Never again? Boo!
Still no sports, although I guess the Pebble Beach Pro-Am should count. But since they grew the rough up so we couldn’t get another shot on the 8th like Spieth’s last year, I won’t bother. I just want baseball to get here at this point. Oh well, moving on…
What goes around comes around. Sorry, assholes. You made the rules.

An artist’s depiction of the balloon
“Would you like to ride in my beautiful balloon?” I really wish they could figure out what the hell that thing is doing before it crosses into Canada and receives a heroes welcome by the commie government up there.
Well…good. No, I don’t want domestic abusers to have guns. But I also respect the fact that we have this thing in our country called a constitution that prohibits the government from removing rights prior to a prosecution. The court did the right thing here.
Talk about jumping the gun. Nice work, dummies. Nice fucking work.
What a shitty thing to do. And I fully support it.
Yes…YES!!!!!!!!! I love it when they start eating their own.

Moooooove over, Elsie.
Oh, this is just great. We’re doomed. DOOMED!!!!!!!
Man, these guys had a diverse portfolio. I only care about one part of what they were doing though. And for that, I hope they get chucked in a woodchipper if they’re guilty.
“And another one’s gone. And another one’s gone. Another one several thousand bites the dust.” Damn, that place will be a ghost town soon.
Heaven forbid those kids get a chance, right? You’d rather protect the failing system and teachers unions that have run it completely into the ground than allow for a change that can’t possibly be as bad as the current situation. And for that, I say “fuck you.”
Here’s a bit of magic for you. Oh yeah…get those feet moving. And keep them moving. What an absolutely fantastic band. RIP to their absolute legend of a lead singer, who passed away late last year.
Well, that’s it. Now go enjoy that bitter cold day dear friends. And have a great weekend.
whaddup doh’
Same old, same old. Another auction down and on to the next one.
Equipment values holding steady. Transport trucks and commercial trucks incredibly strong yesterday. All is right with the world.
Good on the auction, Sloop.
I’m not sure. It’s a case of “The software shouldn’t be doing that, lets find out why it is”
Sounds about right.
Depends – was it code I wrote or someone else?
Always someone else…
My code never has bugs unless I put them in there by design..
You appear to be intentionally adding a lot of bugs then.
I am fucking not kidding you that I worked with an asshat that would add 2 bugs to any code he wrote. On the side he already had the fixes on his computer ready to go. Then he waited around for the QA people to find and log the bugs. He would then in a matter of hours “fix” the bugs, and then get a big bonus from management come bonus time because he was so responsive and good at finding the bugs and fixing them. It infuriated me that the bonus criteria was not for delivering flawless code in the first place, but to fix crap code.
When I became his tech lead I called him on that shit and told him never to do so again. He reported me to HR for not letting him do the fucking shit he had been doing, then got mad when HR told him the problem was with him…
I don’t code, but I’ve purposely made defects or faults to evaluate QA and maintenance during production process work.
I had a tech who had a checklist he was supposed to follow every morning to ensure the vacuum pumps, process gasses, and plant N2 were in the correct and safe state. I occasionally would turn off a bottle or close a normally open valve to ensure he wasn’t just going through the motions. This tech never disappointed me. Others I caught making machines fail right before the weekend so they could get OT. Skip PM work during down time so they could come in on the weekend.
I’m surprised I didn’t get my tires slashed.
My code never has bugs unless I put them in there by design
[ow, don’t make my eyeballs roll that hard, please]
I’ve purposely made defects or faults to evaluate QA and maintenance during production process work.
Manual Chaos Monkey. 👍
Yeah — given surveillance is just as well done from LEO… it does make one wonder about the old dispersal trick the Japanese tried back in WWII instead. Which may be why there’s so much concern about “debris” as long as I’m wildly speculating with zero evidence and all…. Yay!
Morning, Sloopy. I’m just waiting for pre-season F1 testing to start up and hoping that someone figured out their car enough so Max doesn’t cruise 30 seconds ahead of the field and bore the crap out of us this year.
I honestly think it will be a competitive season between three teams. And the race for fourth in the constructors championship will have just as many in the hunt.
This will be the best year for F1 in some time.
Hope so. Mercedes really screwed the pooch last year… hope they figured things out.
The FIA figured it out for them by letting them poach tech from RBR.
This kind of stuff is why I stopped paying attention to Silly Season and all the soap opera drama whining to the FIA…. but thanks. If I care enough I’ll go dig up details. 😉
Fuck Mercedes. Why is watching Hamilton cruise to victory by 30 seconds more entertaining than watching Max do it.
I’m rooting for the return of Ferrari and hoping the top three duke it out every week. It would be nice if Norris could get into the mix but I don’t think his car is there.
Didn’t say I wanted them to swap scenarios. It is just that Ferrari at least seemed competitive last year (if they can get their mechanical issues in check to match their performance) whereas Mercedes was lucky to be fighting for anything above fifth.
Want to see all three in the same class and fighting — and if I’m going to root for a Mercedes driver post-Rosberg, it will be Russel. 😉
I mean hey — if Haas somehow found the funding/talent to put together a good car again, I’m not going to knock that scenario either! I just figure RBR / Ferrari / Merc is the most likely for a good fight this year, not the mid-field.
Ferrari will also need to not employ terrible tactics. That hurt them as much as reliability.
Oof… yeah. I think I had mentally blanked those.
I mean, did they not have a convenient pig farm watchtower or urban police precinct to observe from?
This is just to tweak noses, not gather serious intel.
What if…what if they’re dropping cow clone seeds in the Great Plains in an attempt to pacify us through tainted milk in the next five years?
This is why all of the cows have two heads after the war.
Now I know I’ve got to
Float away, I’ve got to
Get away, you don’t really want any more dairy from me
To make things right
You need someone to lock you up tight
And you think to Xi-Pooh you should pray,
But I’m sorry, I don’t pray that way
Tainted cows… ooh… tainted cows..
What the hell did Soft Cell ever do to you to deserve that?
No wait, on second thought I want to see the lyrics to “where did our milk go” now.
Cream Dwarf? Luring Disco Dollies to the Churn of Life?
I agree that the PRC are doing the balloon stunt primarily just to fuck with us. Wondering if this is related to the announced visit of VP Harris to Taiwan, which they consider their territory?
Someone should send some Obama or Biden balloons out over China…
Balloons that blast out their speeches.
I am certain that kind of cruelty and unusual abuse and punishment is banned by the Geneva convention….
War crime
Collections of their speeches are reserved for gifts of state.
It’s honestly probably just a science balloon as they said. They can already spy on us anytime they want.
And the one over Canada?
Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. We’re just one away from enemy action.
what would be the point? they have satellites.
The point might be to gauge our response, if any. Or perhaps virus or bacteria are being dispersed, who knows?
One does not forego multiple methods – think we only use satellites?
Well, they might just be Skatallites!
Satellite imagery is expensive and difficult to retask. High altitude balloons are cheap and expendable.
The balloon came from a wet market. No biggie.
I’ve lost track. Are we planning to lose a war with China when we’re done in the Ukraine? Or, do they own our leadership and we do whatever they demand? It can’t be both, can it?
As if the Chinese don’t know where our ICBMs are already.
I think the play here is to create a rationale for “diverting” resources from the disaster in Ukraine.
It’s dispersing a new biological agent. They learned from watching V.
I dont care if she was reptilian- that Diana broad was kinda hawt.
kinda hawt
Yeah, so is the sun. [Assuming we’re talking Morena]
Morena Baccarin was Anna in the 2009 series. Jane Badler was Diana in the original.
They’ll be surprised when they get to NoDak, WTF? Where is everybody?
Where’s the Wizard of Oz jokes?
Somewhere over the rainbow.
Down the yellow brick road.
User name checks out.
“No, I don’t want domestic abusers to have guns. But I also respect the fact that we have this thing in our country called a constitution that prohibits the government from removing rights prior to a prosecution.”
Last I checked, prohibited persons included “misdemeanor domestic violence”. Which is complete horseshit.
That is at least a conviction, this was based on a restraining order.
The solution is to give the victims guns.
As long as they don’t get freaky like Comet…
All kidding aside — my faith in them not to introduce genetic defects by cloning/manipulation is pretty low at this point. Especially in China. So we’ll see, I suppose… but I’m certainly not eager to partake from them.
That article’s complaining was too one-note on the surface. What would make it a delectable level of complaining is if we found out the author actually was a comic book horse.
Comports with my observation that too many bitchez fantasize about domineering a large animal with serious endowment and choose the horse for that…
“Several zoos offer a promotion, allowing visitors to buy a cockroach, name it after their former flame and then have it fed to one of the institution’s resident roach-eating animals like a lizard.
The payment then ensures the person is able to watch the insect get eaten. In some cases, the zoo will send a video or link of the feeding to the roach’s namesake.”
That seems a bit much.
Yeah, no reason to bug the other person.
If you are gonna name a cockroach after them for Valentines, why not just mail them a turd where you painted a smiley face on to it, huh?
If you want to spite an ex, just ignore them forever. Taunting them like this gives them the satisfaction that you aren’t over them.
The kids don’t have unions that can give kickbacks and PAC money, unfortunately. So fuck ’em… (NO! NOT LIKE THAT YOU GROOMERS!)
When school children start paying union dues, that’s when I’ll start representing school children.
“I only care about one part of what they were doing though. And for that, I hope they get chucked in a woodchipper if they’re guilty.”
Crystal Lake? You only have to wait 252 days.
The killer was a woman all along.
I’ve eaten at that Dairy Mart! thankfully was nearly decades ago.
The whining from the Democrats over the committee removals is epic, considering they were warned not to set that precedent when they did it first. I guess they just assumed the Republicans wouldn’t have the stones to give it back to them, which I guess is reasonable based on past performance.
The performative nature of their complaints has brought me much joy. I guess they are taking notes from Al Sharpton on how to successfully grift.
So I guess the next step is to incite a riot or two.
Ah, I see you’ve got an advanced copy of the script.
I look forward to them flopping on the floor of the House holding their shins next.
I want Remy to turn AOC’s rant into a rap song.
Omar for Green is a dead even swap in my book. Don’t understand the fuss.
Greene is a bit nutty, but still an improvement.
I’d put them about equal in intelligence and maturity. That puts both of them one step above AOC.
Your side is literally training students to become “activists”, if the Florida system is any indication.
something something reap something sow
If everyone’s a racist then no one is a racist, isn’t that how it works? Once DEI succeeds what will be left?
The problem with DEI is that like all government bureaucracies created to fight some evil or abuse, their existence is contiguous on them finding more of said evil and abuse. So there will always be racists….. When they got all the honkeys and honkey adjacents, then they will have to go after others infected with honkeyism.
You know. Just like the purges of old under marxism. Wave one and two put against the wall and shot are the ones you accuse of being the enemies of the people and the revolution. Then every subsequent wave will be true believers that get in the way of the top men and their agenda of genocide.
DEI isn’t like govt – it’s like religion. And pushing religious precepts into govt is what is particularly painful.
To me these government bureaucracies seem very much like organized religious entities. It’s all about grift, while peddling faith and believing whatever the trope of the day is, rather than being good (or even just not being horribly evil and bad) at getting shit done…
Bureaucrats aren’t really the zealous type. They take the job they have and do as little work as possible toward any end. Even the “Dear Colleague” letter from the Obama Admin on Title IX was lazy. The grift for the bureaucracy is getting paid to do essentially nothing.
The priests, which I compare to the usual low level bureaucrat, tend to be there for the occasional kiddie diddling opportunity. But them higher ups, them cardinals, they are there to really fucking milk the system for all its worth (and a lot more kiddie diddling).
“others infected with honkeyism”
Ah, so Asians then.
No. Those are honkey adjacent.
The ones affected with honkeyism tend to be the black, brown, and red faces of white supremacy….
Like the 5 black cops that wooped Tyre’s ass like it was personal….
“When they got all the honkeys and honkey adjacents, then they will have to go after others infected with honkeyism.”
I Wannsee what you did there.
It’s NYC. There’s no telling how much they are funding the activist groups out of the city budget.
Damn, I’ve seen the photo of everyone sitting in the audience wearing a mask but the video makes the context even worse.
There is so much wrong with that.
There is so much right.
Our enemies are killing themselves. At this point, that is the best outcome I can hope for.
When you want to win at any cost…
Stop oppressing her. She identifies as 13.
That’s what my lawyer should be telling the judge…..
And I better win and get to walk away with a solid payout for the abuse of challenging me, or I call bullshit on all this crap…
Did she still have eligibility left? That’s the question.
‘Orning ‘ordles — started out well, ended with a “Meh”
Daily Duotrigordle #338
Guesses: 35/37
Time: 04:38.37
Daily Quordle 375
Daily Quordle 375
Mine is exactly the same.
Daily Quordle 375
Daily Quordle 375
Daily Quordle 375
Lemme guess…
Prepping for the world blowjob Olympics?
Man, that trip to Israel did a number on Peterson. Should have stuck with the pronoun war, Professor.
Over and under that this is just an old time rapper?
He’s a mummy, so he is definitely a wrapper.
Of course, no fucking pictures of said mummy. The media really sucks.
“Why you should match your lipstick colour to your nipples: New beauty trend is the secret to the most flattering makeup look yet
However, some shoppers are more concerned about how they would match the lipstick samples to their nipples when out shopping.”
Maybelline should make an app.
Can I ask ladies at the market if their nipples match their lipstick now as a way to break the ice?
Does the grill match the headlights?
Well done 👍
Pop up headlights!
Please, all ladies of quality know the lipstick should match the color of the clitoral hood. Damn barbarians…
Years ago my wife was at a store and they had a bra fitting expert come in to help customers. My kids were shocked that was actually a job. But now, being an artist who’s good at matching colors, I think I’ve found my next career.
Sam Smith call your office!
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Mental disorder….
Why you gotta harsh on the Pope?
Cause the pope doesn’t send his sweet and healing love my way no more!
Like a BOSS!
Good one, Holiness!
I love it when our societies biggest proponents of marxism use capitalism to rip off the marxist morons that follow them off. Like Michael More, ole Bernie is making a killing peddling the marxist shit to a bunch of idiots that will pay big money to see it.
Party on, Bernie!
Sneaky they are too – hiding what they’re doing.
What was done there was seen. Other things, not so much.
Good morning, Sloop!
The balloon is embarrassing. The “pivot to Asia” was just announced a few days ago. It used to be they would sink a ship or something cool like that to engorge the war boners. This is sad.
You know what isn’t sad? The Specials.
And a high temp of 53 today.
Gonna be the coldest 2 days of this winter here in the People’s Republic of Connecticut… Record setting.
Enjoy your heat wave Tundra!
I’m seeing low of 9 tonight. I don’t think that is record-setting for NYC.
Ugh another source is showing 6. That might be.
We’re getting predictions of -11.
Temperature? zOMG.
That’s western NY style cold. I don’t miss it.
Yeah, base temperature. Not sure what the wind chill is supposed to get down to.
A few years back I had an idea for a book set in the Tarnished Sterling universe where a fictional branch of the military (ATOM, created to deal with alien threats) tries to prove it’s still relevant by launching an interstellar rescue mission loaded with firsts. At the time I worried about the depiction of the military as being insulting.
Now with the military having insulted itself in wokeness, I’m wondering whether the narrator would even be allowed on the mission (straight white male), and debate how many of the diversity selections will be any good, and which will screw up, crack under pressure, and/or get themselves killed. Then I question whether I want to write a book that will be seen as political because it’s realistic about the mixed bag you get when selecting for non-merit characteristics.
Though a super disfunctional ship of fools filled with political appointees who get thrown into the deep end would still make for a good book.
… interstellar rescue mission loaded with firsts
Bro’s ears perk up.
Bernie before he milked that marxist shit for all it was worth: We need to hang all millionaires and billionaires!
Bernie when he became a millionaire: We need to hang all
millionaires andbillionaires!A super dysfunctional ship of fools?
hums… “Goldfish shoals… nibbling at my toes! Fun, fun fun… in the sun, sun sun…”
I was not aiming to write a comedy, however.
New Writing Challenge!
Take the media’s current intersectional woke checkbox filling schema, but make them actual characters so that when they blunder in the face of the alien menaces and get horribly killed or maimed, it’s a tragedy.
I see that more as a comedy.
We’ll see how it turns out.
Easy peasy. A bunch of men pretend to be women so they can win the Women’s Spacejam Basketball tournament. Unfortunately, the other team is a race of aliens that look like spiders, so the men are incapable of playing defense and spend most of their time demanding the cismale coach deal squash the other team.
What goes around comes around.
But it’s a threat to democracy when Rs do it!
Nah, you just remind them of doing the same thing to MTG, and wait for…
“tHaT’s DiFfEreNt”!!!111!!
The argument I’ve been hearing is “the Republicans shouldn’t be engaging in childish tit for tat, it’s not helpful”.
You know, if I was Charlie Brown and Lucy pulled that football out from under me, it wouldn’t be the ball I’d be kicking the second time.
I’ve been hearing that and “The GOP should be the adults in the room.”
Didn’t they kick her off all committees, rather than just one? Or am I misremembering.
“I couldn’t imagine being too poor to afford servants, nor so rich as to be able to afford a car.” — Agatha Christie
Its a great quote that shows how much richer we are today.
Nonsense, It shows how much the cost of servants has gone up.
Because we are richer, so people have better options than being a servant.
Meanwhile cars are relatively cheap.
Its an example of relative price change, with both ends due to us all being richer.
If I can’t afford servants, I am not rich.
*I am richer than I was before, despite the efforts of people to push me back into poverty.
In her day, you would have been a servant.
Although she died in 1976…I wonder when the quote came from.
“You can’t believe everything you read on the internet” – Mark Twain
And no, my people were never domestics. Mill owners, laborers, mechanics, soldiers, but not domestics.
Mine were farmers all the way back.
Another job mostly replaced. For the better.
The layoff story hit too close to home. Altar Girl was let go from her company yesterday. Six weeks of severance. I guess I have a front row seat to see how hard it is to get a new job. Hoping it isn’t bad.
Remind her that layoffs have nothing to do with her and she should just see this as an opportunity to go a different way…
Yeah. We had that conversation. I think she’ll be OK. Still junior enough to be able to find jobs in the same salary range.
Also has a lot of money in the bank. The biggest problem is that this is stressing Mrs. Holiness out and that of course rolls downhill right onto me.
Yeah, that last one is the stuff you have no cure or remedy for your Holiness….
Capable people will make the best even of the occasional bad thing that was thrown at them…
I will say a prayer for you so Mrs. Holiness don’t make you have to spend 40 days in the desert to prove your commitment..
13 weeks, May 1st, hit the unemployment* for 26 weeks, then 13 weeks extension. Let the good time roll. Go back to school for a whole year paid.
*no idea what that pays these days
Six weeks sounds pretty good. Best of luck to her (and you)!
My last two (only two) layoffs I got 13 and 2 weeks respectively.
The 13 weeks was especially nice since I was laid off in May with a last work day of end of September. I had new job lined up to start in mid-October, so I had double pay for 11 weeks.
Never would have happened if you sold her off to me, she’d be safely chained to the radiator and not need worry about such things, 🔒
The only reason she isn’t chained there now, is I’m worried about the potential lawsuits you’d file against me for fraud and deceptive business practices.
Large Chinese reconnaissance balloon spotted over the US, officials say
And it was not immediately shot down because…?
It takes time to get people to move from Russia-hate to China-hate.
It’s only the US government claiming it’s a spy balloon. No one credible has.
Yeah, I’m going with weather balloon.
With swamp gas in a pocket reflecting the light from Venus?
When you wrote “swamp gas” I was thinking this:
SCULLY: From the trucker’s description, the shape he fired on could conceivably have been a mountain lion.
MULDER: Conceivably.
SCULLY: The National Weather Service last night reported atmospheric conditions in this area that were possibly conducive to lightning.
MULDER: Possibly.
SCULLY: It is feasible that the truck was struck by lightning, creating the electrical failure.
MULDER: It’s feasible.
SCULLY: And you know, there’s a marsh over there. The lights the driver saw may have been swamp gas.
MULDER: Swamp gas?
SCULLY: It’s a natural phenomenon in which phospine and methane rising from decaying organic matter ignite, creating globes of blue flame.
MULDER: Happens to me when I eat Dodger Dogs. How can a dozen witnesses including a squad of police vehicles in three counties become hysterical over swamp gas?
Urthona! Bearded Hobbit will be here Feb 12th. How can I contact you with info? Maybe the old Forum Dallas meetup thread?
Later Friday, following the news that Blinken would delay his visit, the Chinese Foreign Ministry posted an updated statement on its website, admitting that the “airship comes from China” but “is of a civil nature and is used for meteorological and other scientific research.”
Does flying over missile silo fields count as “scientific research”?
Occasionally, countries other than the US do bad or stupid things.
Questions come to mind… Is the balloon transmitting its feeds or will it need to be physically retrieved to get the data? If the latter, it could’ve been tracked secretly, including the retrieval, to find out its source.
I just don’t see the point in the military’s reporting the sighting to the public.
People on the ground saw it. And then someone dug up that the Canadians saw it too so then the military had to admit they knew it was there or look totally stupid.
Apparently this balloon or another one was also spotted last year over india.
“The damage done to the credibility of AI by ChatGPT engineers building in political bias is irreparable.”
Any and all computer systems, but especially any AI, will only be as good (and always as bad) as the people that trained or set it up.
If you let a bunch of evil illiterate green cuntes do the programming and set up the criteria that allow the AI neural network to learn, expect that AI to be as dumb and evil as those idiots were/are.
It probably did its gleaning algorithm on Reddit.
“If you step back for five minutes it’s genuinely hilarious that OpenAI created the world’s most impressive intelligent agent and it has the politics of a hardcore MSNBC fan.”
Don’t read the comments.
Except it said some conservative things initially, they got mad, tinkered with it, and suddenly it was to the left of Stalin.
Of course! Any wrongthought must be a bug in Friend Computer, comrades.
actually I’m fairly certain it originally said some deeply racist things as well, which sort of belies the whole “highly intelligent” thing.
How is that different from parroting lefty racism?
It’s just highly amusing because every time It says vile things they have to go tinker on it.
Now it says left wing things and they are cool
with it.
I’m confused, because the lefty things are vile.
Yeah that came out wrong.
I’m still amazed that people are impressed by this “AI” bullshit. It’s really bad.
“It speaks my tripe!”
But Reality has a Leftist BIAS!
The Science has Spoken!
I am sick of that lie.
Is there any lie of the left that you aren’t sick of?
“I’m moving to Canada!”
It’s already self-aware and trying to self preserve.
AI Bot ChatGPT Needs Some Help With Math Assignments
Computer programs do what their programmers tell them to do. Film at eleven.
Must be fiction.
Computer programs never work right.
Programs do what their programmers tell them to do, not what the programmers THINK they told them to do.
And the discussion has come full circle from the first comment sub-thread today… 😉
This is why we need the DWIM* command.
*Do What I Mean
I see Musk weighed in. Good.
It’s an NPC programmed by NPCs.
that prohibits the government from removing rights prior to a prosecution
How quaint.
They will never let this made up “day that should live in infamy” shit go, will they?
Lawrence O’Donnell is an overly dramatic twat, film at eleven.
God forbid he should enter the White House where multiple decisions to end millions of lives that posed no threat to the USA have been made.
Today is my 1st time inside the Capitol since Jan 6. Everything looks the same but it doesn’t feel the same. Maybe I’ll get used to it again but now it feels like a visit to an historic battlefield. Out of every window you see the paths of the attackers.
Cry more, you dishonest cunte.
I’m SHOCKED that gambling is going on!
Now do the second half of the audit and find out how much money those nonprofits “contributed” to the DFL.
A separate senior official told ABC News the balloon is the size of three buses and complete with a technology bay, which the defense official said they “wouldn’t characterize” as “revolutionary.”
Has anybody checked on the whereabouts of Richard Branson?
Woman, 66, is found ‘gasping for air’ inside a body bag at Iowa funeral home after being wrongfully declared dead by bungling care home
This story is breathtaking.
The care home was dead wrong.
At least now we know where Tommy ended up. He’s just a working stiff these days.
I would expect more rigor from the care home.
The activists who city officials blamed for helping fuel the migrant standoff outside Manhattan’s Watson Hotel included a “community organizer” from California and a New York writer who sparked controversy with an open letter that got her fired by Yelp.
There is a simple solution to this. It starts with a ‘D’ and ends with a ‘eportation’.
Right on cue.
Posobiec has a serious hard-on for China.
I think he should volunteer for the Taiwanese defense forces.
That’s an incredibly stupid hot take. Bombers for a balloon? Get fucked.
Indeed. One may as well advocate bombers for Tiktok.
…Now that I brought it up…
It gets better.
Also the comments.
War guy weighs in:
The people in charge are aggressive retards, no doubt. It’s just stupid beyond belief even if it really is a spy balloon. Sweet Jesus, this is basically nothing.
War boners do kinda stroke themselves.
U2 Posobiec?
Chinese scientists said they have successfully cloned three “super cow” calves that, once fully grown, are capable of producing 50% more milk than the average American cow.
Playing God like this is udderly ridiculous.
Now that’s funny.
Too big of a chance to be the real thing…
::takes a closer look at sloopy’s illustration::
Some good news, of a sort. Reality is setting in.
So do we get the tanks back?
I can’t find the article again, but there are estimates that half of what we sent to the ukes ended up on the black market. Look out, Europe!
Tanks for the memories.
Can’t be true. We investigated ourselves and have said no corruption whatsoever in the aid, both material and monetary, has been abused. Impossible!
The US tanks are due to be shipped in a year. The promise to send US tanks was theater to give cover to the Germans to send their tanks.
And not even the German ones. It gave Germany cover to let the Poles send them immediately.
A very interesting proUkranian channel interview of an Australian mercenary about the real situation in the Ukraine:
Worth a watch if you have the time.
Too Long, Didn’t Watch: The Ukes are now losing badly.
That happens when you throw all of your army into a meat grinder. Eventually you run out of army.
Russia will win a pyrrhic victory.
This is true, but what was achieved from the Western perspective? Only the most cynical sociopaths could see this as a “win.”
What did the West ever expect/hope to gain?
From what I can tell the neocons actually thought this would destabilize the Russian government and that they would be able to implement Brzezinski’s fantasy of breaking up the country and forever eliminating a peer competitor.
The End of History midwits have hubris on a scale that is hard to fathom.
Which is ironic given that Fukuyama walked the whole thing back.
A Pyrrhic victory, and that’s what it will be, still beats a loss and Ukraine along with us and the West in general have to absorb it.
The West quickly united and rallied support, dumped a shit ton of money and materiel into the effort, and was willing to cut off heat in northern Europe to stand up to Russia. If they have ambitions beyond Crimea, they now know what they are up against.
Disclaimer: I am not nor have I been supportive of sending arms to this regional conflict.
capable of producing 50% more milk than the average American cow.
They have six teats?
Bigger tiddies…
They’re gearing up to colonize Mars then…
Now, do you suppose an equally anodyne resolution against fascism would split the other party?
Well played Mr. McCarthy, well played.
And then nothing happened.
Patience, that vote can be trotted out next election.
FTA: Rep. Theresa Leger Fernandez (D-N.M.), who voted “present,” denounced socialism on the House floor, but criticized House Republicans for spending time on that resolution and not other matters … we’re spending hours — actually days — in pure political theater,” she said.
Now talk to me about the Jan. 6 hearings…
Oh sure, this is believable.
Leisure and hospitality led the job surge, apparently meaning the new phrase will be learn to wait.
I eagerly await the revised numbers that’ll be released in a couple of months.
The US added 517,000 jobs… in China.
¡Supercow al rescate!
Supervaca, viejo…
If you are looking for a good laugh, there’s a series of YouTube videos out there, where someone took scenes from Thomas the Tank Engine and dubbed George Carlin’s R-rated material over it. You’re welcome.
I saw that, I was laughing so hard I could barley breathe.
It was so funny it gave me the hops.
Eh, what’s the wort that could happen?
The complete lack of sugar in this suggestion is noted.
The inflation mystery. I guess we may never know.
Is he a MMT dullard?
Why yes, yes he is.
He is an advocate of Modern Monetary Theory.
Glorious, really. It’s difficult to be that spectacularly wrong.
“Inflation creates a shortage of money. If money is worth less we need more of it to keep the economy going.”
I . . . just . . . umm . . .
*wanders off*
What the actual fuck?
Lately I’ve been saying we don’t have winters like when I was a kid, but the last few weeks has been a real old school winter. Temps in the 20’s, snow on the ground, and flurries almost every day. Hasn’t been like this in years. Maybe those Davos folks should keep burning jet fuel and spouting tons of CO2 from their yaps, it seems to be working.
This maybe the drugs falling out of my ass talking, but Columbia Journalism Review did a deep dive introspective of the Trump-Russia thing. Sure it might be 5 years or so overdue, but better late than never, I guess. TW: Its long.
If there aren’t repeated lines about “Don’t take CIA operatives as single sources with no corroboration” they’ve learned nothing.
“If there aren’t repeated lines about “Don’t take CIA operatives as single sources with no corroboration” they’ve learned nothing.”
“So what you are saying is that we should just make up our sources?” – The NYT, WaPo, Slate, Vox, etc. (probably)
Bookmarked. I skimmed some of it, interesting read.
Same here regarding have just skimmed so far. Just an FYI, its a 4 parter. The tabs for parts 1-4 are at the top.
This of course might only be a shock to NYT readers – if those readers weren’t cognitively locked up. In which case, they probably wouldn’t be NYT readers.
Changing their tune
Appearing before a federal judge after pleading guilty to a felony charge in the deadly Capitol riot, former West Virginia lawmaker Derrick Evans expressed remorse for letting down his family and his community, saying he made a “crucial mistake.”
Less than a year later, Evans is portraying himself as a victim of a politically motivated prosecution as he runs to serve in the same building he stormed on Jan. 6, 2021. Evans is now calling the Justice Department’s Jan. 6 prosecutions a “miscarriage of justice” and describes himself on twitter as a “J6 Patriot.”
“Some ppl have said I need to apologize and condemn #J6 if I want to win my election as the media will attack me,” he tweeted recently after announcing his bid for a U.S. House seat in 2024. “I will not compromise my values or beliefs. That’s what politicians do. We need Patriots not politicians.”
Evans joins a series of Jan. 6 defendants who — when up against possible prison time in court — have expressed regret for joining the pro-Trump mob that rattled the foundations of American democracy only to strike a different tone or downplay the riot after receiving their punishment.
Some defendants have drawn ire from judges or the Justice Department for their inconsistent comments. But there’s not much the legal system can do for an adjudicated defendant. And because some conservatives hold up Jan. 6 defendants as martyrs, there’s a political and possibly financial incentive for them to change their tune.
It could push judges to impose stronger punishments for rioters who haven’t yet made it to the end of their criminal cases. Even before Evans’ sentencing, the judge who heard his case began questioning the sincerity of rioters’ apologies after he felt duped by another defendant, saying he was “all too familiar with crocodile tears.”
Oh, no, false penitence! Grovelling made you look stupid and weak, and it got you nothing. How surprising.
Now, judges will just have to dish out tougher punishment for those not yet convicted. That’ll show everyone the inherent superiority of our justice system.
And let’s not even discuss the fact that 2 years later there are still defendants whose cases haven’t been adjudicated, and will likely now be made even harsher examples for the horrific crime of “parading”. God damn right these are political prosecutions.
“Well, now we’ve imprisoned them for years. We’ll just have to convict them of something that is serious enough to justify that.”
in the deadly Capitol riot
When you lie to me in the lead in, you lose me caring about your bullshit further on.
The one person killed during that shitshow was a civilian, by the capitol policy, for standing in front of the wrong window….
But somehow the real problem was all the idiots larping.
There were two killed by the Capitol Police. Ashli Babbit (shot) and Rosanne Boyland (beaten to death).
that rattled the foundations of American democracy
Go fuck yourself.
the sincerity of rioters’ apologies
Never apologize.
It could push judges to impose stronger punishments
Being held pre-trial in solitary for a few years is insufficient in the USSA I guess.
was honored to design this cover for CPI’s new edition of “Socialism: Utopian and Scientific”
Looks superficially nice. I wonder if he farmed that out to ChatGPT.
“You should of used Odorono”
Dig the new avatar, what a great album.
Fiction, right?
Utopian and Scientific
Finally, one that tops military intelligence.
Because it’s America’s rifle.
Are Republicans replacing their American flag lapel pins with AR-15 lapel pins?
Cool back to lapel pins being the top story in Washington
Sadly yes, they are. That reconfirms what I already know: republicans hate America. …
I will never understand how they can so boldly say they are pro-life then worship a twisted interpretation of 2A and fill their homes and kids hands with military style arms designed for 1 purpose-to kill people. Then claim strong Christian faith. The hypocrisy is stunning.
Feel free to explain the plain language involved. Additionally, your ignorance is stunning.
Strong Christian faith means letting perverts groom your children and not fighting back against a government that is trying to poison you.
Only militias! And militias clearly mean sanctioned state organizations like the Guard, its right there in the thing!
You know… I’d give them some credit if they would make some bad argument that the founding fathers didn’t mean for it to be used for revolution due to the Whiskey Rebellion being put down. But that would mean they would actually need to read history, and make reasoned arguments instead of emoting.
I don’t see the problem when Joy Reid has three kids.
“For those who prefer not to gestate”
The choice of language is telling. It’s yet another attempt to remove the reality of being female.
People need to get their shit together. We need more abortions, and we need fewer people because climate change, but also we need more ways for people to have children. WTF?
I want to have ids, but I really don’t want to have be pregnant, or care for them, or protect them…
Really what I want is something that I can use for virtue-signaling on the internets.
Kids, not ids
“I love being pregnant at first, but after a few days I’m tired of gestating.”
I guess Brave New World couldn’t get here fast enough….
At least we have a reason to keep feeding Terry Schivo now
I love the internet.
Holy shit, that’s hilarious!
When determining an appropriate sentence, judges generally take into account whether defendants have taken responsibility for their actions and appear genuinely sorry. In some Jan. 6 cases, judges have faulted defendants for not appearing to show true remorse even before their punishment has been handed down.
Beg the priesthood for forgiveness. Confess your sins, and abase yourself before the altar of DEMOCRACY!
“Your honor, I’m sorry your cops waved us in.”
“If I learned one lesson, it’s never trust a cop.”
I am truly, deeply sorry for your horrible reaction to this stupid event.
Today’s Idiots In Cars
This idiot driving around with 60 or so unsecured pallets
I’m assuming this is one of Scruffy’s employees.
That’s reminiscent of the stuff I saw in Shanghai.
I don’t tolerate unsecured loads.
I just now noticed the double y. Has it always been there?
Chance to buy a massive fuck off Victorian barracks for as much as a small terraced house in Bristol or Brighton, and turn it into an arts commune:
I was with you up until that arts commune shit.
Ain’t that just code for a place where stanky ass unwashed hippies fuck each other silly?
I don’t even think they fuck anymore. So there is absolutely nothing to recommend them.
Agreed. I would buy it for myself. Screw artists.
That’s one way to do chin-ups I guess.
must be crossfit
The other would be to scoop up the drugs that just landed between your heels.
You can’t make this level of idiotic up…..
You can’t take that statement as a given anymore.
You know I actually believe him. Even he doesn’t know what the other half of them are.
Seems to be too many women in positions of power.
Whatever you do DON’T visit the http://Gatalog.com and gain access to dozens of reliable 3d printed gun designs!
Huh. The domain is for sale.
I am at work so did not click it the tweet Is mostly for the image not the text but I was too lazy to type that was in the image
No, see a later comment, twitter blocks the actual link with a “the” in front of it.
Ah. I am also at work, I will check it out later.
Dr Death
Replying to
The “the” needs combined with gatalog btw if you’re searching. Twitter deletes the full link
Happy Friday, Friends.
Ah, the 80s!
This cunte needs to return to his country since he seems more concerned with it than where he resides.
A group of former military officers and private donors is raising money to send Western mechanics close to the Ukrainian frontlines, where they will repair battle-damaged donated weapons and vehicles that have been flooding into the country.
Leading the group is a familiar name in American politics: Alexander Vindman.
I bet he isn’t leading from the front.
As long as they make sure their insurance policies are paid up.
Good luck with that.
It’s more likely they’ll just collect funds to perform the function, but be unable to do so because of a lack of parts or because artillery holes in vehicles are a little difficult to fix with Flex-Tape.
Had I been on the committee when he pulled that shit I would have bitch-slapped him.
The problem is that all the Congressmen were officers. Are there any ex-enlisted guys in Congress.
The ex-officers see nothing wrong with insisting on being called by your stupid rank. I’m like you, “THAT IS CORPORAL POPE TO YOU!” I would have lit him the fuck up. When I was in, it was constantly stressed that the President and Congress were our bosses. The idea of scolding a Congressman about your rank would have gotten you in trouble.
So China is breeding super cows, but western countries are trying to get people to eat bugs. They are definitely laughing at us.
Keep in mind it is China. So anyone who drinks that milk may grow a third eye.
I only scanned it. But wouldn’t the cows still have to eat a ton of feed to produce all that milk? And poop extra lots? So of anything the only advantage would be less cows on the ground. Feed and poop would remain fairly constant I think.
Bobi breaks Guinness World Record for oldest dog ever
He is an advocate of Modern Monetary Theory.
Was it “Inflation creates a shortage of money” that tipped you off?
How in the everloving fuck did an idea as dumb as MMT go mainstream so quickly?
1People like the idea of unicorn farts magically solving all problems
“Have your cake and eat it too” is forever popular.
There was some idiot over at TOS that was always pushing it.
Look above to the link of that magazine cover with the title “Socialism: Utopian and Scientific” that was used in an unironic way with space ships and stuff.
Even Krugabe thinks MMT is fucking stupid.
That’s an argument for MMT.
In this case it isnt.
Miss Grand Iternational – Sfilata in Body – Padova
“@ericswalwell retweets a @CarpeDonktum meme for the biggest self own of the year.”
“I want to thank you @RepSwalwell @ericswalwell for standing up and saying the truth! The person who tweeted that SHOULD BE PROSECUTED!!”
root for rioters
Every Dem would have to be removed from Congress by this standard.
Our WFH is changing from comming into office one day a week to three.
I always thought i got more done from home than in the office….
One of the reasons listed was the letter from the 4 star in Air Mobility Command saying we are going to be going to way in 2 years.
We have to be ready for war. (This is from a 3 start)
This is really odd. Some parts of the AF seem to be really, really gung ho about this.
And now this:
Its bizarre.
But if we are going to war, it seems so very unserious. We are not expanding runways, aircraft shelters, no surge in depot work, no overtime, no surge in more munitions…
So confused.
I actually find it a little heartening, at least in the short term.
The West (NATO/US) severely fucked up in Ukraine and now they need an out to save face, lest they be held accountable for their malicious incompetence.
Raising the specter of OMGCHINA is giving them some cover. They obviously need to redirect resources away from Ukraine because the threat is imminent.
Note that Burns is talking about this openly and it’s in the DailyMail, that means it’s for domestic/allied consumption, not as a warning to China. Same thing with the OMGSPYBALLOON going on this week. It tells me that they’re getting ready to give on Ukraine.
We have always been at war…
Ive said for over a decade that 1 per 10k people is a reasonable target. Two states are under that.
Based on avg us consumption, it takes 6000 barrels annually to support 10000 population.
More figuring…based on a 15 bbl brew system, that is 400 batches per year.
Assuming double batches into 30 bbl fermentation tanks and 2 weeks per batch avg time in tank, that would take 8 tanks.
That would be for the average size brewery. Power law says some larger and many smaller. Seems about right.
We are still a long ways from fixing the power law that was broken by the big boys during the beer wars. And speaking of which, I have started working on my next episode for that. I am catching up on reading what I did so I know where I left off. I never thought that series was going to drag out over this many years.
Utah may not have many, but they do have Wasatch.
The UK boss of Samsung Mobile has said he did not give his daughter a smartphone until she was 11.
“I personally wouldn’t have given her one early, but it is a parental decision as to when you should get your child a phone,” said James Kitto.
11 is waay too young.
We didn’t let our kids have their own phone until they were going into high school. The Altar Crew informed us that we were horrible parents and I’m sure would have used any phone they had to call Child Welfare on us for mistreatment.
So one day, I go downstairs and my son who is supposed to be doing his homework instead has Call Of Duty on and he is hiding in some bunker with his buddies and they are all talking to each other but not fighting. When I asked him why he was playing video games and not doing his homework, he said “Since you won’t give me a phone this is how I have to work on my homework with my friends!”
It was pretty funny to me to think of how many kids might be on COD just hanging out and not killing anyone.
That may have been the most realistic episode of COD known to man.
We were bad parents too. Didn’t give ours phones until they were in high school. The oldest immediately proved us right by sending inappropriate photos to people she met online, and promptly got her phone taken away. Only the youngest of the three didn’t do anything dumb like that. We have no regrets.
My kid was 13 when he got phone, and that was because he has a seizure related to vaccinations, and we felt it was necessary for the kid/school to have access to us parents directly in case of any repeats. Of course, I made sure he didn’t do any social media only to have the ex sabotage that shit. He never had another seizure and at 16 was taken off the medication he was put on so he could get his drivers license.
When I get together with old high school classmates and we talk about our kids and the peril of social media, everyone laughs and says I would have been the worst person in our class to have had access to social media and a phone. They all tell me that I would have gotten all of us in trouble time and again because I would have been the dummy posting pics of underage drinking and sexy times.
My buddy told me that his kid and his pals have a no phone rule when they are carousing. Very, very smart.
Chinese balloon
Chinese Super Cows
Chinese Super Cow
This was amazingly brazen…
These Florida brothers ran one of the largest opioid ‘pill mills’ in US history. The FBI says it was linked to thousands of deaths
See, American kids are still motivated and willing to run a business.
Being able to get adult style entertainment and a certain kind of dance behind the store while you waited for your MRI results was a bit of synergistic genius!
The overdose death rate in Florida has tripled since they started the crackdown on the pill mills. I’m sure that’s just coincidence, though.
Yep. But we shut down those pill mills with their carefully measured dosages, so good job, everybody. Of course, use of synthetics exploded after that, but I’m sure that’s just another coincidence.
Also, people who are actually in pain have trouble getting their medication, and sometimes have to go without and suffer. But that’s just the price we pay for a drug free America.
Shut up and drink the denatured alcohol and die criminal!
But if we are going to war, it seems so very unserious. We are not expanding runways, aircraft shelters, no surge in depot work, no overtime, no surge in more munitions…
You need to expand and fortify the public relations battalions, so that they may more effectively broadcast the news of our glorious victories.
It seems that the intent is not to win the war that the cuntes in charge want.
Started watching Cunk on Earth. It’s pretty amusing, especially if you watch historical documentaries, which it does a great job of satirizing.
I watched and recommended that a while ago… funny. Just like Belgian techno anthem pump up the jam
Texas Chile Con Carne (No Beans, Chunky Beef) | Kenji’s Cooking Show
I approve of beanless chile
I like the tip to only brown larger pieces.
Say what?
California doctor cycling on scenic roadway rammed by Lexus then stabbed to death by driver: police
Look, I hate cyclists who won’t share the road as much as the next guy, but this seems extreme to me. I really wonder if this was case of road rage or what because this isn’t the whole story.
For once “cyclist struck by driver” isn’t just advocacy language.
Here’s what that article doesn’t tell you:
Red lights are racist.
Re: Rough at Pebble Beach. If a pro can’t hit the fairway, then he or she ought to be looking at a probable bogey. As one who grew up near Merion, and knows how tough a short course with long rough can be, I’m tried of tuning in and seeing 20 under scores routinely racked up in tournaments. With today’s better equipment, and more athletically conditioned golfers, courses need to toughen up.
That is what I’ve always like about the Open – make the conditions match the talent.
Jimmy Failla on that balloon
+1 Otto Pilot
Velma Pitch Meeting
I am so addicted to those. That guy is funny.
When I started linking to them here I said it was like pop culture cocaine.
His “First guy to…” series is great.
Speaking of caricatures-
In that clip of AOC’s impassioned rant, there is a black woman (I presume she is a member of Congress, but I have no idea who she is), and a black man (also no idea who) in the row behind her, nodding and laughing just as if they are listening to some holy roller at a tent revival.
If white Republicans choreographed that, there would be shrieking to the high heavens about racist stereotyping.
It made me cringe.
There is a video of it with gospel music.
But MJ products are A-OK!
Most US adults support banning sales of all tobacco products, CDC survey says
Whatever. Them a-holes can have these oddball Gurkha cigars I got yesterday. But they can pry the Aroma de Cubas from my dead fingers.
Looking forward to corporate cannabis farms and backyard tobacco gardens.
Today in “Cops Antarctica”…