Well, this looks like fun.
“Jared Leto’s Tron 3 willed into existence by Disney theme park”
“Archie’s Latest Lunatic Premise Pits Him Against the Post-Apocalypse”
“I think Solid Snake and Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima would approve of this tactic”
That looks more like Wally West than Archie.
Of course, given the crap writing DC put Wally through over the last few years — he and Archie could hang out at the “screwed over comic book characters pub” if such a beast exists.
Afternoon, Riven and all you other glibbies.
Veronica, always and forever….
Cheryl Blossom man… Veronica is way too busy snorting her own flatulence for my liking.
That’s…. one hell of a typo assuming it made it out to the shelves.
Lots of teenage boys with new fantasies after Comic Book Day that time around, I expect.
That be ‘shopped.
I could tell from some of the pixels, and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.
There hasn’t been a body of work more simultaneously overrated and long-lived since God invented herpes.
The Beatles.
/smoke bomb
I don’t think a smoke bomb will clear out Beetles — probably need an exterminator.
How do you feel about the Beatles, by the way?
I blame auto-correct and being on my fourth tech bridge today.
Never much of a Beatles fan, but the recent documentary on Apple made me a little more of a fan.
I do like the George Harrison stuff the best.
At this point, give me Yoko Ono over those Nirvana wannabes.
Ironically, I used to like them more years ago. I went in the opposite direction.
Agreed with you about Harrison, though.
Micheal Jackson – eh, ok.
The Beatles – KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!
*lights Beatles haters’ signal*
Puts it out with waterfall…
Re: government-created monopolies…. yeah, trash/recycling pickup is bad. But skimming the article, PG&E and their government monopoly paired with regulator capture costs me a hell of a lot more. There’s a monopoly I’d like to see dissolved…
Yeah, as I was reading that I was wondering what the “profit margin” is for my government-monopoly garbage collection, or if it can even be calculated.
The soldiers were dummy thicc?
That’s funny.
That’s at least a little gay.
Look, just because they didn’t turn an experimental disintegrator gun on it…
Well, they *are* part of the Navy after all.
“Meanwhile, any average person would have easily spotted a moving box or a flipping soldier, showcasing a major issue with AI and its reliance on previous data and algorithms.” Possibly….
I’m surprised the same technology that routinely mistakes an aardvark for a housecat and keeps recommending me products that I purchased one time 10+ years ago isn’t the perfect killing machine.
We see you just bought a six pack of furnace filters. Here are some other filters you may want!
*shakes fist at R.J.*
Every 90 days or you are an idiot,
Not one of the marines low crawled. For shame!
Totally not gay.
That would confuse an AI.
Yeah, but it is Bananarama, so we will all sit and stare, happily.
How are you? Thanks for easing us into the weekend!
Just needed a little Flight of the Conchords today.
Yes. Yes we did.
Is that it?!
I know what you’re trying to say. You’re trying to say, “Aww yeah, that’s it.”
That is my absolute favorite of theirs.
How the hell do you pick a favorite?
What a clever, funny show. Of course it died.
If that’s what you’re in to
Alex Jones rant as an Indie folk song:
Tragic news
Vox Media, the publisher of news websites such as Vox and The Verge, in addition to New York magazine, will lay off 7% of its workforce, chief executive Jim Bankoff said in a Friday morning memo to staff.
Bankoff said the layoffs, which will result in about 130 people losing their roles, impacted multiple teams, including editorial. Those who had their jobs eliminated were notified through email, followed by a later meeting with a human resources officer who would discuss severance packages with them.
Bankoff told staffers the cuts were “due to the challenging economic environment impacting our business and industry.”
“We are experiencing and expect more of the same economic and financial pressures that others in the media and tech industries have encountered,” Bankoff said in his memo.
The union representing Vox Media employees said it was “furious” over the announcement.
“We’re furious at the way the company has approached these layoffs, and are currently discussing how to best serve those who just lost their jobs,” the union said in a tweet.
Can the world survive without Vox “explainers”?
They can voxsplain to us in code.
Vox Is Laying Off 7% Of Its Workforce. Here’s Why That’s Normal.
Insert “ALL IS WELL!!’” Gif
That is tragic. Only 7%, not 100?
That’s how I felt about the SalesForce layoff announcement.
For differing definitions of “news”
And totally adult
I remember the day our company had to lay off close to 50% of the workforce because ObamaCare made our type of insurance illegal. When they get to the at point, they can cry. Until then, fuck those losers.
“130 people losing their roles”
No, they are losing their jobs. You lose a “role” when one of the functions of your job is taken away.
Christ on a motorbike but I am sick to death of euphemisms.
Maybe they were just acting.
“I’m not a writer, but I play one at Vox.”
How do we live in a world where Vox has over 1,800 employees?
My day may have been a shitshow of escalations and tech bridges, but I’ll still be here tonight. So here’s the Zoom/Happy Hour/Decompression link for tonight. It’ll open up at 20:00 Eastern.
Today in why can’t we be more like China?
China Limiting Children to 1 Hour of Video Game Time per Day
Do they not farm WoW gold anymore?
Because China kills you if you break the law?
Because China owns the apps that limit Chinese kids to 1 hour a day – and encourage American kids to screw around all day.
Never get high on your own supply.
They are gonna get their goddamn war one way or another. Fuck.
Taiwan is a much tougher nut to crack and he, and the Red Chinese too, are well aware. You can’t just roll tanks onto an island after all.
How much is enough Lindsey? How far does it have to go?
Fucking grifter…
He’s got a great point. After all, we do have a longstanding defense pact with Ukraine that we reneged on 50 years ago in order to buy cheap shit from Russia.
I’m not so sure with the current mood. The country isn’t behind them the way they were post 9/11. Sure the Uniparty and their NPC minions are, but the kind of people who send their kids off to war aren’t.
/que up a sunk ship or planes crashing into buildings
Yep. False flag incoming.
Wait, Putin is going to invade Taiwan next?
Just remember that Time is Heroin, and it all makes sense.
I can only imagine Lindsey borrowed Joe’s brain on the way over & WTF is he even doing there anyway? Oh right, I forgot that Ukraine is a stop on the talk-show circuit now.
“Nature is so beautiful.”
We have worm sign.
Its The Brown Rose of Istanbul.
A few weeks ago I started using the Twitter account I set up in 2016 and used for like 10 minutes. Mostly so I can read stuff on Twitter without the annoying message to log in to Twitter to see more than a few tweets. Plus I wanted to see how things go under Elon Musk.
I’m already up to FOUR followers!
Some guy with a lot of followers like one of my replies so now I have FIVE! #viral
Lol. My lone follower is Buck Johnson, so at least there’s that!
What’s your handle?
Only one for me. Of course, I don’t usually follow, I use bookmarks.
I used to use my real name but I thought I’d change it to my carefully crafted Glibs personna.
theotherkevin3? So is that like the other other Kevin?
Wouldn’t that be the other other other other Kevin?
Just followed. You and Red Rocks are my first follows!
You’re at 16!
I make 17
Why aren’t you following me, motherfucker?
I could say the same!
What’s yours?
Because I followed almost nobody until about 10 minutes ago. What’s you’re handle? I was trying to follow Glibs by Twitter recommendations, but the well has dried up.
And yes, I was following no one either!
I had ChatGPT create a D&D character. That thing is freaky scary
This is exactly where I wanted this comment.
I’m also putting in the work to push those Glibertarians post likes up to 5.
That’s how you know you’ve made the big time…
Use Nitter. Read as much as you like and keep your privacy.
LOL. If you tell me your twitter handle, I will follow you.
Thanks. Next time i will refresh before asking. 🙂
I’m still permabanned.
My other me isn’t, but he just talks about movies and stuff like that. Not much politics.
My Tundra account got permabanned years ago. I tried to recover it during the supposed amnesty, but no dice.
You’re up to eight now. Glib power!
Wow I’m one of those Internet influencers now! *goes to mailbox to look for big check*
Small check. The big ones start coming when you get an OnlyFans account.
You’ve got 2 pr0n bots already!
Q and who else?
Double digits!
You better follow back, now!
Yeah Kevin, we know where you live
If you aren’t following him already, one of the Patron Saints of the Glibertarians is on Twitter, too.
Are any of you followed by Riven? Because I am. (at least until she sees this and unfollows me 🧐)
…and now I’m following CPRM and Ted’s. Individualism is fun!
Great collage video about the “Protect the children from COVID” hysteria.
Well, covid did fuck up a lot of kids. I don’t want to see what the next generation is going to be like. The ones who were programmed to wear masks all day as elementary students and to social distance and who lost like two years of schooling.
Yeah, different kind of fucked up to what the screaming harpies in the video were going on about.
Twitter is an awful platform that allows people to block Firsters.
A first trap, if you will?
Twitter is junior high cafeteria all over again, isn’t it Bro?
STEVE SMITH just followed me on Twitter. It’s been knowing you all.
I’m already up to FOUR followers!
Three of them are FBI agents.
The other one is BATFE?
No, the other is an FBI agent pretending to be a Russian bot.
Free riders
The decline comes despite the highest union approval rate in decades and a pro-union administration — and backs up earlier findings that while many workers view organized labor favorably, that doesn’t always mean they want to join its ranks. Gallup reported earlier this year that while 71 percent of Americans view unions favorably, 58 percent of non-unionized workers say they are “not interested at all” in joining a union.
Everyone should be forced to join a union.
Locally REI and Starbucks have had union pushes.
Gallup reported earlier this year that while 71 percent of Americans view unions favorably,
Because most people have no experience with them, and all they really know is learning how great they were in history class.
Everything you said, and I still think 71% is bullshit.
while 71 percent of Americans view unions favorably, 58 percent of non-unionized workers say they are “not interested at all” in joining a union.
Revealed preferences > stated preferences.
They don’t really view them favorably if the wouldn’t want to join one.
Some if it is “stick it to the man” thinking, with which I can sympathize, and then there’s the affluent white guilt thing where they support unions for the poor benighted brown people who are too stupid to comprehend their own best interest. Unions are good for those people, but unnecessary for the enlightened “knowledge economy.”
Sounds to me like polls are bullshit.
The biggest union supporters, outside of union bosses of course, are people who’ve never been in an union. “Having two sets of bosses is better than one!” – no one ever.
Union officials pointed to union-busting efforts — not worker disinterest — as the reason for the drop. The House passed a Democratic bill last session, the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, that would have reformed labor law to make it easier for workers to join unions, but the legislation stalled in the Senate.
“In 2022, we saw working people rising up despite often illegal opposition from companies that would rather pay union-busting firms millions than give workers a seat at the table,” AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler said. “The wave of organizing will continue to gather steam in 2023 and beyond despite broken labor laws that rig the system against workers.”
Stop it. You’re killing me.
Uh huh. Let me know when management is allowed to blow up cars and beat people with baseball bats in furtherance of “legitimate business interests.”
My first job was with a law firm that had coal companies as some of its clients. I heard some shit.
When I moved to Madison, the unions had some bill they were opposed to. So they posted goons at every entrance to the Capitol on the day the bill had a hearing. I had something to do in the Capitol and was heading over there with one of the partners. He saw the goons and wanted to turn around and wait until they left. I said, “Nah, what are they gonna do” and walked right past them.
You need to add shooting, arson, extortion, theft, trespassing, and I am sure I am forgetting something, to the tactics unions employ with impunity.
Whatever theoretical arguments can be made in favor of unions, unions as they exist in the US are criminal cartels.
Worth remembering: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_David_Wilkie
Young patzer was a member of the most ineffectual union in history. We went on strike for seven months and settled for almost nothing. As a bonus, the union managed to lose a court case to the employer.
After spending the summer at the beach and blowing the money i had daved in my first year, i went back to work in September. Filthy scab I was, turned out to be a good move.
So essentially, you were Kramer?
My brain went there too.
LOL. Pretty much, except I didn’t wait for a “settlement “. I knew something was wrong when I showed up to man a picket line on day 1, and the union honchos couldn’t figure out where to send anyone. But I did appreciate the summer vacation.18 years old, surrounded by young ladies in bikinis. Ah, youth.
Young patzer didn’t understand what was at stake, but blessed St Joe Beirne did. He got his national bargaining the next contract cycle, although he had already ascended by then.
A New York man convicted on charges that he moved into his daughter’s dorm room at Sarah Lawrence College and abused students at the elite school in a nearly 10-year scheme was sentenced Friday to 60 years in prison.
An indictment and prosecutors alleged he targeted students after he moved into his daughter’s on-campus dormitory with her roommates around 2010, when they were sophomores, and began “therapy” sessions with some of the students under the ruse that he was going to help them with their psychological problems.
One woman testified at the trial that Ray had convinced her that she had poisoned him. She became a sex worker to try to pay reparations to him, giving him $2.5 million over four years in installments that averaged $10,000 to $50,000 a week.
Prosecutors said Ray also physically abused the woman. During one incident, he tied her to a chair, placed a plastic bag over her head and nearly suffocated her.
What I mostly get from this story is that Sarah Lawrence needs to tighten up their admissions process. “Elite school” my ass.
Kinda sounds like a school for elites. He graduated with honors.
“She became a sex worker to try to pay reparations to him, giving him $2.5 million over four years”
*divides by $20*
That’s a lot of blow jobs.
A wife and husband are having money problems. One day, they decide to have the wife work the corner to make some extra income. Later that night the husband goes to pick the wife up. He asks, “How much did you make, sweetie?” She answers, “I made $200.50.” The husband asks, “What asshole gave you 50 cents?” The wife replies, “All of them.”
This ties in nicely with what I posted below. These kids are at an elite school and couldn’t think their way out of a paper bag.
Wow I’m one of those Internet influencers now! *goes to mailbox to look for big check*
Free hockey sticks for life.
Latest Razor rant. An allegory on not listening to authority figures using the case of the Sewol ferry sinking. Hundreds of Korean students, the ones picked for the trip based on their academic achievements, sat below deck as the ship sank because that’s what they were told to do while only a small number realized this was stupid and disobeyed. The ones who disobeyed all survived. The ones who listened all died.
While he takes a knock at the conformity of Asian culture and education here, do you really think a bunch of kids heading off to the Ivy league schools being told by a nice, strong authority figure would disobey these days even as the water rushed in? They all think they are individualistic snowflakes fighting the power structures of the Western world, but they are little bitches who do as told and want that boot on their neck. They want that comfort. They are too confused and lost to think for themselves. We have the worst of everything in education right now, I’d argue.
I am in no way surprised. Something conceptually similar is what first lead to my mistrust of government and authority figures at a very young age. I was in middle school less than 10 miles away from Columbine HS when the famous incident happened. As you can imagine, all the parents and teachers lost all touch with reason and lost their minds. With in a week, the school conceived of intruder drills and made them practice them semi weekly.
This was their plan. The basic layout of the school was four separate wings with common areas at the center. All four wings had two levels and the layouts on all wings and levels was basically identical. Each had 5 rooms that no doors or windows, basically just a wide opening and a 6th room that was usually the science room that had two doors. These doors were on perpendicular walls and each had a glass panel so you could see into the room. Their plan, no shit, was to force every student in the school into the science room in each pod and pack as many as we could into the back of the room – where the two windows on the doors could be easily punched out with the butt of a gun making perfect turrets with absolutely nowhere to hide, giving a potential intruder the easy ability to rack up numbers in the hundreds with no effort if they brought enough ammo. Complete lambs to slaughter.
I of course was sent to the principal’s office to be reprimanded for pointing out the obvious retardation of the plan and telling everyone they’d be far better off just scattering. That was the day that I first realized I was much, much more intelligent than every single authority figure around me. Even my parents told me I should have kept my mouth shut. Sometimes I feel like the sheep have it coming to them for their unquestioning compliance. Weirdly I’ve had that same feeling just about everyday since about March of ’20.
That makes you a school shooting survivor. I’m surprised you can even talk about it.
I learned authority figures are full of shit back in second grade when I wouldn’t shut up about getting a test answer wrong WHEN I WAS UNQUESTIONABLY RIGHT and I got sent to the principal’s office. That was back in 1977 and it still pisses me off when I think about it. Always question authority, even when you do trust their judgement. People in general do like to be herded though, Western people too even though Asians probably do tend to be a little more conformist.
Gustave and anybody else with an interest. They made a live action of the manga and anime I reviewed.
It’s available on Netflix called “The Makanai”. No idea if it’s any good as I just started episode 1.
Too bad I ditched Netflix. They don’t seem all that sincere about trying to get me back either.
Well whatever you do, don’t just go download the series from a torrent at 1337x or RarBG, because piracy is illegal, immoral, and inexcusable.
Nor use Kodi at all as it is equally illegal, immoral, and inexcusable
Kodi on an Nvidia Shield TV is my goto.
Provides all the streaming services with their anndroid apps and local content from various sources with Kodi.
My old rig was Win 7 with Media Center and Kodi.
LibreElec (Just Enough OS For Kodi!™ ) on a RPi 4 pulling content from my NAS serves as my living room media center.
How does that do on H.264 and other HD codecs?
The Shield chugs through stuff on Kodi that my 4th Gen Intel with IGP used to stutter playing.
It’s got many codecs that it directly accelerates.
I think there is an OS that is just Kodi too, or might be LibreElec…can’t remember.
Since they have a domestic Japanese service they have the most live action Asian dramas of any legitimate streaming service.
This ties in nicely with what I posted below. These kids are at an elite school and couldn’t think their way out of a paper bag.
Exactly. They have spent their whole lives being taught to do as thy are told.
Speaking of Twitter: https://twitter.com/the_ironsheik/status/1615875545488855042
The Iron Sheik
7:55 PM · Jan 18, 2023
Led Zeppelin it ain’t…
He is truly the voice of America.
Are you saying that a crazed Iranian former pro-wrestler who has probably taken one too many blows to the head and who fought against Hulk Hogan in the ’80’s is America’s voice in 2022?
No, but is in 2023
I guess he missed January 1st.
I spend my time time traveling through the Firstiverse. Current year means nothing to me.
Hulk Hogan was on tonight’s A team episode.
I love it when a plan comes together.
I’m not even sure what the hell Refrigerator was doing there.
I’ve realized that show is a live-action comic book.
I had to go look that up. I never heard of it. Now I need to go listen to some Rush or something to get my music buds back.
The fuck?!
Heh. Knew that would get a rise out of you.
Now that’s some top drawer trolling.
I either troll with Rush or threaten to write more articles. Either one sets people off.
Nothing wrong with Rush, at least from Presto back. Everything after that sucked to varying degrees though.
Agreed. I can still troll some people here with it.
That’s a hot take.
Not a symphony buff?
K A R S cars for kids
K A R S cars for kids
K A R S cars for kids
Donate your car today.
I figured there was a silent undercurrent of people out there who hate that jingle.
I assumed the opposite: A quiet few who like that jingle. Everybody I know hates it. My wife dives for the remote to turn off the sound if it comes on.
The Iron Sheik is the best account on Twitter.
The Iron Sheik
Jan 17
Fucking A, dude.
UPS delivered a package today that was shipped 19 years ago. Tracking numbers on the shipping doc match the delivery one. Unreal. So much for 2nd day air. Luckily nothing perishable inside.
Don’t leave us hanging! What the fuck was in the package?
Obviously the time travel machine to send him back into the past so he can close the loop.
Graduate school acceptance letter.
I mean, look at how he’s dressed.
Just some stupid office posters for someone who moved on long ago.
UPS moved from their local hub a couple of months ago and building is scheduled to be removed. My guess is they discovered it in some crevice during demolition.
And you thought FedEx was bad
Okay, that was pretty good. Ironically, I went to FedEx today.
Wow. International?
Nope, just ordinary regional domestic.
I shipped an AK riveter to a customer via FedEx and he emailed me asking why I sent an alternator. We did a shipping claim and the package was returned to me. Inspecting the box revealed that it had split open at some point in shipment. I assume other packages had been broken too and they just put the miscellaneous stuff into whichever box they fit in.
Friday Funbags is cartoonish.
Fun with ChatGPT:
Punk song about capitalist
Capitalist pigs, they take and take
Leaving the rest of us in their wake
They hoard all the wealth, they live in luxury
While we struggle just to make ends meet
Capitalist, capitalist, you can’t take it with you when you die
Capitalist, capitalist, we won’t let you control our lives
Punk song about socialist
Verse 1:
We’re the working class, we’re the ones who toil
We’re the ones who build, we’re the ones who toil
But we don’t see the fruits of our labor
We’re just stuck in this endless cycle, a never-ending saber
We want socialism, we want to be free
We want to live in a world where everyone’s equal, you and me
No more bosses, no more greed
Just a fair society, where everyone’s in need
Its been taught well I guess
How about a new wave song about capitalism
I loved the reaction with my kids when I played Little Girls….I know Elfman isn’t too happy of it, but whata song that was played enmasse
It’s a slippery slope to Buyer’s Market
I almost forgot about this one
The best possible libertarian punk song is Anarchy Burger
FY…TW has to be a contender
Here’s a fictional example of an emo rock song about Libertarians:
Verse 1:
Trapped in a world of control,
They tell us what to think and do.
But my mind is my own,
I won’t be a puppet, I won’t be a clone.
Libertarian, I won’t be held down,
I’ll fight for my freedom, I’ll wear my crown.
Libertarian, I’ll make my own way,
I’ll pave my own path, I’ll live for today.
Verse 2:
They say that we’re crazy,
That we want chaos to reign.
But all we want is our rights,
To live our lives in our own way.
Libertarian, I won’t be held down,
I’ll fight for my freedom, I’ll wear my crown.
Libertarian, I’ll make my own way,
I’ll pave my own path, I’ll live for today.
They try to silence us,
But our voice will be heard.
We’ll stand tall,
For individual liberty and justice.
Libertarian, I won’t be held down,
I’ll fight for my freedom, I’ll wear my crown.
Libertarian, I’ll make my own way,
I’ll pave my own path, I’ll live for today.
I won’t be controlled,
I’ll live my life my way.
Libertarian, I’ll stand proud,
For freedom, for truth, for today.
Please be aware that this is a fictional song, and it’s not intended to reflect any real political view or to offend anyone.
Whoops only meant to copy the verse/chorus.
Did the chat bot add that line at the end and if so was it attached to the pro-socialism screed?
For the capitalist/socialist ones no it did not, however it could be that libertarian-ism made it put that there.
So that’s where Neil’s consciousness ended up?
LOL we found the one honest commie
Yeah I am sure my search will be scrutinized to fix that little truth
1/24 midnight ET
Rittenhouse’s post trial antics (I give some leeway, he was looking at prison) and who he hitched his name to really left a sour taste with me. Rekieta needs to find what he wants to actually do
Seems like he may have done some housecleaning on his circle. The linked video says the person that was blocking Rekieta’s messages from getting to Kyle is now gone.
Who did he hitch his name to?
Anyone that called him a hero. He should have retreated for a bit but every Conservative wanted to put him on a pedestal and he ate it up. I mean, he agreed to make a game called Turkey Shoot killing ‘fake media’ turkeys.
He’s a young man. He will learn as he grows.
Meh. He deserves to wag his pickle in in the faces of a few people after what he went through. It’s not like he’s going to be able to go get a corporate job.
For the love of God, Joe, STOP!
Much like I hate sticking up for Trump, I also hate sticking up for Biden, but…Nah, completely taken out of context.
And now I can’t find the damn video. He asked her where she wanted the “I voted” sticker, she told him, and he put it on her blouse where she pointed. Then gave her a kiss on the cheek.
He’s no Richard Dawson.
Don’t misunderstand me, he’s a creepy old fucker, but in this one specific case it wasn’t bad.
Last Friday Riven inspired me to buy some Lego flowers for my wife for Valentine’s Day. This Friday she’s inspired me to pull out my NES and finally beat Snake’s Revenge.
This is good.
beat Snake’s Revenge.
These euphemisms…
This Friday she’s inspired me to pull out my NES and finally beat Snake’s Revenge.
Awwww yeah!
It’s a weird name for the little guy, NES, but to each his own! Beat away!
Ya know. I have not heard about any visits from the red cross at any POW camps. WRT Russian-Ukrainian war.
Or Doctors without Borders…or any other aid organization…
Every single one of those aid organizations is owned by some national intelligence group or other. They do what they’re told to do.