hammer is unknown, as it was last year. I have a feeling it is still driving around somewhere, in use.
So get a beverage, sit down and enjoy this fine film for the holiday season. Or don’t! Everything is voluntary!
Happy Holidays everyone, Hanukkah survived and is past us thanks to the Hebrew Hammer! Christmas and Kwanzaa are dead ahead!
Next week, our last feature of Christmas is Anna and the Apocalypse. See you there!
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
I First, therefore I am. You second, and you just are. Do you not see the difference?
Possibly the best, all-American holiday film ever. A film about love and tolerance. And dick jokes.
Hell yeah!
Sadly I botched the intro art. Richard will be most displeased.
Richard? Richard is just a pisher!
“And dick jokes.”
A glaring omission from It’s A Wonderful Life?
Fuck that commie nonsense! The man made bad loans! He deserved to lose his bank!
It might benefit from a re-dubbing.
Now, hold on a gosh darn minute.
Heh. That is a popular take on the film in certain circles.
The SNL ending is canon for me.
Good points.
Neat snow globe.
Arg. Richard shall never let that graphic faux pas go.
Don’t fret, my artistic ability is somewhere below stick figures.
Great film; I enjoyed watching it the first time it showed up here!
I didn’t catch this last year. I think I can tonite, in a bit.
Hold on, I need to mix another bacardi.
“A fistfull of shekels…”
I’m dying here, I’m dying.
I love the Hebrew Hammer action figure. I have never looked to see if it is real.
Bacardi and Bacardi?
Tonic, I’m out of grapefruit.
I intend to pour a nice hot cup of hot chocolate, add some orange liqueur, and enjoy this film one more time. If you have not added something like Gran Gala to hot chocolate, try it and turn yourself into a holiday hero. You may never put peppermint liqueur in your hot chocolate again.
I’ll fire up the movie in a few minutes. I liked it and look forward to watching it again.
Jew vs. gentile is just a distraction from the real battle between the First and the second.
You mean First and all the other useless numbers.
All other numbers beyond 1 and 2 are illusions. A plot concocted by big second to create a mockery of what The Way Of The First stands for and to pretend that there is an order to the seconding kind that there is not. It’s about seconders granting themselves power over other seconders, masquerading as FIrsts.
If you aren’t First, you are last. Equally so.
I didn’t notice Damian had snakeskin boots the first time I watched this.
I went back and read the old comments. I did notice. I don’t remember noticing that.
Judy Greer. Yum.
*hits play*
The pimpin’ Eldorado around 40:00.
It looks like it was customized out of JC Whitney. Just doesn’t have that real pimp car feel. That may be why it vanished. It just went back is somebody’s garage as a normal caddy.
Yeah, I know. A low budget production.
He probably never took his uncle’s golf clubs out of the trunk when he “borrowed” it.
“Old Man Potter: The real hero of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life.’l
“ In one of the darkest moments of the film, George Bailey’s Christmas tree is jostled and one of the bells adorning it rings. George Bailey, now confident he and his fraudulent real estate scheme are safe, suggests the bell signifies an angel has earned his wings, as if his dishonest business dealings and ruthless defamation of legitimate competitors had divine sanction.”
He reminds me of a relative’s husband.
Double Africa for the binoculars.
Good that you noticed. It’s those little touches that make this film special.
*fingers play*
Excuse me?!
He’s supposed to be snorting off her ass.
You say that like there’s something wrong with that.
Not that it’s my thing, but I understand the classics.
Judy Greer is a bit leavened.
Alright, this is impressive:
OMG LOL Andy Dick is perfect casting.
It takes a Dick to play a dick.
Judy Greer, aka Cheryl effing Tunt in “Archer.”
And Kitty “Say goodbye to these!” Sanchez from Arrested Development.
Ah, that’s the reference I was trying to remember.
“The backdoor is going to be our best bet.”
I don’t understand this. Is this a joke?
Yes. Maybe that should be CPRM’s birthday hat.
You be the judge: https://youtube.com/watch?v=TRxsM8pGSf0&feature=shares
Another week, another Thicc Thursday.
Oh my.
All four are great. But the first… yum.
That’ll make Heroic Mulatto wish he dropped by.
I schlep all the way up here…
Big wheels!
Continuity fuckup – slide not locked back, slide locked back, then not locked back.
Look who’s kvetching.
The Las Vegas Raiders, who suck horribly, found one small little way to gain an advantage on kick-offs by having a holder keep the ball off the tee. They claim the league told them this was legal. There is nothing in the rulebook about it.
The cunts then went and decided they were just going to change the rules on the fly. They will claim it was a player safety thing because they want to reduce kick-offs because they supposedly have an increased risk of injury. Reality – they just don’t want offenses to have driver further. Something like that may lead to fewer points being scored.
The number of things the NFL does in the name of player safety that is really about just boosting offense is a joke.
I am a Raider Hater, but this pisses me off.
Great to see this one again!
I want to thank RJ for showing this wonderful, funky piece of Americana.
Thank you for watching!
“The Oi of Sex”
Going to try and sell this as a Christmas movie to the mrs. In the event she nixes it, I’ll watch it when she goes to bed.
Make her second choice “Santa Claus vs. The Devil” from last week. She’ll choose “The Hebrew Hammer.” It does have Santa Claus in it!
Praise Jesus the sequel didn’t happen.
Thanks for making this annual tradition RJ. Great movie. I have to show it to my girls this year.
Just an FYI, Hanukkah starts on the 18th this year.
Yes, sometimes it is rock and a hard place on scheduling. It was either post it before or after Hanukkah. I didn’t fix the last sentence to reflect that.
Are Jews supposed to have tattoos?
Here’s your answer.
I don’t have YT on this machine.
It’s an interesting and quick video. Check it out on your phone or something. Short answer is “Depends who you ask.”
Leviticus sounds pretty straight forward. So…
Are potatoes supposed to ask so many questions?
Yes, we’re like the youngest person at seder.
Why is this night different than all other nights?
You goyim are rocking it tonight.
When i got home tonight, my boy was a bit upset about a math problem that beat him at school.
We spent awhile going over it, and realized his teacher made a mistake in giving him a negative mark.
That being said…
I have spent the last couple hours teaching little kurt how to calculate force in a hydraulic cylinder.
He has pie r squared down and understands that pressure times area equals force.
He has the equation written out in his notebook and is going to report back tomorrow evening if his math teacher can explain the signifigance of it.
Hey, Lach! Good to see you. Thumbs up on Lach Jr.
Always good to see the manliest of Glibs swing by!
(He works in a steel mill. The rest of us are lawyers and IT nerds. Oh, and Tres climbs chimneys, which is also manly. But still, “steel mill”…)
Steel mills turn me on. Like, for real, they do. Like trains.
Oh my
trains can be sexy
That’s a great cover, BTW.
Thank you. It was a collaborative effort between me, my publishing partner, and my cover designer. I can’t remember who came up with the idea of the steel flowing into the rose (orange is significant in the book), but I knew I wanted to have steel flowing out of a bucket. I think it was my publishing partner who suggested that it flow into the rose as a metaphor for sex.
It’s barely a metaphor 😀
Steel and rose.
You and Ayn Rand both.
Speak for yourself, nerd.
But yes, making things from steel is not as manly as making steel.
Do you worry about things like this at work?
Safety tip: do not touch the pretty glowing ribbon.
I went looking for videos of people getting caught up in lathes and got a little sick and decided against it.
So … I needed to know how a gory thing looked for one of my books, and I found it (finally) on a gore pr0n site (no, i didn’t bookmark it). It was surreal. I am so desensitized to gore because of movies and TV, that i just looked like a movie or TV. It was dificult to accept that it was real, and I still really haven’t. Seems fake.
Thanks – I don’t need to see that.
That looks like something out of Star Trek.
Seconders heaping praise on other seconders. Did you even ask if he has ever Firsted?
Howdy, Lach!
I hope all is well with you and the family!
i just now realized that everything is done. I watched all of tEdesses link from “Battle of the Network Stars 1976” for the second time. God save us all.
Thanks, RJ 🙂
I touted my extreme mad formatting skillz to a guy who hired me. I finished the project mostly. He came back with some changes. Okay. What device and app are you using to view it on so I can fix everything? He just NOW asked me why I wanted to know that. Um… Well, because an ebook doesn’t display the same way twice, ever, even in the same ebook reading program on the same device. I see a long conversation in my future.
Anyone watching the great Twitter banning?
Wait, what?
Many reporters are having their accounts nuked.
I don’t know how I feelabout that. Seems it’d be more effective to publicly humiliate them via tweet.
Hire a shit-ton of trolls and satirists and parodyists to hammer them into submission.
I am with holding judgement until I see some reason for this action. It could well be that a lot of the reporter accounts were actually bots, or had promoted violence, etc…
That’s hysterical.
*golf clap*
Yes, with interest. I think Musk is being somewhat arbitrary but I’m enjoying the proggies freaking out.
I’ve given up trying to figure out what he’s doing.
Need you to enact some labor and explain this shit, Tundra.
I did run into this from Trump, though.
Restoring the first amendment may be the most important thing that can be done right now. I’ll vote a couple of times for the guy if he actually makes that a key part of his presidential run. It’s a shame it took him 7 years to realize what needed to be done.
First, some kid posting Musk’s flight itinerary information in real time got nuked after Musk’s kid’s car was followed and at least verbally harassed, maybe threatened, by some whacko a few days ago. PReviously Musk had said he didn’t care about the account but going after the kid changed his mind. This has led to accusations of Perfidious Hypocrisy (oh no!) The doxxing kid made the same account on Mastodon. Then some journo clowns decided to fuck around and post links on twitter linking to the mastodon account cuz they Love Free Speech SO MUCH. And they all found out and got suspended (I read speculation that it was algorithm not manual, since the tweets were all copypasta).
And now, the GLORIES OF FREE SPEECH HAVE RETURNED !!! journos are shocked and appalled by this shocking behavior! Stephen King was horrified, how DARE you suspend such glorious members of the first estate as Aaron Rupar (*worst account on twitter*) Taylor Lorenz is crying because the manager at Twitter who used to take care of such things is GONE!! PHilip Bump journo extraordinaire of WaPo has apparently never been to an airport smaller than Dulles because he thinks Musk walks through the terminal to go from his private plane to his car service and thus no one can possibly figure out what car he’s in. No, really.
They are all so hilarious and stupid.
The funny part is how they mock the notion that posting real time tracking data of Musk and his family is a risk to him, but they treat anything and everything posted about one of their own as a direct threat. Libs of Tik Tok was inciting violence because it made hospitals performing sick procedures on children look bad. It was “dangerous” for Musk to highlight what that piece of shit Trust and Safety head had posted and written about children, regardless of whether he called for violence. And don’t get me started on how they busted out their super secret decoder rings to find the calls to violence in Trump’s January 6th tweets.
Just read a NBC “news” story on the subject. Not only was it poorly written, but they had the audacity to say this:
NBC News can’t find deleted tweets. Quality reporting there, Lou.
It’s vital reporting for the salvation of OUr Democracy!
These people are odious.
Not able, or didn’t try…
The good news is this means Musk will probably never change his mind about these reporters… more so because they ended up messing with his Kid.
I suspect he is protective of his children, even if he has so many, which is one of the reasons he went after the pedos on twitter right away.
Quordle does not recognize “queef” as a word.
Morning everyone.
Good morning, Sean, Stinky, U, and Yu!
Had a horrible scare first thing this morning: the coffee maker suddenly stopped halfway through brewing the pot! It still had power because the clock display was still on, so I flipped the dial from “Auto On” to “Brew” and flipped the switch. Nuthin’. A few minutes and many desperate switch flips later, I finally got it to finish brewing, but the warming plate has already turned off again.
At least I now know what I want for Christmas.
Horrors! I don’t think this can wait until Christmas.
Already ordered. Didn’t expedite shipping, but we have an emergency backup out in the garage, albeit lacking the timer. I may have to push a button before having any coffee. #RoughingIt
Oh goody, the heroic janitors are back in the news, fighting against that evil Musk. Surely what he has done is illegal. 🙄
Ugh, that’s horrible.
Meant as a new thread.
Looks like they’re bound and determined to piss him off enough to completely bail out of San Fran.
Isn’t that why he’s been having a “garage sale” at HQ?
I just assumed that was due to reduced headcount and eliminated the cafeteria.
I thought it also included the big bird on the side of the building, but I don’t know if that actually sold. (Don’t care enough to look it up.)
Do they have a case? It’s California so I assume you can’t fire anyone unless they’ve said something “hurtful” or something.
He fired the janitors? Who will clean up the pigeon poop?
The same people who were doing it before – no one.
That’s a horrible story. Don’t click that.
Lots of bad choices in this one:
1. Don’t accept rides from guys with filed down teeth.
2. Don’t file down your teeth if you’re a rapist whose, uh, pastime involves garnering trust with the target.
3. Don’t hire drunks to work the camera at the law enforcement press conference. Really, that’s the best they could do?
1. He had a genuine smile
2. Yeah, got nothing here.
3. It is a really tight labor market.
“On Dec. 8, the victim suffered a medical emergency related to her pregnancy and was seen by nurses who recognized that the woman was in serious need of help.”
??? Worst kidnapper ever
Ugh, we have Wintery Mess for weather here. The forecast is “The weather will keep changing its mind”
Dammit, I’m out of beef.
I have fish and I have chicken, but I want beef. I also don’t want to go out in that mess to scrape the ice off my car and drive across questionable roadways to the store for it.
Besides the real butcher doesn’t open until 10.
Diced cryptid tastes rancid, and during cleanup the neighbors think I’m disposing of human remains. That’s an awkward conversation with the cops until the DNA tests come back.
I get to deliver parts in this wintry mix they call this crap, enjoy your day U!
The downside of living next to that great big puddle. Be careful out there, Yu!
I will GT, we slow down to about warp factor 5 when it gets sloppy out, safety first
Really, it can get bad fast- drive safe.
also, winter tires.
Down from the 40s yesterday to the 30s today, but just cloudy – no real precipitation predicted until “snow showers” next Thursday. Does this give you an excuse to WFH today?
Well, my direct supervisor is off today and I told my direct reports I would be remote on account of the weather. I think they’re regular remote today anyway.
Mornin’, reprobates!
Big production rollout got done, mostly successfully. Was up until 2:30 am yesterday fixing shit and preparing turnover for IL to fix more shit. More shit to fix today, that’s why they pay me the big bucks. 🦌
Good morning, ‘patzie! Hope everything is fixed and wrapped up today so you can enjoy your weekend (and get some sleep!)
GM, GT. Sleep will be a high priority in Casa Patzer. The youngest Patzer came home from Scranton Wednesday night to get ahead of the storm. Good move, they closed the school yesterday and he would have been stuck there. But he has a philosophy paper due, and has been up all night with that. He expects to be done in an hour, then off to dreamland. It’s good to be young.
Biology – To Be
Philosophy – Not To Be
Rhetoric – That is the Question.
Gender Studies- Outrageous fortune