Looks like a level 20 encounter to me.
“‘Joseph Goebbels’ Own Words Show He Loved Socialism and Saw It as ‘the Future'”
“And now, Wizards of the Coast has an even bigger problem.”
“Male pattern baldness and a bowling shirt”? Sign me up.
“It’s hard to find a movie star with a more varied career than Keanu Reeves”
Well, I don’t have that exact shirt…
In his new book Hitler’s National Socialism, the historian Rainer Zitelmann gives a penetrating look into the ideas that shaped men like Hitler and Goebbels. While it’s clear they saw their own brand of socialism as distinct from Marxism (more on that later), there is no question they saw socialism as the future and despised bourgeoisie capitalism.
I knew it would be Rainer Zitelmann.
Hitler’s corpse could crawl out of hell and announce on social media and TV that he was a socialist and the true believers would still deny it.
Arguing the differences between socialism, communism, and nazi-ism or Leninism or Stalinism or Maoism is futile and doesn’t work.
Collectivism is the enemy.
But government is just what we all do together!
I actually like to post that description alongside some egregious govt fuck-up over on FB for my lefty friends.
I think that a lot of TTRPG players are asking themselves exactly what Wizards of the Coast in general, and 5e in particular, are bringing to the table.
Any dork with Excel and a freeware stats package can crank out an RPG rules base in a couple of hours. So why exactly is the bloated mess that is 5e, worth a 20% cut of the action?
Sheet, My social group noped out when the fetid tabletop MMO that was 4e came along.
(I call it that because the mechanics played more like am MMORPG than a tabletop game)
I don’t get it either, but I’m a hard-core roleplayer (vs. a hard-core gamer) and I’m always happiest with sessions that don’t have a single die rolled…
*rolls dice*
5 is supposedly a big improvement over 4. But considering how bad 4 was, it had to be.
The big problem I see is the trend towards characters becoming superheroes. As someone said, the change is from “Will we beat the big bad” to “How will we beat the big bad.”
Apparently modern players dont like failure and dying.
I completely agree that 5e has some serious core math problems.
It has name recognition, inertia, and a handful of
lovedliked settings.Everything you just wrote was in English, and I’m pretty much confused.
Dammit, I did try. I even spelled out Wizards of the Coast in place of WotC.
My oldest did that to me a couple weeks ago. No worries.
Nope. I’ve got nothin’.
I’m just amused that the article keeps calling them a “giant corporation”. Is it really? Or am I a few decades out of touch?
Probably not “giant”, but MTG cranks out the cash, so not the tiny company that released in the early 90s.
Over Christmas I sold 2 magic cards for $500 total.
They were my two most valuable. Also the only 2 I ever bought straight up, instead of via a pack or deck. I think I paid $10 each for them in 1994. So not a bad ROI.
Hasbro owns them
This right here. Hasbro is the giant in the gaming world.
I have a buddy that works in a gaming store. He says D&Dv5, Magic and Warhammer keep the lights on.
Probably just by hosting game nights and selling Red Bulls and mountain dew
What? WotC had any goodwill to burn?
Didn’t Tonio link that Goebbels thing the other day? Not whining, I just want to know if I’ve gone (farther) off my rocker.
To expand on something I said the other day: In my experience, in school, Nazism and communism were presented as being somehow or other polar opposites. This was merely implied, with no attempt to explain it. Which is why we have people running around yelling “Nazis aren’t socialists!” Just because the Germans and Russians were on opposite sides in the war, that doesn’t mean they weren’t both running on a variant of socialism. And they were definitely both all in on the totalitarianism.
That was my experience in school as well. And I was born in 1971 so they did a poor job of it prior to the wokening.
You can add me to the list as well. From memory, it was usually also presented as Communism was when the left wing went too far, and Fascism was when the right wing went too far.
Yes, also the impression I was left with.
I don’t think that was me, but it may have been linked before. That sometimes happens. When I do my Thursday links I (usually) check the morning links to make sure I’m not duplicating anything from earlier in the day, but I don’t go back to previous days.
Lucky to have links at all, you is. Lucky to have ’em.
As I stated above, Collectivism (with a big C) is all of them combined. That’s the enemy. That’s how it should be explained and why a freedom-loving society is the antithesis of any Big C society.
Except for whichever collectivist symbol Ukraine uses, which is self-evidently the absolute worst.
I always did like that Keno Reeves guy. I wager he’s one of my favorite actors.
Quinoa Reeces is kind of a cool dude.
He doesn’t seem as seedy as most other actors.
Maybe not, but he still has no taste.
If he were Quinoa, he’d be in everything.
I forgot Speed was a thing.
“Shoot the hostage, eliminate it from the situation.”
Definitely a movie that should have been stupid, but worked for some in-effable reason.
Except for young Sandra Bullock… very effable.
You know why, same reason as Waterworld: Dennis Hopper
Same here. He’s one of the very few Hollywood people I’d like to have a beer with. Seems like a low-key, no-drama, relatively normal guy.
You just prefer his sausage.
I’m the opposite. Outside of Bill & Ted, he’s ruined more movies than he’s helped. I could almost have like Matrix if he wasn’t in it.
Given how Hollywood works, that means I’d probably like him in real life. Just can’t stand his movies.
I think you’re just making much ado about nothing….
He wasn’t … awful. Well yes. Yes, he was.
Yep, came here to bring that up. Brushes hands, claps once, opens palms and backs away.
My brother amd his wife shared a beer or two with Bryan Cranston amd had no idea until at the end he was perplexed they didn’t ask for a or autograph.
Say he was a down to earth dude.
Hi Riven!
I hope you had a wonderful week!
I liked John Wick better than the Matrix, but I don’t quibble much with the list.
I’ve always liked the guy. He’s no Brad Pitt, but he’s quite good.
He is a remarkably nice man in a not-nice industry. That makes him somewhat remarkable.
The Wick series looks like a make-work project to keep every stunt guy/gal on the planet gainfully employed. The movies just happen to be a blast as well.
The gun play in the Wick series is terrific, but the CGI muzzle flash, bullet hits, and blood largely ruins it for me, just like every action flick put out in the last 20 years. It’s like watching an airsoft match that somebody tried to make real in After Effects. The cops ‘n’ robbers shootout in Heat vs Den of Thieves is a good example. ’80s and ’90s action could be egregiously unrealistic with the infinite ammo, full auto hip firing with 200% headshot accuracy shtick, but squibs and gibs sell the action. I’d rather rewatch The Killer or Hard Boiled for the 50th time than anything America has churned out since the turn of the century.
John Wick was good. The next two are good if you ignore the plot and just watch the fightin’.
Yeah — that’s my problem. I can’t ignore the plot and as such I can’t stand rewatching them much. I’ll rewatch the first one easily enough.
Does Brad Pitt have his own motorcycle company?
Fair point.
But Pitt is one of those guys that just disappears into the role. Like Gary Oldman.
Keanu has really improved but I don’t think he’s to that level yet.
Hold up there, pard. Brad Pitt is nowhere near Oldman’s league.
Respectfully disagree. I think the breadth of characters he’s played puts him in that league.
Don’t condescend me man… I’ll fucking kill you man.
He was so great in Burn After Reading. Totally different character type than his usual and he played it perfectly.
His turn as Jeffrey Goines in 12 Monkeys is the thing I tend to most remember him for. I haven’t even seen most of his star-making roles.
That, Seven, and Fight Club.
His big roles are mostly in movies I had no interest in.
I loved Twelve Monkeys. Fuck me if I can remember what it was about now, but I remember I loved it.
Time travel to prevent a plague.
Nothing too topical, Mojeaux… just a lab created gain of function pandemic (with a stable time loop for kicks).
The TV series was mostly good too — though I think it dragged a lot in the 4th season until they wrapped it up. Jennifer-instead-of-Jeffery worked there very well, have to give the actress full credit… she played crazy just as well as Pitt.
Also favorites.
I liked Kalifornia too, although nobody else seems to, which makes me wonder if I only liked it because I was 15 and clueless when I watched it.
Bruce Willis! Right. Usually I don’t like time travel because I can’t stand the paradox(es), but this one took a turn I liked, which is that you can’t change the timeline no matter how much you change the timeline. It’s all going to snake its way back around to what it was. I liked that.
Once Upon A Time in Hollywood was also excellent.
I liked Kalifornia too, although nobody else seems to
This ain’t Lucky Lager! *smashes bottle over head*
It has its moments, but Juliette Lewis is just The Worst Actress. Any good movie she’s in is good despite her.
Preach it.
Okay, so everyone brace yourselves, but … [drumroll]
I agree with MikeS.
For you
This, too
You’re really just agreeing with MikeS agreeing with me, Mojeaux. So you can feel better about yourself.
I agree with you quite a bit so that’s no big feat.
You are a lady of exquisite taste and style.
I’m sorry, they must’ve meant Johnny Depp.
I read one review once that say Brad Pitt was a tremendous character who unfortunately was trapped in a leading-man’s body.
Ohhh, that’s good.
Agreed. I like him but he doesn’t exactly disappear into roles.
See, also, Margot Robbie. She’s way, way, too distractingly good looking to disappear.
Yeah, Gary Oldman FTW.
His best role was obviously Floyd in True Romance.
No, his best role was in Thelma and Louise.
I think this is a new thing on Twitter. Hakeem Jeffries tweeted:
“Extreme MAGA Republicans are trying to impose a 30% sales tax on the American people.”
And there was this thing attached:
“Missing important context:
The proposed sales tax varies 26%-30%, but would eliminate federal taxes including income tax.
For full information on the proposed bill, read the proposal here:
Do you find this helpful? (Rate It)”
I kinda dig this.
My problem is that without a constitutional amendment, we end up with a national sales tax AND an income tax.
Someone tell me I am wrong. That is right, you cant. There is no way that within 20 years of the FAIR tax passing, there isnt a “its only on the hyper-rich” income tax also.
I’d give it less than 5 years.
Yep, there needs to be an Amendment.
You would need a D congress with a D president. So it might make it more than 5.
You think the tax collectors for the welfare state wouldn’t fire up the income tax graft machine?
Because I do.
Not if the Dems iron out the kinks in their election fortification schemes.
Yeah, they added that “community notes” feature back in December. Seems to work very well.
I don’t get the big deal about the D and D thing. I can still play with my friends and there’s nothing WotC can do about it.
It’s the monetization aspect. They don’t care about basement games, they want a piece of that streaming money.
Which reminds me. New episodes of Vox Machina are out.
And good ones at that. Not seeing the season 2 plunge yet…
I think they threatened to move to Pathfinder but I am guessing their contract is pretty set
Or rather back to it
My not really paying attention is that there’s a large number of other publishers that were using the OGL (Open Game License) to produce their own settings, supplements, and the like. The change to the license would have required all of them to kick over a healthy chunk of their money to WotC (Wizards of the Coast). Rather then creating their own ruleset and creating new games, there was a big outcry, and WotC at least rolled back some of the more complained about changes to the OGL due to cancellations of online paid subscriptions to a WotC resource for D&D (Dungeons and Dragons).
A bunch of the big materia creators, such as Kobold Press, did exacy what you suggest – they created their own open-source ruleset.
I usually leaned towards the FASA or White Wolf rulesets myself, they seemed to make more sense then the leveling mechanic that’s kind of core to D&D.
Ditto on FASA. I was never quite edgy enough for White Wolf.
Is Shadowrun still an extant property, or did WotC swallow them completely?
Looks like it’s owned by Topps now based on a couple of quick searches. The three Hairbrained schemes PC games were decent. I know that BattleTech/MechWarrior were due for a comeback as well.
And I almost forget about CoC (Call of Cthulhu) and the Chaoism systems.
And with some more search, Topps owns Catalyst Games, who publish Shadowrun and BattleTech. Unfortunately, no EarthDawn.
“The three Hairbrained schemes PC games were decent.
Those were pretty solid. Now I feel like doing a replay with some obscure character I’ve never tried…
Topps the baseball card company?
Based on the Legal page and some preliminary searches, the very same.
Huh. I’ve been out of card collecting for well over a decade. Had no idea. They gave up selling gum long ago so I suppose they had to diversify into something else to stay afloat.
There’s also an effort to create a D&D Universe like the MCU. They’re doing the opposite of what I think they should do by starting with a big movie with a bunch of characters instead of creating character-based anthologies or episodic shows to build up the world before bringing them all together. Marvel at least got that right.
I’m home, and it’s the beginning of the weekend. So here’s the Zoom/Happy Hour/Discussion place that will kick off at 2000 Eastern.
Sadly, I’ll be home tonight, so I’ll probably drop in as a charter member of the Losers Club.
I beg your pardon sir!
*looks around
*slowly sits back down
There’s a prophecy about losers:
For the wheel’s still in spin
And there’s no tellin’ who that it’s namin’
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin’
The list is missing Chain Reaction.
I liked A Walk in the Clouds as well.
Me too.
My grandparents owned it and we watched it often. RIP wonderful people.
Don’t forget Johnny Pneumonic, though Ice T stole the show.
This is why you refresh the page before hitting the “post comment” button.
At least you spelled it right.
And Johnny Mnemonic
Oh that’s how it was spelled
I liked Keanu in something called “Permanent Record”. Sort of a TV afterschool special kind of movie. Lot of actresses you might recognize in it. Keanu plays a character like his Bill & Ted in his goofier moments. But is actually a gifted musician and somewhat intelligent.
“Missing important context:
The proposed sales tax varies 26%-30%, but would eliminate federal taxes including income tax.
For full information on the proposed bill, read the proposal here:
Do you find this helpful? (Rate It)”
Listen, you popcorn faced dog and pony soldier: Taxes only go up, not down. And they definitely do not get repealed.
Fact check: True.
Repeal the 16th and we can talk.
Lucky to have links at all, you is. Lucky to have ’em.
Grateful, I is.
Yeah, Gary Oldman FTW.
The Professional was quite a ride.
“I told you.” *clicks off radio* “Get me everybody.”
“What do you mean e-”
Yes, but when you talk about disappearing into a role – Darkest Hour is damn near spooky.
Thank goodness something like that could never happen here.
Media fraud perpetrated by former FBI.
Oh lookee there. Bill Fucking Kristol. CWAA
Makes me want to know who Nick Pickles is.
“Mr. and Mrs. Pickles, it’s a healthy baby boy! What’s his name going to be?”
“We were thinking … Nick.”
“Uhhh, are you sure?”
“Oh, OK. Richard, then.”
Would I be right to say Yoel Roth is actually a voice of reason in many of these, but doesn’t/can’t fight hard enough to stop the shenanigans? Not saying he’s not a liberal douchebag, but from my superficial reading of these he seems to at least be the least worst of the bunch.
That’s kind of my impression.
Unfortunately for him, the deal is, lie down with pigs, get shit smeared all over you.
He’s given a really stupid job and attempts to do it as best he can?
Hey look, another pigeonhole.
They need to add firsters. There has never been an adequate census of them.
Finally. Some companionship for the Hispanics.
Last job was working on testing and it was very important that students ethnicity was saved separately from their race. So you’d always have a question about ethnicity and it would just be Hispanic.
pigeonholegrievance group.Yup. They’re going to eat this up in my neighborhood.
Karate Kid is my next extra credit movie for my coding course. I don’t even have to watch it to stack up the list of injuries. FINISH HIM! should be worth all 5 points by itself.
Sweep the leg
Better than Mortal Kombat… “What’s the medical code for being frozen and shattered? And yeah… what’s the code for incineration by a ghost ninja again?”
This is the part where you fall down.
“What’s the medical code for being frozen and shattered?
Use the one for Liquid Nitrogen injury.
what’s the code for incineration by a ghost ninja again?”
Incineration is incineration regardless of the heat source.
The Way of the Fist.
Ha! Reminds me of when I was at the city attorney’s office and for fun I went through the Vehicle Code to find all the codes the Batmobile breaks.
What version of the Batmobile? The original 60’s TV version I think would have been street legal.
The movies, since rocket afterburners were on the list. Window tinting, no plate/registration, noise… can’t remember them all.
Sadly, I’ll be home tonight, so I’ll probably drop in as a charter member of the Losers Club.
Is the pool of NPR ladies drying up?
For having such soothing voices, it is like sandpaper down there they are so dried up.
By the way, could you imagine fucking the shit out of Terry Gross and having her dirty talk and moan in that NPR voice?
Even better, imagine her body is just succulent and every hormone is perfect – and THEN she talks.
In super local, super brave news….
So a coach read an example of what not to post to social media and it had a racial slur in it*. Of course it is hard to tell exactly why I should be outraged because not one single story about the controversy said what the slur was or exactly what went on. Every story just said he read a racial slur aloud.
Now a bunch of woke kids from cross town have decided to preen in their goodness by not even being on the same court as someone who read a racial slur.
“Dream?” Really?
Whatever. As long as people continue to take it this won’t end.
Look I just want to know exactly what the coach said.
“Look you Frenchies, you can’t write a bunch of shit posts on social media” vs. “LeBeau wrote ‘Frenchy please!’ on Facebook and that is just wrong even though he is from France”
Oh, I figured it was the Irish. “For the last time, you can’t call Connor a dumb fucking Mick!”
Had to be the n-word
Maybe he said “The French”. That’s apparently a no-no now.
Now that is an NPR listener name!
Papa Johns Redux.
If North St. Paul wants to forfeit the game, why not?
Oh, they didn’t have to take the L? Huh.
Here’s an interesting article that popped up in my browser suggestions. Try not to punch your computer screen.
“Then, on Jan. 9, Bloomberg News published an interview with Richard Trumka, Jr., a commissioner on the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, who suggested that the government might consider stricter regulation of new gas stoves in response to health concerns about indoor air quality.”
[examples of wackos and their wacko misinterpretations]
“Each of these pro-stove declarations came after Trumka had already clarified that the agency “isn’t coming for anyone’s gas stoves.””
He bloody well said they were looking into banning them. Here’s what the Bloomberg article linked by NPR says, first sentence: “A federal agency says a ban on gas stoves is on the table amid rising concern about harmful indoor air pollutants emitted by the appliances.”
Back to the NPR story:
“”It’s this really well developed reflex among hyperpartisan media outlets and influencers doing what it does best, which is isolating a situation, misrepresenting it and then stoking outrage. And using that to entertain its audience,” says Jared Holt, a senior research manager at the nonprofit Institute for Strategic Dialogue, which studies extremism and political polarization.”
Listen asshole, erm sorry, expert, there’s no misrepresentation going on here. The CPSC dude said it. Then he walked it back. Sort of. What Trumpka said is: “To be clear, CPSC isn’t coming for anyone’s gas stoves. Regulations apply to new products.” Oh. Phew. So I only have to keep my existing gas stove in working order for the rest of my life and then pass it down to all future generations in my family. Should gas lines still exist, that is.
Even the article’s title pisses me off. “Gas stoves became part of the culture war in less than a week. Here’s why” Uh, no. This is an actual debate on the merits of a potential policy. But keep trying cloud any opposition to The Narrative* as “simple-minded conspiracy theorists sure do like their tribalism.”
*And hell, gas stoves weren’t even on The Narrative menu until two weeks ago. Boy did all the right people fall in line with the new directive in record time.
The law of merited impossibility in action.
Technically correct is always the best kind. No one is going door to door, so it’s not taking stoves.
Good luck finding a 80gal water heater without a heat pump and at a decent price.
I wonder how long the rest of the gas appliances will last before they too get swept under this no gas thing.
This is their favorite play. They get the college educated liberals to go along with or even advocate for a gas stove ban by casting support for gas stoves as a rural redneck Trumpian culture war issue.
They don’t care what you think, they care what the idiots who listen to them think you think.
Just ignore the fact that some cities have already banned them in new construction and in remodels.
NPR has moved on from the lies of omission to the straight up falsehoods.
They’re as bad as Pravda ever was, just better at it.
Their trial balloon got shot down hard and now they’re all trying to gaslight the fuck their way out of it.
It’s so tediously obvious.
Even TOS is bitching at the gaslighting.
“When you’ve lost TOS . . . .”
Who knew an election could fundamentally alter the laws of physics?
Once those pesky republicans lost the majority in the state Senate, it became possible to simply legislate a carbon free future. I’m sure the physics of energy production will conform with the legislators’ wishes. And I’m sure that all the batteries needed to store energy will magically appear because people really want them.
Come to Iowa. We have republican control of the house, senate, and governor’s office. We have gone from purple to solidly red in the last 8 to 10 years.
And it’s not as fucking cold as MN.
But I don’t like corn!
Don’t discount all the soybeans.
Yeah. Iowa would be good for you. Definitely not North Dakota.
We wouldn’t likeyou wouldn’t like it here.Shouldn’t be an issue. We already have two nuke plants emitting nothing. A couple more and you’re GTG.
Carbon free = no more humans
Do mass graves count as carbon sequestration?
Much more environmental justice-ey than crematoriums.
Kinnath is right. Learn to like corn.
Shucks. I ear ya.
I may not be right all the time, but there’s usually a kernel of truth.
I search for truth but often find myself lost in a maize.
Ohio has already declared that Natural Gas is Green Energy.
Pull my finger, I have some green emissions.
North Dakota bitch slapped Minnesota in court last time they tried this. We’ll be happy to do it again.
You’d be doing us a favor if you just cut all the transmission lines at the border. It is going to take a bunch of us dumb fucks sitting around in the cold wondering what happened before we realize that the DFL is full of shit.
” All electric utilities in the state would be asked to use 100% emissions-free energy by 2040.”
And if they say no?
would be asked
Yeah, that’s the out built in. Minnesoda nice – well, we asked them to and they said they couldn’t, so, ok?
Price gouging cheats
While many blue-chip companies reported lower profits last year, Big Oil was having a moment. Crude prices surged, thanks in part to high demand and reduced supply. All of that helped make Chevron the top-performing Dow stock of last year, with shares surging more than 50%.
To be clear: It’s not that Chevron, or any of its peers, did anything special to earn their windfall profits last year. There was no big innovation or breakthrough — they just got rich off the price of oil shooting up.
See here: Chevron, which is expected to report Friday that profits for 2022 doubled to more than $37 billion, is essentially balking at calls from the White House and some members of Congress to funnel its extra cash into more drilling capacity to help reduce prices for inflation-weary customers.
Instead, Chevron is buying $75 billion worth of its own shares, and jacking up its quarterly shareholder dividend. That decision prompted rebuke from the Biden administration.
“For a company that claimed not too long ago that it was ‘working hard’ to increase oil production, handing out $75 billion to executives and wealthy shareholders sure is an odd way to show it,” said White House spokesperson Abdullah Hasan.
Chevron’s buyback package is so large, according to Bloomberg, that it could fund more than four years of drilling and other projects.
There you have it.
I can assure you Joe, that I am not what you’d call “wealthy”. So go fuck yourself.
Considering that the ever shifting sands of when and where one may legally drill is balanced on the political expediency of an administration and overt hostility from those who weld power in the EPA one would have to be a fool to invest billions of dollars into new drilling. Lucy, yadda, yadda, football, yadda.
Not just the EPA. Under BIden, the government has overtly adopted a “whole of government” attack on fossil fuels.
Biden has said he wants to put them out of business. Why would they invest billions to drill here?
I guess that’s why Chevron has been assaulting me with “we’re super heavy into green energy” commercials, narrated in that hippie prog way all the woke corporations do now.
ah yes, my favorite genre of commercial: “We don’t suck as much as you think!”
“Please give us one more chance, baby! We swear we changed!”
I’d love to see a full-throated defense commercial. “You’d starve to death, freezing in the dark, without us. Chevron.”
I love the pivot from “Gas prices are lower!” to “Oil companies are price gouging!”
Old and Busted: Food deserts, New and Hawt: Legal deserts
Are you trying to give yourself an aneurysm? You’re playing a dangerous game with all the local media consumption, my friend!
Minnpost is fun. I mean you start your own proggie news site because the Star & Sickle isn’t left wing enough for you? What isn’t to love?
There was a propaganda desert! They provide a valuable service!
Do you think anyone on staff there has their natural hair color, decent skin or goes less than 3 bills?
*tap tap tap*
OMG the home page. You’re not kidding.
It’s soothing to know that there’s someplace even stupider than here in deepest-Blue Mass.
Lawyers don’t have phones and the internet?
Of course, Chevron and other US oil producers, including Exxon Mobil, are putting some money into new energy projects this year. But, according to Reuters, those expenditures will be dwarfed by the amounts paid to shareholders.
Meanwhile, gas prices in the United States are marching higher every day, and are on track to once again breach $4 a gallon this spring.
They should buy some of that cheap Russian oil.
“”It’s this really well developed reflex among hyperpartisan media outlets and influencers doing what it does best, which is isolating a situation, misrepresenting it and then stoking outrage. And using that to entertain its audience,” says Jared Holt, a senior research manager at the nonprofit Institute for Strategic Dialogue, which studies extremism and political polarization.”
I know you are, but what am I?
Biden should start buying discounted oil from Russia to replenish the Strategic Oil Reserve!
That would make as much sense as anything else this administration has done.
Point Break is the manliest movie of all time. It was so testosterone-soaked that they had to make the female love interest a stone butch.
I am an
they had to make the female love interest a stone butch.
That girl was hot hot hot.
You mean Tank Girl?
Speaking of vidya
4$? I can’t afford that, I’ve got to pay that crazy newspaper delivery kid.
Thats exactly what I expected before I clicked.
Bless you.
The thought of my fish’s aimless wanderings in the tank becoming some sort of signal to the Switch is kinda funny. Who would even come up with that?
Says a lot about Japan’s declining birthrate.
A member of the quartet who founded Twitter said Elon Musk has undone the work he did to improve the company’s culture—and added he’s not sure the Tesla CEO is the right person to own the platform.
Biz Stone cofounded the social media giant in 2006 along with Noah Glass, Evan Williams, and Jack Dorsey. He was brought back to the platform by the chief executive at the time—Dorsey—to “guide the company culture, that energy, that feeling.” But in an interview with the Guardian Stone said that although he had made “a lot of improvements in those areas,” it all vanished under Musk: “It’s all gone now.”
Musk has also embarked on a huge cost-saving exercise at Twitter that included axing more than half its workforce. A source familiar with the matter said earlier: “Twitter doesn’t have, you know, human rights team or strategy and operations team, barely an HR team, much of the legal team has gone, like it’s really really basic functioning.”
As Twitter’s workforce has shrunk, Musk has also eliminated various employee perks and put everything from excess office furniture to company espresso machines on the auction block. Twitter did not immediately respond to Fortune when contacted for comment.
With the gathering issues, it is perhaps no surprise that when Stone was asked if Musk was the right owner for the platform, he answered: “It doesn’t seem like it right now, but I could be wrong.” He added that heading up a social media organization is “not really a win-win situation…it’s always tough”, because “50% of the people are gonna be happy, 50% of people are gonna be upset with you”.
Twatter was perfect just as it was. Musk wrecked it.
“Biz Stone cofounded the social media giant in 2006…”
But didn’t have the $44B to buy it. So sit down and shut up.
Hear hear!
Go fuck yourself Biz.
Twitter doesn’t have, you know, human rights team or strategy and operations team, barely an HR team, much of the legal team has gone, like it’s really really basic functioning.
Like [shudders] a real business?
He says that like it’s a bad thing.
You decided to take the money instead of stick around to ensure the culture was the way you thought it should be. IOW you sold out. You have no moral standing here. Remind Dorsey of that next time he opens his yap, too.
Friday Funbags.
You mean Tank Girl?
Is that her? Shows how much I know.
Cat fight!
“You are mad at the wrong person.”
But does it have stainless steel appliances?
“There’s no downside,” she added.
She’s not wrong.
I once did a job in an s&m dungeon. I strapped a water heater (no euphemism). As soon as the front door opened and a forty something blond woman answered clad only in a bathrobe I knew something was up. The man of the house soon joined us (also wearing only a bathrobe) and took us down to the water heater. They had an amazing array of equipment including a full size crucifix, stocks and stretching table. The dude sat there in his bathrobe and stared at us intently for the 45 minutes it took us to wrap and strap his water heater.
Was supposed to be my weekend with my kids. But my son came down with Covid. His second bout. So I am childless this weekend.
Sorry about the kids. But
There’s an upside: https://youtu.be/vfKhvzUdJoM
(stupid tablet)
And you think dear Mojeux would think it better to agree with someone who need three attempts for a simple comment?
I blame my tools.
Really? You’re just gonna hang that fastball right over the middle of the plate?
He’s counting on the soon to appear new post taking attention away from his faulty tool.
Perhaps I’m unaware of the hanging fastball.
Perhaps it’s there for comedic purposes.
‘ALCOA presents: YOU make the call!”
I definitely can get more done without them here.
Point in Keanu’s favor is he does seem to enjoy guns. There are videos of him shooting at a range just for kicks. Which is more than I can say for just about any other Hollywood celeb. There are a few who know how to shoot and/or have done it for real (like Adam Driver was in the military), but mostly they just do what the armorer/stunt coordinator tells them to do and never look quite comfortable at it.
Come on, I’m sure Steve McQueen liked shooting guns…Lee Marvin, Lee Van Cleef…ah, you meant living Hollywood celebs.