Erin go bragh, motherfuckers!
Sloopy started early, and Banjos is busy keeping his head out of the toilet. That in itself, is an interesting endeavor. You see, Sloopy has no hair. So she wrapped a pair of pantyhose around his forehead, and is holding him up that way. No hands available to type Links. She is an absolute saint.
China is sending rifles and body armor to Russia…
Poland is sending Migs to Ukraine…
Just make sure you don’t cross streams with the Jooh Space Laser.
Okey doke. That’s it for me. Time to get your Irish on, Glibbies!
What’s a blarney?
If you don’t know, you’re not meant to know.
$20, same as downtown.
The pissing stone.
That people gleefully and willfully kiss no less while upside down. White people am I right?
I did that in 1964, now I’m fully credentialed. The guy holding my legs gave me a certificate of proof but it got lost along the way, along with my wife at the time. I miss that piece of paper more.
kissed the blarney stone back in 2012, worst mistake of my life. I already had difficulty shutting up, now I run my mouth with wild abandon.
So Irish cocaine?
I also am addicted to stimulants, yes.
🎵Blarney is a dinosaur from our imagination
he drinks a lot without a thought
to the result of his libations🎵
A purple dinosaur with a speech impediment?
I’d rather see Erin go braghless, but I’ll wait for Q to show up.
: narrowed Gray’s:
I was expecting an alien.
She only works in outer space…
Those aren’t *narrowed*, those are *I will cut your dick off*
A salesman at my first job used to make that joke. Back when all it would get you was an eye roll and a shake of the head.
“China is sending rifles and body armor to Russia…”
Listen, it can’t be WWIII without Germany.
I feel sorry for the guys stuck with the chinese knockoffs.
Mildly interesting that they’re labeled as .223 Rem.
Yeah, that is weird.
223 is the lower power cartridge, correct?
maybe they recognize it will eventually self destruct.
I would not want a Chinese rifle. The one type of manufacturing America excels at is building reliable firearms.
Chinese AK’s (Type 56, etc.) are reliable because it’s almost impossible to make one that isn’t.
Huh. I guess small arms are not going to be competitive advantage thing for quality, Scale matters more, seems pretty much solved.
When the best strategy you can expect from your army is the human wave, all their weapons need to do is work long enough to reach the user’s expected survival time.
I used to have a Norinco SKS and it was a great rifle. Roughly finished and whatnot but it never failed to work.
I have shot any number of deer with mine. I have pictures to prove it. My brother had a Russian made SKS, he traded it for a Chinese one.
I put on a black plastic stock from Midway, looks way more cool.
I think Germany will be sitting this one out, what with their manufacturing ability destroyed and all.
But can they resist the urge
“Rival Colorado Towns Fight Over a Frozen Dead Guy
Tiny Nederland was horrified at first when it learned a resident had cryogenically preserved his deceased grandfather, but now it is grieving the celebrity corpse’s possible move to Estes Park”
Well, headline is all we get. Rest is paywalled.
LOL, wut?
Rose Tattoo is far and beyond better than Shipping Up to Boston. Great song to start the day.
I prefer the Dirty Glass, Barroom Hero, Caught in a Jar, Bastards on Parade, or (if I want to go maudlin) the Last Letter Home.
Probably will hear all of these today regardless.
It’s too early for either of those Vice articles, so I’m just going to assume they’re retarded.
It’s a safe assumption.
People can eat dog food — except Californians, it has a potentially known cancer risk
I got some chemical stuff to put in my shit tank, and it said “this product contains chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer”
Good thing it’s not known to cause cancer by the state of South Carolina
When it comes to annoying health warnings, the British are way ahead, California has some catching up to do.
For the full experience of our pipe tobacco meet us in our Edinburgh tobacco shop while visiting Scotland.
Can’t visit Edinburgh? Do not worry, browsing the selections below is quite an experience on it’s own.
Welcome to our Pipe Tobacco section, take your time.
A unique browsing experience, courtesy of the British government.
I think that same thing every time I use oil paint.
As long as CA clearly marks the border, you should be OK. When you see a CA border you can just turn around and avoid the cancer.
Why is the author afraid?
“Enshrined in DeSantis lore is an episode from four years ago: During a private plane trip from Tallahassee to Washington, D.C., in March of 2019, DeSantis enjoyed a chocolate pudding dessert—by eating it with three of his fingers, according to two sources familiar with the incident.”
Three fingers, one cup.
That’s a shocking revelation.
*narrows thighs*
“I can’t spare this pudding-scooper — he fights.”
Why would anyone think this matters? Is he implementing a policy banning the use of spoons for pudding?
Next we will hear that he turns a bag of chips upside down to finish it off. This is serious stuff UnCiv…serious stuff.
Wait… is that wrong?
::flicks bottom corner of bag to knock salty crumbs into mouth::
He’s uncouth! No better than Orange Man! (Vote Team Blue)
It’s weird behavior, but he is a politician.
How is it even weird?
How do you eat pudding?
With my tongue like I am dog bowling it.
*Mrs. OBE nods approvingly*
Where does the third finger go when you are gripping your dog before you throw it down the lane?
I would regard that as less weird than using your fingers.
Do you have a different method for yogurt?
@Pope…if you gotta ask buddy
@CPA…who eats yogurt?
No protein or pro-biotics in your diet? NGMI.
He should play it up, saying that there is a mass of plastic spoons the size of Texas floating in the Pacific. If you want to kill dolphins and turtles eating your pudding, go ahead, but he is going to think globally and act locally.
Obviously he’s a pudding rapist like Bill Cosby.
The Team Blue version is Klobuchar eating a salad with a comb, which is weirder.
Tell me you don’t have any good oppo research without saying you don’t have any good oppo research.
Yeah and that one Dem chick ate salad with a hair comb.
That was stunning and brave by shedding the male dominated fork cartel.
There was that other one who used to eat hot dogs without using her hands.
Oh, right, the Vice President.
That was Minnesoda’s own Special K!
Whoops. Didn’t scroll down enough.
Maybe they were out of spoons? In that case, I admire him for thinking outside the box.
Huh, there is a half-full bottle of Guinness on my desk from last night. Should I drink it now?
No, it’ll taste terrible.
It should be fine. Stout takes forever to go bad. So does IPA. Except IPA is bad in the first place.
And should be consumed at room temperature
I mean, it is room temperature, probably flat, and Guinness.
Not flat.
You were a slacker. Drink it and all the cigarette butts it somehow acquired (even if no one in your house smokes).
Costco had 36 cans on sale of Guinness…I may have an excess of it now.
I don’t understand the “excess” portion of that.
Its the little things I tell myself…
NEW: housing shortages, affordability crises and NIMBYism are growing problems in many countries, but what’s especially striking is how much worse they all are in Anglophone countries 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇦🇺🇳🇿🇨🇦🇮🇪
What’s going on?
• Asia: started from a low base, but now building lots
• Most of developed Europe: steady rates of growth
• Anglosphere: not enough to start with, and not enough being built
Why the Anglo exceptionalism?
As always, there will be many factors at play, but one thing that shows up time and time again is Anglo discomfort with density.
There’s a common view that Anglos (especially Brits) hate any and all new housing.
It’s partially true, but masks nuance.
Brits are indeed more opposed to new housing than others, but they’re especially opposed to anything more than two-storeys tall.
Apartments? Hate them.
I blame zoning laws preventing the building of the types of housing people want and trying to force the useless tower blocks that go up in flames.
Zoning goes both ways. Get rid of it and see what works in different places.
Countries with open borders? The weird thing about letting millions of people into the country is that they’ll want to live somewhere with a roof.
^^ this. I bet the illegal immigration rate over the past 3 years exceeds the supposed housing shortfall, let alone legal immigration.
Of course, the whole housing shortfall thing is bullshit, as evidenced by the market in freefall.
I don’t think they are in freefall in England or Netherlands
Immigration is a problem, but there is a huge lack of quality housing in England as is, the stock is horrible. And my pov is I should be able to build on my property
Roll out the “it came from an animal” articles!
“This really strengthens the case for a natural origin,” says Seema Lakdawala, a virologist at Emory University who wasn’t involved in the research. Angela Rasmussen, a virologist involved in the research, told me, “This is a really strong indication that animals at the market were infected. There’s really no other explanation that makes any sense.”
Oh, well if someone who wasn’t actually involved in the research at Emory (practically down the street from the CDC) told them…. well surely that will be convincing!
Yeah, it makes no sense that a virus which has a very human specific protein that has never appeared in a virus before would be the result of genetic manipulation meant to introduce human specific proteins.
You always give us great acronyms…
Holy shit, they found animals at an animal market!
There’s really no other explanation that makes any sense.
None at all, you say? I can think of one.
Well, to go with the lab leak theory, you have to believe (a) the Chinese research into creating a more transmissible/virulent coronavirus just down the street was successful, and (b) the Chinese quality control/containment failed.
That’s just obviously crazy. Like Chinese research could ever be successful. Or their quality control ever fails.
What a very scientific assertion
‘Orning O’ordles, faith and begorra….
Daily Duotrigordle #380
Guesses: 35/37
Time: 03:55.79
Daily Quordle 417
Daily Quordle 417
Blossom Puzzle, March 17
Letters: A C D H E R T
My score: 206 points
My longest word: 9 letters
💐 💮 🌼 🌺 🌷 🌹 🌻 🌸 🏵
Play Blossom:
Recharted? It’s the first nine letter word I came up with those letters.
Its Merriam-Webster’s game? You can just make up words then
Luck o’ the Irish
Daily Quordle 417
Blossom Puzzle, March 17
Letters: A C D H E R T
My score: 285 points
My longest word: 10 letters
🌹 🏵 🌷 🌸 💐 💮 🌼 🌻 🌺 🌹
Play Blossom:
Rehearthed? First 10 letter word I constructed from those.
Cathedra? No that’s 8
I’m still trying to beat the 12 of Decathetered
Decathetered, how did I miss that one? I’ll bet Mojeaux would get that one instantaneously.
Daily Quordle 417
Daily Quordle 417
Not sure how I feel about the new animation.
Daily Quordle 417
Today from the “… and nothing else happened” news desk. Not really surprising around here, I think… but would be nice to get everyone on board and stop the MSM lying about it.
So m❤️❤️🎄🙌🎁🔫👍🎉🪅🦬💖💕
Doctor Who Cristmas Special?
Im thinking started drinking at midnight and is on round two
Your cat start pouncing your keyboard set to emojis there?
Christmas party in Buffalo with guns?
I havent been to Nederland yet, but I actually had a restaurant there recommended to me.
Estes Park doesn’t “need” another “attraction”, it already has the hotel from The Shining.
Plus its the entrance to Rocky Mtn National Park.
The Stanley was founded by the man who invented the Stanley Steamer car. Used to, a whole collection of them were there, and there was a steamer truck you could ride around town on. Sadly all of that is gone in favor of “The Shining.”
They don’t even charge extra for staying in the “haunted” room. But it does have a waiting list.
Anti-racism and hate crime training will be offered to private residential landlords and agents in Wales.\
I mean there are no houses but at least landlords are woke
He will make us strong.
The French eat whole chickens with their hands.
The French are smart.
A friend of mine, who works in a public university, sent this to me earlier this week 👇🏻
It’s p. 1 of the DEI training his department is forced to take, starting w/ an exercise that asks which intersectional identities you’d save and which you’d leave to die.
Hmmm 1 would save 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 11
Just don’t allow the 12 year old boy go, it won’t end up well for him given that list.
I’d leave all the DEI trainers to die.
I thought we covered that pretty well yesterday.
well there was nothing in yesterday’s links thread about it.
*cough* Thursday Afternoon Links by Tonio and all… *cough*
there is no such thing as afternoon links.
They drop at midnight, Pie-time – he’s always out hunting.
Ably eviscerated, as noted yesterday, here.
That’s hilarious 🙂
HWFO has a series on gun control that’s excellent and makes heavy use of stats. if you’ve not read it, I’d dive into those archives.
That article got me to subscribe to HWFO as well.
This is somehow worse than a corporate sponsored game of “Fuck, Marry, Kill”
we were young once and carefree, now we are professionals with responsibilities
An apt song from an Irish band: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKFPMyauvbk
Oh yeah… life goes on… long after the thrill of living is gone.
There it is.
“That didn’t go to plan! Wealthy real estate developer’s romantic proposal to his model girlfriend goes horribly wrong after Bahamas immigration kicked her out the country because they thought she was a sex worker”
Looks like an easy mistake to make.
If she’s a wealthy 64-year-old guy’s “girlfriend”, then it seems like she probably is some variety of sex worker.
He’s finally gonna be the one to turn a hoe into a housewife.
Maybe she’ll be part of the new Tradhoes movement.
Daily Ray of Sunshine (may be mildly NSFW, but it captures the essence of St. Pat’s Day)
Proper thicc and I don’t think that was two drunk girls..
I’m sure this is because I was a crotchety old man in my heart way before middle age — but my first thought was “Put some damned pants on, idiot!”
Worked for me, thanks, Jimbo.
Kinda anorexic for my tastes but I could work with it. My bunk beckons to me.
“ISIS could hit Western interests in Europe and Asia from Afghanistan within SIX MONTHS as they creep back to prominence under the Taliban, US Army general warns”
Everything is going great.
Spare me…
Shut down the regional commands, bring them all home. Reduce the Army to one 4-star as Chief of Staff, no more than 7 3-stars under him, etc.
I like the idea as a concept. The thought of all those generals fighting it out to keep their phony baloney jobs makes me happy.
The problem in reality will be that when the culling begins, the metric used will be wokeness. Chesty Puller will be let go and Rachel Levine will keep its post.
Nah, anyone of full bird or above is automatically fired (from a cannon), the remainder of the officer corps get to throw stones at the diversity officers, with the one scoring a
killingwinning throw getting to keep their job.Speaking of FUD.
Let me know when we get to ISIS-P.
“Transgender Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine says changing kids’ genders has the ‘highest support’ of the Biden administration and is key to the mental health of minors”
And at the same time they argue no one under the age of 21 should be allowed to own a gun.
I’d ask them to square that circle, but I have no desire to be buried under a ton of bullshit and gobbledy-gook.
Whoa. Under 26. But give 12 year olds the vote.
Of course xir is going to say that, trying to retroactively validate their folly. The best way for some to live with their mistakes is to make sure others fall into the same misfortune.
Explain why woke European countries are backing off from this madness.
Because clearly the spirit of Hitler has survived like Palpatine, and has taken the form of gender preference.
American politics are so broken that I’m afraid it’s only going to get worse here before it gets better.
Probably. It’s not going to be pretty.
When we talked about using CBT to treat adolescent depression, this was *not* the CBT we had in mind…
The woke are the Radical Republicans of the Civil War era – which is funny given they are also the party of slavery. No reconciliation! Crush the infidels!!!
The concept of reconciliation in any form is anathema to progland. Either you’re with us, or you’re against us, and if you’re against us, you must be destroyed.
Next will be to strip battle streamers from southern national guard units. Also, the 29ID needs to go.
Kind of appropriate that you are at the helm for St. Paddy’s day!
No, you’re insane. I love hiking up near Nederland, but the town is a nightmare in the summer. Still, it’s sad they lost the festival. It’s not like Estes needs any more tourist shit.
So, who’s drinking already?
The potato was the bane of Ireland.
The Irish were the bane of Ireland.
A busty bonanza of beatiful breasts on these bathykolpian babes.
Friday Funbags.
What I need is an inverse ETF on cocaine futures.
Hunter is influencing foreign policy, obviously.
demand bounces back after Covid lockdowns
An economic miracle that the Bidens can legitimately claim credit for!
whaddup doh’
yo whats goody
Why not just join in? Sounds like they’re into that.
Crystal Palace has fired Viera.
I guess their board isn’t as confident as Don.
12th place but only 3 points clear of relegation, and no wins in 12 games. It’s the hope that kills ya.
Don said there was no chance they would go down, giving 8:1 odds. I thought that was insane numbers, given their position.
They do play all 8 teams below them in their remaining games…not sure if that is good or bad for them.
They also went 3 straight games without a shot on goal.
I can’t confidently say I know what any of the capitalized names mean.
Meredith Viera has been performing at a strip club called Crystal Palace, and despite Donald Trump’s insistence that she’s still got it, they let her go?
Don is DonEscapedTexas or whatever his current name is.
I mean, his Meredith Viera obsession may not be as strong as Trump’s, but somebody had to manage the affairs of the “Dons against retiring Meredith” club after Don Meredith died. Classic mission creep there. I blame Trump.
This was my take exactly…
“Can we have him back?”
Maybe a national team coaching candidate?
It’s Sack Patrick’s Day!
Uh oh. And I have my yearly review today…
“BREAKING: The YouTube trailer of The Little Mermaid is currently being mass “disliked” on Youtube by MAGA racists.
The teaser trailer has generated over 3 million dislikes, and the new trailer has over 600,000.
The important thing about the controversy surrounding Halle Bailey’s casting is that we remember a beautiful and talented actress won the role. We can’t allow racism to ever be normalized.”
“This article is perfect. It does an amazing job explaining how the risk of racism is that when it permeates a society so greatly, it starts to become invisible.”
“Why disliking the new Disney “The Little Mermaid” is racist”
Or, more likely, it’s not very good.
Or more more likely, they’re being trolled.
And they’re responding exactly as predicted.
As was intended. Disney is obviously using the controversy to gin up free media coverage.
The best thing to do is just ignore them. Disney is over.
Eh, tired tactic to get attention. Works exquisitely for a certain segment of society (civil rights larpers).
I thought youtube got rid of its dislike button after Brandon’s speeches were getting disliked into the toilet?
There are apps out there that count dislikes somehow.
It’s still there but you can’t see the number of thumbs downs. I think there’s some kind of extension available that shows them though.
Critical Drinker disagrees. And as someone who used to look forward to Disney releases, I can say race doesn’t matter. What matters is they keep remaking old movies without coming up with new ideas, and overdoing the CGI.
Just finished watching The Queen’s Gambit (on Netflix) for the third time. That series was excellent mainly due to writing, acting, and great looking sets. Maybe do that more.
People are tired of lazy remake/recast shit. That’s it.
At least the movie isn’t sexist anymore.
Also, Halle Bailey’s eyes are uncomfortably far apart, IMO.
Fishy, or just boring?
You mean you’re not entertained by vegans purging heretics?
Years ago PETA had a big campaign called “Fishing Hurts”. I signed up one of my buddies who loves to fish. He got a starter kit and at least a year’s worth of junk mail from them. The bumper sticker in the starter kit that says “Fishing Hurts” was stuck onto his tackle box. Gets a lot of laughs at the boat landing.
Speaking of fishy, I think eventually this will get misread as people with ceviche.
Remind me to never allow a doctor under the age of forty or so to see me.
BREAKING: David French is an Asshole
“Woke, defined:
Positive definition-increased awareness of very real historical and existing systemic injustice.
Negative definition-illiberal progressivism centered around race/gender.
Bad faith right-wing definition-anything even one millimeter to the tweeter’s left.”
That news broke a while ago.
Unspoken definition – a mechanism for dividing people by characteristics perceived to be innate in a way that makes them and their millennia-old culture easier to conquer.
How about not-so-crypto communism masquerading as “awareness of injustice”?
David French demonstrating how to kow-tow to those with power while alienating those who used to think you a friend.
What the Hell is wrong with that guy?
Clinical depression (possibly about his micropenis.)
Ah, the male Jennifer Rubin…another pretend rightie that always agrees with the lefties.
Fascism pretending to be manners, to steal George Carlin’s definition of political correctness.
St. Patricks Day is just as authentic as Cinco de Mayo!
They’re both perfectly authentic american holidays… almost exclusively used as an excuse to drink copious quantities.
Exactly. Now if you want to talk Irish drinking holidays, you can start with Christmas.
Or Wednesday.
Chinese companies, including one connected to the government in Beijing, have sent Russian entities 1,000 assault rifles and other equipment that could be used for military purposes, including drone parts and body armor, according to trade and customs data obtained by POLITICO.
Assault rifles. What are they copies of?
Are we really worried about Harbor Freight Body Armor?
That question tells me that you’ve never been hit by that stuff.
Made in Turkey. *shrug*
They make decent shotguns.
I should have read a little farther.
China North Industries Group Corporation Limited, one of the country’s largest state-owned defense contractors, sent the rifles in June 2022 to a Russian company called Tekhkrim that also does business with the Russian state and military. The CQ-A rifles, modeled off of the M16 but tagged as “civilian hunting rifles” in the data, have been reported to be in use by paramilitary police in China and by armed forces from the Philippines to South Sudan and Paraguay.
ARs. The wily Chinaman strikes again.
Cheap AR knockoffs more like.
Norinco ARs aren’t gonna win any accuracy or shootability prizes, but they do run pretty well.
No clue why anyone thinks that 1000 rifles are going to make a difference to anyone about anything.
Oh yeah…
I had a similar experience on a bus in Houston, except substitute orgasm for left nub of homeless guys missing arm rubbing into my right shoulder.
Your story didn’t turn me on at all.
(Breathless) Do you have a newsletter?
As always, our esteemed president and his administration can find a way to escalate any bad situation.
“…according to an app, Pedigree’s dog food has 666 grams of protein — around 600 grams more than the amount of protein most people should consume each day.”
Both those numbers sound ridiculous. Who eats that much or that little protein? If dog food is that nutrient dense, how hard would it be to make a human version?
“Pescetarians are responsible for many more animal deaths than regular meat eaters”
That’s kind of a no brainer. One cow can last several meals, but you could eat several fish at a time.
Someone is looking athte wrong numbers for the comparison – probably intentionally.
The gym bro can’t math. He tried to claim that 200g of dog food has 666g of protein.
Wha? You mean it doesn’t act like a magic extradimensional pouch for the extra mass that just spills out when you digest it?
The recommendations for protein from the gov will make sure that no one ever becomes a physical threat.
And the gym bros are lying. And retards.
Lastly, row cropping kills the most animals of all. Suck on that, vegans.
Insects, man, insects. They are eating up all the edible vegetation and everything else.
The confirmation of these shipments comes as leaders in the U.S. and Europe warn Beijing against supporting Russia’s efforts in Ukraine. Western officials have said in recent weeks that China is considering sending weapons to Russia’s military, a move that could alter the nature of the fighting on the ground in Ukraine, tipping it in Russia’s favor. Officials are also concerned that some of the dual-use material could also be used by Russia to equip reinforcements being deployed to Ukraine at a time when Moscow is in desperate need of supplies.
This is our puppet show, dammit!
Specifically, it will explore the challenges for power beaming and its viability in space applications, as well as highlight the possibilities for using power beaming to address Earth’s energy challenges.
Space lasers to destroy those pesky Gaia-raping-electricity users?
WHOA! I got a comment through the internal server errors.
I skipped breakfast at the Irish pub today as I slept like shit and overslept. Something had to give. Though I might head out for lunch, but not at the Irish pub as there will be a line.
I tapped out of that pescatarian article part-way through. I have a simple solution to his dilemma: Kill yourself and leave more tasty, tasty animals for me to eat.
Interesting. No issues here. I think?
I was looking for the Benjamin Franklin story on vegetarianism. It has all but been purged in favor of just listing him extolling the virtues of vegetarianism. He was on a ship, days out at sea and he was starving because vegan fare is not a big feature on sailing ships. He watched as the fish were brought in for the days’ catch. As the fish were cleaned, he saw that larger fish had smaller fish inside that they had eaten. It dawned on his stubborn ass that he too, was part of the food chain ad he should eat up. He ate fish, and was much happier for it.
So I am wearing my green t-shirt that says “Get Lucky” on it for St. Paddy’s day. Saw my wife in the kitchen and asked if I was going to Get Lucky today and waggled my eyebrows.
Mrs. Holiness said “I don’t know but got lucky yesterday”. I sputtered and asked what she was talking about and how did she learn this. She said that Altar Girl had gotten a new job yesterday and she thought that was lucky.
So I started laughing and had to explain to the Korean congregation what “get lucky” means in here in the USA. It isn’t even 9am on St. Pat’s day and already a woman has hit me and called me disgusting. Shaping up to be a good one here in Minnesoda.
You make us proud, Holiness.
Good thing I have Glib support because the staff here at the Fatican don’t seem real impressed by me.
Sounds like a typical Irish household
It isn’t even 9am on St. Pat’s day and already a woman has hit me and called me disgusting.
👍 Proper shit-lording
Not really, it’s more of his daily routine.
…left out an “on”…
It isn’t even 9am on St. Pat’s day and already a woman has hit me and called me disgusting.
Outstanding! You are one lucky dude.
Among the military items China has been considering shipping to Russia are drones, ammunition and other small arms, according to a list that has circulated inside the administration and on Capitol Hill for months, according to a person who read that document. And intelligence briefed to officials in Washington, on Capitol Hill and to U.S. allies across the world in the last month, suggests Beijing could take the step to ship weapons to Russia.
Was the document “Top Secret”?
“NEW: The same students who plastered the names and faces of the Stanford Federalist Society all over the school are now demanding anonymity from the Free Beacon.
They say we’ve violated their right to privacy by identifying them.
You can’t make it up.🧵”
The best and brightest.
“Mis. Hickman:
We thank you for confirming that you are the student in the red hoodie. We have updated the online photograph with this information. If you could identify any other people in these photographs, we would appreciate it (and will credit you). Thanks for your contribution to an open and transparent discussion of these issues.”
It’s too bad that they won’t struggle to get jobs after this.
I had 2 resumes I circulated while in law school. One had my Federalist Society tenure on it, the other didn’t. Why? Because assholes like this hold a grudge even after law school.
Praxis, it’s what’s for the deconstruction of society.
Klingons are not smart.
Top of the morning to ye on this gray, grizzly afternoon. Kent O’Brockman, live on Main Street, where today everyone is a little bit Irish, except, of course, for the gays and the Italians.
That was back when The Simpsons could make jokes.
Welcome back!
How’s things in the boonies?
Winner take all politics
In her State of the State address this year, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer had something no other Democratic governor has had since the early 1980s – a legislature willing to pass her agenda, even if with only a two-seat majority in both chambers.
“We spoke with a clear voice in November,” Whitmer said. “We want the ability to raise a family without breaking the bank, strong protections for our fundamental rights to vote and control our own bodies.”
And Democrats have wasted no time getting their top priorities to the governor’s desk. Within the first two months of the many-months long legislative session, Democrats passed their centerpiece tax plan, a bill to repeal the state’s defunct 1931 abortion ban and legislation to create civil rights protections for LGBTQ people.
“Voters exercised their power in terms of what they wanted us to do,” said Democratic House Speaker Joe Tate. “They want us to be effective and I think we’ve shown that.”
Now, Democrats are rushing to pass the last of their early goals before going on spring break.
That means getting labor priorities, like repealing the state’s 2012 right-to-work law and a requirement for construction contracts to pay prevailing wage to the governor. Also, a deadly mass shooting at Michigan State University pushed gun control bills up on the priority list.
Good and hard.
Maybe the farmers will revolt next time around.
Do English better…or let slip what the bill is really about?
Because if there is anything that one-party Dem control excels at, it’s creating the ability to raise a family without breaking the bank.
There’s such a clear difference between republicans voting no on 2O for nimby reasons and socialists voting no on 2O for anti-developer, gentrification, climate crisis, food desert, environmental racism reasons and if you don’t understand that, it’s bc your brain is pea sized.
To be sure, I can on some level sympathies with the nimby
Because the no votes from socialists count for more?
Or are they just counted more times.
Typical lefty. Too many words:
You can replace “ anti-developer, gentrification, climate crisis, food desert, environmental racism reasons” with “banana* reasons”.
*build absolutely nothing anywhere near anything
Discussions about a ballot issue concerning a golf course in Denver, CO have now reached Eastern Europe.
My vibe this morning:
One of the Pogues best IMO that’s often overlooked
🎻 😭 🤧
Also, on a very serious note, is Trigger Hippie okay? Did anyone make contact with him last night?
Hope so.
I hope he is OK.
Hope he is OK, that was rather abrupt.
The Narrative Strikes Back
International scientists who examined previously unavailable genetic data from samples collected at a market close to where the first human cases of Covid-19 were detected in China said they found suggestions the pandemic originated from animals, not a lab.
Other experts have not yet verified their analysis, which also has not appeared so far in a peer-reviewed journal. How the coronavirus first started sickening people remains uncertain.
“These data do not provide a definitive answer to how the pandemic began, but every piece of data is important to moving us closer to that answer,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus at a Friday press briefing.
He also criticized China for not sharing the genetic information earlier, adding that “this data could have and should have been shared three years ago.”
Maybe they were saving it for a rainy day.
“previously unavailable genetic data from samples collected at a market “
I’m sure the chain of custody on those samples is airtight and fully authenticated.
So who has one o them college bball brackets and are you still perfect?
Guys, she’s worth like $20 million, won six Grammys, and has sold north of 6 million albums. One fucking dude said she sucks and we need this? Seriously our entire culture sucks.
Wait, who said what bad about who now?
about who – ab out someone White obviously cause White is bad
Some journalist tweeted that Meg White was a terrible drummer, so all these people spoke out to defend her.
Eh. Metallica is arguably the most successful metal band in history, and Lars still can’t carry a 4:4 beat.
In one month I’ll have wasted fifteen years here.
I’m coming up on 17 years of thralldom to the US Gov. Its hard to feel like it’s been a worthwhile use of my time on most days. Some men grow crops. Others add value to humanity by running businesses that provide goods and services. Others build buildings that will stand for generations. I shuffle paperwork and procvide training that won’t even be a memory in a year..
I’m increasingly of the opinion that we add value to humanity by how we treat others: encouraging them when they’re down, having people over for meals, etc.
This times about a million. Legacies aren’t always monuments.
I’d point out one specific aspect of this that is often lost on our culture. Treating others well doesn’t mean stroking their egos. It sometimes means challenging them to do better when they’re on an inoptimal or destructive path. I’ve been confronted with that truth a lot lately.
+1 tough love…..couldn’t agree more
A week ago Monday (the 6th) I hit 23 years at my current dead-end job, but it’s the best job I’ve ever had (with certainly the best boss I’ve had,) so I guess I’ll tough it out until I retire (assuming my boss doesn’t chain me to my desk, which I wouldn’t put past him.)
I’m on the home stretch too. My frequent statement is that I intend to put in 20 years, zero months, zero days and zero hours into my government service.
15 years of kibble in the bowl is not a total waste.
I’m sure I could have found something productive.
The Internet:
Those are funny. I think the Lord of the Rings one was my fave.
Brilliant! Thanks, CP!
Sort of a white pill story: Minnesoda moves closer to banning no-knock warrants. The reason I say that it is a white pill story is because the journalo didn’t frame it as an example of systemic racism. It was actually more about how it is dangerous and a violation of everybody’s civil rights.
A bit of black pill to go with that. I tried looking up a story about the support Amir Locke got from local gun groups and the first story served up by DuckDuckGo was: Ben Crump wants to know where NRA is from April of 2022.
The next five or six stories from FEBRUARY of 2022 were all about how the Gun Owners Caucus in Minnesoda were all calling for investigations into the cops because they violated Amir Locke’s basic rights
Good to know that Ben Crump is as wonderful as ever.
If it doesn’t invalidate any search where the knock and announce isn’t recorded on body cams, it’s just hand waving. How many times have the cops claimed to knock and announce, but nobody else heard them, and/or it was knock-announce-kick door in.
Any complaint that boils down to, “Why haven’t you done more for us?” should be met with a hearty Go Fuck Yourself.
30 seconds isn’t nearly long enough for 3 AM. And we need to end the general warrants that allows the cops to toss the entire house looking for anything that might connect to a crime. The constitution requires that a warrant must be “particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
Also, legalize drugs. Almost all these warrants are for drugs.
“Well, we knocked loudly, waited 31 seconds”
/Old Guy that doesn’t hear well
If y’all want a little background on that Frozen Dead Guy Days thing, my friend and her sister made this movie 25 years ago…
Tight spot
President Biden has put Interior Secretary Deb Haaland in a difficult spot by approving a controversial Alaskan oil-drilling project that the former New Mexico lawmaker opposed when she served in Congress.
Biden’s decision to proceed with the Willow Project will allow ConocoPhillips to produce up to 180,00 barrels a day at its peak, which a ConocoPhillips spokesperson said should be within the first few years of startup. The project is expected to produce 576 million barrels of oil over 30 years.
The president and supporters of the project say Willow will create thousands of jobs in Alaska and help keep the U.S. energy independent, an increasingly important notion for Biden ahead of an expected 2024 reelection bid likely to take place against a backdrop of elevated gas prices aggravated by the Russia-Ukraine war.
But the project will also produce an estimated 239 million metric tons of carbon emissions over the next 30 years, which is equivalent to driving 51 million cars for a year.
That’s why Haaland, the first Native American to lead the Interior Department, opposed the project when she was a member of Congress.
And it’s why the decision to approve Willow undercuts her standing and puts her in a tough spot going forward — especially with groups opposed to the project, who believe their lead defender within the administration was just big-footed.
“It seems clear that the White House decided to override Secretary Haaland, as well as many other career staff who believe that this project should not have been approved throughout the department,” said Brett Hartl, government affairs director at the Center for Biological Diversity, which is suing the federal government over the approval. “I think the Biden White House is forcing them to take the blame and swallow a decision they did not agree with, for very political reasons.”
If only they had called it “Big Squaw Creek” she could have killed it deader than a T Rex.
Political appointees do things for politics and worker for their appointers. Madness.
Haaland made her first public comment on the approval Monday evening, saying in a video posted to Twitter that the decision was a “difficult and complex” one that Biden inherited from former President Trump.
That rat bastard, still running the show.