1. Count Potato

    Teensy holster really sells it.

    • SDF-7

      I just wish hovering over it would give the uncropped image.

      • Tonio

        You tell them, and tell them about the Featured Image autocrop.

      • slumbrew

        Richard is off tearing his hair out every time he sees one of those images.

      • hayeksplosives

        I have the real thing (a taxidermied squirrel with gun, holster, and cowboy hat) stranded in my office in Mercury NV. Need to get a coworker to ship it to me.

  2. Count Potato

    “The Defense Department spent at least $1.6 million to shoot down three unidentified objects that the Biden administration now says may have been recreational balloons.

    Air Force jets used four $400,000 AIM-9X Sidewinder missiles to down the objects over Alaska, Canada’s Yukon territory and Lake Huron on Feb. 10, 11, and 12, respectively.”

    So one missed?

    • Rebel Scum

      They used heat-seeking missiles on a weak heat target.

    • R C Dean

      Yup. Keep in mind, those hobbyist balloons can be pretty small.

      I get why they use a missile on the big ChiCom balloon. But why not use guns on the little ones? Apparently, using a missile to shoot down a balloon once creates “That’s the way we’ve always done it” in the Air Force.

      • UnCivilServant

        I have doubts that the pilots can hit a hobby balloon with a cannon. They’d probably empty the plane, then reload, empty again and keep wasting ammo.

      • R.J.

        I support using a giant pin. Just lean out the cockpit and pop it.

      • Ted S.

        Shades of George Kennedy in Airport ’79.

      • Rat on a train

        make it rain

      • Zwak, my pronouns are Ass/Asshole

        Throw nickels at it?

      • Bobarian LMD

        You’re not very popular at the local strip club, are you?

      • EvilSheldon

        Make it hail!

  3. Rebel Scum

    US Could Default on Debt as Early as Summer, New Study Estimates

    So you are saying we are going to be in a shooting war with Russia as early as summer.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Republicans will raise the debt ceiling in exchange for a war with Russia, which may or may not surprise us all.

      • Rat on a train

        Republicans will raise the debt ceiling in exchange for empty promises.

      • Grumbletarian

        Wimpy gets another free hamburger.

      • R C Dean

        “Give me another credit card today, and I promise to stop drunkshopping at 2 am. I’m super serious this time!”

      • DrOtto

        I like the surprise I get in the mail a week later. Oh, I thought I dreamt I bought that!

  4. Rebel Scum

    It marks the biggest drop in percentage terms since the 2008 financial crisis, when home values plunged by 5.8% from June to December.

    Trump’s fault because deregulation or something.

  5. Certified Public Asshat

    The New York Times Finally Admits Masks Don’t Do A Thing

    After the trans-letter fiasco, this just cements the NYT as a right-wing publication in the left’s minds.

  6. Certified Public Asshat

    Speaking of mask studies…

    Just presented at #CROI2023: We counted the number of kids and adults fully masked at school and compared it to wastewater in covid. After correcting for background vaccination and case rates, masking was significantly associated with lower probability of covid+ 💩 (1/x) — Rebecca Fielding-Miller(rkfmiller@sciences.social) (@rkfmiller) February 22, 2023

    • R C Dean

      There was less “wastewater in COVID”? How much wastewater can COVID hold, anyway?

      OK, typo, it happens to everyone. Just what does correcting for vax rates contribute to a study on mask effectiveness? How do you correct for a vaccine that doesn’t reduce COVID infections, anyway?

      And how exactly was the background care rate used to adjust the numbers. Isn’t COVID in wastewater supposed to be a measure of the overall COVID rate?

      • Certified Public Asshat

        As far as I can tell, the masking observations were also done after school and outside.

  7. Rebel Scum

    The New York Times Finally Admits Masks Don’t Do A Thing

    They demonstrate subservience and willingness to unthinkingly follow instructions. That’s something.

    • hayeksplosives

      If you ask my friends in the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, especially my friend (an excellent lip reader) who owns a retail store selling vintage sports fan apparel, the masks definitely did a thing–a terrible thing from which the deaf/HoH community has yet to recover.

      That doesn’t even scratch the surface of what was done to an entire generation of children who have no idea how to read facial expressions either.

  8. SDF-7

    From the unrealized gains story:

    The law, known as the Mandatory Repatriation Tax, created a 30 year retroactive window between January 1, 1987 and December 31, 2017, where shareholders of foreign companies can be taxed on the company’s retained profit, even if that profit is not controlled by or disbursed to the shareholders.

    Wow.. so taxing non-existant income as income and ex post facto law! Why not just require them to board troops and go for the trifecta there, Congress?

    It bothers me to no end that the greatest legal minds of the last several generations are mainly occupied in ways of defending violations of the clear letter of the law that a 19th century rail splitter or steamboat sailor would recognize. Weasels.

    • Rat on a train

      The government wants your money. The role of lawyers and judges is rationalizing the taking.

      • Zwak, my pronouns are Ass/Asshole

        They don’t want your money, they want your subservience.

        Taxes just show who is in charge.

    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      *points at the entire field of bioethics*

  9. Rat on a train

    taxing unrealized gains + retroactive = FYTW

  10. Sean


    Is it nuclear winter yet?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Nukes asshole, nukes…WTF’s up with that thread?

      • Not Adahn

        Nukes asshole

        Taco Bell? Lorcha? Indian food stall?

      • Rat on a train

        Chipotlaway to the rescue.

  11. Count Potato

    ““But, wait, hold on. What about N-95 masks, as opposed to lower-quality surgical or cloth masks? ‘Makes no difference — none of it,’ said Jefferson.””

    I have trouble believing N95 masks don’t do anything. But they need to be fitted uncomfortably tight.

    Anyway, I want studies showing the lockdowns didn’t work. That’s more important than masks.

    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      N95 is primarily for protection against inhaled industrial contaminants like dust. They were never designed or intended for viral control.

      • Count Potato

        They were part of the infectious disease BSI on the ambulance, and used in the hospital.

      • Scruffyy Nerfherder

        That may be so, but the demonstrated value of them has been lacking.

        I would be inclined to suspect that they inhibit source transmission somewhat, but do little to prevent recipient infection. It’s the same principle used in airborne dust control. The more you collect at the point source, the easier it is to deal with. Once it’s in the air, there’s pretty much no escaping exposure.

      • Pine_Tree

        So? Not gonna get into the “why medical folks wear masks” thing, but their inclusion there in meaningless.

        Sorry – I don’t mean to sound disrespectful. They’re there for totally different reasons.

      • Count Potato

        Surgical masks are to protect the pt not the surgeon, but on an ambulance BSI is to protect the responders.

      • WTF

        Exactly. And even for dust control they minimize dust inhalation, they don’t prevent it. And they are shit for viruses. For real protection you need an air purifying respirator with the appropriate cartridges.

    • Sean

      *readies 6′ distancing stick*

    • Rat on a train

      If lockdowns did work – proof of their value. If lockdowns didn’t work – proof they were too lenient.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      But they need to be fitted uncomfortably tight.

      And worn without taking a sip of water, and changed often…

      • Count Potato


      • Certified Public Asshat

        …and more expensive. I was having trouble thinking of that last one.

      • Rat on a train

        If you want to be able to drink you need to wear a military-grade protective mask … or this.

      • Grosspatzer

        Does that thing include a magic barrier that prevents viral transmission while the trap door is open?

        I’m sure that would command a hefty price here on NYC’s Upper East Side where I am hanging out before Mrs. Patzer’s surgery (at 3PM, will transport her to hospital at 12:30). It’s about 50/50 masking hereabouts, true believers I guess. We’re staying at the Helmsley up the block from the hospital; lots of medical personnel appear to be staying here as well, and most of them are not masked; I wonder what the true believers make of that.

    • Pine_Tree

      N95 is for (generally speaking) incoming dusts, of a certain size, IF they’re fitted properly and used right.

      We have to know/use them for work.

      The notion that they (or any masks) ever did anything was sheer lunacy. Always. And anybody who knew anything about masks knew that from the start.

      “Talismask” is right.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Yep, correctly fitted, no stubble, and changed out appropriately. Without those even if they do work they don’t work.

    • rhywun

      *compares death-rates between pro-lockdown states and somewhat less pro-lockdown states*

      Lockdowns didn’t work.

      • Count Potato

        Right, but I want them to admit it.

    • WTF

      They wish to be the gate-keepers for approved “information”.

    • wdalasio

      some of it factual

      At this point, they’re not even bothering to call it “disinformation”.

  12. Rebel Scum

    Delicious, salty tears.

    Angela Davis’ ancestors arrived in America on the Mayflower.

    “I object!”

    On what grounds?

    “This is devastating to my race-baiting!”

    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      She’s a vile human being who would happily put wrongthinkers in gulags. She can’t die soon enough.

      • B.P.

        Hell, she told Solzhenitsyn that Soviet dissidents deserve what they get and should remain in the Gulag.

    • Zwak, my pronouns are Ass/Asshole

      What is silly is that if she was a quick thinker she could have turned it to her advantage, but she allowed her emotions and raw hatred to blind her.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Yep and to deny that your family is who they are. I am a son of the mayflower and glad her family also took the trip. See it isn’t hard to do. But steeped so far into her race hating ways she just crumbled.

      • Nephilium

        Didn’t read the article, but is it only genetic links? If so, she could have easily turned it to her advantage: “Obviously one of my slave holder ancestors raped my other ancestors, showing that my whole existence is just due to white supremacy, rape, and slavery. Now give me money.”

  13. Certified Public Asshat

    Buzzfeed is on the case to prove masks work: That Viral Op-Ed About Masks Is Based On Flawed Research, Frustrated Experts Say

    That said, experts aren’t claiming that masks are perfect, or that if you wear one you’ll definitely never catch a respiratory virus. But wearing one properly can lower your risk of getting sick.

    It’s like using an umbrella when it’s raining; it won’t stop you from getting wet, but it will prevent you from getting soaked. And the better quality umbrella you use (think N95 versus cloth mask) the better that protection.

    Or how to ruin your own argument.

    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      The experts are frustrated!

      Weep for their vexation!

    • rhywun

      Much of the left will never, ever let this go.

      • B.P.

        It’s a variation of do-something-ism.

    • Not Adahn

      So… Buzzfeed…

      How ’bout them Russian piss hookers?

    • Rebel Scum

      It’s like using an umbrella when it’s raining; it won’t stop you from getting wet, but it will prevent you from getting soaked.

      And mine doesn’t work unless you use yours.

    • Drake

      I flew out of the brand new Terminal A in Newark airport on Monday. It smelled terrible. They must have installed some kind of air scrubber. The smell was a mix of manure, bleach, and chlorine. My wife was feeling faint in the security line. Once we were through and waiting to board, some teenagers walked past us and we hear one of them say “I don’t know why I feel dizzy right now”.

      We actually envied the few lunatics still wearing masks and will bring some if we have to travel there again.

    • Chipwooder

      Their eagerness to use the same shitty analogies from three years ago – “It’s like layering swiss cheese!” “It’s like an umbrella!” – regardless of what the actual data says is highly illuminating.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        The wearing pants and pissing analogy was the GOAT of bad analogies.

      • Rat on a train

        They don’t unzip or do they drop trou at the urinal? There was a guy at the NSA that did that.

    • Zwak, my pronouns are Ass/Asshole

      The problem with that argument is that, even assuming masks worked, you still have the collective action problem. Namely, not everyone is as freaked out about covid as you are, and they will mask correspondingly. If they don’t give a shit, they will wear a mask, when forced too, loosely and let it dangle, slide down, get dirty, etc.

      • hayeksplosives

        I enjoyed the fact that some of the most flagrant mask protestors I dealt with (as in, they wore it under the chin or nose, or just had a flap of cloth hanging in front of their nose/mouth but nothing you could really consider a mask) were doctors.

      • Chipwooder

        Heh….I went chinstrap with the mandated mask until I bought a mesh mask.

    • dbleagle

      Don’t overlook this little gem, “Without public health protections like masks, vulnerable people can’t access essential services like healthcare and public transport safely, and are excluded from public life.”

      So everybody has the right to impose on your life based on their fears. You have the duty to alter your life based on the demands of people you don’t know but they have no responsibility to take ownership of managing their risks.

      My response, “Fuck off. I ain’t wearing a mask.” Or based on what happen to me at a MLB game. I am eating these peanuts and not moving my seat. If your precious has that severe of a nut allergy then YOU move or let the kid die.

    • WTF

      Further proof that we are definitely living in Weimar America.

    • R.J.

      That is so fantastic.

    • R C Dean

      I think we are up to three custom dresses and a necklace that he stole from that designer. He must have thought he hit the mother lode when he cracked upon her suitcase. Sadly, this happened at Reagan National, and there is no way a NoVA prosecutor indicts him for it.

      • Brawndo

        Imminent domained.

  14. Count Potato

    “Over the last few months, roughly two dozen whale corpses have washed up on the Atlantic Coast of the United States. The unexplained increase in fatalities is happening as the state of New Jersey is constructing a massive offshore wind farm, which some conservationists claim is affecting whale navigation.

    Federal scientists insist that no evidence has directly linked the construction to the spike in beached whales, but some local lawmakers, environmentalist groups, and conservative commentators have insisted the wind turbines are the obvious culprit and are demanding action.”


    Nothing some dynamite can’t solve.

    • Not Adahn

      Precautionary Principle for thee but not for me!

      • Not Adahn

        Direct evidence. If you have 8k HD video of that wind turbine pulling out an assault weapon and massacring those whales, let’s see it. Until then, believe experts!

      • Scruffyy Nerfherder

        Environmentalists are not conservationists in any way, shape, or form, as has been evidenced by their actual concern for any environmental disaster that did not suit their preferred politics.

    • Grosspatzer

      Whale oil was once used to light lamps. Might come in handy in the not-too-distant future.

      Green energy!

      Sperm oil, a special kind of oil obtained from the head cavities of sperm whales, differs chemically from ordinary whale oil: it is composed mostly of liquid wax. Its properties and applications differ from those of regular whale oil, and it was sold for a higher price.

      Male privilege?

    • rhywun

      Those whales will be fondly remembered for giving their lives to keep the grift going for Gaia.

    • Drake

      “Environmentalists” have been silent on the dead whales, the largest man-made release of carbon in history due to the Nordstream bombing, and the poison fire in Ohio. None of them have said a thing about for-real disasters, they just keep telling me not to put gas in my car and not to use plastic grocery bags.

  15. Not Adahn

    Q for the G kremlinNPRologists:

    So yesterday the NPR newsreader uses their “this is a super important story!” voice about a trial I’d never heard of about sumdude that allegedly killed his wife and kid. This morning, another story, again with heavy breathing by the broadcastmonkey.

    Dafuq is this? Is this guy friends with someone with an (R) after his name or what? He wasn’t specifically listed as being a “republican-somethingorother,” so I don’t know NPR’s interest here. Is it just a story that was trending on TikTok so NPR jumped on the pander to Millenials/Zoomers/the future of our country bandwagon?

    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      Well yeah, it’s better to talk about that than the pedophile rape ring that the two gay guys were operating using their own foster kids.

    • WTF

      Yesterday Fox News devoted tons of coverage to this trial, and I have no idea why.

    • Pine_Tree

      1. They’re reverting to type – it’s a great old-fashioned “if it bleeds it leads” story, where literally every single aspect of all of their lives are turning out to be crooked and salacious.
      2. What else are they going to do? Maybe notice the war the US government is actively waging against us? Nope.

      • Not Adahn

        Re: 1,

        There are numerous horrific crimes daily. Why this one? And why start covering it in (apparently) the middle of a trial?

      • Pine_Tree

        The “cast of characters”, mainly. With long backstories, several other potentially unsolved crimes, coverups, mysteries, etc. A far more complex/intertwined story than most.

      • robc

        This isn’t new. My wife has been following this case for nearly two years. It happened right before we left South Carolina.

    • Chipwooder

      Alex Murdaugh? It became a thing because there was a Netflix series about him, and truthfully it’s a pretty fascinating story if you’re into true crime. Combines old-timey Southern machine politics and corruption with major crimes up to, and including, murder.

      • Not Adahn

        Netflix series about him

        Ah, pop culture. That makes sense.

      • Chipwooder

        Yep. Dateline did multiple episodes about him, and then Netflix blew it up into a huge deal.

      • Fatty Bolger

        Yeah, it’s basically one of those convoluted true crime TV series, but in real life.

      • Fatty Bolger

        Oops, I meant convoluted fictional crime TV series, but in real life.

      • juris imprudent

        I just figured leftie idiots mistook them for Murdochs and that’s why they piss themselves in fascination.

  16. Grosspatzer

    Both parties have consistently stated that they will not consider changes to Social Security or Medicare in resolving the impasse.

    They’re not really serious, are they?

    • Rat on a train

      Wealth transfer is the primary mission of the government.

    • Zwak, my pronouns are Ass/Asshole

      Those two things are, simultaneously, the third rail and hang mans noose of US politics.

      Whosoever touches them is DED as a politics. We might need to to some cutting, but it ain’t gonna happen on the front end.

  17. Tres Cool

    whaddup doh’
    yo whats goody

    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      So how to get rid of the MIC?

      Short of a civil war?

      • The Last American Hero

        Send about 4,000 balloons a day over the Pentagon. They will run out of ammo in a month. Then a change in management.*

        *Attention glowies – that was an attempt at satire, not a legitimate plot to overthrow our rulers.

    • Sean

      I think that if they keep sending my tax money there, I should get a free Malyuk.

    • PieInTheSky

      If you think Ukraine is expensive just wait for China to try something in that region… this will look like peanuts

  18. Rebel Scum

    Petey seems out of his element here.

    After almost three weeks Pete Buttigieg has finally arrived on the ground in East Palestine

    Of course this is not usually what he is doing while dressed as a construction worker.

    • Not Adahn

      It’s fun to stay at the YMCA!

    • Scruffyy Nerfherder

      You can see the stress. He’s probably freaking out about exposure to hazardous chemicals.

      • Zwak, my pronouns are Ass/Asshole

        Chemicals? He’s freaking out about exposure to deplorables!

      • Michael Malaise

        South Bend is pretty deplorable.

    • Grosspatzer

      In the ground? He had evidence on the Clintons?

      Oh – on the ground. Never mind.

    • Brawndo

      Hey cut him some slack, he rode his bike from DC to Ohio. Of course it took awhile.

    • The Other Kevin

      He looks like a damn nerd.

  19. Sean

    Daily Quordle 396

    • SDF-7

      Oh right… ‘ordles reporting. Got distracted with work stuff.

      Nothing great anyway…

      Daily Duotrigordle #359
      Guesses: 37/37
      Time: 06:40.07

      Daily Quordle 396

    • rhywun

      Another meh.

      Daily Quordle 396

    • Tundra

      Daily Quordle 396

    • Grosspatzer

      Hello, Chumptown.

      Daily Quordle 396

    • Fourscore

      He learned from you, Mom!

      I wanted to see some Can-Can but nooooo, just some pole dancing guy.

      Thanks but where was the other part of the rainbow?

  20. Count Potato

    “A sixth-grade teacher in Florida is being slammed after he posted a video showing white students bowing down to black students during a Black History Month skit.

    Parents and families of children at Howard Middle School in Orlando are now voicing their outrage over the teacher using the students as ‘political props.’

    In the controversial video posted to TikTok, Ethan Hooper’s students fan and feed three black classmates before bowing down to them in the skit.

    The video is embossed with the words ‘P.O.V. A Florida classroom’ and ‘Black History Month, the shortest month of the year.’

    Local outlets have reported that Hooper, 29, has since been placed on leave by administrators and is likely to be ‘terminated.'”



    • Rebel Scum

      “We wuz Kangs.”

    • PieInTheSky

      When I was a kid education was fairly shit in Romania but there was practically zero politics.

    • Pope Jimbo

      If the teacher is cool with Bobby Knight, then I’m cool with him.

      On the other hand, if he doesn’t think Bobby Knight joking around with a bullwhip is funny, then he’s a hypocrite.

  21. Rebel Scum

    Has anyone seen Hunter lately?

    Parts of West Virginia and Maryland were blanketed with a mysterious fine white dust late Thursday evening and into early Friday morning.

    The Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia appeared to be hit the hardest, but there were also photos and videos being posted from as far as Winchester, Virginia, and Hagerstown, Maryland. …

    A Facebook page that tracks emergencies in the Panhandle, Eastern Panhandle Working Fires, was early to post about the dust.

    “Call 911!! Per The WV Dept of Environmental Protection, they have requested that anybody experiencing these issues call 911 immediately and have their local fire department respond. They also advise to shut doors and windows and avoid outdoors at this time as a common sense approach until it can be identified,” a post on the page read.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Hunter misplaces laptops, not cocaine-too important.

    • Grosspatzer

      It’s a publicity stunt for a recent film. The locals better keep their powder dry, these things have been known to get out of hand.

  22. Trigger Hippie

    ‘But when speaking of the Moores’ investment, he was unequivocal, saying, “Here it really is just a pure legal question. It’s undisputed that there really was no realization,” meaning the Moores never profited from or controlled the profits of the investment they made, even though the value had gone up.

    This is something even the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with in its ruling.

    Despite that, the Ninth Circuit ruled that the Moores owed the tax anyway.’

    JFC. So can I expect to have to pay some sort of unrealized earnings tax on work I haven’t done yet the next time I invest in a paint sprayer? wouldn’t shock me in the future.

    The IRS: Creating tax cheats out of thin air one person at a time.

    • Grosspatzer

      The IRS: Creating tax cheats insurrectionists out of thin air one person at a time.

      A man can dream…

  23. Rebel Scum

    POC’s hardest hit because asphalt is muh-racisms.

    VP HARRIS: “Think about the climate issue in the context of what we need to do to deal with, for example, extreme heat and what that means in urban communities where there’s only asphalt that just actually exacerbates the heat effect, and where there are no trees…”

    That’s not what she said.

    • Pope Jimbo

      That’s the best part of that clip. How they insert the right word in the captions despite the fact that she clearly says “exasperates”.

      How long until Joe Biden’s audio is turned off and they simply substitute in captions that are what his handlers wanted him to say?

      • Chipwooder

        As advanced as deepfakes have become, they’ll probably just create synthetic Biden clips, like in Equilibrium.

      • Michael Malaise

        Last night’s Glibflick had a funny mis-use of a word. The older black dude councilman-type tells Abar “His impotence will get him in trouble” when they guy really meant “impertinence.”

    • juris imprudent

      Get ’em out of the cities and back on the plantation, er in the country.

  24. Tundra

    Good morning, Banjos!

    Not the best financial news today. I’m still convinced a big part of the war push is the realization that the music is gonna stop soon.

    The tax story is interesting. I liked this:

    But when speaking of the Moores’ investment, he was unequivocal, saying, “Here it really is just a pure legal question. It’s undisputed that there really was no realization,” meaning the Moores never profited from or controlled the profits of the investment they made, even though the value had gone up.

    This is something even the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with in its ruling.

    Despite that, the Ninth Circuit ruled that the Moores owed the tax anyway.

    FYTW at its finest!

    I hope y’all have a great Friday!

    • robodruid

      Taxing 401K’s to “fund the war”

      • Tundra

        I would say that would be the final straw but the last three years disabused me of that notion.

    • Raven Nation

      I caught the tail end of an interview this morning, maybe on Brian Kilmeade’s show. Whoever he was interviewing was demanding that Biden come up with a strategy to defeat Russia and denounced those “neo-isolationist, pre-Pearl Harbor” Republicans.

      • Scruffyy Nerfherder

        Kilmeade is Hannity-lite and total midwit.

      • Chipwooder

        Hannity-lite….oof. Hard to think of a more vicious insult.

      • Michael Malaise

        Well Hannity is pretty heavy.

    • DEG

      I detect a few dye job redheads in that gallery.

  25. PieInTheSky

    Why Japanese Calligraphy Ink Is So Expensive | So Expensive | Insider Business


    I don’t understand why the soot does not collect itself like in Spirited Away, but I did not know this.

    • PieInTheSky

      fuck her up the ass a couple of times and divorce.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Not everyone likes roleplaying in the bedroom.

        The old Government Bureaucrat and Taxpayer scenario isn’t even the most popular one. Maybe start with Sailor and Bar Wench?

      • PieInTheSky

        Were you a beer drinker what is the price of beer in the bar that is physically closest to your house? Then again I doubt you know as you never go there. Hmmmm… what is the average price of a shot of vodka from your freezer?

      • UnCivilServant

        Well, I bought those bottles a while back, so it’s probably cheaper than if I had to refill.

      • Drake

        Domestic beer $3 to $4 at the bars. Maybe less during happy hour.

        Fancy craft beers $6 and up. I have a bottle of vodka I bought 4 years ago that’s half full, so hard to answer that one. Bought a 750ml bottle of brandy last month for $22.

      • The Last American Hero

        Closest bar is a craft brewer – beers are $6-$7.50.

    • Q Continuum

      Around here it depends on the beer. Coors Light = $4 ish, some crappy yuppie microbrew = $8-10.

      • PieInTheSky

        yuppie microbrew tends to be more drinkable the coors

    • R C Dean

      No clue what an average pint is. I would say a pint of good microbrew goes for around $6 – 7 in Tucson, though.

    • Nephilium

      Suburban Ohio, but pints can be as low as $2 (BMC pints during events) or as high as $12 (high ABV craft beers/sours). I’d say a rough average for general craft handles would be $6-$7.

    • Tundra

      Local taphouse goes anywhere from $5-10. All CO brews, though.

    • PieInTheSky

      the standard romanian saying is “not with a stolen dick “

    • R C Dean

      Classical Marxists, no. The wokists are current-gen neo (crypto?) Marxists. They have figured out that they will never tear down American society based on class conflict, and moved on to the race (and now sex) as the wedges to create conflict and destroy the culture/society.

      • Chipwooder

        It is always highly amusing when actual doctrinaire Marxists fight with the identitarians.

      • The Last American Hero

        The actual Marxists are cucks. See Bernie Sanders.

  26. PieInTheSky

    A growing achievement gap between Asian American students and their white classmates is due largely to greater work effort and cultural attitudes, not innate cognitive ability, researchers say.

    In a study published Monday in the journal PNAS, two sociology professors found that Asian Americans enter school with no clear academic edge over whites, but that an advantage grows over time.


    • Q Continuum

      Um, no shit?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Not surprising really and that performance gap seems to hold true for others. Very broadly speaking in our society one will tend to see Asians>whites>Hispanics>blacks as far as academics are stressed and this closely maps measured performance. There may be some innate cross group IQ differences (may not be too) but the societal factors almost certainly play a much more important role.

      • UnCivilServant

        I think we also have a skew where the Asian-Americans skim off more of the top of the bell curve from the vast reservoirs of people in Asia. A lot of the Asian imeciles are still in asia, so the numbers in the US are higher than the average from a population with more of it’s bottom performers.

      • The Last American Hero

        This is especially true for the recent Indian immigrants. Many went to some of the top schools in the world and came from very rich families. There is a heavy value placed on family and education, but we are also getting literally the best and brightest to come work in STEM fields.

      • Trigger Hippie

        Yep. There are a lot of Indians in the KC area going to the local medical schools. A friend of mine once remarked on it and said something to the effect of how much more intelligent Indians are than Americans. When I pointed out they only send over their smartest people from their upper caste system and your average Indian was no smarter or dumber than anyone else her friend who was listening in on the conversation accused me of being racist, because of course.

      • Chipwooder

        Your friend likely isn’t Indian then, I suspect, because it was an Indian immigrant who explained this to me when I jokingly said that every Indian I’ve ever met was rich and successful.

      • Nephilium

        See, things like this will make me think less of Indians, if the ones I’m dealing with on a regular basis are the best…

        (Mostly H1B instead of immigrants).

      • UnCivilServant

        Be glad you are dealing with the H1Bs and not the Mumbai Helpdesk I got escalations from at Xerox.

        I swear, they found the dumbest bastards on the subcontinent who could claim to speak English.

      • Chipwooder

        They also find the ones who, though they may in fact speak English reasonably well, have accents that are so strong that they are practically unintelligible on the phone.

      • Grosspatzer

        Be glad you are dealing with the H1Bs and not the Mumbai Helpdesk I got escalations from at Xerox.

        As several posters have pointed out, they *ARE* sending their best, the others are still back home for a reason. Management typically doesn’t get this, they see the skill level of the people here and figure that outsourcing to overseas shops is a cost-effective way to increase productivity. LOL.

      • Pine_Tree

        Yep. This plus the “Tiger Mom” thing.

        I interview a lot of Engineering students for internships and new-hire positions. Some of them are quite open, even at that age and point in life, in telling me that they got into Engineering because their parents told them they had to. And their only discernable skill, history, or interest is scoring high on tests. And they largely don’t get that that’s a problem. It’s not restricted to Asians, of course, except maybe a little bit the (cultural?) willingness to say it out loud to me.

        So yeah – getting the top cut from a very large population, and then pushing them really hard? That is indeed a way to nail the academic success thing.

      • robc

        It is pretty standard that parental involvement is the single biggest factor in academic achievement.

        Its part of the reason that even in places with a lottery, that it is hard to find a large effect from charter schools. Because even the losers of the lottery have involved parents, at least involved enough to enter the lottery.

    • Not Adahn

      Are we talking fancy Asians, jungle Asians, or subcontinental Asians?

    • The Other Kevin

      +100,000 tiger moms

    • The Last American Hero

      Would a strong family structure and heavy emphasis on the importance of education be considered an academic advantage?

      • robc

        Yes. And yes.

      • Gender Traitor

        Yes. Clearly an unfair advantage, and such students need to be removed from such an environment as quickly as possible for the sake of equity./NEA

      • robc

        Private and charter schools are removing them as fast as possible.

      • Gender Traitor

        From the strong family structures with the heavy emphasis on the importance of education?? 😳

      • robc

        Heh, no.

        Removing them from the public school system, so the NEA doesn’t have to deal with them.

    • Not Adahn

      Despite claiming she felt remorseful, she had scribed “pornographic” letters to Square and another inmate while in prison.

      She told the other inmate: “I could wear a man out. Any man would have done it for me after I got through with him.”

      She got off on having one of her BBCs kill for her.

  27. gbob

    Mind if this lurker vents for a little bit?

    A few weeks ago I had a heart attack. Almost died. As I was going losing consciousness, I realized two things. The first was that that my assumption over he past decade, that I was no longer afraid of death, turned out not to be as true as I hoped. Last thought was a hallucination of my partner, my son and my daughter standing over me with tears as my red bloody heart started dragging me down into darkness. Painful and terrible, I wanted to live for them. I couldn’t bear for my last view to be of them being sad and suffering. I came to the realization that I needed to continue. It was a new start.

    I never figured on living past fifty. Now I was thinking of ten years in the future. Twenty years. Perhaps I would see my grandson grow up after all. Desiring more time seemed alien to me. There was a part of me that was looking forward to my discharge papers from this damned hell hole of an asylum. After my latest near death experience, it was going to be no more of that kind of stinkin’ thinkin’. Not for this guy.

    Now that I’m able to sit upright for more than an hour, I’m tackling the reality of living….and finding myself not approving of the cost involved.

    As I was recovering in the hospital, I told myself that I would give up some of the more stubborn aspects of my personality. Reluctance over following doctor’s advice? No more. I changed my diet, quit smoking and drinking. My reluctance over telling other people how I feel? No more. If someone asks I’ll tell them. I accepted that I would have to watch as my son shovels the driveway instead of me. I would be open to asking for help….and that included asking for help from the state.

    After leaving the distilling industry, I’ve been driving uber for a living. The past year was hell, as expenses tripled, and fares paid to me were cut in half. One of the factors of my heart attack was the stress from trying to keep my head above water and accepting that I would have to go back to some wage slave type position. At my age, probably flipping burgers is a long shot, but what the hell. Point is, I was in the worst shape financially as almost any other point in my life since my twenties. I had a plan though. One month of hard work and I could clear the deck of outstanding bills.

    Timing is everything in this world. Point is, and the point of writing this rant, is that I accepted that I would turn to the state for help. It was a hard decision, but my new view is that if I was to recover and be a better lover, father and grandfather, I would have to give up some things, including pride. So here I go. Into the belly of the beast. It’s NYS. We have millions of freeloaders on the rolls, I would reluctantly join in.

    Turns out as a white, heterosexual, self employed male there isn’t much available for assistance. I assumed there would be some kind of temporary disability assistance. I assumed that after paying a quarter of my salary for nearly four decades to the state, there would be something in the coffers for me. Something like unemployment. Some program that could help me out. Instead, best case, if I spend the next few weeks waiting in lines, filling out paperwork, getting letters from doctors and the help of a good attorney, I *might* be eligible for 75 dollars a week for bills, and some assistance with electrical bills if the bill was in my name (it isn’t). Oh, and let’s not forget about food stamps. I’m eligible for a whopping 37 dollars a week in food. I can but a thing of eggs!

    The fuck?! Seriously? The government that spent trillions of my dollars to bomb people in other lands that I don’t give a fuck about doesn’t have dick for the sick? During the pandemic, where I was driving around people all day who were collecting 600 bucks a week for not working, I didn’t work the system. I could have claimed a PPP loan. I used to teach in an inner city school where not a damn parent actually worked, but had plenty of cash from Uncle Sugar.

    Now, I did get Medicaid. That was another surprise. I don’t think I’ve had an insurance plan like this, ever. Seriously. It’s better than any gold plan I ever had. Here’s an example. Right now I have a life vest. If my heart goes out of whack it’ll deliver an electrical shock to bring me back. Neat. Thing is, it costs 4k a month. Any commercial plan, and it would be at least 500 bucks a month out of pocket after deductible. Medicaid? It’s all paid for. I shudder to think of the cost to the tax payer.

    Look at me. I’m actually acting like I’m surprised the world isn’t fair.

    So now I’m in a situation where recovery simply isn’t something I can afford. I was supposed to take it easy for the next few months. I can’t even wash dishes without breaking out into a sweat and having to sit back down. How the fuck am I going to find a job when I can’t even stand up?

    It sucks. My partner tells me that it’s going to be fine, that we’ll manage, but she’s the one working double shifts just so we can meet bills while I sit on my ass. She’s the greatest person I ever knew. It’s not right to put her through this. We were barely able to afford food before my heart attack. I have to make her life that much more sucky? That doesn’t sit right.

    Sorry to dump this verbal crap on folks here. Just had to get it off my chest. Next time this happens I think I’m going to lock the door to keep the paramedics away.

    • Chipwooder

      I wish I had comforting words. I suck at that kind of thing. All I can say is that I’m sorry you’re going through this and I hope like hell that you catch some breaks.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I’m glad you made it. Sounds like it was quite the deal.

      If you are open to taking advice and asking for help, create a GoFundMe. I’d be happy to help you out. Glib scholarship. I’m investing in you raising the grandkid right.

      • slumbrew

        ^^^ very much this ^^^

        I know that’s not why you posted, but we’ve got a community here (even if it’s filled with a bunch of mutants, plus me). And I’m always happy to help out others in my community.

        That aside, I’m sorry to hear about your troubles. Even if it’s not surprising that the state is useless, it still sucks that you get bupkis for all they’ve extracted from you over the years.

      • WTF

        ^ Same here. Glibs have helped out each other before, and many would be happy to help now if you need it.

      • R.J.

        Agreed. Listen to Jimbo.

      • gbob

        Thanks, man. I mean it.

        It’s not a terrible notion. I should. It’s just that bit of me that just feels wrong about asking for help. Spent half a century avoiding that sort of thing, you know? Tough to change habits. I just might take that advice.

      • Mojeaux

        Look, libertarianism is about voluntary giving and voluntary altruism. Libertarianism has never had “be stingy” as a tenet. If we want to give, but don’t know who needs it, how is that helpful?

        I always said if I won fuck-you money in the lottery I would want to help people who fall through the cracks of charity, government, invisibility, and pride. But how do you find those people? You can’t.

        So here you are, and you need help, and we want to give some to someone who needs it desperately. So there you are. Go set one up and see what happens. Ask for enough to get you through a few months. It’ll happen.

    • Grosspatzer

      Ouch. Hang in there, your partner sounds like a treasure. Right now I am taking care of someone with serious issues, hoping those issues will be resolved in time for her to take care of me when that (inevitably) becomes necessary. This is what we signed up for; it seems like a burden but actually is… something else. Some call it love.

      • DEG

        Best wishes.

        Has your wife had surgery yet? I haven’t been around that much lately.

      • Grosspatzer

        Thanks. Surgery is at 3PM today, I am taking deep breaths.

      • Mojeaux

        Prayers sent for Mrs. G.

      • DEG

        Best wishes.

      • gbob

        You’re absolutely correct. Still, I’ve always been a hell of a lot more comfortable taking care of my partner. I find the reverse not to be nearly as enjoyable.

        I’ll be sure to pray to whatever mad gods that run our cosmos that your wife’s surgery goes well!

      • Grosspatzer

        Thanks. And I think the generosity of the gliberati may surprise you.

    • Sean

      Damn dude, glad you’re still with us.

      create a GoFundMe. I’d be happy to help you out


    • PieInTheSky

      glad you made it…

      “Reluctance over following doctor’s advice” – unfortunately I do no believe doctors have any idea what they are talking about

    • Tundra

      Aw gbob, I’m so sorry brother. I have no words for how fucked up that is. I hope you realize how much your partner and your kids love you. Let them help and get yourself back to fighting form. I’m glad for this place and I hope we can provide some bit of comfort.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Sorry to hear it man.

    • Not Adahn

      Love your partner. While you sit on your ass, do tongue exercises.

      • gbob

        That was what I was doing when I had my heart attack! (If my gal hadn’t called for an ambulance, I might have gone out with a legend of dying doing what he loved!)

      • Mojeaux

        Okay, I larfed.

    • Drake

      Glad you are on the mend.

      And yes – it is one thing to philosophically accept death. It is another thing when death comes knocking.

      • gbob

        The problem is the human body. That dumb animal part of the brain just wants to live, no matter what. An hour before the heart attack, if an angel of the lord came down and told me that I had 24 hours to live, I would have broken out the good scotch and had a party. When the time came, it turned out to be a bunch of pain, fear and panic. Nary a drop of god damned dignity.

    • The Other Kevin

      My mom’s neighbor hurt his back and went on disability. Then he went back to working in roofing for cash and still collected that government check. The system is worse than terrible.

      I’m sorry to hear about your troubles. You do have a good partner, listen to her. And you might want to look into work you can do from home. I’ve been disabled my whole life, never able to do a physical job, but I’ve been able to support myself and my family. You got this.

    • Mojeaux

      I feel your financial pain, brodude. Create a GoFundMe. Lay it all out there, expenses and income, whatnot, and let us fill in some blanks for you.

    • hayeksplosives

      Dump/vent away. Many of us have done it here, some have done it with individual Glibs through email/texts/phone. Sometimes having the ear of people who understand but aren’t in your immediate circle of “in-person” friends is exactly what you need.

      Maybe consider joining us on the Friday night Zoom? you can opt not to share video if you like.

      And yes, a GoFundMe is appropriate and not unprecedented here.

      • Fourscore

        Count me in. It’s what GFM was created for.

      • gbob

        You know what, I just may do that. I’m sure the past few weeks of not having outside human contact hasn’t been the best thing for my mood.

    • DEG

      gbob, I’m happy you survived the heart attack.

      I think you will pull through. You have a good partner. You sound like an entrepreneurial type.

      Best wishes. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

    • Tres Cool

      As shitty as it can be sometimes, life is worth hanging on to. You’re surrounded by more people that care about you than you realize- even us here on the interwebz, despite being the surly bunch that we are. “True wisdom is forged in the hearth of adversity”. How can you pass along what assholes the world is filled with to your progeny if you’re not around?

      My son asked me “Dad- how did you learn to work on cars?” My reply: “I was broke, couldn’t afford a mechanic, and still had to get to work.”

      • DEG

        “I was broke, couldn’t afford a mechanic, and still had to get to work.”


        I discovered I hated working on cars, so once I got a job where I had money to pay someone else to do it, I paid someone else to do it.

      • Tres Cool

        Ill still do basic stuff. If its a POS that Im working on for fun that I can turn wrenches when I feel like it, I enjoy it.
        But the days of “I have to change this clutch today*” are behind me.

        *today to 20-something Tres with a wife, mortgage, utilities, usually meant Sunday afternoon

    • Count Potato

      Sorry 🙁

      On the upside you lived.

    • waffles

      Anyone who thinks we don’t have socialized medicine is full of shit. And I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing. What you’re experiencing sounds like hell. I appreciate you sharing this. It’s so easy to get caught up in the drama and rage of the day and forget about compassion. Take care of yourself as best you can.

  28. Pope Jimbo

    Uffda. DFL’s plan for fixing the problems in child care (which were caused by govt meddling) MOAR SUBSIDIES

    As a result, Democrats who control Minnesota’s government have proposed a massive expansion of spending on child care from the state’s historic budget surplus in a push to revitalize the industry and cut costs for families. It’s complicated to tally an exact figure aimed at children who are too young for school, but Gov. Tim Walz’s $65.2 billion two-year budget plan would lead to several billion in new state spending with direct ties to child care over the next four years.

    That money would increase subsidy rates for low-income families to meet federal recommendations, which is something DFLers have wanted for years but stalled while Republicans controlled the state Senate. Walz would also significantly expand a tax credit that would help parents cover tuition.

    And the governor wants to offer permanent monthly payments for child care providers meant to give child care workers pay raises statewide and keep businesses afloat. Regular grants for the sector began during the pandemic, but the idea of turning money meant to stabilize the industry amid COVID-19 into a long-term infusion of cash would be a first in Minnesota.

    This all started with Gov Mumbles who did his best to force child care providers to join a union (as payoff to the unions who supported him). He didn’t get all the way there, but he did add a ton of new regulations. Then King Walz closed everything down and fucked them.

    The current subsidy plan has also been abused by fraudulent child care providers. So instead of cleaning up fraud, we are going to throw more money into the hole.

    • hayeksplosives

      Good grief, Walz is STILL the governor?

      I still crack up at the Minnesotan term DFL for democrat party (for the uninitiated, it stands for Democrat-Farmer-Labor, about as close as you can get to socialist without saying socialist), because a husband/wife computer coding team I knew peppered code that they were developing with the comment “DFL” meaning “Drunk–Fix Later”. Apropos for the political party as well.

      • Fourscore

        We’ll need a program to insure that everyone gets to eat 3 good meals a day, even if they have no kids (especially if they have no kids). Maybe a Meal Program, I’d bet there are experienced people that could run such a program, if they only had ome cash.

    • Chipwooder

      Probably the Irish in my blood but I love some mashed turnips.

    • PieInTheSky

      like goddamnit

    • Not Adahn

      Turnips are pretty good actually.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      I’d rather eat bugs.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        The greens are good though with pepper sauce and a hunk of fatback but I don’t think that’s what she means.

    • Not Adahn

      How have you not had turnips? I thought Comblocers ate the shit out of easy-to-grow/hard for the collective farms to kill crops.

      • PieInTheSky

        Turnips are not a thing here. And I was a kid in commietimes and do not remember eating turnips. Never saw any in the market. the probably are somewhere but I never notices.

    • UnCivilServant

      It’s a troll composition.

      • UnCivilServant

        In the more stuff section:

        National Park Service
        To avoid crowds, visit areas that are less crowded.

        Genius! I’d have never thought of that.

      • Fourscore

        “Nobody goes there any more…”

      • Shirley Knott

        ^^^So much this^^^

    • PieInTheSky

      I live in Romania, a country where, according to the last census in 2022, about 84% of people were practicing Christians, overwhelmingly within the strict and ritual-heavy Orthodox rite – horseshit. maybe they say orthodox on the census. they certainly dont go to church or keep lent

      A middle-aged male colleague got breast implants, wears a wig, and wants to be referred to as “Angela.” – lol. never heard of this happening round here

      The dark side to all this is that the English language, through the internet, is the vector for every new high-status belief from abroad, from the positive to the benign and the highly malign – yes. I have seen people doubtful of the mighty vax being called trumpists in Romania

      In reality, the city is a different country, much more Westernized, and the trend is towards more urbanization – yes

      The reality is that the villages, outside of the suburbs, are, more often than not, alcoholism-plagued wastelands for the people with no other options – yes

      And they do, either to the city or abroad. Romania has lost over 1 million people compared to the last census in 2011 – probably a lot more but the politician like inflating population numbers

      with 1.5 elderly dependent people for every economically active person. – yup

      The tax rate is around 50%, – 42% on the average salary, not counting 19& VAT and other taxes on property gas alcohol etc

      The solution is clear and has been outlined and played out by our mothership, the EU – bringing in immigration from Africa and Asia. – more and more Nepalis seem to come

      The internet – the US-centric, English-language global internet – is the world young people live in. The smarter and more sophisticated, the deeper they get enmeshed in whatever is coming down the pike this month – in my case it is you fuckers

      • Drake

        Solution to what? In what scenario does creating third world ghettos in cities improve them?

      • PieInTheSky

        not all immigrants are that bad. Nepalis are ok. I don’t want mainly muslims myself

      • PieInTheSky

        still no Asian escorts yet 🙁

      • Tres Cool

        They just squeak when you bang ’em. Makes me think of a dog’s toy and throws me off my game.
        Not to mention you’re ready for another one half an hour later.

        I’ll stick with my “rubenesque” ladies.

      • Grosspatzer

        Not to mention you’re ready for another one half an hour later.

        I’d gladly sign up for that at my age.

      • Tres Cool

        We live in Glorious Times for “chemical enhancement”. Look at some of Q’s tips & tricks.

        Even Babe Ruth hit with a corked bat.

      • DEG

        I used to work with a Nepali immigrant and got to know a few members of the area’s Nepali expat community.

        Good people all of them.

      • Drake

        I agree – a century ago the U.S. managed immigration much better. At least the male in the family was expected to have a sponsor and a job almost immediately. The unemployed, unhealthy, and criminal went right back on the next boat back to where they came from. Assimilation was required – even the ethnic neighborhoods in places like Boston and New York were temporary stops for many immigrants during the assimilation process. Welfare and other state benefits for immigrants didn’t exist.

        Now it’s the opposite. Assimilation is considered racist and immigrants are immediately given welfare benefits. The vast waves coming in without any assimilation are going to result in tribalism and racism.

      • R C Dean

        Improve them how, and for who?

        If the desired end goal is a neo-feudal society, then creating third world ghettos in cities is just the ticket. Just ask CA. If that is what’s desired, then the ghettos are a step along that road and an improvement.

        Our rulers seem hellbent on this end goal, as a means to cement their position without that annoying middle class constantly causing trouble for them.

      • rhywun

        And along the way, another Amnesty and hopefully *poof* millions more Dem voters.

      • Tres Cool

        I wonder if the DNC had ever considered the plan could backfire? I know Im dreaming, since you’re bringing over people with little motivation and handing them free shit. But what if…..what if…..they turned republican at the polls ?

      • Drake

        Not really a “plan”. Just a general hatred of white normies and a desire for a more malleable class of peasant.

      • WTF

        I’m pretty sure that the people here for free shit are going to vote for the party of free shit.

      • Tres Cool

        That’s the point of my thought-experiment (hallucination).
        What if they didnt ?

      • The Gunslinger

        I believe fortifications have been made to the point they are not worried about this.

      • juris imprudent

        You know the problems Chile has had the last few years? You can say it is all commie agitators, but there was a growing middle class that had rising expectations and the fucking Latin traditional autocratic class weren’t giving any ground. The difference is our neo-aristocrats aren’t part of our social tradition – which makes them far more annoying, and disposable.

  29. DEG

    The Defense Department spent at least $1.6 million to shoot down three unidentified objects that the Biden administration now says may have been recreational balloons.

    That’s not even real money.

      • DEG

        I don’t see TheyFit or MyOne there.

  30. PieInTheSky

    On BBC bias and the anti-capitalist zeitgeist


    the BBC recently published an article on what they call “digital exclusion”, describing the plight of families without regular internet access. While almost certainly unintentional, the article, and the responses to it, are a good illustration of how BBC bias works, and how our anti-capitalist zeitgeist perpetuates itself.

    It is an example of how luxury goods can turn into essential goods over time

    So I agree that in 2023, internet access constitutes a necessity, and involuntary lack of it constitutes a form of poverty, even if it would have been ludicrous to suggest the same in 1998.

    And yet, rather than focusing entirely on the negatives – would it really have hurt the BBC to also include a paragraph acknowledging the phenomenal and rapid progress that has been made in the field of information and communication technology? Is it not amazing that we now think of something as a “basic essential” which my 18-year-old self didn’t even know existed? That over the course of my adult life, we have gone from “The inter-what?” to “How can we increase internet coverage from 95% to 100%?”.

    • Brochettaward

      No. Even one person being denied access to what they want is a complete failure of the system of capitalism.

  31. Brochettaward

    Some call me…He Who Firsts…

    • Tres Cool

      And most people don’t call you at all.

      • Brochettaward

        Most call you He Who Speaks From Head Up Own Ass.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Isn’t divorce easier than murder?

    Not nearly as satisfying.

    • Drake

      Seems like more lawyers and paperwork.

  33. Chipwooder

    Regardless of how most, if not all, of us feel about the death penalty, lefty journalists breathlessly reporting the last words of a convicted double murderer ripping Ron DeSantis is hilarious.

    “Oh man, we totally burned DeathSantis by telling people that a murderer thinks he’s horrible!”

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Yeah, it’s really, really stupid. The right people hating someone has to count for something.

      • Chipwooder

        It just makes me laugh – who, exactly, do they think this is going to persuade? If you’re not already opposed to DeSantis, why would you give a shit about this scumbag’s statement?

  34. Rebel Scum

    Tucker: This is crazy

    It’s a deliberate “fuck you” to the average American taxpayer.

    • Brochettaward

      Tucker is deluding himself if he thinks America could modernize anything here stateside with a mere $100 billion. That would barely pay for the environmental impact assessments.

    • Drake

      Powerful old empires also do insane self-destructive stuff towards the end.

  35. Nephilium

    In way too local news, the first Ohio brewery to get acquired by one of the big guys has closed, with the brand staying alive as three IPA’s (only one of which was a regular item from before the acquisition). The owners also owned the home brew supply shop I generally went to.

    Following on this, another local brewery is spotting the laid off employees a beer and a lunch, and A-B has announced layoffs at quite a few other acquired craft breweries (paywalled).

    • Tundra

      Do you think it’s related to the no drinking fad?

      • R.J.

        Small businesses are often bought up and dismantled by larger firms. Sum of the assets may have been more than the future profitability.

      • Chipwooder

        No drinking fad? What fresh hell is this??

      • Tundra

        Normal fitness world stuff. Just seeing a lot more lately.

      • Nephilium

        The prohibitionists are doing another push to talk about how alcohol is unsafe at any amount. There were near identical articles posted across several exercise/fitness/outdoorsy magazines and websites.

      • Tundra

        Weed is cool ,though!

        *eye roll*

      • Nephilium

        The coverage of the demon weed entertains and confuses me. I’ve seen articles decrying the glut of weed in some recreational states, as the collapsing prices are hurting dispensaries (and the states tax revenue). I’ve also seen articles about the dangerous effects of children becoming “ill” after eating edibles their parents left out. I may be incorrect, but I believe that due to a loophole in the laws right now, it’s legal here in Ohio for 18+ to buy hemp derived THC, but not tobacco.

      • Tundra

        It’s bizarre. But stoned kids are manageable kids

      • Chipwooder

        If being 100% healhy means denying myself every pleasure this rather depressing world has to offer, bring on the early grave.

      • Mojeaux

        My aunt had a stroke and has given up salt forever. My mom’s like, “I’d rather die than give up salt.” Of course, my mom’s counting the minutes until she’s released from this mortal coil, so it could be wishful thinking.

      • Nephilium

        The local brewery had already acquired a reputation of throwing out new beers instead of honing in on a beer before releasing it, and doing only one batch of lots of beers. They also lost a lot of local craft drinkers when they sold to A-B (we’ve got lots of other locally owned options). I think part of it is that we’re in for another craft collapse where the marginal breweries that overextended and thought sales would always be trending upward are going to collapse. There’s lots of reasons for it, I think these are probably the biggest:

        1) Societal trends – Craft beer is now the middle aged white man thing, it’s not cool or trendy anymore. The youths prefer their hard seltzers, and flavored malt beverages.
        2) COVID – The shutdown of bars put a big hurt on breweries that didn’t have any distribution plans and relied on taproom sales and keg sales to local bars. While those have recovered some, both are still down since 2019.
        3) Economy – Material costs are going up, which requires either less profits, or raising prices. With prices generally up across the board, it makes the craft beer an easy thing to leave on the shelf. It’s also harder to get workers in an industry that generally had below average pay rates. Stainless steel prices have shot up enough that expanding a brewery to add a new tank or two is a much larger investment then it used to be.
        4) Outstanding loans – If the interest rates keep going up, there’s quite a few breweries that have a nice chunk of outstanding debt that will start getting squeezed.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    I watched an episode of The Men Who Built America last night.The one about Carnegie, and steel, it was. It didn’t take long to remember why I hated it when it came out. For one thing, there is a tremendous amount of needlessly repetitive narrative. The thing could have been half as long, with a bit of editing. I must say, the guest commentary from “modern day” titans of industry like Mark Cuban, Donnie Deutsch and Carly Fiorina showed just how serious the writers and producers were. Il Trumpolini showed up, too.

    John D Rockefeller was the evilest human to stride the planet (at least until Henry Ford arrived, I suspect). That Frick character gets an honorable mention, since he singlehandedly caused the Johnstown Flood and slaughtered the would be unionists at the Homestead steel plant.

    The monsters of industry left a legacy of pure evil and capitalist thievery. America is a blight and a pestilence.

    • B.P.

      The Discovery Networks do that thing where they come back from commercial break and recap what’s happened, thus needlessly lengthening the show.

  37. B.P.

    Denver leads the nation in car theft per capita. A twelve-year-old and his buddies jacked a car. The owner tracked the car with a tracking device, engaged in a shootout with them, and the driver died. Now the family wants charges brought against the car owner.


    “”Even though they were joy riding, it was never that serious for somebody to have to lose their life or for [the car owner] to track down the car the way he did,” said Alicia Henderson, Elias’ sister.”

    Problem is, the local police aren’t really going after carjackers much anymore. I do feel bad for the family. Losing a young boy is terrible, but maybe take the loss quietly.

    • Chipwooder

      Maybe your worthless little brother shouldn’t have valued that man’s car more than his own life. 🤷‍♂️

      • Chipwooder

        *woman, now that I actually read the article.

        Also, a shootout implies that the kids were armed, so, yeah, fuck them.

      • Chipwooder

        God I can’t fucking read. Never mind. Thought the name of the DA spokesman was the name of the owner.

        I should just shut up for a while now.

      • R.J.

        Friday is comment amnesty day.

    • Tundra

      Good shoot.

    • Rebel Scum

      When the owner approached the car, he was “involved in an exchange of gunfire” with those inside the vehicle, according to Denver police.

      Passive voice is passive.

      And apparently the kid was armed, and I’m guessing shot first.

    • Tres Cool

      “”Elias was a ball of energy. He was my birthday twin,” his stepmother, Turquisha Armstrong, said. “Twelve-years-old, had a great smile, great at math. He was a sixth grader doing eighth grade math. He was very intelligent.””

      Wait….he was 12 in 6th grade? Now I have a late birthday, but I was 13 as a freshman.

      And the article says Turquisha is his step-mom. Ill lay $5 daddy is in the pen.

      • Rat on a train

        12 isn’t unusual for 6th grade. You had to be 11 on the first day of class. Some people turned 12 before the end of the school year.

      • Chipwooder

        I know it became trendy for parents to hold kids back a year from starting kindergarten because it supposedly gave them a higher chance of excelling in school. Several of my kids’ classmates are a year older than them for this reason. Pretty sure that’s not the case here, though.

        I too was a freshman at 13, although I turned 14 midway through the year.

      • Mojeaux

        My friend did that. Her son had some mild learning disability so she had him in some light tutoring the year before he went to kindergarten. He’s older than my daughter and was a year behind her.

      • Rat on a train

        If you are a freshman at 13, you would be a senior at 16. That is young. My school district required a minimum age of grade + 5 on the first day of school. That required freshmen to be 14.

    • Tundra

      And the powers have no fucks to give about property crime. Cops can’t be bothered and prosecutors and judges launch these useless bags of flesh back into the world to do it again.

      It’s reasonable to expect more of this.

    • Rat on a train

      “We miss Elias a lot. It’s very painful,” said Henderson. “I’ll never get over this, I’ll never stop fighting for it until something is done about it. That doesn’t necessarily have to be a murder charge. However, manslaughter still comes into play because [Elias] was a child. The use of unnecessary force was present at the time and it wasn’t right.”

      Just take the L.

      • WTF

        Hoping for the ghetto lottery, I think.

  38. Rebel Scum

    It’s like they are actively trying to foment racial animosity.

    There is an interesting fight brewing in Congress after various cities indicated that they may not only pay reparations but use federal pandemic funds for such payments. There has been a long call for federal reparations with various Democratic bills introduced in Congress. BET founder Robert Johnson has called for $14 trillion in federal reparations. However, cities like Providence, Rhode Island are not waiting. They insist that federal reparations funds are already effectively approved as part of their pandemic relief.

    • Chipwooder

      Because they are.

    • B.P.

      Sorry. We sent it all to Ukraine.

    • R.J.

      I want reparations for what was done to us under the pandemic. Not money for people who never were slaves. People lost jobs and careers over that pandemic shit. I lost one friend due to the vax. Many people are dying now from that goddamn shot. That’s a real wrong.

      • Chipwooder

        My father got clots from the shot. I don’t know how close to dying he was, but it scared the piss outta me.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Stop with the white privilege and fork over your wallet.

    • rhywun

      I guess one window is as a good as another to toss money out of.

  39. Gender Traitor

    I’m going to have to give the nurse practitioner a raft of grief when I go in to my GP’s office for a routine “Well Chick Check” this afternoon. The office called me a while ago to relay a question from said NP, wondering if I’m having some kind of problem, since apparently it’s odd that I’d be coming in for such an exam after my alleged “hysterectomy.”

    Ummm….no. I think I would have remembered that. 🙄 (Fortunately, the gal who called checked my chart after my understandable “WTF???” and found no such erroneous entry, so I have no idea where the NP got that idea.)

    • UnCivilServant

      What, you didn’t notice?

      • Gender Traitor

        If it’s not still in there, I don’t want to know how they got it out.

      • Mojeaux

        Condolences on still having a uterus.

  40. Mojeaux

    I had my studying day all planned out and then I found out I didn’t format my last exam correctly and to re-do it and now I’m in a tizzy of WHAT DO I DO?!?!? It is an existential crisis of massive proportions.

  41. The Late P Brooks

    “Twelve-years-old, had a great smile, great at math. He was a sixth grader doing eighth grade math. He was very intelligent.””

    If he’s so fucking smart tell me again why is he dead?

    • Rat on a train

      Some people use their intelligence for criminal purposes.

    • R.J.

      Notnso much why is he dead, why did he decide to steal cars? Because that is the opposite of intelligent.

    • Sean

      How many times does 9 go into 12?

      • R.J.

        What you did there. I saw it.

        *golf clap

      • Tundra


      • Rat on a train

        What’s the remainder?