In the future, we will all wear neck scarves like Fred from Scooby Doo.
Welcome to Tinfoil Hat Thursday. Today, another historic film which everyone references, but may not have seen. This is a film that stopped getting shown on network and cable TV much like last week’s post of Network. Soylent Green seems to have been replaced with endless Planet of the Apes marathons whenever a channel wants to have a dystopian future day. Why would that be? Is Soylent Green perhaps a little too close to the actual future? Try to ignore the whole climate change angle and look at it this way:
There is a group of elites who built their own luxury fortified buildings, with their own police force. The rabble was left on the street to cope with the consequences of the elites’ bad governance. Also keep in mind the elites today, like in this movie, use the shibboleth of climate change to force the populace into bad decisions. Sound familiar?
This is based on a Harry Harrison novel entitled “Make Room! Make Room!” Is the book better than the movie? Of course it is. Very few movies can every convey the complexity of ideas in a book. As a result quite a lot of reviews I read didn’t like Soylent Green. It’s a dog’s dinner of reasons, from “The book was better” to “Should have focused more on climate change.” Look. Movies will never contain the complexity of a book. Movies have a short timeframe to be entertaining. Soylent Green focused on overpopulation and useless, bumbling elites. And cannibalism. Modern society solved the food crises, at least until the past few years when politicians have gone out of their way to undo that. So now what does our future hold? Soylent Green or crickets?
One side note, a useful tool I have been using to determine where I can watch or buy a movie from is JustWatch.com. It tells you which streaming service carries the movie of your choice. It also tells you the price if you are renting or buying. Really handy.
Since we are on the Internet Archive this film may not be repeatable. Things come and go on there all the time. So enjoy this while you can. Also, you’ll most likely be watching on your PC instead of a nice flat screen. This is the price you pay sometimes. It will be worth it.
So Watch! Or Don’t! Everything is voluntary… Until the president says it isn’t. Next week, we have a really, really big show! It’s time to watch ZARDOZ as we wrap up Tinfoil Hat Thursdays. That’s right! We are watching ZARDOZ! Break out the mankinis and throw away the grooming tools! That will also be our last visit to Internet archive for a while (collective sigh of relief).
IMPORTANT NOTE: Internet Archive is a little wonky. It is unlikely the movie will play the first time ‘Play’ is clicked. Be patient, you may have to try up to three times to get it to start playing the film. Chrome, Safari or FireFox are recommended. Microsoft browsers get grouchy. This movie will play, it was tested by the crack GlibFlick team over Christmas break. This is the only way I can get some of these films, so I apologize for any inconvenience.
Someone playing Asteroids in 2022?
Heck yes. I have a cocktail game table with Asteroids. That was my favorite in my youth.
Does it take much to keep it running?
Set it on free play, unless kids come over. Then I ca usually make about $4. Since it is a Linux-based JAMMA with a LCD it is about 50W which is pretty low consumption. The originals are like plugging i a hair dryer.
I have to get this keyboard fixed. The ‘N’ key is basically kaput.
You could swap that out for a Raspberry Pi with MAME and have thousands of arcade titles in one device. Power consumption would probably be about the same though.
I see now that the JAMMA boards use MAME as the cart backend, so nevermind.
Next week I’ll slap a bitch in honor of Connery.
This week I’ll just run around yelling about the end of the world in honor of Heston. So petty much like every other day.
Excellent. Next week will be a festival of links and facts. I want to send off Tinfoil hat Thursday in style.
Ya’know, Tinfoil hat Thursday all but screams for Signs.
It will be back! Round two will happen probably early this summer. I have a string desire for some kung fu, and some sleazy B movies for at least a while. Then some westerns, some Italian space operas….
Then Tinfoil Hat Theater will be back. Just in time for lots of bad Biden news.
Bad-Biden news
Bad Biden-news?
Wilkommen von Baden-Baden
I’m gonna plug Trancers again.
So very 80s
On Tubi, last I looked.
To be fair, that’s just days that end in “y”
Dave Chappelle approves.
Don’t you mean Wayne Brady?
” It is unlikely the movie will play the first time ‘Play’ is clicked. Be patient, you may have to try up to three times to get it to start playing the film.”
You can also download it instead.
Very true, I post that for the less technically inclined Glibs and lurkers.
“Klaus Schwab’s so-called “useless eaters” become canned goods in Soylent Green.”
Worked for me on 2nd click.
Good. It was really great revisiting films I hadn’t seen in at least a decade. This one was really interesting. I didn’t remember all the climate propaganda.
You know, when I remember it, I always just remember the ‘Soylent Green is People!’ and ‘It’s a Cookbook!’. Did that actually happen? I guess I’d better watch it again…
I thought “it’s a cookbook” was Twilight Zone.
It was. To Serve Man. That was the last line of the episode as the tall weird aliens shoved the now panicking humans into their space ship.
Hah! You are right, not sure why I associate those 2 things together.
I was playing Centipede (actually Millipede) earlier today. But this is a great movie, and you can Google yourself.
I have a trackball but it seems to require constant maintenance,. It gets all jaggy and jumpy. I have yet to open it and see what the problem is.
If they are anything like trackball mice you have to clean the sensor wheels.
Soylent Grün ist ein Produkt aus Menschenfleisch.
*Puts on black cowboy hat
*Waves back and forth like a field full of wheat
Rosary beads and a gas mask or GTFO.
Fishnet shirt ad bondage pants or GTFO
lol I miss clubbing. I didn’t do any of that silliness but I love the music.
I did. I miss the music and dancing. And the music.
I looked absolutely ridiculous when I tried. I mean, more ridiculous.
I just don’t have the “look” that can pull that off.
I went from fishnet shirt to fat cowboy with black hat. I knew then it was time to stop.
Yeah 🤔 I didn’t see a lot of cowboys in that scene.
BTW *hawt*
I was! So when guys got older and fatter they started wearing black t shirts with bands on them with black cowboy hats. Definitely a Southern gothic thing. I just couldn’t be that guy.
I found an old picture of R.J. in his clubbing goth cowboy days:
*stomps and pretends it’s dancing*
I used to go crazy to that song. Soooo good.
Does anyone remember the Phil Hartman skit on SNL where he parodied several Heston movies with them all ending with the “ solvent Green is people line?
The movie is pretty good. I did like that as cops they were allowed to just steal stuff from peoples houses whenever they wanted. Kit was a perk of the job and no one was really concerned about it.
I have never seen that. This is what is great about the Glibs – Learning and growing. Is this it?
That’s part of it. They blocked the whole skit. Hartman was great!
As a Firster, I reject all notions of personal growth. I am not traveling. I have always already arrived.
I Firsted hours ago -without making a big deal out of it- and here we are still waiting for you. Pretty fucking lame, Brosecondward
The fake blood in 70s/80s movies often was too bright red. At the point in time in which Heston enters the apartment to see the body, a lot of the blood would’ve soaked into Simonson’s navy blue jacket.
Also not crazy about Heston’s wardrobing. The scarf/dopey hat thing doesn’t really work for an enforcement figure.
See the song link in the photo subtitle. That should give you a chuckle.
I love when the actors in “futuristic” movies have hair and dress identical to the year the movie was filmed.
“Of course men will still be wearing ascots I mean come on.”
The 70’s were really bad about that. I have some primo Italian space operas lined up (plus Flesh Gordon) that really prove your point.
I had to watch Bonnie & Clyde (Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty) for film class. I wrote my paper on Faye’s anachronistic costuming.
Bonnie & Clyde didn’t look anything like Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty.
I was interested in all the fake Bonnie and Clyde “death cars” all over the nation. There are several within driving distance here.
“Had to watch it”
C’mon! It’s not like you had to watch “Fauchi.”
I had to watch “Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines” in my film class.
No, when I say “I had to watch it,” what I mean is, that class bored me to fucking tears and I got a D on a paper because I didn’t regurgitate what the professor said about Scarface (1932), and argued with the TA about it. From there on out, I made sure to do my papers on ancillary topics of interest, so I couldn’t be accused of non-regurgitation if I opined on themes and motifs. So I chose wardrobe rants, set construction observations, and writing/pacing a screenplay. I can’t remember what I did with Sunset Boulevard.
That sounds shockingly familiar to my class. You can probably imagine what I wrote on papers.
To be fair. I was working 50 hours a week graves, and taking 15 hours, and my dad had just died. The film class was held in the art house theater in town. I sat in the back on the floor, where it was dark and cozy, so I did, in fact, miss most of the lectures because I was asleep. I watched the movies on the VCR later.
I was invited to leave class. It blew my GPA. I didn’t mean to dredge up memories.
Oh, no, you’re fine! I just look back on that film class with a smirk and a SMDH. It was my penultimate semester and a class I needed to graduate. The narrowness of what was acceptable thematic interpretation was breathtaking. I don’t remember having another class where the accepted interpretation was so tight. So I got to senior after 9 years of bouncing around unis, colleges, and classes before I ran up against “regurgitate or fail.”
It took me 7 years to get my Bachelors Degree in Mechanickle Enginerding. To be fair, I sometimes worked 3 jobs while going to school.
I had a lot of worthless credits that didn’t transfer (religion, from BYU mostly) and I had a lot of artsy fartsy credits just because they were things I wanted to take. I also had a few credits before I changed my major from accounting to English secondary education and then just to English. So, I ended up with 180 credit hours total.
*raises hand*
It took me five years. My majors went from architecture to geography to linguistics & German. After I flunked out of the first two I figured it was time to concentrate on something(s) I was good at just to get the hell out of there without completely embarrassing myself.
Heh. I was an average B student majoring in… nothing really. I was still officially undeclared when I got a part time job at a used book store, fell in love with the business of books and dropped out. I am still not sure if it was the best or worst decision I ever made.
Yeah, I went 6 years, changed my major 3 times, then dropped out because I just couldn’t do it anymore.
I was a stubborn fucker. Knew my major from the day I started, never wavered, finished in 3.5 years. Fat lot of fucking good it did me.
I do recall watching Un Chien Andalou in film class.
Slicing up eyeballs ho ho ho ho!
My film nerd housemate had that so yeah.
Debaser was the first Pixies track I ever listened to, besides the clip of Where Is My Mind at the end of Fight Club. What an opener. Then again that whole album is terrific, with the unfortunate exception of Kim Deal’s sole songwriting contribution.
Ascots are timeless male accessories.
Can you dig it?
Don’t touch my ascot,
Don’t pull my ascot,
You can’t touch my ascot ‘cause girl, it’s mine…
This reminds me of a neckerchief.
My song link under the photo was to the KISS/Scooby Doo crossover. It’s impossible to discuss ascots without Fred.
OK, Fred.
Opinion on dickeys?
They’re great. I think I’ve seen them five times.
If having a roll of fabric around your neck is that important, it should be attached to a shirt.
Now that I think about it, they are the gateway drug to popped collars. Just say no to bad clothing.
The worst innovation of the 80s by a wide margin.
*insert 4X popped collar gif
I would have gone with leg warmers or parachute pants.
Gustave apparently can’t touch this.
I’ll bet you hate merkins too.
14. The Dickey
I can’t help but MST3K stuff like this.
John Harbaugh after firing his offensive coordinator (the 6th of his tenure in Baltimore):
“This is gonna be a highly sought after job. This is one of the top football coaching jobs in the world. Everybody’s going to want this job.”
Yea…everyone is looking to take a job where you have a RB as a QB, a place where WR’s don’t want to play because of Jackson despite everyone protesting that it isn’t true and even then…you don’t even know how long you’ll have Jackson for. So you have to design an offense around him and his limited ability as a thrower, and he could be gone in a year. Or this off-season. Coaches are just lining up for that chance to be fired in 2 years.
Harbaugh claims Jackson will have input in the hiring process. All sounds legit.
Bigger asshole: John or Jim Harbaugh?*
*Tie. They are both top shelf fuckwads
Urban Meyer.
Wow, I didn’t realize that was Edward G. Robinson.
Thanks, RJ 🙂
Great choice RJ. This is such a 70s movie. I’m glad you found it.
I last watched it 35+ years ago. I missed it tonight, but it’s added to the list. Thanks RJ!
Don’t any of y’all work? Now be quiet, I’m gonna watch the canning of Klaus’s useless eaters…
Good movie, good choice.
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
It’s people.
Spoiler alert:
Using the Oakland Raiders for crowd control was a novel invention.
Did it say this takes place in 2022?
NYC 40 million people, not one cell phone. Imagine that. Screens are kind of smaller than I remember from 2022…
After eating those 30 million downstaters, the survivors could afford the phones and bigger screens.
Looks like last year to me.
Sir Digby isn’t here to present this feel good story so I will.
‘Brian maintained a cool head under pressure, telling Fox 10 that as a graveyard shift worker he “trains” for this, keeping vigilant with situational awareness and weapons training.’
I love these stories. I mean, it sucks to be put in that situation, but it is reassuring that some people are able to deal with these shit situations.
Hola – back online for a few days before I go on travel (multiple inspections) for the next few months. Can probably post via my tablet or phone, but I never log in via my govt laptop even if I read there.
Listening to a lot of Adam Carolla again – new show format is working pretty well with returning guests/comedians as co-hosts, etc. Some good interviews the last few days. This one I heard a couple days ago is excellent: https://youtu.be/2qPAYdeZurs?t=3457
Going a completely different direction (seeing folks keep posting Muppet references the last few days) – watched this youtube documentary series on Jim Henson last week – really nice production that covered a lot of history with great context and clips.
Haven’t listened to many episodes without Bryan & Gina so far – I’m definitely going to miss that format (a good drop would always make me laugh), but we’ll see; my podcast listening is down in general right now.
Why are they off the show?
Adam pivoted during the new year; those two are gone, Adam says it wasn’t for cause but he’s going to move, his divorce has turned ugly, etc.
I haven’t dug into itt much but it may be cost-cutting by Adam; also, Bryan hqs not been sounding great – I suspect his brain tumor has started growing again. If Bryan’s departure is, sadly, inevitable this might be a better way to change format than having Bryan die in the saddle.
Ugh. Let’s hope it’s a better year for everyone.
Good to know judges are mind readers of intent.
Most likely frivolous but if a judge allows it to move forward, how is Trump punished?
Why are you offended by this? Judges or juries are regularly called on to determine the level of intent i.e., negligence, recklessness, wantonness, vexatious, bad faith, etc.
A million dollar sanction for making “bad faith” accusations that fit known public facts seems pretty whimsical, especially when you consider that Dominion is currently poised to succeed in their suit against Fox News and Sydney Powell for $1.6B worth of “defamation” for accusing them of the exact same things prominent Democrats and left-wing media figures spent a decade accusing Diebold of doing back when “selected not elected” was still a thing.
If Trump didn’t want Hillary and the FBI to conspire to ruin his administration, he just shouldn’t have been so dastardly. No damages here…
Well we know that can’t be true…
This is bonkers.
Good God SF tossed the bones and we had this yesterday
‘That’s nonsense. He doesn’t explain what “applications” he’s talking about or what the justification for his claim is. But if that number had any reality, it’s probably people restarting careers and businesses after the pandemic. Biden himself has done nothing to help small businesses. If anything, all he has done is hurt businesses with increased regulation, encouraging COVID mandates, and inflation — making everything they need cost more’
This is correct, we started a ‘new’ business (incorporating in a new state) because of COVID madness. Also, anyone making 600+ on Etsy- one new business created right there!
‘By the way, his bacon cheeseburger and french fry lunch was $15.75, with bacon $2.00 and likely more expensive because of Bidenflation.’
Eh, thats sadly not even that much more than from a fast food chain. I would have pointed that out if I was redstate. Try to get a double cheseburger and large fries- you’ll be paying something like $12, right?
Fuck you squirrels.
Don’t you people wash yer hands?
Meh, its good for you. Don’t be such a pussy.
‘Morning buddy.
“7-Eleven stores play loud classical music to deter homeless”
Classy, too.
Not a big fan of opera, the story about the store in Orlando trying that and then getting shut down… maybe do your job, police.
Rock on peeps.
Where’s Evan?
I thought you were joking.
‘Evansville police and Vanderburgh County sheriff’s deputies responded to a report of an active shooter in the store at around 10 p.m., Gray said.’
Hope he wasn’t around for this.
The war on gas ramps up locally.
“ With new reports highlighting potential health hazards of gas stoves, and the Port Richmond gas explosion earlier this year, Philadelphians are thinking more about the safety of gas utilities in their homes and communities.”
I hate “journalists.”
Yeah, what a load of shit. If they can scrape up more than a half-dozen people clamoring for the utopia of scratching in the dirt, I’ll eat my hat.
Gaslight, gaslight, gaslight
Philadelphians are thinking more about
the safety of gas utilities in their homes and communities.”getting caught in a crossfire during a gang dispute.right?
Probably about 300x more likely.
Good luck with that.
OFFS. NYC has been trying to push this for years. The bins appeared a few years ago in front of the row of flats around the corner where I used to live. Dunno if anyone is using them. But even our eggheads haven’t figured out how to punish apartment dwellers in larger buildings, thank goodness, because there is no fucking way I am going to comply with something so ridiculous.
Dunno if anyone is using them.
The local rats probably are. Feed Rodentia!
I saw one the size of a football the other day fleeing from the gigantic piles of garbage bags in front of my building into the half-torn down lot next door that has been inactive for the last year and a half. Whee!
Mornin’, reprobates!
Morning Grossy.
I’ve always thought those tech companies had too many employees (and too well compensated…) but this can’t be a good sign for the economy. *buckles up*
I need to crank out a new article, before it becomes old news.
Someone had a good question/point: ‘Bet they still are hiring H1-Bs.’
How do companies justify keeping H1B workers while doing layoffs? Obviously in libertopia you wouldn’t need no papers to work, but it certainly makes one wonder about the spirit of the law, if not the letter.
Damn. On the plus side, maybe recruiters will stop annoying me. Who needs a dinosaur when the job market is flooded with young talent?
Imagine a witty comment was posted here. It was lost in the ether.
Also good morning.
*Imagines witty comment*
Ackchually . . . .
*picks pedantic nit with imaginary witty comment*
The tech industry, and particularly the software sector, has been very bloated for a very long time. Those jobs truly are susceptible to AI replacement.
This concerns me more: https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/manufacturing-pmi
A majority of Americans rate healthcare in the United States as substandard for the first time, according to a new Gallup poll released Thursday.
Times have changed. In the bad old days, if you had a fever, cough, and runny nose, you’d go to the doctor’s office for evaluation. But nowadays, only the health are permitted to come for an office visit. Sick? We’ll set up a telemed session, and send you to the ER if you look really bad.
Wait, I thought Obamacare fixed everything!
Fuck the ghost of John McCain with a rusty chainsaw. I’ll piss on his grave if I ever come across it.
By fixed do you mean rigged?
Could COVID theater have played a part?
Nah… no way
That will have a great chilling effect on the health-industrial complex over the next few years. People are going to just say “fuck it” and not go to the doctor at all until death beckons. On the plus side, it will make people take back personal responsibility for their health, instead if outsourcing to doctors and pills. I am curious to see what that will do to the pharma industry. It won’t be pretty.
I appreciate your optimism.
Maybe Big Pharma won’t have enough money to bombard people with advertisements anymore. I don’t have eczema or HIV.
🎶 Things are gettin’ clearer, every day! 🎶
*Hulk smash*
I haven’t been to a doctor in probably 9 years. See no reason to do so, as I haven’t had any health issues.
Good morning, ‘patzie, Scruuffyy, R.J., Lack, rhy, and Sean!
Day Two of my impromptu vacation while I wait for a new wheel for my Subaru. Sean – the dealer ended up referring me to a wheel & rim place they use, and I did inquire about the possibility of repair. Based on the photo I sent them, they said no could do, but the new wheel isn’t going to end up costing too hatefully – a bit over $200 plus tax. They said they should get the wheel Monday.
Not much more than a repair. “Lucky” you.
Did you curb it?
A rim with low profile tires can shatter in a big pothole. Doesn’t even take a curb. I am curious what happened.
Hit a nasty pothole – it was after dark, so I didn’t see it.
$200, could be worse.
the dealer ended up referring me to a wheel & rim place they use,
What’s the going rate for a rim job?
Laughter is good before work begins. Thanks! Off to another long day.
$20, same as downtown.
One place inflation hasn’t hit?
Morning ma’am.