Should be a fun final.
Well Joker and Tsitsipas are on to the final in Australia. I think that has the potential to be one hell of a match. I watched hockey last night for the first time in a long time. Can somebody tell me why the Canadiens were wearing those god-awful light blue jerseys? Anyway, they lost. Somebody thought they were being clever at a college basketball game. And the USSF is an absolute shitshow. Way to build hype before we host the World Cup you bunch of fucking amateurs. And that’s it for sports.
Way to get out ahead of this, FDA. But they’re still pushing remdesivir and the clot shots, I see. Fucking scumbags.
Same as it ever was. ::insert David Byrne smacking his forehead gif:: I guess Israel retaliating against the never-ending bombardment by Palestinian terrorists counts as an escalation. But what the hell are they supposed to do, stop defending themselves?

Fiery but mostly peaceful?
This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it. Sadly, the people who will be harmed are innocent home- and business-owners who had nothing to do with the murder. I wish they’d just burn down the police stations and city hall. That might actually do some good.
At least it’s an honest living. Much better than her prior position…which I assume was also on her knees with a bunch of guys watching.
Is there no fiduciary requirement for the government? They should have to be solely focused on maximizing returns, not picking winners and losers based on other criteria. They’re investing (after stealing) our tax dollars for this, after all. They should be required to not invest it so poorly.
What a dick move. They have a right to be pissed. And the building management has some explaining to do.

Religion of peace
Remember, this country is a NATO member state. And will continue to be even though they abhor individual liberty and the freedom for people in other countries to engage in harmless demonstrations.
This is how you negotiate. Also, the term “asylum-seekers” is doing a lot of work here.
Today is my 11th wedding anniversary with Banjos. So this is for her. But you can listen too. And here’s another one. Enjoy them both.
And enjoy this cool Friday as we slip into the weekend, dear friends.
Happy Friday Glibronies!
Wait, they let Joker into Australia?
Emergency is over, sort of, when convenient.
“At least it’s an honest living. Much better than her prior position…which I assume was also on her knees with a bunch of guys watching.”
Sometimes destiny comes looking for ya…
Turkey may run by total assholes, but they may also be the entity that keeps the US and Russia from going directly at it.
I am not sure why they fired the lady cop, and not the male participants.
She forced herself onto them. Duh…
They all got fired.
Oops, never mind. I thought 2 got suspended.
Wait, they fired cop meme girl?
When you’re having sex with multiple other cops on shift, it’s generally a fireable offense, even with the FOP.
Training issue.
“Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I tell you I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing was frowned upon, you know, cause I’ve worked in a lot of PDs and I tell you people do that all the time.”
What you did there, has been seen.
They finally had a real good candidate for Officer Friendly.
They wouldn’t have any cops left if they fired everyone involved?
Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?
ESG investing is a complete and total scam. Of course the government is pursuing it.
Government today is about peddling shit that allows they to launder corrupt money. ESG, War, Equity, Green Movement. All the same sort of racket where they steal money from the productive then launder it into their bank accounts.
You can bet ESG has not divested from defense contractors.
This is the best way for them to prop up the companies they want propped up and to enhance their own portfolios at the same time. It’s a grift, just like everything else the government does.
In other reasons Ohio isn’t all that bad…
GOP leaders target ‘woke’ investments through state pension funds
There’s an Ohio Senate bill that was proposed that would prohibit the state funds (including the pensions) from using ESG as a primary criteria.
“What a dick move. They have a right to be pissed. And the building management has some explaining to do.”
Do you just wake up one morning, pissed at the office bitchez for not putting out for you, and go: “I think I am gonna start wizzing in the water bottles and hope these hos get them some of my sweet STDs”?
And does this company have segregated drinking stations? Why did no dudes get this shit? Where they all in on the gag?
Does only a few women complaining mean anybody who didn’t complain about catching herpes already had it?
Maybe they got it from banging the guy?
What a dick move
That description could also apply to Pumpkinhead Cop Chick.
That’s twice this week you’ve posted a song that’s been running through my head – ‘Bullet With Butterfly Wings’ and now ‘La La Love You’.
Matrix is glitching.
Congratulations to Banjos and Sloopy on your anniversary.
Indeed. Happy Anniversary, Sloopy and Banjos.
🥂 💗
Thanks, all! It’s been a good run so far.
Ours is Monday, congratulations!
And to you as well!
This morning was the first snow in the last two winters. About 2 inches on the sidewalk maybe a little less. After which a rain came and turned everything to slush. And now freezing rain and wind. Horrible horrible weather. I did not go on my daily walk for the first time in a year I think.
Just 2 inches? Piker. Get out there and prove your manhood!
Is that where you have to fuck an apple pie?
“About 2 inches”
Glad to see you finally adopt a reasonable unit of measure.
I try on occasion tot translate into simpleton
Who’s simpler:
A: The people who have to have everything be a multiple of ten, or
B: the people who use feet, yards, miles, ounces, pounds, tons, have 32° be freezing, and can convert teaspoons to gills to a hogshead?
I just realized that the entire metric system was designed for retarded people to be able to measure things.
I’ve been saying this for years. People who can’t do base-2 arithmetic in their heads don’t deserve a lot of consideration.
I disagree, chips-for-brains. Binary arithmatic is not something people need to be able to do mentally.
I tried addings 1s and 0s and just could not. OMG hardest math class I’ve ever taken.
Says Mr. 9mm.
9mm? You mean .355 Luger?
Decimal notation of an inch?
Wait a minute – did you just smuggle a binary joke in there?
B. Obviously. Cause most of them can’t convert shit. And they unnecessarily over-complicate things.
Yet we visited the moon.
Jealous euro is jealous.
“visited” the “moon”
How many hands tall is your iron pony?
France’s big mistake was not switching to base 12. Also, being France.
Base 12 solves the two biggest problems with metric system…divisors and time.
Time was already on a base 12 system (thanks Sumer) so makes conversion easy.
There is a damn good reason donuts and eggs are packaged by the dozen.
yes. not all Americans are 400 pounds yet.
I think Sumerian was base 60
Yeah I remember reading that somewhere. And that 60 is good because it has a huge number of factors.
As does 12. Less than 60 or 360, but much better than 10.
If you are going to throw everything out and start from scratch like with SI, switch from base 10 to base 12 at same time to get more divisors. 2 and 5 are not enough. We need 3 and 4 too often.
Not that 4 is really a problem in metric, but 3 absolutely is.
3 is problematic all the time, but mostly in religion.
Three is the magic number.
I saw it described once as alternating base 12/base 5. Which works out to 60, but has a lot of 12s.
So a day is two sets of 12 hours, but 60 minutes in each one.
Although not sure the minutes and seconds have anything to do with Sumer.
How to Make Fried Eggs Recipe || Home Cooking with Jacques Pépin
see no of that stupid bullshit with turning the eggs over in the pan
I learned to fry eggs in bacon fat without turning them, but basting with the bacon fat. Those are the best.
Exactly what I do for sunny-side up except I like to sop off the extra liquid before I slide them onto a plate.
Runny yolks…ew.
I don’t think there will be any pensions in 25 years so who cares how they invest
In 25 years we will all be working at police departments sucking dick?
By learning to hunt otters, wolves decimate a deer population
On an Alaskan island, wolves adapted to hunt an unexpected aquatic prey.
That’s like claiming that because I chase ass all the pussy out there is getting crushed….
Oh, wait.
I have no problem with the government pissing away my already-stolen pension dollars. Maybe they’ll learn something from the experience.
Maybe they’ll learn something from the experience.
We all need a good laugh in the morning.
Interesting article about why Turkish Leopard 2 tanks performed poorly in Syria – at partially due to bad tactics. Maybe why the Marine Corps ditched their tanks. They are awesome weapons, but also incredibly heavy and expensive prime targets.
I thought the Turks were doing a big buy of Korean K2 Black Panther tanks which are probably better suited to their terrain. Looks like the Poles are going to build or buy them too.
Made by Hyundai. At least it’s not sold under the Kia marque.
Probably got stolen.
This guy does some interesting interviews.
In case you were wondering, pigs have 10 minute orgasms and ejaculate 300 mL.
Friday Funbags.
“Today is my 11th wedding anniversary with Banjos”
Congrats to you both, keep up the good work. God bless.
Is the 11th alcohol or ammunition?
“And will continue to be even though they abhor individual liberty and the freedom for people in other countries to engage in harmless demonstrations.”
What is Canada?
The US Food and Drug Administration on Thursday halted the emergency use authorization of Evusheld because it does not appear to protect against Covid-19 from viral variants currently circulating in the United States.
Neither does the jab.
The rule, set to take effect on January 30, reverses a restriction imposed during the Trump administration that requires retirement plans to consider only financial factors in making investment decisions and exercising shareholder rights.
‘The Biden Administration is promoting its climate change agenda by putting everyday people’s retirement money at risk,’ said Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes, who is leading the suit, in a statement to DailyMail.com.
They had to erase Trump’s legacy.
Democrat virtue won’t signal itself.
I scrolled through the memphis cop beating story and saw that all five of the cops were black. hmmm…kind of messes with the narrative. I don’t think we get floyd 2.
internalized racism. Those black cops are white supremacists. probably KKK members
Memphis is 64% black. Minneapolis is just 18%.
It probably makes a difference.
Not to worrry, they’ll still use it for the all-race-all-the-time narrative. It’ll be: “if those cops had been white, they would never have been charged with anything”. See? Easy.
Sharpton already latched onto it; I was kind of surprised given the demographics at play.
Charles C.W. Cooke eviscerated this angle.
Internalized racism…
They have absorbed the whiteness around them and it now possesses their soul.
I don’t know this didn’t occur to me sooner.
You mean the latest black faces of white-supremacy.
Elie Mystal said the race of a a cop is irrelevant. Their race is cop.
I kind of don’t disagree??
Cost of living: How onions became a luxury in the Philippines
I do wonder how that could have happened
“Although prices have eased in recent weeks, onions are still a luxury for many consumers, says Rizalda Maunes, who runs a pizzeria in the central Cebu city.
Experts say that the reopening of the Philippines economy is driving demand, while harsh weather has affected the production of food, including onions.
Others have gotten in trouble for smuggling onions into the country.”
Wait why would you smuggle onions unless you could not just freely bring them in the country. So maybe the problem is not the reopening of the economy, especially since no other country has excessive onion prices. Makes one think.
Are onion seeds a luxury? Seems like something that there could only be a shortage of for a few months in a tropical country.
Sounds like the weather hasn’t been cooperating and the yields in-country are low. Thus there is more demand for onions than the available commercial farms and home gardens can meet.
Onions like temperate zones. I recall salads being uncommon because they can only grow lettuce in the boondocks (mountains in English).
Wait a minute. If the boondocks are the mountains then Billy Joe Royal was lying to us all.
There are generally two reasons for smuggling – avoiding taxes, or avoiding bans.
So if people are smuggling onions, either there is an import tariff on onions, or their importation has been banned.
“President Ferdinand Marcos Jr, who is also the agriculture secretary, has called rising food prices an “emergency situation”. Earlier this month Mr Marcos approved the import of red and yellow onions in an attempt to boost supply.”
So there was a ban.
Is there now a permit requirement for import that comes with a fee and paperwork overhead? Or is the normal import tariff being applied and thus evaded?
I had to check the calendar to make sure it was really 2023.
I’ve heard of “budgie smugglers”, but “onion smugglers”?
The Labor Department has argued the Trump-era rule restricting investments in ESG funds failed to account for the positive impact that ESG considerations can have on long-term investment returns.
But according to their model, long term investment is pointless. Who needs a pension when the earth is a lifeless cinder?
Let’s ask Sri Lanka about that positive impact.
the positive impact that ESG considerations can have on long-term investment returns
Well there’s an assertion without evidence.
The rule, set to take effect on January 30, reverses a restriction imposed during the Trump administration that requires retirement plans to consider only financial factors in making investment decisions and exercising shareholder rights.
‘The Biden Administration is promoting its climate change agenda by putting everyday people’s retirement money at risk,’ said Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes, who is leading the suit, in a statement to DailyMail.com.
You won’t need a retirement plan when
the government kills youyour’re dead.even though they abhor individual liberty and the freedom for people in other countries to engage in harmless demonstrations.
I think this goes for most countries in NATO, including the European ones.
Onions won’t grow in the Philippines? I thought the real challenge in a jungle environment was to stop things from growing.
From context, it appears they would normally grow just fine, but there is weather that is making a mess of it.
Forgotten History: the Romani (Gypsy) Migration from India to Europe
U.S. Congressman Chip Roy (R-Texas) said he would use the debt ceiling as leverage to push through his border security bill despite members of his own party resisting the plan and calling it extreme.
RINOs gonna RINO. But this is just in time for Biden to reach across the aisle and not negotiate because obviously this is an extreme ultra-MAGA agenda that hates the poor brown people.
is there something a republican should be doing, in order for those who don’t to be RINOs? And if so, how is that thing determined? when was last the party not full of RINOs? Or is it just a fantasy some conservatives have of the pure Republican?
I thought GOPe was a well known phenomenon.
If the establish GOP is RINO, then what is a true Republican?
or Libertarian, I’m not sure which.
Someone that actually adheres to things Republicans claim to believe?
claim to believe
Name me one time Republicans actually cut government spending/scope. I don’t care how many times they SAY they’re going to do that, just show me one, one stinking example.
I don’t see what I said that disagrees with this. R’s say things that they don’t do all the time. They say things that R voters want and precious few elected Rs actually adhere to these claimed beliefs.
OK – so authentic Republicans are the ones who lie through their teeth. And gullible people never hold them accountable. I won’t even say you’re wrong about this – but that’s just fucking weird.
authentic Republicans are the ones who lie through their teeth
That would be “establishment” Rs.
“establishment” Rs
The vast majority of Rs holding office, right?
if all establishment are the same what does that say about the people who vote for them
I’m coming around to JI on this one. If the Republicans who matter are pro-war, pro-spending, pro-debt, pro-state, anti-border, etc. (going by revealed preferences), then that’s what the party is.
Name me one time Republicans actually cut government spending/scope.
A minute cut is still a cut.
From TOS article
I’ve seen worse paper cuts. And I’m still not 100% convinced that was actually spending less in the current year than the previous year vice spending less than was originally planned.
just a fantasy
ding-ding-ding [it’s all about what I believe a Republican should be]
Not raising the debt ceiling because they disapprove on economic grounds, and I don’t know, cut spending?
“that hates the poor brown people.”
Especially those poor brown American people already living in Del Rio or El Paso.
The Tejanos have no love for illegals in particular, and Mexican immigrants in general. They get a better reception further north.
Kenosha Commie ☭
I will fight for workers always. But will workers fight for us that are not working? 🤔🤔🤔
the dilemma of hipster commies
If he knew anything about communism he would know that if you don’t work, you don’t eat.
And if you do work, you don’t eat.
The important thing isn’t productivity, its party membership.
The “f” in “communism” is for “food”.
I got my Equifax settlement check.
Buy 5 powerball tickets and hope for the best
Powerball is $2 a ticket.
fine. 2 tickets and bagel or something
Bagel inflation is insane.
It’s not the bagel itself that’s been inflating.
Too much leavening?
Don’t spend it all in one place.
I see half a dozen eggs in your future.
I put in for the max amount and got $19 and change. Check just came this month.
My father just took the offered cash years ago and got $17.
Needless to to say the multiple law firms representing the class did marginally better.
Yeah I have been doing everything correctly because was going to make them pay!
And I got $5…and 21 cents.
I had the same thought given that I easily spent 15 to 20 hours of time on this too.
Perhaps you should have hired an accountant? 😉
Ooof, fair.
Ask her about article 3.
At yesterday’s Senate Judiciary Cmte hearing, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) asked Judge Charnelle Bjelkengren, Pres. Biden’s nominee to be US District Judge for the Eastern District of Washington, what Articles 2 and 5 of the Constitution do, but she was unable to do so.
She’s just a judge, not a constitutional scholar.
What the hell do leftist judges need to know the constitution for? It’s not like it has any bearing on their decisions.
President Ferdinand Marcos Jr
Ferdinand “Bongbong” Romualdez Marcos Jr.[3][4][5] (UK: /ˈmɑːrkɒs/ MAR-koss, US: /-koʊs, -kɔːs/ -kohss, -kawss,[6][7] Tagalog: [ˈmaɾkɔs]; born September 13, 1957), commonly referred to by the initials PBBM or BBM, is a Filipino politician who is the 17th and current president of the Philippines.[8][9][10] He previously served as a senator from 2010 to 2016. He is the second child and only son of tenth president and dictator Ferdinand Marcos Sr. and former first lady Imelda Romualdez Marcos.[3][11]
Seems so
Don’t you go knockin’ on BongBong.
It gets better. Shoe Lady herself was in the Philippine Congress until 2019.
The Romanian model looks better and better.
Classic CNN – let’s talk about ground battle tactics, with someone who has absolutely no military background.
Are they bringing back “full semi-auto” guy?
A fully-semiautomatic assault pistol with the black thing that goes up, high-capacity bullets, and a chainsaw bayonet?
Missed the extended clip
Latest ‘public health’ junk science just dropped.
Sugar tax was introduced in April 2018. Child obesity rose in 2019 and rocketed in 2020.
The activist-academics achieve their goal thanks to our old friend the retrospectively applied counter-factual. These use trends up to 2016 rather than 2018 with the suggestion that merely announcing the tax was sufficient.
After all this, they can only find an effect among year 6 girls and only if they use 2016 as the start date. They can’t explain why reception age kids and all boys would be unaffected.
Then again there are worse things to tax than sugar.
Fruit juices are not included in the levy
It was never about taxing sugar.
Yeah, the land tax is terrible.
Thought police.
A Georgia police officer has resigned after he was told by superiors that he could not share his personal religious views on social media. …
Kersey, 19, who began working last May at the Port Wentworth Police Department in a jurisdiction just outside Savannah, says “everything was going well” until the start of the new year.
On Jan. 2, Kersey posted a 20-word message about his view of marriage on Facebook.
“God designed marriage. Marriage refers to Christ and the church,” he wrote, paraphrasing the Apostle Paul’s teaching in the Book of Ephesians. “That’s why there is no such thing as homosexual marriage.”
The next day, Kersey said he received a phone call from his supervisor, who told him that someone had complained about the post and to take it down.
When Kersey refused, the supervisor warned him that failure to delete the Facebook post on marriage could result in his termination.
Thou shall not offend the delicate sensibilities of the QUILTBAGs.
Sounds like a violation of the free exercise clause.
Fuck him. He works for The State.
24 hrs of Daytona this weekend. I wonder what the weather will be like.
Damn right-wing, white-supremacist terrorists!
Whoa who whoa! Burning cop cars and Wendy’s restaurants is mostly peaceful!
Marina Andreea Baboi | Sprint (100m+200m) | 2021 European Team Championships
My mom told me to be careful around fast girls.
Bournemouth homeowner’s fury over sofa wedged in stairs
Transport Secretary Pete Buttigieg is the top choice of Democrat voters in New Hampshire for the party’s 2024 presidential nomination ahead of Joe Biden.
A Granite State Poll, conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center, of likely Democratic primary voters found that 23 percent want Buttigieg to be the party’s next presidential candidate.
Biden and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren are both tied in second place at 18 percent, and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders at 15 percent.
Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.
LOL. Buttchug can’t even bust out of the margin of error over the walking carcass.
Nothing advances you in government like total incompetence.
Yup. Much easier to get rid of an incompetent by transferring them, and much easier to get them to go along with the transfer if it’s a promotion.
But he has so many great ideas, like equity and stuff!
What a cunte: Louis CK’s open border policy
most comedians are morons when it comes to anything political or economic, even the funny ones.
I don’t know if that’s an excuse to be completely incoherent. I guess he may have been trying to work on a bit idea that was hopelessly going nowhere.
Open borders and locked hotel rooms.
I don’t know, why do the media do such a lousy job?
Trump won just over 1/3rd of the votes cast. True, that was by far the most amongst the crowd of clowns in the field – but consider, almost 2/3rds of Republican primary voters in NH wanted someone other than Trump. That’s hardly a soaring victory, but by god THAT is the narrative.
Trump’s timing in ’16 was impeccable; this time around?
I hope you two have a great anniversary!
Just keep it Pg 13
“Jay Leno, 72, breaks his collarbone by getting ‘clotheslined’ on his vintage motorcycle – as CNBC CANCELS Jay Leno’s Garage”
Maybe it’s for his own safety?
One must give it to the guy he is not slowing down in old age.
Is someone trying to kill him?
Just himself.
Jay is not having a good time of things recently with his toys.
Oy, that is a bad run. I worked through breaking my foot and screwing up my knee so I agree with staying active. But who the Hell is in his video team? Is it just him? Who is looking out for this guy?
Burn your face off and forget being on TV!
Today is my 11th wedding anniversary with Banjos.
Congratulations to you two!
For VA Glibs: I will be passing through on Sunday on my way to NC. It’s short notice, but does anyone want to meet-up at Gourmeltz? I need to iron out some details at my end, and it is eight to nine hours from NH to Gourmeltz, so I’m thinking late afternoon on Sunday.
I am up for it.
Fuck yeah!
Twitter still allows transphobic memes.
Western cultural suicide continues apace.
Not suicide. Murder.
The Campaign to Ban Gas Stoves
Interesting little bit from the “non-partisan” commies at Consumer Reports. (Former pre-internet subscriber.)
They’re not coming for your gas stoves, guns, or children. Trust them.
Today, in transgender news
“Taylor Swift bathes nude in a purple pool and cosies up to trans model Laith Ashley in surreal new music video for Lavender Haze”
“A woman fired from a video game company for following conservative accounts on Twitter says that she follows all stripes of users and tries to leave politics out of the workplace.
Kara Lynne was fired by Limited Run Games earlier this month, after an online outcry led by a trans activist who accused her of being ‘a transphobe who follows a veritable who’s who of right-wing transphobic creeps.’
Lynne was fired on January 6, hours after activist Jessica Blank, a trans woman and activist, who uses the moniker Purple Tinker, publicly accused Lynne of being a ‘transphobe’.
Blank shared screenshots of accounts followed by Lynne and said she would stop shopping with Limited Run games until Lynne, who was the company’s community manager, was fired.
Lynne believes the complaint was triggered because she tweeted her excitement about the release of a new Harry Potter-themed video game, which some people have threatened to boycott because of JK Rowling’s views about trans issues.
Blank tweeted to Limited Run Games complaining that Lynne’s ‘transphobic follows’ included Libs of TikTok, which shares videos made by liberal social media users, YouTuber Blaire White, and right-wing commentator Ian Miles Cheung.”
And this is why you never join a big media platform.
People are going to end up face down.
It worked for “right-wing transphobic creep” Blaire White. That’s how she paid for her surgery.
So after firing the transphobe, how much business did that Purple Tinker guy do with the video game company? In general, did they see sales go up after firing someone?
So one person can get anyone fired?
Lawyers with the “wrong” politics are not allowed to do lawyer things I guess.
Conservative attorney John Eastman is facing disbarment in California. He was among the Trump brain trust concocting plans to challenge the 2020 election.
State bar regulators in California filed for disciplinary action against Eastman on Thursday. They accused him of undermining democracy by formulating legal strategies to overturn the presidential election in favor of former President Donald Trump.
Eastman is facing 11 counts of alleged ethics violations and false statements about the election.
“There is nothing more sacrosanct to our American democracy than free and fair elections and the peaceful transfer of power,” State Bar of California’s Chief Trial Counsel George Cardona said in a statement.
“The Notice of Disciplinary Charges alleges that Mr. Eastman violated this duty in furtherance of an attempt to usurp the will of the American people and overturn election results.”
Call me when Democrats stop questioning every election they lose.
I’m sure CA will file complaints against any Gore 2000 lawyers licensed in the state next.
So, I guess a criminal defense attorney is “undermining justice” when he formulates legal strategies to prevent the conviction of his client.
Only if the client is accused of wrongthink or has been unpersoned.
The Associated Press
Replying to
The use of “the French” in this tweet by @AP
was inappropriate and has caused unintended offense. An updated tweet is upcoming.
We recommend avoiding general and often dehumanizing “the” labels such as the poor, the mentally ill, the disabled, the college-educated. Instead, use wording such as people with mental illnesses. And use these descriptions only when clearly relevant.
the deleted tweet was “Dehumanising labels” such as “the French”.
So, what are we supposed to call them? Snaileaters?
cheese eating surrender monkeys
I will not disparage the act of eating cheese, even if it is French cheeses.
The woke morons at AP are suffering from mental illness.
Black cops, enforcing white laws. Slavery never went away.
Why do all these expressions of systemic racism occur in cities that have been under Democrat control for decades?
*clutches pearls*
During Thursday’s “Morning Joe,” Lincoln Project co-founder George Conway, historian Jon Meacham, and left-wing New York Times editorial board member Mara Gay collectively panned Meta for the move.
Conway said the decision was both “mystifying” and “ridiculous,” adding he was “very worried” about the potential impact on U.S. democracy.
“They think, ‘Well oh, the fire’s out, so even though this guy has a cache of matches and gasoline that he carries around with him, let’s let him just play with matches again,” Conway said.
Trump is a menace to society. He and any/all of his supporters must be silenced for the sake of Democracy.
True democracy means silencing any political opposition so only one side can be heard.
The Texas Triffid Ranch closes tomorrow. Sad. A great place to get carnivorous plants.
“A preschool para, Brenna Percy, at Wolf Swamp Road School in Longmeadow, Massachusetts appears to have filmed content for her OnlyFans on school grounds….
When Libs of TikTok contacted the school to follow up, the secretary said “my jaw is on my desk.” She was absolutely mortified.
This afternoon, the superintendent contacted Libs of TikTok by phone and said “she [Brenna Percy] no longer works for Longmeadow Public Schools.”
victimless let her have her fun
Meh. It was in the bathroom.
She’s only a para. Perks like that are reserved for regular teachers.
Wild. How is this actually different from the example above with the video game lady?
I suppose filming on school grounds should be a no-no, but LIbsofTikTok needs to chill out.
The Alphabet Nazis will never leave this guy alone.
A Colorado baker who refused to make a cake celebrating a “gender transition” has lost an appeal arguing that his decision was protected free speech.
The Colorado Court of Appeals decided on Thursday that Jack Phillips and Masterpiece Cakeshop broke the law when he refused to bake cakes for people based on their gender identity or sexual orientation.
Phillips won a Supreme court case in 2018 over his refusal to bake a cake for a gay wedding. He has since been relentlessly targeted by LGBT activists.
In Thursday’s ruling, the court said that the symbolism in the decorations on the cake requested by activist Autumn Scardina would not be attributed to the baker — and therefore it is not protected free speech to refuse.
Public accommodation laws are unconstitutional, and the activists need to be prosecuted for harrassment of the baker.
Judges are usually pieces of shit aren’t they.
Somebody needs to ask this guy to bake a “white power” cake and watch the courts tie themselves into a pretzel when he refuses.
He should convert to Islam and then refuse to bake that cake. Same reason, but this time his religion is known to be a lot more stabby.
Cut to video of Jack Phillips baking a cake for Autumn Scardina with a cadre of state patrol officers behind him, weapons drawn.
Also I’m sure Autumn Scardina thinks the world is a more compassionate, tolerant place because of her* act.
*okay, whatever
the deleted tweet was “Dehumanising labels” such as “the French”.
This reminds me of the Monty Python bit where they covered cross-border insults; they ended it by saying nobody could think of a more offensive term for Belgians than “Belgian”.
I use “Belch”.
It’s the mo-o-ost wonderful ti-i-ime of the ye-e-ear… when employees (usually young employees) realize they haven’t had nearly enough tax withheld from their pay because of how they filled out their W-4, but somehow that’s our payroll processor’s fault. 🙄
“So what you’re saying is – you’re overpaid and we should pay you less so less gets paid in taxes?”
just send all the money to the government and they will give you back your fair share
I tried to sing that paragraph to the song and it just doesn’t match up.
I’d rather owe the government than give them an interest-free loan.
“The Komodo analysis of insurance claims found 56 genital surgeries among patients ages 13 to 17 with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis from 2019 to 2021. Among teens, “top surgery” to remove breasts is more common. In the three years ending in 2021, at least 776 mastectomies were performed in the United States on patients ages 13 to 17 with a gender dysphoria diagnosis, according to Komodo’s data analysis of insurance claims. This tally does not include procedures that were paid for out of pocket”
I swear I thought “gender dysphoria” had been removed from the lexicon because it referred to denial of reality as pathological.
In Thursday’s ruling, the court said that the symbolism in the decorations on the cake requested by activist Autumn Scardina would not be attributed to the baker — and therefore it is not protected free speech to refuse.
It must hurt like hell to pull something like that out of your ass.
Somehow forcing someone to use such symbols is not compelled speech.
Because FYTW.
It seems that the left is as apt to compel speech as it is to censor it.
Swastika cake for my Ye 2024 announcement party! pronto!
I didn’t read any further, and not just because of the paywall. The utter brutality visited upon poor Sam.
People like him cannot go down in lifestyle
“Tiny towels and stale Wonder Bread…”
There’s nothing ‘right-wing’ about raising the retirement age, whatever Twitter might tell you
“In case you missed it, President Macron is planning to gradually raise the retirement age from currently 62 years to, eventually, 64. This may not sound especially radical but, France being France, it has triggered the usual all-out protests.
Nonetheless, I never quite understood why increasing the retirement age is considered ‘right-wing’ or ‘neoliberal’, and therefore bad, while freezing or lowering it is considered ‘left-wing’, and therefore good. The purpose of a state pension system is not to redistribute from capital to labour, or from rich to poor. It may do a bit of that on the side, depending on how it is designed, and it may be complemented by a means-tested programme which does. But the main purpose of a pension system is intergenerational redistribution, not redistribution between social classes or income groups.
Combined with higher pension levels, this means that the French pension system is substantially more generous than its British counterpart. But that generosity, of course, has to be paid for. France spends a little over 14% of its GDP on old-age benefits in cash and kind, compared to just 6% in the UK. ”
I am sure as population further ages it will be totes sustainable… I mean you can go at least 40% of GDP being pensions I would say
“But the main purpose of a pension system is intergenerational redistribution…”
Yeah. From a poorer demographic to a richer one.
Happy Anniversary, Sloop and Banjos!
I hope you have many. many more!
Florida’s department of education, under the leadership of Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, rejected an Advanced Placement course on African American studies. The decision is leading to a wave of backlash across the country — from other state lawmakers to labor unions and even a potential lawsuit.
“One Governor should not have the power to dictate the facts of U.S. history,” Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, a Democrat, said in letter to the College Board, which develops the AP courses that help high school students across the country earn college credit.
On Wednesday, civil rights lawyer Ben Crump announced that three Florida high school students are prepared to challenge the state’s decision in court.
Becky Pringle, president of the National Education Association, the nation’s largest labor union, was also present when Crump made the announcement.
All the Right People hate him because he won’t let them rewrite history.
I like how they try to frame it as DeSantis trying to dictate the facts of US history. Because the revisionist claptrap they are pushing has nothing to do with facts and everything to do with pushing a political agenda based on made-up bullshit.
Plus DeSantis said there was some gender theory bs baked into the course materials.
“The decision is leading to a wave of backlash across the country — from other state lawmakers to labor unions and even a potential lawsuit.”
Why he should care about other state lawmakers or labor unions, I have no idea.
A court saying that a state department of education has no say over what is taught in government schools will have some interesting, what’s the phrase? Oh, yeah:
Unintended consequences.
Today’s idiots in cars.
Does your husband or father buy you new cars every time you destroy them?
No awareness at all..
Women drivers…
I thought maybe they had video of my wife until she got out of the car.
I love the guy who just walks right past an instant after it happens.
Grifter of the year award.
Tate was going for top G of the year anyways so he can;t be sad he did not win
FACT CHECK: Does Project Veritas Video Show Pfizer Is Mutating COVID?
So, Newsweek watched the video and determined they could not verify anything because they did not try to verify anything.
There is a video. Guy claims he works at Pfizer. Guy claims Pfizer is “mutating” COVID.
They likely could try to verify employment, but verifying what some employees says trying to impress somebody?
I’d go with unverified too.
Unverified, and praying it isn’t true.
I think I’ve seen verification that he does, in fact, work for Pfizer in that role.
As noted yesterday, it is “unverified” because absolutely nobody is trying to verify it. And so our leftist propaganda machine churns on.
Nice. Some of the first decent reporting.
It does make me wonder who he directly works for. Pfizer or BCG?
So, I guess they are moving on from the “Pfizer played Project Veritas” narrative.
I was hesitant to buy in to the original video because it seems too good to be true, and then last night’s seemed a little performative to me, but my feelings don’t really matter. I have not yet seen a debunking.
Apparently the left aren’t the only ones wanting to rewrite history.
Sure, let’s just ignore that South Vietnam was an American puppet regime – corrupt and illegitimate in the eyes of its “citizens”. Gosh, we might even have repeated that pattern in Afghanistan, and still we’re going to insist that we learned the wrong lessons? That our ability to create nations out of whole cloth is undiminished?
Um…”America was steadily on course to lose its first war.”
And North Vietnam was a Chicom and Soviet puppet regime.
That shortly after unification fought a war with the Communist Chinese.
The Soviets offered a better deal.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Sweet boy.
Looks like he’s still around at 15! Thanks, Holiness!
And this is what happens when you hire the wrong people to do infrastructure. I wish that was not a common incident but
eh nothing some duct tape wont fix
Genevieve Roch-Decter, CFA
BREAKING: BuzzFeed will use ChatGPT to create content instead of writers
The stock is up 92% today
The content might actually improve … Stock seems up to 2.6 from 0.9 5 days ago
Oh LORD, why must I have to decide such things? Why do thy priests not command? The unclean surround me! Harken to me oh LORD!
And this is allegedly an intelligent, educated American.
At least it wasn’t cultural appropriation of a Chinese character or word.
I got an upside-down pineapple tattoo — I didn’t know its racy hidden meaning
Or on a pizza.
She’s not wrong…
“I cannot take a job full time and relocate for 85,000[.] That’s below minimum wage in California after taxes. I’m 31. I made more money every other year.”
Her comment on taxes is ironic given her grandfather’s politics. She is right about CA, If I was willing to consider living in CA again, I would require an enormous raise to cover the taxes and cost of living difference.
Somebody needs to go back and take Remedial Panic Mongering. This is NOT how you do it
I mean what a rookie mistake – regardless of age, gender or race – we all know that BIPOC homeless are hardest hit.
It is also shocking that living outdoors in subzero weather might shorten a person’s life.
Well, that and the fucking fentanyl.
One of us?
The system works!
THREAD: Why every American should support banning guns:
As if it wasn’t enough for these lunatics to have guns on the ground, some take them up in helicopters and shoot hogs. I lose sleep at night thinking about those people.
what a pick me chick as the feminists say
I’d let her shoot my Atlas*.
*Not a euphemism**.
**Okay, fine, not only a euphemism.
Steiner Scout Lance?
At least makeup washes off.
Her friend has a nice pair of tactical flip flops for the range.
Lurned a new word today: “Pretendian“….
All I got out of that was everything and everyone mentioned reeked of intellectual fraud.
I got that the demand for minorities exceeds the supply.
Much as the demand for white supremacists exceeds the supply? Strange markets.
The CEO of the Interactive Advertising Bureau, one of the largest groups in adtech, gave a speech on Monday at a $3999 ticket event where he called proponents of privacy laws “extremists” and “radicals,” and listed lawmakers that threatened the industry.
In today’s Morning Tech:
How dare you think you should have privacy when we need your data to make money and properly fist you if you have wrongthink?
You’re a consumer goddammit – act like one!
You’re just not hitting it hard enough
While the recent wave of mass shootings in California may appear the severe gun laws aren’t working, people are not seeing all of the times they do prevent violence, Dr. Amy Barnhorst, associate director for the California Firearm Violence Research Center at the University of California Davis, told ABC News.
“Unfortunately, firearms in this country are so pervasive that it’s going to take a lot to stop it,” Barnhorst said. “The past work of legislation is undoubtedly reducing deaths from firearms.”
California’s gun laws, while wide-reaching, don’t target everyone who is at risk of committing violence, Barnhorst said. For example, California’s background checks dig a little deeper than what’s available in the federal database, so California will catch more at-risk people than other states.
But, the background checks are not going to catch everyone, especially those without a criminal history, those who have never been psychiatrically hospitalized or who don’t meet any of the other criteria for prohibition of owning a gun, she said.
In addition, at-risk purchasers could be answering questions on the background check untruthfully, especially questions regarding substance abuse and mental health problems, Lori Post, director of the Buehler Center for Health Policy and Economics at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, told ABC News.
“I think it just makes common sense that people willing to commit mass shootings are also willing to lie on background checks,” she said.
We have to find a more effective way to make them prove their innocence.
Hunter Biden laughs in California’s direction.
REEEEEEEEEEE my 9yo’s “quiz”
#14 is racist
Minnesoda gets new law to help ameliorate the effects of its
constitutionsuicide pactCan you imagine that the definition of race did NOT include hair? I can’t even.
prohibit hair discrimination when it comes to housing
No hippies.
“in response to reports”
Verified, one assumes. Also, nothing to do with jobs where hair can be a consideration – working around food or heavy machinery, for example. Nosirree, stealth racism is rampant in MN. It’s the only possible explanation.
I’ve been enjoying this. Pre- COVID the standard for vaccine efficacy has been 50%.
Currently, the data could only be fudged up to 48%. Here are the headlines:
New booster falls short on US protection against COVID: CDC report
21 hours ago (New York Post – once again the most accurate)
Good Morning America
New study shows effectiveness of COVID-19 booster
17 hours ago
CDC Study Reports Bivalent Boosters Protect Against COVID-19 Variants
12 hours ago
WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7
Updated COVID-19 boosters cut risk of illness by about half
16 hours ago
The clinical trials were terminated very early. Purely by coincidence, the effectiveness of the vaccine was declining as the trials went on, and was drifting down near the 50% cutoff needed for approval.
(dead thread)
I really need to go back to the trial docs and refresh my memory. I’m almost certain they played the same ‘unvaccinated’ if within 2 weeks of dose game. In the sense that they encourage no follow-up, reporting, or testing if participant was within x weeks of dose as that could be a side effect of the vaccine and not actually covid. If the treatment arm was more likely to get covid after a treatment (as seems to be the case), even treating both arms the same with regard to protocols (as *should* – must – be the case in a blinded trial), that would suppress/remove the elevated illness in the treatment arm and generate vaccine efficacy out of thin air. Combined with staggered trial enrollment (over several weeks, a month?), it seems that essentially *all* the trial vaccine efficacy could be an illusion. And certainly could account for the decreasing ‘efficacy’ – you are getting far enough from enrollment that the ‘gaming’ of the trial by avoiding any reporting within a week or more of treatment (in both arms of the trial) doesn’t hide low efficacy anymore.
Tata Steel, “The Wimbledon* of Chess”, is going on right now. Nodirbek Abdusattorov, an 18 year old Uzbek, ranked 30th in the world, is leading and looks like he is going to win. round 11 of 13 is going on right now. The top two are playing, Giri has white, Nodirbek has black, and looks like he is going to force a draw, at worse. Giri is a 1/2 point behind.
World #1 Magnus Carlsen is tied for 3rd, a full point behind Abdusattorov, having lost to both him and Anish Giri. Giri has a reputation for pulling draws from winning positions, but has been a force in this tournament.
Ding Liren, world #2, and competitor in the World Championship (Carlsen is choosing not to defend his title) later this year is struggling. Score of 4.5 out of 10 so far.
*if you have to compare yourself to another event, you are second rate.
Ended in draw and a player from Netherlands (Giri) and Uzbekistan are analyzing in Russian after the game.
OK, I’ll bite. You need to slap the side of your ChatGPT box, like we used to do on old CRT TVs when they were on the fritz. The names it’s making up aren’t really credible.
Magnus Carlsen sounds like he should be World’s Strong Man instead of World Chess Champion, but its a very Norway name.
Ding Liren is Chinese, so not sure of problem with it.
Anish Giri is from the Netherlands, but has an Indian grandfather, so it works.
And I know nothing about Uzbekistan, so I will believe any name from there.
The top 5 ranked US players:
Hikaru Nakamura (born in Japan)
Fabiano Caruana (born in US, but grew up in Italy)
Wesley So (Phillipines)
Leinier Dominguez Perez (Cuba)
Levon Aronian (Armenia)
#6 is Sam Shankland, who is from Berkeley, which may be the most foreign of them all.
Wesley Make it So
[I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist]
Despite the rigid requirements, the average citizen is still able to buy a gun in California, Lang said.
“Many people will be able to walk into a store, pass a background check and buy a firearm,” Barnhorst said.
Well, Everton may have given themselves a chance of staying up…
By selling Anthony Gordon?
Sean Dyche as manager.
If they use the money to buy someone who can score, sure.
And in other news COPA ’24 will be here! Two major tournaments in two years! Woot!
No mention of the biggest sports story in at least the past decade? I know the SF Niners are not exactly everyone’s favorite around here, but if Purdy can win on Sunday he will be the first rookie QB to ever make the Super Bowl. I actually thought that had happened before, but was just hearing last week that it had not. I love the story, not least that I’m a Niners fan, but that he was missed by every scout (really including the Niners as he was third string). And if he does it he will do it by beating the Iggles.
“but that he was missed by every scout (really including the Niners as he was third string).”
To be fair to these NFL scouts and such, he didn’t really do that much at Iowa State to distinguish himself as anything other than a depth QB.
He’s probably in the right place at the right time, with enough talent around him, the right system and great coaching to exceed expectations.
It would be impressive, but I think the Iggles D-Line is going to get to him and shake Purdy up a bit.
If any team could do it, it would be the Iggles at home. But he has been remarkably composed for all his games this year, even with teams putting up lots of pressure. Sunday should be a great contest.
Personally, I’m more interested in the Chiefs/Bengals game. I think it will come down to how healthy Mahomes is, and if the patchwork O-line the Bengals are using will look as good against the Chiefs as they did against the Bills.
That I can understand with the Ohio angle. I have the Bengals and Niners in a two game moneyline parlay. Should also be an entertaining game. Aside from the money I wouldn’t mind seeing either as a Niners opponent in the SB.
To me it’s another example of the experts getting it completely wrong, and for the same reasons. It’s groupthink and aversion to risk. Purdy had great years at Iowa State (with the exception of his senior year) and four years of college starting play. But it wasn’t the “right” school and he wasn’t the “right” body for the NFL. He has played far better than the Niners other two QB’s, who were both drafted far higher, and with Lance the third overall draft pick.
He had a great sophomore year and then two solid years after. I would’ve ranked him higher than his final draft position compared to other QBs, but maybe a 5th rounder instead of a 7th?
Sorry, I have to root for the Iggles over SF.
We apologize for the inconvenience
Haitian police officers on Thursday blocked streets and forced their way into the country’s main airport to protest the recent killing of officers by armed gangs expanding their grip on the Caribbean nation.
Protesters in civilian clothes who identified themselves as police first attacked Prime Minister Ariel Henry’s official residence, according to a Reuters witness, and then flooded the airport as Henry was arriving from a trip to Argentina.
Henry was temporarily stuck in the airport, but returned to his residence in Port-au-Prince later on Thursday, followed by police protesters. A Reuters witness heard heavy gunfire near his home.
Haiti’s National Police and the Prime Minister’s Office did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Roads around Port-au-Prince and in several cities to the north were blocked by protesters.
A group of U.S. government officials were visiting Haiti at the time, and a U.S. State Department spokesperson said all Washington’s personnel were accounted for and they had moved some meetings as a precaution.
Don’t call it a failed state. That would be racist.
jobs where hair can be a consideration – working around food or heavy machinery
Go ahead- let your freak flag fly while you’re running that lathe.
It wouldn’t hurt my feelings if the ’49ers won it all.
I think I have to go Bengals because they’ve never won it, even though I am not a Bengals fan. I like Joe Burrow, though.
If the Bengals face the 49ers, it will be their 3rd Super Bowl versus each other, and 4-for-4 in the Bengals facing teams from the NFC West.
I’m learning how to use a 3d mouse and this is how it’s going
The mean IQ of an American with a graduate degree has plummeted over the decades and is now barely above the US white average.
Tell me something I don’t know.
My middle name is Meredith.
The average cat’s reaction time is approximately 20-70 milliseconds, which is faster than the average snake’s one (44-70 ms). The average human one is not less than 250 ms
swat that snake cat
Young men rated their own IQ significantly higher than women of the same age, while at an older age women rated their intelligence higher than men.
Dead thread, but obligatory: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mAHfo49iN1w
The clinical trials were terminated very early. Purely by coincidence, the effectiveness of the vaccine was declining as the trials went on, and was drifting down near the 50% cutoff needed for approval.