A lot went down in the past week or so promoting everyone to panic and engage in these weird conspiracies that Ohio exists. As we all know, Ohio doesn’t exist.
This is my review of Brouwerij Maenhout Kollusion (!) Russian (!) Imperial Stout:
Its been over a week and we can finally get a good grip on what actually happened, right? The water is safe to drink according to the Mayor, so that’s cool. Except…um. Ew.
Make of this whole thing what you will.
What was really odd was the other train that derailed in Texas, in Michigan, and then in local news a truck carrying nitric acid caught fire on the I-10. Is this all happening now for a reason?
No. Thanks to our good friend Gordilocks, this happens all the time. To the point where is occurs statistically 2-3 times per day. Freaky isn’t it?
Grab your tin foil because I…have a theory: this will occur much more often, in many more industries, and we only have ourselves to blame. Consider how much we heard about “The Great Resignation” occurring in the wake of the 2020 lockdowns, and spilled over to the next couple years (TW: this is a WEF link). Then consider how many of the people that quit didn’t really quit, they actually retired.
I realize I have been critical in the past about the Boomer generation but in this case I have to give them credit where it is due. That generation is large enough, and covers a long enough span they were able to maintain sufficient numbers in the workforce until now or very soon. Longer perhaps than their parents, but for whatever the reason they did anyways and pretty much everyone benefited from it. They also had no issue with working in trades and in heavy industry, unlike the ensuing generations. GenX created the tech economy, Millennials like me all seem to want to work behind a desk, and Gen Z seems to want to be professional trannies making videos on Tik Tok for pennies a click.
In other words, who will do the work? Much more importantly who is around with institutional knowledge of the systems currently in place? When one retires, they take their knowledge with them for better or worse. So will things we typically take for granted come to a grinding halt due to apparent incompetence become commonplace? I think so.
In happier times I could make a joke about Russian collusion when discussing an Imperial Stout, but these guys even took that away from us. Belgians, amirite? This Belgian brewery colluded with Boom Island Brewing in Minnesota, to create a rather dedicated tribute to Mother Russia. Dark black coffee, and Belgian chocolate dominate everything here. They suggest pairing it with brownies or some dish called Créme Malakoff. I don’t know what that is, but this beer was so good, I feel bad I didn’t get a better picture. Brouwerij Maenhout Kollusion (!) Russian (!) Imperial Stout: 4.5/5 11% ABV
In other words, who will do the work?
Young, able-bodied immigrants?
Their won’t even be enough of them.
It’s true. There was only one Paulina Poriskova.
You’re going to make my browser history dirty arnt you?
Ok. Not that kind of ‘actress’
Only if dirty = beautiful.
With free room and board, they have plenty of time to learn a trade.
This is beginning to anger me very much. Where does it fucking end? All of Central and South America is now aware that a free ride awaits them here, but there aren’t enough three- and four-star hotels to fit them all.
As I alluded to a few days ago, someone has obviously been trying to take out Ohio for decades. We obviously pose a threat to very powerful interests.
I blame Kentucky.
Not Michigan?
I say that about my wife sometimes.
A disproportionate number of Presidents have come from Ohio. What makes Ohioans want to boss everybody around?
Don’t tell anybody, but I was hatched in Ohio.
Tosu, of course.
Christ, what a bunch of assholes.
On top of all that, one is no longer allowed to filter for talent, because “equity”.
We’re so fucking screwed. Hopefully after I shuffle off.
Hopefully after I shuffle off.
I fear the world my grandchildren are inheriting.
I fear the world
my grandchildren are inheriting.No grandchildren required.
I think that crap is starting, emphasis on starting to fall apart. There is now active pushback by parents in primary schools and the start of it in colleges. Tech thought it was immune but is now laying off people. It’s like the vested interests are finding out people care about results.
Puddin’ head Biden is doing all he can to keep the money flowing, but people are starting to see through the BS. And with no money a lot of this shit, which is so transparent, doesn’t get white washed anymore. College enrollment is down, people are talking more and more about the trades, and with the push to get the illegals into the so called sanctuary cities and show the drivers of a lot of this shit how bad it is, I think we are starting to see a change.
/while pilled.
“people care about results”
Whether people do or not, reality does.
And no, perception is not reality. Reality is.
I feel like the pendulum has probably reached its height. I don’t think most people are down with extreme leftism. The tranny nonsense just might be the insanity we need to set us back the other direction.
Most people what the world to be a better place. And they want the world to be an easier place. So, in its earlier iterations, leftism looks pretty good: free health care, gov’t backed retirement, cleaner environment, and so on. But, what all of those things cost, either financially or socially, gets increasingly higher the closer we get to the ever retreating leftist ideal. And that is when we start seeing the pushback.
The real question right now is; how much damage will they do until the pushback is strong enough to overcome them?
More than can possibly be repaired, I’m afraid.
I exaggerated slightly when I noted that 1 generation will take down our entire culture. It started in the 60s, was ramped up in the 70s with the start of 2 income homes and skyrocketing divorce rates (and of course government welfare programs incentivizing single parent homes in poor communities where a father figure is most needed), and codified in academia in the 90s with the PC movement. We’re now seeing the rotten fruit those experiments have borne. Some of it is not repairable. We still have open attacks on foundational American values. The nuclear family is now a sign of white supremacy, and not stability. The best women are men. Biology isn’t real. Etc.
But the more insane they are, the more pushback we’ll get.
Some of those social things are getting pushback on already: trans issues are starting to be a dead end for many on the left as seen by the recent piece over at Bari Weiss’s; wokism is facing harder and harder resistance a la DeSantis, Abbot and other governors who are being broadly supported on this, etc. But, society does change, and the two earner household is a boon for many families, if not most. That said, I have known a couple families who went the traditional route and made it work. But, it all depends on what you want, and most people seem to want options, with a strong security blanket for when or if they fall.
No, were we are really breaking down is our reliance on previous safety and efficiency methods. We, as a nation, are treating much of the work here as done deals, and have no idea on how to hold up the back end of things, let alone why it was put in place. And this is going to be the breaking point in law, medicine, governance, pretty much all of what is deemed necessary to hold a degree in. And, as the governing bodies take over the backbone institutions such as the ABA, AMA and what have you, people will stop listening to what is often of profound importance; how a diverse society gets along.
Competence is no longer celebrated, but superficial traits are. There are and there will continue to be significant consequences from that.
2 income households have been a boon for strong families, but there have certainly been negative externalities as a result.
The attack on the nuclear family being one. Most marriages fail now, and much of that is due to many women being fooled into the idea that independence from men is not only possible when you need it (good), but desirable (bad), and preferable.
Independence for women from men is a boon. Period.
Completely agree
I’m more concerned that I will be shuffled off by DEI talent. Even more so for my ‘white supremacist’ kids.
The Great Retirement destroyed my company’s productivity. I put basic numbers in front of peers and my boss’ face, and I get ignored. We have 25% more people and are 30-40% less efficient. DEIfication at its best.
I picked up some Deschutes Red Chair last weekend. I had not had any for a few years. It seemed awfully citrus-y, but at the time I was drinking it regularly, I was also drinking Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, another beer which seems very citrus-y to me now.
Light and crisp and refreshing.
I can’t drink any of their stuff. It’s simply not for me. I choked down a few Black Buttes a while back simply because a neighbor gave it to me and it was too late to drive into town to get better beer.
I fear the world my grandchildren are inheriting.
I’m glad I don’t have kids. I feel sorry for my niece and nephews.
My kids will live in some mad max hellscape I’m sure. Hopefully I’ve put enough pews away for them.
In other words, who will do the work?
Where is the Little Red Hen when you need her?
A disproportionate number of funk musicians were from Ohio. Just like Motown, their parents had good paying industrial jobs so they could afford to buy instruments and music lessons for their kids, and buy houses with garages or basements that could be used to band practice.
Interesting. Anything else Ohio produced disproportionate to the overall population?
Speaking strictly of Dayton (where many if not most of the funk musicians hailed from,) maybe also inventors?
I can’t even.
Beer should be 6% or less
Beer makers should ditch the barley, hops, and malt, and ferment grapes instead.
Eh a crisp pilsner on a.hot summer day has its place
Why can’t we all get along?
because of circumcision?
I know, right! That would mean we can’t get around! None of this long BS.
Fuck you
Right back at ya
Easy there, cowboy.
I don’t mind the hot beers, but I would kill for a good, tasty 3%er. Day drinking for the win!
Daydrinking torpedoes, 7.2% for the win!
Also handy for skipping meals.
It’s hard to find anything good below 4%. Pacifico Clara is the best easy drinking lower alcohol beer in existence in my opinion. With a dash of salt and sometimes a lime for a change it is hard to beat for refreshment on a hot day.
I make nice Berliner Weiss at about 3% ABV.
Do you ship to Florida? 😛
A little hot sauce on the neck never hurts either.
I generally go with Tecate for this, but most any Mexican beer will do.
I think MN is the last 3.2 state. Even UT gave up that shit.
Kinnath’s house is the answer! I guess there is not enough of a market for true low alcohol beers for them to be sold much.
Tecate tends to be my least fav of Mexican beers, although if drinking any of them in a can the difference is much less I think. It’s gotta be the bottle for them, makes such a difference.
He makes a fine mead I tells ya
I like brew dog dead pony club for low abv
All of the Notch beers are fairly low.
Notch Session is my go-to when having a, uh, session.
It’s right next door to Idaho.
That’s what people I ‘served’ with in the army and the LEGO Corporation thought in the 80s. As a kid I would save up all my money and make an order. 6-8 week’s delivery was real. Twice it took 12 or more as my order got sent to Lewistown OH not Lewiston ID!
@FourScore, thank you so much for your kind words! I’m glad you’re enjoying it, but I’m just grateful you’re taking the time to read! So thank you!
Well, I’m grateful anyone’s reading it.
I’ve seen your story post but I’m not sure where they begin.
It starts here, but the problem is, you have to go looking for each entry if you go from the beginning. So the best thing to do is go to the top of each installment. There are links to previous chapters there.
Wouldn’t the place to begin be buying a copy? *nudge nudge wink wink*
Amazon is the place.
/ bought a copy
*hands over True Libertarian card*
I reluctantly accept your resignation.
That’s less work.
Thanks to the folks who posted the Watterson Pearls Before Swine link – found this one a few days later: https://www.gocomics.com/pearlsbeforeswine/2014/06/16
Speaking of the Ohio spill, I did see this one in my feed this morning: https://twitter.com/AwesomeBiota/status/1626404433432117249?cxt=HHwWgoC8veKNk5ItAAAA
I posted a link. Don’t know if anyone else did.
At any rate, you are welcome.
Nice to see someone who is qualified make a comment.
Interesting indeed. I will file that away.
Just got some grade A fear open in my inbox concerning the spill.
If you were to believe it, everyone east of the Mississippi is going to be dead from cancer within a year.
That said, I’m glad I’m not that close to the disaster.
fear porn…
everyone east of the Mississippi is going to be dead from cancer within a year.
It’s a start.
If we can chop of west of the Rockies, we may have a chance.
Hey, I live here, let the tsunami decide my fate….
Head for higher ground
Piss off man. We’re not all assholes.
I am😉
Hey now…
I hope the chemicals don’t jump over the Appalachians.
The primary concern being how much unburnt vinyl chloride is being carried into the atmosphere by the fire.
ADV China has a segment on this on their podcast last night. Apparently there was a similar explosion in China that killed (at least) 23 people in 2019.
Interesting. I’ll check it out. Thanks
Interesting, and alcohol related….
Who does the heavy lifting? Old fucks like me.
Tall Cans!
*inspects noodle arms*
Not me. I’ve gotten the impression that my retirement was “about time” as far as my boss is concerned.
So far, my bosses seem happy that I am not interested in retiring yet.
I was a badthinker in a crew of mostly Narrative Liberals. I suspect a few colleagues were also badthinkers, but they did a better job of covering it.
We are still in the “soft times make soft men, soft men make hard times” part of that scenario.
Agree. We have the soft men, the soy boys are everywhere, and hard times.
But I suspect that these hard times are also creating hard men, who will start to reverse the cycle.
The first hard men of the turn will probably be fully reactionary and quite volatile.
Our society is trading on very dangerous ground right now.
‘Not me. I’ve gotten the impression that my retirement was “about time” as far as my boss is concerned.’
That is strange. Why not just fire you then?
Hard to fire someone just for having bad opinions.
Arizona isn’t an at will state? especially at the c-suite level?
Sort of.
RC also worked healthcare. You might think the talent pool is rather wide and deep, but in a market with a lot of retirees like AZ, it really isn’t.
At will means nothing in a DEI environment. After a full year, we are finally getting rid of an employee who is literally a fraud. He made it past HR and passed a dumbed down technical test. It took 3 months of weekly documentation.
They would never fire me for being politically inconvenient. And I really did keep a fairly low profile. Plus, there was the one year guaranteed severance, and they were afraid of me. And they (the CEO and Board Chair) knew for a couple of years I was planning to retire in 2022 – 23.
they were afraid of me
You dropped a deuce on their lawn, didn’t you?
Upper decker
Dumb question – trying to read a couple sites to confirm (can’t recall what I did last year). If I paid property taxes for the house (county/town) through mortgage/escrow – that’s all combined into one number on the 1098 from the mortgage holder/bank?
So then the only other property taxes I could claim (locally) – separately – would be property taxes on my car for my county (VA).
My paperwork from the mortgage company shows what I paid in principal, interest, and what they paid for me in taxes. I use the interest and taxes paid amounts on my Federal tax paperwork.
Your state may vary.
No, the 1098 should show only your mortgage interest payments (as reported to the IRS). You should get, or have access to, an annual escrow statement showing the payees and amounts.
Ok, I’ll log back in and check.
This was kind of a positive outcome: https://www.foxnews.com/us/el-paso-mall-shooting-off-duty-police-officer-took-down-suspect-within-minutes-chief
And then the real story: https://www.foxnews.com/us/texas-licensed-carry-bystander-shot-el-paso-mall-shooter-targeted-more-would-be-victims-police
+1 The guy who was carrying.
“Now boys. You’re fixin’ to let those teenage hormones of yours get you into a world of trouble.”
I’m headed to the local beer snob bar/market. No TVs or sports. Just lots of good stuff to drink, so it courages talking to people.
Talking to people? You mean, in person?
Talking with people is just crazy enough to work.
Just gave the oldest, dear Woodchipped Wednesday, his first driving lesson. We drove around the mega-church parking lot, tried (unsuccessfully) parking with some cones to act as guides, then I told him to make the 8 mile drive home.
Good times.
I remember doing that with The Boy. Hard on my patience, but good for him to learn.
Is Driver’s Ed available in High school? My kids/grand kids could hardly wait to get that learner’s permit and use the school car. It took awhile before they learned , the had way, about 2 objects occupying the same space at the same time but it eventually made sense.
Good luck. It’s a scary time to be a parent.
Not as his small private school.
I was the only kid I knew in my HS that didn’t take drivers Ed. I have seen any parking lots full of Ford Tempos, so I suspect we don’t have Drivers Ed in the government schools either.
Even based on the licensing process, I suspect the onus is (rightly) on parents to teach their kids to drive.
They have a learners permit for 6 months during which they have to have 60 hours of driving (with 10 of them at night), then they get an intermediate license for 6 months. Once they’ve completed both, they can get their full license.
60! It’s 50 here in Idaho and about 42 too many.
Back around Christmas we had a deep-freeze and snow. I wish my son had his temps then. I wanted to share that 16 year-old me, with a car (no airbags, no ABS, seatbelts optional, and negligible bias-ply tires) wouldn’t let -0 temps and 6″ of snow from keeping me from attending a party. Specially if I knew a girl I liked was there.
Thats a learning experience.
‘Fun fact: 24 astronauts were born in Ohio. What is the problem with Ohio that is makes people wish to flee the Earth?’
Where do you even start? The mistake on the lake? People who eat spaghetti and call it chili?
The beer sounds really good though.
Test comment
You passed!
Not if grammar has a say with her lack of punctuation.
Careful, she bites
She doesn’t bite. She’ll just blow you up.
You should have shown your pre WWW experience and sent us a “Ping”.
But your test worked. “Pong”
Lima Charlie
Yer wall-to-wall and treetop tall.
That a Texas-sized 10-4
Its baseball season again. My son usually has a hat pin, to distinguish his hat from the other ten kids on the team. Unfortunately I tried finding a muertos/sugar skull guy in a lotus position he has on his water bottle.
Unfortunately, most of my search results resulted in my finding a Totemkopff pin.
You could always go this way with a literary reference.
Lot of room around the Mogollon Rim for a southern branch of GG.
Added to cart
With 2 kids in baseball (1 in travel, the other in HS then travel team where I’m also a coach), the next 6 months will be exhausting.
Well, that specific thing was hard to find. BUT, I found sugar skulls with team logos for major league baseball. Not sure your team preference but I bet all of them are on eBay,
Saw it. Its a 2” pin. A wee bit big for a 40 pound kid.
“College enrollment is down, people are talking more and more about the trades,”
Tres Ver 2.0 just took a field trip to our local “career technology academy” ( we called it Vocational School).
Despite saving for his college, I made it clear that there is nothing wrong with learning a trade.
If he’s into (or gets into) working on cars, he could go to the unfortunately named UTI.
I hear Cranberry can clear that up.
Yeah, but do you have to let it linger?
Time to fire up the adulation machine.
I expect a lot of weepy, maudlin commentary on what a terrific ex-President he was.
He is a scold and a nag.