Now that is linkalicious.
How’s your Saturday Glibbies? All quiet here on a lazy Saturday afternoon. I think it might be time for a nap, but first we must do, the Links!
Coming soon? “It is our moral imperative to stop Russia from committing these atrocities.”
I love me some environmentally renewable energy. Or a trash incinerator caught fire.
I’m sure the timber industry in Minnesota will be thrilled.
There’s been a lot of Cars on the radio recently, so here you go.
Verdun has a golf course?
I hear there are a lot of bunkers.
“THUNK” That joke was a dud.
Yeah, it pretty much blew up in his face.
It was a bit over the top.
It’s a real blast.
Based on the good examples from the earlier comments, and the fact is is raining, I too did draft one of my annual extortion paperwork. Nobody will see a dime for months but at least I will have no penalties.
Isn’t an incinerator supposed to be on fire?
Reported by The Blaze, too.
The irony, it burns.
Isn’t that Chlamydia?
“New Chick-fil-A cauliflower sandwich sparks debate on TikTok: ‘Literally a veggie and bread. Why is it $7?’
Because the materials to make it cost 22 cents and the suckers who believe that’s food are dumb enough to fork over 7 bucks for it?
Because minimum wage has been set above the market-clearing price.
The people making that TikTok argument are greedy, nasty, officious little shits who see someone who they think has more money than them, and want that money for themselves.
Maybe overstaffed? I:be been in a couple of places where the Downs kid is working his ass off and the rest of the staff is chatting or taking a smoke break out back.
Returning from Tijuana to the US is a completely different experience if you can use the Sentri line. No wait at all. When the normies waste hours.
Last time I crossed at Otay Mesa it was close to 5 hours wait. Luckily we were in an RV and I was able to sip beers with a toilet available, but even still it was hellish. The only other border that bad I’ve experienced is Bulgaria into Turkey.
I don’t want to know what you were smuggling.
I crossed the border on foot both ways. The standard line was very long. It’s hard for me to believe that the wait time was only an hour for them. But that’s what the US government claims.
Heheh, from Bulgaria or Mexico? In Mex we had close to 70 lbs of fish filets in a couple coolers. They checked us out pretty darn good without tearing anything up as we were three dudes in an RV looking worse for wear. From Bulgaria we brought a British drive Skoda with a random Aussie’s name on the registration that we bought a few weeks earlier in a campground in Croatia.
Were you down in Mex for pleasure, dental or biz, grzz?
Out of boredom. I have to be in San Diego this weekend. But I’ve seen everything here multiple times. Tijuana was okay for a few hours.
It gets better the farther you get from TJ. The Baja Peninsula is a fantastic place.
Out by Scripps is Black Beach. There is a parasail launching spot on top of the bluff. Maybe you can rent a ride there. (There was a company but I don’t know if they survived Da VID.)
If the beach has reopened after a recent epic cliff collapse that can be fun to see as well. Just follow the path down from the parking area.
Didn’t they say the same thing about us, and probably just as plausibly, after our quarter century play time in the sandbox?
The Biden administration, and Blinken in particular, are completely on the up and up. They wouldn’t lie about anything.
And I’ve heard the same about Ukraine.
War is not nice. Film at 11.
I would say apartment buildings and hospitals destroyed by Russian missiles qualify.
It’s a real dangerous and stupid game they’re playing. The entire apparatus of international law basically just exists as a play thing of the West and they are going to rub Russia’s nose in it thinking those tools will never be turned around on American leaders who engage in war mongering. Not to mention what our “allies” do.
They’re also just boxing Russia into a corner.
Blinken warns of consequences if China aids Russia in Ukraine, says Beijing didn’t apologize for spy balloon
When the vassal becomes the lord…
Provoking a shooting war with Russia and China simultaneously to prove Biden’s a tough guy and totally not a Xi handpuppet is a good move.
Yeah I more expect the CCP will send biden a bill for the balloon, helium, and payload. If Xi really wanted to troll, his spokescommie would demand payment in gold or bhat since that has been the most stable currency for two decades.
Whereupon the Chinese warned Blinken of consequences for any attempted interference in internal Chinese affairs.
They’ll get a very stern letter.
I don’t mind posting here, and wasting all my time
It’s not the Cheeto dust in your hair…
I needed someone to troll.
You’re just what I needed.
I needed someone to Sneed
What good is sitting alone in your room? It’s time for a holiday! Come to the GlibZoom, old chum, come see the Glibs at play. The curtain goes up at 20:00 Eastern time.
I myself am not a Zoomer (heh), but I have a post up in the forum on the subject if anyone who hosts these things wants to take a look.
C’mon! You can just listen in.
C’mon! You can just listen in.
For emphasis!
So nice I said it twice.
I’ve seen enough after school specials to know where this is going…
You all know my policy on proprietary software. And webcams. Sandboxed Discord is as far down the rabbit hole as I’m willing to let myself go, unless I have to compromise for a job or something, and even then I’ll just break out my dual boot Thinkpad.
I will still taunt you. Mmmm! drinking on Zoom now!
Will you fart in his general direction?
I’ve decided my pr0n name would be Crystal Tumbler.
Not because I’m like a gymnast – because I’m clumsy.
Incidentally it feels like a Tennessee Honey in a crystal tumbler kind of night.
Cigar and Bullliet Bourbon. Be there in a bit. First Saturday in a while with nothing happening.
Bulleit is pretty good, one of my top 5 I’d say. Their rye, too.
I about ten minutes you can join the Zoom and watch me drink it. It’ll be like a bourbon OnlyFans.
*Queues up the Barry White*
Bulliet barrel picks are A100+OK.
The extra L is for extra lushiness.
I’m sure there is a fandom for that.
I take it the zoomers all drank themselves passed out. Seems the link didn’t open a room. I would have been here earlier but some of us work for a living, *Waves at Rufus
“Inside a sprawling factory just off the President Biden Expressway in downtown Scranton, Pennsylvania, the future arsenal of Ukraine’s war effort is being forged, one red hot artillery shell at a time.”
You can’t make this stuff up.
Nice to see the Bruins back in “Reign Of Terror” mode after dropping some games – 6-1 at the start of the third.
I guess I’ll have to get used to the Kraken…
Kraken and dr. Pepper, yum…..
Hot pepper seeds are sprouting.
cabbage. kale, mustard, broccoli have started
When I get settled in, I hope to be able to grow a few things. Already factoring it in to my apartment hunt.
I’ve done window box herb gardens when I didn’t have a patch of lawn to use. We’ll see what’s available around here. There is certainly plenty of rain.
LOL. It *is* a far cry from the Mojave.
Do not panic when you go without seeing the sun for 2-3 weeks. That is normal there.
It shone for 5 minutes at the very moment I received my car from the delivery service.
There might have been a heavenly chorus in the background.
Oh, that’s a great line!
The Oregon state flag is the blue tarp and the Washington state flag is the green tarp.
Once you get settled there are world class rail trails in Washington.
At Ft Lewis there was (is?) a saying, “If you can see Mt Rainier it will rain tomorrow. If you can’t see Mt Rainer it is raining now.”
This time of year there is strong truth in that statement. But never fear HE, the long summer days and the incredible wild berry picking make up for it.
I’m sure I will adapt just fine. I’ve never been particularly attached to a region or plot of land, and I’ve lived and worked in some pretty harsh circumstances. I’ll be fine.
As long as I have no major allergies. (Please, no allergies!)
Liking the green already. Going to miss the crystal clear skies of the Mojave though. Shouldn’t have bought that awesome Meade telescope.
Wet side some where?
Check your warm state privilege – I can’t start any peppers for another 2 weeks.
Mid April, get those things in the dirt outside about June 1st. They don’t do anything in the cold ground. I do have a few apple seeds popping up though.
Did you get moved into your new digs? Are you a ways off from the Lake so as to be a little warmer? Is there a garden spot? Inquiring minds and all.
Closing March 15th. 7.6 acres. 15 minutes north of the airport. There is a nice garden spot – need a rear tine tiller. Has a big chicken coop. I hope to run 10 egg layers and 25 meat chickens. Maybe a couple of pigs next year. Maybe bees. Hope to plant apple trees, raspberry bushes, blueberry bushes, and strawberries.
I couldn’t wait to get off the farm when I was younger – I basically ran away at 17, didn’t like the hard work for no pay. Now I want my own farm. Weird.
I went into the infantry since it was easier than cattle ranching. Some days I wonder how life would be if I chose the other path.
I am not unhappy with my life, but there are several T-intersections during life and it is natural to wonder after over three score laps around the Sun about the other roads.
You had a choice. To a kid in 1971 it was school or the draft. I was flunking out of school so I beat the draft by joining the Air Force. Spend the end of the Viet Nam war on the other side of the world (the Azores).
I try to talk to kids about the draft and they look at me like I just stepped in from Mars. I guess you had to be there.
draft = slavery
I’m surprised more people don’t get this.
First step in the realization that Government = The Enemy.
They hate me and want to kill me.
Me too, pon. Not a full farm at all, but has a couple cows and large garden and chores. Hated all of it. And wish I had it today. Damn north facing forested slope.
So we’re going to need to develop a solar powered woodchipper? That could be interesting on one of those partially cloudy days – on, off, on, off.
Who’s we, kemo sabe?
Don’t worry. Hochul will get to you.
I’m going out on a limb and thinking that alcohol was involved.
Just wondering — is “Russian Woman” the Florida Woman of Europe?
I go nuts after a couple hours without nicotine, too. I totally get her.
“That’s a man Baby!”
Probably not based on the article, but that is one hell of a chin on a woman.
Yes, and lots of it.
I’m not sure where the pollution is in MN, other than the state house and all the bureaucrats. I tried to count all the gas burners in my garage, lawn/garden/fishing/woodcutting plus a tractor and truck but I kept forgetting something.. Since I can only pollute with one at a time I doubt that I’m too dangerous.
All the fishermen with the nice boats and a 4 cylinder pusher ain’t looking at electric.
Politicians supporting the ban are going to have short careers, almost every homeowner outside of the metro areas has several gas burners. Looking around my yard at all the tree damage from the winter storms , it is going to take a long, long extension cord to resolve the problem
Once weed gets legalized here Carpetbagger Walz and his gang will see some serious smoke in the air. There is a mining moratorium and a large wood factory was just denied. As MN people get tired of taxes and head out for friendly places, Walz will be surprised that his brand of MN Nice isn’t playing too well.
Another instance of down state do-gooders telling us hick how to do things better.
I’ll need a 500 foot extension cord to run my electric *spits* chainsaw.
Batteries, duh.
Watching the XFL on ESPN.
Fourth or fifth time is a charm?
It’s Houston vs Orlando.
There is no local team this year, so I don’t know who I would root for.
Setting the DVR to record the St. Louis/San Antonio game tomorrow afternoon, as there’s this other sporting event on at the same time (granted, one that Sloopy probably wouldn’t acknowledge is a sporting event. 🙄)
Church of Teh Climate Change High Priestess is unhappy
She needs a Royal Reaming from our own OMWC.
I’ll even chip in ten bucks.
Well, when your “criminal” acts are all supported by the powers that be and you are handled with kid gloves like she was when she was “arrested” recently, why the hell not?
Today I finished building the second of a pair of nightstands for my sister and BiL. Long project, and I had wanted to use mortise and tenon joinery but I discovered that the hollow chisel mortiser is a shit tool and I hate, hate, hate it. So I used dowels instead for them. They still came out pretty nice though.
My current project is a horizontal slot mortiser, based somewhat on this design I found on YouTube:
I think I will like using that over the hollow chisel mortiser. I might write up an article or two about the whole thing if anyone is interested.
I have a dedicated mortising machine.
FedGov to kill feral cows.
I watched this go through the state legislature. Not once was mentioned the option of allowing hunters to cull the population. Nope, kill ’em and let ’em rot. On the Fedgov dime. Oops, I meant on your grandchildren’s dime.
They are going to waste vast amounts of cash to kill very few head. The Gila Wilderness is tree covered, steep with multiple canyons, and large. The cattle will have little problem avoiding the copters.
If you are in the area I do recommend backpacking into Turkey Creek Hot Springs. They are wonderful.
Hiked it about a billion years ago with my Dad and father-in-law. My boy scout troop switched to the Gila from the Pecos about the time I left.
NM has some wonderful wilderness areas.
Tonight’s Star Trek is that awesome one with the Commie Chinese vs. the caveman Americans (Yangs).
I don’t remember this one.
I didn’t remember last week’s one either.
This one kicks ass.
“E Pleb Nista!”
Yes! This episode defines our future.
Spock even mentioned the Stoics.
That is a fantastic episode.
I just finished the most recent Dune movie. I liked it. Is the book worth the read? It appears to be a real doorstopper.
Yes, it’s one of the all-time great SF books.
Agree. The sequels degrade slowly. But book one is fantastic.
yeah, R. J. is right.
Although if I were his editor I might have suggested fewer references to Wheels within Wheels.
I can’t read Dune without Francesca Annis being Paul’s mother in my mind (not a knock; she was perfect).
The first three are a complete story.
The fourth is weird.
The fifth and sixth are an incomplete story.
I liked the original. Never read the sequels.
As a desert denizen I felt that he got the spirit right.
I liked the 1984 version and I thought that the new version was at least as good, if not better.
Thanks everyone.
I was thinking “It’s really not that big of a book”, but 890 pages, apparently.
It goes by quickly.
Rock out, homies
Hey Rhy. How far into B5 are you?
Well if we are going to go back to the Cold War let’s have the music.
Big guns.
I would have guessed this: https://youtube.com/watch?v=nLsXJitaiVo&feature=shares
Been a while.
Dude, how are you leaving it aside? The show has hit its stride!
I dunno. Time eludes – whenever I think about it, I look at the clock and it’s like 1:32 am.
Good news my friend. It’s a 3 day weekend.
And Mon-Tue-Wed is the final big push to get my current project into production.
Which kind of sucks because I’m afraid to find out what they have for me next. I hope it’s not the same boring shit I was working on before six months ago.
Don’t underestimate the positivity of “boring”.
It’s almost like the politicians in the MN legislature proposing banning the sales in state of gas powered lawn mowers and chainsaws are oblivious to how close WI is to the Twin Cities.
+ 1 Sunday morning run-of-shame to Hudson, WI for Sunday NFL liquor supplies before MN finally unbanned the ban on Sunday alcohol sales.
I have noticed a weird giant increase of battery powered everything in Home Depot. Even snow blowers. Because batteries work really well when it is ten below zero.
I’m generally skeptical of the need and security of home appliances being connected to WiFI.
But sitting in the common laundry area of my extended stay place with a couple of loads of laundry going, it sure would be nice to wander off and then get a phone notification that the loads are done and ready for the dryer.
Mother fucker.
Common laundromats in the day of legal weed suck. My clothes smell like skunk.
TBH, it’s probably that some idiots washed rubber soled shoes or something. Either way, bleah.
Looking forward to getting a real apartment with its own washer and dryer.
Good morning, HE!
Morning, Ted!
You people are up way too late/early.
Up at the same time every morning. Not going to tell Lily “I feel like sleeping in. You can hold it an extra couple hours, right? “
I work 6-2:30 so I’m up “early” even on weekends.
But that good morning to HE comment was posted from my tablet, in bed.
Well, I just got home after working all night.
For you gun enthusiasts out there, the Season 3 Episode 6 of War Factories (available on Youtube) is all about the evolution of the machine gun.
Starts off a little slow (but still interesting to geeks like me) but in the last half really gets going with all the innovation.
Good morning Glibbies.
Hey Mon, stop doin dat.
Wakey wakey.
Morning to all,
Just because it’s Sunday doesn’t mean you are supposed to sleep in. There are things to do, people to see, breakfasts to be eaten. Days are noticeably longer and the cold not quite as extreme but looks like more snow this week.
Qne day soon, it’ll be spring-like.
Good morning, 4(20), Sean, Ted’S, NA, Shirley, homey, (and maybe even still HE?)
4(20), I was expecting your musical link to be this.
Write your own jokes…
NJ continues to kill marine life.
I’d be mad.
Super spreader event! We’re all gonna die!!!! 👀
Worth watching
Never seen it.
Btw, after tomorrow I’m gonna stop the early am pre-links links. If someone else wants to pick up the slack, have at it.
I may resume at some point. Dunno.
We need a stronger West Coast contingent to keep things going. Maybe HE can inspire Jesse and Playa?
But you’ll still be gracing us with your presence, right? Right? /insert overused meme here
I’m not leaving or anything. Just re-allocating that small window of early am time.
“Can’t post links, ‘batin.”
suh’ fam
yo whats goody yo
And it wasn’t a tranny? Bigots!
WRT to the earlier comments about Frank Herbert’s masterpiece, dont discount National Lampoon’s Doon