Lots of odd stories popped up this week that I alluded to in the Mexican links a few days ago with the volcanoes all erupting around the same time. Of course, it could just be a plethora of weird shit all occurred at the same time for me to yammer on about…
This is my review of Arizona Wilderness Brewing Don’t F#%K It Up! Low Impact Ale:
The one that seems to be the most benign is this one here from National File that speculates human fertility will drop to unsustainable levels by 2050. They call it “Spermageddon”. Which is fine by me to be completely honest, because by then I will be in my mid-sixties and I probably will have had enough of those goddamn kids. This is probably just speculation based on existing trends that all seem to correlate even among non-western cultures, so they can’t just blame it on fat people.
Another thing going around is Died Suddenly, the documentary on Rumble outlining fibrous structures in the lungs, possibly as a result of COVID, the vaccines against COVID, or the recommended boosters for the vaccine that I lost count of the CDC recommending. This is probably just a Morgellons outbreak.

“I specifically asked to hold the pickles”
Finally signs of our cyberpunk future are finally starting to arrive. First, T-Mobile announced they will connect with StarLink beginning next year. Which sucks for me because I can be in the middle of Bumfuck, NE and Elon Musk can find me all too easily. Not that he will need to find anybody through their phone in the next decade, he can just ping the mind control device the Feds required be put in everyone’s brain and put you in “sleep mode” until they can send over their robot dog loaded with explosives to remove you from the system.
Self-censored profanity on the side of the can will always get my attention. My issue here was when I actually got it home I realized it said “Low Impact Ale” on the side. I was immediately disheartened, thinking it was going to be another example of fake products marketed to people that actually want to be seen as the type of person that cares about their carbon footprint while still being able to pretend they aren’t giving up any modern convenience to achieve their conception of self-actualization. Fools. YOU ARE THE CARBON THEY WISH TO CONTROL.
The sad part was I was right. This is in fact beer, a golden ale to be exact, but not a particularly good one. Low carbonation, little body, combined with a subtle oily bitterness reminiscent of how Orwell described gin in his infamous dystopia, left me wondering if I was had—I believe so. This was improved when I tossed it outside, rather than the kitchen sink, out of fear it would upset the delicate ecosystem in my septic tank and render the bacteria I count on to process my morning dump, dead. I got a 405 out instead, and finished my workday from home. Arizona Wilderness Brewing Don’t F#%K It Up! Low Impact Ale: 0.9/5
So, sad result but hardly unexpected. Good effort by the U.S. against a team that was just better, particularly in the crucial moments.
Unlike the beer under review.
That final Netherlands goal was pathetic. So much ball watching.
I would hope that Berhalter is excused.
I will give him credit for what he did to get the team here. But he’s not the coach to put us in a position to win in ’26. The coach of Netherlands just gave him a lesson, and I’m not sure he understands how he got schooled.
Lot of missed opportunities. All of the goals the Dutch scored were basic plays that children practice.
This is a team built to beat Mexico.
And with the stupid Nations League crap we have almost no opportunity to play against better competition.
Best description of a crappy ale, ever. 10/10, would read again.
Seconded. I’m just not sure why it got any stars. It sounds like a complete failure.
Well, it was beer.
Is this the lowest score ever?
I was trying to remember…I think he was going to give Budweiser(?) a 0.5 on taste, but it got bonus points because the can was all ‘Merica and shit.
I believe it is.
Daily Quordle 313
Don’t ask me about the tridle lol
Daily Quordle 313
“I’ll take it.”
Daily Quordle 313
Daily Quordle 313
I met my standard of mediocracy.
Mediocrity. Same quality as my words choices on comments.
Daily Quordle 313
Daily Quordle 313
Daily Quordle 313
That might be the lowest score yet!
Thanks for eliminating it for us.
That cloudiness always makes me nervous. It looks like it has gone bad.
It might have been spoiled, but I might have been less than charitable that day.
It’s a bad time to be a farmer or trucker in Peru.
Add them to the list, and await hypocritical jerkoff Justin Castreau’s self-righteous proclamation that the Peruvians have a “right to protest”.
that page screams weird unreliable source
I know about the protests. It just that linked site looks ridiculous
It was just the illustration for that video. If you watch it, you can see that they have a reasonable home studio.
There’s a good time to be from Peru?
A long ways from Peru
I couldn’t tell you. Ask a Peruvian.
(At least they can get coca leaves).
State instant background check is over 41k now. Wonder if it will hit 50k. State police released a statement that any background check not completed by midnight Dec 7 will need a new (currently unavailable) permit to resume, potentially placing those who lawfully took possession of their firearm via the 3 day window prior to Dec 8 in limbo.
those who lawfully took possession of their firearm – why do they need a firearm?
Needs got nothing to do with it.
having something you dont need is a waste of common resources
Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
My personal resources are not a common.
Converting a lawfully owned firearm into an illegally owned firearm via a new law sounds ex post facto to me.
whatever it takes to get guns off the streets
Process is the punishment?
I think the possible reasoning is if there isn’t an approval number, the transfer was never lawfully completed. Which will take the courts to sort out and potentially fuck innocent people in the meantime. Or they’ll send notices to those with incomplete bgc’s that they need to do a permit, turn over their firearm, or face a felony unlawful position and see how many people bite. Look at what the ATF has been doing with lawful gun parts.
Regardless of the bureaucratese wrapped around it, isn’t that still converting a lawfully possessed ( if not technically owned) firearm into an illegally possessed one?
That what I think too, but dunno if they see it that way and more importantly, if a judge will see it too. FUD thanks to fudds.
I think I’d take my chance on the felony charge, as that gives unquestioned standing to get the whole fucking thing tossed.
The Constitution was written 100 years ago in a language no one understands.
authentic frontier gibberish ?
Is Sloopy hungover on Backdoor Bourbon?
Bathtub gin.
NY cop does lap dances.
Well, put me down as scared and horny!
one of those situations when it is better to need a condom and not have it, to prevent you from sticking it where you shouldn’t
Great review. This should at least will help me narrow down my decision the next time I browse the beer section, bring my time spent standing in front of the shelves from 15 minutes all the down to 14:30.
Its a local brand, so it’s probably more like 14:55
so there is a basketball game at an hour I can watch live and the knicks still suck
The NBA sucks.
Low carbonation, little body, combined with a subtle oily bitterness reminiscent of how Orwell described gin in his infamous dystopia
. Funny enough, I haven’t read 1984 in years, yet I remember that passage. The smokes were bad, too.
Can you imagine how bad the porn would be?
“Hello female citizen, we should have intercourse as the Party desires to increase the Herd”
*Hands Penguin party-approved prophylaxis*
“Can you imagine how bad the porn would be?”
Machine-written and officially distributed only to proles, IIRC. Also the title “One Night in a Girls’ School.”
Useless fucking glue. How do they manage to make a glue that sticks to only what you don’t want to adhere and a single dot spreads to six square miles???
Now the mini I’ve been working on is ruined because I had to go and try to attach the detail piece and the half dot of glue spread out over the front of the entire damn thing. There wasn’t enough glue on there to cover that much area! And of course since this garbage dries frosty, all the wffort has been destroyed.
Sorry dude.
I’ve calmed down now. I justhope the dried glue doesn’t screw up the texture so when I paint over it no one will see it.
Maybe make that one a fleshy headed mutant?
The head was not in the spread zone of the glue, just the armor – which is supposed to be smooth.
Horny armored mutant?
Could you use a fine nail file to scrape off the glue?
No, that would be worse.
I implemented an attempted fix, we’ll see if it works.
No way, eh!
Thick CA and kicker,
Sorry about the mini,
I would not expect fucking glue to have any benefits.
So, you are saying that they did fuck it up?
Once I took a college figure drawing class. The teacher was this very short, old Jewish woman. She had long hair she kept on pony tails, definitely a hippie. She would often praise someone’s work in progress, then come back later and say “Aw you fucked it all up.” She was a hoot. I miss bring around people like that.
It would have taken a lot of willpower not to punch her for that crap.
She wanted her students to be good, and part of that is to not overwork a drawing. I don’t think anyone wanted to punch her!
So, overworking. I think about that every time I see ___ artists on YouTube. Doesn’t matter what the art or craft is. Long after I’ve thought it should be done, they KEEP GOING. It doesn’t look BAD, but I would not have thought to keep going.
Of course, I write 300,000-word books, so I probably shouldn’t talk.
Tolsteaux? Tolkeaux?
Soljeauxnitsin? Ok, I’ll stop.
FWIW, you’re are a talented writer. The three or so chapters I’ve read, Trey’s thought process comes across as normal guy thought to me.
Some female writers….ah, (I’m sure this’s true of some male writers scripting women, too) come from weird places to try to explain male behavior. We’re not generally complex.
LOL I actually had a character say that once. “I’m a guy. We aren’t that complicated.”
I get told that a lot, that I write men well. I don’t write MEN or WOMEN. I write human nature. I try to boil human nature down to its simplest motives. I give them a personality and a situation. I ask, “What is the most logical thing a person might do in this situation, given a certain personality?” And then I think, “What is the most illogical thing I can get away with here and make it believable?” Well, there is a certain verisimilitude required in fiction that real life does not. People do shit for all sorts of un/savory reasons. The simplest, but most difficult to sell, is mental illness.
However, in my years of novel reading, I have found that women write men much better than men write women.
I’ll tell you something else, too. I find SHY characters to be much harder to write than outgoing ones. I don’t know any shy people. If I do, they are too shy for me to notice them. If I did notice them, they probably wouldn’t let me interview/grill them as to how they tick. So I have to guess what motivates them. If I start from the outside and present the person with X, Y, and Z character traits, then slap on a layer of shyness, that works. But if I set out to write a shy person as their overriding characteristic, that’s difficult. Other characters also have to assess this shy character and if they show nothing, there’s nothing to assess, so the reader is left with nothing.
I appreciate “Tolsteaux, Tolkeaux, and Soljeauxnitsin [my favorite!].”
My mom was a painter (mostly oil, some watercolor and pastels) and she would often make something beautiful but couldn’t quit tweaking it. Sometimes the tweaking was distinctly unhelpful.
Really weird because she had a gift for critiquing other artists’ work in very specific and actionable ways. Her talented artist friends would come by the house sometimes and have her tell them what they had wrong, go home and fix the issues, and come back with beautiful works.
But mom clearly couldn’t see her own stuff objectively.
We very rarely can.
Ah, yes. The Stephen King syndrome.
“Low Impact Ale”
I had no idea what this meant. I thought it would be like ABV. Sounds even worse, if that’s possible. Good review.
Not Adahn – your John Christopher comment in the last thread is about the Tripod series right? Read the books years ago – for a brit thing, I think that “rhyme” was pretty consistent for schooyard japes. Been wondering for a while if I should ever look up the show. Books were pretty intense for grade school reading.
Hey, Fish, thanks for pointing my to that webcomix about the girl finding Christ. I am not a believer, but that was pretty powerful and well thought out.
Yw. All her other stuff is really good too if you’re stuck at work and need some reading material. I’m backing her substack right now.
Ron – sorry I missed your thread yesterday – meant to post – Are you gonna be on the Norfolk side of the bridge 16 Dec? I’ll be on orders that week and have a chance to maybe meet for lunch that Friday in the area if you’re interested.
About to walk down to the Ice House brewery again (2.5 miles each way) to try a few new beers (think they have a new 10%+ Belgian as well as a chocolate stout (or porter? – would prefer porter this time). May see about sitting outside to watch the outside decorated jeep parade after dark too – should be nice weather for it.
As others have stated above, good review.
MS: ‘0.9/5. Right back at ya. Maybe next time, make a f#%king impact.’
…They F#%Ked It Up.
It was bad enough I entertained the idea of tagging their social media with this review.
This TCU QB, Max Duggan, is impressing me. And then to learn he had a nine hour heart surgery 4 weeks before the season started makes it even more impressive. (He had Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, discovered in a routine health screening.)
I started out wanting KSU to spoil TCU’s playoff hopes, but now I kinda want TCU to win just because of what this kid is doing out there.
So two playoff teams up, two playoff teams down. Can’t wait to see the next couple of games.
That last drive was incredible. They got screwed on the spot in OT. It wasn’t a touchdown, but it was closer than that spot. They probably would have scored if spotted correctly. I hope this doesn’t open the door for Alabama.
Oh both Ohio State and Alabama are in now. TCU was grudgingly ranked since so many of their wins were come from behind.
The conferences should be dissolved – just play for rankings – because conference championship games are meaningless. The winner doesn’t really get rewarded.
I hope not. OSU ok, since USC showed no desire to tackle anyone last night. But it’s a joke if Alabama gets in.
But it’s a joke if Alabama gets in.
True, Georgia hasn’t had the chance to beat them this year.