I say, have you got any Grey Poupon I can put on this rotting hot dog?
Now technically, this kind of qualifies as a tinfoil hat movie. It does have the CIA doing dastardly deeds and blackmailing a ninja into doing their dirty work.
This movie also features the fantastic kicking skills of John Liu, who also directed this film, and has excellent taste in karate babes. This was his first film directing. I will say his directorial style is perfect for people with ADHD, as it jumps all over the place. Try not to focus on that and just enjoy the fight scenes, the comically inept CIA agents, and the amazing women.
It also features that awkward 1981 costuming. Bell bottoms were still in, along with polyester suits. You can start to see some mid-1980s costume influence on the women. And who are those amazing women?
- Mirta Miller: She has been in 85 films, some you may recognize depending on your country of origin. Santo vs Dr. Death, Eyeball, and To an Unknown God, which sounds great but I cannot find a trailer.
- Raquel Evans: She was in 27 films, including Can You be with 5 Girls at Once, Girl with the Golden Panties, and Objetivo: Sexo. NONE of those have a movie trailer.
- Jolanda Egger: Playmate of the month in June 1983! This was her film debut, and she was in at least… 4 other films, including Die Spider Murphy Gang (which I assume is about the band). which I have never seen. That movie is so good, the whole thing is posted on YouTube.
Bik-Lin Cheng: She was in a smattering of Hong Kong Kung Fu movies. By a smattering, I mean two. This one, and one made at the same time also by John Liu, called Zen Kwun Do Strikes in Paris.
Some trivia – This film is also known as Made in China. Considering all the translations and how movies get distributed outside of China this is not a surprise. Do not confuse this with a movie titled Made in China from 2019. That is a totally different movie. It is not a remake.
This is John Liu’s first movie, which he shot in the same year as his second movie! That’s over achieving. I have not seen his second movie, Zen Kwun Do Strikes in Paris, but I have a sneaking suspicion it shares footage with this one.
So Watch! Or Don’t! Everything is voluntary. Next week, we will have some more fun with Frankenstein’s Army. I haven’t watched it yet, so what could go wrong?
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
*hit play 15 minutes ago*
Ha! Where did you find a copy of this gem?
I got two copies, it’s on YouTube, and I downloaded a DVD rip. Oddly, the one I got from YouTube is better quality.
That was the case for “Joysticks” also. The DVD copy looks like it was shot through a dirty fishtank. The YouTube / streaming version was so clean it looked new.
“This film is also known as Made in China.”
Also Kung Fu Emanuelle and Sha shou ying
And three or four other titles we don’t even know. This type of movie got retreaded at mom and pop video stores all over. I sometimes think this was done to trick people into renting the same movie over and over with different titles to save money on new content. Slightly more dastardly than making shitty sequels.
Emmanuelle? Now there’s some 70s/80s classics.
I screwed up the bullet point for Bik-Lin Cheng. I will turn in my resignation in the morning.
We don’t accept it.
Back to the salt mines with you.
Seconded. No one else is willing to serve up your wonderful variety of free movies.
*Sheds tear
*Does 100 push ups
*Gets back to work
I just finished viewing Frankenstein’s Army. That movie is great! Like a horror show on rails. It started with that “found footage” look and then evolved into a properly shot movie. It holds up well. Awesome Nazi Frankenstein monsters.
Is his creator an anti-semite or is the monster an anti-semite? Asking for a friend.
Good question. It appears the creator is anti-Semite, and the monsters are just repurposed Russian communists. The last 2/3 of the movie plays like going through a Halloween haunted house. Most excellent. I am excited.
Very fun flick with a different take on the found footage genre. Definitely a recommend.
I have to mention a film called “Army of Frankensteins” which is absolutely the opposite of “Frankensteins Army.” Holy cow, who greenlighted that? I’ll discuss it in the post.
That sounds something like this
The final fight at the pottery factory is great. What a place to show off high kick skills.
KK – this is definitely an A321 – if/when I board – dunno if the pilot is your gentleman friend though ;p
I see where Wes Anderson got his credit aesthetic from (Futura Bold all caps)
Ha ha, yes. That’s probably the only letters the film makers had access to. Probably grabbed those and the transparency sheets from the local school.
How many ounces of cocaine did the editor go through making this?
A small mountain. This film is all over the place. But it was brainless fun and I needed a cleanse post-ZARDOZ.
I found a picture of the editor.
For me, Pam is a solid wood.
Down with the thickness.
Carol/Cheryl for me. Wrong side of the hot/crazy line, but I’ll give her your name.
Just subscribed to Quentin Tarantino and Roger Avary’s podcast The Video Archives. Fun stuff so far with some obscure flicks.
I will eventually need to listen to that.
OMFG. School in Dallas/Fort Worth has now been cancelled an entire week for some half ice / half rain. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE!
My daughter is going FERAL!
*hoots n’ hollers*
I got pulled over for doing 50 mph in a 55 during a Wichita blizzard. The cop was from Georgia and was fish-tailing trying to catch up to me. I said I took my driver’s test in Minnesota in worse conditions than this. He let me go.
It’s all about the tires and the driving technique. Texans have neither the tires nor the technique. Especially city Texans.
I cut my teeth on bald Tiger Paws in a ’77 Impala in the snow. I’m invincible!
That thing weighed 3,670 lbs! more if you threw some Quikrete in the trunk!
I failed my driving tests on dry pavement.
Buried in slush and snow? Passed with flying colors.
I still have trouble on dry pavement. 😛
When I was stationed at Ft. Hood, one year central Tejas got hit with ice. It was comical watching those people try to drive.
Most of the time they lost their shit over just a hard rain.
It was a lot like this.
Yes! Yes! That is the truth!
It’s one or two days people! You don’t have the right equipment, so just chill and stay indoors or something. The hot weather will be right back.
I get you don’t know how to drive on ice, but fuck, from what I’ve seen these people have trouble with moderate rains. Stay the fuck off the roads until it’s dry. And for the love of humanity, don’t move north.
By “you” I meant “they”.
Every vehicle handles differently. Most people are stupidly arrogant about their abilities. I know that I’m no pro but I am sure of where my limits lie. Accidents are expensive as fuck. Not to say that I haven’t pulled off a few hair-raising manouvers but those days are long dead.
When I lived in the Seattle area the roads always were a mess when the rains stopped. People were so accustomed to the sound and handling of wet roads that the dry roads were off putting.
So, like ice on the California coast then.
Or, like my mom driving a convertible in an east Washington winter.
Round Rock ISD cited “ongoing electrical issues” to stretch it to Friday.
I’m off tonight and Im taking in GlibFlicks for the 1st time.
Good Lord, this is awful. I love it.
Glad you made it! And your appraisal is correct. It is wonderfully awful.
I think the guy getting tortured is Long Duk Dong.
There’s Long Duk Dong, Butt Cut, and Swoopy Styles. They all compete for the womenfolk.
I had a few drinks with friends tonight. I can’t take this movie. It makes me think I have alcohol poisoning. I mean, more than normal.
Wait until next week. That will be awesome. This week was iffy but I had it written up so I posted.
Also I am having another drink since my daughter has no school now.
It not you, it’s me.
Seriously, it really is me.
It’s always either you or me, Friend Mikey.
Consistency is good.
Dear Dierdre, Judi has roped some young cow-worker into shovelling the roof. She did it with the promise of home-cooked meals. Neither of us are quite as spry as we used to be but I wonder if the price is more than I can afford and do I have to watch?
Young men can get sex nearly anywhere. Good cooking is much harder to attain.
I don’t mean to kink shame, but eeeew. Are there no sheep around?
I kid but I’ll be watching if he pulls up in the “Gilf-Hunter” van.
I’m watching the new Lingo which is fun but it’s on CBS and I have questions.
There is apparently some Trek retread called “Picard” that I can’t be bothered with because I’m sure it sucks but the commercial I just saw had every goddamn character from ST:TNG in it – plus 7 of 9 because… why not?!
Guys (and gals): it’s not twenty (or thirty) years ago. Retire.
Who knew BLM was still running commercials? I’m sure radical Marxism goes over well with the CBS viewership.
Season one of Picard was good. After that I had a strong feeling it was about to go off a narrative cliff.
Everyone just looks old and sad, at least in the commercial. Not sure who they are aiming this at.
But yeah I’m not blowing money on “Paramount+” for that.
I ended up getting a free trial and binged it. Otherwise it is a useless service.
Paramount+ has soccer – Italy and Champions League – that used to be on cable.
I would have to subscribe to four or five different streams to get the soccer I used to be able to watch on cable. Yay, progress!
My brother and I were talking about this just the other day. “Cutting the cord” was supposed to free us. And should have. But these streaming services are milking us for every damn penny. And it’s costing more while also being more complicated to navigate as opposed to just picking a TV channel. There has to be another reckoning coming.
It depends o what you need. I have helped impovrished souls get a TV antenna and working TV, and stream TUBI ad Pluto on their phones. That’s a pretty good package. Specific sports needs get more complex. If you are technically handy, a VPN can get you streaming local channels almost anywhere in the world. You have to start paying for at least one streaming service then though.
The driver of our conversation was sports. If you are a sports fan with a varied interest, it could cost you big dollars every month to be able to watch your teams with all the “exclusive” streaming deals they all seem to want. And even if you’re willing to pony up, you may have to deal with pissing matches between providers. For the last several years, large areas of TwinsTerritory™ couldn’t watch Twins games because they made a deal with Bally sports, and Bally couldn’t make deals with Dish, DirtecTV and local cable companies.
Well, sports fans were always screwed.
Did Obama bring you guys high speed internet? If so, this is a good solution to the sports problem.
Just hook your computer or phone up to the TV.
Oh, and I am putting together the post in my head about going cable free in 2023. There are some great phone apps now that show you TV stations in your area which help make that decision. I wish those existed years ago. The apps even show where the transmitter towers are so you can adjust your indoor antenna. Very cool.
This one is very comprehensive. An Apple version exists.
They should’ve rebooted the new Matlock with Picard, arguing cases in Federation Court.
I’d buy that for a dollar!
I always got the feeling that outside of Shatner (and whoever played Picard) no one gets work after Trek.
Picard did some of that X-Men crap I have no interest in, beyond that I dunno.
Sir Patrick voiced the title character’s boss for a while on American Dad, and in case people didn’t recognize the voice, they made the animated version look amazingly like him. Some of the stuff he did there was pretty outrageous, and it sure looked to me as if he’d reached the point in his career where he could have as much fun as he wanted and not give a shit about whether it was “dignified.”
Yeah, the IDGAF was pretty good there.
He doesn’t seem too hung up on being dignified:
That’s great! He really should do more comedy. 😄
I assume that was why he did/does American Dad.
Clearly a good sense of humor.
Picard played the evil mind control CIA doctor in Conspiracy Theory. Braveheart bit his nose off while drugged up, then escaped strapped to a wheelchair with his eyelids taped open. Classic movie scene.
He was also the maître d’ in ‘LA Story’
He did a very good Shakespeare…
(and you can even see David Suchet in the background!)
“And their clothes, just … fall off!”
“But it’s too late – I’ve seen everything”
Stewart’s best work.
Jeri Ryan did okay – hotness is/was a favored commodity, and she had at least two network series iirc, which is good money. And the people who were already established returned to that, like Scott Bakula and the character actors like Ethan Phillips were fine. Kate Mulgrew was nom’d for Orange is the New Black, so I don’t think Trek hurt her, either.
it’s a numbers game really. Any ensemble show that runs for awhile is more the exception than the rule, and most of the actors in that show will return to the regular work of guest roles on tv, minor film slots of decreasing prestige, etc after the show ends. Only a few will break out of their show. (Meghan Markle being one of those people – be careful what you wish for, lol)
Because 7 of 9.
I’d rather just pop in one of my Voyager DVD’s. Not interested in all the reboots and decades-later look-ins. Just. Don’t. Care.
Neil brings the fire. I like this fellow! https://youtu.be/2ncdeloL3F4
Had to be done:
Funny! I’ve never been but the blood runs thick. I always know what those maniacs are talking about.
I think he’s great and have been passing him on to other ‘Murican friends. I hope he doesn’t end up committing suicide with two to the back of the head.
+1 secret thumb gesture.
Can’t wait to see the evil villain.
Spoiler: It’s whitey.
Chicken wing thief:
Nobody can eat that much by themselves, can they? I suppose Johnny Law should look for wing restaurants going out of business next month…
Black market.
And the wings fell out of her ass.
These guns are amazing. Want.
This movie really does have some nice hardware. Considering the budget for this film was three bags of airline peanuts and whatever they could find at their buddies’ houses, those are probably privately owned at the time.
All the white guys are extremely dorky.
It’s great. And all the white womenfolk are crazy for our hero.
Our hero makes me think of Barry Gibb.
Enjoying it very much. Good choice.
This is my musical contribution to the evening:
What exactly the fuck is wrong with you?
You want a list, or just a general idea?
A Manly Man? I just suffered flashbacks to forced disco dancing classes circa 1978. I demand reparations!
I feel your pain.
That song was inescapable.
Did you have to wear those awful formal men’s shoes with the slick leather bottoms? Anything less than a rubber floor and you slid everywhere. I sandpapered mine so I got some traction.
I used to play intramural broomball* in college. Now you can buy expensive foam rubber broomball shoes- or you can hot-glue 36 grit floor sanding paper to your old sneakers. I gotta tell you that 36 grit works better than foam, and was, maybe, illegal, but I was both cheap and had loose morals.
*I once took the tip of a fellow player’s finger off while playing broomball. Please wear gloves while playing contact sports!. He kept playing, so did I.
Broomball? Do you mean this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmkWyPjbR74
I think the flop sweat running off of every participant made that moot. Shit like that makes pimples grow.
I have a strong and sudden urge to go swimming.
If you get sequins stuck in your teeth, 4 out of 5 dentists recommend Crest dental picks.
Salt water wash and full extraction of the offenders worked for me! Easy! Barely an inconvenience!
Turning in for the night. You all have a good evening!
Nighty night.
Thanks for what you do!
Thanks, RJ 🙂
Piranha 3D.
The character Johnny Wong would fit right into Big Trouble in Little China.
Such a silly movie but so great.
Apparently, in this movie’s world, LBJ is still preezy of the US of A. (4:09 in)
HK appropriate music
This is the most insane ADR dialog I have ever heard.
They should have got the guys from Bad Lip Reading.
That was priceless. Especially when they did the “hairy leg” thing word-for-word. Fit in seamlessly.
Also “Squeal Stains” –> ewww.
Seconders…seconders everywhere.
What about the thirders and below?
The fourth estate and fifth column have a sad.
And the 49ers lost.
To the 50ers?
Re: The Glibflick – I really dig the English accents!
Good morning Glibs.
Good morning, Sean, U, and Roat!
I…got nuthin’.
I can’t find my silverware. I packed them up at the other office, now I can’t figure out which box they went in.
Any impressions yet after your first day in your new role, or was your time so taken up with moving-related stuff that it’s too soon to say?
Too soon to say.
Today I’ve decided to try to find worthwhile documentation and read it. The first part is what appears to be difficult.
I predict a broadening of your definition of “worthwhile” that eventually becomes synonymous with “any.”
The document I’m not ranting about, nosiree, has a gazillion pages dedicated to every place where one might click something over from not applied to applied, but one only page that actually talks about what applying anything actually means from a functional standpoint. ie, plenty of pages saying “Highlight the option and click the button to move between columns A and B” but not much on what that does in terms of user rights.
In glorious state of NY, users have no rights.
Which is why the ability for them to see jobs from other machines is a concern. The test user is seeing too much!
Are you fucking shitting me?
Vaporize that fucker.
*looks at pic*
It’s not an arsenal until you can at least equip a full squad of soldiery.
Squads can be small. I was in squad of four for a year in Alaska.
Braxton Kyle Johnson, who is from Indiana and recently moved to Hollywood
Indiana. No longer content to terrorize Chicago, they are spreading their poison nationwide. Where will it end?
Not a bad starter kit. Needz moar mags.
200 rounds is a basic load for a rifle.
Oddly specific.
Hooray Journalism subsidy fails in Virginia
Don’t break out the party hats just yet, they’re going to eventually give federal subsidies that they can hold over their heads.
Sounds like Yoda this does.
A good morning to you I wish, along with all the merry reprobates!
Good morning, ‘patzie!
maybe a stoner
I wouldn’t shed a tear if the two community rags that litter my driveway several times a week were to burn to the ground. While unoccupied, of course, I’m not a monster like some here!
suh’ fam
yo whats goody
Yo! Accessories for my pony tail.
Rip Taylor said it best.
Good morning, homey! How’s the new puppy?
Like having a toddler with an infant brain running around the house.
She’s developed a taste for the power cord for Jugsy’s Microsoft Surface. Im on repair #3. Oddly, she leaves most of the others alone.
Part of the problem is responsible parenting on our part- certain parts of the Palatial 2X-Wide look like Cords-R-Us. Or a junkyard for electronics.
Oy! There are some animal repellant cord wraps that work for rabbits. Might help there as well. Sometimes local pet stores even have them. Microsoft must be using veggie based cable covers instead of straight up plastic.
Time to work. Friday at last!
“Currently we assess that this balloon has limited additive value from an intelligence collection perspective over and above what the PRC can do through other means,”
You mean like all the corrupt chips and Huawei shit you’ve been buying from them ?
If it’s in our airspace, shoot it down, then bill the CCP for tresspass and littering.
Shoot it down over California and bankrupt them with environmental fines.
Stream it on TikTok.
And all the spies that have been infiltrating industry, education, and Congress for decades?
Great news everyone. The drill rig is off the golf course.
Lets try this again in a couple of weeks. Of course i have to get new paperwork done…..
I haven’t been following as I should, but why are you drilling on a golf course?
We are looking for PFAS contamination. What would be nice is if we can show that its not there.
All you need is the right lab, the right lawyer, and enough samples. Some will show up.
Some already did show up. In 2017 I found out that the golf course was being irrigated with reuse water. I did not have time/money to get the golf course tested. We did a “shovel composite” on a rough on the golf course. Had enough of hit to suggest it could be a problem.
Then EPA started lowering risk numbers & AF started to get more money for these projects…..
I have 5 sites that we are looking at again to try to verify they are not a problem.
I have another project that is looking at 3 creeks that run through this golfcourse.
Looking at $60 million in contracting on this right now in the next 5 years. Which is insane because the remediation contract for the entire base is 37 million for 10 years.
From what Ive read, the amounts their looking at are retarded. And from this lovely piece of guidance”
“(ii) When there is no analytical method that has been approved under 40 CFR part 136, required under 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter N or O, and is not otherwise required by the Director, the applicant may use any suitable method but shall provide a description of the method. When selecting a suitable method, other factors such as a method’s precision, accuracy, or resolution, may be considered when assessing the performance of the method.”
Im happy to stick with air. You water people are always changing the game.
That’s not that bad of language.
Is this one of those coded message thingies?
“The drill rig is off the golf course. Repeat: the drill rig is off the golf course.”
Sounds to me like coffee for the pool boy isn’t at home with the trophy wife any more.
Coffee = code
Need coffee
poolpizza boyIt was stuck there for 6 days. Parts would not work, parts could not get here because of snow. Finally got it off the course. Plan was to have the drill rig out here for 10 days. we only got 4 1/2 holes drilled on 5 days.
They need to come back with a bigger rig.
Its a project from hell.