Nothing happened sports unless you count the people at various schools gloating and at others freaking out over their team’s performance on National Signing Day. So I’m moving right on to…the links.
So they exercised their constitutional rights? Good for them. Nobody should have played along with that sham.

They’re all turning. You gotta be the first one to flip when you’re caught in a Ponzi scheme. That way you can make the feds job easier in prosecuting the other cases and get off light.
“Respect all cultures.” Oh wait, apparently that only matters when they’ve got oil or cobalt for batteries.
Good for him. I wish we had 434 more just like him.
Wait, what? Was he moonlighting from Scrubs and doing the calendar shoot porn scam?

Creepy Hollywood asshole: Part 37
An apology is never good enough. This is ridiculous.
LOL. What a shitshow.
LOL. What a shitshow.
One of the Christmas classics from the 70s. From one of the best musicians of the preceding two decades, no less. And here’s his most popular solo hit as well. No wait, this is a better song. Enjoy two of the three.
And enjoy staying warm (hopefully) on this bitter Thursday.
Wasn’t President Zelensky just dreamy? I can’t wait to get his big hairy balls in my mouth!
The fact that he showed up dressed the way he did tells you all you need to know about the propaganda they’re running.
I like to believe that he was only dressed like that because Sam Brinton stole his luggage.
Does he wear women’s cloths too?
Well, he has: https://twitter.com/emeriticus/status/1605850707202113536
But! But! But! He dressed just like Churchill — and he’s better because he didn’t treat Indians (dot) like shit.
I saw some snippets of Nancy and Kamala gushing over him. So fucking revolting.
They were/are getting some serious kickback from that tax payer money they keep sending his way, so I see why they are all impressed with him..
Better than him gushing over Kamala, I guess.
GAH! There’s a comment that didn’t need to be first… :shudder:
Ukrainian sweaty balls.
You left out several networks and newspapers and websites.
“You gotta be the first one to flip when you’re caught in a Ponzi scheme.”
He must have some kind of ugly fetish.
Geek fetish. There is a difference..
whaddup doh’
“Oh wait, apparently that only matters when they’ve got oil or cobalt for batteries.”
In Ukraine, the law is 12 weeks.
The 5th Amendment is only for the innocent!
Why would you plead the fifth if you have done nothing wrong?!
Because you have no need to know.
Why would the FBI, DOJ, or other authorities arrest you and charge you if you were not guilty?
Today is supposed to get up to 40, start raining, then tomorrow warm up to 50 and rain, then crash 30 degrees. Hopefully we’ll get some snow to cover the godawful surface we’ll have by then.
Snowmageddon 2022!!! turned out to be little more than a dusting in the KC area. Still pretty damn cold though. Currently around zero and holding steady under ten degrees for the next couple 9f days.
of, even.
I hate it when that happens. I cancelled a doc appointment way in advance based on the forecast because I didn’t want to drive from Liberty to Mission in it. And now it’s just nothing.
Rain all day today, temps in the 40’s, dropping overnight to single digits and changing over to snow. So a nice glaze of ice underneath all the snow on Friday.
/plans to complete all errands for the weekend after work today.
Yesterday I mentioned we dropped over 30 degrees in 30 minutes. It was officially 40.8 degrees in 30 minutes.
I remember living in Oklahoma.
In Arizona. Not Oklahoma.
Plains states seem to be vulnerable to giant Canadian air masses (I saw GCAM at ACL!)
So you’re saying we should invade Canada and make them GAAM?
Even if we asserted direct control of our hat, wouldn’t we still call it “Canada?”
No, it’s the ‘Arctic Territories’
What does it matter?
And I fucked it up anyway.
71 here with light winds. Just came in from looking at Omega Centauri.
Next week I will be freezing in Europe. WTF am I travelling to northern Germany during a winter energy crunch?
“His alleged crimes include 18 felony counts of rape, … and attempted forcible penetration with a foreign object.”
Weinstein’s driver ?
He’s French, isn’t he.
Reddit is totally ablaze with outrage over this slight of their hero.
As are the usual suspects: https://democraticunderground.com/100217487461
Why wasn’t he arrested for tresspassing in the government’s temple?
I want to know why $43B can’t buy him a decent suit in which to appear before Congress.
There’s not much left after all of the kickbacks and bribes.
The same reason people like Stalin, Mao, Fidel Castro, Che, or Kim Il Sung never felt compelled to wear a suit?
It’s the Fetterlump School of Fashion.
He owns a suit: https://nitter.net/emeriticus/status/1605850645055111168
They need to be brought up on treason charges for not applauding a foreign leader.
Are you joking or is this a prediction of where they are headed?
What Swiss said, a joke but we’re not too far from that already.
The role reversals this pantomime production has uncovered are eye-opening. Or seeming role reversals – the left has been pro-war for a long time, only now they aren’t hiding it anymore.
It’s bizarre being 39 right now. When I turned 18, 9/11 happened and the left was in the streets protesting Bush’s wars. I was too young to realize that 98% of them were completely silent on Clinton’s foreign interventions, and thought this was the way things always were.
They stopped protesting wars as soon as Obama won (Cindy Sheehan was thrown under the bus in seconds), went back to some of it when Trump won the election they had rigged for Hillary despite the fact he told the Pentagon to back off (they didn’t), and then, when they stole the election for Biden, became all out warmongering fucks that actually seem to be rooting for a nuclear war.
These people should be shipped to Russia, Iran, North Korea, or China for a month, then let them come back! Let’s see if they FINALLY understand what REAL oppression is!
They could just go to Ukraine and dissent there.
Those who didn’t clap shall not get the kick back campaign donations. Money can’t launder it self dontchaknow.
We need to make Reagan-era propaganda touting him as a WARFARE QUEEN.
What the fuck
Under a totalitarian regime, not clapping when told is a crime against the leadership that must be corrected through decades of hard labor at a gulag or death….
Beschloss has fully embraced his role as Historian of the Revolution.
I despise that propagandizing SOB.
Damn, Oksana Baiul weighed in.
I’d pay to see her give him a skate to the head.
Those replies to her are…something.
I’ve said it before, but the speed and alacrity with which the machine shifted the outrage du jour from COVID to Ukraine was absolutely amazing and terrifying to behold.
And it will happen again if and when the US decides Ukraine’s usefulness is spent.
The loss of the eternal war in Afghanistan hurt the money laundering efforts, so Ukraine was a godsend. The next big crisis will be “Climate Change!”, and that’s when they really will reset everything even if people don’t want it.
It was purposely manufactured. Our State Department started the war in 2014 with the coup and cranked up the heat as soon as we fled Afghanistan.
“Woman from Ukraine, you have no idea what you are talking about!”
A summary for anyone interested.
Those people have Ukrainian flags for avatars. They are experts and totally not toolish NPC’s or perhaps even working for the government conducting a propaganda campaign or anything.
They really hit all the high notes… telling a foreigner to go back to where she came from, mansplaining, accusing her of being a Russian puppet. I’m sure there is more.
Because one should not not applaude for a sox puppet?
Edit a post? Fuck that shit, right?
Sarbanes-Oxley puppet? Still seems appropriate.
Red Sox. MLB has its hands in everything.
Adam Kinzinger #fella
I couldn’t imagine looking at myself in the mirror if i was
. Smugly sat on their hands while history was made and a real hero addressed us. Imagine caring more about performance art than actual human lives.
*sheds tear*
Make that plural, for he is weepy.
QQ moar.
Imagine caring more about performance art
Everything you cuntes do is performance art.
I want an explanation from and an audit of anyone who did clap for that little grifter
I didn’t get a harrumph out of that guy!
Jeebus what a cesspool.
Elon hasn’t changed that.
Didn’t Saddam throw people off buildings when they stopped clapping?
They raped the women and little boys first, though.
Wait, are we talking about DC or Baghdad?
That happens at the Number 9 dance later on.
*Number 6
Please clap
That abortion article….
*searches in vain for “Opinion” tag*
The only way you get that is to take them to court to sue them for defamation and lies, where they will then admit they don’t fact check but only provide opinions…
Seem to be more of these articles that are probably just made up propaganda stories.
That is the exact opposite of reality, since SCOTUS reversed Roe to send the issue back to state legislatures.
Since when have these folks let little things like “facts” or “reality” interfere with their narratives?
No, no, no – abortion is a “natural right” – the existence of which the left denies except for this one case – and is therefore not up for debate.
Don’t forget that Roe was also a textbook example of using the courts to impose a solution that couldn’t be passed in legislatures
Closing two out of the three tags ain’t bad.
In today’s News of the Totally Foreseeable
EU Regulator Warns Gas Price Cap May Not Work As Intended
Price capping is an untested tool, eh? Sure, run with that.
It’s like socialism. Previous attempts that failed weren’t real price caps.
Let me guess why!
The wreckers and kulaks?
What did I win?
A threadbare wool blanket and some cold gruel Comrade.
Praise the nomenklatura!
Look, just get down to the warm bank, and everything will be taken care of for you.
Coming soon – warm showers!
Your very own bed in a gulag, shared with only 3 other guys. You each get six hours. Next week, the sleep ration will be raised to 4 hours, as new wreckers and kulaks are added so we can once again exceed our productivity goals.
Flynn asserted his Fifth Amendment protections against self-incrimination to nearly every question.
He’s clearly guilty then.
Last time he talked to the nice investigators his life was ruined. Can’t say I blame the guy.
Well he was in Military Intelligence. You only have to step into one perjury ambush to know what is up.
Wonderful Christmas time is a call to violence.
Found a handful of militant orders and call a new crusade?
As someone who worked in retail in the early 2000s and had to listen to this every 90 minutes for over a month, I concur.
Christmas is about helping the credit card companies post record interest payments posted to the books in January of the following year…
Linda was a worse influence than Yoko. #changemymind
Right-wing firebrand Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) did not applaud as Zelensky entered the chamber to a rousing standing ovation from the vast majority of lawmakers in attendance, according to multiple reports.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Tuesday had asked “all Members to be physically present at our session Wednesday night” in anticipation of Zelensky’s address.
What news of right wing firebrand Marjorie Taylor Greene? What outrageous breach of Congressional etiquette did she perpetrate?
all Members to be physically present at our session Wednesday night
But voting may still be done by proxy.
Oh wait, apparently that only matters when they’ve got oil or cobalt for batteries.
Plus the Poles are white, which is automatically bad. Plus Plus they can’t screw in a lightbulb.
Of course they can’t, lightbulbs are too small for them to fit.
*insert joke about driving a Pollock crazy by telling him to piss in a corner in a round room*
Well, fish aren’t very bright anyway.
Check up thread. I said there will be no editing/proofreading of posts today and I meant it.
Is that the Christmas miracle for 2022?
That’s a bit of a Crappie attitude, No need to Carp on about it. Though it is your right to be Crabby.
Let’s not tip the scales in that direction though.
What kind of piker nets three puns for themselves?
Well, somtimes I have a tuna ideas.
He just floundering for attention.
That explins all the screen doors on their submarines, I guess.
No reason to sucker punch the guy.
EU Regulator Warns Gas Price Cap May Not Work As Intended
*rushes from room, sobbing*
Don’t worry, they can import more peasants in the spring if some of them freeze.
““Respect all cultures.” Oh wait, apparently that only matters when they’ve got oil or cobalt for batteries.”
I thought you respected them if they were convenient to your marxist agenda?
Zelensky ought to have at least had a bunch of medals on his chest and a gigantic general hat.
And a 70s porn stache.
I think much of the fellating of Zelensky is real. Politicians are all about feeling like the important person in history. They are serious people doing serious things in their minds and there is nothing more serious and of more gravity than leading your nation into a war. Even if it’s one of your own creation and you would have been fucked if you weren’t receiving absurd amounts of foreign aid.
It’s telling that just about the only time the media spoke positively of Trump was when he bombed Syria. There is, in their minds, nothing more presidential than bombing someone besides invading them.
Anyone remember Bill Clinton talking all sad about how 9/11 had not happening when he was in office deprived him of the opportunity to go down in history as a truly awesome prez?
Sickening but true.
Relevant: We can’t make a decent TV anymore, but we can bomb the shit out of your country!
I think much of the fellating of Zelensky is real.
Same here. Who wouldn’t love a guy who’s laundering billions of dollars for you?
‘Orning ‘ordles — better than yesterday, which isn’t hard. I have to assume it will be for the rest of y’all as well (was mildly surprised that my chumping was outdone by some double chumps yesterday… rough day for most of us).
Daily Duotrigordle #295
Guesses: 35/37
Time: 04:45.57
Daily Quordle 332
Daily Quordle 332
Daily Quordle 332
Decent day.
Ugh, I’m facing a 1 in 4 guess on UR… sigh. Here goes.
Bloody buggering bollocks!
Daily Quordle 332
One of my better days.
Daily Quordle 332
Price capping is an untested tool, eh? Sure, run with that.
Next you’ll tell me they don’t really disincentivize consumption, or some such made up right wing poppycock.
“I’m in DC but I will not be attending the speech of the Ukrainian lobbyist,” Massie wrote in a Twitter post on Wednesday, minutes before the Ukrainian leader thanked lawmakers for providing US military aid to Ukraine.
“It is not charity. Charity would be given freely. The American taxpayers have been conscripted into making welfare payments to this foreign government,” Massie said of the billions of dollars in aid sent to Ukraine as it fights off Russian invaders.
Sens. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Josh Hawley (R-Mos.), and Mike Lee (R-Utah) — who have also openly questioned the need for more US aid for Ukraine — reportedly were not in attendance for Zelensky’s remarks either, according to NBC News reporter Julie Tsirkin.
How dare these traitorous cuntes not support Ukrainian
dictatorshipdemocracy. It is the absolute duty of the United States tolaunder money in a proxy warensure freedom and democracy in Ukraine.Ukraine is necessary to demonstrate how compatible gross corruption is with freedom and democracy!
The faculty at Purdue University Northwest have passed a no-confidence vote on Chancellor Thomas Keon.
Keon has been under fire since he made a racist remark at one of the university’s commencement ceremonies earlier this month.
He has since apologized for his remarks in which he mocked Asians.
Never. Apologize.
Meh he probably has the same viewpoint as the woke. He just didn’t think they would go after him. He probably thinks he deserves his struggle session
Tens of thousands at US-Mexico border wait for limits to end
The limits ended in January 2021.
Because one should not not applaude for a sox puppet?
Supreme Commander of God’s Mighty Hobnailed Boot General Howdy Doody haz a sad.
Regular exercise protects against fatal covid, a new study shows
Wow I didn’t know that, you’re telling me now for the first time.
How did I live before I knew this?
This brings me to one of the first signs I saw that this Kung Flu shit was all bunk: it was obvious the people at real risk were those with compromised immune systems and with severe weight issues, but the authorities continued to pretend like these populations faced the same risk as everyone else….
Not only that but not being a sedentary fat ass, eating nutritious food, getting vitamin D, and plenty of sleep, prevents all sorts of poor health outcomes. Glibfit
Im currently on my 4th or 5th set of 12 oz curls.
Step up to 16’s in 2023.
It’s a good thing we shut down all the gyms during the lockdowns, isn’t it?
Healthy habits make you healthier? NO WAI!!!
*Lights Cigarette, opens bag of Funyons,*
Sounds like bullshit to me.
I do believe that the biggest and most impactful consequence of the global reseters abusing the Kung Flu scandemic was how quick “Science” was discredited as the scientific process was crushed by the politization necessary to keep getting big government funding.
Anyone know if Gołąbki is served a side dish or a main dish?
…Undergarments may be needed after eating Gołąbki
Damn. Didn’t even thread right.
At least someone with some photoshop experience cleaned Caroline up.
That fleshtone is too uniform, makes her look like a painting.
Likely better than in real life.
That ear, tho.
Lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll…
Snuffed out
The average life expectancy for Americans shortened by over seven months last year, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
That decrease follows an already big decline of 1.8 years in 2020. As a result, the expected life span of someone born in the U.S. is now 76.4 years — the shortest it has been in nearly two decades.
The two reports, released by the CDC on Thursday, show deaths from COVID-19 and drug overdoses, most notably synthetic opioids like fentanyl, were the primary drivers of the drop in life expectancy.
“It’s not a good year for the data, let’s put it that way,” says CDC statistician Kenneth Kochanek.
It’s rare to see such big changes in life span year to year, but the pandemic claimed nearly 417,000 lives last year — more than even the year before — making COVID-19 the third leading cause of death for the second consecutive year.
Now do Ukraine.
I wish this judge was handling the KE Arms/GWACS case:
I hate everyone here.
Biden pontificated at length, declaring that the US provides “unequivocal and unbending support” for Ukraine. He listed off the weapons given to Ukraine to help them fight Russia, the tanks, artillery systems, advanced mobile rocket launching systems, and air defense systems.
“Because we understand in our bones,” he continued, “that Ukraine’s fight is part of something much bigger. The American people know that if we stand by in the face of such blatant attacks on liberty and democracy, and the core principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity, the world would surely face worse consequences.”
Now do the US.
“We also know that Putin has no intention, no intention of stopping this war,” he said. “And the United States is committed to ensuring that the brave Ukrainian people can continue to defend their country against Russian aggression as long as it takes.”
I, for one, am glad that our leaders have graciously committed us to a new forever war.
Biden said further that a “third world war… can all be avoided by making sure that Ukraine is able to succeed in the battlefield.”
The third world war can be avoided by no longer interfering in Russia’s back yard.
The only way to avoid war is to never negotiate and demand unconditional victory.
We’re well into “Are they really that fucking crazy?” territory.
Nobody is demanding that Russia surrender. Just that they leave Ukraine.
Not entering used to be on the table. Leaving the occupied areas was never on the table and never will be.
And Russia has been demanding for decades, actually stating is more appropriate, that Ukraine will not be part of NATO.
Whether or not you agree with Russia’s position on the matter, the cost of pushing towards that NATO goal has far exceeded the benefits, at least for those not of the elite.
Oh, please. This invasion was not about NATO or the Russian claim to want to fight Nazis: Putin was pissed that the Obama admin had stolen the country where they had been laundering money for all sorts of criminal enterprises that the Russian oligarchy ran, so the US could do their own corrupt money laundering and criminal shit instead in 2014. That and also the $13 trillion wort of estimated Lithium in the Donbass region. And the US is not helping the Ukraine out of any goals other than us keeping the Lithium and the ability to use the country to money launder all the tax payer money the corruptocracy is stealing.
There are no good guys in this affair.
I would encourage you to go back and read Ambassador Burns’ 2008 memos from Moscow and his observations from the Kremlin when he was there in the 90’s as a lower level diplomat. NATO in Ukraine was a red line for everyone in the Kremlin all across the political spectrum. And this was well before anyone cared about lithium deposits in the Donbas.
The economic value is there, yes, and I’m sure that’s part of it now, but strategic security concerns trump everything else. It becomes too easy to dismiss Moscow’s resolve by characterizing it as purely economic, and underestimating your opponent’s resolve is how wars escalate beyond their initial scope.
And I’m not making claims as to who are the good guys are. I’m clarifying the stakes.
Once in the Empire, at any time ever, you cannot leave.
*Abraham Lincoln nods*
All of the hot women in Ukraine don’t balance out that level of crazy.
“It turns out exercise is even more powerful than we thought” at protecting people from severe covid, said Robert Sallis, a clinical professor at Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine in Los Angeles and senior author of the new study.
And that’s why we had to close all the gyms and yoga studios and public parks. We must prevent inequitable outcomes, no matter the cost.
“It turns out exercise is even more powerful than we thought”
Next you will tell me that vitamin C and D (among other things) are natural/necessary immune boosters.
Hey, hey…lets not get crazy here!
I’m old but I’m not (too) stupid. I coulda been a professor
An orgy of self-satisfaction
and an orgy of spending in the same week. I’m not feeling like 2023 is going to be a very good year for the country or the world.
You’ll feel better once the missiles start flying. The suspense is killing me.
Welcome to the Tyranny Twenties.
In other words, the growing gap between the regime and the people is not simply a gap in understanding or a gap in priorities. It is a moral gap. Every day the people inside the regime imagine themselves on higher moral ground than the day before, while the people looking on see their leaders sinking into a swamp of moral depravity. It is not just that there is a gap, but that the gap is rapidly widening. Each new outrage by the freaks of the regime lowers their standing with the people.
I think there is a lot of truth here.
I’m sorry to hear about Hawley’s impending fatal accident.
Josh Hawley:
“The FBI deliberately interfered not one, but two separate presidential elections… There have got to be repercussions for that.”
They’ll gin up some blackmail material on him.
“You want to hold us accountable? Well that’s a…oh my goodness! What’s that on your computer?”
Nah, he’s McConnell’s obedient little lap dog. Hell be just fine. Statements like this are just empty platitudes for his base in Missouri. Get back to me in Spring and I bet not a damn thing will have been investigated, much less make it out of a committee.
How can you be so cynical? Remember when congress laid down the hammer on Clapper? . . . .oh wait . . . I mean . . Comey? . . .Shit . . . Fauci? . . .fuck . . . at least they made sure to hold each other accountable for all the hypocrisy.
Didn’t he just vote to give the FBI even more funding?
There’s your repercussions.
You get more of what you reward . . . .
Seth Rich remembers…
Thicc Thursday will warm you up on a cold morning.
Spitting fire.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson reacts to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy’s address to Congress on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’
Fudging the numbers
China only counts deaths from pneumonia or respiratory failure in its official COVID-19 death toll, a Chinese health official said, in a narrow definition that limits the number of deaths reported, as an outbreak of the virus surges following the easing of pandemic-related restrictions.
Deaths that occur in patients with pre-existing illnesses are not counted as COVID-19 deaths, said Wang Guiqiang, the head of infectious disease at Peking University’s No. 1 Hospital.
China has always been conservative in how it counts illnesses, whether from the flu or COVID-19. In most countries, including the United States, guidelines stipulate that any death where COVID-19 is a factor or contributor is counted as a COVID-19-related death.
It all depends on the political end goals, you say?
I thought they were locking up entire cities.
Or… did they “ease” that and now they’re cooking up some numbers that will surprisingly lead to more lock-ups?
Either way it’s cute that NPR and its readership put any trust in anything the CCP has to say.
They reversed course and basically said we won’t try for Covid zero and life’s the shutdowns. . But that means that everyone will get Covid in the immediate time. The protests against the shutdowns really spooked the CCP.
Hard to say. I was reading that they just flat ran out of COVID tests, which makes it impossible to comply with or enforce the lockdowns.
Conowingo Dam license invalidated by appeals court
They have to filter water they didn’t pollute?
Standing? Is there standing? We aren’t doing standing anymore?
You have discredited yourself.
FBI statement on The Twitter Files:
“It is unfortunate that conspiracy theorists and others are feeding the American public misinformation with the sole purpose of attempting to discredit the agency.”
The FBI should name their new building after Frank Church.
So remember back in the day, you’d take the PSAT, and that would put you on track to get a National Merit Scholarship?
It turns out that those notifications go to the principal off your school, and if they decide it’s not equitable that some students get awards and other don’t, well…
I keep moving closer to the Sith.
Let the hate flow through you.
You know that’s a real paradox in the Star Wars moral universe – if the Sith were for order, what exactly were the Jedi really about?
Fucking younglings?
Order, but in Khaki?
It looks like students can access their scores from the ETS website, but not whether their score qualifies as a semifinalist (or whatever).
I don’t know what criteria they use but it doesn’t seem like it would be that hard to provide that information along with the score.
They would probably have to wait until after scores from the makeup date are done, but they could at least post online something like “Scores of XX and above are National Merit Semifinalists”. And yes, the principal and VP here are evil and should spend a day in the stocks, after being fired.
I honestly don’t know these days how much of the process for advancement along the scholarship track is automated. Back in my day *adjusts onion* there was a partnership between the high school and the more commonly-applied-for universities since the actual National Merit Scholarships came from the Universities and other orgs, not the NMSC.
Fuck Cornell and Fuck Princeston. Live on, University. That is all.
That was enraging.
What do you even make of this? It’s from the commie playbook but even the real commies didn’t go this far.
The Soviet appartchiks were fascinated by peasant authenticity, so yes, they did go that far, and look at what it got them.
I doubt they deliberately endumbened all of the populace to the extent that we are doing. We are on the path to being completely incapable of participating in a modern society.
Different countries count cases and deaths differently, and patchy testing means that direct comparisons are often misleading.
But experts have repeatedly advised that authorities should err on the side of caution while counting deaths. Problems in death counts have raised questions in countries ranging from South Africa to Russia.
We cannot allow the plebs to become complacent in the face of this great opportunity to expand our power and influence. They might come to believe it’s just another sniffle.
just take the best number you got and triple it
authorities should err on the side of caution while counting deaths
You mean, don’t classify as a COVID death unless COVID was the cause of death? That kind of caution?
With/from, what difference does it make now?
“We have carefully added as much pork barrel spending as possible.”
Reporter: “How is it to functional process to drop a 4,100 page bill this morning and expect a vote on it tomorrow?”
Schumer: “The bill has been carefully worked on [and] most of the provisions were well known weeks and weeks in advance.”
He added: “Getting this bill done for the American people, which really matters, is the most important thing.”
Because that is who this bill is for.
Schumer and Schiff as a human ouroboros/centipede – they’d live forever off of each others shit.
Ukrainian flag flying in the Capital. Is this an insurrection?
They’ve got him now
The House select committee investigating the deadly January 6 Capitol siege has no evidence that President Donald Trump showed any remorse when he was told that one of his supporters had been shot while storming the Capitol.
According to the panel, Trump and his chief of staff at the time, Mark Meadows, were told shortly after 3 p.m. on January 6, 2021, that someone had been shot in the Capitol.
“That person was Ashli Babbitt, who was fatally shot at 2:44 p.m. as she and other rioters tried to gain access to the House chamber,” the select committee said in an introductory report of its findings. The full final report is set to be released Wednesday afternoon.
“There is no indication that this affected the President’s state of mind that day, and we found no evidence that the President expressed any remorse that day,” the committee added.
Babbitt was in a group of Trump supporters who tried to break into the House chamber, where several lawmakers were sheltering amid the siege. She was shot by a Capitol Police officer while she tried to climb through a broken glass panel in one of the barricaded doors to the Speaker’s Lobby, the hallway leading to the House chamber.
The Justice Department opened an investigation into the shooting and concluded that the officer’s use of force was within DOJ guidelines, and that there was reasonable evidence showing that the officer believed he was acting in self-defense or to protect lawmakers in the chamber.
She got what she deserved, but Trump didn’t weep loudly and fling himself off the parapet.
He didn’t cheer the death like many on the left.
Wait, he’s guilty because he didn’t visibly show remorse that an innocent person was murdered by a cop with a history of poor judgment?? How about some fucking remorse from Byrd who actually committed the act?
He’s supposed to feel sorry for that poor, poor woman.
-then in the same breath
Who had it coming.
They’re all over the map but they don’t care.
Heads we win, tails you lose! Is it that hard to understand these stupid fuckers?
“Nobody should be sad when a Nazi dies.” – Some lawyer guy.
Odd that their investigation of “the deadly January 6 Capitol siege” doesn’t include the only two deaths to actually occur during the event: the woman beaten to death, and the woman shot to death, both by the Capitol police. They just accepted the DOJ finding than their buddy made a good shoot.
Not just beaten to death but leaving her to die and preventing any attempts at assistance or care.
I wasn’t even aware of that one.
The official story was that she died of a drug overdose. Again, so insultingly, obviously, bullshit that it must be intentionally demoralizing.
And, as rhywun shows, the murder has been successfully memory-holed.
JFC. I got too angry reading that.
How to open a door – Finnish instructional video from 1979
Do they have any “How to fuck” instructional vids?
From the past decade starring Sanna Marin?
Crap, that branch of Purdue is where I went to school! At the time it was called Purdue University Calumet. I skimmed the article, does anyone know what the “racist” remark was?
I squinted really hard, but I couldn’t find what the remarks were.
I read it the other day. I was remarkably benign. So, I have forgotten exactly what it was.
Following the link in the article:
Keon’s comment was made in reaction to keynote speaker James Dedelow of WJOB radio.
“I have a thing on the air if you ever listen, sometimes I just roll off into a made-up language, and I’ve taught it to my granddaughter so if she starts crying,” Dedelow said during his address. “It’s ‘ishkamaloofla’ language. Hopefully I don’t have to use it.”
Later in the speech, he returned to the bit for comedic relief and belted out gibberish that was seemingly reminiscent of a Slavic or Eastern European language.
When Keon took the stage, he did a cartoonish impression of an Asian language.
“That’s sort of my Asian version,” Keon said immediately afterward to a mix of laughs and gasps.
Well, an actual quote might show that it wasn’t really racist, so you’ll just have to take their word for it.
You dears don’t want your delicate sensitivities to be offended, so just trust us when we say it was highly offensive!
Here is the offence in a nutshell by White Fang on Soupy Sales Show.
He used a gibberish accent to represent eastern Europe and Asian accents.
But the only one that was deemed racist was the Asian impersonation.
So, I guess Asians aren’t white again?
Only until they need cutting down.
Can we just go ahead and start the war with Russia? Fuck all this back door shit with the Ukraine. I don’t want a war, but if we are going there anyway, lets get a move on. Fuck, These people can’t even be efficient at starting WWIII
We have to wait until we have donated all our ammo and weapons to the Ukrainians first – then we start the war.
Nah, it’s a rope-a-dope in order to get the Rooskies to expend all of their ammo before we go in and start bombing.
I understand the sentiment but I prefer living even if it’s only a couple of months extra, thank you very much…
If the Republicans were half as “obstructionist” as the Beltway Chorus tells us, I might allow myself some faint hope of a course correction, or even just a tap on the brakes as we careen toward the lip of the canyon.
The COVID emergency spending is now the baseline – and all but a few Republicans let it happen. The cliff in view and they just hit the nitro.
SOP: Emergency spending increases always reset the baseline. There’s nothing left to cut.
They love a good emergency. 911 got a whole lot of permanent new spending.
LOL I thought I would be diligent during my vacation and get some work done on that project that’s comically due next week but when I went in, all the data I needed for testing had vanished from the database. That’ll learn me.
Horrible. At least now you have an excuse for the late project.
Oh, everybody knows it ain’t happening. A tentative date around the end of January was tossed about but I seriously doubt that will happen either.
We’re splitting this thing between front-end and back-end (I’m the back-end) and when I checked in Monday there was a bunch of new design in there that hadn’t even been put into the requirements yet LOL.
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Cassidy Hutchinson, an aide to former chief of staff Mark Meadows, told the committee that contrary to worrying about Pence’s safety and calling off his supporters, Trump believed the vice president “deserve[d] it.”
I believe that. She’s completely credible.
No need for Trump to testify. We have people who can tell us what he was thinking.
Wasn’t she already discredited? Something about claiming to have been in meetings she wasn’t actually in, or somesuch?
GDPpc in international dollars of Poland and Italy: from a gap of almost 3.5 to 1 in 1990 to a gap of just about 10% in 2021.
Today’s population density map is Poland.
GDPpc in international dollars of Greece and Romania: from a gap of 2.5 to 1 in the early 1990, to equality now.
I just ran to the store for eggs and chicken wings. #futballsnacks. The price of both has doubled in the past year. Fucken Puten.
Eggs are just shocking. Five bucks a dozen if I can find a sale. Otherwise seven or more.
Same here. I used to have a neighbor who sold eggs from his chickens for $2/dozen, and I stopped buying them. Even though they were good, it was so much cheaper to get them at the store.
Just found a dozen for 4 bucks across the street. Medium 🙄
I just paid six fiddy for 18. Over $4 a lb for chicken wings. Ridiculous, I should have bought a brisket and invented Buffalo Brisket bites.
“Buffalo Brisket bites”
Go on…
*grabs jar of blue cheese*
I have two flats in the freezer. One shall be dethawed/thawed/unfrozened. Challenge accepted!
So if you could push a button and every nuclear weapon and manufacturing facility on earth would disappear would you?
Do you think a bunch of wars would start while countries raced to rebuild the infrastructure and weapons ?
Why would you do that?
I am curious what people think
They’re useful for preventing (big) wars. We’d be on WW5 without them by now so no.
It is well known they never had wars before nuclear weapons and manufacturing facilities.
ehm what?
I think I misunderstood the context, and I am still not sure of it.
well you could postpone the chance of nuclear war for a while 1 2 3 years I assume. would you?
and would countries scramble to get a few wars out of the way till nukes come back
Unless the knowledge disappears as well, I doubt you would get more than 3 months out of it.
Fuck Zelensky. He’s a fucking dictator and Ukraine ain’t no democracy worth dying for. Fuck these war-mongering a-holes Biden and Justin and whoever that UK moron is. Quite the war-money racket all this.
He’s a fucking dictator and Ukraine ain’t no democracy worth dying for.
I’m not really sure that whether a country is a “democracy” or not really matters much to what our national interests are.
At this point, I’m moving towards the national interest of the United States, at least for the citizens and not the politicians, being for an immediate and overwhelming Russian victory. That would stop the flow of money stolen from my paycheck to Ukraine and throttle back the risk of nuclear war.
The conflict in Ukraine has no strategic interest to the citizens of the United States. Our lives are unchanged whoever wins, if only we had stayed the fuck out of it. Now my wealth is being stolen, laundered through DC, on the pretense of helping Ukraine. This is like watching two mafia families fight it out with my family being robbed at gunpoint to support the war efforts for one of the mafia families.
WE ARE THE GLOBAL COLUSSUS REMAKING THE WORLD IN OUR IMAGE!! — all of Wilson’s bastard moron children.
“whoever that UK moron is”
It has changed a few times over the past year.
Without landback, a socialist america is still an imperial america.
Well that does not mean you should not still aim for socialism
Is “landback” giving land back to the Indians? Essentially converting the US into a patchwork of smaller countries ruled by tribal councils made up exclusively of Indians?
I didn’t think I’d hear anything stupider than slavery reparations, but there it is.
The Norman will have to give England back to the Anglo-Saxons who will then have to give it back to the Romans, who will have to give it to the Celts.
Good thing Romanians were here since times immemorial. and we wus kings and shit. Until the evil foreigners destroyed the true history which showed Dacians invented everything.
Just because you have a short memory…
The Borg is probably saving that one up for the possibility that reparations and all the other shit they’re perpetrating doesn’t already destroy the country.
So, if someone replied “the Land Bridge is thattaway,” would they be banned?
Many Indians deny they were ever in Asia, they were created in the Americas.
That’s unfortunate, and the implications are even worse. If they were created in the Americas, they share no common ancestry and thus would not be human. We’d have to assign them a different species designation, and relitigate which rights even apply. That’s a terrible outcome.
And that’s why all of their sacred bullshit holds even less water with me than the crap out of the Levant.
Right wing disinfo smoke and mirrors
A “shadow committee” of the five House Republicans who were originally nominated to sit on the House Jan. 6 select committee released a counter-report about security failures on Wednesday, ahead of the official select committee’s final report.
The report focuses on changes to Capitol Police intelligence protocols in the run-up to Jan. 6, constraints on the House Sergeant at Arms, and communications between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) office and the House Sergeant at Arms.
It is based on already-public documents and news reports, interviews with Capitol security officials and rank-and-file Capitol Police officers, and documents provided to the House Administration Committee Republican staff by the House Sergeant at Arms in January 2022.
“When Speaker Pelosi made the unprecedented decision to reject Jim Banks and Jim Jordan from sitting on the January 6 Select Committee – we knew she intended to play politics instead of addressing the massive security failures that lead to that day,” the five House GOP members said in a statement. “We said then that we would investigate and get to the bottom of why the Capitol was left so unprepared that day, and what needs to be done to make sure our security apparatus is never left so unprepared again.
“Unsurprisingly, the Select Committee appears to have spent almost no time on this issue. We release the following report to answer these questions, and to lay a groundwork for security reforms as we prepare to lead a safer and more secure Campus in the 118th Congress and beyond.”
The report said that while the Capitol Police had obtained enough information to anticipate violence on Jan. 6, the intelligence division was “undermined by the misplaced priorities of their leadership.” It also stated that the House Sergeant at Arms was “distracted from giving full attention to the threat environment prior to January 6, 2021 by several other upcoming events.”
They just want to divert attention from the cartoon insurrectionist.
the massive security failures
Is it a “failure” if it was intentionally orchestrated?
So Ray Epps wasn’t an FBI plant, he was a DNC operative?
Why not both?
“Our findings suggest though that liberals view emotion as a feature of rationality while conservatives view it as a bug.”
off course, all studies like this are bullshit
Even more when they claim progressives are about individualism when they are literally a fucking herd of Borg asshats ready to destroy anyone showing any deviation from whatever trope of the day is for that cult of emotional nutjobs.
emotion clouds reason
Stupid piled higher and deeper there.
In Praise of Walking: A Poetic Manifesto for Our Simplest Instrument of Discovery, Transformation, and Transcendence
“When you walk, you move more than the body — you move the mind, the spirit, the entire system of being. As you traverse spatial distance, you gain vital spiritual distance with which to see afresh the problems that haunt your day, your work, your life. Ideas collide and connect in ways they never would have on the static plane. Pains are left behind in the forward motion. Doubts fall away by the footfall. ”
I hope this was written by an AI bullshit generator otherwise it’s cringe
Sounds ableist.
it is clearly sexist as the wimminz is afraid to walk
and sinophobic as walk is similar to wok
is clearly sexist
Wrong reason – wimminz can’t walk like that because of the shoes the patriarchy makes them wear.
That’s cultural imperialism, straight up.
Japan approves nuclear energy U-turn to avert crisis
Decision comes amid electricity shortage and as country faces increasing difficulty in meeting net zero carbon pledges
Sometimes reality asserts itself.
The current Miss America is a Nuke Engineer.
Apparently she is using her Miss America tour to promote Nuclear Energy.
Reality always asserts itself, it’s just that most of the time, stupidity refuses to give in.
I took a temperature reading of the aluminum frame of the window over my kitchen sink with my remote infrared thermometer, a while ago.
19 degrees. I thought there seemed to be a chilly breeze in the sink.
The windows in this decidedly non-palatial doublewide are pretty well mileaged out. Cracked panes, so dirty between the panes from decades of condensation and dust you can barely see through most of them. But- you know what? I can pay for a lot of propane to heat this place for what it would cost to replace the windows, which would just be putting some really expensive lipstick on this pig. No point in doing anything rash. Not ’til spring, anyway.
Here it was -6 in “need to save energy” degrees but will get warmer over Christmas, with highs of like 7 or 8.
I hope at least this winter the cold stay as much as possible in the US / Asia not old Europe
While I wish no ill will on you and yours, nothing will slap the Eurogreenies around and get these countries off the path to self destruction like a couple of good, hard, cold winters.
lets get the nuscale thing going in Romania first
What is the timing on Nuscale in Romania? They are approved to build 2 plants in Idaho in 2029 and 2030.
None was announced
But the estimates are 27/28
I shudder to think what will get them off the path of being dependent on the US for defense.
Did you get a clear view of two youts coming out of the Sac-O-Suds?
Japan approves nuclear energy U-turn to avert crisis
Decision comes amid electricity shortage and as country faces increasing difficulty in meeting net zero carbon pledges
You’d think they might have learned something in the ’30s and ’40s about having a reliable energy supply.
-1 Coprosperity sphere
Racism is the climate change of isms.
Non-white Americans have relatively high rates of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia partly because of racism, President Joe Biden’s administration now says.
“Entrenched systemic racism” must be addressed and prioritized, rather than focusing on individual behaviors, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said this week in its annual report on dealing with Alzheimer’s and related dementias. HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra called for “interventions” to reduce disparities in Alzheimer’s rates, tailoring the government’s efforts “with cultural competence and equity as the primary focuses.”
Racism-rooted “structural inequities,” such as underinvestment in education, unwalkable communities and subpar access to nutritious foods, are an “important cause” of the disparities in dementia cases, HHS said. Black people are about twice as likely as whites to develop Alzheimer’s or dementia, while Hispanics are about 1.5 times as likely.
Non-white Americans have relatively high rates of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia partly because of racism – at least if the amyloid plaque goes away, it;s something
A. All racial disparities are the result of racism.
B. only white people can be racist.
Therefore all racial disparities are the fault of wypipo.
Do you not even logic bro?
So, two wrongs make a white?
Since Asians are now white adjacent, maybe it should be two Wongs make a White.
That’s great news.
I can be racist and they won’t remember it.
So tedious.
“with cultural competence and equity as the primary focuses.”
So much for medicine and science.
Those are racist now.
Spain’s lower house of Parliament Thursday passed a law that allows people over 16 years of age to change their legally registered gender without any medical supervision.
Under the law, drawn up by the center-left coalition government, minors aged 12 or 13 will need a judge’s authorization to make the change, while those between 14 and 16 will have to be accompanied by their parents or legal guardians.
The law also bans so-called conversion therapies to suppress sexual orientation or gender identity, establishes fines and punishments for attacks on LGBT people and overturns a ban that prevented lesbian couples from registering their children under both parents’ names.
“The law also bans so-called conversion therapies to suppress sexual orientation or gender identity, establishes fines and punishments for attacks on LGBT people”
This ought to be the headline- they’re stopping people from getting the medical treatment they need and creating a super special class of people, both abhorrent.
‘Openly Gay’ Rep.-Elect George Santos Didn’t Disclose Divorce With Woman
Santos ran his campaign as an openly gay Republican. Since he was elected, a number of key biographical details have started to crumble. Here’s the latest one.
Ummm, sweaty? Being gay has NOTHING To do with you have sex with!
Alternatively, there’s the “one drop” (of semen) rule.
some cocks can’t be unsucked
This sounds correct.
Dude sounds sketchy but they can’t resist the usual lefty boilerplate horseshit –
‘benign drag brunches’
Just a benign session of bringing my 5-year old to the strip club.
How to open a door – Finnish instructional video from 1979
Climb up the chimney to the roof, with a shovel, so you can jump down and clear the snowdrift away?
Great Britain would often use its superpower might into bullying other nations to abolish slavery – despite sometimes violating international law & territories in the process.
A thread on the great lengths Britain would go to enforce abolition – using Brazil as an example. 🧵🇬🇧
Characterizing Britain’s acts during that period as purely altruistic is ridiculous. They were undercutting the other colonial powers.
As good capitalists, we know that the best way to advance is to incentivize good behavior.
I don’t mind that someone benefits while doing good.
The last shall be first and the first last
All you need is love: how the Christian revolution shaped our world
“This, indeed, is a widespread view. Since Gibbon wrote his great work in the late 18th century there has existed the popular idea that the Renaissance, with its return to classical values, and the Enlightenment, which saw the birth of reason over superstition, were a reaction to Christianity, which had in those thousand dark medieval years suppressed science and freedom.
Yet the truth and paradox, as Holland shows in this truly epic account of how Christianity came to shape the West, is that the western idea of secularism is itself a very Christian one. Liberalism was never a reaction to Christianity, it was a product, perhaps one might heresy; ditto Marxism, socialism and the various progressive creeds of the modern era, right up to the current Great Awokening with its focus on the sanctity of victimhood.
All our assumptions about progress, the rights of the individual, our horror of racism and sexual exploitation, even the acceptance of gay marriage, are the products of Christianity. They are not in themselves universal or ‘natural’, and to the Romans these ideas of human rights and dignity would have been incomprehensible, laughable even.”
eh biit of a stretch maybe
I think the big idea from Christianity that can underpin these advancements in personal rights is related to both the doctrine of free choice, and the moral value (equality in fact) of each individual inherent in Christianity. The idea of having rights separate from your group is relatively new concept and not accepted worldwide by any means. Many multicultural societies have different rules for the different religious groups that reside there, as opposed to having a single overarching set of rights.
Christianity apparently laundered a bunch of ancient Greek and even Roman concepts, and that made them okay since the pagan roots were buried.
The Capitol Police has aimed to improve security in the Capitol since Jan. 6, working to implement recommendations from its inspector general.
“For nearly two years our officers, officials and civilian employees have been working around the clock to address many of these findings and similar findings from a series of post January 6 reviews,” the Capitol Police told The Hill in a statement. “We value everyone’s input and we are confident the U.S. Capitol Complex is more secure because of the hard work of our brave men and women and because of the resources provided by the Congress to turn recommendations into results.”
What this country needs, in these turbulent times, is a plentiful supply of self-serving gobbledygook.
And here I thought they were all civilians. Silly me.
What are sworn officers of the state?
Layoffs incoming.
Lumber peaked at $1,336 per thousand board feet in late February but has settled at around $380 this week, representing a dramatic 72% decline in prices, primarily due to elevated mortgage rates, slowing housing activity, waning builder confidence, and overall mounting macroeconomic headwinds.
The plunge in lumber prices is no surprise as builder confidence for newly-built single-family homes posted its 12th consecutive month of declines in December, according to the National Association of Home Builders. Confidence is at its lowest reading since mid-2012.
Besides dismal homebuilder sentiment, housing starts and building permits for November also showed deterioration in the housing industry. The number of housing starts (SAAR) is at the lowest since June 2020.
Great. I can go pick up some 2x4s without a home equity loan.
I think I saw in my area they are below $3.50 again.
We just started building a new add-on room, and I was surprised to see how much the price lumber has dropped. 2 x 4 studs were $8 last Spring but are back down to $2 and some change now. That cut my overall supply costs by at least half. Concrete is still up. Nearly $6 for an 80 lb bag of Quickcrete.
I just want prices to stay depressed until sometime next spring when I can get two new decks built and the house re-sided.
Gonna get beat on the labor costs though.
It’s not a case of beer and a couple of pizzas anymore?
If no one is building right now, how can labor be high? (rhetorical)
I still need a kitchen remodel.
I already did that one. Couldn’t put it off, glad its over with.
Lemme know how it goes, we paid $$$$ even going with the lowest cost contractor. :/
But it is a big kitchen and looks great now.
I wonder if that trickles down to the composite stuff?
We are redoing our deck and I want to use that plastic stuff so I never have to stain again.
Alternatively, there’s the “one drop” (of semen) rule.
You can ride a hundred horses and nobody will call you “cowboy”. But fuck just one lousy sheep…
A little TMI Brooks.
Those lonely Montana nights.
Try picking a non-lousy sheep for next time.
I have sheep.
Even though I have heard this statement, I have no idea how you could ever do that.
The scottish sheep don’t like humans very much.
Don’t you mean skittish sheep?
Lumber peaked at $1,336 per thousand board feet in late February but has settled at around $380 this week, representing a dramatic 72% decline in prices, primarily due to elevated mortgage rates, slowing housing activity, waning builder confidence, and overall mounting macroeconomic headwinds
Does that mean I can get a sheet of plywood for less than a hunnert bucks?
Should be around <$50. Depending what you're getting.
“Strict new abortion laws ignite debate in Poland and expose kinship with U.S.”
Why do you hate poland?
I love Poland, and want lots more little Poles running around.
Exposed? I thought the Pollackian influence on the Midwest was well known.
A WSJ eggsclusive.
Egg prices are hitting records, driven by an avian-influenza outbreak that has killed tens of millions of chickens and turkeys this year across nearly all 50 states.
Wholesale prices of Midwest large eggs hit a record $5.36 a dozen in December, according to the research firm Urner Barry. Retail egg prices have increased more than any other supermarket item so far this year, climbing more than 30% from January to early December compared with the same period a year earlier, and outpacing overall food and beverage prices, according to the data firm Information Resources Inc.
I’m sure that’s it.
Do people eat turkey eggs? Here chicken and sometimes duck/goose. Never saw turkey eggs for food.
I did nazi this coming..
The raid on the Reichsbürger movement involving 3,000 officers is now moving into the political realm, with Germany’s left-wing political class using the arrests as a pretext to ban the opposition Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, paradoxically arguing it is a threat to democracy.
Thuringia’s Interior Minister Georg Maier (SPD) is leading the charge, saying the raid against the so-called “Reich citizens” group is now the basis for an AfD ban.
The party, which advocates strong immigration restriction, has grown increasingly popular over the last year as 1.2 million migrants arrived in Germany. Polls show that the majority of Germans have “big worries” that too many migrants are arriving in the country. At the same time, the AfD is the only major party advocating for an end to sanctions on Russia, arguing the sanctions are harming Germans more than they are harming Russia.
As Remix News has previously reported, the German left-liberal government, perhaps sensing the AfD’s growing popularity, may be moving to implement a ban on their electoral rivals. Now, Maier says the AfD “is clearly anti-constitutional and barely conceals its desire to eliminate the free democratic basic order.”
Maier told the Thüringer Allgemeine Zeitung that the party “clearly meets some criteria that would be the basis for a party ban.” …
The Thuringian Office for the Protection of the Constitution has classified the state branch of the AfD there as an “assured right-wing extremist endeavor.” Since July, AfD members who own a legal weapon have had their guns confiscated.
Germans never learn. That’s why they are the wurst.
Lessons were learned
The Kremlin warned Wednesday that increasing the supply of U.S. arms to Ukraine would aggravate the devastating 10-month war ignited by Russia’s invasion, and Russia’s defense minister called for expanding Moscow’s military by at least 500,000 troops.
Speaking during a meeting with his top military brass, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Moscow would use lessons learned in the conflict to “develop our armed forces and strengthen the capability of our troops.” He said special emphasis would go to developing nuclear forces, which he described as “the main guarantee of Russia’s sovereignty.”
Putin also said the Russian military’s new Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile would enter service shortly. The Sarmat is intended to replace aging Soviet-built ballistic missiles and form the core of Russia’s nuclear forces. Putin has hailed its capacity to dodge missile defenses.
It’s kind of like pre-season training camp.
He said special emphasis would go to developing nuclear forces, which he described as “the main guarantee of Russia’s sovereignty.”
I agree, we should stop wasting money on everything else and just focus on the triad.
Moscow would use lessons learned in the conflict – doubtful
Idiots finally admit that private firefighters wouldn’t just let your house burn down:
Free market not bad. Fuck you statists.
I was going to mention the TN situation, but the video mentions it. Very briefly.
And the general understanding of the TN incident is incorrect. I researched that one myself given I know how our volunteer fire company works.
Open Access
Gendered affordance perception and unequal domestic labour
Tl;dr men clean less often than women because they dont see the need for cleaning as much
Daily Ray of Sunshine