This is what joy looks like.
“James Gunn Says Zack Snyder Reached Out to ‘Express Support’ for the New DCU”
‘“Authentic is the first word that comes to mind,” Dracott said.’
“Mini Metroidvania Ascent captures the joy of the genre in 30 minutes”
“Inflation is a government externality that has made my favorite cookies twice as expensive.”
You can’t get the government to mandate it and then bill them billions to cover the cost. Why even bother?
/Pfizer exec, probably
I’m so excited about this volunteering opportunity, I could just shit!
You better get there quick before the center runs out of applications.
I have to fill out a TPs report here at work (with cover sheet) before I can head over there.
I’m pooped. I have no time.
She’s so cute! I just want to put her in my pocket.
Septum piercings, bleh.
Handy when you hitch her to a wagon.
Yeah, that was a hard no for me too.
Patsy Montana was cute. Why the nose ring on this one; to keep her from rooting up the pasture?
Why does FEE need to review the security of my connection?
DOS attacks.
Because you are known vector of EVIL?
I’m not a gamer but that Pacific Drive looks interesting. I like Madden where I usually just play myself vs. myself as the offense or playing Plants v. Zombies with my daughter.
What are the best open world games (besides GTA) where you don’t have to do any missions but just screw around?
Depends on what kind of screwing around you’re looking for. Fighting, exploring, driving, building, farming, etc… there are games that have one to multiples of those options available.
How old is your daughter? The Lego City Undercover game is GTA for kids.
You are playing as a cop though.
The Assassin’s Creed franchise have pretty massive open worlds and they take place in different era’s of human history so you can parkour your way around many different historical times and places.
If you want your open world screwing around to be old-west style, check out Red Dead Redemption I and II.
The newer AC games and RDR II have hunting and fishing side missions that can be fun for screwing around with a purpose.
…of course, in all of these cases you have to do a bunch of the main missions to unlock the full map before endless hours of screwing around can be really fun.
My son has played AC and RDR & RDR2, so I am familiar with those. Just wondered if there was anything novel or less popular than the big games.
My daughter is 15 and would maybe like that Lego game. She also was into Farming Simulator for awhile when she was younger.
Inflation sucks. When I was a kid, a pack of Oreos would cost $2.99: cheap and reasonable. Now, I would need to shell out about $5 for the same product—and I’m only 23!
I remember my grandparents bitching about what a penny could buy them back in the day.
A genuine frontier whore?
Six orphan shoe-shiners?
I remember penny candy.
10¢ box of Lemonheads is my earliest candy memory.
And I bet your income is higher now that when you were a kid. 🙄
My brother sent me this. (for his area) I thought you might like it.
Not for $166 – holy crap. For a band that peaked 30 years ago.
I’ve seen shows there and it was like 30 or 40 bucks, tops.
Thanks anyway 🙂
Skinny puppy is now chubby puppy
Shelling out big bucks to hear and watch irrelevant (but likable) bands feels like such a waste of money.
I’d rather buy $30 tickets to a basement show of some up-and-coming band for live music.
Root beer barrels were 2 for a penny, best bargain in the store.
$.05 is the best I remember candy for….
Some things have gone wild in prices in just a little amount of time.
20 oz Coke in 2019 cost about $1.99/$2.09 depending upon where you bought them.
Today, $2.49—an increase of 25% in 3 years.
I like the Aldi wheat thins. They were $1.09 last summer, $1.39 in the Fall, $1.79 in January, and $2.15 yesterday.
Still, about half the price of the name brand ones in regular supermarkets.
Would you like another Custer book? Almost finished with “The Other Custers”. Adds a little background.
Sure–I’m pretty deep into researching my 50 minute power point lecture on Old Curly’s Civil War due for its first presentation on April 4th.
Savoritz Thin Wheats…
Yeah, brother!
Unexploded artillery shell unearthed at Gettysburg. It may have been a case of friendly fire
My son goes to Gettysburg and the museum and national park are fun to visit when we go to see him.
What are the odds a lonely soldier tried to putt it up his butt?
ZERO….it was intact.
Rebs had some Parrott rifled cannon too. Compared to Federal cannon ordnance, Reb shells were somewhat less reliable, so it isn’t surprising that an unexploded round was found. Good story: you’ve probably all seen the photo of the dead reb sniper in Devil’s Den. A Federal officer reported a sniper fired at him on Little Round Top, so he ordered a cannon to fire at the sniper’s nest. The shot hit the rock and exploded, and, per the Fed officer, when they went out to Devil’s Den after the battle, they found (and left) the dead sniper who didn’t have a mark on him; he’d been killed by the concussion alone.
So now we care about US airspace…
U.S. shoots down ‘high-altitude object’ over Alaskan airspace, White House says
Funny about both the action and/or the new reporting of such things.
“The object was flying at 40,000 feet and “posed a reasonable threat to the safety of civilian flight,” National Security Council official John Kirby said.”
Also, we were getting our asses kicked in terms of public perception over that whole China balloon thing.
I’m not saying it was aliens, but…
Pretty soon we will have our own MH17 or TWA800 part duex
Screw that.
Those were unconfirmed let’s go all in like Korean Air Lines Flight 007
Which sounds like might happen if they are in PR scramble and say stuff like “we don’t know what it is…but we shot it down”
A seriously anti-Commie Congressman–Larry Macdonald–was on that fligth.
I think Disney is rebooting this classic for modern audiences.
I remember watching that!
I wonder how expensive that film was for Disney.
$5.6m in 1965. $52m in 2023 dollars.
It was a 20th Century Fox film.
$0 for the reboot as well, since the PRC is supplying the props.
How many civilians on the ground were killed by falling debris? We’re supposed to care about that.
very late to the game today
Daily Quordle 382
Late and lousy for me.
Daily Quordle 382
Feeding your kid is not a big responsibility I guess. Minnesoda is going to spend a lot of money giving every student in every public school free breakfast and free lunch.
I don’t know why stories like this urinate me off so much, but they sure do. How can you be so shitty as to not make sure your kids are fed?
I would be happy to help families with truly hungry kids. But if those families had cell phones and cable, my enthusiasm for helping would drop considerably.
My kids qualified for free lunches when I was in college. It was an embarrassing, shameful experience.
Maybe that is it. I remember when we were dirt poor and how we scrimped to make sure the Altar Girl was OK.
They’re considering that over on this side of the Red, too. Honestly, I see both sides. On one side, if my son eats breakfast and lunch at school, that costs about $4, I think it is. Come on, people, how can you not find $4/day to feed your damn kid? Yes, I know there are extenuating circumstances. That’s what charity is for.
On the other hand, the government is forcing me by law to send my kid to school every day. Why in the fuck shouldn’t they be required to feed the kid while he’s there?
The other story that drives me crazy about school lunches is that so many parents have discovered that nothing bad happens if they never pay the meal balances for their kids. So they don’t pay. And heaven help the school that tries to collect on those debts.
Sometimes I agree that a school might go a bit far when shaming a kid for his parents not paying their debt, but again, what parent would put their kid in that position? It isn’t like kids are shamed randomly.
Too many deadbeats.
I worked in the cafeteria in high school, we got free lunch and 40 cents an hour. My folks were happy, otherwise they would need to come up with 70 cents a week for a meal ticket. No one, repeat no one got a free lunch except us kid employees. Boys were dishwashers, girls were servers and helped washing dishes as necessary.
Some kids carried their lunch, ate in the lunch room which was really the girls gym with fold up tables. Janitors raised/lowered the tables every day.
It was a great gig, the lunchroom ladies (cooks) really took care of us kids, food wise. Food was subsidized by some program. Occasionally we’d see things that we were not familiar with at home but we ate it and enjoyed it. A teenager’s dream.
This is how it should be. Can’t afford lunch? Help in the cafeteria, and not only will you get fed, but you’ll make some extra scratch while you’re at it.
But asking people to work for what they want/need is racist now. Or something.
Mass/Quantity/Volume of food was veeeery important, yes. 🙂
On the other hand, the government is forcing me by law to send my kid to school every day. Why in the fuck shouldn’t they be required to feed the kid while he’s there?
You know what, that is a damn good point. My view on the school lunch thing just flipped.
Yeah, I’m in this camp.
My kids’ schools started giving everyone free lunches when they re-opened after Covid. Before that I think it was $2.25 for lunch, which tells me it’s probably heavily subsidized anyways, and the system for getting money into the lunch account was garbage – you had to link it to your bank account, it wouldn’t automatically load more funds when it got low, and IIRC there were weird issues with getting unused funds out at the end of the year.
If not-poor kids are “hungry”, does anyone really expect their parents to get them to school early to get the “free” breakfast?
Per a thread in the morning links, how are they supposed to feed their kids after they sell the SNAP card for cash?
And their kids SNAP cards…which our school district sent out without our consent. “Covid didn’t allow us to spend tax payer monies when we shut down the school so here….go buy your own food” was the reasoning.
In HS I didn’t eat breakfast or lunch most days. Not that I couldn’t, I just never did, I didn’t get hungry until night after I got done at work. Worst fat kid ever.
*points* *Nelson laugh*
So the hungry kids are allowed to go from noon to 8am the next day – 20 hours – without being provided a free meal? Why do those bastards at DFL hate little kids?
Well, the free breakfast I can see, but we all know there is no such thing as a free lunch.
My kids get free meals at school. Spending down that emergency money on every child regardless of need.
“Free lunch” was nothing to be proud of when I was in school – and this was in the “inner city” where like half the kids were on it. It was a notable badge of honor when rising fortunes around 10th grade made me ineligible for it.
I guess those days are long over.
The concepts of “self-reliance” and “pride” are long gone.
There is no shame when everybody gets a free lunch which is probably why they gave it to everybody.
Gradelunch inflation.It may be another Friday, but I actually have plans tonight so instead of being the host tonight, I present the Open Zoom of Fun*.
*Fun not guaranteed, if you have fun for more than 4 hours, consult reality and political news.
St. Paul mayor says the quiet part out loud
Give us your money you anti-equity racist!
So… shoo-in for re-election by landslide then.
“We do have some meal programs already, but a quarter of hungry kids in Minnesota schools do not qualify for those programs,” said Rep. Sydney Jordan, DFL-Minneapolis. “And so with this bill, this will ensure that every child has the tools — breakfast and lunch — to succeed in school.”
Is this a direct response to the end of “emergency” food stamps?
Also- “tools to succeed”:
Every kid gets a doughnut and a chromebook?
The donut is provide plausible deniability for the junior high boy about why his chromebook is so sticky.
Will General Joe dress up like Douglas MacArthur and pre-empt all the channels to announce his great victory over the Montgolfier brothers’ newfangled contraption?
Hate crime
Representative Angie Craig, D-Minn., is bruised but otherwise OK after fighting off an attacker in the elevator of her D.C. apartment building Thursday.
Police say the suspected assailant, 26-year-old Kendrick Hamlin, is in custody, charged with simple assault. The attack did not appear to be politically motivated, said Craig’s chief of staff, Nick Coe, in a statement.
According to the police report, Craig spotted her assailant in the lobby of her apartment complex around 7:10 a.m. The man was “acting erratic as if he was under the influence of an unknown substance,” Craig told police.
She said “Good morning” to the man before she entered the elevator. The man followed her in “and began to randomly do pushups,” the report says.
The man then punched Craig on the chin and grabbed her neck, according to the report. Craig told police she threw her hot coffee on the man, who then fled.
What happened to run/cower/surrender? There is no place for vigilante attacks in a civilized country.
If Gunn is going to be in charge, can The Detachable Kid be brought back? The world NEEDS more Nathan Fillion.
Sober statesmanship
The U.S. Air Force launched an unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile test from California in a show of nuclear readiness.
The test launched at 11:01 p.m. PT from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California, the base announced on Friday.
It was a “routine” activity “intended to demonstrate that the United States’ nuclear deterrent is safe, secure, reliable and effective,” according to the announcement.
“A test launch displays the heart of our deterrence mission on the world’s stage, assuring our nation and its allies that our weapons are capable and our Airmen are ready and willing to defend peace across the globe at a moment’s notice,” said Gen. Thomas A. Bussiere, Air Force Global Strike Command commander.
I’m glad the grownups are in charge.
+1 I’m So Ronery
safe, secure, reliable and effective
There are those words again.
+1 Ready for duty!
I don’t see the test as a big deal. The US informs Russia (maybe others) that it will happen and the launch goes toward Kwajalein. The course is easily identifiable by Russia (and others) to keep the drama low. It is routine for all parties.
I’ve tried hard to not read any of this, but this made me curious. It’s the new double down approach.
Michael Irvin sues woman for $100 million over Super Bowl hotel misconduct accusations
It very well could be BS, but this is telling:
<a href="https://nypost.com/2023/02/08/michael-irvin-revealed-super-bowl-incident-in-bizarre-interview/" title="
” target=”_blank”>
You’d think he would remember it after the first time they showed it to him.
Does that make it a quadruple down?
I don’t know who that is. So, easy to skip.
Ladies and gentlemen, start your outrage!
Amultimillion-dollar Super Bowl ad campaign telling viewers that Jesus Christ “gets” them is the latest controversy surrounding the NFL’s biggest event of the year.
On Sunday, two new ads from the “He Gets Us” campaign will air during the game between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Kansas City Chiefs. While the religious nature of the commercials was already likely to provoke audiences, it’s the $20 million price tag that has sparked backlash online.
Ahead of the Super Bowl weekend, social media users questioned whether the wealthy Christian backers behind the ad campaign were hypocrites for spending millions on marketing Christianity, rather than using the funds for another religious initiative, like philanthropy, that is typically promoted as the core of faith.
While many of the donors backing the campaign have remained anonymous, Christianity Today reported that one of the billionaire co-founders of retail company Hobby Lobby, David Green, was among those who publicly acknowledged funding the campaign.
“Incredible to me that a group of people (including the Hobby Lobby CEO) spent 20 million dollars on a couple ads for the Super Bowl to literally promote Jesus,” a Twitter user wrote. “I feel like Jesus would have spent that 20 million in another way…”
Let him who is without money cast the first rock.
“He Gets Us” is a pretty left-wing Christian org. Their previous ads compared Jesus and Mary to illegals crossing the border to enter the U.S.
The one I’ve heard makes him sound like a BLM organizer.
Yeah, I get a definite liberation theology vibe from their ads.
For what it’s worth, I don’t think Jesus would have ever put himself in a position where he was the head of an organized religion with at least twenty million dollars in funds up for discretionary spending so what he would of done with that money is irrelevant.
He would have had the tail gate parties catered, for 20 M
Big tailgater, Jesus.
On the other hand (based on seeing a number of church budgets) about 80% of religious spending goes to pastoral and staff salaries and benefits, and church maintenance, with maybe 20% at best actually going to outreach and charitable activities.
The latest in “some are outraged”.
You mean you are outraged, and you want us to be outraged too.
I feel like Jesus…
Jesus may get you, but you don’t get him.
A cause is spending money on advertising instead of its stated mission? That never happens.
“…rather than using the funds for another religious initiative, like philanthropy, that is typically promoted as the core of faith.”
It’s not the Rotary Club. Christianity does have a pretty rich history of trying to get people interested in Christianity.
Next thing you know they’ll be wasting money on entire buildings where paid speakers hold hour long sales pitches, telling you how great their product is!
Is it *your* money? No? Then STFU.
-1 Bill Gates
So, where does the money for this PR campaign come from, anyway?
Happened to catch the tail end of CBS evening news – on the road segment (no link up for it yet).
You all recall the Harrisburg City Councilman who pulled a gun on a burglar but the guy ran off. Somehow the would-be perp reached out on social media – confessing. So the Councilman doesn’t press charges, but helps the young man out. 22 year old with no record but in tough circumstances. Asked – what are you going to do with this chance and he replies “not going to waste it”. I was pretty impressed with the Councilman before, even more so now.
I guess that’s a little ray of sunshine after sunset.
Good job on recognizing destroying the young man’s life was probably the wrong choice.
Drunk Heyoooh!
Tall Cans and sunshine,
Damn, son. It’s not even 5 o’clock there.
Trailer is ready to be painted/stained/etc. Putting an RV door latch on it was interesting. Draft sale contract in the works for this trailer and my wife’s client list is in, so we can hammer away the changes needed.
Wife is looking forward to stop dog grooming, except a small set of clients she is retaining.
It was a satisfying business for her but it takes its toll on the body.
My wife cleaned homes for quite a few years.
When she retired the clients, every single one of them, said, “Can you drop everyone else and still keep me?”
I still laugh. What part of “retirement” don’t you understand?
Related (sort of)
Hell, in high school back in the ’80s I regularly wore one of those Green Beret “Kill ’em all and let God sort ’em out” T-shirts. No one really seemed to notice.
is there a zoom link for tonight, or am i just out of the loop?
Look up! Neph posted it
Well I’m drinking “Desert Mirage Hazy IPA Shiner TEXHEX” 8%ABV..
I think I will go with some mead.