Seems like this would be difficult to coverup.
Bonus Short: Censored
Welcome to Tinfoil Hat Thursday! Tonight: Secret government agencies. Diseases jumping from one species to the next. Coverups. All words we are used to hearing over the past few years. But you haven’t heard those words in conjunction with mountain trolls have you? Mountain trolls can be quite dangerous, and have to be kept from the public. “What you don’t know, can’t hurt you.” Or can it? You never know what you may find, when you start poking around. Maybe some distant relatives of STEVE SMITH? You might want to put some tinfoil over your butt to protect that too…
We’ve had at least two bigfoot films in the last six months so I took a slightly different cryptid* track this time and posted a movie about trolls. This movie is quite good. This time, I promise it is a dubbed version. This movie was written and directed by André Øvredal, who has directed other classics such as Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, a movie some of you might recognize. This was his second film to direct and write. His first was Future Murder, for which sadly, I cannot find any information. It takes a tremendous amount of dedication to write and direct and I salute him for that. Our subject tonight, as mentioned, is trolls in Norway. They exist, and hunters keep them away from the city folk. “Out of sight, out of mind,” as socialist twats are fond of saying (and practicing). Stay until the end to see clips of politicians in Norway talking about the menace of trolls.
So let the sparks fly as spoiled city folk meet secret government agents and hunt for cryptids. What will happen next? You must watch and see! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary… For now. Next week, we are getting in the limo and heading across the tracks to the Internet Archive to watch a classic film about the sleazebags who try to shape our culture – Network.
*As of 01/04/2023, Stanford has now banned the use of the words cryptid, butt, and Norway. I am a rebel! However they now unbanned the term ‘America.’ What will those asshats do next?
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
*hits play*
“Diseases jumping from one species to the next.”
That happens all the time.
Doctors said after Damar Hamlin awakened last night, he asked in writing who won the game. Doctors told him: “Yes, you won. You’ve won the game of life.”
So…we had to delay the game out of respect for a guy who seemingly expected the game would have been played without him. And it’s supposed to warm my heart that doctors condescendingly told him that he won…the game of life.
I wonder if he picked college or career?
Doctors are patronizing like politicians are dishonest. Roll with it.
Sounds about right.
I think it was sharp for him to have expected the game to go on.
I’m okay they didn’t play that night. They should have played it the next day. My husband just told me the talk is, it’s not going to get played at all.
No, it won’t. People will be pissed, and will be prevented from saying so because reasons.
Bills might lose the top seed despite beating KC earlier in the year if they go based on winning percentage. Simply because they would have played one fewer game.
However it ends up the seeding will be questionable now. Both the Bengals and the Bills have the tiebreaker against KC. They should have played the game the next day.
I’ve ranted on this endlessly…if the story about Hamlin is true, it reinforces everything I’ve been saying. Everything going on is performative nonsense. It has nothing to do with respect for the guy who was hurt and everything to do with people indulging in their own emotions…which seems to be the only thing we value as a society these days.
I think you are preaching to the choir on that point.
“This time, I promise it is a dubbed version.”
Not mine. Which is good. I prefer subs. But it means I’m going to comment less to keep both eyes on the screen, since like 99.99% of the planet, I don’t understand Norwegian.
There were so many gripes about the dubbed film last time!
I will not let that stop me from posting another in the future though.
I mean subbed. Damn my fingers.
Also, if you want an original language version with subtitles it is out there on TUBI.
Hear, hear. Dubbing is only a tiny step above the laugh track.
When I was 5 I played our VHS copy of the dubbed version of King Kong vs. Godzilla at least three times a week.
Speaking of laugh tracks…
Lots of awkward pauses,
LOL.The Big Bang Theory is even worse.
Seinfeld, on the other hand, is actually better without the laugh track, IMO.
The Big Bang Theory is unwatchable. It’s like Two and a Half Men without beautiful women.
My tubi had both so I was able to pick the subbed one.
Sorry, Running late.
For next week, and a few times beyond that, I will be taking us to Internet Archive for our movies. I tested it with the crack GlibFlick crew – it does work, but you may have to press play a number of times before the movie actually starts.
The final week of January will be a very special movie, should we have no problems with viewing films in Internet Archive.
I’m going to dive into the short. I’ve got a Zoom to join at about 9, so I will wait until tomorrow to watch the main feature.
Oh. The short really is short. I’ll dive into the main feature next.
Yes, it was.
Those government censors are way too efficient.
But.. nice pinup pics.
Sally Lou looks yummy.
I am going to try and find more clean copies of “Private SNAFU.” It covered censorship, spying, vaccines, all kinds of relevant subjects. It also tended to be more adult.
Diving into the main event…
In true fashion, my link to a site that had tinfoil hat instructions has been “Taken down for maintenance.”
I’ve seen this flick a few times. It’s good, clean, silly fun. My only points of contention are (1) As R.J. mentioned, the sheer size of some of these creatures makes the idea of them never being observed in some way up until modern days by rural residents kinda absurd. Yes they only go out at night, doesn’t matter when they’re towering over tree lines. (2) The Troll Hunter was kinda a villain himself. He obviously was jaded with the whole experience so he didn’t care if the secret leaked out but by allowing the kids to tag along he not endangered their lives while he did his job(with predictable consequences) but he also had to know what kind people he worked for and what they might be capable of doing to those kids to keep their silence. Bit of a dick move if you ask me.
Regarding #2, he is a government employee.
Hard to argue with that.
*gölf cläp*
(I have no idea what diacritical marks would make sense there)
Yours is more Swedish. You want gølf clåp.
Møtørhead not Motörhead. Am I doing it right?
Gotta drop. I’ll finish this tomorrow.
Thanks RJ!
I spent a summer in Norway at the tender age of 17. I got steeped in troll lore while I was there, most of which is based on this 19th century artists work which I absolutely feel in love with. That and the Norwegian girls weren’t bad either.
Can confirm the movie is a winner.
IMHO Norwegians tend to be on the attractive side.
Tall, blonde, busty. It was pleasant realizing that a shy, kinda awkward teenage kid can have an away team advantage.
I’d like to hear about the teenage Norwegian girls.
Not much to tell if I’m honest. Other than some ego boosting attention (I was virtually ignored by girls in high school) and one summer camp fling (a beautiful girl that looked vaguely like Bridgette Wilson-Sampras). Very innocent overall. It’s a pleasant memory.
I appreciate your honesty even if I didn’t get a Q worthy story.
It seems like the perfect story for Glibs.
Let us live vicariously through you.
/fondly remembers the Dutch and Swedish exchange counselors at a YMCA camp in Northern Minnesoda.
/recalls a tall tale about apple butter being used as lube in the camp’s sauna. I filled the apple butter jars in the kitchen and noticed one missing.
Lol, I’m the last guy who you should look to for vicarious sex romps. I didn’t hit my stride until my late 20’s and even then there isn’t much to write home about.
/please don’t infer any tones of self pity, I’m happily married at 40 and wouldn’t change a thing
Well there goes our family friendly, you absolute degenerate.
This is great.
That is some weird ass furry porn, Hype.
/Not judging
/backs away slowly so as not to provoke the prey instinct and to preserve the elasticity of my sphincter.
You have to work that into a Sunday post.
Croatian bear, very close!
Norway is not brutal
They should try the Canadian healthcare system.
God, I loved that show.
Don’t understand Norwegian? pretty sure most of you can get these 4:
sardin; buss; arrestert; (dynamo, generator). Here’s a hint – don’t think too hard, maybe add or subtract a letter or two
So stop saying you don’t understand Norwegian, CP. You just don’t understand very much Norwegian.
Whatever, I’mma go watch the movie now.
Like all Germanic languages, there is a large overlap on basic vocabulary. So listening to Norwegian you will definitely catch a word here and there.
But English diverges more than the others. It helps if you know German – then you’ll catch a few more words. But to my ear, Norwegian much like Danish sounds as if the people are speaking it around marbles in their mouths.
Very disappointed that this wasn’t posted yet.
Does no one else fill in for Ted?
Peak Beatles – I like.
Indeed. There was a vid of a guy speaking Old English to a Frisian. They didn’t seem to have trouble communicating, although that may have been the subject matter (the guy wanted to buy a Brown cow.)
True, heavily influenced by Old French from the Norman invasion.
So you’re saying the French are still fucking with us?
Always. Always. On the other hand, it’s easier for those who want to learn Latin to do so because of that.
Yah northern German has a lot of sound differences from Hochdeutsch that are similar to English.
Milch becomes milk, Pfennig becomes penny, that sort of thing.
What I don’t understand about french…
where does it come from?
That whole area was part of Germanic conquests, right? (Clovis dynasty) Is it just more latin influenced mix of Germanic languages? Other romance languages seem very close e.g. Spanish, Italian & Portuguese are almost mutually intelligible.
Southern France has dialects that look more like Spanish or Italian. I think French diverged more after Paris became the center of culture there.
I’m not certain but I don’t think there’s much Germanic influence in the language.
That is what I don’t understand.
It certainly doesn’t *seem* similar on my completely pedestrian understanding to Germanic languages, despite having good reasons be heavily influenced by same. From where do the differences arise?
It almost seems… a linguistic island? Why did it change so much more than the other romance languages?
It didn’t change that much more, especially if you look at the spelling. The pronunciation, maybe. I think the distance of Paris from Rome is enough to account for that, and the fact that people didn’t move around that much.
It was some sort of gothic (Visigoth? Ostrogoth?)/Latin hybrid.
But the Goths were Germanic as well.
Wiki says French is the most (or one of the most?) divergent (from latin) romance languages. Though they don’t say where that comes from, unless it is just being a far-flung province compared to the Mediterranean. The thing I don’t understand about that…. is the theory that colony languages develop slower relative to the origin country. (e.g. British English has changed more than American English)
So when does the ‘fast mutator center’ apply to a diverging tongue? Paris became the cultural focal point of the French and the driver of the language at some point.
In my totally uninformed opinion, I thought the Romance languages (including French) were derived from Latin. So France, Italy, Spain, Portugal all speak languages derived from Latin because the Roman Empire was there long enough that it became the root of their language. Germany and points North and East, the Roman Empire wasn’t there long enough, so their language didn’t become a Romance language.
They say you can always tell a Norwegian, but you can’t tell him much.
Hollywood keeps casting Awkwafina as a love interest in films. She isn’t good looking. She isn’t sexy. She isn’t charismatic or likeable.
It’s inexplicable outside diversity.
Meh, I have no idea who she is but a Google image search shows she’s attractive enough.
If you like amorphous women who have to cake their face in make-up to look presentable, then sure.
Again, if she was actually quirky and funny (which seems to be what they are casting her for), that’d be one thing. But she isn’t.
Whaddya mean? She wrote a rap song called My Vag! (It’s about her vagina! Get it? Because male rappers rap about their dicks! It’s brave and transgressive and quirky and hilarious!)
Vagina Monologues was tired 25 years ago. Don’t anthropomorphize your body parts.
Did Joy Behar blame tackle football popularity on straight men and conservatives? I guess, in her view, the only contact sports that should be played are those favored by gays, lesbians, and etc.? At least she hasn’t (to my knowledge) begun to circulate petitions to ban football or have antinfl mobs disrupt tailgate parties.
The progressive dream is for football to be supplanted by soccer in this country.
Without fail, when something bad happens on a football or when a player does something off it, the toxic aspects of the sport are thrown in the faces of the fans. And as stated in earlier rants on this subject, most of those types of rants, at least when coming from the proggie sports journalists, is to assuage the guilt of the white prog beta male.
“have antifa mobs disrupt tailgate parties”
Please, please let it be so. The should start at an Eagles game.
Hasn’t Philly had enough homicides lately?
Define ‘enough’ keeping antifa in mind.
My wife goes off on this:
Its too violent, etc.
Okay, but no one is holding a gun to their heads.
/used to play rugby, violence is fun!
Off topic news update:Generalissimo Kevin McCarthy is *still* not the speaker of the house
This is basically what our actual elections have been turned into. They just keep casting ballots until they get the results they want.
McCarthy could end this very easily, but doing so would require actual compromise and leadership ability that he doesn’t possess.
There is only one way out.
Well, politicians really just are the most self-important actors, and Liam Hemsworth did say he’d only come back to Thor if the character was done completely differently. He didn’t want to rule Asgard, but what about mankind?
Realizing belatedly that a guy who weirdly invited me out for lunches and gifted me books was probably a gay man who wanted some of this.
Then realizing it took me fifteen years to realize this, and naivety has a shelf life. At some point, it’s just I’m dumb.
Then realizing I was the dumb arm candy.
Then remembering one of the books he gifted me was Paul Johnson’s Modern Times, and I don’t know what to make of that.
Look at you being gigilo material. Show off.
Why did you change your handle?
I still have the copy and it does not have a library sleeve or any stamps. It has a dust jacket. This wasn’t a drive-by homosexual pickup, and even if it was, why Paul Johnson?
Anyway, thinking of gifting my nieces and nephews a copy of Paul Johnson’s Modern Times, in a vain attempt to counteract what I fear are irreconcilable differences with conservatism that they’ll have picked up by the time they, too, will be obliquely propositioned by gay men to have lunch, and will, in retrospect, seemingly coquettishly treat as actual lunch rather than what it actually was.
That gay man has a story about this really dense straight guy he tried to seduce once upon a time who just seemed more interested in free drinks and his burger.
Right?? We went out more tha
I mean, we met up more than once.
I don’t come off as gay to you, do I? Do chicks think I’m gay? Is that why I’m single?
You never know, maybe the guy actually was straight after all. Or gay and just interested in platonic friendship. Gay guys can have straight friends too, you know.
Channeling the plaintive gayness of Neil’s dad here.
On the other hand, you could have been one half of an Ambiguously Gay Duo.
Colbert would be cancelled if he were to do that today.
But my personal favorite oblivious straight guy/gay man friendship.
‘Then remembering one of the books he gifted me was Paul Johnson’s Modern Times, and I don’t know what to make of that.’
Maybe he was an intellectual and figured you were too?
He was wrong. Gay, and wrong.
MikeS better start building a wall.
That was fun – thanks to our host.
You are welcome! Things take a dark turn next week with ‘Network.’
And we will have a special event last week of January – ‘Zardoz,’ if all goes well.
I’ve never actually seen that except that one scene.
Network, that is.
Good. I have a nice writeup for it, and the copy looks good. It’s damn near a lost film, streaming-wise. How it predicted the modern state of network news is incredible. I talked about the man who wrote the story a bit.
Network is a great film. I haven’t seen it in decades.
I remember lots of chatter about it when I was little.
This was a decent one. I’m reminded of a few other “documentary film crew” movies, but this one at least held it’s own. Re: “Network”, I think we can all relate to being mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. Been years since I watched that, be happy to see it again. Thx, R.J.
And people do shout out of their windows! I wasn’t expecting that.
Now I know what my cockroaches feel like.
Parrish prison during Hurricane Katrina.
Government in its finest hour.
Meanwhile in Washington they came an inch from releasing the Green River killer over COVID. Contemplate that on the tree of woe.
Wow. I never heard about that. One of my uncle’s exes was friends with one of the women he killed. Can’t recall which one.
Seriously? I would think the lynch mob would give him a shorter life expectancy than covid.
They caught some weirdo who knifed a bunch of college kids in an apartment. I think they’d find his killer almost before he avenged.
It’s like we can’t have any reasonable balance or common sense here. What the progressives do seems aimed at undermining and making a mockery of society’s laws. What conservatives do is often times counterproductively punitive. If you broke a crime, you deserve to die in a hurricane should it happen upon where you were put by the government. Or at least gang raped a few times if there aren’t any hurricanes.
I can’t help but think of the Soviet Union:
Wanton criminality is a feature rather than a bug. Heck, depravity is useful in the states aims sometimes. Inmates making incarceration a living hell is part of what they need prison to be and it helps keep the guards hands clean. The worse thing you can be is an enemy of the state.
I listened to a podcast about this last week so thats influencing my associations:
Stirring shit up, turning people against each other, is definitely a feature. To wit, everything the Dems have done in the last few decades.
I never understood “divide and conquer” in my youth. Oh, conquer by dividing! That makes a grim sense.
If I drove up and popped the wrong person four seconds later, I doubt I’d get a special panel to whitewash, er, investigate my actions nor would there be any chance of deadlocking.
You don’t have the power of a police union behind you.
How’s things up north?
I’m wallowing in indecision.
The answer is bacon. You want bacon.
Neither of the choices provides more bacon than the other.
“You fill me with inertia.”
I’ve never seen that before.
Funny as hell, the whole movie. The whole Pete n’ Dud thing puzzles me just as Norm McDonald has always slightly puzzled me, but 👍. Ask Ted.
Good morning, Sean, U, TO’G, Roat, Bro, and Stinky!
You OK up there, Sean?
No worries. Thanks for asking.
You chose poorly. Again.
‘This is my second marriage and his third’
*blows the whistle*
Red flag. (apologies to my remarried friends, but stats definitely aren’t in your favor there)
I have put up with a lot from him and overlooked way too much.
What an understatement.
That’s a pretty good run.
‘She is now outlived by three of her children, nine grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren, and 42 great-great-grandchildren.’
Nice work. *hats off*
Awww. I wanted to believe that thory.
Then again, they are serial liars…
Why would you want to believe that?
Because the first team screwed up and they had to do it again?
Strange conspiracy theory? I dunno.
Maybe I’m just more afraid of the surveillance state than I am of mass murderers… >.>;
Though, given how many are ‘known to law enforcement’, that may not be mutually exclusive…
“Culiacan residents posted video on social media showing convoys of gunmen in pickup trucks and SUVs rolling down boulevards in the city. At least one convoy included a flatbed truck with a mounted gun in the back, the same kind of vehicle that caused chaos and mayhem in the 2019 unrest.”
Trump accused in lawsuit of causing wrongful death of Officer Brian Sicknick in US Capitol attack
Curious how you prove that what happened the day before caused the guy to have a stroke.
It’s a baseless conspiracy to suggest that covid shots may have contributed to Hamlin’s heart stopping. But progs know in their heart of hearts that if not for 1/6, this cop would still be alive. It is just….known.
Also, there is no crime against contesting the results of an election. Never, at any point in time, have they provided evidence of him asking anyone to commit a crime. It’s all innuendo and bullshit. I’m speaking of the last few paragraphs in the article on how he is being investigated.
Maybe we should go back and investigate Gore. Or Hillary.
IT almost happened to Hobbs, right?
I think Gore needs to prove he had cause to contest the election. /s
Spell it like his family must spell it now: Brian $icknick…the dude died from multiple unrelated strokes from what I recall. With this kind of reasoning, that the stress contributed-I assume that’s the argument they’re making, you could be sued if you have words over a speeding ticket and the cop has a coronary later that day. Hopefully the judge and/or jury will tell them to eat a dick but this is the DC area we’re talking here.
It is Trump’s fault, but not because of anything from January 6th, it’s because he had the clot shot that wouldn’t have been administered if not for Donald facilitating the release of the unsafe mRNA injections
I would laugh and laugh if that was the legal theory they sued under.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, although, not of the Trump connection, which is true.
This is like 4th degree effects they’re going for.
Youngkin administration pushes school choice through education savings accounts
Unfortunately the donks have the votes to keep kids on the plantation.
Why only a portion?
Give every parent $15k or whatever it is in Virginia, you can afford a way better school for that.
Funny how that works. Here in the PRNJ the tuition at a very good local Catholic HS is about 60% of the per-student cost of our regional HS.
Well, the good news is that my anxiety is no longer about whether I can do the job I’ve been offered – it’s now about which job is more likely to become a dead end.
It’s been offered officially??? 😃
Sort of.
Because the position ultimately reports to the same top-level director, it’s been processed as a lateral transfer request rather than a list appointment (I wanted a list appointmet to reset my 55.6 eligability), and it’s at the last manager whose approval is needed for the transfer to go through. She was the first person to tell me that and to ask whether or not I actually wanted to take the job because interviewing isn’t accepting. If I tell her yes, the transfer goes forward and I move to the other role with my same item (budget line). If I say no, she rejects it and I stay where I am. She’s expecting a response today, but I could probably ask to be allowed to have the weekend to think it over.
This is NY. I didn’t think you were eligible for 5.56 until you jumped through hoops.
Different decimal place. 55.6 is part of either the civil service code or some regulation which allows a state employee to take a ‘lateral’ transfer into a job up to two pay grades higher than their current one. The caveat is that it can’t be done twice in a row and you need a list appoinment in between. What’s really important is that transfer-eligable candidates are evaluated first.
I’m a little concerned that a “Never mind – thanks anyway” response might have subtle but negative effects on your chances of being offered future opportunities.
I’m leaning towards accepting anyway.
Huh. I agree with GT WRT possible ramifications. Hope everything works out.
I just had a conversation with one of my peer-level coworkers regarding what they saw as the prospects if I stayed, and they were of a mind that current management was unlikely to offer me anything in terms of advancement opportunities where I am. (simplest way of describing the office politics in play). So I’m leaning towards not aggravating upper management by looking flighty. It does mean worse parking, but I’ll be out from under the mushroom manager that cut off my career path here.
That last thing alone, I think, could well make the change worthwhile.
I would trust the totality of your experiences with the two positions’ (current and prospective) supervisors.
Is this movie the same as Troll which is currently out on Netflix? ‘Cause the description is pretty similar.
Might be a remake but different movies 2010 vs 2022
Reading IDMB it doesn’t sound like a remake either.
So a ripoff then. Full disclosure, I started watching it but quit when it became boring and predictable. Which was pretty effing early. Decent sfx tho.,
The movie I posted has a different plot and much better writing. The only real comparison is both movies have large trolls.
Low budget version?
The aesthetic is really similar.
Mornin’, reprobates!
Happy Insurrection Day!
Now for a moment of silence.
Sic semper tyrranis! Morituri te salutamus! Illegitimati non carborundum!
Cave canem!