I wonder what they’re playing…
“According to Variety, the premise of the film is pretty self-explanatory.”
“Meet the developer using food as fuel for unsettling horror scenarios”
“Even with the modified plan, the Lunar Flashlight is still struggling to enter lunar orbit.”
Ravenous Devils….Sweeny Todd title was already taken apparently.
But how will they fill 3/4 of the season episodes?
Delicatessen enters the chat.
Eating Raoul waves hello.
I guess C.H.U.D. doesn’t really count, but I guess the Dahmer miniseries does.
What is The Cook, The Theif, his Wife and her Lover? Roasted liver?
The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover all sit down.
After checking into Motel Hell
Random pointless fact: Mary Woronov was in an (at least one) episode of Babylon 5.
Parents waves
I. Love. That. Movie!
Diet, exercise, and kegels should help with that.
You can’t spell “underperforming” without “derp”!
Welcome back!
That song it true. Just in case anyone hasn’t heard it, he sang in at least one doo-wop band. Ronnie and the Prophets before moving on to Elf, Rainbow and then solo.
Oh, and insert “Black Sabbath” in the relevant time slot.
*sighs* “it” in the first message should be “is” Edit fairy?
So, Harvard and a federal judge may be in a little trouble.
So the judge found for Harvard, and also sealed any evidence undermining her ruling.
Cut Harvard off from federal funds and let admit how they like.
Blah blah fucking blah
As perhaps the most powerful person to swim against their tide, the United Nations secretary general, António Guterres, said yesterday, we must move toward “net-zero electricity generation by 2035 for all developed economies and 2040 for the rest of the world” and establish “a global phase-down of existing oil and gas production compatible with the 2050 global net-zero target”. All the other actions that help the climate – including protecting forests and wild lands, rethinking farming, food, transportation and urban design – matter, but there is no substitute or workaround for exiting the age of fossil fuel.
The IPCC tells us that “[e]very increment of global warming will intensify multiple and concurrent hazards. Deep, rapid, and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions would lead to a discernible slowdown in global warming within about two decades, and also to discernible changes in atmospheric composition within a few years.” Later in the report, the scientists declare, “Projected CO2 emissions from existing fossil fuel infrastructure without additional abatement would exceed the remaining carbon budget for 1.5C.” That translates to: what we’re already extracting and using is already too much to keep to the temperature threshold set in Paris.
As climate communicator Ketan Joshi put it on Twitter, “People who make decisions about the pace of climate action and fossil fuel reliance are not behaving like they’re pulling the lever on the next few thousand years of Earth.”
Any minute now.
Are the Chinese paying these people so the west will deindustrialize? Its so obviously stupid and suicidal.
More likely Davos.
Who’s going to tell him that no way, no how is Africa (let alone China or India) going to deliberately impoverish themselves in order to satisfy the delicate sensibilities of the proggies of Park Slope and Beverly Hills?
Nor India, let alone the Chinese.
That is why the whole thing is a crock. We are, at this point, just a drop in the bucket looking to kill our industries.
When Chicken nuggets, Meth, and Dragonballs meet.
Don’t make me assume my ultimate form!!!.
Thank you for the best laugh I’ve had today
I’m not sure if that’s funny or just depressing.
You’ve got to take the laughs where you can.
The audio is phake. The incident is real, though I’m assuming had nothing to do with Chicken McNuggets.
It was a McRib.
And yet, someone will stick it in that crazy.
“Show me the man who doesn’t want his gun registered and I will show you a man who shouldn’t have a gun,” Cummings wrote in 1938, the year he pushed for separate handgun registration legislation.
He’s dead but he can still go fuck himself.
He’s burning right next to Berea.
/looks out the window at Berea
I don’t see any fire.
Beria, Berea…
*Titus Andronicus belches contentedly*
Axially,if I recall correctly, I don’t think Titus partook. He was merely the chef and Maitre de.
You don’t say!
The walls are probably not going to close in!
Just like Trump!
For SBR/SBS, that is incorrect. Those were the result of trying to close a loophole when all handguns were banned. When the handgun ban was removed, the SBR/SBS language was left in. It wasn’t a compromise nor was it due to some higher power theory.
Gun Jesus on SBRs
Dr Jonathan Foley, who heads Project Drawdown, joked that “fusion is here now. Look up in the sky.” The sun gives us far more energy than we can ever possibly use, now that solar panels let us convert some of that to electricity.
So efficient. How many acres of panels would I need to rum my welder?
About 20 Yo Ho Ho’s
What, no sodomy or the lash?
Rotherham, it just gets worse.
That was really hard to read.
Are you surprised?
It already should have resulted in mob executions.
Seriously. Something’s rotten in England.
A broken people that can’t even rouse themselves enough to defend their daughters.
Seems they were that right from the get-go.
Damn it work, don’t you understand I’ve got less than a week to go… pulling me into an issue at 1550 on a Friday? Assholes.
Well, at least that’s over with now. I’m at home tonight (can’t promise for tomorrow), and don’t have plans, so I present the boring moderated Zoom/Happy Hour/Article wrangling link for tonight that will kick off at 2000 Eastern.
Somebody sent a suspicious white powder to Alvin Bragg. Maybe it was confectioner’s sugar to sprinkle on his donuts.
You might be interested to learn that Friday Funbags also has an honorary doctorate of theology.
But are they environmentally sustainable?
I’m so conflicted now. Thanks a lot dude.
Well I’ll bet just about all of them has shouted “Oh, God, yes! Yes!”
Big Nanny to the rescue
In a major victory for labor unions, Michigan on Friday became the first state in more than half a century to repeal a right-to-work law.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed legislation passed by the Democratic-controlled Legislature, overturning a 2012 GOP law that allowed workers to choose not to join unions or pay union dues as a condition of employment, even if the union represents them in negotiations.
“Michigan workers are the most talented and hard-working in the world and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect,” Whitmer, who was the Democratic leader in the state Senate at the time the right-to-work law was enacted, said in a statement.
Right. Which is why they must not be allowed to choose for themselves whether they should belong to a union.
The auto unions will save Detroit!
Michigan Democrats are busy jamming the lines of their travel agents, trying to book trips to the Caribbean.
“Michigan workers are the most talented and hard-working in the world and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect,”
Citation needed.
Hello again, friends. No big news. Just wanted to drop by and let you know I’m OK. After a brief stint of welding and a year working the night shift on an assembly line in a golf cart factory, I got certified yesterday to teach math grades 6 to 12 in Florida. My preparation was to drink 17 beers and stay up late the night before the test, which was easy.
A satire I may write: Biden Proposes Crawl Space Force
If you have a satire idea, please reply with it.
We’ve missed you.
Welcome back & congrats on the cert!
Greta Thurnburg becomes a OSHA safety inspector.
(long time no see!)
Ah, St Greta of Aspbergers. Patron saint of the poor in brain…
Her mom sang(?) Flight of the Bumblebee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbQwQetKm2g
Good to hear from you, Derpy! Congrats on the cert, and don’t be a stranger. Or do, I am not your supervisor.
Congrats on the cert.
Teaching meth in Florida, well I’d say you’re in the right place.
I feel like true stories from working in Florida public education should be close enough to satire that it would be indistinguishable.
For what ever reason, Derpy, I was thinking about you today (and Suthen and others we haven’t seen for awhile). Did see a couple newbies that I didn’t recognize over the last day or two.
Anyway, just watch a daily WH briefing and copy that, it looks like satire or bullshit, I can’t separate the 2 anymore.
Randi Weingarden got Derpy!
Quick! Change the passwords on the Glibs KOMPROMAT files!
Meh, I got tagged and bagged long ago by Uncle Sam for the work I did in the Army.
Good to hear from you, old cock. Glad you are well.
Woo hoo! The Glibs are coming home to roost.
Good to see you back again.
It’s a prime number of beers, no less.
I have thought long and hard about the Goldbach Conjecture, which states that every even number greater than 2 can be written as the sum of 2 primes. if there is a formula or algorithm for finding the next largest prime. it will be based on the Goldbach Conjecture. The existence of such a formula or algorithm would doom RSA encryption, and thus any remaining semblance of internet privacy. Same goes for any efficient algorithm for factorizing large semi-primes.
Good to see you Derp! Satire idea you say?
Pfizer patents and releases a new drug that increases the barrel length of your newly re-defined SBR into a legal rifle that the government will outlaw later.
Solid concept. Maybe something like: NRA Pushes for Pistols to Identify as Candy Canes
The anti-union law’s repeal is a particularly significant symbolic victory given the special place Michigan holds in the organized labor movement.
“For us, being the home of labor and getting attacked 10 years ago was a gut punch to workers across Michigan,” state Sen. Darrin Camilleri, the sponsor of MI SB34 (23R), told POLITICO. “We are a state so steeped in union activism and union history that we knew this was a policy that our constituents wanted for the last 10 years as well.”
Manufacturers have been eagerly awaiting this momentous day.
Now they’ll get that new auto plant they have been dreaming of.
Good lord. How do you say all that with a straight face? Apparently, while closing your eyes to the wreckage around you that unions helped cause.
I learned everything I needed to know about unions from this Simpsons clip:
True story: some union goons tried to intimidate my grandpa for working too fast when he was working in a bottling plant in the 1930s. Fortunately, my grandpa was an experienced boxer, and…well, you can fill in the blanks.
My father-in-law tried to get into the vending machine business in Philly back in the sixties.
The mafia attempted to dissuade him by dumping a body on his front yard but they got the wrong house on his street. Nevertheless, he exited the industry.
My uncle and his friend were repo men and once beat up a mafia goon sent to intimidate them. Then the mob firebombed his office and house. He left the state after that. It’s hard to argue with a Cleveland Tune-up.
mob hitman confesses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMGKeAtghYY
*waves at Derpetologist*
I got certified yesterday to teach math grades 6 to 12 in Florida.
De gustibus something something. I couldn’t do that.
From my perspective, it’s easy money. Also I do not need earplugs, steel-toe boots, etc to do it.
Don’t be so sure about discarding those safety precautions.
There’s a Simpsons clip where Bart goes to military school. The brass hat guy says something like: since you’ve spent a few years in public school, we presume you are proficient with most small arms, so we’ll start you off with something more advanced.
I suppose it’s possible some of my potential students may have thrown grenades or fired machine guns, but probably very few. And anyway, these days, I look like John Wick. I find it helps with classroom discipline.
in 2008, Biden could speak coherently and even be funny:
OK, that was good. Welcome back, Derp.
Welcome back Derpy.
Tonight on films that didn’t make the GlibFlick cut:
The Werewolf and the Yeti, a Paul Naschy film.
If you like woodworking and a combination of industrial and custom woodworking.
I Spent 24 Hours with Master Craftsmen in Japan
Spoiler – it’s custom made shoji for windows for this YouTuber’s studio.
I want one of those jackets, too bad they probably don’t come in larger US sizes.
Japanese joinery is black magic voodoo.
Do they have shoji for Linux, too?
Also – didn’t expect Deep Purple to resonate with the young in Japan, although it certainly did for their parents.
If you hit Deep Purple Burn on the street, it will instantly reach a large crowd … !!!! [Busking]
She’s beating those drums like they owe her money. Nice, love DP.
I saw them live in the late 80s.
Good show.
I saw them live in the late 60’s
Good show.
And the last of my interesting YouTube playlist hits this week.
【Cover】Yngwie Malmsteen – Far Beyond The Sun (Violin Cover)
First comment – no idea if true, but it’s accurate IMHO.
My favorite east-west musical crossover is when 10,000 Japanese people sang Ode to Joy, with excellent German pronunciation.
Heh. Reminds me of the story behind English railroad gauge: because the wheel ruts made by ancient Roman wagons and chariots were a bit wider than 2 horse asses.
Also Japan has long loved the 9th Symphony.
There is a popular kanji tattoo often mistranslated as “warrior spirit”. The kanji is pronounced bu and means fighting. Bushi means warrior and bushido means the way of the warrior. Yamato damashii is the actual Japanese phrase meaning warrior spirit. Also, the only people in Japan with tattoos are criminals called yakuza, and they don’t get kanji tattoos.
It’s fun to explain all this to douchebags and watch their faces turn purple.
More young people are, but not nearly like the west.
Also interesting, but far fewer women with pierced ears than the US.
Not like I’m aware of a stigma, but much fewer.
Regardless, I doubt very much if any samurai had tattoos. Because:
During the Edo period, irezumi kei (“tattoo punishment”) was a criminal penalty. The location of the tattoo was determined by the crime; thieves were tattooed on the arm, murderers on the head. The shape of the tattoo was based on where the crime occurred.[citation needed] Tattoos came to be associated with criminals within Japanese society. Two characters in the 1972 film Hanzo the Razor, set in the Edo period, are depicted with ring tattoos on their left arms as punishment for theft and kidnapping.
At the beginning of the Meiji period, the Japanese government outlawed tattoos, which reinforced the stigma against people with tattoos and tattooing in modern-day Japan.
Hey, just like here.
My favorite east-west musical crossover is a Korean choir with a Spanish name singing English-language hymns – in this case, a lovely arrangement of one of my favorites from my childhood.
Welcome back, Derpy! 😁
IIRC, there is a huge Baptist presence in Korea and Korean communities elsewhere.
More than just Baptist. My friend who teaches Japanese helps one of her Korean students translate sermons in Japanese from the Korean Christian church she attends in Japan.
Yeah, so the East has long been fascinated by Western music. I’m not sure why. The West has not embraced Eastern music, so why such long and richly historied peoples dump their stuff wholesale to go for Bach and Rachmaninoff (I guess technically Rachmaninoff is Eastern, but you know what I mean). This makes me cry.
That’s risky. Glad it worked out the way he meant it.
I’ve posted this before, but Sultans of Swing on a Gauygeum. Korean, similar to a Japanese Koto. (Sorry, don’t have the correct HTML to put over the thing on the t).
She’s got quite a choice of rock and roll covers on her channel.
Talented gal.
I found out yesterday that Broken Lizard (Super Troopers, Beerfest, etc) have a new movie. It’s called Quasi, seems like they are going after The Holy Grail, and I’m not sure if it looks like they pulled it off. I’m a fan, but not sure, this might be another Slammin Salmon, aka not good.
Hulu Original? Meh…
Nokia changed their logo. Perfectly appropriate for a company that seems to be disappearing.
So, did they change it to NoHyundai.
Sad but oddly predictable.
Sanamo is clearly a bigot, otherwise she would have recognized that poor Kayleigh was MURDERED BY HATE!
leftist rabble rousers
*deletes comment