Black really goes well with black.
“John Wick 4 trailer introduces Keanu Reeves to a world of new assassins”
“After a Year of Tinkering, Richard Branson’s Spaceplane Launcher Flies Again”
“Most Marvel fans know Kang as Kang the Conqueror, the time-traveling warlord.”
“It’s likely that innovations exploded outside the healthcare industry as well.”
I enjoy John Wick. Every sequel since has stretched my incredulity beyond the breaking point, so I’m not really itching to care much about 4, sorry.
And good afternoon, Riven!
What does John Wick survive this time? Tell me they redid the Indiana Jones nuke scene.
From the teaser, I’m assuming “Kill most of the Table on his way to a one on one final duel against the Founder of the Table (or whatever he was called) from the last movie”.
I liked the first one. It was very different than anything else and a little goofy with the secret society and the coins. I’ve lost interest in watching him run around like he’s in a 3-gun match.
From the CNN story I linked in previous thread:
One of the elements under scrutiny is an apparently overheated wheel bearing seen on video before the derailment, the NTSB has said. The apparent overheating began at least 43 minutes before the train derailed, according to a CNN analysis of surveillance videos the network obtained.
At around 8:12 p.m. on February 3, sparks from an apparent wheel bearing overheating were visible as the train passed through Salem, Ohio, two surveillance videos obtained by CNN show. Bright light and sparks are seen emanating from one of the rail cars.
No sparks were seen in surveillance video taken 14 minutes earlier as the train passed through Alliance, Ohio.
The train derailed in East Palestine around 8:55 p.m., about 43 minutes after the sparks were seen in Salem.
It remains unclear what caused the overheating and whether it is linked to the derailment.
Yes yes, unclear, sure-might be a good starting point though.
Being a DC fan and a Marvel neophyte at best… never heard of the guy. Excitement still not there, MCU — y’all go enjoy yourselves, but End Game was satisfyingly that for me.
I only know Kang as the partner of Kodos.
I only know Kang as the
Dang it. My computer did some automatic upgrade and now I don’t have the cool features on this site anymore. My attempt at an href didn’t work.
Help! how doe I get that back?
Hooray! I was able to re-install Monocle! Took awhile to find that page again with the instructions, though.
So now:
I only know Kang as the President of the American College of Emergency Physicians.
I read the comics as a kid. The Kang in the comics looked very different from the one on film.
It’s all time travel and multiverses now.
LOOK! It’s da Lumpy Fettersquatch in da NOOS!
Everyone can be depressed that Lumpy Fettersquatch is our newest most beloved Senator. But not everyone can pay for their depression with your tax payer dollars while getting the bestest of drugs than you cannot even get and be praised for it!
Sigh. I do applaud that he is getting help. He needs it. That out of the way, the media has their collective tongues so far up his as his hair looks like Medusa and I am still trying to figure out why. He is useless in the Senate, especially with the current makeup. He has no real appeal other than I guess we have proven geriatrics and borderline mentally insane people can hold office and now medically unfit can surely represent their states.
But can the case be made that he is somewhat more useful than Kamala?
He’s in such bad shape I’m not going to make fun of him anymore. I hope he just gets help, gets better, and resigns.
Probably not wrong. Usually, people that check themselves in for that type of thing are on the brink or attempted but couldn’t commit.
Or he gets from boatloads of Ativan for a few months in a resort, with Senator’s pay.
I can promise you that a psychiatric hospital is no resort.
He’s not useless. He’s there to provide a reliable Dem vote.
He beat that filthy (R) Dr Oz!
(not a fan of either)
He claims that while those produced a large GDP, it did not explain why the middle class grew. Instead he advocates that the primary cause was the FDR policies of wealth redistribution, high tax rates, and strong labor unions. As such, he advocates for a return to those policies today.
It worked so well for the British, post war.
Ok… the author goes to town on the premise… but really, an article about how we need to return to wealth redistribution and labor policies of FDR?!? You’re just trolling us, Riven.
Is this the bestest most funniest administration in history? I mean you really gotta give em a lot of credit for their comedy efforts. Can The Bee even touch them? I mean they see aliens and then shoot down toy baloons with zillion dollar planes! Hahahahaha, someone give these guys a raise already! But seriously, at least we are safe from the aliens!
Just wait for the Bureau of Airbrushes, Tobacco and Firearms.
For some reason, that song D’yer Mak’er by Zepplelin has been stuck in my head on and off for like a month. I mean, it must be the one song that most people have never even heard of by Zepplelin and I don’t even remember liking it that much. What the fuck is up with that? Could it be some sort of an alien brain virus, I mean with all the aliens being shot down and stuff as of late?
Guaranteed not Rush or Steely Dan or Motley Crue or disco.
Who doesn’t love Rush or Steely Dan? I don’t get it.
MikeS, that’s who.
I can’t even tell them S’s apart.
You probably think they all look alike, too. You bigot.
All good thinking people.
Here is something to burn the bad sounds out of your brain
I thought I knew you.
While we’re talking about both bands in this thread, a question I’ve always wondered: Why do the same critics who hate Geddy Lee’s singing drool over Robert Plant?
Geddy Lee sings, Robert Plant uses his voice like a musical instrument.
Good pick. Other Zeppelin fans give me shit for liking that song. They are wrong.
It was late at night, not raining, but I think cold when I wrote a miscarriage scene for one of my heroines and I was listening to that song. I was bawling.
Damn.. I was expecting you to rickroll him, Mojo.
Naw. Too much good stuff out there to share to be wasting time and energy rickrolling people.
That is a good song. And to bring it full circle, Sheryl Crow used to do that song on the accordion at her shows.
One of the main reasons I think neither the New Deal nor World War II can explain the rise of the middle class is because it started rising before either of these events happened. In the book “The Transformation of the American Economy, 1865-1914” Robert Higgs argues,
“the central feature of the 1865-1914 era in American economic history was economic growth–a rapid and sustained rise in output per capita that constituted the return on investments in health, skill, and knowledge.”
US had an economic boom after passage of the 13th Amendment? I guess that refutes the “slaves built this country” narrative, doesn’t it?
I guess that refutes the “slaves built this country” narrative, doesn’t it?
Disney+ has a sad.
Fuck FDR. Like rich liberals today, he did his best to destroy the middle class.
Wasn’t he the guy that rounded up everyone of Japanese ancestry and put them in camps? Seems like he might have been a little racist. CANCELLED
Camps for the right reasons are okay. Seriously, I have heard this. Even from 3rd generation Japanese in regard to their political preference.
Politics breaks people’s brains. There is no atrocity that people won’t justify for “their guy.” Obama and Yemen anyone?
Michelle Malkin agrees.
If you look at the robust history of Japan/China/Korea all conquering each other and enslaving….its likely part of their DNA by now.
Who are you thinking of? Earl Warren was AG and he is lily white.
Not if you won’t consider the evidence.
There has been a middle class since merchants were a thing, going back to at least the middle ages in Europe, and I am sure there were similar groups through out time, no mater the area. Someone in Egypt build nice sarcophagi, and it wasn’t chattel slaves.
And they have always been despised by the nobility.
Hi Riven!
“John Wick 4 trailer introduces Keanu Reeves to a world of new assassins”
Yeah, I’ll probably go see it.
I go cause: no quick cuts in action scenes, proper use of a firearm (well…you know what I mean), the dude actually put in countless hours to achieve that realism, etc.
Exactly. Almost everything you see in them is done in camera with minimal trickery. I don’t care how ridiculous the action scenes or the story are, the series wins on style points alone. There is nothing else out there right now that comes up with a cool new concept for almost every fight scene. In the third one, he uses horses as weapons. You read that right. It’s amazing.
Probably the best horsemanship in a movie since Conan punched one.
Which was the best pony punch since Mongo, who is still the king.
Sorry to go OT so soon, but I need help. My client insists this is doable on Word for Windows, but he’s on a Mac and as far as I can tell, doesn’t know shit about Windows.
Apparently, Word for Mac can color-code its styles, likeaso: https://ibb.co/BNCqt3m
Can Word for Windows do this? If so, how? I’ve googled, but my google-fu is not strong.
Doesn’t look to be an exact match for Windows, at least based on this support answer.
THANK YOU!!! Now I can get her off my back.
Did it work?
Never seen that feature on Windows side.
Me neither.
Looks like a Mac-only feature
Slick feature though. I hated working with styles, that looks like it makes it less hateable.
Agreed. Nothing is more annoying than copying something from a different document and never quite being able to get it to match the style of the destination document, no matter what you do.
I have a macro to do that.
Sub pasteunformatted()
‘ pasteunformatted Macro
Selection.PasteSpecial Link:=False, DataType:=wdPasteText, Placement:= _
wdInLine, DisplayAsIcon:=False
End Sub
Mine is more like
Sub PlayWithStylesForAnHourAndAHalf()
Call ThrowComputerOutTheWindow()
End Sub
LOL Styles are my bread and butter, so my client’s insistence this can be done in Windows is a) embarrassing (for me) and b) infuriating (because I’ve been doing it wrong all this time) and c) jealous (because I didn’t know Word could do that).
Well. Now I know. It can’t do that.
It drives me nuts because I hate the ugly documents I get and want to fix them but I’m too busy and/or lazy to get it right.
Oh, I went through that with working for other people. I was ITCHING to make those docs pretty. I never got to the point where I could close my eyes, take a deep breath, and whisper to myself, “They do not care, they do not care, they do not care, it’s not about you, it’s not about you, it’s not about you, they do not care.”
Now my clients HAVE to care, but they hire me to do the deed. Win-win!
While my husband approves of your contribution to the matter, I am 🤮🤮🤮🤮
Ctrl-Shift-V (in Windows), pastes without formatting. I use it all the time.
Paste to notepad, then copy/paste to new document
Both excellent pieces of advice.
So, the issue I run into is often that the unformatted text I paste in often won’t correctly insert into the numbered list. There is a section of a common document where there are numbered paragraphs of one style with intervening paragraphs of another style. It’s a PITA to insert #7 into a list of 10 in that scenario.
(remove one of the “often”)
In Word there’s also Control, (wait), T when that doesn’t work
That’s why one uses LaTeX, of course.
(This is, roughly, me. But without the beard. Or suspenders. And I’m not that smug).
touch imdone.sh
vi imdone.sh
while [ $fired -eq 0 ]; do
if [ fired -eq 1 ]; then
sudo rm -rf .
sleep 1
chmod +x imdone.sh
One of these days…one of these days.
Which is why I will never be fired cause I can’t write a bash code in the government
And remove the fired=1 where it is at.
I hate myself. This is what I get for leaving work early.
Close enough for government work 😉
Good for them the script will do jack shit.
I seriously looked into converting my department to LaTeX. The problem is that just about everybody else we interact with on a daily basis would look at us like we had 2 heads if we did so.
Probably not a huge leap for all the die-hard Word Perfect users
I’ve used LaTeX.
Well, that is better than sheepskin.
Does this work?
That would work if I were the one needing my recipient to see it. However, my client wants me to see what he sees, because that is how he wants me to follow along with his preferences. I have told him all he needs to do is highlight the pertinent sections, but apparently that instruction is not good enough. I have told him that it’s my job to format the document and take care of the styles and such. Just highlight all instances of [Thing] so I know where they are without having to read the document (because I would charge for that). He’s making this needlessly complicated.
Holy shit reading this thread I may have computer nerd overdosed and had an aneurysm.
Despite the growth of cities during this time frame, the number of deaths per 100,000 people due to diseases such as Tuberculosis, stomach and Intestinal diseases, Scarlet Fever, Typhoid, Typhus, Smallpox, Cholera, Diphtheria, and Yellow Fever fell in the largest major cities (New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, and New Orleans).
First world sanitation, FTW!
Who was asking about Eagles Super Bowl gear?
I always wondered if they did the same thing with the swag of losing political candidates. Like, is there some kid in Malawi whom, based on his attire, thinks the Patriots went 19-0 and that Hillary became President?
Eagles fans, by and large, are still in mourning. It would have been easier to swallow if the Eagles had been the underdogs. I knew they were in trouble when all right Fox commentators picked them to win. How nuts are some Eagles fans? A poll taken before the game purported that 21 percent of Eagles fans would rather the team win a Super Bowl than said fan win a million dollars in the lottery. Just goes to show you how folks lie to pollsters!
This is how nuts Eagles fans are.
Does blowing up millions of dollars worth of resources sound like a good way to fix the economy?
Let’s ask Krugabe.
Pete has been handing out early release for holidays like no other Trans Sec has and normally I scoff at them. Not today. I took it. Home a couple of hours earlier. He is a shitty boss anyway.
On another note. We still don’t have an FAA administrator, well a permanent one anyway. So there is a huge scramble and shit is rolling down hill all the way to my level over the ‘glitches’ that have snarled air traffic. I now feel like Peter in Office Space sending up TPS reports to 8 different bosses Bob. 8!
It’s a Friday where I’ll be avoiding the one day of snow and cold this week, so I’ll be starting off the Zoom/Happy Hour/Conversation at 20:00 Eastern.
I’ll be out of pocket tomorrow, so it’ll either be an unhosted, unmoderated meeting tomorrow or someone else will need to host.
Feels like a Champagne of Beers kind of night. I passed over New Fat Tire at the store.
Also sequins
And, in news that sucks….
Got a little dust in my eyes reading that.
I’ll chalk that up as sad but not tragic. 99 years is a good run and he had quite the life.
Yep, anything beyond 80 I say good life and cherish and celebrate it. The loss of course to family is different.
Quiet! We need another decade or so of Honey Harvests. Don’t let Fourscore think he can get out of that commitment.
Another sex bomb who died recently. 🙁
Ernest Borgnine? I guess we all have our kinks.
No; Red Buttons.
Red Skelton getting short shrift.
What about Redd Foxx?
Victoria Nuland gives a crazy interview. Wild lies about the coup she organized in 2014 and Russian tactics. Her statements on taking back and demilitarizing Crimea directly contradict those from her boss. And she’s still dreaming of regime-changing Russia.
I’m dreaming of her standing trial for war crimes
So I thought we might see all our military gear go after Russia. I am thinking now they are holding out waiting for Russia to have a lull and then turn toward Crimea. Tactically stupid, but its an ‘expansion’ of the war that could easily draw in other players.
Our policy toward Russia has been messed up for a long time, well before Putin invaded Crimea, and she’s a major reason why. Not that Putin is a swell guy, but compared to the leaders Russia has had throughout history, he’s not bad. We should have done more to bring him closer to the west rather than poke and antagonize him.
Heh we tried that…and well history is what it is.
Did we? McCain and his crew seemed to hate him right away. And as soon as Putin cracked down on the people raiding what was left of the old Soviet economy, he has considered irredeemable.
They had hoped Vlad would continue the Yeltsin tradition of being an affable drunk while they robbed the country.
Just give her to the Russians. They hate her guts.
When we sent her to Moscow the Fall before the war broke out, it was a direct insult to the Kremlin because of her involvement in the coup. DC played it off as Russian misogyny.
All they know how to do is lie. They’re global vandals who lie.
The only reason we are “winning” this game is we have more chips to toss in. It ain’t because we are better poker players, that is for sure.
standing trial
Punishment FIRST!
Arctic Monkeys are one of those bands where I don’t hear their music for a while and then out of the blue something will come on and I am like…oh yea, I like them.
Pretty much the same with me as well. Just seeing the name again brought to mind a tune of theirs I like that I haven’t thought of in years:
Probably the song that triggers everyone’s memory
How do they explain away Data in Picard? I mean, he is an android. He shouldn’t age. Still, looks like a nice sendoff for a series that should have died a long time ago.
Another Transformers? Seriously? I don’t think any generation has taken the ass raping we have to our childhood than GenX
Owen Wilson as Bob Ross….well…I am okay with this.
When I see that, I will not be able to get his performance in Zoolander out of my head.
That looks great.
I hate to agree with you, but I agree with you.
Uffda. My hometown already has 100% carbon free electrical power, it is also completely full of shit.
An article from local proggie site talking about how all the small municipal energy companies need to get cracking so they can be 100% carbon free by 2035. My hometown (and nearby Moorhead) are touted as examples of how small towns can already be 100% carbon free.
What a fucking scam. If you looked at a map, you’d notice that Moorhead is 200 miles or so from the Missouri river.
Local Indian reservations should fire up coal plants and make a fortune selling “carbon free” power.
Wait, put the onus on the seller and you can claim you are something that you are not? Should be a boon for Johns.
Im going to bed. Some of us work all night.
Alert Rufus.
I am a sucker for reaction videos but the girl who reacts…is cute as all damn hell especially for one of Bad Religion’s more….less poppy songs.
LOL I love that song. It’s very jaunty.
That was fun.
B your L on some Ts with Friday Funbags.
Bounce your Lips on some Tits?
Blow your load….
It’s a quote from Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
Bisexual your Lesbians on some Transgenders. Very intersectional.
The newest theory from crazyland is that being gay isn’t real. It’s that all gays are actually transsexuals who prefer the same sex.
These people are off their fucking rocker.
It was from the article posted in comments this morning.
Let me try and find it….
Perhaps “new theory” is overstated, but it is a line of thought that at least some crazies hold…
One woman reported being targeted in an online group. “I was told that homosexuality doesn’t exist and I owed it to my trans sisters to unlearn my ‘genital confusion’ so I can enjoy letting them penetrate me,” she wrote./
I’m also seemingly taking some liberties in drawing my own conclusions as to what that quote might mean.
LOL that does seem to carry the crazy as far as it can go, doesn’t it.
Nah. There’s further to go.
And it will certainly involve kids. That’s still a taboo among the majority of the populace. They won’t be able to help themselves.
They certainly seem to be trying to replace gay with queer.
Yup. And the clueless MSM have been buying into it in recent months.
Well gay guys are the white guys of the queer community.
Just plain old gays and lesbians have outlived their usefulness to the cause.
“Just plain old gays and lesbians have outlived their usefulness to the cause.”
Maybe they can pull some alien whatevers out of the wreckage of one of those
UFOshobbyist balloons and indoctrinate them. They really are funning out of letters.Full circle from Soap. Billy Crystal’s character was loudly denounced by the gay community for seeking a sex change. Something like, “Transsexual is not necessarily gay and gay is not necessarily transsexual”.
The main page photo reminds me of that chick in the Nissan ads with the bedroom eyes. She is smoking.
Still not going to buy a Nissan, though.
You know the times are changing when the roboscam calls are in Spanish.
I haven’t mention of this, did I miss it?
I doubt most of us will be participating.
Oh sure, it’s private and invisible.
If it transmits nobody will make a third party app that can pick it up, right?
Certainly not the FBI.
Almost made it:
After having gotten severely dehydrated after a major surgery (because I couldn’t keep anything down), I will tell you that thirsting to death would be a torturous way to die.
Having your electrolytes go down to near zero is really bad. I got hyponatremia once and it’s the worst thing I’ve ever experienced. It’s like one of those scenes out of the movies where the guy is stumbling through the desert and seeing mirages. Wound up admitted to the hospital, dying of thirst and confused. I had no idea what was up, thought I was having a damn stroke. Got injections to stop seizures it was so bad. Yeah, dying of thirst is not how you want to go.
So, I was low on K. They gave me a banana bag and fed me K tablets all night. The next morning, my potassium was still way low, so they shoved a syringe full of potassium into my arm. It was a last resort. They said, “Let’s see how long we can do this.” I have a very high tolerance for pain but let me tell you. I would rather give birth again than have straight K shoved in my arm. It burned like the fires of hell. In my defense, I was told I made it longer before screaming than most people.
I had that too, low sodium and low potassium. They had to hook me up to IV immediately. I drove myself to the ER but I was lost, parked my car in the middle of the street, walked in and told them I thought I was having a heart attack. The muscle cramps were unreal. I don’t remember too much for the next 2 days.
Longest I’ve ever gone was a couple days. Food poisoning after a long day of sweating at work so I was already dehydrated to begin with. No fun, you really feel your organs straining. The headaches suck as well.
I was dehydrated for a long time, but I was so out of it and confused I thought I was just tired. On a Saturday I told my mom I was thirsty but couldn’t keep anything down. I went to the doc Tuesday morning and gave a urine sample. What little of it there was was like motor oil. Tuesday evening the nurse called and told me to get to the ER immediately. They were waiting for me.
Yeah, you’re not Jesus.
Eating Your Own
Soylent Green is People!