Shomebody here named Shtone Head ordered an exshtra large pizza?
Welcome to the final post of Tinfoil Hat Thursday, at least for now. Tonight we have a very special viewing of Zardoz. How many of you have actually watched this film, as opposed to just making jokes about it? You young whippersnappers feel like riffing on Zardoz? Well, this might sober you up. Let’s see how close we are to being in the world of Zardoz right now:
- The penis is evil: Yep
- The gun is good: Yep. However, if any restrictive gun laws pass in the next two years, we might all be using new interpretations of Connery’s Webly-Fosbery.
- Dudes wear women’s clothing: Yep
- Mankinis are a thing: Yep
- A group of depraved elites with incomprehensible social rules found a way to live forever and lord over the common folk: Yep! Oh wait, this is a better picture.
Overall, if we were on a Zardoz clock where midnight meant Sean was raping and pillaging on a beach, I’d say were are at about 10:15 in the evening. Past dinner, maybe two cognacs down, about time for a Zoom and some ill-advised pants dropping. Should I go on? Keep watching this film and you’ll run into parallels all over the place. Zardoz was predicting our future. At the time, nobody believed our future would be such a mess, so reviews of the film indicated confusion with the film’s concepts. Over time, I personally have rewatched this film and it made more sense with every passing decade. So how popular is Zardoz these days? I found all this:
- Gaming figures: PAINTABLE gaming figures.
- Crochet dolls: Put some catnip in there and you have the best cat toy ever.
- Stone head pins: This is going on my hat.
- Drinking Games: I have a better one. See below.
- Music: Look! 13 subscribers!
That’s popular. Zardoz might as well be the next Spaceballs. So what trivia do you really know about Zardoz, other than that it is a film a bunch of old Glibertarians reference? How about this:
- Burt Reynolds was going to be Zed. But he backed out. Equally hairy and disturbing in thigh high boots was Sean Connery, who won the show. I personally cannot see Burt Reynolds in this role. He’d smile or laugh, and all the sudden, there’s The Bandit in some kinky boots. No, Sean made Zardoz just like the Ramones made Rock N’ Roll High School.
- This was the film John Boorman made right after Deliverance. Deliverance is also another film beloved of the Glibs.
- Sean had no problem with the mankini. But he felt the wedding dress was a step too far.
- The other brutal exterminators were local Irishmen, who really got into it and added to the film.
- Zed was using a very unusual semi-automatic revolver, which I mentioned above. Here’s a link to a video of using the Webly-Fosbery. No doubt that will be a topic of conversation tonight. That revolver is also a star of the show.
I can’t wait to see what other trivia you folks come up with in the comments. This is your big chance to see a futuristic dystopian film you may have only ever known about in memes. So watch! Or don’t! Everything is all fun and games until Zed gropes your boob. Here’s a real drinking game for you. How many times in this movie does somebody say “The penis is evil.” Count up!
See you next week for a change of scenery. It’s been rough, providing all these classy movies for Tinfoil Hat Thursdays. I still love the theme but I will take it down a notch. So next week, I fulfill my love of classic kung fu and small government with Ninja in the Claws of the CIA. Those government alphabet agencies just can’t leave a man alone!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Internet Archive is a little wonky. It is unlikely the movie will play the first time ‘Play’ is clicked. Be patient, you may have to try up to three times to get it to start playing the film. Chrome, Safari or FireFox are recommended. Microsoft browsers get grouchy. This movie will play, it was tested by the crack GlibFlick team over Christmas break. This is the only way I can get some of these films, so I apologize for any inconvenience.
If ye are not First, hold thy manhood cheap! Gurd ye loins, Glibs of Glibertania, for the First cometh! Violent eruptions of explosive magnitude that shake thee Earth to its very core! Hear the bells of yesteryear past and bow to the Firsts of future present! The scourge, mangy dogs of secondry, shall be purged!
You know, I try to avoid the whole satanic conspiracy angle to things, but when you have pictures of the head of the WEF in goofy black robes standing at a podium…
That, and all the new style statues popping up.
Why do you have “666” on the back of your hand?
Yeah. It’s not even a joke anymore.
What the Baptists DIDN’T tell me was that there would be roughly 32 TYPES of “666” per person: currency, virtue signaling, social credit scores, etc etc etc.
By next moth there will be 64. It’s ridiculous.
“This movie will play, it was tested by the crack GlibFlick team over Christmas break.”
Hunter Biden approves.
If that drug-addled son of privilege had any real guts, he would paint a picture of Zardoz.
I looked at a bunch of different releases. They all seem a bit washed out. So I’m guessing that’s how the original film looked.
Well, I think what really happened is that this film bombed, and hence did not get the preservation it deserves. Eventually someone will make a restored version. This one is pretty darn good, out of the lot.
Film usually doesn’t go bad sitting in the can. Unless it’s that cheap color crap from the sixties. I forgot what it was called.
Anyway, I’m going with deliberately de-saturated, like Law & Order.
Tell that to the Film Preservation Society.
Dear Film Preservation Society,
Film usually doesn’t go bad sitting in the can.
Count Potato
I didn’t realize you were a liberal. “If I say it enough times, it’ll be true.”
It’s only if I say it. Like the Pope.
Pope Jimbo won’t like you taking his name in vain. I mean, yeah, so what, but just sayin’.
It says “Filmed in Panavision”
You forgot “totality of circs”, “HTH”, “kthxbye”.
Ah yes, Zardoz, I wrote something here years ago, spoilers? me?
Good to see you! I figured it was time for a new posting.
What difference, at this point, does it make?
/hits play
Do you have enough psychedelics? because tripping balls is the only way anyone ever enjoyed this shit show of a movie.
I have vodka martinis.
Garlic stuffed olives?
Yes! How did you know? I also have bleu cheese.
If you want shit show movies, I can show you horrors beyond imagination….
Otherwise realize this is basically like visiting modern-day Seattle.
Much like Rush, it doesn’t have to be good for some people to enjoy it. It was a fun ride. The ridiculous amount of bare breasts helped. And Charlotte Rampling.
Hush yo mouf.
My sincere apologies. Let me rephrase:
Much like Steely Dan, it doesn’t have to be good for some people to enjoy it.
Maybe I should have brought that up? I was really focused on modern societal comparisons.
I found myself often focused on other points.
I watched and reviewed, the masses were not thrilled
Seems much the same tonight. Onward to kung fu and titties next week. Bread and circuses.
I watched this a couple weeks (months?) ago, so…
In any case, it is good to have a bit of a come to ZARDOZ old time religion meeting, no matter that most of the kids don’t listen.
They watch. They just don’t have accounts to respond. Especially tall, thin Spaniards and all those people on the west coast.
Watched The Case of the Scorpion’s Tail on Tubi last night. Lots of fun. Also, Anita Strindberg.
Right before this, Bounce TV had “Demolition Man” on. I always have time to watch “Demolition Man.”
Demolition Man is our future, not 1984.
Omega Man is our future.
Be still my beating heart!
I love that movie.
*raises hand*
And long before he started guest-posting here.
This Is the Correct Answer.
My film nerd ex-housemate was an excellent source of all kinds of crap I never would have seen on my own.
It’s been a while, but yes.
Show off!
Don’t listen to the haters, R.J. You be you, bro.
I never listen to the haters. Anyway, the haters are all probably watching some sportsball.
What is good in life?
To crush the penis in a mankini. To hear the lamentations of the balls.
Wait, wrong movie…
I like that movie. It should be produced.
Angus The Barbarian?
Thanks RJ! I have to head to bed early and will skip.
Here’s a link to a video of using the Webly-Fosbery. No doubt that will be a topic of conversation tonight. That revolver is also a star of the show.
Webley-Fosberry revolvers come up every now and then on auction sites. They go for around $10K.
It’s great to see one being used. That is a nice video.
I watched it a while ago. I used to rent a few obscure movies each weekend when I was 12-14. You know a cool kid at a new school who was welcomed in to the freaks and geeks.
The revolver is cool, but looked like it would damage itself or the user eventually.
It does both. The Colt 1911 was far superior.
Bring on the mankini!
I had the most awesome GIF saved for this, of Sean with his crotch pulsating. I freaking lost it.
Sean slipped down that hill during his escape in red bikini briefs. His hair must have protected him from chafe.
Okay, I’m probably half an hour behind you lads (and lasses, and others) in real-time viewing.
Someday, I’ll tell u-ppl how I saw ZARDOZ for the first time at a drive-in theater on a double-date with a some college girls of ambiguous sexuality and questionable morals.
That’s an article that can’t wait for March!
I think the best time is now.
I first saw this movie at the Forum 303 mall in Arlington, Texas. It was a midnight showing with Dawn of the Dead.
I’m assuming that the “other” category refers to Firsters, and I am glad to receive the recognition of my otherness. Not to be confused with otherkin-ness.
When are you going to write that firsting article?
A Firster does what he intends precisely when he intends to do it and not a moment sooner.
It was the seventies, and it was glorious. And there was a Karmann-Ghia. That’s all I can say.
The seventies were fantastic. I miss them.
I remember them differently but I was only 10 years old in 1980 so there’s that.
I saw Double-Date Karmann-Ghia at The Paradise in ‘97. Good show.
I must say the whole confronting the tabernacle part is balls. It could have been done so much better,
Yes, it could have been. But it was as good as it had to be.
And that was the genesis of so much bad movie/teevee scifi going forward.
Oh, yes! Also the scene where he learns everything in a few minutes became the genesis for a thousand 1980’s cut scenes.
And the movie broke right there, then it became camp,
It sure did. Many great ideas in it prior to that.
Yeah. I was actually quite engrossed in the film up to that point. The feeling of disappointment was almost physical.
Focus on the good, throw away the bad. Otherwise so many trashy films would be ignored.
Absolutely! I quickly got over it as the film picked up speed again. I’m glad I watched it. It is not the shitshow I was led to believe. Decent flick.
NFL screed time.
NFL owners have been unusually slow in replacing fired head coaches this hiring cycle. Only one has been hired so far with evidence indicating that he was the choice from the start.
NFL is facing lawsuit over racial discrimination in hiring.
NFL has slowed the process down to give the appearance of turning over ever rock so they can do what they always wanted to do.
What if….
All the choices are shit, and there are no good coaches left?
There’s always someone who had a cup of coffee with Sean McVay in the last week teams can hire. That’s basically alls it takes to make you qualified these days.
I had a bad hot dog on Tuesday. Wednesday morning I shot out a half-liquified turd better than most of the coach candidates.
Nah, bruh. Eric Bienemy can’t buy a successful interview.
Now, there are whispers that there are Unsavory Things of Uncertain Magnitude in Bienemy’s past, but so what. Damar Hamlin’s dead and the NFL is using a body double.
The Rooney Rule is stupid – as if an unwilling interview will lead to a job for someone.
The teams know who they want long before any interviews.
The Rooney rule has plenty of value. It will keep Mike Tomlin in his current job into perpetuity. The guy doesn’t have to win a playoff game the rest of his career and he aint going anywhere.
Art Rooney II today: “I don’t really evaluate Mike on anything other than I’m glad he’s our coach.”
His father Dan Rooney once fired his own brother from the organization. He was a cutthroat son-of-a-bitch.
Art II told Cowher after the 2004 season that it was about time he won a Super Bowl after a 15-1 season where he lost in the AFCCG with a rookie QB.
But asked about the lack of playoff success in the last 6 seasons, he just says well gosh I don’t have time to think that far back. And it has nothing to do with his family name being attached to the rule about hiring minority candidates…If you dare suggest it, you are a dastardly racist.
For Tonio. A game called “10 Typos.”
Damn. That was actually pretty easy.
But addictive, damn you!
Who knew it was just a bored LGB club waiting for their Molly dealer to show up?
In all seriousness, this must be a fairly early film to show same-sex kisses/relationships? You could blow off the Apathetic’s scene as the kisses having nothing to do with sex/love, but, it still happened. And then there’s the whole May/Consuela relationship. For 1974 was must have been pretty riske. I wonder if that had anything to do with it’s poor box office?
There was plenty of same sex porno chic stuff in the 70’s.
A. This wasn’t a porno
B. When in the 70’s? Was it common in the early 70’s?
C. Someone better get that shit transferred to digital before the film deteriorates in the can.
You know who else deteriorated in the can?…
Survey says…
Elvis! #1 answer.
Elvis deteriorated on the can.
Prince Albert?
Porno chic wasn’t porn.
Sugar Cookies was 1972. Score was 1973. There are a bunch of others.
Where did I say it was the first time ever that two chicks kissed on screen? You’re comparing erotic/soft-core porn movies to what I understand was intended to be a mainstream movie.
Those were movies shown in regular theaters. It think you are missing the zeitgeist of the 70’s.
People were way more upset over The Texas Chainsaw Massacre or The Exorcist.
If I can help: Zardoz made about 1.6 million against a budget of 1.5 million. It BOMBED. A couple of pensioners and some film students went to see it. John Boorman had to pray to the Lord every night that he would break even. Nobody went to see this for the cheap trills or the social commentary.
Yeah, well I was 8 in 1980. Was just trying to start a conversation. Sorry for misunderstanding a decade I can barely remember.
The poor box office had to do with that this film was an incomprehensible mess, at the time. You benefit from watching it in 2023. That was what I really wanted to get at with Tinfoil Hat Thursdays. Damn, these films were ahead of their time! I am not even sure that the film makers realized how close they got to our modern reality. Network and Zardoz really nailed aspects of our modern reality. What film makers now are seeing the future, as we watch and fail to comprehend? I would say definitely that Zero Theorem did this. And no doubt many more I am unaware of,.
Oh for sure. I didn’t mean to say that a couple chick kisses torpedoed this crazy ass flick. I was just trying to start a conversation about it. But Count insists I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about, so let’s jut forget I brought it up.
Actually, no. Lets not.
You’re not supposed to reveal that, R.J. Now we’ll have to do a MIB number on them…
Thanks, RJ! I can finally say that I have watched Zardoz. And, I can say I actually enjoyed it. It was a fun ride.
You are welcome! See you next week for some 80’s kung fu and hopefully after that, some nazi Frankenstein’s monsters!
Nazis? I thought it was (((Frankenstein)))
It’s complicated.
Thanks, RJ 🙂
I never got to watch it due to a bunch of unscheduled interruptions.
Now you can, if you wish. Thanks for commenting!
I might be going back to Cali, Cali, Cali. In May to go see this.
A lot of these acts will never never play or be alive before I could see them again.
Yeah! The wife and I saw that too! Still debating it.
Tix go on sale tomorrow.
I bet they sell out in a few hours.
Wow! That’s quite a lineup. I’d gladly watch 9 or 10 of those acts.
Except… I doubt any of them have the energy to match their golden years.
I know 14 of the 24 acts, though a couple as one-hit wonders (other than ‘Turning Japanese’ I know nothing by The Vapors).
Still, that’s pretty good.
Can’t believe ABC got relegated to the third-tier – they had some jams.
I was surprised how active and good some of these bands can be. Others……well what can you expect.
I had the opportunity to see Motörhead right before Lemmy died and I’m glad I had the opportunity. I missed seeing Tom Petty before the end, so we decided to make an effort to see anyone on the bucket list when ever possible.
OK. So how many times did someone say “The penis is evil?”
Noh! Zees ees wrong!
KLAUS! Apply the high voltage persuasion!
Fuck! I missed it? Now I have to watch it twice in one night after never seeing it for 48 years?
Don’t do that to yourself. I’ll tell you on a Zoom sometime.
I found the script online 🙂
1 and done.
Which Ninja in the Claws of the CIA? I’m finding more than one movie.
Heh. Look for “Made in China” from 1981.
Not seeing a 1981. Is it the same as Kung Fu Emanuelle (1982)??
Sylvia Kristel throwing kicks?
“Renegade” scene.
Tonio, I sent you all something new, a bit different, check it out Sir
/humble bow
How deep down the rabbit hole are we?
Everyone except Twitter swinging into full mobilization to kill the Veritas Pfizer story.
YouTube require you to use pretty targeted search terms, but as of now the video still exists. But it and any results come with a warning… a fact check.
This Newsweek fact check correctly points out some things being conflated in the discussion. But they more prominently slander Veritas with false accusations that they faked stories … using a dirty trick to do it, saying “independent fact checkers found”.. which is true, but they lied. And it was proven.
But Alphabet puts this up as the independent arbiter of truth and throttles the reach of the videos.
I personally don’t think it is the big deal that they are trying to claim… it sounds like he is talking out of his ass about some random what if discussions. But who knows.
More importantly, the propaganda machine is lining up to protect Pfizer from negative press and even from the threat of a rumor.
I still cannot believe that nobody cares about living in a controlled speech state.
Twitter still promoting the videos. So at least one hole is in the dike.
25 million views on Twitter
250k views on YouTube.
Twitter has about 450 million users
YouTube has 2.5 billion users.
Not only are elections fortified… apparently government kickbacks from big pharma are fortified as well.
I like how they are doing fact checks, but there is almost no actual coverage of the story (as I said earlier, there is an almost complete black-out on Veritas stories in the mainstream unless its the random attempt to debunk).
The claim is unverified, but it’s maybe the sort of thing that would get actual journalists interested in doing actual journalism to actually…investigate. Instead, you get a fact check, some attempt to ask for comment from Pfizer as if they’d tell the truth, and once they deny it they’ll say the story is false.
What is verified?
That he was an employee with the stated title.
That the company attempted to scrub all references to him from their websites.
That there is a near total media blackout (impossible without command and control. FBI? CDC? DNC? Who knows)
That Google is manipulating results to kill the story.
That without Musk, Twitter would be doing the same.
That Newsweek wrote a slanderous “fact check” that did not actually attempt to check any facts, but rather attempted to kill the messenger.
That much is actually verified.
One employee saying stupid shit on a date does not = confirmation of anything Pfizer is doing. Need a hell of a lot more evidence. But as I said, it would, in a reasonable world, be enough to start asking those questions. Would have been 20-30 years ago.
Yeah, if you want to count “their wildest conjectures” as “the story “, then I doubt that there is much more to it than some speculation and what-if scenarios.
Yeah, the obvious collusion between government and the MSM and Pfizer is obvious.
And yeah, the “fact-checking” is bullshit piles of words intended to convey “serious” journalism when it isn’t.
Their “fact check” starts with this before checking any facts.
“It’s worth noting that Project Veritas, which describes itself as a “journalism enterprise”, is a controversial organization that has previously produced investigations subsequently labeled as false or unevidenced by fact-checkers and other media.”
Note the elegant phrasing to avoid culpability. “Those other people said”. Stories that were “labeled false”, but actually true.
That’s the fact checker game. You get a whole bunch of like minded cockroaches to repeat the same thing until it becomes the truth.
It’s of a piece with the horrid idea that freedom of the press only means that press which has been accredited by the in group.
It did get a link on the RealClearPolitics homepage.
Goodnight all. See you next week!
Gute Nacht.
Damn. I am still awake. I need to stop.
Firsters don’t sleep, RJ. You Firsted once. You could First again, if you embrace The Way.
True. Sleep is for the weak. So I am still here.
I can inseminate you with my Firsting essence if you need the assistance.
No! I will not touch your pee pee!
Here you go, RJ
Just like I did.
Anyone had Ezra Brooks Rye? I got a 750ml for $16. It’s one of those made in Indiana and aged/bottled elsewhere, bit it’s way cheaper than Bulleit. I’m not saying it’s a top of the line sipping whiskey (although, it’s not bad) but it is certainly passable for such a low price point. I bet it would be really good in a Manhattan.
Tucker Today has David Azerrad. I almost bought his schtick until he blamed the libertarian influence on the right as keeping them from truly being great. And by great, means take the gloves off, crush your enemies and hear the lamentations of their women.
Now he’s all in on JD Vance.
Then I can’t take him seriously.
Tapping out just before 1:15. Good night, kids. Enjoy your sweet dreams about early seventies Charlotte Rampling, or Sean Connery.
Fun movie on HBO. The Menu.
Interesting take on horror movie tropes. Walks a line between serious and satire. Some really great character actors.
I laughed quite a bit. Not funny in a joke sense, but funny in the satire of society and the horror genre.
Predictably written from the left as a takedown wealth and power, but refreshingly light on the wokeness. More of a traditional classist polemic, but with some clever writing and acting that allow it to be entertaining.
I liked it too. Ralph Fiennes as an over the top celebrity chef.
Now I feel like a burger.
He made that shit smash burger style, too. The one true way to make a burger.
Fiennes was just fantastic in that scene. The subtle play of emotions across his face as he realizes what is happening and returns to his roots is perfect. The director deserves credit to, for allowing the scene to develop and move over an extended period, without embellishment.
I am not proclaiming this small movie to be some tour-de- force, but it does prove that Hollywood still has artists capable of telling a story with high levels of competence.
The director even managed to keep John Leguizamo relatively under control…. no small feat.
Ha any sweet dreams of Sean are probably going to reach back to the early sixties, suave version.
Sweet dreams Tonio. May hairy Sean Connery’s dance in your head.
Obama has/had his own warehouse paid for by the taxpayers in Chicago where he stored voluminous amounts of material. It’s laughable to think there isn’t classified material there.
They. All. Do. It. I’m not sure what the end game here is. I think it might be even worse if there is no end game as it really is just looking like incredible incompetence now.
That one doesn’t count.
Instead of handing them over to the feds, he had the site declared a national archive site…. that he runs.
So he has a permission slip.
Totally not an obvious ploy to exonerate Uncle Joe.
Mike Pence stepping in was unexpected. They must really have something good on him.
They hav pictures of Pence having dinner with a woman not his wife.
But none of it makes sense. If the answer is, “well shucks, I guess everyone does it”, then Orangeman Bad gets off. I can’t see them letting Trump go just to save Dr. Jill’s husband.
They are going to go after Trump for other shit, I suspect.
Yeah, that is weird. Hence the zillion stories about how OMB was plotting something shifty.
This presumes they’ll be fair and balanced in their doling out of prosecutions. Trump technically though arguably broke the law as did the others but they don’t have to prosecute them all. Do y’all think accusations of playing politics and hypocrisy for singling out Trump for prosecution while deferring on the others will stop them? Please…
Maybe we can get a Spartacus-type scene where every member of Congress and every former pres and VP stands up and hands over classified documents while proclaiming that they are Joseph Biden.
The entire thing stinks of petty factions trying to off one another to wrest control while the entire edifice of power continues to steamroll towards Armageddon.
Just the name alone. Where’s HM’s chihuahua gif?
Is Dandridge Featherston Hering a refugee from a P. G. Wodehouse novel?
Straight out of central casting.
I feel like when they say he was a LGBT activist the T was added in posthumously.
Amusing pigeonholing for a member of something called the “Society for Individual Rights”.
Mornin all y’all!
Good morning, Sean, Stinky, Roat, Ssccrruuffyy, and DEG!
It’s Friday. I got nuthin’. ::slurps coffee::
I am accumulating letters like Zelenskyy accumulates foreign money.
Violence. They deserve violence. Extra violence for fat ass SUVs and pick ups.
In Romania it has always been traffic law that you are in the left lane only if overtaking otherwise you should not be, though insufficiently enforced
“Daughter shoots parents, herself in yard, PA cops say. Family ‘pre-planned’ deaths”
Sounds exhausting.
“A 45-year-old biotech CEO may have reduced his biological age by at least 5 years through a rigorous medical program that can cost up to $2 million a year, Bloomberg reported”
He, uh, doesn’t look healthy, too shiny or something. Also, I don’t buy it-you can deage yourself but you can’t beat your receding hairline?
Snake oil salesman.
You know who else liked greased poles?
Little Richard?
He liked gassed Poles.
Lawanda Bigbottom? (NSFW)
Joanie! 😃
(Oh, yeah – not too bad, but probably NSFW.)
Vlad the Impaler?
Uh huh. Snapchat’s fault. 🙄
There it is.
On topic: I do not own a mankini, but I have an appropriately hairy chest for one.
Speaking of police violence…
The Project Veritas guy was identified and confirmed.
Get your pitchforks
Reading through his curriculum , he seems to have specialized in maximizing profit per patient.
I wonder what his Grindr profile will reveal.
He strikes me as the narcissistic, flamboyant, not a care in the world, type. I’d bet nothing is off limits for him so long as it strokes his ego.
More local news. Good to see some arrests.
“Angel Mason, 40, was released after she posted 10% of the $5,000 bail.”
In NYC she would not have had to cough up the $500. Get with the program, cheesesteakers.
$500 bail for gun theft, lots of guns at that.
What would be the bail if I were caught illegally carrying?
What bail? You’d be remanded into custody pending conviction. If you’re lucky, you might get a trial after sentencing has been carried out.
And in other good news, the FAA has now openly refused to investigate pilot deaths.
“Lockheed Says It’s Ready With F-16s For Ukraine”
Fuck it, let’s just send them some Minutemans, where does this all end?
In a huge pile of corpses
We’re ruled by psychopaths.
Tsar Bomba?
Mornin’ all. Gym time.
Wand Disturbance
LOL. Now that is how you do local news.
Mornin’, reprobates.
It gets a little worse every day, think I’ll check out the rodeo (NSFW)
Knowed it before I clicked it! AND Buster Keaton!! Does it get any better than that? 😃
Good morning, ‘patzie!
Thinking of taking up a new career as a clown? (No, I did not follow your link, I’m at work)
That is already my career. It’s a good gig when you live in Clown World.
Too much competition these days
Good morning, Glibs.
I made it to the office, still have to stop procrastinating packing up my cube. If I weren’t leaving this job I’d be worried about my direct reports getting interviews and requesting transfers. But since my leaving is what prompted them to go on these job searches, I’m not fretting.
For some odd reason, my brain has been working on coming up with a better plot for “I am not Starfire” under the constraint that I can’t change character designs. Not my book, not my characters, but I do think I’ve come up with something far superior than what was shat out.
Mornin’, U. Does new job come with an office?
I hated cubes until I had to work in an “open” arrangement. Now I long for a nice semi-private cube. Or I would if I actually
hadwas permitted to go to the I ffoce.Nah, it’s still in a cube.
My direct supervisor does have a cube with a door though. (The walls go above the height of the door but don’t reach the ceiling) So the possibility for eventually getting a door isn’t off the table.
You know what is worse than being assigned a desk in an open office? Hoteling in an open office.
Sounds like a great way to drive off anyone who has transferrable skills.
I think that’s what my firm is doing now. Not that it matters to me.
cubes were never a thing in Romania. I only ever worked in open office.
I am so sorry.
The great thing about cubes is that you can speculate about what type of Malaysian shrimp paste your coworker is cooking on a hot plate three cubes over.
Seriously? That is a talking-to at the very least.
“Hey buddy, stop doing that.”
Very serious. The 90’s were great.
Even better is when that hot plate trips the breaker and your Monte Carlo model analysis that has been running for the past three hours gets obliterated.
Good morning, U. Moving always sucks, but at least this is for the best of reasons. Maybe think of packing as “shaking the dust from your feet” as you leave this frustrating department?
…and try to get some of those boxes the reams of copy paper come in! Those are AWESOME boxes!/box
hoarderaficionadoWe don’t do too much copying/printing. We do, however, have a pack full of banker’s boxes (some assembly required). I may actually still have enough from when I moved into this cube, since I never disposed of them.
At the moment, I’m doing what I can to make sure my direct reports succeed at finding their placements outside of this spot. ie, giving good references for the guy with interviews, trying to help the other one’s transfer request along, that sort of thing. It’s the least I can to to not trap them with this management.
Still better than a Les Nessman office.
Knock before entering.
Eugyppius has no fucks to give.
“ I don’t know how anybody can have survived the depredations of the vaccinators these past two years, and come away from the experience with the idea that these people are anything but a cabal of ghey blaq diversity hires talking big to prostitutes in bars.
This is who they are.”