That slut Tonio just gives it away. A man of his talents could monetize it, but the raggedy old homo keeps hanging on to his delusions that he can suck his way into some younger bear’s heart. So, while our Nimrod is creakily ascending the ziggurat of his Sargon-bearded stud of the moment, I get to babysit you people. Here is the draft we found in Tonio’s typewriter; I see no need to waste time fleshing it out:
Glibs Anniversary Post Template
Brief recounting of the history of Glibs, with a self-serving linkback to my noob guide.
Fluff all the commenters and lurkers. “Without your support and donations,” yadda, yadda, yadda.
Thank all the contributing writers, even the lame ones.
Praise all the regular columnists, heavy lifters, etc. [sticky note: Not Adahn, RJ, Richard, Chafed, Pat.]
Obsequiously praise Sug, Pengie, CPRM, Animal, Mojeaux, and any other established, pro-grade, contributors.
Single out any irregular contributors who hit it out of the park, ie Sloper. [handwritten annotation: FourScore.]
Suck up to the cryptids.
Thank Neph for GlibZoom.
[handwritten annotation: Tease about fresh, bold content coming later this year.]
Tear-jerking memorial to SP.
Thank WebDom for taking on the high-level website administrative stuff.
Squirrel joke to lighten the mood.
Thumb our nose at TOS since we’re still here six years later with a full, regular publishing calendar, etc.
Taunt the NSA, etc.
Fuck you, Preet.
[sticky note: CPRM wants his 2022 Anniversary cartoon backlinked]
Sneaky posting…
Happy anniversary!
Holy crap. This site is older than half my kids. I figured we’d fly apart under the libertarian “not Glib enough” fractures long ago. Thanks to all the people who make it happen and let me dive bomb once a week. Especially our editors. Swiss, Tonio, and Riven. Please don’t quit, I don’t want to edit.
Happy analversary!
Speaking of anuses, my 5 year old explained to me that “there’s something in your butt that holds the poop in. Otherwise you’d be pooping all the time”. She found the word “sphincter” quite hilarious.
I know y’all are busy Sportsballing or whatever, but still, you need to stop for a moment and acknowledge my fabulous new puppy. I’m auctioning off name rights to the highest bidder, h/t to Sloopy.

Has the puppy selected a gender yet?
It seems like your puppy is popular with another gray hair as well.
CONGRATS on the pup! I bid 2 Cents on naming it Preet.
If it’s a bitch, Hilldog.
Are those all your dogs, OM? When that cold nose sneaks under the blankets in the morning you’ll have a WTF moment!
No, I was visiting the people whose dogs birthed that litter to choose a pup. The one I’m holding chose ME, and he will be my first dog since the passing of Wonderdog a year ago yesterday.
There’s an interesting story behind these people, but that’s a story which will be told later.
Congratulations. What a beautiful pup!
I wouldn’t be pissed if you chose Tundra.
Everybody is busy balling?
Dammit. I’m stuck working. Alert Rufus.
What did you do to deserve it?
The reward for working hard is more work.
I feel very rewarded.
Have you seen The Dambusters?
A fair effort. No “The Cruel Sea” but okay.
The original Death Star attack and a dog with a “racist” name instead of a Wookiee with a “dog” name?
Doggy McDogface.
Or Doggy Style.
Hi pupppppppy!
“Dog” (h/t Columbo)
Duck.. or Fish.
Congratulations on the new puppy OMWC. I hope you enjoy him/her/it.
Welp. It’s a dog. So, yay? If you’re happy, I’m happy.
For the pup’s name, “Candy” works on several levels.
$50 for Nerf
I think I can start a GoFundMe to name your puppy “Nixon,” or “Trump.” Think of the possibilities!
Think of the scene in Where the Buffalo Roam with Bill Murray as Hunter Thompson.
Referencing The Jerk, two bucks on “Shithead”
Name it Sloopy.
If it were a girl then Lolita would have been the obvious choice. Missed opportunity.
I am too dense to understand the puppy gender.
I suggest Ursa. Looks like a big bear to me. If Male, then perhaps Major (as in Ursa Major). If female, then Ursa or even Ursula.
You two are a great looking couple.
I’ve been here for maybe half or a bit more of the site’s lifespan, but it’s a big part of each and every day. /I am lame
I’m getting a little freaked out. How on earth can it already be six years?
I love you crazy fuckers. And thanks for everything.
What Tundra said.
The pup should be named “Dean”. Or “R C”. Of course.
I feel the same way. I’m shocked it’s 6 years. This motley crew of mostly like minded people has helped keep me sane through some trying times.
Add another bewildered time traveler to the pile. Fuck me but time flies.
Wow. I needed every year of y’all. My escape from the insanity that surrounds me.
(Especially the last three.)
Adorable puppy! Rupprupp!
Go Cubs!….I don’t really give a shit, though I do appreciate every sport and can (usually) understand/follow and certainly enjoy. I want a good fourth quarter, a good game.
Rhianna is who she is. Umbrella is a legit good song. Listen to Travis Barker’s cover of it. It’s a great way to show off how much fun he is. He gives the song what it needs when it needs it. No overplaying, unless that’s also what the song needs. She’s the song, not him. Good to be a rhythm musician who fuckin’ gets that. Y’all melodic folk best thank me and others. (My band always have when I (usually) did such.)
Fuck it:
Happy Glibversary to all! Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! to those who put in the time and energy to keep this corner of the web up and running.
I have been lucky enough to meet several of you in the “real world” and to a person you have been delightful.
Like Shirley says this site is a big part of my day and keeping tethered to reality.
I wasn’t planning on drinking – substantially – tonight; guess my plans just have to change. Happy ‘verserary!
Six years. Congrats to everybody! This place helps keep me sane (and often entertained).
Glad I didn’t get mentioned as an irregular contributor who is overdue in providing something new.
Well… now that you mention it….
I demand to be fluffed.
Fluffy was at TOS
Don’t you have a girlfriend?
He has meat and munitions. What more is required?
*toots horn, throws confetti*
Any interest in a Souper Bowl Zoom? If so, I could set up an unhosted one.
I would (hate watching football alone) except that I’m streaming the game.
I just want to say, I fuckin’ love this community, I appreciate the mention by Winston’s charming mom, and I’ll try to keep cranking out content until my brain finally ossifies.
Six years?? Time flies.
This place is *necessary* in an insane world. So thanks to the admins, contributors, commenters, lurkers, financial supporters, firsters and Methodists for keeping it going.
6 years! 3 jobs and 3 states within 6 years.
That makes Glibertarians the most stable thing in my life. That’s not a good sign, is it?
LOL. 😂😂
No. It’s a perfect sign.
Love ya, Tundra Tim.
You’re living my post-college life. I can’t even keep up.
*counts fingers*
Ten years in this damn apartment. I need a change of some sort.
10 years in my current place coming up in a couple months. This is the longest I’ve ever lived in one place my entire life. Also looking forward to leaving it behind.
It will be 14 years in August. The previous record was 7 years. The longest I’ve lived in a state is 24 years so still another decade.
Uh….Singapore ended in 2016, but I’ve got Korea, Thailand and now back in the US in those six. Ended an old profession and six months into a new?
*Fist bump*
We’re…shockingly similarly placed. This place has provided more sanity than anything else in my life these years, in some odd ways.
Rock on, guys.
I don’t know where I’d be without this ragtag guerrilla cadre.
Amen to that.
I first read that as “rat guerrilla cake.”
I can’t believe they are still pimping Pat Tillman.
Sounds legit. There’ll be a hot time in the old town tonight.
Krasner least hard hit.
At least we don’t burn down YOUR city.
The Bee is supposed to be parody.
Philadelphia Eagles fans lived up to their notorious reputation on Sunday when they took to the streets and flipped a car before the Super Bowl even started.
6:30 my ass. I’m already ready to change the channel.
Come for the football. Stay for the commercials.
You mean “beverage fetching time”.
Speaking of…
The NFL playoff games are far better football. The SB is just an advertising fiesta and spectacle with a game attached as an after thought.
Often true. These teams seem about evenly matched This could be a good game.
Happy anniversary Glibs. Wow, six years.
I will raise db and bring it up to a dime to name it Suelldog.
I have a beer for every year of Glibs. And then some.
I did not care for the soy hick and his interpretive dance partner butchering the anthem before the sportsball game.
I guess tuning in late was a good idea.
I was either in the kitchen or I tuned it out. Don’t remember any anthem.
Excellent characterization.
Chris Stapleton is a soy hick?
Apologies to Winston’s Mom. You know what I did.
Anyhoo. Other than my s00per sekrit 5-woman support group, this is the only community I have online. It hasn’t always been pleasant or comfortable, but I appreciate the Glibs experience.
Who needs to be run out of town?
Oh, nobody. I do miss some commenters, though.
#MeToo. Time to pour out a 40 for a long list of people.
Is there anyone watching this game that cares the two starting quarterbacks are black? Here’s a heads up Fox Sports, the people who want to hear about it aren’t watching the game.
Conspiracy theory (also known as a spoiler alert) has it that the NFL run the officiating so that they could get two black quarterbacks. Saw a tweet that said a Mahomes loss upholds the narrative.
I can believe that’s an actual conspiracy theory. It’s also batshit crazy and incoherent.
I’ll be the first to say that the AFC championship win over the Bengals was unclean.
You don’t have to persuade me there has been some terrible officiating throughout the season and into the playoffs. But there hasn’t been a ryhme or reason to it.
Maybe we should all just fuck, reproduce like mad and make everyone beige?
I call dibs on Tracy Bingham.
Since I was a child, I’ve been convinced this is what God intended.
Seriously. Tired of this crap.
“Maybe we should all just fuck, reproduce like mad and make everyone beige?”
Tundra is Senator Bullworth.
That’s why I married an Okinawan Lady.
Senator Bulworth I presume
way too late
So apparently it’s not an original idea.
Still in.
Can’t find the clip on youtube. Pisses me off.
Jay Billington Bulworth : All we need is a voluntary, free-spirited, open-ended program of procreative racial deconstruction. Everybody just gotta keep fuckin’ everybody ’til they’re all the same color.
Still in.
Does your wife know about your plan?
Genetics don’t work like that.
Two black quarterbacks? What?!?! The world’s done gone crazy.
1970 agrees.
Isn’t the league around 60% black?
It’s historic! Courageous! Important!
Somewhere Colin Kapernick is pouting. That makes me smile.
Somewhere Warren Moon is as well, and that’s kind of sad.
I guess Doug Williams is the only black QB that counts since his team won – never mind it had little to do with his performance.
Williams completed 9 of 11 passes for 228 yards and four touchdowns in the second quarter alone!
Granted, a case could’ve been made for Timmy Smith (204 yards rushing, still a SB record) or Ricky Sanders (193 receiving yards, 2 TD — also a SB record that lasted all of one year) as MVP, but Williams’ performance had a lot to do with the Redskins’ blowout.
I think we need to dna every player so we can look ahead to the first two Mexican/Irish quarterbacks, and Slavic/Inuit, etc.
MC Ride?
Six years?
Has it been that long?
Thank you all for posting. I appreciate all of you.
I would rather watch all of Caddyshack 2 than see that Michelob Ultra ad again.
What you got against Jackie Mason?
Nothing. But I’m building up a rage against everyone in everyone of these awful commercials.
Everytime he speaks all I can think of is this.
I thought that actually was Jackie Mason. The Jerk’s what always what comes to my mind when I hear him.
Is that one where they just threw a bunch of celebrities into a regular ad?
Or is that every ad tonight.
It’s a terrible commercial using the characters from Caddyshack. They are using a ton of celebrities, poorly.
There’s also 2 mistakes in the ad:
1. New Member’s Day on the sign? Nah, that’s not right.
2. Ball on lip of cup in close up. Cut to Tony Romo opening the beer. Cut to wide shot. No ball on the lip of the cup — they just forgot it. Then, cut to close up, it’s back.
That was the worst so far.
The Will Ferrell GM preach fest is up there, too.
See my comment below.
It took me a while to fight out where all the good commentators had gone from TOS. Met a few of you in meat space. Great people.
You can fight it out with the TOS editors. They are pussies.
I think Plinker carries most of the commenting weight in our region. I miss Salted. She did good work here too.
Well, now.
If anything will make EVs successful, it’s featuring more of them in Netflix’s series. 🙄
6 years?
I need a cigarette
That’s extra.
/Winston’s Mom
I ain’t paying $58 for a cigarette
Missed tackles do not win super bowls.
Neither do these commercials. Oy! Total crap. Only Cocaine Bear had a good ad.
What was that damn M&Ms commercial? It was unfathomable. Somebody paid $7 million for that.
It shows that all the “controversy” a couple weeks back was staged. That commercial was probably filmed more than a month ago.
Fuck this culture.
I didn’t understand it at all.
What’s up with Ray Liotta – is he taking casting tips from Nick Cage?
I’m pretty sure he died.
He’s credited in this, and I asked because I saw him in the trailer.
Hell of a thing to be your final piece of work.
He’s with Billy Batts now unfortunately.
At least we still have Lou Reed.
The only good one so far for me was The Farmer’s Dog spot. Simple, honest, emotional.
lol just saw that
It looks like a future Thursday night pick.
I see Google is going full Stalin with the photo editing
Someone get erased?
Lots of people and a few dogs
Vince Clarke and Andy Bell?
They just wanted a little respect.
Happy anniversary glibs! May all your Smiths be Steved and your asses be drugged.
Well I’m halfway there
I laffed
Whee! Enjoying the anniversary and super bowl while outside. Getting chilly.
I remember I joined Glibs after the Great Purge of unused accounts. I had no chance to write intelligent thought-provoking pieces, so I just brought the snark. Tonio is a great guy who helped me shape GlibFlicks. Glad to be here! All you lurkers should join the party.
They trotted out Damar Hamlin to sit next to Goodell and the Kelce mom. Black guy sitting on the edge looking awkward as fuck as two old white people hold court.
Six years? Holy Fuck.
Happy Anniversary!
The last time I watched the Sooper Bowl for the ads,
maybe 25% were funny
50% were ads
the remainder were all-out offensive (dopey dad has to be corrected by all-knowing daughter/wife)
I’m guessing that it was 20 years ago.
In 2003 we skipped the hype to attend a Savoy Brown concert. There were 8 people in the audience. I got my CD’s autographed by Kim Simmons (note: he was shorter than me).
TCM tonite.
I never watched for the halftime, and I know this is generational, but I cared ever so slightly, but then this string ended 12 years ago
no particular order
No love for Aerosmith?
no objection, but the string of cool gets broken going back to them
I merely observe that they had things demographically planed out but then tacked off for other ports
And those were all good half-time shows.
Rock music is so played
NFL’s officiating propagandist – isn’t important if the ball moved but whether it left the hand.
Two weeks ago when overturning Bengals TD – the ball moved.
Apparently the NFL rule is hold onto the ball, even after your KNEE is down out of bounds because the play isn’t over until you hand the ball to the referee.
Rental car is a BMW. Took me ten minutes to figure out how to lock the damn doors.
Ah, German (over) engineering.
With the key.
Actually no…
Proximity to the key with a touch sensor on the handle?
You can’t force it to lock. You have to walk away and just hope it does when the key goes out of range.
That’s straight up retarded.
Eagles up by 10 and Mahommes is hurt. Not looking good for the Chiefs
Never underestimate a Philly sports team’s chances of blowing it.
These commercials suck infected yak balls.
How hard is it to get Paris Hilton in a skimpy outfit eating a cheeseburger? I thought this was America!
How old is she now? 45?
Well, with modern plastic surgery, it really depends on which part of her body you are talking about.
Legit lol
ship of Theseus
Damn at first I was thinking Odysseus and wondering about being tied to the mast.
Aja is my favorite album
my intro for Josie sounds less like Larry Carlton and more like Billy Gibbons and Duane Allman had a baby who got into the liquor cabinet about four hours ago
Still hot though. Or you know, get someone else or whatever.
I think the reason commercials suck is that they can’t be edgy or funny or sexy or anything is that people will feign outrage.
She’s still attractive, not quite as pretty as her bank account though.
Huh, she must be the only rich person left that smokes cigarettes.
There are reasonable alternatives.
I can’t believe it’s been 6 years.
This place is my main online habit.
I have met a few of you in real life and that’s always been a good time.
Rihanna is about to sing, the only thing I know about her is she got beat up once.
Not my type of music for sure
I think it was more than once.
I got to meet DEG on our fall New England trip couple of years back, then a whole bunch last summer in upstate NY. I’ll meet more of you at this year’s Honey Harvest.
+1 Chris Brown.
*waives to Tonio*
My favorite Chris Brown thing:
Not my type of music for sure
It’s not under my umbrella either.
Halftime just sounds like the Jetsons “EEP APP ORK AH AH” to me. I think I am too old.
Yeah, I aged out of “shitty pop music” several decades ago.
I can hear it in the next room. Absolutely no interest in leaving the Glibs to go watch.
Beef short ribs cooked in beer, over wild rice = muy bueno.
carne asada con frijoles negra cubano
mi havanese es muy malo
Ribeyes with some SPG in a cast-iron skillet with butter seared to a perfect medium and roasted potatoes.
People say to keep the sabbath holy. I keep it savory.
Bacon burger with American cheese, pickles, re-hydrated onion bits, and A1 on an English muffin.
“They haven’t even won anything yet! Philadelphia Eagles fans FLIP car in the middle of the street as they take over the city before their team plays the Kansas City Chiefs in Super Bowl LVII”
Not the Bee.
Why didn’t they mention that Dr. Jill and her husband were in that car?
Sure. Why not? When they wake up tomorrow they will still be living in Philadelphia.
Rihanna comes out for the halftime show.
Bosslady: Why are they all wearing hazmat suits?
Me: I dunno — I think it’s supposed to be the world’s most elaborate PrEP ad.
She looked pregnant.
My wife said the same thing. I looked it up and she had her first kid last May. Weird that she was so covered up.
I think she is actually pregnant again.
She is.
Irish twins.
Wow 6 years. I was a very regular reader, but never commented at TOS for ten or more years. As soon as I detected that all of the commenters left I search for the new site and decided I needed to try to participate instead of just observing. I’m very glad I did.
Congratulations and thanks everyone.
I noticed the dropoff at TOS. Gilmore was (is?) my favorite, and I had wondered why he wasn’t around as much. I think Brooks gave me the link.
So glad you guys are here. I’m mostly a lurker, but love all the conversations that I see here.
Thanks to everyone who keeps this site alive.
Thankfully they could sync up to stay in formation.
For the first time, the U.S. Navy jet flyover before kickoff at the Super Bowl was piloted by a team of all women.
Four planes flew in formation over State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona, on Sunday, commemorating 50 years since women were allowed to become U.S. Navy pilots. The flyover followed the national anthem ahead of the contest between the Philadelphia Eagles and Kansas City Chiefs.
At publishing time, the team pushed back their arrival another ten minutes after one of the pilots burned out her landing gear taxiing with the parking brake on.
I started hanging out at TOS around 2004. It was once a great place to be. It’s a shame what it turned into.
Thanks to the Glibs for providing safe harbor to the refugees.
I started in 09, I think. I’m still there a couple times a week, but it’s a shithole these days. Between The Pretenders who run the joint, and several fucks in the comments who ruin virtually every thread, it’s not even a shell of its former self. It’s a skin suit.
I’ve been there maybe twice in the last six years. Quick in and out.
I don’t always get up early but when I do it’s straight to the Glib World.
I lurked here for a while before I registered. TOS, 6 years ago, was a hot bed of infested discourse of evil. Even when a couple came here and started to hijack the discussions I was happy to see them get the boot.
I have more time than some people so I can go back and read articles that I may have missed. Thanks to all, hope to see a big crowd for HH. Bees have been ordered, delivery is May 6th. Special thanks to Tonio for making my gibberish readable.
I hope you’re doing well, brother!
Better anyway.
This. I get up a lot earlier than I have to on workdays so I can sip my coffee and hang with the pre-AM Lynx commenters. My favorite way to start the day.
It’s not gibberish, it’s Glibberish!
Do we need a movie about Micheal Jordan and Nike?
There are a lot of things we don’t need. A pregnant Rhianna in some weird corset windbreaker thing. Insufferable wokeness. Terry Bradshaw. That weird M&Ms commercial.
” A pregnant Rhianna in some weird corset windbreaker thing”
I give her props for performing pregnant about 300 feet in the air.
Oh bullshit!
Looked pretty complete to me
Welcome to the new NFL and “football move”.
A player who makes a catch may advance the ball. A forward pass is complete (by the offense) or intercepted (by the defense) in the field of play, at the sideline, or in the end zone if a player, who is inbounds:
a. secures control of the ball in his hands or arms prior to the ball touching the ground; and
b. touches the ground inbounds with both feet or with any part of his body other than his hands; and
c. after (a) and (b) have been fulfilled, performs any act common to the game (e.g., tuck the ball away, extend it forward, take an additional step, turn upfield, or avoid or ward off an opponent), or he maintains control of the ball long enough to do so.
He turned upfield to me.
Watching live I said right away they would rule it incomplete. It was just too fast to turn upfield before the ball came out.
I agreed with that call.
That was not an incomplete.
I looked away. Did the KC injuns not get the TD?
Made two, the one reversed. Happened while I was chasing Spaniard’s dog for eating the chicken wings.
I was never in the “watch the superbowl for the commercials” crowd, but I do remember when they were entertaining.
This year isn’t as God awful as the last couple years, but still not funny.
It seems to be “let’s shoehorn a celebrity into this bland commercial” year
Apparently, being likable or well-liked is not a prerequisite to getting a Super Bowl commercial. We’ve seen Amy Schumer and Brie Larson get ads tonight. Larson got to femsplain to that dum-dum Joe Hamm.
The Bud Light one I just saw was… surprisingly good.
Were they famous?
My wife thinks the woman is, but it’s
hard to tell with those swollen lips
My exact thought. I have a hard time identifying anyone recent-decade famous; I hope they were just nobodies. It was a cute commercial – no bullshit.
Miles Teller (Top Gun:Maverick) and his real-life wife.
I was too busy excitedly telling everyone “it’s the Cisco hold music!” to even realize that was Teller.
Also, Teller will forever be “the Whiplash kid” for me. What a spectacular movie.
I just want to know who is funding all the progressive Jesus commercials.
The Bud Light commercial was cute.
“You’re on hold for seven minutes? Baby, I only need four.”
6 years? I guess we’re not getting any more BJs then.
Well, I feel better, football players care about me.
I’d like to know what they gave Mahomes at halftime to fix his ankle. Maybe I can get some.
Bath bomb.
That’s not exactly what I was hoping for.
Jazz bath! 😃🎷
They gave him a coca leaf to chew on.
My “ask Cocaine Bear” comment got erased.
All these dog commercials make my wife happy.
This is a novel idea from the gun-grabbers.
Colorado’s lawmakers have begun working on firearms legislation, including legislation to allow counties to bar discharging weapons on private properties, a proposal that has brought into sharp focus not just the ideological but also the rural and urban divisions at the state Capitol. …
House lawmakers on Wednesday approved a bill to lift state preemption that keeps a county from passing an ordinance to prohibit the discharge of a firearm on private property and in unincorporated parts of a county.
Rep. Judy Amabile, D-Boulder, who sponsored House Bill 1165, described it as a response to what’s happening in Boulder, Gilpin and Clear Creek counties, which, she said, is increasingly getting complaints from residents that neighbors are discharging firearms in a manner they claim is unsafe or create a nuisance.
“People move to rural communities for peace and quiet,” she said, adding they aren’t getting it.
This argument is shooting from the hip.
Yes, someone is clearly not getting why you move to a rural area.
I’m sure the police are immune.
“prohibit the discharge of a firearm on private property ”
What in the actual fuck?
It’s all OK. TOS assures me that Colorado has the most libertarian governor in the country.
went off half cocked
The Eagles still suck.
After seeing Ozzy just now, I told my wife if I start to look like an old woman I will cut my hair.
Too late, Disney.
My wife said they are trying to remind us how good they used to be, but it reminds her how bad they have become.
“Men suck.”
-RAM Rev
They do when they buy EV trucks.
Wait until people actually start using these things to tow. The horror stories will be legendary.
That’s what I’m sayin’.
*high five*
Anything for an emergency charge I guess
Anyone want to pitch in to build Tonio a generator/charge trailer so he can prowl the interstates?
Scratch that, I’m going into business myself
Something about the soft glow of a lithium fire really sets the mood.
Squirrel joke to lighten the mood.
The last six years have been nuts.
It’s been Rocky at times.
Game tied at 35. We’ve seen like one single defensive play all day and it was the result of Hurts fucking up switching the ball from his right to left hand on a designed run.
Just how the NFL wants things.
Thanks. I just drove home, turning on tv now
What’s defense?
where have you gone, Ham and Lambert
our nation turns its lonely eyes to you
Better than my original prediction, I thought it would be 50-55
Six years?? Jeezus. Love you all.
*pours out 40 for missing Glibs*
The refs are doing that thing again! Just like they did last year where they ate their flags until the team going for the go-ahead score needed a new set of downs, and then suddenly they call ticky tacky bullshit on the secondary!
Didn’t look like holding to me.
It’s not the first BS call in this game.
That guy went down when he clearly had the TD…
Luckily they killed the clock and got the field goal. Risky though since he had a sure fire TD
Well, yeah. He was told to.
Would you rather hand Philly the ball back with them down seven but 1:40 on the clock, or down three with eight seconds to play?
99.99999% win if you slide at the 1. 95% win if you score on that play.
It Hurts but I get it.
I hate chicken shit football
This is why baseball is the best sport. There’s no way to avoid playing the game with clock tricks. You have to throw the ball over the plate and give the opposition a fair shot.
What did I tell you, Moje.
You did indeed say so.
I think the KC OC should get some credit – those were some halftime adjustments.
When you go in the locker room and the coaches are cleaning their pistols, thats a big motivator.
Refs deciding big games is not a good look for the NFL. I mean, that hold was pretty ticky-tack.
Yup. My thoughts coming into the game were, since I didn’t really have a preference for the winner, we’re 1) please no terrible injuries 2) please no terrible officiating.
Barely paid any attention. Now it’s all loudmouth trash talking and Gordon Ramsay isn’t even on yet.
Trash food has to go with trash talk.
For sure
I wouldn’t complain if they had called the whole game that way. It’s the last minute watch us tighten up that sucks.
So much this. Either call it tight or loose. Just do it the same way the whole game.
My opinion, which is worth shit, is get rid of all the instant replays, have refs make the calls. What they see is what you get.
These “is it a catch?” reviews are excruciating. These guys make amazing plays on the ball and it’s like “well it jiggled a little bit as you were COMPLETELY OUT OF BOUNDS after getting three feet it.”
Exactly, Chafed.
It should be predictable.
Are they on the take? I dont want to think so.
It’d be funny if someone released the wrong color confetti. I assume the colors for both teams are prepped for the end of the game.
I still hate Travis Kelce
There are a lot of people in my neighborhood with massive fireworks budgets.
Did you just summon Heroic Mulatto?
Is Andy Reid wearing a really big shirt or is that a custom mumu? Serious question. I knew the guy was big but now he looks plain old obese.
He’s going to have to get another tummy tuck or whatever the fuck he did the first time to lose weight.
His McDonald’s smock will hang forever in the Hall of Fame.
He’s lost weight.
What? Are you joking?
I am not kidding. It’s most obvious in his face.
Holy shit. He needs an intervention. He is going to eat himself to death.
But he will be buried with two rings.
AKA One more than Rogers.
Onion rings?
He lost a lot of weight after his son committed suicide. Very sad tale, Tony Dungy also had a son who offed himself, and the two coach/fathers bonded over that.
any other established, pro-grade, contributors.
*cough* UCS *cough*
Fuck Roger Goodell
Like in Trading Places and he’s in the gorilla suit.
Would you settle for Top Secret cow disguise?
UCS is secretly Roger Goodell?
Not last I checked.
I’m pretty sure the official rule on DPI and holding is that the ball has to be fucking catchable. Not that it has mattered or been mentioned much since the ’90’s.
Pretty sure the call was holding, not DPI.
Yep and holding is before the ball is thrown, so catchable never comes into play.
I won $100 from that call but I agree that it was absolutely bullshit.
How many property crime cases will Larry Krasner dismiss tomorrow?
Relatedly, which insurance company will declare bankruptcy tomorrow?
Wouldn’t it be cheaper for them to take a hit out on Krasner?
is the game over? if so, who won?
Bud Light.
They did have one of the better commercials.
Kansas City, by a field goal.
Now I have to get to Oceania or Africa and pick up a Eagles Super Bowl Champions shirt for cheap.
That’s hilarious. I was just explaining to my Aussie once and future coworker that the losing team merch goes to Africa. He was appropriately amused.
Yep, drinkin’ beer and dead threadin’
Livin’ the life.
Ain’t nothing wrong with that…it’s like sitting by the river waiting for smod
OKAY! Splosives is in da house. Any one zooming?
I’m knackered. I had a bit of an existential crisis there at the beginning of the third quarter because I’m like, “Why is this important?” So anyway, it’s my normal night off from transcription, so I’m going to bed.
LOL. Rest well, my dear.
Streets in Philly quiet. Spin it: Hurts offense best Mahomes offense even with vaunted Eagles pass rush being contained. Crappy punt coverage, a fumble, and questionable ref call. See you next year Andy and Pat.
ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM! do I have to host it?
Sorry, missy – meetings starting at 9 and a shocking amount of email and messages to go through after taking Thursday & Friday off.
Mazel tov on the change – sounds like you’re doing the right thing. 👍
im currently in the zoom by myself bur feel free to jump in. I will give up in a while i guess if no one joins,
We did a turn around trip to LA for grand niece bday. All pooped and tired
Do you need a password to join? I’ve got some free time and have been thinking about getting on some of these zooms.
I dont think a password is needed, I just have to “admit” anyone who clicks to join.
That was fun while it lasted. Glad I gave the zoom thing a try.
Me too. It was a good test run for next time.
Right on! Maybe next time the Zoom host will be more skilled than I.
Thanks for the company.
I think unless you have an ‘official account’, it limits your Zoom meets to 30 minutes.
Note: “official” = “paid”
Nice meeting you and Shpip.
Well alright. I guess you all have lives and shit.
I am in a weird place and would welcome any chat, so hit me up at my hayeksplosives at the protonmail, or just call me at 612-619-3697. Fuck it; i will be throwing that phone into the harbor in a month or two. I get so many spam calls on there I don’t fear typing out the number.
You alright? I can chat on zoom if needed?
I wouldn’t say “alright” but I am vertical.
Had a free zoom with a couple of glibs before Zoom booted us out because we werent fancy enough. Just ended before I could upgrade and all that.
Oh, OK. It gave me the nastygram reply. I figured I was too late.
Hey, Baked. You da man.
dude i’d totally welcome a new zoom. I am definitely not at my strongest right now.
For anyone still around, and Hi-X: impromptu meeting. About 28 minutes left.
Tomorrow I get to resign via email. Sucks. Never done it that unprofessionally, but I think my boss will understand. He’s on vacation for a couple of weeks so it’s even worse,
Going to have to FedEx my laptop, phone, badge, Do the security debrief by phone. I will let my coworkers have my “spoils”: a nice print of General Grant, a print of the sinking of the Bismarck, a taxidermied squirrel.
Maybe i can sneak in a cheeky flight to Vegas and a trip to my office to collect my personal stuff. I’d like to do that.
Open zoom if you all want/
Well, if nobody else is going to do it Zoom
Here’s the zoom link.
Nice talking Hayek and Peguin. I need to go to bed, way past my bedtime.
Dammit, i am going to try Teams. I know that works. stand by…
If anyone wants to try it one more time:
dood, i just did teams. It wont expire. I will try to be on both!
The zoom doesnt seem to work,
Try the MS Teams!
OK, good talking with both of you.
Good night! Time for bed for sure.
Take care, everyone.
Morning y’all.
Morning Sean, et al
😉 ☕
Good morning, Sean, Shirley, U, Roat, and Old Man! (Great to see you here! Hope all’s well!)
The opposite of global warming.
The snow drought continues here. Many a government employee has complained about the lack of days off this year.
Cope, bitches.
Philadelphia doesn’t disappoint.
One wonders how much of this is egged on by the cops and other city employees.
Everyone in the pictures seems to be having a good time, at least until the cops started pushing them around.
He left off “riot and burn cars.” Philly is a city of tradition.
Burning cars is so passe’
These days it’s mobrob a Wawa and play the knock-out game.
Who robs a dollar store?
A (hundred) penny-ante thief?
He took advice to diversify. Also more FYTW federal charges.
robbed a Tobacco Outlet
Off with his head!
Often rural, customers use cash, employees don’t give a shit…they’re ripe for the picking.
Can’t believe it has been 6 years… thank gawd for this site during the last few. Not sure how I would have gotten myself through the covid times without this little hide out of sanity.
Thanks to all the fine people who run this site and the commenters who fill it with mad scribblings. To 6 more years!
Hear hear! I’ll see your 6 and raise you 60 more years! 😃
(And good morning to you! Come around and speak up more often!)
I’m going to guess that fission is your stock-in-trade, but just for you, here’s a song about the fun kind.
For the last half century we’ve been telling people there will be good jobs in Fusion in ten years.
I think it’s down to five now.
Maybe in twenty years it’ll be down to four!
(Alternately, they’ll say, “Nuclear stuff? Oh, no – we meant there’ll be good jobs in jazz fusion!”)
There’s already plenty of Fusion restaurants, though I’m not sure those are good jobs. (Dealing with the public is not my idea of a good job)
So…no long-term plans to have a second career as a Walmart greeter in retirement?
I don’t even like going into walmart if I can help it.
As X approaches N, Y approaches but never reaches 0.
However at X+ΔX, for some values of N, Y<0
Is that coming in from the right or left.
I remember some math where it made a difference.
Sorry, this is a three dimensional plot, what range of Z-values are we looking from?
Z values are government grants of course.
Ah, so we’re always looking at it from the left then.
Nice! I heard it first from John B.
Joe lives!
Thought maybe you had gone for one too many swims in the cooling pool.
Mornin ‘, fellow reprobate, long time no see!
Mornin’, reprobates. Looks like the City of Brotherly Love was mostly peaceful . I am disappoint.
Good morning, ‘patzie (and Stinky and Ssccrruuffyy!) Around here, we only seem to get Philly-style celebrations in the U of Dayton “ghetto” on those rare occasions when the Flyers actually make it into March Madness.
Flyers. The yutes are just trying to emulate the fans of a namesake hockey team in Philadelphia.
A-HEM!! We are the Birthplace of Aviation, thankyouverymuch!!
North Carolina?
::narrows gaze::
Mornin’ all.
Six years. That’s a good start.
I’m wondering about the user statistics.
How many active commenters do we have?
How many Lurkers?
How many people have abandoned us?
How many are feds?
How many lists are we on?
Do the Feds outnumber the actual glibs?
Too slow…
You talking about feds who are gibs or feds who watch gibs?
Feds who are watching other feds trying to find the non-feds to encourage them to do something the feds can act on?