That’s a wrap.
UNC shit the bed. TTUN shit the bed. Ohio State finally decided to play, but I believe they’ll shit the bed today. The Patrick Ewing experiment is done (unfortunately). And that’s about it for basketball. Has anybody watched any spring training so they can give their opinion on the new rules this season? I’d be curious how that seems to be going. Some super low numbers on day 1 at The Players. And that’s pretty much it for sports.
Oh, the humanity! How dare these defendants enjoy their rights to discovery? That will make their railroading more difficult than it should be, I suppose. Now…if they’ll also address why they had access to attorney-client privileged communications, that would be great.

Coming soon to Baghdad.
Why the hell would this surprise anybody? This was going to happen sooner or later.
I hope they do it. Females need to be protected. And this is a step in the right direction. Anon, that’s not an anti-QUILTBAG+ statement. It’s a biological fact.
Never change, you bunch of clowns. That goes for both the media outlet and the subject of the story, both of which have basically no influence on American politics. Also, most of the people being discussed in the piece are likely Feds.
“That’s some fine police work, Lou.” Fortunately no dogs or innocent people were killed.
A politician making a good point? Yes, it does happen occasionally. I can’t for the life of me understand how school administrators refuse to see how this would be legally wrong. Maybe I’m just not woke enough. ::enrolls in reeducation program::

When grifting goes wrong. You gotta use the BLM leader’s “take from the rubes” model instead of the “take from the government” model.
What in the ever-loving fuck is the world coming to? If we’re not in the end times, we probably deserve to be.
This will be interesting. I’m not sure who is higher on the grievance pyramid, so I’ll defer my prediction on who will prevail until I figure that out. Oh wait, I know…he’ll win because he has a lot more money and political connections.
Everything’s bigger in Texas. Including labeling everything distasteful to the left as “hate.” And yes, I know there are legit racists and homophobes and other forms of bigotry out there. But much of what’s being reported is bullshit. Because protesting a drag show where kids are present is not even in the same ballpark as spray-painting a swastika on a synagogue. Unless you’re the ADL, apparently.
Here’s a band I’ve never played for you guys. Such a great sound. And here’s a remix they did that’s better than the original. Enjoy them both. And enjoy this lovely Friday and the weekend. We’re off to Universal Florida tomorrow for a few days with the kids. Hope those of you with little ones have an equally fun spring break.
Tonio’s new word.
“,em>Oh, the humanity! How dare these defendants enjoy their rights to discovery? That will make their railroading more difficult than it should be, I suppose. Now…if they’ll also address why they had access to attorney-client privileged communications, that would be great.”
Fucking abolish the DOJ & FBI.. Also the IRS.
Yesterday it was J6 defendants not allowed discovery for their defense, Now it’s the FBI spying on attorney-client conversations. Fine legal system you have there.
And the propagandist for this corruptocracy quickly point the finger elsewhere to distract the ideocracy…
We have no legal system. It is rotten and serves the purpose of the evil cabal. I would rather go down taking asshats coming for me than ever let the evil judicial system decide my faith.
We are all on at least one list.
It’s unclear how the FBI had access to the communications and whether the communications are protected by attorney-client privilege.
“This one definitely indicates they want to go to trial,” FBI agent T. Wang wrote, referring to the attorney-client correspondence.
CNN: Its attorney-client privilege and privileges are things we give to people who deserve them. These are really really bad people so they don’t deserve it.
Just like granting bail, and exculpatory evidence.
The real reason they don’t want to reveal sources and methods.
““It is savory with the taste of buttermilk, flavorful herbs and just a touch of sweetness. Have it by itself or pair it with some salty snacks for an afternoon or late night pick me up!” a release from Walmart read.”
That doesn’t sound so bad.
Next they will be selling ice cream made from “Fromunda cheese” and will articulate how tasty it is in the same way…
Gorgonzola ice cream?
I would try that before I try Fromunda…
I am a lesbian trapped in a mans body, so I am not into dick.
Sure. But it’s all a lie.
Even I’m going to pass on this one.
Ranch tastes of buttermilk and despair.
It works on potato chips. Any other usage is 🤢
Baby carrots? Buffalo wings?
I make tuna salad sandwiches with equal parts ranch and Sriracha. It’s really good.
‘Baby carrots? Buffalo wings?’
Bleu cheese, obviously, not ranch.
Blue cheese? Any other disgusting habits you’d like to publicly admit to?
I actually don’t like wings, but that is the correct way to eat them.
I guess that’s a ‘Yes’, then…
I know, as a buffalonian, it’s my deepest darkest secret.
I put blue cheese on my salad.
Not the dressing, the actual cheese.
My wife makes me crumble it myself since she thinks it’s disgusting.
Although she did martry me, so her taste is questionable.
It is disgusting. You don’t eat the moldy cheese.
Don’t be silly, Throw that moldy crap out.
Blue cheese isn’t even the truly disgusting cheese.
I am aware of the worse cheeses, but you have to draw a line somewhere.
There was one “classy” restaurant in town when I was at college. Their take on bleu cheese dressing was chunks of bleu cheese in oil. It was scrumptious.
Sour Cream and Onion or GTFO.
Ranch tastes okay as a veggie dip base.
I probably meant corn. Cool Ranch 👍🏻
But yeah Sour Cream and Onion FTW
Ranch gets a lot of weird hate. Sure, people over do it, but it’s good…
…but not in ice cream.
Yeah, ranch is good on salad, but people be weird.
“Never change, you bunch of clowns. That goes for both the media outlet and the subject of the story, both of which have basically no influence on American politics. Also, most of the people being discussed in the piece are likely Feds.”
I am going to say that the FedGov is been hard at work manufacturing incidents of the racialist right wing trope they are peddling, so yeah, the likelihood that the vast majority of these fucks are feds is 99.999999% accurate.
Anybody who went to the effort of projecting a Nazi/Cross onto an apartment building is almost certainly a provocateur.
Get rid of the FBI and 90% of this shit goes away.
Defund the police is not a dumb idea that has horrible consequences. It has exactly the intended consequences that the people demanding this expect it to have: rampant lawlessness, chaos, destruction on a staggering scale, and lots of death.
Once people become desperate they can propose a federal police force to replace the local ones. And now you can really totalitarian/authoritarian prog hard.
The FBI is the perfect entity to step in as that federal police. Obama weaponized that entity good and hard already. That’s why they will fight hard to not let anyone roll any of that back (and why an outsider like Trump whom would not have helped that agenda was so feared/hated).
I would disagree. These people exist, they are a very small and limited group. At the same time, it doesn’t take much to do what they did with the building and projector. I think the article indicated $3K. If you were a small and relatively weak group and wanted to make a big impact, this is a way to make the news without much effort.
The problem is what is mentioned above, all of these groups have oversized media and gov interest in what they do, so it inflates their importance and power. Similar to Antifa and other extreme fringe groups, we should ignore them and give then no oxygen and they would never be more than a couple of wackos.
The antifa in Oregon should have been put down right there in the streets.
Silicon Valley bank has a solvency issue, may experience a real no-shit bank run. Apparently the 16th largest bank in the US. Some spineless turds are already calling for government intervention. I say let the VCs and their silly little bank wither and die.
I wonder if all the interest rate hikes are finally going to shake some of these fat fools off their lofty perches. Finally. I think between a no-shit recession and stagflation I welcome a recession. The no-recession scenario just seems so much worse.
I don’t think JPow has the grapes to let a financial crisis happen, but I’d love to be wrong.
My feelings during 2008 and now regarding companies failing due to the downturns. Like California wildfire causes – too much underbrush built up.
I can just imagine antifa-type communists agitating for bank bailouts because to let the banks fail is “fascist”
So… Occupy Main Street?
Wasn’t that the George Floyd Memorial Summer of Great Justice?
It was certainly one of the few events where masses, which until then were forbidden and were broken up using the force of the state apparatus, could gather to break & burn shit, kill people, and cause some $2 billion in damage, without the Kung Flu spreading.
COVID respected social justice – why can’t you?
Respect is Earned.
Moral peril for $200, Alex.
You Can’t Say That On Glibertarians?
(And yeah — as ranch goes, Hidden Valley is one of my least favorite anyway. Having that as an ice cream has zero appeal.)
I made my own ranch dressing. It was a good dip for tortilla chips.
Recipe, please?
I haven’t found a good one yet.
I love ranch dressing /midwest boi
I have a good one, but the recipe is at home on paper. If you are around in the afternoon or evening let me know. This recipe has no buttermilk instead uses sour cream and mayo as the base. Lots of garlic, some dill, dried onion, and black pepper.
OK, I have it written down somewhere.
National Socialist Florida – literally and figuratively glowing.
That’s a hell of a projection.
“A politician making a good point? Yes, it does happen occasionally. I can’t for the life of me understand how school administrators refuse to see how this would be legally wrong. Maybe I’m just not woke enough. ::enrolls in reeducation program::”
When you believe you are fighting the good fight and the end goal is a socially just marxist utopia, you are definitely going to feel any means justify that end. Legal or illegal are just terms that don’t matter as you try to force the world to accept the monster you want to birth.
It’s kinda like insisting prayer be reinstated in schools; no, that isn’t going to help, and trying to smuggle it past the law is proof of that.
It is almost like gov’t schools, which by their very nature include people from all backgrounds, should not be for attempting mass social engineering. It is just going to piss people off.
whaddup doh’
yo whats goody
Payday Friday…
I gots bills to pay and don’t want to touch that money losing its buying power in my savings account…
Capital one is doing 11 month cds at 5%.
So I only lose 2-3.5% of the buying power?
Will look into the details of that.
that’s pretty great. I wish I waited but the difference between 4.6% and 5% isn’t huge with my savings. the bulk of it is in a money market fund that is 4.2% but can change with the short term treasury rate.
I just think the alternative is some kind of index fund and I just plain don’t think the market has fully come to grips with reality. i.e. a risk-free 5% is so much better than piling in right now.
Bringing over from last night’s thread. Lackadaisical asked:
I say, drop the dime and call the FL attorney general’s employment law hotline. If you know of a legislator who is good on medical freedom, alert them to the situation too.
The benefits are:
1) you will help others who need a job but don’t want to get the shot.
2) you will unleash the state on the very same enemies who wanted to use it to oppress you
3) you will help protect our culture from the rot of fascism.
The HR department in my employer is very much staffed by Branch Covidians, and the main reason why they are in full retreat is because sane members of our workforce have weaponized the local state employment law as well as to company’s code of conduct against their attempts to oppress us.
Think of it as picking up a gun dropped by a home invader and shooting back at them.
I have seen job postings, even ones advertised to me by a recruiter that had vaccine requirements. I ignored them, but it seems very strange.
Apparently, my company has made it a requirement for new hires.
My boss says not to worry they would never make a booster shot mandatory.
I still haven’t sent my proof of vax in.
I showed it to my boss and then showed it a couple times to get on a ship.
Every time I log onto ADP, it asks me for my proof of status.
Tangential to the topic — but yesterday I got an email from HR stating that my case with them was closed because the courts and the admin basically haven’t said anything for a couple of years now (no shit, Shirley!). This was from the “If you don’t want to take the shot and might have an objection, file an HR case” (which then they never replied to… I filed it saying “This is exactly what you told me to do” followed up with an article citing the courts shooting down the mandate when that happened and then crickets…. Must be nice to work in a part of the company that can take 2 years to bother thinking about anything.
I feel for Lack, though — given the field I’m in and how it has flipped from a lot of libertarian thinkers to True Believers over the last couple of decades… (and with the recession/depression always in my thoughts), I dread the “Wait… you didn’t toe the Approved Line?” effect if I had to go job hunting now. Plus the ageism which is known to be there in the field but never formally admitted to (and never seriously worried about by the lawyers).
The HR department at my company denied my first request for approval by sending an update while I was on approved PTO, then closing it when I didn’t respond in a couple of days (the sent the update on Monday, I was off for the entire week). I think my second request may still be open and ignored, like most of the requests that have been opened with the HR department at the company.
/patiently waits for offer letter
I dread the “Wait… you didn’t toe the Approved Line?” effect if I had to go job hunting now.
Add on to that the DEI bigotry, and you’ve got a helluva job market right now. The number of times I (and more senior coworkers of similar demographics) have made it through to the final round of interviews to lose out to what I eventually find out is a equally or less qualified but more DEIfied candidate has been eye-opening. I’ve lost out on pure lateral moves for literally the same job as I currently have to people who don’t have any experience in this role. They weren’t straight white men, though.
This is the craziest fucking labor market I’ve ever heard of. Low unemployment, low labor-force-participation rate and scores of applicants for every open job. None of that makes any sense – and THEN you throw the DEI (and vax) bullshit on top.
When I was looking for a job, one company told me they were going to hire me, but I had to wait a few days so they could conduct more interviews, “to meet some requirements”.
This was for a federal contracting job.
Then they hired someone else. I looked it up and they had hired a black female.
A few months later, they called me and asked me to take the original job with a higher pay than we had originally talked about.
When I asked why he said that “it didn’t work out”.
I’m not saying they hired an inexperienced or incompetent person because of her race and sex, but it seems that could be possible.
I was tempted, because my job at the time wasn’t great, but I did not want to go work in DC for a company like that.
It worked out for me, my current job is much better, and I make more than they were offering the second time.
And yet you constantly hear black women complaining about how tough it is to be “a black woman in America” because they are so discriminated against by white supremacy and the patriarchy.
You only hear that from the ones sitting in a position where they can complain. You know, like how hard Whoopi has it.
This is certainly something that worries me as I ponder the idea of getting back in the workforce.
I’ve been a stay at home dad for 16 years. I drove with Uber for several months, and I’ve been on the volunteer board for a local men’s baseball league. I’d like a job because I feel like my purpose is served in that role, but the working world is so very different. Diversity statements, vax proofs, make the prospect quite intimidating.
“The benefits are:
1) you will help others who need a job but don’t want to get the shot.
2) you will unleash the state on the very same enemies who wanted to use it to oppress you
3) you will help protect our culture from the rot of fascism.”
That is kind of my idea- I don’t want to work there because they’re clearly crazy, but it is also a prestigious firm, and I don’t think people should be getting the shot forced upon them.
“are you vaccinated?”
“For tetanus? Yeah.”
/applying for a structural steel welding job.
“Everything’s bigger in Texas. Including labeling everything distasteful to the left as “hate.””
My reaction the moment I hear the cabal accuse someone of racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, insurrection, and any sort of hate crime, is that the one being accused said something, and very likely something accurate/true, that pissed off the people that are marching us off the cliff into dystopia.
“The email, sent around March 1, said the course was only open to black or Hispanic students.”
Of course they know it’s illegal, Sloopy. Or should if they have any sense at all (questionable in govt school admins, I know). But they most certainly do know that they will suffer no ill consequences for this act, and that doing so will advance their agenda on many fronts.
It’s mind-numbing that they’d happily send a signal to white and Asian students that they’re not welcome. I’m a grown man and if they set up a “auctioneer promotion group” and excluded whites, I would laugh it off and not care (even if taxpayer-funded since my opposition to that component is universal), but these are impressionable 13-14 year old kids who receive messages like that differently. It has a chilling effect on many kids’ determination when you have systematic discrimination shoved in their face, whatever color their skin is.
It’s morally abhorrent.
Those white kids should have thought of that before their great great great great great grandfathers may or may not had slaves.
It’s also obvious (though it never gets mentioned) that:
– they’re completely oblivious to the notion of blowback, and
– what they are actually (and successfully) teaching is the implied inferiority of the “special treatment” groups.
Yep. I keep reminding people that if EVERYTHING is about race then one day a critical mass of “whites” may decide to play the game as well. And since whites are the majority population in every state, less Hawaii, the race grifters might not like the results.
Yeah, if all the white folks took a look at the rampant racialism and went “your terms are acceptable”, things wouldn’t be pretty.
That’s not actually what the course description says, though. There are other ways to get in.
Students who are the first in their family to attend college in the U.S.
Black or African American students
Hispanic students, of one or more race
Students with disabilities
English learners
Economically disadvantaged students
It will be interesting to see how this shakes out.
The website has lots of categories, but apparently the email was more exclusive.
Usually nothing happens. That’s why they are emboldened. In this instance, they chose wrong.
Tonio, can they be sued for that? Because loss of hard cash is going to be what kicks a lot of this DEI racism to the curb.
An impromptu trip to Hungary resulted in two friends spending their vacation over 500 miles away from their intended destination.
Sophie Alice, shared the misadventures she took with her friend, Ben Kennedy, after he tried to surprise her with a trip to Budapest, Hungary but accidentally bought plane tickets to Bucharest, Romania.
Happens all the time
They were going to be Hungary but now just have an eternal infernal hunger…
My favorite is the woman who accidentally bought plane tickets to Birmingham, AL when trying to get to Birmingham, UK.
my fave is still this
A tale of two Sydneys: Dutch teen tries to visit Australia, but ends up in Nova Scotia
He first realized something wasn’t quite right when he landed in Toronto for a stopover and caught a glimpse of the Air Canada plane that would take him to his final destination.
“The plane was really small and so I figured, would that make it to Australia?” he said.
This one just happened.
I’ve also heard of an Auckland/Oakland error.
Could be worse. In the 90s a couple buddies flew to Kiev for work. They needed a visa but were told they could get it when they arrived at the airport. It turns out there are two airports in Kiev, and the one they arrived at didn’t provide visas. They had to stay in the airport a couple days waiting for a return flight.
They should Czech their itinerary more carefully.
“Females need to be protected. And this is a step in the right direction. Anon, that’s not an anti-QUILTBAG+ statement. It’s a biological fact.”
It’s a biological fact that males are stronger and faster than females. Sports are segregated by sex for a reason. That Atlantic article saying sports could be segregated by size instead was retarded even by their editorial standards. Segregating sports by gender, or worse self-claimed identification (like they did with track and field in Connecticut), is stupid and unfair to women. However, that sports should be fair isn’t a biological fact. There could be a baseball league that didn’t allow black people, or allowed players to be jacked up on steroids.
I still say we need to let the fake women play. The Trans insanity won’t stop until we smash every state girls record, crush every championship, ruin every league, and cost a bunch of actual girls scholarship money. Then Karen will finally wake the fuck up.
Every time I come here.
Ive been up all night working and just got home you….you…..MUPPET
In about 30 minutes… calm yourself, Master of Puppets.
Vacation time. I’m off-duty.
Sure, I work.
‘Orning ‘Ordles — The continuing story of what doesn’t work (Chumptown needed a campaign visit from its Dictator For Life apparently… honestly thought I might quad chump at one point… nothing was working)
Daily Duotrigordle #373
Guesses: 37/37
Time: 04:34.44
Daily Quordle 410
Daily Quordle 410
But pretending it is works.
White supremacy is when white people hate white drag queens.
Who are you that is so wise in the ways of science?
Speaking of education and wokeness (anti-merit)…
Tux is the guy, literally THE GUY, that wrote the book on the emerging Democratic majority, all based on identity politics, oh maybe 15 years or so ago. He’s also the one who realized how wrong he was – kinda like the liberal version of Francis Fukuyama. Meanwhile, the idiots that read the book continue to slave away at the concepts that have been repudiated. It’s pretty amusing. Oh, the other funny thing – this book is also the source of the alt-right’s replacement theory.
I thought the source of the alt-right’s “replacement theory” was the left talking about how “immigrants” were going to demographically supersede white folks. I could be wrong, but I seem to recall that being a thing.
Indeed. And this book is where the Dem/left vision of that happening is laid out.
It’s not happening but it’s a good thing.
George Monbiot
1. What the hell has happened to Russell Brand? Here’s my column on his terrible political journey, plus a thread on the wider context, that explains what makes his shift so dangerous. 1/
Russell Brand a former intellectual titan of the left no longer towing the lion
“I can’t BELIEVE that a guy who used to peddle MY kind of conspiratorial juvenile drivel is now peddling a different kind of conspiratorial juvenile drivel! I feel BETRAYED!!”
Russell Brand thinking for himself, evaluating the facts and coming to his own conclusions is “dangerous”.
The left really are a bunch of assclowns.
Religions hate apostates, but they hate heretics even more…
Brand has become a heretic because he refused to go along with the lefts switch to no longer pretend to fight authoritarianism, but going hard core into setting one up in their favor.
Russell Brand hasn’t changed, the left has.
He’s still a Bernie bro.
Taibbi, deBoer (to a lesser extent), Greenwald – there’s a whole bunch of them. That you aren’t one of the George says a lot, about you.
Oh and I should definitely add in one of the earlier ones and maybe the best of them all, Christopher Lasch.
deBoer is a nice guy, but he refuses to engage with anyone who disagrees with him. You can point out massive flaws in his argument’s, and he bans you.
Nah, he has a pleasant affect and can be polite, but he is in no way “nice.” Nobody with his system of morality can be.
They keep repeating the “Democracy” mantra while telling people not to think, limiting public debate, and forcing people with alternative ideas out of any conversation.
I keep telling any idiot that tells me about “Saving Our Democracy” that first off we are a Republic – because democracies are 100 wolves and 99 sheep deciding what’s for dinner – and that what they really mean when they say that shit is “Our marxist cabal’s grip on power”. They get really fucking angry tat you see through their word play.
At its most basic democracy is really just mob rule, so I guess it’s not really a contradiction for them.
The Holy Temple of Democracy must not be defiled by heretics and infidels!
‘ thinking for himself, evaluating the facts and coming to his own conclusions is “dangerous”.
There, you just summed up the last 8-12 years of trusting experts and not doing your own research (because only idiots do that).
Should have been “*anyone* thinking for himself […]”
That’s some fine prose right there. Downright Shakespearean yet completely unnecessary. Should impress the impressionable though.
As opposed to standing there venerating Lenin’s cold corpse?
Moonbat is weapons grade retarded. Exporting him to another country would be almost as destructive as it was to send Lenin to Moscow on a train.
The have not given up on a bureau to censor, punish, and cancel people tat say shit the corruptocracy doesn’t want out in the public…
These corrupt and inept cabal is desperate to prevent you from finding out that they spend 110% of heir efforts controlling what you believe and do nothing that actually is being done. Like them stealing anything and everything not bolted down and loading the life rafts with it so they can escape with it, while the lower level of the crew distracts us all with dumb ass deck games as the ship sinks fast.
Of course not, anyone who thought that was the end of that is a sucker.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Awww. Now I need an insulin shot.
Even corruptocrats love titties on Friday Funbags!
Too many lip fillers. Leave your lips alone ladies, love yourselves.
Based Konstantinos☭☧☦️✝️
The USSR, Cuba, DPRK, Mao’s China, The Eastern Bloc, etc were/are Christian countries. Only communism can bring a truly Christian system and economy.
You mean he’s a stupid-ass commie *and* historically ignorant? How can this be!
We had to destroy the Church to save it.
Obvious OP is wrong, but I still found this reply funny: ‘Yet another reason communism is awful.’
after 5 years that will be a pleasant 2 minutes
‘Our bodies change as we get older. You’ll be different too, despite the drive to keep fit.’
There is a big difference between getting older and letting yourself go, and all the long-term health problems you’re going to be saddling your spouse with because of neglecting your own body. It is… not sure the correct term here but, its not right. I’ve known 70 and 80-year olds who are fitter than me.
‘I hope they do it. Females need to be protected. And this is a step in the right direction. Anon, that’s not an anti-QUILTBAG+ statement. It’s a biological fact.’
I still have a problem over the language here. ‘Transgender girls’ is incorrect. They are boys claiming to be transgender, you could shorten it to ‘transgender boys’ or something like that.
Except “transgender boy” currently means “girl pretending to be boy”. I think, hard to keep up with the ridiculous terminology.
I know that is what it alleges to mean, but it does not translate correctly in my mind. I am not a ‘transspecies cat’, I am a special person.
Boys and girls shouldn’t be transitioning in the first place.
Yes. There are no transgender children, but there are loads of kids who’ve been manipulated and duped into believing it by adults who deserve woodchippers.
I believe the British term is “slag”.
Seems to have improved her mood. lol.
My Brit friend would probably go with “dirty slapper”
So the new talking point is that “We all immediately dismissed any chance that the Kung Flu was created by US funded gain of function research in CCP controlled China, whether released by accident or design, because the evil orange man said so”. Seriously?
Their defense for lying to the American people and canceling anyone daring to point their stupidity out isn’t that they are evil liars, but just a high school ugly girl clique of asshats that reacted to something the pretty girl they all hate said by claiming the opposite?
Fuck me. These people have no shame.
Nice of them to openly admit that they’re not rational and just react like panicked animals.
Could be 100% accurate. They are also liars, but I could believe this too.
And who was it that was attacking Asians? Pretty sure it wasn’t your average MAGA dude.
Exactly the MAGA types that attacked Juicy!
Heh, that was both sad and funny…
Just because it doesn’t get old.
Make Africa Great Again?
“This is MAGA country.”
-noose wielding white supremacist hanging out near a Subway in Chicago at 2am
In subzero temperatures.
With a bottle of bleach.
I think Pelosi’s “Hug an Asian” moment made it more about Asians than Trump ever did.
Yes, they said that a long time ago.
Good morning, Sloop!
I will not be trying that ice cream. Not when Sebastian Joe’s salted caramel still exists.
I do love me some Charlatans. Am I misremembering or were they known as Charlatans UK for awhile?
Regardless, I’ll be letting that roll for awhile. Nice choice!
There was some crap band in the US with the same name (probably) so they had to add the UK for releases in the United States. Same with “The London Suede”
The English Beat
That sounds better to me than “The Beat”
The Beat/English Beat had the same thing,
Those are uh specific intrusive thoughts
My guess? She is fat, and prolly fugly too, but this fucking soyboy has been conditioned to believe that if he tells her that and breaks it off, he is the bad guy.
For all we know, the “girlfriend” is a tranny, and the speaker has, as you say, been guilt-tripped into believing he (or she, for all we know) MUST find this person attractive, to the point of denying responsibility for thoughts to the contrary.
I had to ponder – how could you actually find an ugly Norwegian girl? OK, statistically speaking they must exist, but I’ve never seen one.
There are quite a few that are rather, um, big-boned.
That will make Tres happy.
Tell me more…
Remind me never to tick you off GT…
Hey, not disagreeing with you at all – just took your idea out to its most absurd (and only slightly less likely when it comes to wokified proggies) conclusion. 😉
That was my point.. Your creativity…
You don’t mess with people that can do that well…
Luckily, I’m about as sweet-tempered as they come. 😁
Yep. I looked into the concept of “obsessive thoughts”, and apparently research has shown that over 90% of people have them. So basically it’s just the same thing that everybody does, which is to have thoughts in their head that they wouldn’t necessarily act on or say to a person.
Sorry, “intrusive thoughts”, not obsessive.
Now that they have effectively destroyed the economy, assuring a heavy recession and likely a depressive period, all while taxing everyone by having inflation destroy their savings/earnings buying power, the plan is to raise real taxes to strangle the middle class out of existence.
No dude, like it’s only going to hit the rich fat-cats that don’t pay their fair share man.
Now you know why Israel has been acting batshit crazy lately (with our full encouragement).
Iran and Saudi Arabia may restore relations, but they are both adversaries seeking the same goal in their sphere of influence: being the top dog. Like India and Pakistan (or India and China), this will never result in anything but lower levels of hostility until one side has had enough. Also, with Iran seeking nukes, Saudi Arabia will have to get them.
I doubt Israel will have to worry too much about that. It does however have to worry about a nuclear Iran.
I’ve come to doubt that proposition. If Iran wanted nukes, it could have had them already.
Israel’s foreign policy towards Iran since the 90’s has been designed to curry better relations with its immediate neighbors (Shiites) and align itself with the US’s relationship with Saudi Arabia. If the Saudis and the Iranians get along, it undercuts their entire strategy, as well as ours.
Just from a realpolitik point of view, the Chinese completely outmaneuvered the US here. It’s a pretty damning indictment of the idiots running our State Department, who will probably respond by trying to ramp up another war in the region.
I typed Shiites when I meant to type Sunnis.
Just call me George Bush.
At least you didn’t ask me to call you John Bolton…
“Now you know why Israel has been acting batshit crazy lately (with our full encouragement).”
Wait, I thought we were actively trying to get Netanyahu out of power?
I am gonna bet there was no need for the use of the word ‘MAY’ in that headline/observation. The FBI is trying to out KGB the old KGB.
Hell, the CIA spied directly on the Senate and all they got were some harsh words. Of course the FBI spied on their overseers.
Both agencies have to go.
Drake, aren’t you a tank guy?
A tankie?
I was a radio operator in a National Guard tank battalion for a few years. Never went to tank school or any of that.
Was listening to MacGregor yesterday and he made a couple of comments on the Abrams that I found interesting. Both concerned the turbine engine.
1) It can run for eight hours tops before refueling.
2) It’s got a huge heat signature that can be spotted by satellite.
Was looking for commentary.
Sounds reasonable. That turbine engine burns almost as much fuel idling as it does moving at top speed – probably why nobody else uses one.
You can certainly feel the heat coming off of them from a distance while they are running.
It isn’t like WWII movies like Fury where the tanks drive around looking for a fight (if it even was then). They depend on scouts and drones to find the enemy, then fire up and go. And everywhere they go, there is a huge logistical tail following.
The Abrams, like most other tanks, has a particular set of use cases. The Abrams (and the Leopard) is a super-heavy, super-fast cavalry tank that excels at extreme-range first round kills on hard targets, and gives up some signature and crew protection and a huge log tail in return. Compare that to the T-72, which has very little log tail and unequaled rough field mobility, and gives up accuracy and weapon performance instead.
It’s all about how you think the war will go.
The Soviets used to believe quantity was a quality of its own, which is why they preferred numbers of cheaper and expendable weapon systems… People dying was never something the utopian Soviet society cared about much…
That was our philosophy in WWII also.
There will be lessons out of the Ukraine war. Interesting that the Russians aren’t using their super high-tech T-14 Armata tanks in these battles. Wrong kind of battle for them or just too damn expensive to risk? They’ve cranked up production of T-90s instead.
The T-14 Armata was hype only. Engine too small, crappy quality control, and usual Russian second rate crap. It’s a fucking death trap.
It has some good ideas – no crew members in the turret for instance. Maybe poorly executed.
And the crap hatch or toilet! I can’t tell you how many old-timers I had to listen to complaining about the M1 because it doesn’t have a bottom hatch – to relieve themselves (and to escape if something catastrophic happens up top).
The M60 series they were originally trained on had a bottom hatch. Walking Dead mistakenly put one on an M1.
I believe the proffered term is “treadhead”
I thought it was DAT. (Dumb Ass Tanker)
“How did you know it wasn’t true?”
“I read it in The Chron.”
So Musk is going Atlas Shrugged and is buying his own town.
“The proposed municipality is said to be adjacent to the Boring and SpaceX facilities that are currently under construction, and to already include some modular homes and signs hang from poles reading “welcome, snailbrook, tx, est. 2021”
“Snailbrook is the name of Boring’s mascot.”
“Musk reportedly wants to offer rental houses to workers that are well below the local market value. One ad allegedly put the price of a two- or three-bedroom home at $800, compared to $2,200 a month in nearby Bastrop, Texas. There are also plans for a Montessori school in the municipality”
Musk’s Meadow sounds better than Sailbrook.
Do you have to take the Oath of Fealty?
The Niven/Pournelle novel?
It is in Texas, so Todos Santos would work as well. Make it a 1 mile squared cube in the hill country, with wells going into the deep aquifers under Austin. Also add a mini nuke plant for power.
One mile cube might need more than a mini nuke plant.
That would be at least 500 stories tall.
You assume the cube is above ground.
I figured a good chunk of it went down into the ground.
Ie, not inhabited, but used for aquifer access and water storage.
Todos Santos in the novel was mostly above ground. I am sure they had multiple basement levels, but not significantly compared to the height.
Just searched, Todos Santos was only 1000 ft high in the novel. I think it was a parallelepiped, not a cube. And not really that either.
There were multiple basement levels, as they had the hunts through the sub-basement levels at the beginning and climax to stop the ecoterrorists if memory serves correctly. But it was mainly above ground, as they had the diving board for the jumpers.
I thought of that, but they entered though a door at ground level, so wasn’t sure if it was really a basement or not. Maybe it was a walkout basement on that side of the building.
As the nation grapples with how to confront the rise of domestic extremism, local city governments face their own challenges with people like Josh Nunes. The city of Jacksonville has passed a city ordinance that makes it illegal to project images onto buildings without the building owner’s consent — a misdemeanor offense. But it’s unclear how such a move will bear up under legal scrutiny. Many political groups have used projectors in public areas as forms of demonstration, an act that lower courts have historically upheld as protected by the First Amendment.
Somebody could project an image of an American flag onto a building. That would titillate the white folks.
I saw this article</a< the other day and had a laugh. We have been in a Cold War with the CCP (not China, since the Chinese people don't know better) since the early 2000s. The CCP's agenda – to replace the US at the world's top dog in order to ensure they call the shots everywhere and thus secure their hold on power – inevitably would lead to confrontation and likely conflict. Thucydides wrote a whole treatise more than 2400 years ago on the fact that a rising power will have to confront the exiting one that has played out as predicted throughout history.
Our leaders realized this was coming and had a chance to slow it down or even stop it more than a decade ago, but chose to keep making money for themselves over avoiding this disaster,
Heh, link quote fail!
HEPL edit faerie!
We’ve been in a cold war with the CCP since the 1940s.
Which is why I say that an actual shooting war would be WW IV.
Cold War is WW III
Meanwhile, in MN:
Norway says nah:
What the fuck is happening in this country? We’re getting pwned by the Euros!
It is alarming to watch the US swirl down the drain faster than Europe in some respects.
I can’t speak for them but here, all of this stuff is simply about getting & keeping power. And pwning the GOP is the most reliable route to that. The crazier and more radical the left gets, the better.
This is why I don’t use the VA medical facilities…
They’ve been through the socialism looking glass. We have never really had our turn to truly understand how awful government can be.
The Left is freaking out and responding in the only way they know how.
Too pussy to get the legislative to do that?
Who wants to bet any practice just saying “no” will be deemed unfair or deceptive.
“Youth gender transitions will be an exception, not the rule.”
It’s encouraging to see that at least a few European countries have adults in charge. It’s also nice to see the US elites, who want to be the leader in everything, are losing at least a little influence.
Whoever it is here that works at this brewery, let me know when you’re working there next. I’ll show up with some Glib gear on.
Not it.
Sloop, it’s uncanny how our musical interests overlap.
I’m still a bit salty over those Dems questioning Taibbi yesterday. It was basically, “Do you still beat your wife? Answer yes or no. ANSWER YES OR NO!”
Saw some of that. The looks on their faces were priceless in reaction to the various inanities coming from the creatures of the left.
Just once I’d like a witness to respond, “Now, see here Senator. Please show some respect. I’m a taxpayer and that makes you my employee. Your insubordination is tiring and outrageous. Now, here’s a few questions I’d like to ask you.”
I want to hear the witness go “On behalf of the American People, I accept your resignation. The door is there, your personal effect will be mailed to you.”
I wanted to bitchslap the entire side of that panel. You assholes are actually managing to make Gaetz look reasonable and responsible – do you know how impossible that is?
Speaking of protecting women
Real life is more outrageous than South Park.
Don’t get me wrong, but there is no way they’re the same weight class, so?
Exhibition or fun match?
Open weight match. Gabby Garcia vs. Mackenzie Dern, two of the top female grapplers in the world right now. And they’re both women.
One of my friends trains at Dern’s father’s gym.
Sorry, Gabi.
A 1966 poll found that among Yale students only 10% favored withdrawal from Vietnam.
When the Johnson Administration restricted draft deferments the following year, however, support for withdrawal surged, and the anti-war movement at Yale ballooned…
Well yeah…
“It’s all cool as long as it’s someone else dying” defines American foreign policy to this day.
Same with enviro-nazis – as long as OUR environment is preserved, and we get our cool electronic toys, who cares what the rest of the world looks like.
This is actually so insane I’m glad Cavill left
So really she was annoyed cause she probably wanted to do a Kennedy (of Star Wars) on the series and face fuck it.
As a huge witcher fan from the books and games, that doesn’t surprise me at all.
I watched the first season, and if it had been good, I would have kept Netflix.
He was the only good part of the show.
It still irritates me, I was PUMPED when I saw the trailer for the show, and by the third episode I was bored with it.
Probably. That doesn’t mean they should have to put up with either.
Logic. It’s a thing. You should try it.
You can’t satisfy them:
3 minute walk? Is it out in the parking lot?
Doesn’t matter. By finding a reasonable accommodation, you’re defeating the actual purpose of the exercise which is to exert control over everyone else and force them to submit to your delusions. It’s demoralization.
It’s similar to how the commies would use uneducated serfs to staff positions of authority over everyone else. So long as they supported the Party they could do no wrong, even as they drove productive output into the ground.
When I went to the bathroom, I walked uphill both ways.
After 4 months, 2nd trailer for the new owner of the business is complete. Some small minor details still need to be finished, but overall it’s a success. Now to clean out the company bank account and hand over the LLC. I cataloged the build so I plan on a series of my adventures if I can get to writing it.
Well fuck
Thinking back, I don’t remember anything other than a very rare request to “go to the bathroom” during class time.
Kids lose much more time with endless “teacher in service days” and other needless interruptions to the school day.
I think they are just mad that there aren’t roving gangs hunting down trans.
With continued pushing on their end and more time, they may still get what they want.
I don’t want to smack even the most aggressive trans activist – they’re already more damaged than anything I could do them.
I want to beat the shit out of the enablers.
Watching that young lady testify about what they did to her turned me in the Hulk.
The gangs should be hunting the groomers and doctors, not their victims.
Only a dummy like Youngkin would go on a CNN Town Hall.
Or Jon Stewart’s show…
Yeah I am not seeing why he thought this was a good idea.
Not to mention he apparently wants to waste school money by overbuilding bathrooms.
if you can’t do the time don’t do the crime
Actor Robert Blake, who was acquitted of wife’s murder, dies at 89
Now call me crazy but allowing a potential witness to determine what is relevant seems…not right.
Not unusual at all in civil cases. Typically, discovery of text messages involves the “witness” going through their texts and producing them, or dumping their phone to a forensics firm hired by the law firm to be searched and filtered to “responsive” texts. You only produce what has been asked for by the other side, once the two sides agree (or the judge orders) a particular set to be produced. Email usually involves the law firm going through all your email, because the volume is much greater.
In criminal cases, I couldn’t say.
My wife sued her thieving ass brother in federal civil court.
We had the full trove of texts which formed the bulk of the evidence for her case. As a means to test the waters of what they would try and hide or how they would approach the case, we asked them to produce any and all text messages related to the case (along with various other documents). Their submission quite conveniently omitted every bit of evidence against him. Their record stopped literally just a few exchanges before the good parts. He claimed to have lost them when he switched phones (despite having texts from even before the texts in question). They were basing their case on what they submitted to us, just as we figured they would, thinking that because we asked for something meant we didn’t already have it.
The look on both his and his lawyer’s faces when her lawyer plunked down the full 127 page record during deposition, and started having him read texts he said never happened, and tried to cover up with an incomplete record, was apparently priceless.
But despite having been pwned, THEY TRIED TO WITHHOLD EVIDENCE AGAIN DURING THE TRIAL. Financial records, this time, which he claimed would prove his innocence. On the first day of trial, his lawyer tried to bring up these financial records that he never produced during discovery. We were actually expecting it, and ready to pounce. The judge had a field day with that. Threatened big time consequences if the records weren’t produced the following morning.
Turns out they never even had financial records that showed anything even related, much less exculpatory. What they had was an encrypted CD sent by the bank with a record of completely unrelated credit card transactions. Lawyer was admonished in open court by a judge who clearly had better things to do than sit through a trial that should never have gone to trial.
Unless your name is Hillary Clinton.
“martial artist” refers to anyone who trains for or engages in any aspect of combat. boxers? martial artists. sharpshooters? martial artists. archers? martial artists. nuclear scientists? martial artists.
“of course as any fool knows, logistics is an indispensable aspect of combat. warehouse workers? martial artists”
In the practical shooting games, some really really huge nerds used to refer to themselves as ‘martial artists.’ Thankfully this trend wore itself out around 1990…
Every conflict lost was because of logistics….
I donno, losing your crown because you took an arrow to the eye doesn’t sound like a logistics issue.
Sounds like the loser didn’t have enough ranged weapons of their own to only close in for the fight after the enemy’s ranged weaponry capability was rendered ineffective.
This is why we need child labor laws!
The IRS will be looking for his 1099
I want to laugh, but it’s coming…
Damn, those water bottles must weigh as much as he does.
There’ always at least one of these people:
Hey! We found a stupid cunt!
Doesn’t affect my love for the video though. I had my kids helping with parts, light assembly and such when they were in grade school. Some kids like to work!
They make it easy to locate them.
Yeah can’t put two and two together that it is probably a small family business…kids typically are always involved since it sustains them.
Demanding other people foot the bill to care for your kids – inspiring!
via Politico
Some of the messages appeared to reveal that FBI agents accessed contacts between defendant Zachary Rehl and his attorney, which led Miller to tell a colleague she thought Rehl would take his case to trial. In another message, an FBI agent tells Miller, “You need to go into that CHS report you just put and edit out that I was present.” After defense attorneys began to press Miller about the attorney-client messages on Wednesday afternoon, prosecutors objected, and Kelly halted the trial to permit the parties to debate the matter.
After hearing arguments Thursday, Kelly ordered defense attorneys to refrain from reviewing or disseminating the messages until the FBI was able to conduct a classification review, a process that Ballantine said could likely be completed by the end of the day Thursday.
It won’t take that long to say, “None of those messages should be available for use by the defense.”
The judge just gave the prosecutors full ability to determine the evidence that is available to the defense after it became clear that the evidence existed. And I’m assuming the defense won’t be able to challenge any classification rulings. It’s just a show trial.
National Security. The way to hide any and all criminal activity from the people your criminal activity fucks over.
One, what is a classified “equity”? I’m assuming it means a source. They love to come up with new terms almost as much as the wokesters.
Two, an instruction to destroy evidence would seem to be a crime in of itself. I’m assuming nothing else will happen.
Yeah… “I was talking about something else” is an excuse my 13 or 15 year old kid would use as an excuse.
This stuff is already at 9.5 on the shady scale of 10. You don’t need to add much extra reason for me to doubt.
Well okay, government says it would be bad for national security – that cannot be questioned!
Their thinking was on full display yesterday on how they questioned journalist, think this will be any different?
When that giant douche from California quipped to Schellenberger about the three-some, I just wish he or Taibbi had replied – no ma’am, we’re not like your former colleague.
A distillery (Jack Daniels, I think, but not sure) wants to build some barrel aging warehouses in the neighborhood. The locals are all in a twist over baudoinia (whiskey fungus) and are trying to get the construction blocked. I’m undecided. It seems like there is a real risk, at the same time the panic has a whiff of fearmongering.
Think about the value of having those barrels hanging around when the apocalypse happens…
I saw that article. It sounded farfetched at first.. vapors from barrel storage feeding black fungus growing over everything for miles around?
But it seems that it is a known thing around the world.
Still not sure I buy it at a barrel storage facility rather than a distillery or brewery.
Also, my immediate reaction was that you could put activated carbon filters on the ventilation and stop any leakage. The article said the distillery doesn’t like that because it changes the product
That made me lean back towards “this is BS”. I really can’t see how filtering the exiting air could change the flavor of whisky in a barrel.
It’s Jack Daniels that’s currently fighting lawsuits about the whiskey fungus. Now, there is a real risk when it comes to storing large quantities of whiskey for aging in populated areas, as Dublin learned many years ago.
I know 13 people died, but that made me laugh.
Ehh, it’s the Irish. No one cares.
Storing large quantity of liquids is fraught with danger
A 25 foot wave of molasseses coming at you at 35 miles an hour would be a terrifying way to die.
My uncle worked at that distillery. He ended up dying in an accident on the job there. He fell into one of the whiskey vats. Several of his coworkers tried to get him out, but he was able to fight them off.
Blue on blue friendly fire….
Dude pretending to be lady: All dudes should want to bang me or they are transphobic… And lesbians should like me too!
It’s the logical outcome, although you would think they would’ve recognized it also as reductio ad absurdum.
Did the loss of freedom of association always lead to this (banging people you aren’t attracted to)?
Also, did the Greeks call it in 391 BC?
So, would MTF or FTM transexuals be “Assemblywomen,” as in “some assembly required”?
I guess “are totally unrelated to” is a form of “seem to diverge from”.
An eyewitness filmed what he believes to be the person responsible for the shooting at a Jehovah’s Witness place of worship in Hamburg that left eight people dead and several others injure
You know who else wanted to get rid of the Jehovah’s Witnesses?
Anyone who has ever had one knock on their door?
I always talk to them. They usually leave pretty quickly.
I tell them I’ll read theirs if they’ll read mine.
“What’s yours?”
“Book of Mormon.”
“Oh. No. Thank you, bye.”
I wonder if a Black Sabbath LP cover holds as much power.
Baptists ?
Whoa, hold on there, I’ve been told mass shootings never happen outside of the US!
This is obviously fake.
Defense attorneys have contended that the group is little more than a glorified drinking club that had no actual plan to either storm the Capitol or prevent Biden from taking office. Miller’s testimony portrayed the group’s march through Washington on Jan. 6 as an organized and concerted advance toward the Capitol that pinpointed weaknesses in Capitol Police defenses and exploited them to help facilitate the breach of the Capitol.
Tell me again; who is suffering from paranoid delusions?
My TERF client just joined Twitter. Pray for her.
I still have not figured Twitter out.
I joined because of Musk, just to see what the fuss was about. I can say that I kind of enjoy the immediate updates from people I follow like SpaceX, LabPadre, EverydayAstronaut, Greenwald, Taibbi, Rommelman, etc. But the interaction is quite one-sided.
I talked with Maggie McNeil and Nancy Rommelman and Kmele Foster… but the interactions were brief and stunted (because tweet).
I also tried to chime in on a number of discussions. I got in early and offered some pertinent information. Thanks to a new feature added by Musk, I could see how many people saw my tweets. Rarely more than a handful, even on a thread with thousands or tens of thousands of likes that I got into early. Almost no interaction.
I didn’t really do the “follow all your family and friends” thing… I did interact with a niece who is across the country about her research that the university tweeted about. That was fun. Less fun than just calling her though. She is on Twitter like I am. Rarely.
So overall?
I dunno. The cesspool that is Reddit gets far more engagement. Since I am in a SpaceX group discussing SpaceX stuff, the discussion is mostly on-topic and everyone sees my post, so people will be interested and respond. So on Reddit I might get hundreds or thousands of “likes” and dozens of replies to a post about a rocket launch, the same post on Twitter might get read by 8 people, even though thousands are involved in the discussion.
I dunno. I am still on the fence.
Tweet links to your reddit posts.
The only thing Twitter is really tops for, is free amateur fetish porn.
She’s asking me how to navigate Twitter and I’m like, “The first thing is to stop flooding your stream with your books.” So I followed her and told her I’d guide her through it.
I like it a lot. I don’t follow a gillion people so I don’t get overwhelmed. I have a variety of politics, writers, musicians, Glibs, etc. So it isn’t always doom and gloom.
But it is weird what resonates. Malice replied to one of my replies – like 30K views.
TERF? Canceled in 60 seconds.
She’s got the RF part of that down cold, and I get some of her points, but I like to think I’ve brought something about parenthood and a “traditional” life to her to think about as well.
We’re completely simpatico on the TE part.
Repost since I can’t thread
After 4 months, 2nd trailer for the new owner of the business is complete. Some small minor details still need to be finished, but overall it’s a success. Now to clean out the company bank account and hand over the LLC. I cataloged the build so I plan on a series of my adventures if I can get to writing it.
Yay!!! So, are you going to build any more of these things or is this the end, gone, kaput?
Think this is it. However, it could be a potential source of income if I get tired of being a Fed. Plenty of people going mobile could need someone to build out a trailer. “Professionals” sell these things for 40k+
Years ago I was exhorting my daughter to save her money for a “tiny house” so she would always have a place to live. Two years ago, I was telling my son about #vanlife. Now, it’s just morphed into another rich person’s hobby instead of, you know, alternative housing. “No, son, #vanlife is not an option for you now. Your blank-canvas hobo van now sells for a gabillion dollars.”
Congrats! I hope it starts generating right away.
Two, an instruction to destroy evidence would seem to be a crime in of itself. I’m assuming nothing else will happen.
No kidding. I noticed that too.
That’s frowned on in even a civil context, let alone a criminal one.
Also… “do not look at those thousands of messages we accidentally sent” sends me the message that I had damned well better review the crap out of those messages.
No, they may be classified and your eyes would burn out of your head if you read them!
*insert gif from Raiders Of The Lost Ark here*
It’s the greatest movie ever made in which the protagonist is made irrelevant.
I forget what show it was but when someone said that it blew everyone’s mind.
I had to think about it for a minute and realized it was true.
I think the Nazi’s wouldn’t have found the Ark at all if Indiana didn’t find it?
Today, in gibberish
The New York Times writes about the ban on Djokovic that “even some staunchly pro-vaccine experts say [the rule] is obsolete.” The regulation was put in place in 2021, when the virus was still rampant and people were concerned that unvaccinated people from overseas posed a risk to Americans.
What the everloving fuck is that even supposed to mean?
I speak a little gibberish.
It means anti-vaxxers are bad.
Furriners are dirty.
But only certain ones
Ah, the Irish again.
I learned today that if the Irish are a problem, sending a river of whiskey through town will eliminate that.
Also today in gibberish:
Climate change affects people of color most. But TV news lacks representation, report finds.
Fuck off.
So climate change is racialist? Or is it the people that refuse to say climate change is racialist that are racialists?
To quote Rodney king: “Why can’t we all get along???”….