“OK. Which one of you called them Frankensteins?”
Frankenstein’s Army is the kind of film that has a brief introduction, then goes straight into a first-person fun house ride. Our story is that a camera man is following a group of Russian soldiers during World War II. The soldiers stumble across (or were they led to?) a secret warehouse full of Nazi monstrosities, sewn together bodies and machine parts designed for murder. Our camera man is an inept camera bouncer in traditional “found footage” style, but this thankfully changes as the movie gets going and we get some semi-traditional photography.
The is the only full length film so far from director Richard Raaphorst, who also came up with the original idea. He got help on the story from Miguel Tejada-Flores – who of all things worked on Revenge of the Nerds (2,3, and 4) and the Lion King. That’s a real Renaissance man who can write that many different stories. It’s a job well done to both of them.
One of the main reasons to watch this film is the monsters. So many awesome creature designs. I noticed one reviewer on IMDB mentioned how she paused just to look at everything. Me too. If this was a haunted house attraction it would make a million every Halloween. And that is how Frankenstein’s Army should be viewed – Don’t come to this film looking for an amazing script. This is more like a 3D ride you would take at Universal Studios.
Another film similarly named and not anywhere near this quality is Army of Frankensteins, about an army of Frankenstein monsters (I refuse to call them Frankensteins) that goes back in time to change the direction of the Civil War. Link provided, but Caveat Emptor. This low-rent mess even came out the same year as tonight’s film. When something like this happens it is usually to leech money from successful films. I can’t prove that here, but the timing and name confusion is suspicious.
Thanks to Richard Raaphorst for making this film a reality! I hope we see more from this director in the future. You know what else is fun about this film? If you don’t turn TUBI off, it will start to cycle through similar films, include The Devil’s Rock and Nazis at the Center of the Earth. It’s a party if you want it! So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary, until a Nazi scientist carves you up and sews you to an airplane. Next week, it is finally time to show a classic: Batwoman. No, not Batgirl. This Mexican wrestling Batwoman fights crime in a bikini!
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
Next meetup in the Bearded Hobbit tour is on February 12th, 11:00 AM to 2:30 PM.
It will be at The Lazy Dog in Plano, 8401 Preston Road, Plano TX 75024.
Some pedant tried to argue with me about calling the monster “Frankenstein”.
Meh. Push him into a puddle.
It’s Fronkensteen.
+1 What knockers!
For whoever was talking about a license to procreate (JI? and Fourscore), I offer you this: License to Do That.
That was called a marriage license many years ago. The early procreaters dropped out of high school, some never to be heard from again. O’ course modern birth control changed all that, in most cases. Not quite so contagious as back in the Old Days.
“This Mexican wrestling Batwoman fights crime in a bikini!”
True, saw it last year.
No blacksploitation for black history month? How about Shaft in Africa?
You make a good point. After Batgirl is an open slot, which I could fill with a blacksploitation film. It has been a while. It was either that or Panther Squad for Chafed. I leave it to democracy to decide.
Abar. It’s profoundly, hilariously bad.
Oh yes! Well done! I found it on Tubi too!
Do it!
Boy, Jennifer Lawrence sure looked a lot different back then.
Added to the list. I may even have options! I will be busy making a decision.
What do you two think of “Black Bikers From Hell?”
So bad it doesn’t even have a trailer on YouTube. The whole movie is posted instead.
Bookmarked. Not nearly stoned enough to sit through that at the moment.
I’ll pimp Trancers again
Did you know there are at least five sequels?
WTF?! No. No I did not.
Sounds like we win either way.
Diving in
Glad you are here! You will have a field day identifying guns.
Thanks RJ! I’ll finish the movie tomorrow.
I see some Mosin-Nagant porn.
7.62x54R and fight!
When you stare into the second, the second stares back at you.
You’d know.
Gotta go. Gotta be up earlier than usual tomorrow.
Thanks for coming!
THICC Thursday.
I feel like I have watched this movie, but I have no real recollection of it. Large amounts of alcohol may have been consumed.
You asked me a question about a movie. Dared me to show it. By the time I answered it was in the dead thread. Lost to time. But the discussion of false firsts is coming.
I do think The Woman King was the first movie to glorify black slavers.
That was it. You may be right there. It’s one to research. False firsts will be about Captain Marvel and firsts with conditions.
What’s Billy Batson got to do with this?
Heh. Good memory. Nothing actually. I bitch about that wretched Captain Marvel movie. I was in a mood.
I am going to log off early, everyone enjoy. Must be some good sportsball on tonight.
There is good tennis. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
/insert gif where guy starts to argue and then decides not to
Dallas Open, bitch. Lots of promising ‘Merican talent.
+1 Hitch
👍🏻Great movie
Right?! It’s one of my favs. Been a while since I did a Hitch binge. Probably time.
Top 10 Hitchcock films (in no order): Notorious, Psycho, Dial M for Murder, Vertigo, Rear Window, To Catch a Thief, The Birds, Strangers on a Train, Rope, and Lifeboat.
I haven’t seen some of those but North by Northwest is missing so you’re objectively wrong.
Great film, it would probably be 11 or 12 on the list, but even though it’s one of his most popular I don’t think it quite makes it to the top 10 of his, certainly not top 5.
I want a real Wolfenstein movie.
Hush, you.
Wow, I don’t remember making that comment. Sorry, MM
I thought it funny because I didn’t truly get it.
Thanks, RJ 🙂
Really, BR?
Daily Quordle 381
BR took me 9. Evil. Wordle also took me 6, even though I had 4 out of 5 on my first guess. Evil.
I haven’t done Wordle in ages.
Blew it. It took me 5 tries to hit the 4/5 trap.
My starting word is STARE. Getting a 6 was very dejecting.
LOL I’m not ever sure how that’s possible.
I managed STALE and STAKE. I guess the answer would have been my next guess.
It’s a different feel from Quordle, that’s for sure.
I don’t know why, but my super power is not guessing that last letter.
Wordle 600 3/6
Daily Quordle 381
Three options on upper left. Used’em all.
Trigger warning: I’ve been drinking and I’m looking for a fight.
From the comment section below my dear friend Forescore’s beautiful missive today:
Juris Imprudent:
My reply:
Welcome to my world.
I started one with you above. 🧐
I understand you are a fan of deep dish pizza with pineapple and foreskin…
Pineapple?!?!? I’m not a monster!!!11
I heard he doesn’t like Rush…
And likes the Fighting
SiouxHawks Hockey[shakes head unapprovingly]
Heavy Metal Hockey
There wasn’t a single note of heavy metal.
I don’t suffer from this affliction where reading one thing I don’t like prevents me enjoying the posts I do like or commenting and saying what it is that I want to say.
Or, to put it bluntly, I don’t see the big deal for an OT post almost two hours after a post goes up. This wasn’t some stickied article devoted to one topic. I didn’t take a shot at Fourscore with anything I posted. I merely offered to settle a difference in matters of Firsting.
My definition of maturity has always been very different from that of others. As well as what is decent. I am not apologizing for anything I posted today.
Let me rephrase the above. Nothing I post ever stops anyone else from posting what it is they want to say or enjoying what it is that they want to enjoy about a certain topic. It is entirely possible for multiple conversations to be had in an article and I think 2 hours is enough breathing room for like 90% of the afternoon article’s audience to say their piece.
Mea culpa; didn’t look close enough at the timestamps.
However, my criticism still stands for those who picked sides. Of course, none of them are here or give a shit so fucking whatever.
I don’t particularly care about the venom aimed at me.
One guy jumped in because he thinks I’m a raging homophobe. That’s the “real” me, as he’s said in the past. That’s more his issue than it is mine.
Juris is Juris. I won’t pretend to know what goes through his head.
Animal takes himself way too damn seriously in my opinion. He finds me tiring, and the feeling is frankly mutual.
Tonio attacked me for not wearing the ribbon, basically. That’s the only thing that gets to me around here sometimes. People around here have lives. Bad things happen in their lives on a regular basis, unfortunately. Not to downplay what Fourscore was feeling. They post about it here, vent about it. People then go on shit posting about inane bullshit after wishing them well all the damn time. His article isn’t tainted in some way because two hours after the fact I posted “horseshit” as Animal likes to put it.
If Fourscore went to bed tonight worried about anything I posted, I’d probably feel bad but I’m fairly confident in saying that he didn’t. So I find the entire thing a little ridiculous.
I’m reminded of a time I jumped into the Zoom to hear Swiss and CPRM thinking they were mocking me. They were really mocking themselves because they are the ones who get worked up (especially Swiss) over literally nothing.
Pretty much all of us have something to say, but someone shared something personal and painful and you are going to write it off like whatever? Keep digging that hole Bro…you have pretty much set the standard of shithole poster.
I wanted to talk about the Space X rocket but refrained, realized what was said, and moved on. That is maturity.
Does Drake do this every fucking day? I haven’t noticed it and his question, while ill timed, I took as more of a stream of consciousness type of thing due to the VN aspect of 4x20s story.
What the fuck does frequency have to do with it? Either they both broke some unwritten Glibs decency law, or neither of them did. It ‘s not hard.
I probably wouldn’t have posted what Drake did on that post, I probably would have waited for the afternoon links based on the tone of other commenters. Bro does his schtick every day and, while it never gets old, fuck it…this is not worth arguing over.
So true. Have a good night , Doc.
Criminy I come here to get away from drama.
Pox on anyone who brings it.
Firsting is meant to eliminate drama. It creates order and establishes a pecking order for the entire universe.
Drake drew upon the story about Vietnam and how he processed it at least pertain to FourScore’s story. Bro just came in hot with this so important ‘first’ bullshit.
Drake gets a pass because of how many people here want to see Ukraine destroyed. Any propaganda that makes Ukraine and/or its supporters look bad will be posted with glee and cheered on by others.
Yusef; saw your news. Fuckin’a bud. Fuckin’a.
+1 PSI
Speaking of Dallas… any Dallasites here? Considering a move and wondering if there are any dealbreakers other than the summer weather.
Dude. Com’on. NoDak is waiting for you.
My company has a big office in Dallas, so I hear “Come to Dallas” a lot.
A drawback is that they would probably want me to go to it.
That’s a far bigger drawback than the shitty Texas summers.
Locations where we DON’T have an office are more appealing.
You summoned me from my slumber. Dallas proper is too expensive and full of plastic people and car thieves. I find that Fort Worth is a much better city with a good personality. Denton is also interesting.
Weather wise, make sure you have a garage for your car. Hail is a big deal every spring. Heat is not a problem after a few years you adapt. Drop me a line in.the forum for any more info.
Now as far as night life in Dallas, Urthona would be good to ask. I would be delighted of another Glib moved down here but I am not a man about town. I work, I write here, and I only occasionally get out.
I don’t do night life any more.
I want low crime and walkable which is pretty much what I have now, but I also want more affordable and less oppressively authoritarian.
Fort Worth. Or Denton. Dallas is- iffy. If you ever come down I will gladly show you around.
I have only been to Dallas once.
However, if it’s anything like Kansas City (except bigger), “walkable” is tres expensivo and less expensive is not walkable.
“Expensive” is relative. Almost anywhere would be less expensive than what I pay now.
Be my neighbor. Seriously, I already hate the new people next door. 😞
They did fix that broken window though. So there is that.
I’m a city boy and a New Yorker so “garage” is probably not going to figure, at first at least.
Anyway it’s all fanciful now. I’m just getting the itch that I need to make a change. That change could just be moving around the corner WTF do I know. OK, it has to be at least five or ten blocks away.
Once you have a garage, you will never go back to being a pleb.
Concur with R J on Fort Worth v Dallas. Dallas basically wants to be LA when it grows up.
Unfortunately, the commute from Fort Worth to Dallas is, well, brutal doesn’t do it justice.
I did Carrollton (just south of Denton) to North Richland Hills (almost Fort Worth) every day for ten years. As far as Rhywun being a big city guy- pretty much everywhere in Dallas has a parking garage. And you need a car unless you really plan your living area well.
Yeah… my skills are remote-compatible. I don’t need or want to be in an office.
I have lots of remote coworkers – I should be able to go anywhere.
Like North Dakota.
Rhy’, how do you feel about curling?
Oh I went remote. You can get a damn decent house here if you come from New York. With a built in office for virtual commuting.
Now I must go back to sleep. 12 hour day tomorrow, then I have to entertain guests.
*closes creaking coffin lid.
Spartanburg is nice if you need a true city although compared to NYC it’s backwater.
I’m open to backwater towns.
SC? Definitely on my radar.
I’ve worked there. Small town feel, but a bit too close to Salem and weird street layout. Wait, your probably weren’t asking about Dallas, OR.
Just commenting on Fourscores article earlier in the day. I was eating lunch in a local Jimmy John’s when I read it and had to leave due to the soda straw poking my eye and causing some tears. I think one guy saw me welling up as I left. I’m a grizzled fuck and takes a bit to get me to emote, but damned if that story didn’t do it.
Yes, that was a really good story FoSco, and I would have said so at the time if I weren’t busy … um… cutting onions, that’s it…
Just saw Dave Smith’s takedown of the STOTU Address.
Why does Biden look like he could be in Frankenstein’s Army? Are we just going to ignore that he looks like he came right out of the Hills Have Eyes?
Look at it. LOOK AT IT: https://youtu.be/aTtTxZcx_ck?t=815
Taxation is theft.
He looks like the elderly version of the banjo playing kid from Deliverance. He should sue whatever plastic surgeon thought feral wolf eyes equates to youthful.
You’re right. *Twang*
Mornin peeps.
Office day today. Most of my team is not only not going to be in, they’re not going to be working. Something about some fantastic serving container? I don’t get it.
Should be fairly quiet then. So you’ve got that going for you…
Well, time to go find out.
Hope the commute is quiet too.
Good morning, Sean, U, Roat, Stinky, and ‘patzie!
U, if your folks are already observing the Feast of the Magnificent Vessel, they’re either making a pilgrimage and won’t be back by Monday OR they’re performing all the rituals locally for the entire weekend and won’t be in any shape to work Monday either.
Monday is a Floating Holiday – Lincoln’s Birthday (Observed), though only my direct supervisor has officially declared an absense for monday.
Huh. I assume you get Presidents’ Day (the following Monday) off too?
That is a regular holiday where the offices will be closed outright. Floating holidays the office is open and those who work get a day of leave to use later.
I am having to take Monday off. Sunday is morning until night events including super bowl. All today is work (at it already) and then hosting a party. i think Saturday is a kids’ sleepover. I’ll need a break from my weekend.
Expunged means you can fuck right off.
“They” really hate this guy. If love to see some slimy (all of them) Dems get this level of scrutiny.
*I’d , not if. 🙄
The seriousness of the charges are what’s important.
The case was ultimately dismissed
What happened to “guilty until proven innocent”? I guess once you are accused it’s game over.
The mugshot is decidedly boring.
Bring back style.
Beach Blvd in Anaheim. I forgot that Anaheim is the Los Angeles of Orange County spreading its tentacles to annex all it could.
He does his pimping in between shifts at the Circle K.
“Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.”
I’m not a big rap fan but that is really good. Gets the blood circulating.
Mornin’, reprobates. Today my ophthalmologist will remove from my right eye bits of scar tissue which built up following cataract surgery. At least I don’t have to work this morning.
Ooh! 😳 I hope that goes smoothly and does the trick! Do you get to be a pirate for the rest of the day?
‘patzie’s song du jour! 😁🏴☠️🦜
So I’m watching Dave Smith’s response to the SOTU-it’s just amazing how Biden almost completely memory holed the stupid covid response in order to pump up his economic and spending numbers. Are people really not realizing this is complete horseshit, almost any numbers would look good next to those and this is just coming out of a unique hole and shouldn’t be bragged about. The gaslighting is outrageous.
Yes. Ignore that the government forced businesses to close than claim credit when you allow them to open. If were going to brag about recovering “lost” jobs, Trump recovered 16.6M to your 10.3M in less time. Let me know when you get the employment ratio back to pre-lockdown.
Civilian Employment/Employment Ratio
February 2020: 158,749,000/61.1 (last pre-lockdown)
April 2020: 133,258,000/51.3 (lockdown minimum)
January 2021: 149,871,000/57.5 (Biden inauguration)
September 2022: 158,850,000/60.1 (recovered lockdown losses)
January 2023: 160,138,000/60.2
Clinton changed the unemployment definition back in 94.
Looking at it the old way gives us an unemployment rate around 24%
Defining out long-term discouraged makes the numbers look better.
Why I am happy to work remotely, reason 4,739
Two men rushed outside of a deli near the corner of West 44th Street and Eighth Avenue around 5:15 p.m. and began shooting, striking a 22-year-old man in the chest, cops and the sources said.
Two blocks from the Port Authority Bus Terminal. Who said commuting was boring?
I thought Times Square was a gun-free zone.
Bad guns!
Tourists from Indiana?
Morning All:
I do not love Dallas/Denton/Ft. Worth the way some people here do. Way to much concrete and the traffic makes me itch.
But they are having Duran Duran concert there in June.
They have chickens earlier than ok.
They have an IKEA.
They also have facility to treat wife’s depression.
So I can tolerate it.
From my visit to Dallas my biggest memory was how fucked up the highways were. Oh the pavement was all right, but the layout was insane.
When was that?
Pre iphone, the only really bad time was trying to get home with the I35 N, I35NW, I35NE interchange.
Lots of concrete.
In the recent beforetimes 201X (Don’t recall the exact year). But with the way the highways were stacked and the exit interchanges tight to the main road, the GPS kept getting confused about what road I was on, so I couldn’t rely on it. Also “Surprise, this will turn into a toll lane” as a new one that almost bit me. Traffic almost didn’t let me out into the non-toll lanes. And there were all the normal issues of navigating an unfamiliar city.
Yes. It grew way too fast. I can’t even recognize my home town of Arlington, TX. I don’t love it. Would live further in the country if I could.
You coming to Bearded Hobbit’s shindig Sunday though?
Another mysterious hen house fire.
Chicken dander is something not to be trifled with.
Is it as flammable as flour?
I would think so, its very fine and builds up quickly.
Oh noes! I don’t have my holiday shopping done! 🙄
Mongolian Day?
Saddle your horse, get out your bow, and go raid the next town over. That’s how traditional Mongolian Day celebrations were conducted.
Just don’t get stuck being in charge of organizing the Khan family reunion.
We Ui Neill’s aren’t invited.
Attach Chinese, Russian and Islamic communities without remorse.
suh’ fam
yo whats goody
It’s a spring-like Friday.
All coiled up and ready to strike?
thats every day lately.
I forgot to ask – how are the sheepies, cows, goats, and chickens?
So far, all are doing ok.
Cow did not get pregnant though.
Head the rat
tling. Don’t get too close.Whatever, I quit.